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The expolinear equation for crop growth (Goudriaan and Monteith,Annalsof Botany66: 695–701, 1990; Goudriaan, 1994. In: MonteithJL, Scott RK, Unsworth MH, eds.Resource capture by crops.Nottingham:Nottingham University Press, 99–110) has the potentialto predict growth under specified environmental conditions.The choice of suitable parameters is discussed and tested usingdata from field experiments with faba bean, peas and lentils(Ishag and Dennett,Annals of Botany82: 497–505. 1998).It is suggested that suitable parameters for predicting cropgrowth are the fraction of solar radiation intercepted at emergence,the extinction coefficient for solar radiation, the maximumfraction of radiation intercepted, the maximum relative growthrate and the maximum crop growth rate for a crop interceptingall the incident radiation. In the experiments considered, thedifferences in growth patterns were due mainly to differencesin the maximum relative growth rate associated with differencesin temperature.Copyright 1998 Annals of Botany Company Expolinear equation, grain legumes, crop growth rate, crop density, relative growth rate, growth modelling, faba bean,Vicia fabaL., peas,Pisum sativumL., lentils,Lens culinarsMedic.  相似文献   

A field assessment of 26 accessions of Vicia narbonensis and three of V. johannis confirmed previous laboratory studies demonstrating higher levels of resistance to Aphis fabae in these two wild species compared to the closely related crop, Vicia faba. Accessions of V. johannis were significantly more resistant than most accessions of V. narbonensis for all resistance indices measured except survival of aphid nymphs. Plant growth stage significantly affected levels of resistance in both Vicia species, resistance being moderate at pre-bud stage, decreasing on flowering and rising again at pod fill and onset of leaf senescence. Significant intraspecific variability in aphid resistance was found only within the 26 accessions of V. narbonensis, var. serratifolia being more resistant than var. narbonensis. Possible resistance factors and the agronomic potential of these two wild relatives of Faba bean are considered.  相似文献   

医学实验诊断数据的自动分析模型及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
向华 《生物数学学报》1997,12(3):265-269
本文利用实验诊断原始数据获得对应的地址代码,再按此代码从查询数据库中查出报告的临床意义,建立起一种简便、快捷的处理实验诊断数据的计算机专家系统,为疾病的确诊与治疗提供参考.  相似文献   

Du Cloux, H. C, André, M., Daguenet, A. and Massinuno,J. 1987. Wheat response to CO2 enrichment: Growth and CO2 exchangesat two plant densities.—J. exp. Bot. 38: 1421–1431. The vegetative growth of wheat (Triticum aestivum L., var. Capitole)was followed for almost 40 d after germination in controlledconditions. Four different treatments were carried out by combiningtwo air concentrations of CO2, either normal (330 mm3 dm 3)or doubled (660 mm3 dm 3) with two plant densities, either 200plants m 2 or 40 plants m 2. Throughout the experiment the CO2gas exchanges of each canopy were measured 24 h d1. These provideda continuous growth curve for each treatment, which were comparedwith dry weights. After a small stimulation at the start (first13 d), no further effect of CO2 enrichment was observed on relativegrowth rate (RGR). However, RGR was stimulated throughout theexperiment when plotted as a function of biomass. The finalstimulation ol dry weight at 660 mm3 dm 3 CO2 was a factor of1·45 at high density and 1·50 at low density,contrary to other studies, no diminution of this CO2 effecton dry weight was observed over time. Nevertheless, at low density,a transient additional enhancement of biomass (up to 1·70)was obtained at a leaf area index (LAI) below 1. This effectwas attributed to a different build up of the gain of carbonin the case of an isolated plant or a closed canopy. In theformer, the stimulation of leaf area and the net assimilationrate are both involved; in the latter the enhancement becomesindependent of the effect on leaf area because the canopy photosynthesisper unit ground area as a function of LAI reaches a plateau. Key words: Triticum aestuum, L. var. Capitole, Vegetative growth, Canopy  相似文献   

Yield, growth, and vigor of individual grape vines were correlated with nematode population densities in a series of California vineyards. In a Hanford sandy loam soil, Xiphinema americanum densities showed negative correlations with yield, growth, and vigor of vines. When vines were categorized according to vigor, X. americanurn densities had little relationship to yield of high-vigor vines, but were negatively correlated with yield of low-vigor vines. Densities of Paratylenchus harnatus were positively correlated with yield, growth, and vigor of vines. Correlations between Meloidogyne spp. densities and vine performance were variable, even when the vines were separated according to soil type and plant vigor. Densities of Meloidogyne spp. populations were generally higher on coarser-textured, sandy soils and the vines were less vigorous there. Densities of P. hamatus were greater in fine-textured soils.  相似文献   

Use of the Weibull Function to Calculate Cardinal Temperatures in Faba Bean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The onset of germination of faba bean seeds at constant temperaturewas progressively delayed as that temperature diverged froman optimum of 25.5 ?C. At temperatures below 10 ?C, or above28 ?C, the maximum germination percentage fell to below 90%.There was no germination at 39 ?C. Positive and negative linearrelationships were established between the constant temperaturesand the rates of progress of germination to different percentiles,at sub-optimal and supra-optimal temperatures, respectively.Like germination rates, base temperature (Tb) declined from3.71 to –0.83 ?C as the percentile value increased from10% to 80%. Caution was urged in extrapolating beyond the experimentaldata set. Differences in the ceiling temperature (Tc) with percentilecould not be discerned. Cumulative germination progress curves at each temperature weremodelled by the Weibull, logistic, and cumulative normal distributionfunctions. Cardinal temperatures (Tb and Tc) calculated fromthese data reasonably approximated the actual data. The Weibullfunction demonstrated a good approximation at all percentilelevels, while the logistic and cumulative normal distributionfunctions, as a result of their inherent symmetry, deviatedat the extreme percentiles. It was concluded that the Weibullfunction not only accurately modelled cumulative germinationbut could also be used in the calculation of cardinal temperatures. Key words: Seed germination rate, cardinal temperatures, faba bean, Weibull function, probit and logic scales  相似文献   

A technique of centrifuging pea epicotyl sections which extracts water-soluble cell wall polysaccharides with less than 1.5% cytoplasmic contamination as revealed by malate dehydrogenase activity determinations was developed. Tests for protein, hexose, pentose, and malate dehydrogenase indicate that significant damage to the cells occurs above 3,000g. Below this force, there is little damage, as evidenced by the similar growth rates of centrifuged and noncentrifuged sections. Centrifugation at 1,000g extracts polysaccharides containing rhamnose, fucose, arabinose, xylose, mannose, galactose, and glucose. An increase in xylose and glucose, presumably xyloglucan, is induced by treating sections with indoleacetic acid. Much of the alcohol-insoluble, water-soluble polysaccharide within the wall is extractable by centrifugation, since nearly as much arabinose and xylose are extractable by centrifugation as by homogenization. The utility of this method for the study of cell wall metabolism is discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of various combinations of time, temperature, andmoisture content during seed storage have been investigatedin relation to their effect on the growth and yields of survivingseeds. In the species investigated here, percentage seed viabilityis an excellent indicator of the growth potential of the survivingseeds, irrespective of the particular combination of factorswhich led to the loss of seed viability or the rate at whichviability was lost. Seed deterioration associated with lossof viability during storage results in decreased early growthof roots and shoots and in increased variability of growth betweenplants. This early inhibition of growth-rate does not persistand there is some evidence that, under normal agricultural conditions,initial low rates of growth may be compensated at later stagesof development. Thus in the present investigations it was foundthat, providing the initial seed viability was not less thanabout 50 per cent, final yields were not significantly affected.But if the seed deterioration during storage was sufficientto reduce viability below about 50 per cent, the final yieldsof crops produced from surviving seeds were significantly decreased. A possible relationship between growth and the nuclear damagesustained during storage is outlined, and the practical implicationsof the results of this and previous papers in the series arediscussed. In the species investigated here, considerable lossof seed viability can be tolerated in seed used for food-cropproduction but not in maintenance stocks used for seed production.In either case, details of the storage history of the seed isunnecessary: it is sufficient to know only the percentage viabilityas determined by a simple germination test.  相似文献   

Shoots of peas grown in phosphate buffer were no more sensitiveto monuron applied continuously than were roots. They were,however, more readily damaged than roots when high monuron concentrationswere applied for short periods of time. Neither root nor shootwas more sensitive to monuron in light than in darkness. Thedamage caused by a high monuron concentration was far greaterat times, or under conditions, of high metabolic activity. Thetoxicities of alkyl or aryl substituted ureas and thioureaswere closely related to their solubilities in water. In viewof this similarity with physical poisons and the probable sitesof their main toxic actions, it is considered more likely thatthey disrupt an integrating surface than that they act uponspecific active groups of enzymes.  相似文献   

SPRENT  JANET I. 《Annals of botany》1967,31(4):607-618
Peas were grown at two levels each of nutrient- and water-supply:some were pretreated with gibberellic acid (GA), N-dimethylaminosuccinamicacid (B995), or N-formylhydroxyaminoacetic acid (NFHAA). Alltreatments had some effect on internode extension and leaf growth.B995 and NFHAA acted as general inhibitors of growth, ratherthan suppressing growth of particular organs: their effect inlowering the number of the first flowering node (F) might berelated to this inhibition. Water-supply had a greater effecton the rate of node formation than had nutrient-supply, B995,or NFHAA, but had no effect on F: in this case there is no clearrelationship between vegetative growth and flowering. Theseresults are briefly discussed in relation to earlier work.  相似文献   

Rapeseed is one of the most important edible oil crops in the world and the seed yield has lagged behind the increasing demand driven by population growth. Winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) is widely cultivated with relatively low yield in China, so it is necessary to find the strategies to improve the expression of yield potential. Planting density has great effects on seed yield of crops. Hence, field experiments were conducted in Wuhan in the Yangtze River basin with one conventional variety (Zhongshuang 11, ZS11) and one hybrid variety (Huayouza 9, HYZ9) at five planting densities (27.0×104, 37.5×104, 48.0×104, 58.5×104, 69.0×104 plants ha–1) during 2010–2012 to investigate the yield components. The physiological traits for high-yield and normal-yield populations were measured during 2011–2013. Our results indicated that planting densities of 58.5×104 plants ha–1 in ZS11 and 48.0×104 plants ha–1 in HYZ9 have significantly higher yield compared with the density of 27.0×104 plants ha–1for both varieties. The ideal silique numbers for ZS11 and HYZ9 were ∼0.9×104 (n m–2) and ∼1×104 (n m-2), respectively, and ideal primary branches for ZS11 and HYZ9 were ∼250 (n m–2) and ∼300 (n m–2), respectively. The highest leaf area index (LAI) and silique wall area index (SAI) was ∼5.0 and 7.0, respectively. Moreover, higher leaf net photosynthetic rate (Pn) and water use efficiency (WUE) were observed in the high-yield populations. A significantly higher level of silique wall photosynthesis and rapid dry matter accumulation were supposed to result in the maximum seed yield. Our results suggest that increasing the planting density within certain range is a feasible approach for higher seed yield in winter rapeseed in China.  相似文献   

3种禾草苗期生长和水分利用对土壤水分变化的反应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用5种不同的水分处理,于室内生长箱内盆栽条件下对引种禾草柳枝稷(Panicum virgatum)、乡土禾草白羊草(Bothriochloa ischaemum)和栽培禾草谷子(Setaria italica)等苗期根冠生长和水分利用特征进行了比较分析.结果显示:(1)充分供水下3种禾草的苗期生物量和蒸腾效率均显著高于其它4种水分处理,而高水与低水处理下各自的根冠比无显著差异;(2)各水分处理下谷子苗期总生物量、蒸腾效率和耗水量均显著大于白羊草和柳枝稷;(3)在5种水分处理下,苗期根冠比谷子均最小,柳枝稷最大;(4)低降复水后,3种禾草生物量和蒸腾效率较低水处理分别显著提高16.7%-98.7%和28.2%-118.2%,显示出补偿效应,以白羊草增幅最大.结果表明,白羊草、谷子和柳枝稷在不同土壤水分处理下的苗期生物量、根冠分配比例以及水分利用效率差异反映了野生种、栽培种和引进种禾草苗期对半干旱环境条件水分生态适应性的异同.  相似文献   

Ricin is a toxic protein present in castor bean seeds (Ricinus communis). A toxic residue named castor bean waste is generated during biodiesel production process, such as that developed by PETROBRAS (the national petroleum company of Brazil). Solid-state fermentation (SSF) was used to detoxify castor bean waste through the Penicillium simplicissimum growth. After 24 h of fungal growth, the ricin was no longer identified by Sephadex G-50 gel chromatography. In order to verify the biological activity of ricin after several treatment stages, an in vitro assay using Vero cell line was carried out. Through this methodology, it was verified that after 24 and 48 h of treatment, the cell culture showed slightly growth inhibition. The waste was completely detoxified only after 72 h of fungal growth. This fact shows that an in vitro assay is important to verify the real efficiency of detoxification. Moreover, a relationship between the fungal protease production and the waste detoxification was observed.  相似文献   

A modelof thegrasscrop isconstructed, inahichthe simulated valuesof crop morphology and physiology adapt automatically to changesin the environment. The model predicts photosynthesis, partitioningof assimilates and the growth or the cropin terms of leaves,stems and rmts from environmental data and the initial weightsof the crop components following defoliation. The model is usedto investigate the separate effects of light, temperature, canopystructure and maintenance respiration on the growth and denlopmcnt of the crop. It demonstrates how the crop attempts to optimizeaboveground growth, and the complexity of the interaction betweenthe physiological and environmental factors controlling growth. Lolium perenne, perennial ryegrass, photosynthesis, partition of assimilates, mathematical model  相似文献   

The growing body of literature exploring pet loss suggests that many bereaved pet owners experience disenfranchised grief. Disenfranchised grief occurs when a loss is unacknowledged and the bereaved are unable to express their grief. When grief is considered illegitimate, the bereaved may experience a variety of adverse psychological outcomes, including increased distress and reduced quality of life. Additionally, when grief is inhibited, the individual may be less likely to experience positive changes such as posttraumatic growth. Few studies have considered the relationship between disenfranchisement and posttraumatic growth following the loss of a companion animal. This study investigated the relationship between disenfranchised grief, memorialization, and posttraumatic growth in bereaved pet owners. Grief severity was assessed as a moderator. Using an online survey, respondents (n?=?133) completed standardized measures, including the Pet Bereavement Questionnaire, the Loss of Social Support subscale from the Grief Experience Questionnaire, and the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory-Short Form (PTGI-SF). As hypothesized, there was a significant interaction between disenfranchised grief, grief severity, and posttraumatic growth, suggesting that disenfranchised grief inhibits posttraumatic growth when grief severity is high. Contrary to the hypothesis, there was no relationship between memorial quantity or type and posttraumatic growth. Overall, this study shows that disenfranchised grief can inhibit posttraumatic growth following the loss of a pet, highlighting the complicated relationship between posttraumatic growth, grief intensity, and disenfranchised grief.  相似文献   

Miscanthus has been proposed as a promising crop for phytoremediation due to its high biomass yield and remarkable adaptability to different environments. However, little is known about the resistance of Miscanthus spp. to cadmium (Cd). To determine any differences in resistance of Miscanthus to Cd, we examined plant growth, net photosynthetic rate (Pn), activities of anti-oxidant and C4 photosynthetic enzymes, concentrations of Cd in leaves and roots, and observed the chloroplast structure in three Miscanthus species treated with 0, 10, 50, 100 or 200 μM Cd in solutions. Miscanthus sinensis showed more sensitivity to Cd, including sharp decreases in growth, Pn, PEPC activity and damage to chloroplast structure, and the highest H2O2 and Cd concentrations in leaves and roots after Cd treatments. Miscanthus sacchariflorus showed higher resistance to Cd and better growth, had the highest Pn and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) activities and integrative chloroplast structure and the lowest hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and leaf and root Cd concentrations. The results could play an important role in understanding the mechanisms of Cd tolerance in plants and in application of phytoremediation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Densities and diversity of gymnamoebae are reported for three sites at Bermuda. Two are marine sites in Mullet Bay, and the third is a shallow pond (Ferry Reach Park), Bermuda. Site 1 (edge of a small island in Mullet Bay) had higher densities of gymnamoebae (28,761/g sediment) than at a disturbed site 2 (17,597/g), a boat mooring. The diversity was higher, however, at site 2 (H = 4.3) compared to site 1 (H = 3.3). The site 2 species were larger including morphotypes categorized as type 1 (e.g. Mayorella and a reticulate amoeba). The brackish inland pond had higher abundances in the sediments (40.590/g) compared to the marine habitats. However, the diversity was lower (H = 2.7) and it was dominated largely by Vannella and Platyamoeba (categorized as morphotype 4). These data are consistent with findings at continental coastal locations in northeastern USA. Pond sediments generally contain higher densities of gymnamoebae than marine coastal sediments with less organic content. The ratio of type 4 to type 1 amoebae in pond samples is higher than those from coastal sites. The data from Bermuda, an open ocean insular site, provide additional zoogeographic evidence for the generality of these patterns of abundance.  相似文献   

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