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Mitochondrial RNA turnover in the presence of cordycepin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Implication of CO inactivation on myoglobin function   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Myoglobin (Mb) has a purported role in facilitating O2 diffusion in tissue, especially as cellular PO2 drops or the respiration demand increases. Inhibiting Mb with CO under conditions that accentuate the facilitated diffusion role should then elicit a significant physiological response. In one set of experiments, the perfused myocardium received buffer with decreasing PO2 (225, 129, and 64 mmHg). Intracellular PO2 declined, as reflected in the 1H NMR Val E11 signal of MbO2 (67%, 32%, and 18%). The addition of 6% CO further reduced the available MbO2 (11%, 9%, and 7%), as evidenced by the decline of the MbO2 Val E11 signal intensity at –2.76 ppm. In a second set of experiments, electrical stimulation increased the heart rate (300, 450, and 540 beats/min) and correspondingly the O2 consumption rate (MO2). Intracellular PO2 also declined, as reflected in the slight drop in the MbO2 signal (100%, 96%, and 82%). MO2 increased (100%, 114%, 165%). The addition of 3% CO in the stimulated hearts further decreased the available MbO2 (46%, 44%, and 29%). In all cases, CO inactivation of Mb does not induce any change in the respiration rate, contractile function, and high-energy phosphate levels. Moreover, the MbCO/MbO2 partition coefficient shifts dramatically from its in vitro value during hypoxia and increased work. The observation suggests a modulation of an intracellular O2 gradient. Overall, the experimental observations provide no evidence of a facilitated diffusion role for Mb in perfused myocardium and implicate a physiologically responsive intracellular O2 gradient. nuclear magnetic resonance; respiration; carbon monoxide; myocardium; oxidative phosphorylation  相似文献   

Interactions between sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and horse heart myoglobin (Mb) at surfactant concentrations below the critical micelle concentration have been studied using steady-state and transient absorption spectroscopies and photoacoustic calorimetry. SDS binding to Mb induces a heme transition from high-spin five-coordinate to low-spin six-coordinate in met- and deoxyMb, with the distal His residue likely to be the sixth ligand. The transition is complete at an SDS concentration of approximately 350 microM and approximately 700 microM for met- and deoxyMb, respectively. DeltaG(H(2)O) and m values determined from equilibrium SDS-induced unfolding curves indicate similar stability of met- and deoxyMb toward unfolding; however, the larger m value for the deoxyMb equilibrium intermediate indicates that its structure differs from that of metMb. Results from transient absorption spectroscopy show that CO rebinding to Fe(2+)-Mb in the presence of SDS is a biphasic process with the rate constant of the first process approximately 5.5 x 10(3) s(-1), whereas the second process displays a rate similar to that for CO rebinding to native Mb (k(obs) = 7.14 x 10(2) s(-1)) at 1 mM CO. Results of photoacoustic calorimetry show that CO dissociation from deoxyMb occurs more than 10 times faster in the presence of SDS than in native Mb. These data suggest that the heme binding pocket is more solvent-exposed in the SDS-induced equilibrium intermediate relative to native Mb, which is likely due to the electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions between surfactant molecules and the protein matrix.  相似文献   

A variety of anti-mitochondrial drugs that had previously been found to inhibit the growth of the malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum were tested on Babesia bovis in vitro. Several of these drugs were found to be non-toxic towards B. bovis. However, those drugs that were found to inhibit babesial growth included compounds (shown in parentheses) that have the following putative mitochondrial targets in the parasite: ATP synthetase complex (rhodamine 123, oligomycin, Janus Green); ATP-ADP translocase (bongkrekic acid); electron transport (rotenone, n-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide (HQNO), antimycin A); ubiquinone (CoQ) function (BW58C, menoctone); protein synthesis (tetracycline); and the proton pump (CCCP). We have also investigated the effects of some of these drugs on pyrimidine biosynthesis de novo by following the incorporation of [14C]bicarbonate into pyrimidine nucleotides and into the pyrimidine moieties of nucleic acids. The ubiquinone analogues BW58C and menoctone inhibited this pathway in the nM-microM range of concentrations. Inhibitors of electron transport (antimycin A and oligomycin) and an uncoupler (CCCP) were also effective inhibitors of pyrimidine biosynthesis de novo. We conclude that B. bovis has a functional mitochondrion that contributes significantly to pyrimidine biosynthesis de novo and to the overall energy metabolism of the parasite.  相似文献   

Edmund R.S. Kunji  Paul G. Crichton 《BBA》2010,1797(6-7):817-831
Mitochondrial carriers link biochemical pathways in the mitochondrial matrix and cytosol by transporting metabolites, inorganic ions, nucleotides and cofactors across the mitochondrial inner membrane. Uncoupling proteins that dissipate the proton electrochemical gradient also belong to this protein family. For almost 35 years the general consensus has been that mitochondrial carriers are dimeric in structure and function. This view was based on data from inhibitor binding studies, small-angle neutron scattering, electron microscopy, differential tagging/affinity chromatography, size-exclusion chromatography, analytical ultracentrifugation, native gel electrophoresis, cross-linking experiments, tandem-fusions, negative dominance studies and mutagenesis. However, the structural folds of the ADP/ATP carriers were found to be monomeric, lacking obvious dimerisation interfaces. Subsequently, the yeast ADP/ATP carrier was demonstrated to function as a monomer. Here, we revisit the data that have been published in support of a dimeric state of mitochondrial carriers. Our analysis shows that when critical factors are taken into account, the monomer is the only plausible functional form of mitochondrial carriers. We propose a transport model based on the monomer, in which access to a single substrate binding site is controlled by two flanking salt bridge networks, explaining uniport and strict exchange of substrates.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial function and alzheimer's disease   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The brain is highly dependent on aerobic metabolism. Normal mitochondrial function is therefore likely to play a critical role in neuronal function and integrity. Defects in the mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation pathway (OXPHOS) have been demonstrated in aging human tissue including brain. It is not clear whether underlying mitochondrial DNA mutations are responsible for the observed functional defects. The previously reported OXPHOS defects, in particular reduced cytochrome c oxidase activity, in Alzheimer's disease (AD) are not likely to be due to specific enzyme dysfunction. The falloff in cytochrome c oxidase activity in AD brains is more likely to be related to a global decline in mitochondrial activity manifested by downregulation in mitochondrial number. It is not definitely established where the observed mitochondrial changes are placed in the AD cascade. A number of factors might contribute to the observed changes in OXPHOS function including mitochondrial transport through axonal and dendritic processes, compromised regulatory feedback mechanisms responsible for individual complex-subunit synthesis, and complex assembly.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial respiratory chain and oxidative phosphorylation system are responsible for the production of ATP by aerobic metabolism. Defects of the respiratory chain are increasingly recognised as important causes of human disease, and neurodegenerative disorders in particular. This article will seek to review the clinical and biochemical effects of respiratory chain defects, and summarise what is known about the molecular mechanisms that underlie them. Increasing age is also associated with a decline in mitochondrial function. The biochemical correlates of this dysfunction and the possible molecular defects that may cause it will also be reviewed.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae CDC9 gene encodes a DNA ligase protein that is targeted to both the nucleus and the mitochondria. While nuclear Cdc9p is known to play an essential role in nuclear DNA replication and repair, its role in mitochondrial DNA dynamics has not been defined. It is also unclear whether additional DNA ligase proteins are present in yeast mitochondria. To address these issues, mitochondrial DNA ligase function in S.cerevisiae was analyzed. Biochemical analysis of mitochondrial protein extracts supported the conclusion that Cdc9p was the sole DNA ligase protein present in this organelle. Inactivation of mitochondrial Cdc9p function led to a rapid decline in cellular mitochondrial DNA content in both dividing and stationary yeast cultures. In contrast, there was no apparent defect in mitochondrial DNA dynamics in a yeast strain deficient in Dnl4p (Deltadnl4). The Escherichia coli ECO:RI endonuclease was targeted to yeast mitochondria. Transient expression of this recombinant ECO:RI endonuclease led to the formation of mitochondrial DNA double-strand breaks. While wild-type and Deltadnl4 yeast were able to rapidly recover from this mitochondrial DNA damage, clones deficient in mitochondrial Cdc9p were not. These results support the conclusion that yeast rely upon a single DNA ligase, Cdc9p, to carry out mitochondrial DNA replication and recovery from both spontaneous and induced mitochondrial DNA damage.  相似文献   

Benign bladder pathology resulting from prostatic hypertrophy or other causes is a significant problem associated with ageing in humans. This condition is characterized by increased bladder mass, decreased urinary flow rate, decreased compliance, and these and other changes in bladder function often subject patients to increased risk of urinary tract infection. While the physiologic attributes of benign bladder pathology have been extensively described in humans and in various animal model systems, the biochemical and molecular genetic bases for that pathology have only recently been investigated in detail. Studies demonstrate that mitochondrial energy production and utilization are severely impaired in bladder smooth muscle during benign bladder disease, and to a large extent this realization has provided a rational basis for understanding the characteristic alterations in urinary flow and compliance in bladder tissue. Recent investigations targeting the detailed molecular basis for impaired mitochondrial function in the disease have shown that performance of the organellar genetic system, and to a large extent that of relevant portions of the nuclear genetic system as well, is severely aberrant in bladder tissue. In this article, we discuss the physiologic aspects of benign bladder disease, summarize biochemical evidence for the altered mitochondrial energy metabolism that appears to underlie bladder pathology, review the structure and function of the mitochondrial genetic system, and discuss molecular genetic studies of that system which have begun to provide a mechanistic explanation for the biochemical and physiological abnormalities that characterize the disease. We also discuss areas for further research which will be critically important in increasing our understanding of the detailed causes of benign bladder pathology.  相似文献   

Spectrophotometric titration of ferric octaethylporphyrin (OEP) with apomyoglobin revealed their 1:1 complex formation. Proton NMR spectrum of the OEP-reconstituted deoxymyoglobin exhibits an exchangeable peak from the proximal F8 histidine at 78.5 ppm, indicating the incorporation of iron OEP into the heme cavity to form the Fe-N(His-F8) bond. OEP metmyoglobin without external ligand has an iron-bound water that deprotonates above pH 7.8. Affinities of the aquometmyoglobin for several ionic ligands were comparable with those of native metmyoglobin. Deoxy OEP myoglobin at 25 degrees C reversibly binds oxygen with an affinity of P50 = 0.8 mm Hg, which is similar to that of native protein. These results indicate that iron OEP serves as a prosthetic group for myoglobin with normal function, despite the significant structural and electronic difference between OEP and protoporphyrin. The unexpected functional similarity between native and OEP myoglobins was interpreted in terms of a structural perturbation at the heme distal site caused by introduction of bulky OEP into the heme pocket.  相似文献   

For many years, myoglobin was considered as an intracellular globin involved in oxygen transport and storage in cardiac and skeletal muscles. Following the discovery of its ability to convert nitrite into nitric oxide during hypoxia, myoglobin was shown to play a new role in the hypoxic signaling pathway that regulates mitochondrial functions of the electron-transport chain. This review presents experimental evidence that supports this concept and discusses the significance of this newly reported ability for cardiac and skeletal muscle functions.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2014,49(12):2158-2169
To reveal the impact of ionic liquids (ILs) on the stability of proteins, a series of ILs possessing same 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium cation [Bmim]+ with a set of Hofmeister anions such as SCN, HSO4, Cl, Br, CH3COO and I were used and their effects on the myoglobin (Mb) structure and stability were studied. For the sake of comparison and also to explore the extent of the stabilization behavior of ILs toward Mb stability, we have chosen a set of ionic salts (Is) of a fixed sodium cation (Na+) with the same series of anions such as SCN, SO4−2, Cl, Br, CH3COO and I. UV–vis, fluorescence and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopic techniques were used in order to investigate the stability behavior of Mb in ionic species (Is and ILs). The results reveal that both Is and ILs had a negative influence on the stability of Mb. Apparently, the flexibility in the native structure of Mb gradually increases with the increase in the concentration of Is and ILs at pH 7.0. Therefore, a sharp decrease in the transition temperature (Tm) of the native Mb is observed in the presence of Is and ILs.  相似文献   

David G. Nicholls 《BBA》2009,1787(11):1416-41170
The ability of isolated brain mitochondria to accumulate, store and release calcium has been extensively characterized. Extrapolation to the intact neuron led to predictions that the in situ mitochondria would reversibly accumulate Ca2+ when the concentration of the cation in the vicinity of the mitochondria rose above the ‘set-point’ at which uptake and efflux were in balance, storing Ca2+ as a complex with phosphate, and slowly releasing the cation when plasma membrane ion pumps lowered the cytoplasmic free Ca2+. Excessive accumulation of the cation was predicted to lead to activation of the permeability transition, with catastrophic consequences for the neuron. Each of these predictions has been confirmed with intact neurons, and there is convincing evidence for the permeability transition in cellular Ca2+ overload associated with glutamate excitotoxicity and stroke, while the neurodegenerative disease in which possible defects in mitochondrial Ca2+ handling have been most intensively investigated is Huntington's Disease. In this brief review evidence that mitochondrial Ca2+ transport is relevant to neuronal survival in these conditions will be discussed.  相似文献   

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