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Restoration targets for biological soil crusts are largely unknown. We surveyed seven 80‐year‐old grazing exclosures across northern Nevada for biocrusts to quantify reference conditions at relatively undisturbed sites. Exclosures were associated with the following plant communities: Wyoming big sagebrush, black sagebrush, and areas co‐dominated by winterfat and Wyoming big sagebrush. Cover of biocrusts and shrubs were generally higher than other plant groups at these sites, regardless of being inside or outside of the exclosures, suggesting these groups make up most of the native flora across the region. Important in forming soil structure, cyanobacteria of the order Oscillatoriales were less abundant and diverse in black sagebrush communities. Grazing had a negative effect on the abundance of Oscillatoriales but not the number of algal taxa, including cyanobacteria. Abundance of light algal crusts were not influenced by plant community or grazing. Dark algal crusts were generally less abundant on grazed sites. Influences of plant community and grazing were most apparent when accounting for reproductive rates of lichens and mosses based on establishment mechanisms. Abundance of shrubs, perennial grasses, Oscillatoriales, fast reproducing biocrusts and the number of algal and cyanobacterial taxa, varied by plant community, suggesting that restoration should be plant community specific. We demonstrate the affinity of rapidly reproducing biocrusts for winterfat‐Wyoming big sagebrush co‐dominated plant communities, regardless of grazing pressure. Across sites, the effects of grazing were most evident on the abundance of Oscillatoriales and slowly reproducing biocrusts following 80 years of cessation from grazing.  相似文献   

The enemy release hypothesis (ERH) of plant invasion asserts that natural enemies limit populations of invasive plants more strongly in native ranges than in non‐native ranges. Despite considerable empirical attention, few studies have directly tested this idea, especially with respect to generalist herbivores. This knowledge gap is important because escaping the effects of generalists is a critical aspect of the ERH that may help explain successful plant invasions. Here, we used consumer exclosures and seed addition experiments to contrast the effects of granivorous rodents (an important guild of generalists) on the establishment of cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) in western Asia, where cheatgrass is native, versus the Great Basin Desert, USA, where cheatgrass is exotic and highly invasive. Consistent with the ERH, rodent foraging reduced cheatgrass establishment by nearly 60% in western Asia but had no effect in the Great Basin. This main result corresponded with a region‐specific foraging pattern: rodents in the Great Basin but not western Asia generally avoided seeds from cheatgrass relative to seeds from native competitors. Our results suggest that enemy release from the effects of an important guild of generalists may contribute to the explosive success of cheatgrass in the Great Basin. These findings corroborate classic theory on enemy release and expand our understanding of how generalists can influence the trajectory of exotic plant invasions.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship of breeding birds to elevation across and within four adjacent mountain ranges in the central Great Basin, a cold desert in western North America. Data came from 7 years of point counts at elevations from 1,915 to 3,145 m. We focused on eight passerine species that in this region are associated frequently with Pinus monophylla–Juniperus spp. (pinyon–juniper) woodland. Mean elevation of species' presence differed significantly among mountain ranges for all species except Spizella passerina (Chipping Sparrow); all species except Spizella breweri (Brewer's Sparrow) occurred at the highest mean elevation in the Toquima Range. Observed patterns were consistent with the elevational distribution of pinyon–juniper woodlands that provide nesting and foraging habitat for these species. Across the Great Basin, driven in part by climate change, pinyon–juniper woodland is increasing in density and expanding its distribution at lower elevations. However, breeding habitat for species dependent on mature trees may not be available in expansion woodlands for several decades, and increased tree densities may have negative effects on bird species that are dependent on shrubs within open pinyon–juniper woodlands. Responses of individual species to elevation differed from the response of assemblage-level patterns. Responses to biotic and abiotic variables within guilds of birds are sufficiently diverse, and responses of individual species sufficiently heterogeneous, that one management strategy is unlikely to meet the needs of all species in the group.  相似文献   

Failure of perennial species to regenerate is a significant threat to semi‐arid woodlands across south‐eastern Australia. High grazing pressure eliminates the recruitment of many perennial species in semi‐arid woodlands, but little is known about requirements for regeneration under low grazing pressure. We tested the effects of addition of water (irrigation to match the largest rainfall events of the last century), seed, soil disturbance and fire within a grazing exclosure in Belah (Casuarina pauper) woodland in the Murray‐Sunset National Park, Victoria. Recruitment was observed in 13 perennial species and was dominated by chenopods. Addition of water, seed and soil disturbance increased abundance of juvenile perennial species above the low‐level background recruitment that occurred in the prevailing drought conditions. This supports the view that continuous recruitment occurs for many semi‐arid perennials. Low seed availability and an inability to maintain soil moisture conditions matching that of regeneration events are likely factors in the lack of recruitment for tree species and limited response of shrubs in this experiment.  相似文献   

We present a Bayesian network model based on the ecological risk assessment framework to evaluate potential impacts to habitats and resources resulting from wildfire, grazing, forest management activities, and insect outbreaks in a forested landscape in northeastern Oregon. The Bayesian network structure consisted of three tiers of nodes: landscape disturbances, habitats, and the ecological resources or endpoints of interest to land managers. Nodes at each tier were linked to lower nodes if ecological and spatial relationships existed between them. All parameters had four potential discrete states: zero, low, medium, and high. Our model reliably predicted probable risk to habitats and endpoints from natural and anthropogenic disturbances. The disturbances most likely to transform habitats and effect ecological resources were forest management and wildfire. Of the six habitats, moist forest (characterized by Douglas fir and grand fir) was found to be at greatest risk of ecological impacts. The management endpoint with the highest likelihood of impact was historical range of variability (HRV) for salmon habitat, followed by recreation (hunting native ungulates) and HRV wildfire. We found that the Bayesian approach to ecological risk assessment was a useful method to assess potential impacts to ecological resources resulting from forest management and natural disturbances.  相似文献   

A brief history of Great Basin pikas   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Aim Within the past few decades, seven of the 25 historically described populations of American pikas (Ochotona princeps) in the Great Basin of arid western North America appear to have become extinct. In this paper, the prehistoric record for pikas in the Great Basin is used to place these losses in deeper historical context. Location The Great Basin, or area of internal drainage, of the western United States. Methods The location, elevation, and age of all reported prehistoric Great Basin specimens of American pikas were extracted from the literature. Elevations of extinct pika populations were arrayed through time, and latitudes and longitudes of those populations used to determine changing distances of those populations from the nearest extant populations. Results The average elevation of now‐extinct Great Basin pika populations during the late Wisconsinan (c. 40,000–10,000 radiocarbon years ago) and early Holocene (c. 10,000–7500 years ago) was 1750 m. During the hot and dry middle Holocene (c. 7500–4500 years ago), the average elevation of these populations rose 435 m, to 2168 m. All prehistorically known late Holocene (c. 4500–200 years ago) populations in the Great Basin are from mountain ranges that currently support populations of this animal, but historic period losses have caused the average elevation of pika populations to rise an additional 152 m. The total elevational increase, from the late Wisconsinan and early Holocene to today, has been 783 m. As lower elevation pika populations were lost, their distribution increasingly came to resemble its modern form. During the late Wisconsinan, now‐extinct pika populations were located an average of 170 km from the nearest extant population. By the late Holocene, this distance had declined to 30 km. Main conclusions Prehistoric alterations in the distribution of pika population in the Great Basin were driven by climate change and attendant impacts on vegetation. Today, Great Basin pikas contend with both climate change and anthropogenic impacts and thus may be on the brink of extinction.  相似文献   

Increased fire frequency in the Great Basin of North America's intermountain West has led to large‐scale conversion of native sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata Nutt.) communities to postfire successional communities dominated by native and non‐native annual species during the last century. The consequences of this conversion for basic ecosystem functions, however, are poorly understood. We measured net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) and evapotranspiration (ET) during the first two dry years after wildfire using a 4‐m diameter (16.4 m3) translucent static chamber (dome), and found that both NEE and ET were higher in a postfire successional ecosystem (?0.9–2.6 µ mol CO2 m?2 s?1 and 0.0–1.0 mmol H2O m?2 s?2, respectively) than in an adjacent intact sagebrush ecosystem (?1.2–2.3 µ mol CO2 m?2 s?1 and ?0.1–0.8 mmol H2O m?2 s?2, respectively) during relatively moist periods. Higher NEE in the postfire ecosystem appears to be due to lower rates of above‐ground plant respiration while higher ET appears to be caused by higher surface soil temperatures and increased soil water recharge after rains. These patterns disappeared or were reversed, however, when the conditions were drier. Daily net ecosystem productivity (NEP; g C m?2 d?1), derived from multiple linear regressions of measured fluxes with continuously measured climate variables, was very small (close to zero) throughout most of the year. The wintertime was an exception in the intact sagebrush ecosystem with C losses exceeding C gains leading to negative NEP while C balance of the postfire ecosystem remained near zero. Taken together, our results indicate that wildfire‐induced conversion of native sagebrush steppe to ecosystems dominated by herbaceous annual species may have little effect on C balance during relatively dry years (except in winter months) but may stimulate water loss immediately following fires.  相似文献   

Like many arid and semiarid regions, the Great Basin of the western United States is undergoing major ecological, social, and economic changes that are having widespread detrimental effects on the structure, composition, and function of native ecosystems. The causes of change are highly interactive and include urban, suburban, and exurban growth, past and present land uses, climate change, altered fire regimes, and rapid expansion of invasive species. Cumulative effects include vegetation type conversions, loss of watershed functioning, loss of native species, and diminished economic potential. The diversity and magnitude of issues require consensus on priority issues, and new and innovative research and management approaches that address larger spatial scales and longer time scales than in the past. Primary research coupled with large-scale assessments and effective monitoring strategies is needed to understand and track the ongoing changes. Prediction and modeling of alternative futures are needed for incorporation into the planning process and use as a basis for adaptive management, and management tools are needed to aid decision-making and implementation. Historically, research and management in arid and semiarid regions such as the Great Basin have been severely under-funded and altering current trajectories will require financial resources, political support, and effective policies and institutional mechanisms. Sustaining the ecosystems, resources, and human populations of these regions will require strong collaborative partnerships among research and management organizations to reduce overlap, leverage funds, and increase efficiency. Close involvement of all stakeholders is needed to obtain the needed support for making necessary changes in policies and management activities.  相似文献   

Semiarid sagebrush ecosystems are being transformed by wildfire, rangeland improvement techniques, and exotic plant invasions, but the effects on ecosystem C and N dynamics are poorly understood. We compared ecosystem C and N pools to 1 m depth among historically grazed Wyoming big sagebrush, introduced perennial crested wheatgrass, and invasive annual cheatgrass communities, to examine whether the quantity and quality of plant inputs to soil differs among vegetation types. Natural abundance δ15N isotope ratios were used to examine differences in ecosystem N balance. Sagebrush-dominated sites had greater C and N storage in plant biomass compared to perennial or annual grass systems, but this was predominantly due to woody biomass accumulation. Plant C and N inputs to soil were greatest for cheatgrass compared to sagebrush and crested wheatgrass systems, largely because of slower root turnover in perennial plants. The organic matter quality of roots and leaf litter (as C:N ratios) was similar among vegetation types, but lignin:N ratios were greater for sagebrush than grasses. While cheatgrass invasion has been predicted to result in net C loss and ecosystem degradation, we observed that surface soil organic C and N pools were greater in cheatgrass and crested wheatgrass than sagebrush-dominated sites. Greater biomass turnover in cheatgrass and crested wheatgrass versus sagebrush stands may result in faster rates of soil C and N cycling, with redistribution of actively cycled N towards the soil surface. Plant biomass and surface soil δ15N ratios were enriched in cheatgrass and crested wheatgrass relative to sagebrush-dominated sites. Source pools of plant available N could become 15N enriched if faster soil N cycling rates lead to greater N trace gas losses. In the absence of wildfire, if cheatgrass invasion does lead to degradation of ecosystem function, this may be due to faster nutrient cycling and greater nutrient losses, rather than reduced organic matter inputs.  相似文献   

Climate change may affect the dynamics of ecosystems and the goods and services they provide. To investigate the consequences of warming and drought for the goods and services provided by different shrublands in various western European countries, an assessment was carried out using results of field manipulation experiments of the CLIMOOR and VULCAN projects. Goods and services of these shrublands mainly encompass biodiversity, various forms of recreation, conservation of culturally and historically important landscapes, groundwater as a drinking water source, and carbon sequestration. Warming of dry lowland heathlands in The Netherlands and Denmark increases nutrient availability, which may lead to grass encroachment reducing biodiversity and decreasing recreational values. Drought may reduce the chances of grass encroachment but increase the chances of disturbances to heather vegetation. Similarly, warming increases and drought decreases the chances of nitrate pollution to the groundwater, which is often used as a drinking water source. Warming of the upland heathland in the UK increases its productivity, which might enable higher grazing densities leading to improved agricultural production. However, complex interactions between heather and invading species may be affected. Furthermore, nitrate production is increased, which may lead to groundwater pollution. Under drought conditions, productivity decreases and agricultural production capacity drops. In the Mediterranean shrubland in Spain, both warming and drought led to a shift in the species composition of seedlings and recruitment, which might lead to a change in the plant community and a reduction in biodiversity. In the drought treatment, a decreasing soil carbon content may lead to a loss of biodiversity, recreational possibilities, and an increased threat of wildfires and erosion.  相似文献   

Significant efforts were gathered to generate large-scale comprehensive protein-protein interaction network maps. This is instrumental to understand the pathogen-host relationships and was essentially performed by genetic screenings in yeast two-hybrid systems. The recent improvement of protein-protein interaction detection by a Gaussia luciferase-based fragment complementation assay now offers the opportunity to develop integrative comparative interactomic approaches necessary to rigorously compare interaction profiles of proteins from different pathogen strain variants against a common set of cellular factors.This paper specifically focuses on the utility of combining two orthogonal methods to generate protein-protein interaction datasets: yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) and a new assay, high-throughput Gaussia princeps protein complementation assay (HT-GPCA) performed in mammalian cells.A large-scale identification of cellular partners of a pathogen protein is performed by mating-based yeast two-hybrid screenings of cDNA libraries using multiple pathogen strain variants. A subset of interacting partners selected on a high-confidence statistical scoring is further validated in mammalian cells for pair-wise interactions with the whole set of pathogen variants proteins using HT-GPCA. This combination of two complementary methods improves the robustness of the interaction dataset, and allows the performance of a stringent comparative interaction analysis. Such comparative interactomics constitute a reliable and powerful strategy to decipher any pathogen-host interplays.  相似文献   

The lesion nematode, Pratylenchus thornei, was clearly demonstrated as a parasite of wheat. It reduced plant stands and stunted plants in the field under the environmental conditions found in Sonora, Mexico. Other soil organisms also may have contributed to the problem. The nematode is widely distributed throughout the wheat-growing region, and may be a problem each growing season. Nematicides controlled the nematode and increased yields, but they were not economical. No resistance was found in existing commercial wheat cultivars. A pest management approach using variety selection, nitrogen fertilizer, planting in cool soil (15 C) and a crop rotation avoiding wheat after wheat was the most practical solution to this problem on a commercial scale.  相似文献   

李倞  宋捷 《生物信息学》2019,26(12):28-33
临汾—运城盆地是中国最早的农、盐业生产区之一,形成了具有代表性的传统地域景观。研究利用地方志、相关水利、农业等历史信息和现代考证成果,结合历史舆图和1968年卫星航拍图,以水为线索归纳其地域景观特征和营建智慧,为传承地域景观、缓解区域城镇化问题和指导未来相关规划编制提供启示。临汾—运城盆地的传统地域景观主要包括引泉、引河灌溉等引水工程主导的区域景观格局和与自然相适应的聚落防洪排涝景观体系,未来规划设计可以重点从4个方面开展:1)利用传统引水工程骨架构建区域景观格局,发挥新的城镇复合生态系统服务功能;2)开展水生态关键区域的精明保护、修复和关键资源的人文复兴;3)延续传统聚落防洪工程智慧,结合现代工程技术构建与自然相适应的城镇防洪系统;4)传承城镇水利系统、公共环境和人文空间相复合的传统,实现城镇环境品质提升。  相似文献   

Preventive and/or manipulative practices will be needed to maintain soil's biological, physiochemical, nutritional, and structural health in natural, managed, and disturbed ecosystems as a foundation for food security and global ecosystem sustainability. While there is a substantial body of interdisciplinary science on understanding function and structure of soil ecosystems, key gaps must be bridged in assessing integrated agro-biological, ecological, economical, and environmental efficiency of soil manipulation practices in time and space across ecosystems. This presentation discusses the application of a fertilizer use efficiency (FUE) model for assessing agronomic, economic, ecological, environmental, and nematode (pest) management efficiency of soil amendments. FUE is defined as increase in host productivity and/or decrease in plant-parasitic nematode population density in response to a given fertilizer treatment. Using the effects of nutrient amendment on Heterodera glycines population density and normalized difference vegetative index (indicator of physiological activities) of a soybean cultivar 'CX 252', how the FUE model recognizes variable responses and separates nutrient deficiency and toxicity from nematode parasitism as well as suitability of treatments designed to achieve desired biological and physiochemical soil health conditions is demonstrated. As part of bridging gaps between agricultural and ecological approaches to integrated understanding and management of soil health, modifications of the FUE model for analyzing the relationships amongst nematode community structure, soil parameters (eg. pH, nutrients, %OM), and plant response to soil amendment is discussed.  相似文献   

Chose the arid interior district Shiyang River basin four issues of Landsat/TM images from 1986 to 2006 to visually interpret, and analyze the natural succession of ecological environment and the landscape pattern characteristic under the human activity interference. The results showed that in past 20 years, the number of landscape patch has increased, but the average patch size was decreasing, which explained that the landscape fragmentation degree was increasing, the landscape integrity was declining. The edge density of landscape remained invariable basically, which explained its stability maintained good. The diversity and evenness index continually enhanced, the diversity increased from 0.73 in 1986 to 0.84 in 2006. The mean core patch area of study area reduced from134.47 hm2 in 1994 to 127.67 hm2 in 2006, which indicated that the landscape core area was decreasing. On the one hand, it accelerated circulatory speed of species and reduced resistance of the energy flux. On the other hand it destroyed the integrity of the original landscape, easily caused the core area reducing continually, and led to vicious circle of the landscape separation. Seen from the whole study area, The utilization of landscape developed to the heterogeneous direction, indicated the proportional difference between various landscapes types was increasing, this kind of change has reflected the human activity’s influence to the whole landscape to a certain extent. It is believed that there are a series of landscape ecological problems such as low landscape ecological connectivity, simplified landscape structure and the more oasis fragmentation. In order to solve these problems, according to the principle that the movements of flow, energy and material in a landscape are related to some factors such as distance, time, impedance, etc., this study adopts the minimum accumulative resistance surface (MARS), the minimum cost resistance (MCR) model, and uses the surface diffusion technology to analyze compactness of landscape structure and the spatial difference of ecological function in Shiyang River basin. Then constructs some landscape components such as source, corridor and ecological node to strengthen the spatial connection of ecological network, and further discusses the landscape pattern optimization proposal.  相似文献   

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