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We investigated whether the polyenic and allylic phosphate systems of retinyl phosphate are essential for its mannosyl acceptor and donor activities in rat liver postnuclear membranes. Perhydromonoeneretinyl phosphate, a compound without growth-promoting activity in vitamin A-deficient animals, was prepared by catalytic hydrogenation of retinol and phosphorylation. Perhydromonoeneretinyl phosphate mannose synthesis from GDP-mannose showed continued accumulation for at least 60 min, while retinyl phosphate mannose synthesis showed a maximum at 20-30 min and then declined. Moreover, only retinyl phosphate stimulated transfer of mannose from GDP-mannose to endogenous proteins, which were separated by sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. Thus, hydrogenation of side-chain double bonds in retinyl phosphate impaired only slightly its mannosyl acceptor activity, but caused loss of mannosyl donor activity.  相似文献   

Chronic hypoxia during pregnancy is one of the most common insults to fetal development. We tested the hypothesis that maternal hypoxia induced apoptosis in the hearts of near-term fetal rats. Pregnant rats were divided into two groups, normoxic control and continuous hypoxic exposure (10.5% O2) from day 15 to 21 of gestation. Hearts were isolated from fetal rats of 21-day gestational age. Maternal hypoxia increased hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha protein in fetal hearts. Chronic hypoxia significantly increased the percentage and size of binucleated myocytes and increased apoptotic cells from 1.4 +/- 0.14% to 2.7 +/- 0.3% in the fetal heart. In addition, the active cleaved form of caspase 3 was significantly increased in the hypoxic heart, which was associated with an increase in caspase 3 activity. There was a significant increase in Fas protein levels in the hypoxic heart. Chronic hypoxia did not change Bax protein levels but significantly decreased Bcl-2 proteins. In addition, chronic hypoxia significantly suppressed expression of heat shock protein 70. However, chronic hypoxia significantly increased expression of the anti-apoptotic protein 14-3-3, among other 14-3-3 isoforms. Chronic hypoxia differentially regulated beta-adrenoreceptor (beta-AR) subtypes with an increase in beta1-AR levels but no changes in beta2-AR. The results demonstrate that maternal hypoxia increases apoptosis in fetal rat heart, which may be mediated by an increase in Fas and a decrease in Bcl-2 proteins. Chronic hypoxia-mediated increase in beta1-AR and decrease in heat shock proteins may also play an important role in apoptosis in the fetal heart.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that hepatocyte proliferation in the late gestation fetal rat is mediated by growth factor-independent mechanisms that are distinct from the signaling pathways that promote proliferation of adult rat hepatocytes. In the present studies, we identified six candidate growth-regulating genes that are overexpressed in fetal rat liver (embryonic day 19, 2 days pre-term) relative to adult rat liver using suppressive subtractive hybridization. These included the following: Grb10, a growth factor receptor binding protein; eps15, a growth factor receptor substrate; nuc2+, a retinoblastoma protein binding protein; cdc25B, a cell cycle tyrosine phosphatase; the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor PPAR alpha; and a deoxyuridine triphosphatase that functions as a PPAR alpha binding partner. In every case, the ontogeny of the expression of these genes declined postnatally in a manner consistent with the transition from a fetal to an adult hepatocyte phenotype. None were found to be cell cycle-dependent, in that they did not show expression that followed perinatal changes in hepatocyte cell cycle activity. Based on our identification of these genes and previous work characterizing their role in growth regulation, we conclude that they may contribute to the mitogenic signaling phenotype of fetal rat hepatocytes.  相似文献   

1. Hydrocortisone increases in vivo incorporation of [14C] glucose into fetal liver glycogen in the last days of gestation, whereas in glucagon-treated fetuses, a slight decrease in the incorporation rate was found. 2. Hydrocortisone increases total synthetase activity as that of synthetase a but was without effect on fetal liver glycogen phosphorylase. 3. Glucagon causes a slight increase in phosphorylase a activity on days 19-21, and was without effect on the activities of synthetase a and total synthetase. 4. Dibutyryl cyclic AMP had no effect on the key enzymes of glycogen metabolism 1 h after injection in utero, whereas after 6 h an increase in phosphorylase a activity was found without any change in synthetase a activity.  相似文献   

S N Baksi 《Endokrinologie》1979,73(3):264-272
Female rats were thyroparathyroidectomized (TPTX) at 24 (immature), 40 (pubertal) and 75 (matured) days of age, at least 21 days before mating. Thyroxine (2.5 microgram/kg) or parathyroid hormone (150 USP units/kg x 2) was replaced in two TPTX groups. Thyroxine deficient groups of all ages had reduced body weight, litter size and serum thyroxine and calcium level. Fetal weights at 20 days of gestation in all thyroxine deficient groups were significantly reduced but placental weight was generally increased. Maternal serum thyroxine and fetal weight was positively related when all groups were taken together, but maternal serum calcium and fetal weight was not related. There were no significant differences in gross, visceral or skeletal anomalies in the fetuses in any group.  相似文献   

Fetal hypoglycaemia consequent on food withdrawal for 48 h in sheep in late pregnancy is accompanied by an increase in fetal PGE2 plasma concentrations and myometrial contractility. To assess the contribution of fetal hypoglycaemia and related cellular glucopenia in the increased production of fetal PGE2 we studied the effect of 48 h insulin infusion to the fetus. Fetal whole blood glucose was lowered from 19 +/- 2 to 9 +/- 1 mg.dl-1. This experimental regimen maintains glucose availability to those fetal cells in which insulin increases glucose uptake. Fetal umbilical venous and femoral arterial PGE2 concentrations and umbilical veno-arterial PGE2 difference were unchanged, but maternal uterine veno-arterial difference for PGFM increased during the insulin induced fetal hypoglycaemia. Myometrial activity was also unchanged. We conclude that the increased fetal PGE concentration previously reported during food withdrawal is due to a deficiency of glucose to specific insulin dependent cells within vascular beds served by the fetal cardiovascular system. In addition, the findings suggest a need for a supply of glucose of fetal origin for cells that are responsible for increased PGFM concentrations in the maternal uteroplacental circulation.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of exercise on maternal glycogen storage patterns and fetal outcome in mature (approximately 12 months of age) Sprague-Dawley rats. The exercise consisted of treadmill running at 30 m.min-1, on a 10 degree incline, for 60 min, 5 days per week, for 4 weeks prior to pregnancy, which continued until day 19 of gestation. In mature animals, chronic exercise increased (p < 0.05) liver glycogen concentration in both pregnant and nonpregnant rats. In pregnant exercised animals, the glycogen concentration of the maternal liver increased almost twofold (p < 0.05) compared with the sedentary pregnant group. There was no difference in the amount of glycogen stored in the gastrocnemius or soleus muscles in response to training, pregnancy, or chronic maternal exercise in the mature rat. In the pregnant groups, there were fewer (p < 0.05) viable fetuses and more (p < 0.05) resorption sites than in young rats. In addition, exercise during pregnancy in the mature animal decreased (p < 0.05) fetal body weight. These results demonstrate that a conflict may exist between maternal exercise and fetal demands for energy in the mature rat. This conflict seems to favour the maternal system, as evidenced by the enhanced maternal liver glycogen storage and the negative effect on fetal growth.  相似文献   

Evidence in both humans and animals has shown that exercise before or during pregnancy may effect fetal outcome. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the effects of an exercise program on fetal development in the rat. Prior to impregnation one group of animals was exercise-trained on a Quinton shock-stimulus rodent treadmill. The exercised group was trained to run 5 days/wk, for 2.0 h/day at 31 m/min up an 8 degree incline for 8 wk before mating. Following mating the training intensity was reduced to 27 m/min up a 5 degree incline, and the exercise period decreased to 1 h/day. On day 19 of gestation, 24 h postexercise for the trained mothers, the animals were killed in the fed state and the maternal and fetal characteristics were measured. The sedentary controls gained significantly (P less than 0.05) more body weight during pregnancy. This can be attributed to three factors: higher number of fetuses, 14.83 +/- 0.04 vs. 12.2 +/- 0.85 for the trained; larger litter weights, 44.25 +/- 4.97 vs. 26.17 +/- 1.82 g/dam for the trained; and slightly larger lipid stores. In addition to having fewer pups the trained mothers had a greater number of fetal resorptions; 0.9/dam as opposed to 0.17/dam for the sedentary control. Analysis of fetal body composition showed no difference in total body water, protein, or fat between the pups of sedentary and trained dams. The results of this study indicate that exercise training prior to and during pregnancy influences fetal development in the rat.  相似文献   

Muscular exercise was shown to reduce glycogen level in the skin of the rat. This process was fully prevented by blockade of beta adrenergic receptors with propranolol.  相似文献   

Development of the porcine fetal adrenal in late gestation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Adrenomedullin is a potent, endogenous vasodilator peptide synthesized and secreted by diverse locations such as adrenal glands, lungs, kidneys, vascular smooth muscle, and endothelium. Homozygous deletion of the adrenomedullin gene is embryonic lethal. We hypothesized that adrenomedullin has an important role in placental and fetal growth and development in rat pregnancy. The current study evaluated maternal systolic blood pressure, litter size, placental and pup weight, pup mortality, and placental pathology in pregnant rats following continuous in utero exposure to an adrenomedullin antagonist. Osmotic minipumps were inserted on Gestational Day 14 to continuously deliver either adrenomedullin, adrenomedullin antagonist, or vehicle control. Systolic blood pressure was recorded daily. Pregnant rats were killed on Gestational Day 15-18, 20, and/or 22 to evaluate placental development and fetal growth. The placentas were graded for the presence of necrosis in the decidua and fetal labyrinth as well as fetal vessel development in the labyrinth. A trend toward increased systolic blood pressure was noted between Gestational Days 17 and 20 in mothers treated with adrenomedullin antagonist, but the difference was not statistically significant. Antagonism of adrenomedullin function during rat pregnancy caused fetal growth restriction, decreased placental size, gross necrosis of placental margins and amniotic membranes, histologically deficient fetal vessel development in the labyrinth, and fetal edema. Adrenomedullin contributes to angiogenesis, functions as a growth factor, and helps regulate vascular tone during rat gestation.  相似文献   

To examine the effects of maternal exercise on liver and skeletal muscle glycogen storage, female Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into control, nonpregnant runner, pregnant nonrunning control, pregnant runner, and prepregnant exercised control groups. The exercise consisted of treadmill running at 30 m/min on a 10 degree incline for 60 min, 5 days/wk. Pregnancy alone, on day 20 of gestation, decreased maternal liver glycogen content and increased red and white gastrocnemius muscle glycogen storage above control values (P less than 0.05). In contrast, exercise in nonpregnant animals augmented liver glycogen storage and also increased red and white gastrocnemius glycogen content (P less than 0.05). By combining exercise and pregnancy, the decrease in liver glycogen storage in the pregnant nonexercised condition was prevented in the pregnant runner group and more glycogen was stored in both the red and white portions of the gastrocnemius than all other groups (P less than 0.05). Fetal body weight was greatest (P less than 0.05) in the pregnant runner group and lowest (P less than 0.05) in the prepregnant exercise control group. These results demonstrate that chronic maternal exercise may change maternal glycogen storage patterns in the liver and skeletal muscle with some alteration in fetal outcome.  相似文献   

Proteoglycans were studied in developing rat fetal kidney using cytological and biochemical techniques. These compounds were detected with immunoperoxidase in the nephron basement membranes from the earliest stages of differentiation. In the glomerular basement membrane, immunostaining appeared as both diffuse and granular deposits, as long as this membrane consisted of loose material; however, as soon as a three-layered membrane had formed, staining was confined to the laminae rarae as regularly arranged granules. The same pattern of staining was observed during differentiation of the basement membrane of the proximal tubule. In Bowman's capsule, immunostaining appeared as granules, which were sparsely distributed in the developing glomerulus and then regularly lined the stacked laminae when differentiation was complete. In all basement membranes, anionic sites (disclosed by polyethyleneimine) were colocated with immunostained granular deposits. Total glycosaminoglycan content gradually increased from the beginning of metanephros development to birth. During this period, the relative proportions of glycosaminoglycans changed: heparan sulfate increased and hyaluronic acid decreased as differentiation proceeded. The possible relationship between morphological observations and biochemical changes in glycosaminoglycan content is discussed.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoids near term are known to upregulate many important enzyme systems prior to birth. Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) is a mitochondrial enzyme that catalyzes both the reversible conversion of ammonium nitrogen into organic nitrogen (glutamate production) and the oxidative deamination of glutamate resulting in 2-oxoglutarate. The activity of this enzyme is considered to be of major importance in the development of catabolic conditions leading to gluconeogenesis prior to birth. Ovine hepatic GDH mRNA expression and activity were determined in near-term (130 days of gestation, term 147 +/- 4 days) control and acutely dexamethasone-treated (0.07 mg(-1) hr(-1) for 26 hr) fetuses. Dexamethasone infusion had no effect on placental or fetal liver weights. Dexamethasone infusion for 26 hr significantly increased hepatic GDH mRNA expression. This increased GDH mRNA expression was accompanied by an increase in hepatic mitochondrial GDH activity, from 30.0 +/- 7.4 to 58.2 +/- 8.1 U GDH/U CS (citrate synthase), and there was a significant correlation between GDH mRNA expression and GDH activity. The generated ovine GDH sequence displayed significant similarity with published human, rat, and murine GDH sequence. These data are consistent with the in vivo studies that have shown a redirection of glutamine carbon away from net hepatic glutamate release and into the citric acid cycle through the forward reaction catalyzed by GDH, i.e., glutamate to oxoglutarate.  相似文献   

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