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The arrangement of Hox genes into physical clusters is fundamental to the patterning of animal body plans. Other homeobox genes are often described as dispersed, with only occasional examples of linkage reported, such as the amphioxus ParaHox and Drosophila 93D/E clusters. This clustering is unlikely to be the derived condition, as the genes of the ParaHox and 93D/E clusters are phylogenetically widespread. To assess whether clustering is retained in mammals, and to infer its history, we considered the distribution of ANTP superclass homeobox genes in human and mouse genomes. We postulate four ancient arrays of ANTP superclass genes in animal genomes, denoted 'extended Hox' (Hox, Evx and Mox), NKL (including NK1, NK3, NK4, Lbx, Tlx, Emx, Vax, Hmx, NK6, Msx), ParaHox (Cdx, Xlox, Gsx) and EHGbox (En, HB9, Gbx). Each of these duplicated in the ancestry of the human genome to yield four Hox, four NKL, four ParaHox and at least two EHGbox clusters or arrays. Two of the human NKL clusters (four in mouse) have subsequently been split by chromosome rearrangement, as has one human EHGbox array. We date all cluster duplications to early chordate evolution and infer that three clusters (Hox, NKL, EHGbox) resided on the same chromosome before duplication.  相似文献   

To elucidate the evolutionary origin of nervous system centralization, we investigated the molecular architecture of the trunk nervous system in the annelid Platynereis dumerilii. Annelids belong to Bilateria, an evolutionary lineage of bilateral animals that also includes vertebrates and insects. Comparing nervous system development in annelids to that of other bilaterians could provide valuable information about the common ancestor of all Bilateria. We find that the Platynereis neuroectoderm is subdivided into longitudinal progenitor domains by partially overlapping expression regions of nk and pax genes. These domains match corresponding domains in the vertebrate neural tube and give rise to conserved neural cell types. As in vertebrates, neural patterning genes are sensitive to Bmp signaling. Our data indicate that this mediolateral architecture was present in the last common bilaterian ancestor and thus support a common origin of nervous system centralization in Bilateria.  相似文献   

In recent years, evo-devo studies on non-bilaterian metazoans have improved our understanding of the early evolution of animal body plans. In particular, works on cnidarians suggested that contrary to classical views, the mesoderm originated far before the emergence of the Bilateria. In this context, a synthesis of genomic and functional data concerning the Antennapedia (Antp) superclass of homeobox genes suggested that early in animal evolution, each of the three germ layers was under the control of one cluster of Antp genes. In particular, the patterning and differentiation of the mesoderm was under the control of the NKL cluster. The ctenophores stand as a key taxon with respect to such issues because unlike other non-bilaterian phyla, their intermediate germ layer satisfies the strict embryological definition of a mesoderm. For that reason, we investigated the only known member of the NKL group in Ctenophora, a gene previously isolated from Pleurobrachia and attributed to the Tlx family. In our analysis of the NKL group, this ctenophore gene branches as the sister-group of bilaterian Tlx genes, but without statistical support. The expression pattern of this gene was revealed by in situ hybridisation in the adult ctenophore. The expression territories of PpiTlx are predominantly ectodermal, in two distinct types of ciliated epidermal cells and in one category of gland cells. We also identified a probable endodermal site of expression. Because we failed to detect any mesodermal expression, the results do not provide support to the hypothesis of an ancient functional association between the NKL group and the mesoderm.  相似文献   

The origin and evolution of ANTP superclass genes has raised controversial discussions. While recent evidence suggests that a true Hox cluster emerged after the cnidarian bilaterian split, the origin of the ANTP superclass as a whole remains unclear. Based on analyses of bilaterian genomes, it seems very likely that clustering has once been a characteristic of all ANTP homeobox genes and that their ancestors have emerged through several series of cis-duplications from the same genomic region. Since the diploblastic Cnidaria possess orthologs of some non-Hox ANTP genes, at least some steps of the expansion of this hypothetical homeobox gene array must have occurred in the last common ancestor of both lineages--but it is unknown to what extent. By screening the unassembled Nematostella genome, we have identified unambiguous orthologs to almost all non-Hox ANTP genes which are present in Bilateria--with the exception of En, Tlx and (possibly) Vax. Furthermore, Nematostella possesses ANTP genes that are missing in some bilaterian lineages, like the rough gene or NK7. In addition, several ANTP homeobox gene families have been independently duplicated in Nematostella. We conclude that the last cnidarian/bilaterian ancestor already harboured the almost full complement of non-Hox ANTP genes before the Hox system evolved.  相似文献   

Nk homeobox genes are important regulators of many different developmental processes including muscle, heart, central nervous system and sensory organ development. They are thought to have arisen as part of the ANTP megacluster, which also gave rise to Hox and ParaHox genes, and at least some NK genes remain tightly linked in all animals examined so far. The protostome–deuterostome ancestor probably contained a cluster of nine Nk genes: (Msx)–(Nk4/tinman)–(Nk3/bagpipe)–(Lbx/ladybird)–(Tlx/c15)–(Nk7)–(Nk6/hgtx)–(Nk1/slouch)–(Nk5/Hmx). Of these genes, only NKX2.6NKX3.1, LBX1TLX1 and LBX2TLX2 remain tightly linked in humans. However, it is currently unclear whether this is unique to the human genome as we do not know which of these Nk genes are clustered in other vertebrates. This makes it difficult to assess whether the remaining linkages are due to selective pressures or because chance rearrangements have “missed” certain genes. In this paper, we identify all of the paralogs of these ancestrally clustered NK genes in several distinct vertebrates. We demonstrate that tight linkages of Lbx1Tlx1, Lbx2Tlx2 and Nkx3.1Nkx2.6 have been widely maintained in both the ray-finned and lobe-finned fish lineages. Moreover, the recently duplicated Hmx2Hmx3 genes are also tightly linked. Finally, we show that Lbx1Tlx1 and Hmx2Hmx3 are flanked by highly conserved noncoding elements, suggesting that shared regulatory regions may have resulted in evolutionary pressure to maintain these linkages. Consistent with this, these pairs of genes have overlapping expression domains. In contrast, Lbx2Tlx2 and Nkx3.1Nkx2.6, which do not seem to be coexpressed, are also not associated with conserved noncoding sequences, suggesting that an alternative mechanism may be responsible for the continued clustering of these genes.  相似文献   

Msx1 is required for dorsal diencephalon patterning   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The dorsal midline of the neural tube has recently emerged as a major signaling center for dorsoventral patterning. Msx genes are expressed at the dorsal midline, although their function at this site remains unknown. Using Msx1(nlacZ) mutant mice, we show that the normal expression domain of Msx1 is interrupted in the pretectum of mutant embryos. Morphological and gene expression data further indicate that a functional midline is not maintained along the whole prosomere 1 in Msx1 mutant mice. This results in the downregulation of genes expressed laterally to the midline in prosomere 1, confirming the importance of the midline as a signaling center. Wnt1 is essential for dorsoventral patterning of the neural tube. In the Msx1 mutant, Wnt1 is downregulated before the midline disappears, suggesting that its expression depends on Msx1. Furthermore, electroporation in the chick embryo demonstrates that Msx1 can induce Wnt1 expression in the diencephalon neuroepithelium and in the lateral ectoderm. In double Msx1/Msx2 mutants, Wnt1 expression is completely abolished at the dorsal midline of the diencephalon and rostral mesencephalon. This indicates that Msx genes may regulate Wnt1 expression at the dorsal midline of the neural tube. Based on these results, we propose a model in which Msx genes are intermediary between Bmp and Wnt at this site.  相似文献   

The widely held notion of an independent evolutionary origin of invertebrate and vertebrate brains is based on classical phylogenetic, neuroanatomical and embryological data. The interpretation of these data in favour of a polyphyletic origin of animals brains is currently being challenged by three fundamental findings that derive from comparative molecular, genetic and developmental analyses. First, modern molecular systematics indicates that none of the extant animals correspond to evolutionary intermediates between the protostomes and the deuterostomes, thus making it impossible to deduce the morphological organization of the ancestral bilaterian or its brain from living species. Second, recent molecular genetic evidence for the body axis inversion hypothesis now supports the idea that the basic body plan of vertebrates and invertebrates is similar but inverted, suggesting that the ventral nerve chord of protostome invertebrates is homologous to the dorsal nerve cord of deuterostome chordates. Third, a developmental genetic analysis of the molecular control elements involved in early embryonic brain patterning is uncovering the existence of structurally and functionally homologous genes that have comparable and interchangeable functions in key aspects of brain development in invertebrate and vertebrate model systems. All three of these findings are compatible with the hypothesis of a monophyletic origin of the bilaterian brain. Here we review these findings and consider their significance and implications for current thinking on the evolutionary origin of bilaterian brains. We also preview the impact of comparative functional genomic analyses on our understanding of brain evolution.  相似文献   

SUMMARY The molecular mechanisms underlying the formation and patterning of the nervous system are relatively poorly understood for lophotrochozoans (like annelids) as compared with ecdysozoans (especially Drosophila ) and deuterostomes (especially vertebrates). Therefore, we have undertaken a candidate gene approach to study aspects of neurogenesis in a polychaete annelid Platynereis dumerilii . We determined the spatiotemporal expression for Platynereis orthologs of four genes ( SoxB, Churchill, prospero / Prox , and SoxC) known to play key roles in vertebrate neurogenesis. During Platynereis development, SoxB is expressed in the neuroectoderm and its expression switches off when committed neural precursors are formed. Subsequently, Prox is expressed in all differentiating neural precursors in the central and peripheral nervous systems. Finally, SoxC and Churchill are transcribed in patterns consistent with their involvement in neural differentiation. The expression patterns of Platynereis SoxB and Prox closely resemble those in Drosophila and vertebrates—this suggests that orthologs of these genes play similar neurogenic roles in all bilaterians. Whereas Platynereis SoxC , like its vertebrate orthologs, plays a role in neural cell differentiation, related genes in Drosophila do not appear to be involved in neurogenesis. Finally, conversely to Churchill in Platynereis , vertebrate orthologs of this gene are expressed during neuroectoderm formation, but not later during nerve cell differentiation; in the insect lineage, homologs of these genes have been secondarily lost. In spite of such instances of functional divergence or loss, the present study shows conspicuous similarities in the genetic control of neurogenesis among bilaterians. These commonalities suggest that key features of the genetic program for neurogenesis are ancestral to bilaterians.  相似文献   

We have examined the role of Tlx, an orphan nuclear receptor, in dorsal-ventral patterning of the mouse telencephalon. Tlx is expressed broadly in the ventricular zone, with the exception of the dorsomedial and ventromedial regions. The expression spans the pallio-subpallial boundary, which separates the dorsal (i.e. pallium) and ventral (i.e. subpallium) telencephalon. Despite being expressed on both sides of the pallio-subpallial boundary, Tlx homozygous mutants display alterations in the development of this boundary. These alterations include a dorsal shift in the expression limits of certain genes that abut at the pallio-subpallial boundary as well as the abnormal formation of the radial glial palisade that normally marks this boundary. The Tlx mutant phenotype is similar to, but less severe than, that seen in Small eye (i.e. Pax6) mutants. Interestingly, removal of one allele of Pax6 on the homozygous Tlx mutant background significantly worsens the phenotype. Thus Tlx and Pax6 cooperate genetically to regulate the establishment of the pallio-subpallial boundary. The patterning defects in the Tlx mutant telencephalon result in a loss of region-specific gene expression in the ventral-most pallial region. This correlates well with the malformation of the lateral and basolateral amygdala in Tlx mutants, both of which have been suggested to derive from ventral portions of the pallium.  相似文献   

Recent research has broadened significantly our understanding of how the somite, a specialized mesodermal structure found in vertebrate embryos, gives rise to the cartilage, muscle and tendon cell lineages. The specification of somite derivatives involves the action of patterning signals secreted from adjacent tissue combined with the activation, in particular somitic compartments, of genes promoting cell lineage specification.  相似文献   

The homeodomain factors Msx1 and Msx2 are expressed in essentially identical patterns in the epidermis and neural crest of Xenopus embryos during neurula stages. Disruption of Msx1 and Msx2 RNA splicing with antisense morpholino oligonucleotides shows that both factors are also required for expression of the neural crest gene Slug. Loss of Msx1 can be compensated by overexpression of Msx2 and vice versa. Loss of Msx factors also leads to alterations in the expression boundaries for neural and epidermal genes, but does not prevent or reduce expression of epidermal keratin in ventrolateral ectoderm, nor is there a detectable effect on dorsal mesodermal marker gene expression. These results indicate that Msx1 and Msx2 are both essential for neural crest development, but that the two genes have the same function in this tissue. If Msx genes have important functions in epidermis or axial mesoderm induction, these functions must be shared with other regulatory proteins.  相似文献   



Lbx/ladybird genes originated as part of the metazoan cluster of Nk homeobox genes. In all animals investigated so far, both the protostome genes and the vertebrate Lbx1 genes were found to play crucial roles in neural and muscle development. Recently however, additional Lbx genes with divergent expression patterns were discovered in amniotes. Early in the evolution of vertebrates, two rounds of whole genome duplication are thought to have occurred, during which 4 Lbx genes were generated. Which of these genes were maintained in extant vertebrates, and how these genes and their functions evolved, is not known.  相似文献   

During development, patterning and morphogenesis of tissues are intimately coordinated through control of cellular proliferation and differentiation. We describe a mechanism by which vertebrate Msx homeobox genes inhibit cellular differentiation by regulation of the cell cycle. We show that misexpression of Msx1 via retroviral gene transfer inhibits differentiation of multiple mesenchymal and epithelial progenitor cell types in culture. This activity of Msx1 is associated with its ability to upregulate cyclin D1 expression and Cdk4 activity, while Msx1 has minimal effects on cellular proliferation. Transgenic mice that express Msx1 under the control of the mouse mammary tumor virus long terminal repeat (MMTV LTR) display impaired differentiation of the mammary epithelium during pregnancy, which is accompanied by elevated levels of cyclin D1 expression. We propose that Msx1 gene expression maintains cyclin D1 expression and prevents exit from the cell cycle, thereby inhibiting terminal differentiation of progenitor cells. Our model provides a framework for reconciling the mutant phenotypes of Msx and other homeobox genes with their functions as regulators of cellular proliferation and differentiation during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Paleontological evidence indicates that the evolutionary diversification of mammals early in the Cenozoic era was characterized by an adaptive radiation of distal limb structures. Likewise, neontological data show that morphological variation in distal limb integumentary appendages (e.g., nails, hooves, and claws) can be observed not only among distantly related mammalian taxa but also among closely related species within the same clade. Comparative analysis of nail, claw, and hoof morphogenesis reveals relatively subtle differences in mesenchymal and epithelial patterning underlying these adult differences in distal limb appendage morphology. Furthermore, studies of regulatory gene expression during vertebrate claw development demonstrate that many of the signaling molecules involved in patterning ectodermal derivatives such as teeth, hair, and feathers are also involved in organizing mammalian distal limb appendages. For example, Bmp4 signaling plays an important role during the recruitment of mesenchymal cells into the condensations forming the terminal phalanges, whereas Msx2 affects the length of nails and claws by suppressing proliferation of germinal epidermal cells. Evolutionary changes in the form of distal integumentary appendages may therefore result from changes in gene expression during formation of mesenchymal condensations ( Bmp4 , posterior Hox genes), induction of the claw fold and germinal matrix ( shh ), and/or proliferation of epidermal cells in the claw matrix ( Msx1 , Msx2 ). The prevalence of convergences and parallelisms in nail and claw structure among mammals underscores the existence of multiple morphogenetic pathways for evolutionary change in distal limb appendages.  相似文献   

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