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The sporogonic development of Leucocytozoon smithi in its black fly vector was studied by light and electron microscopy and was compared with that of other haemosporidians. Within 18 to 24 h after ingestion of gametocytes by black flies, ookinetes passing through the midgut epithelium were observed. Intracellular migration of ookinetes resulted in the apparent disruption and degeneration of host cells. Intercellular migration also occurred as was evidenced by the presence of ookinetes between midgut cells. Transformation of ookinete to spherical oocyst occurred extracellularly in three different sites. Although most oocysts were found between the host cell basal membrane and the basal lamina, large numbers also were found attached to the external surface of the basal lamina, projecting into the hemocoel. Ectopic development of oocysts in the midgut epithelium between cells was observed much less frequently than development on the basal side of the midgut. The oocyst wall of dense granules, believed to be of parasite origin, was distinguishable from the basal lamina of the host's midgut epithelium. As in other Leucocytozoidae, the cytoplasm of the oocyst differentiated into a single sporoblastoid from which 30–50 sporozoites were formed. Beginning on the third day post infection, elongation of segregated dense sporoblastoid material associated with pellicle thickening led to the formation of the finger-like sporozoite buds which projected into the oocyst cavity. Sporozoites within mature oocysts and salivary glands were structurally similar to sporozoites as described for other haemosporidians.  相似文献   

The schizogonic development of Leucocytozoon smithi in the liver of experimentally infected turkey poults was examined by electron microscopy. Following intraperitoneal injection, sporozoites migrated to the liver and entered hepatic cells to become intracellular trophozoites. Three to four days post inoculation (PI), trophozoites underwent asexual multiple fission known as merogony or schizogony. Two generations of schizonts were observed. The primary or first generation schizonts, abundant on day 4 PI, appeared as interconnected cytoplasmic masses (pseudocytomeres). Each pseudocytomere was enclosed by a membranous vacuole and contained varying numbers of nuclei. As nuclear division and growth of the schizonts continued, larger discrete cytoplasmic masses or cytomeres were formed with rhoptries and multiple nuclei in various stages of division. Synchronous multiple cytoplasmic cleavage of the schizont resulted in the formation of numerous uninucleate merozoites. Second generation schizonts, which developed from hepatic merozoites released from primary schizonts, were abundant in hepatocytes on day 6 PI. Although tissue samples from liver, lung, spleen, kidney, intestine, brain, blood vessels and lymph nodes were examined, schizogonous forms were observed in liver only. No megaloschizonts were detected in any host tissue examined. Schizogonic development was completed by day 7 PI as merozoites developed into gametocytes within mononuclear phagocytes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The schizogonic development of Leucocytozoon smithi in the liver of experimentally infected turkey poults was examined by electron microscopy. Following intraperitoneal injection, sporozoites migrated to the liver and entered hepatic cells to become intracellular trophozoites. Three to four days post inoculation (PI), trophozoites underwent asexual multiple fission known as merogony or schizogony. Two generations of schizonts were observed. The primary or first generation schizonts, abundant on day 4 PI, appeared as interconnected cytoplasmic masses (pseudocytomeres). Each pseudocytomere was enclosed by a membranous vacuole and contained varying numbers of nuclei. As nuclear division and growth of the schizonts continued, larger discrete cytoplasmic masses or cytomeres were formed with rhoptries and multiple nuclei in various stages of division. Synchronous multiple cytoplasmic cleavage of the schizont resulted in the formation of numerous uninucleate merozoites. Second generation schizonts, which developed from hepatic merozoites released from primary schizonts, were abundant in hepatocytes on day 6 PI. Although tissue samples from liver, lung, spleen, kidney, intestine, brain, blood vessels and lymph nodes were examined, schizogonous forms were observed in liver only. No megaloschizonts were detected in any host tissue examined. Schizogonic development was completed by day 7 PI as merozoites developed into gametocytes within mononuclear phagocytes.  相似文献   

Development of Leucocytozoon smithi during gametogenesis, fertilization, and ookinete differentiation was studied by light and electron microscopy. Gametogenesis occurred rapidly, within 1-2 min after gametocytes were ingested by black flies. Usually one axoneme, but not infrequently two, was observed in microgametes. The macrogamete nucleus was characteristically elongated and fragmented, with a convoluted nuclear envelope. Fertilization occurred within five min after ingestion of gametocytes by the vector. The entire axoneme and nucleus of the microgamete entered the cytoplasm of the macrogamete. Zygote differentiation resembled sporozoite formation in that a thickened inner membrane and subpellicular microtubules developed beneath the plasmalemma, followed by cytoplasmic protrusion or evagination to form the anterior end. Extension of the inner thickened membrane continued as the zygote elongated. Development of sausage-shaped ookinetes was completed within 6-8 h after ingestion of a blood meal by a black fly. Mature ookinetes possessed a single nucleus, double-layered pellicle, canopy, apical pore, polar ring complex, subpellicular microtubules, micronemes, crystalloids, abundant mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and ribosomes. Comparison of development of L. smithi with species of Plasmodium and Haemoproteus revealed general similarities in both sexual and asexual development within the insect vector. A diagram summarizing life cycle events for L. smithi is included.  相似文献   

Eighteen domestic turkeys naturally infected with Leucocytozoon smithi Laveran & Lucet were maintained on restricted feeding schedules under conditions of either continuous light or natural light (light 13 h:darkness 11 h) photoperiods. Peripheral gametocyte numbers of L. smithi in all turkeys were determined every 2 h over a 36-h period. Peripheral gametocyte numbers of turkeys maintained under continuous light and restricted to either a 10-h feeding period (9:30 p.m. to 7:30 a.m.) once a day or a 2-h feeding period twice a day (7:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.) increased at or near the time of feed availability. Under natural photoperiod, gametocyte periodicity was not affected by restricting feed availability to the dark phase of the light-dark cycle. Mean parasite numbers were highest during the light phase when feed was not available, and lowest during the dark period when feed was accessible.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Domestic turkeys naturally infected with Leucocytozoon smithi were blinded by bilateral ocular enucleation, pinealectomized, sham-pinealectomized, pinealectomized plus enucleated, or maintained as controls. Groups of turkeys were acclimated to either light-dark periods of 14L:10D or “darkness” with intermittent periods (10–20 min) of red light at irregular hours approximately every three days as required for maintenance of turkeys. Peripheral gametocyte numbers of L. smithi in all groups were determined every 2 h over a 36 h period. Under 14L: 10D photoperiod, no observable difference in the pattern of gametocyte circadian rhythmicity between pinealectomized, enucleated, pinealectomized plus enucleated, and control turkeys was noted. Although mean parasitemias differed among groups, peak gametocyte numbers occurred between 1000 and 1800 h; how parasitemias occurred between 2000 and 0400 h. However, the phase of gametocyte rhythmicity in pinealectomized plus enucleated turkey hosts did exhibit a lag with reference to other hosts when examined by least squares fits of simple harmonics. Under conditions of “darkness” with intermittent, irregular periods of red light, L. smithi gametocyte numbers of individual turkeys, pinealectomized, sham-pinealectomized, or maintained as controls, exhibited a circadian periodicity though parasite cycles were out of phase with the natural photoperiod to which the turkeys previously had been exposed. A slight drift out of phase of L. smithi gametocyte periodicity occurred among turkeys in the sham-pinealectomized and the control groups while a considerably more prominent drift out of phase was seen among the parasite rhythmicity patterns of the pinealectomized birds. Data indicate that the pineal gland of the turkey did not directly mediate L. smithi gametocyte circadian periodicity, although an indirect involvement in regulating the timing of parasite rhythmicity is suggested.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Development of young gamelocytes of Leucocytozoon smithi into morphologically mature forms was studied using electron microscopy. Gametocytogenesis began on day seven post inoculation when merozoites, released from ruptured hepatic schizonts, developed into gametocytes within mononuclear phagocytes or leukocytes (monocytes or lymphocytes). No gametocytes were observed in any erythrocytes or polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Two gametocyte forms, round and elongate, were observed. Immature round gametocytes occurred on days 7-10 post inoculation in the deep vasculature of liver, lung and spleen. Mature elongate gametocytes were observed beginning on day 12 post inoculation in both the deep tissue vasculature and peripheral circulation of the turkey host. Growth and elongation of the gametocyte resulted in distortion of the host cell and its nucleus. the host cell nucleus initially was elongated and displaced to one side or indented by the growing parasite. Eventually, the nucleus was laterally compressed or split into two or three fragments. the compressed host cell cytoplasm was displaced longitudinally and stretched over the parasite to form hornlike cytoplasmic extensions from each end. the potential role of microtubules in the elongation of the gametocyte and its host cell, and possibly in the indentation and splitting of the host cell nucleus, is discussed.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS The fine structure of sporogonic stages of Nosema parkeri Krinsky, a microsporidan from the argasid tick, Ornithodoros parkeri Cooley, is described. Developmental changes in the spore coat and cytoplasmic organelles are discussed. As a sporoblast transforms into a spore, the organelles become more compact and the membranes surrounding them appear to become more taut. It is suggested that the polaroplast complex is involved in fluid transport during development of the spore. Organelles in the mature spore include 2 contiguous nuclei enveloped in a lattice containing ribosome-like particles, a polaroplast complex composed of laminar and saccular regions, and a coiled tubular polar filament attached to a polar sac. Sporogonic stages do not appear to have mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, or a posterior vacuole. The fine structure of the spore of N. parkeri is very similar to that of species of Nosema found in insects, crustaceans, and trematodes.  相似文献   

Leucocytozoon caulleryi sporozoites that had been stored at - 196° C or -80° C for 6 or 12 months in Eagle's minimum essential medium or Medium 199 supplemented with 5% glycerol and 10% chicken serum showed infectivity to chickens. Glycerol at a concentration of 10% and dimethyl sulfoxide at 10% and 5% were found to be ineffective cryoprotective agents for the low temperature preservation of sporozoites. Sporozoites isolated from the intact females of Culicoides arakawae , which had been stored at -80° C for 6 or 12 months without cryoprotective agents, retained their infectivity. No differences were observed in the prepatent period, duration of parasitemia, and presence of serum-soluble antigens between chickens infected with frozen sporozoites and those infected with fresh sporozoites.  相似文献   

Sporozoites of Leucocytozoon caulleryi were inoculated intravenously into 26-day-old specific pathogen-free chickens. Six days after inoculation, early schizonts were detected in lung, spleen, and thymus. They existed separately and were spherical or ovoid, 30-35 microns in diameter, and had well defined walls.  相似文献   

Leucocytozoon caulleryi sporozoites that had been stored at -196 degrees C or -80 degrees C for 6 or 12 months in Eagle's minimum essential medium or Medium 199 supplemented with 5% glycerol and 10% chicken serum showed infectivity to chickens. Glycerol at a concentration of 10% and dimethyl sulfoxide at 10% and 5% were found to be ineffective cryoprotective agents for the low temperature preservation of sporozoites. Sporozoites isolated from the intact females of Culicoides arakawae, which had been stored at -80 degrees C for 6 or 12 months without cryoprotective agents, retained their infectivity. No differences were observed in the prepatent period, duration of parasitemia, and presence of serum-soluble antigens between chickens infected with frozen sporozoites and those infected with fresh sporozoites.  相似文献   

The pathogenicity of Leucocytozoon caulleryi against specific-pathogen-free laying hens was investigated. Many large schizonts (second-generation schizonts) of L. caulleryi were seen in the ovary and oviducts of chickens. Edema and pressure atrophy of the adjacent tissues were associated with these schizonts. The eggshell-secreting portion of the uterus exhibited the most severe damage in the oviduct. This experiment reconfirms that L. caulleryi may stop egg production in laying hens, presumably as a result of damage to ovaries and oviducts.  相似文献   

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