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Avidin is a basic, highly stable, homotetrameric protein, isolated from bird egg-white, binding up to four molecules of D-biotin with extremely high affinity (Kd approximately 10(-15) M). The protein has been the object of different crystallographic investigations. In all the crystal structures, the four avidin subunits display almost exact 222 symmetry. Each avidin chain (128 amino acids) is arranged in a eight-stranded antiparallel beta-barrel, whose inner region defines the D-biotin binding site. The molecular bases of D-biotin affinity can be recognised in a fairly rigid binding site, which is sterically complementary to the shape and polarity of the incoming vitamin, and is readily accessible in the apoprotein structure. Avidin displays remarkable structural and functional relationships to the acidic protein sretpavidin, isolated from Streptomyces avidinii.  相似文献   

PAS factor is a novel putative bacterial secretion factor thought to induce secretion of periplasmic proteins. We solved the crystal structure of PAS factor from Vibrio vulnificus at 1.8A resolution and found it to be comprised of five alpha helices that form an antiparallel bundle with an up-and-down topology, and to adopt the saposin-fold characteristic of a family of proteins that bind to membranes and lipids. PAS factor lacks the disulfide bridge characteristic of mammalian saposin-fold proteins; in fact, it shows no sequence homology with mammalian proteins. Nevertheless, the molecular architectures are similar, and the shared propensity for membrane interaction suggests strongly that PAS factor is another member of the saposin-fold family. Analysis of the CD spectra showed that PAS factor binds to membranes directly, while measurement of calcein dye leakage showed that PAS factor interacts strongly with liposomes composed of anionic phospholipids, making them leaky, but binds very weakly with liposomes composed of zwitterionic phospholipids. Moreover, by analyzing tryptophan fluorescence emission from four single-tryptophan mutants (V10W, T22W, F35W, and L70W), we identified the putative phospholipid-binding site of PAS factor. The resultant membrane destabilization likely mediates secretion of periplasmic proteins required for the in vivo survival and pathogenesis of V.vulnificus.  相似文献   

Okabe T  Yoshimoto I  Hitoshi M  Ogawa T  Ohyama T 《FEBS letters》2005,579(25):5729-5733
Carnivorous plants usually grow in nutrient-deficient habitats, and thus they partly depend on insects for nitrogen and phosphate needed for amino acid and nucleotide synthesis. We report that a sticky digestive liquid from a sundew, Drosera adelae, contains an abundant amount of an S-like ribonuclease (RNase) that shows high amino acid-sequence similarity to S-like RNases induced by phosphate starvation or wounding in normal plants. By giving leaves an RNase "coat", D. adelae seems to achieve two requirements simultaneously to adapt itself to its specific surroundings: it obtains phosphates from insects, and defends itself against pathogen attack.  相似文献   



Protein sequence can be obtained through Edman degradation, mass spectrometry, or cDNA sequencing. High resolution X-ray crystallography can also be used to derive protein sequence information, but faces the difficulty in distinguishing the Asp/Asn, Glu/Gln, and Val/Thr pairs. Luffaculin 1 is a new type 1 ribosome-inactivating protein (RIP) isolated from the seeds of Luffa acutangula. Besides rRNA N-glycosidase activity, luffaculin 1 also demonstrates activities including inhibiting tumor cells' proliferation and inducing tumor cells' differentiation.  相似文献   

Our laboratory recently isolated and began to characterize a 66 kd rat brain cytoskeletal protein, dubbed alpha-internexin for its interactions in vitro with several other cytoskeletal proteins. Although alpha-internexin bore several of the characteristics of intermediate filament (IF) proteins, including the recognition by an antibody reactive with all IF proteins, it did not polymerize into 10 nm filaments under the conditions tested. Here we show that the predicted amino acid sequence of a cDNA encoding alpha-internexin shows the latter to be an IF protein, probably most closely related to the neurofilament proteins. Northern blotting shows that alpha-internexin expression is brain specific, and that rat brain alpha-internexin mRNA levels are maximal prior to birth and decline into adulthood, while the converse is seen for NF-L, the low molecular weight neurofilament subunit, suggesting that these two proteins play different roles in the developing brain.  相似文献   

By lyophilization from 40% acetic acid solutions, bovine ribonuclease A forms several types of three-dimensional domain-swapped oligomers: dimers, trimers, tetramers, and higher order multimers. Each oligomeric species comprehends at least two conformers: one less basic and one more basic. The structures of the two dimers and one trimer have been solved. Plausible models have been proposed for the other oligomers. Among them, all chromatographic patterns show the constant presence of minority species, and we focused our attention on two of them. The first oligomer (named X) elutes between the two trimeric conformers; the second (named Y) elutes as a shoulder in the ascending limb of the more basic trimer. After purification with cation-exchange chromatography, on the basis of (a) gel filtration analyses, (b) gel electrophoreses under nondenaturing conditions, (c) SDS-PAGE, (d) cross-linking experiments with divinylsulfone and 1,5-difluoro 2,4-dinitrobenzene, (e) enzymatic activity assays, (f) identification of the products of their spontaneous dissociation, and (g) controlled proteolysis with subtilisin, we propose that the X and Y oligomeric species contain two novel three-dimensional domain-swapped tetrameric conformers of RNase A, differing from each other as well as from the two tetramers already identified. For the two novel tetramers we showed tentative structural models. X(TT) could be a circular NCNC-tetramer; Y(TT) could be a propeller-like C-trimer with an attached N-swapping monomer (NCCC(TT)), identical to a model proposed by Liu and Eisenberg (Liu, Y., and Eisenberg, D. (2002) Protein Sci. 11, 1285-1299).  相似文献   

Patatin is a nonspecific lipid acyl hydrolase that accounts for approximately 40% of the total soluble protein in mature potato tubers, and it has potent insecticidal activity against the corn rootworm. We determined the X-ray crystal structure of a His-tagged variant of an isozyme of patatin, Pat17, to 2.2 A resolution, employing SeMet multiwavelength anomalous dispersion (MAD) phasing methods. The patatin crystal structure has three molecules in the asymmetric unit, an R-factor of 22.0%, and an R(free) of 27.2% (for 10% of the data not included in the refinement) and includes 498 water molecules. The structure notably revealed that patatin has a Ser-Asp catalytic dyad and an active site like that of human cytosolic phospholipase A(2) (cPLA(2)) [Dessen, A., et al. (1999) Cell 97, 349-360]. In addition, patatin has a folding topology related to that of the catalytic domain of cPLA(2) and unlike the canonical alpha/beta-hydrolase fold. The structure confirms our site-directed mutagenesis and bioactivity data that initially suggested patatin possessed a Ser-Asp catalytic dyad. Alanine-scanning mutagenesis revealed that Ser77 and Asp215 were critical for both esterase and bioactivity, consistent with prior work implicating a Ser residue [Strickland, J. H., et al. (1995) Plant Physiol. 109, 667-674] and a Ser-Asp dyad [Hirschberg, H. J. H. B., et al. (2001) Eur. J. Biochem. 268, 5037-5044] in patatin's catalytic activity. The crystal structure aids the understanding of other structure-function relationships in patatin. Patatin does not display interfacial activation, a hallmark feature of lipases, and this is likely due to the fact that it lacks a flexible lid that can shield the active site.  相似文献   

A key control point in gene expression is the initiation of protein translation, with a universal stress response being constituted by in- hibitory phosphoryiation of the eukaryotic initiation factor 2α (el F2oL). In humans, four kinases sense diverse physiological stresses to regulate elF2α to control cell differentiation, adaptation, and survival. Here we develop a computational molecular model of elF2α and one of its kinases, the protein kinase R, to simulate the dynamics of their interaction. Predictions generated by coarse-grained dynamics simulations suggest a novel mode of action. Experimentation substantiates these predictions, identifying a previously unrecognized interface in the protein complex, which is constituted by dynamic residues in both elF2α and its kinases that are crucial to regulate protein translation. These findings call for a reinterpretation of the current mechanism of action of the el F2α kinases and demonstrate the value of conducting computational analysis to evaluate protein function.  相似文献   

The CafA protein, which was initially described as having a role in either Escherichia coli cell division or chromosomal segregation, has recently been shown to be required for the maturation of the 5'-end of 16 S rRNA. The sequence of CafA is similar to that of the N-terminal ribonucleolytic half of RNase E, an essential E. coli enzyme that has a central role in the processing of rRNA and the decay of mRNA and RNAI, the antisense regulator of ColE1-type plasmids. We show here that a highly purified preparation of CafA is sufficient in vitro for RNA cutting. We detected CafA cleavage of RNAI and a structured region from the 5'-untranslated region of ompA mRNA within segments cleavable by RNaseE, but not CafA cleavage of 9 S RNA at its "a" RNase E site. The latter is consistent with the finding that the generation of 5 S rRNA from its 9 S precursor can be blocked by inactivation of RNase E in cells that are wild type for CafA. Interestingly, however, a decanucleotide corresponding in sequence to the a site of 9 S RNA was cut efficiently indicating that cleavage by CafA is regulated by the context of sites within structured RNAs. Consistent with this notion is our finding that although 23 S rRNA is stable in vivo, a segment from this RNA is cut efficient by CafA at multiple sites in vitro. We also show that, like RNase E cleavage, the efficiency of cleavage by CafA is dependent on the presence of a monophosphate group on the 5'-end of the RNA. This finding raises the possibility that the context dependence of cleavage by CafA may be due at least in part to the separation of a cleavable sequence from the 5'-end of an RNA. Comparison of the sites surrounding points of CafA cleavage suggests that this enzyme has broad sequence specificity. Together with the knowledge that CafA can cut RNAI and ompA mRNA in vitro within segments whose cleavage in vivo initiates the decay of these RNAs, this finding suggests that CafA may contribute at some point during the decay of many RNAs in E. coli.  相似文献   

Ricin is a potent heterodimeric cytotoxin; the B chain binds eucaryotic cell surfaces aiding uptake and the A chain, RTA, reaches the cytoplasm where it enzymatically depurinates a key ribosomal adenine, inhibiting protein synthesis. Ricin is known to be an agent in bioterrorist repertoires and there is great interest in finding, or creating, efficacious inhibitors of the toxin as potential antidotes. We have previously identified two families of bicyclic RTA inhibitors, pterins and purines. Both classes have poor solubility which impairs inhibitor development. Here we report the use of 2-amino-4,6-dihydroxy-pyrimidines as RTA inhibitors. Unlike previously observed single ring inhibitor platforms, these displace Tyr 80 and bind deep in the RTA specificity pocket. These compounds are at least 10 times more soluble than pterin-based inhibitors and appear to be useful new class of ricin inhibitors.  相似文献   

Ribonuclease (RNase) Sa3 is secreted by the Gram-positive bacterium Streptomyces aureofaciens. The enzyme catalyzes the cleavage of RNA on the 3' side of guanosine residues. Here, x-ray diffraction analysis was used to determine the three-dimensional structure of two distinct crystalline forms of RNase Sa3 to a resolution of 2.0 and 1.7 A. These two structures are similar to each other as well as to that of a homolog, RNase Sa. All of the key active-site residues of RNase Sa (Asn(42), Glu(44), Glu(57), Arg(72), and His(88)) are located in the putative active site of RNase Sa3. Also herein, RNase Sa3 is shown to be toxic to human erythroleukemia cells in culture. Like onconase, which is an amphibian ribonuclease in Phase III clinical trials as a cancer chemotherapeutic, RNase Sa3 is not inhibited by the cytosolic ribonuclease inhibitor protein. Thus, a prokaryotic ribonuclease can be toxic to mammalian cells.  相似文献   

A procedure is outlined to obtain a reliable computer-generatedrepresentation of the DNA duplex from its primary sequence ofbase pairs. The calculations are based on the potential energiesof interaction of adjacent side groups. The methods are, however,completely general and can be adapted to any set of base sequencedependent conformational rules. Static representations of theDNA are compared with the distributions of conformations obtainedfrom Monte Carlo simulation studies. Direct matrix generatorcalculations of the average (equilibrium) extension and orientationof various sequences and numerical estimates of the flexibilityof the chains as a whole are also reported. The methods areapplied to three short fragments of kinetoplast DNA from Crithidiafasciculata which exhibit dramatically different behavior onnon-denaturing poly-acrylamide gels. Received on August 17, 1987; accepted on December 19, 1987  相似文献   

The conserved Lipoprotein-17 domain of membrane-associated protein Q9PRA0_UREPA from Ureaplasma parvum was selected for structure determination by the Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium, as part of the Protein Structure Initiative's program on structure-function analysis of protein domains from large domain sequence families lacking structural representatives. The 100-residue Lipoprotein-17 domain is a "domain of unknown function" (DUF) that is a member of Pfam protein family PF04200, a large domain family for which no members have characterized biochemical functions. The three-dimensional structure of the Lipoprotein-17 domain of protein Q9PRA0_UREPA was determined by both solution NMR and by X-ray crystallography at 2.5 ?. The two structures are in good agreement with each other. The domain structure features three α-helices, α1 through α3, and five β-strands. Strands β1/β2, β3/β4, β4/β5 are anti-parallel to each other. Strands β1and β2 are orthogonal to strands β3, β4, β5, while helix α3 is formed between the strands β3 and β4. One-turn helix α2 is formed between the strands β1 and β2, while helix α1 occurs in the N-terminal polypeptide segment. Searches of the Protein Data Bank do not identify any other protein with significant structural similarity to Lipoprotein-17 domain of Q9PRA0_UREPA, indicating that it is a novel protein fold.  相似文献   

Post-translational events, such as proteolysis, are believed to play essential roles in amyloid formation in vivo. Ribonuclease A forms oligomers by the three-dimensional domain-swapping mechanism. Here, we demonstrate the ability of ribonuclease S, a proteolytically cleaved form of ribonuclease A, to oligomerize efficiently. This unexpected capacity has been investigated to study the effect of proteolysis on oligomerization and amyloid formation. The yield of the RNase S dimer was found to be significantly higher than that of RNase A dimers, which suggests that proteolysis can activate oligomerization via the three-dimensional domain-swapping mechanism. Characterization by chromatography, enzymatic assays, and NMR spectroscopy indicate that the structure of the RNase S dimer is similar to that of the RNase A C-dimer. The RNase S dimer dissociates much more readily than the RNase A C-dimer does. By measuring the dissociation rate as a function of temperature, the activation enthalpy and entropy for RNase S dimer dissociation were found to resemble those for the release of the small fragment (S-peptide) from monomeric RNase S. Excess S-peptide strongly slows RNase S dimer dissociation. These results strongly suggest that S-peptide release is the rate-limiting step of RNase S dimer dissociation.  相似文献   

The 90S preribosomal particle is required for the production of the 18S rRNA from a pre-rRNA precursor. Despite the identification of the protein components of this particle, its mechanism of assembly and structural design remain unknown. In this work, we have combined biochemical studies, proteomic techniques, and bioinformatic analyses to shed light into the rules of assembly of the yeast 90S preribosome. Our results indicate that several protein subcomplexes work as discrete assembly subunits that bind in defined steps to the 35S pre-rRNA. The assembly of the t-UTP subunit is an essential step for the engagement of at least five additional subunits in two separate, and mutually independent, assembling routes. One of these routes leads to the formation of an assembly intermediate composed of the U3 snoRNP, the Pwp2p/UTP-B, subunit and the Mpp10p complex. The other assembly route involves the stepwise binding of Rrp5p and the UTP-C subunit. We also report the use of a bioinformatic approach that provides a model for the topological arrangement of protein components within the fully assembled particle. Together, our data identify the mechanism of assembly of the 90S preribosome and offer novel information about its internal architecture.  相似文献   

The non-fimbrial adhesins, YadA of enteropathogenic YERSINIA: species, and UspA1 and UspA2 of Moraxella catarrhalis, are established pathogenicity factors. In electron micrographs, both surface proteins appear as distinct 'lollipop'-shaped structures forming a novel type of surface projection on the outer membranes. These structures, amino acid sequence analysis of these molecules and yadA gene manipulation suggest a tripartite organization: an N-terminal oval head domain is followed by a putative coiled-coil rod and terminated by a C-terminal membrane anchor domain. In YadA, the head domain is involved in autoagglutination and binding to host cells and collagen. Analysis of the coiled-coil segment of YadA revealed unusual pentadecad repeats with a periodicity of 3.75, which differs significantly from the 3.5 periodicity found in the Moraxella UspAs and other canonical coiled coils. These findings predict that the surface projections are formed by oligomers containing right- (Yersinia) or left-handed (Moraxella) coiled coils. Strikingly, sequence comparison revealed that related proteins are found in many proteobacteria, both human pathogenic and environmental species, suggesting a common role in adaptation to specific ecological niches.  相似文献   

beta2-microglobulin, the light chain component of the major histocompatibility complex I, is involved in the development of DRA, an amyloid deposition disease occurring in man. Specifically, the beta2-microglobulin component, dissociated form the complex heavy chain, gives rise to amyloidogenic deposits in the joints of patients exposed to long dialysis periods. beta2-microglobulin three-dimensional structure is based on an antiparallel beta-barrel fold, with immunoglobulin domain topology, displaying structural flexibility in the crystal and NMR structures so fare determined. The structural bases of amyloidogenic potential in beta2-microglobulin can be related to local unfolding, to the tendency to aggregate laterally through non-compensated beta-strands, and partly also to its trend towards N-terminal proteolytic degradation. Such trends emerge quite clearly from inspection of a limited number of crystal structures of beta2-microglobulin as an isolated chain, separated form the major histocompatibility complex I heavy chain.  相似文献   

Walker JR  Nagar B  Young NM  Hirama T  Rini JM 《Biochemistry》2004,43(13):3783-3792
Rattlesnake venom lectin (RSL) from the western diamondback rattlesnake (Crotalus atrox) is an oligomeric galactose-specific C-type lectin. The X-ray crystal structure of RSL, in complex with lactose and thiodigalactoside, at 2.2 and 2.3 A resolution, respectively, reveals a decameric protein composed of two 5-fold symmetric pentamers arranged in a staggered, back-to-back orientation. Each monomer corresponds to a single canonical C-type lectin carbohydrate recognition domain devoid of accessory domains and is disulfide-bonded to a monomer in the other pentamer. The structure is the first example of that of a carbohydrate complex of a vertebrate galactose-specific C-type lectin. The 10 carbohydrate-binding sites, located on the rim of the decamer, suggest a role for multivalent interactions and a mechanism for RSL's ability to promote receptor cross-linking and cell aggregation.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of ribonuclease N1 (RNase N1), a guanine-specific ribonuclease from a fungus, Neurospora crassa, was determined by conventional protein sequencing, using peptide fragments obtained by tryptic digestion of cyanogen bromide-treated RNase N1 and by Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease digestion of heat-denatured RNase N1. The results showed that the protein is composed of a single polypeptide chain of 104 amino acid residues cross-linked by two disulfide bonds and has a molecular weight of 11,174: (sequence; see text) (Disulfide bonds: C2-C10, C6-C103) The amino acid sequence was homologous with those of RNase T1 (65% identity) and related microbial RNases.  相似文献   

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