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The evolutionary sequence is being reexamined experimentally from a "Big Bang"origin to the protocell and from the emergence of protocell and variety of species to Darwin's mental power (mind) and society (The Descent of Man). A most fundamentally revisionary consequence of experiments is an emphasis on endogenous ordering. This principle, seen vividly in ordered copolymerization of amino acids, has had new impact on the theory of Darwinian evolution and has been found to apply to the entire sequence. Herein, I will discuss some problems of dealing with teaching controversial subjects.  相似文献   

Human ribosomal RNA intergenic spacer sequence.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文

Ribosomal RNAs have secondary structures that are maintained by internal Watson-Crick pairing. Through analysis of chordate, arthropod, and plant 5S ribosomal RNA sequences, we show that Darwinian selection operates on these nucleotide sequences to maintain functionally important secondary structure. Insect phylogenies based on nucleotide positions involved in pairing and the production of secondary structure are incongruent with those constructed on the basis of positions that are not. Furthermore, phylogeny reconstruction using these nonpairing bases is concordant with other, morphological data.   相似文献   

Two regions of the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) were sequenced from a range of species from the tribeTriticeae. One region, the central spacer, was found to be more divergent in sequence than the other, the 18 S-spacer junction. Both regions contained sequences 20–30 bp long which were more highly conserved than the remainder of the region and their possible significance in rDNA expression is discussed. Phenetic relationships based on the sequence data were generally consistent with the relationships based on other criteria. Species possessing the S, E, J1J2, D, and B genomes clustered together, with the H genome species being the most distinct of those examined. The R, P, and V genome species occupy an intermediate position in the overall pattern of relationships. Some relationships differed in detail from those established by other parameters, for example the position of the N genome species, and explanations for discrepancies of this type are discussed.  相似文献   

We have determined the sequences of the 3'-terminal approximately 100 nucleotides of [5' -32P]pCp-labeled wheat mitochondrial, wheat cytosol, and E. coli small sub-unit rRNAs. Sequence comparison demonstrates that within this region, there is a substantially greater degree of homology between wheat mitochondrial 18S and E. coli 16S rRNAs than between either of these and wheat cytosol 18S rRNA. Moreover, at a position occupied by 3-methyluridine in E. coli 16S rRNA, the same (or a very similar) modified nucleoside is present in wheat mitochondrial 18S rRNA but not in wheat cytosol 18S rRNA. Further, E. coli 16S and 23S rRNAs hybridize extensively to wheat mitochondrial 18S and 26S rRNA genes, respectively, but wheat cytosol 18S and 26S rRNAs do not. No other mitochondrial system studies to date has provided comparable evidence that a mitochondrial rRNA is more closely related to its eubacterial homolog than is its counterpart in the cytoplasmic compartment of the same cell. The results reported here provide additional support for the view that plant mitochondria are of endosymbiotic, specifically eubacterial, origin.  相似文献   

The nrDNA ITS1 of Picea is 2747-3271 bp, the longest known of all plants. We obtained 24 cloned ITS1 sequences from six individuals of Picea glehnii, Picea mariana, Picea orientalis, and Picea rubens. Mean sequence divergence within these individuals (0.018+/-0.009) is more than half that between the species (0.031+/-0.011) and may be maintained against concerted evolution by separation of Picea 18S-26S rDNA repeats on multiple chromosomes. Picea ITS1 contains three subrepeats with a motif (5'-GGCCACCCTAGTC) that is conserved across Pinaceae. Two subrepeats are tandem, remote from the third, and more closely related and significantly more similar to one another than either is to the third subrepeat. This correlation between similarity and proximity may be the result of subrepeat duplication or concerted evolution within rDNA repeats. In inferred secondary structures, subrepeats generally form long hairpins, with a portion of the Pinaceae conserved motif in the terminal loop, and tandem subrepeats pair with one another over most of their length. Coalescence of ITS1 sequences occurs in P. orientalis but not in the other species.  相似文献   

The structure of the maize ribosomal DNA spacer region.   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文

Many tRNAs of E. coli and yeast contain stretches whose base sequences are similar to those found in their respective rRNAs. The matches are too frequent and extensive to be attributed to coincidence. They are distributed without discernible pattern along and among the RNAs and between the two species. They occur in loops as well as in stems, among both conserved and non-conserved regions. Their distributions suggest that they reflect common ancestral origins rather than common functions, and that they represent true homologies.  相似文献   



Since the publication of the first draft of the human genome in 2000, bioinformatic data have been accumulating at an overwhelming pace. Currently, more than 3 million sequences and 35 thousand structures of proteins and nucleic acids are available in public databases. Finding correlations in and between these data to answer critical research questions is extremely challenging. This problem needs to be approached from several directions: information science to organize and search the data; information visualization to assist in recognizing correlations; mathematics to formulate statistical inferences; and biology to analyze chemical and physical properties in terms of sequence and structure changes.  相似文献   

The structurally constrained protein evolution (SCPE) model simulates protein divergence considering protein structure explicitly. The model is based on the observation that protein structure is more conserved during evolution than the sequences encoding for that structure. In the previous work, the SCPE model considered only the tertiary structure. Here we show that the performance of the model is enhanced when the oligomeric structure is taken into account. Our results agree with recent evolutionary studies of oligomeric proteins, which show that conservation of the quaternary structure imposes additional constraints on sequence divergence. The incorporation of protein-protein interactions into protein evolution models may be important in the study of quaternary protein structures and complex protein assemblies.  相似文献   

Summary The wheat rDNA clone pTA250 was examined in detail to provide a restriction enzyme map and the nucleotide sequence of two of the eleven, 130 bp repeating units found within the spacer region. The 130 bp units showed some sequence heterogeneity. The sequence difference between the two 130 bp units analysed (130.6 and 130.8) was at 7 positions and could be detected as a 4 °C shift in Tm when heterologous and homologous hybrids were compared. This corresponded to a 1.2% change in nucleotide sequence per Tm of 1 °C. The sensitivity of the Tm analysis using cloned sequences facilitated the analysis of small sequence variations in the spacer region of different Triticum aestivum cultivars and natural populations of T. turgidum ssp. dicoccoides (referred to as T. dicoccoides). In addition spacer length variation was assayed by restriction enzyme digestion and hybridization with spacer sequence probes.Extensive polymorphism was observed for the spacer region in various cultivars of T. aestivum, although within each cultivar the rDNA clusters were homogeneous and could be assigned to particular chromosomes. Within natural populations of T. dicoccoides polymorphism was also observed but, once again, within any one individual the rDNA clusters appeared to be homogeneous. The polymorphism, at the sequence level (assayed by Tm analysis), was not so great as to prevent the use of spacer sequence variation as a probe for evolutionary relationships. The length variation as assayed by restriction enzyme digestion did not appear to be as useful in this regard, since its range of variation was extensive even within populations of a species.  相似文献   

Hybridization and polyploidization are important evolutionary processes in higher plants and have greatly enriched the diversity of the genus Potamogeton (Potamogetonaceae). To study the phylogenetic relationships and hybrid origin of Potamogeton species, 35 accessions representing 20 species, including diploids, tetraploids and hexaploids, and three hybrids were collected in China and their ribosomal internal transcribed spacers (ITS) were cloned, sequenced and statistically analyzed. The data showed that ITS sequences were informative to analyze the phylogeny of Potamogeton, and the phylogenetic tree revealed that Potamogeton species examined could be mainly divided into two groups (Group I and II), corresponding to subgenus Potamogeton and subgenus Coleogeton, respectively. Then, the evolutionary mechanism on the polyploidy of Potamogeton species was discussed. P. natans probably was an allotetraploid and one of its parent might result from aneuploidy change of species with 2n=28. P. hubeiensis might be derived from the hybridization between P. octandrus and P. cristatus. We suggested that both P. lucens and P. maackianus probably were allotetraploids, and P. obtusifolius might be a diploid hybrid between P. compressus and P. pusillus. Moreover, P. malainoides might have undergone biased concerted evolution toward one of its parent P. wrightii, and P. intortusifolius might be a synonymy of P. × anguillanus.  相似文献   

马雅军  瞿逢伊 《昆虫知识》2002,39(3):209-214
测定了我国赫坎按蚊复合体 9成员种的核糖体DNA第二内转录间隔区 (rDNA ITS2 )序列 ,根据序列差异分析各蚊种间的系统发育关系。结果显示 :( 1 )ITS2区序列最长的是中华按蚊 ( 4 6 8bp) ,最短的是克劳按蚊和赫坎按蚊 ( 4 36bp) ;GC含量为 4 4 9%~ 4 6 8% ;( 2 )发现该复合体 4成员种的ITS2区序列存在种内个体间差异 ,幅度为 0~ 3 8% ,明显小于种间差异 ;( 3)将各蚊种的ITS2区序列进行同源排序比较 ,发现其变异大多是简单重复单元的拷贝数不同 ;种间差异性最大的是克劳按蚊与嗜人按蚊( 32 3% ) ,最小的是贵阳按蚊与凉山按蚊 ( 9 0 % )平均差异率为 2 2 3% ;( 4 )根据ITS2区序列特征 ,用 3种方法构建的树状图拟合一致。以上结果表明赫坎按蚊复合体各成员种rDNA ITS2序列在种内非常保守 ,以种间序列差异分析为基础的分子鉴别技术是甄别蚊种分类地位混淆和错误的有效方法。  相似文献   

Multicopper oxidases (MCOs) use copper ions as cofactors to oxidize a variety of substrates while reducing oxygen to water. MCOs have been identified in various taxa, with notable occurrences in fungi. The role of these fungal MCOs in lignin degradation sparked an interest due to their potential for application in biofuel production and various other industries. MCOs consist of different protein domains, which led to their classification into two-, three-, and six-domain MCOs. The previously established Laccase and Multicopper Oxidase Engineering Database ( https://lcced.biocatnet.de ) was updated and now includes 51 058 sequences and 229 structures of MCOs. Sequences and structures of all MCOs were systematically compared. All MCOs consist of cupredoxin-like domains. Two-domain MCOs are formed by the N- and C-terminal domain (domain N and C), while three-domain MCOs have an additional domain (M) in between, homologous to domain C. The six-domain MCOs consist of alternating domains N and C, each three times. Two standard numbering schemes were developed for the copper-binding domains N and C, which facilitated the identification of conserved positions and a comparison to previously reported results from mutagenesis studies. Two sequence motifs for the copper binding sites were identified per domain. Their modularity, depending on the placement of the T1-copper binding site, was demonstrated. Protein sequence networks showed relationships between two- and three-domain MCOs, allowing for family-specific annotation and inference of evolutionary relationships.  相似文献   

Crotoxin and homologous crotalid presynaptic neurotoxins consist of a toxic, basic subunit and a slightly smaller, nontoxic, acidic subunit. The latter, in turn, consists of three chains, interconnected by disulfide bonds. The complete sequences of two of the three acidic subunit chains of crotoxin, from the venom of the South American rattlesnake Crotalus durissus terrificus, have been determined. In addition, all but the ten amino-terminal residues of the third chain have been sequenced. Sequence comparison data suggest that the acidic subunit has been derived from a nontoxic, homodimeric, crotalid phospholipase A2. When compared with sequences of phospholipases A2, the acidic subunit lacks a 22-residue amino-terminal segment and two additional segments that are implicated in phospholipid substrate binding. However, it apparently retains an intact active site, the calcium binding loop, and segments involved in subunit binding in homodimeric phospholipases A2. The C chain of the acidic subunit shows strong homology with mammalian neurophysins, lending possible support to the hypothesis that the acidic subunit functions as a chaperone to prevent nonspecific binding of the toxic basic subunit. Crystals suitable for X-ray diffraction studies have recently been produced [Achari, A., Radvanyi, F. R., Scott, D., Bon, C., & Sigler, P. B. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 9385-9387]; thus with these data it should now be possible to determine the three-dimensional structure of the intact neurotoxin and dissociated subunits.  相似文献   

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