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Incompetent perforating veins in the leg were localized separately by clinical and thermographic methods. Clinically, the methods used were a multiple tourniquet test and palpation for fascial defects. Thermographically, the diagnosis of an incompetent perforator was made by finding rapid and localized heat flow to the skin in a cooled limb with occlusion of circulation in the superficial veins distally and proximally. Exploration of all the sites marked clinically or thermographically showed that the clinical method detected 60%, missed 40%, and gave false-positive results in 40%, while thermography detected 94·5%, missed 5·5%, and contributed 13% false-positive results. All these findings show a highly significant difference (P<0.0005) in favour of the thermographic technique as against the clinical method.  相似文献   

A clinical trial is described in which the effect of intermittent compression of the lower limb during surgery on the incidence of early postoperative deep vein thrombosis was assessed. Deep vein thromboses were diagnosed by the 125I-fibrinogen uptake test. Peroperative intermittent compression was achieved by means of an inflatable plastic splint coupled to a pneumatic controller. By compressing only one leg of each patient, each patient acted as his own control.With a sequential statistical analysis, 39 patients were required to pass the 5% level of significance. Eleven thrombi were detected in the control (uncompressed) legs and two occurred in the compressed legs; one of the latter was bilateral. The investigation shows that increasing the pulsatility of the venous flow in the leg is a potent prophylactic against postoperative deep vein thrombosis.  相似文献   

A clinical trial assessed the effect of passive exercise of the lower limb during surgery on the incidence of early postoperative deep vein thrombosis. Thrombosis was diagnosed by means of the 125I-fibrinogen uptake test. Passive exercise of the lower limb during the operation was achieved by using a motorized foot mover designed for use on supine subjects, and by pedalling only one leg each patient acted as his own control.In a sequential statistical analysis, 47 patients were required to reach the 5% level of significance. Thrombosis was detected in 11 control (unpedalled) legs alone, and in only one pedalled leg alone. Two patients developed thrombosis bilaterally. The investigation shows that the incidence of early thrombosis in legs which were exercised during surgery was reduced by 77%.  相似文献   

Current concepts on the aetiology of varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis, and haemorrhoids have been examined and, in the light of epidemiological evidence, found wanting.It is suggested that the fundamental cause of these disorders is faecal arrest which is the result of a low-residue diet.  相似文献   

(1) The veins of the human cerebellum, which may be classified into internal and external venous channels, correspond, in this respect, to the veins of the cerebral hemispheres. (2) The external cerebellar veins are arranged in three groups which, in turn, correspond to the three cerebellar surfaces and which communicate extensively. Accordingly, the terminal segments of the cerebellar veins overlap, which implies that no one-to-one relationship exists between the mouths of the individual veins and their respective distributions. (3) The terminal segments of the cerebellar veins are the superior petrosal sinus, the tentorial venous sinuses, the great vein of Galen and the internal vertebral plexus. (4) The tentorial venous channels may form a collateral venous arrangement. (5) The internal cerebellar veins consist of the nuclear veins and the medullary veins. (6) The medullary veins form a cortex-perforating group and a group located in the basal medullary region. The latter form a venous arborization of blood vessels not described thus far. This group of veins opens chiefly into the vein of the lateral recess of the fourth ventricle.(7) Attention is called to a 'venous watershed' corresponding to the one that exists in the cerebral hemispheres. (8) The veins of the dentate nucleus are composed of several venous channels draining its external surface and one single vein draining its internal surface. The latter has not been described thus far. The external veins of the dentate nucleus open into the venous star and the cortex-perforating veins. The internal nuclear vein, on the other hand, emerging from the hilum of the dentate nucleus, runs along the superior cerebellar peduncle. Thus, the term 'vena centralis nuclei dentati' appears to be appropriate to designate this vessel. It ultimately opens into the precentral cerebellar vein. (9) In certain places, various-colored substances used for injection form mixed pools.  相似文献   

The veins on the surface of the mesencephalon were measured on 100 brain halves. The results of this measurements are discussed with issues of earlier authors.  相似文献   

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