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The fermentation of d-xylose, the major sugar-cane bagasse hemicellulose component, to ethanol by Pachysolen tannophilus is inhibited by various factors produced or released during the acid hydrolysis of the bagasse or during the fermentation process. These include ethanol, iron, chromium, copper, nickel, acetic acid and furfural. Ethanol production by P. tannophilus is inhibited by ethanol fconcentrations >24 g l?1. Furfural and acetic acid concentrations as low as 0.3 and 7 g l?1, respectively, and iron, chromium, nickel and copper at concentrations of 0.07, 0.01, 0.01 and 0.004 g l?1, respectively. Similar concentrations may be found in acid-hydrolysed bagasse. The removal of these factors by treatment with ion-exchange resin resulted in the fermentation of the sugars to ethanol. The d-glucose was used rapidly and completely whereas d-xylose utilization was slow and incomplete. An ethanol concentration of 4.1 g l?1 was produced and an ethanol yield of 0.32 was obtained. Xylitol in significant amounts was produced.  相似文献   

Aldose-ketose isomerases are known to catalyze a partial and sometimes complete intramolecular hydrogen transfer between C-1 of the ketose and C-2 of the aldose. It was recently shown (Feather, M. S., and Harris, D. W. (1975) J. Amer. Chem. Soc.97, 178–181) that the same type of transfer occurs during the acid-catalyzed interconversion of d-fructose, d-glucose, and d-mannose. A similar transfer is demonstrated herein for the conversion of d-xylose to d-xylulose in acid solution. d-[2-3H]xylose was isomerized in aqueous sulfuric acid and the resulting d-[3H]xylulose was isolated in 6% yield. The ketose had 18.3% the activity of the starting aldose. Chemical degradation showed that all the carbon-bound tritium of the d-[3H]xylulose was located at C-1, thus indicating a C-2 → C-1 intramolecular hydrogen transfer. During the reaction, less than 1.2% of the total radiochemical activity was found in the solvent, and, the unreacted d-[2-3H]xylose was recovered, having an activity nearly the same as the starting material. The differences in activity, therefore, of the d-[2-3H]xylose and the d-[1-3H]xylulose are due to an isotope effect (KHKT) which is indicated to be 5.4. The data are discussed in terms of currently accepted models for isomerase mechanisms.  相似文献   

Endotoxic glycolipid extracted from the heptose-less mutant of Salmonella typhimurium was treated with alkali and acid reagents. The glycolipid freed of all O-ester linked fatty acids by hydroxylamine had lost tumor regression activity and toxicity, whereas a partial removal of O-ester linked fatty acids by mild alkali did not impair with these activities. The glycolipid retained both activities after removal of 2-keto-3-deoxyotonate by sodium acetate (pH 4.5) but was rendered nontoxic while retaining antitumor activity when hydrolyzed by 0.1N HCl whereby 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonate and glycosidic phosphate was split off the glycolipid molecule. Nontoxic and tumor regressive fractions were separated by means of preparative thin layer chromatography of glycolipid hydrolyzed by mild acid. Thus, it was concluded that glycosidic bound phosphate and at least a portion of fatty acids of the lipid A moiety were essential for toxicity, but that this phosphate is not essential for tumor regression activity.  相似文献   

The prolonged feeding of ethanol to rats alters in vitro mitochondrial transport of calcium. Hepatic mitochondria isolated from rats fed ethanol for 7 weeks exhibited decreased retention of calcium in the presence of 4mM-Pi. This defect was associated with enhanced efflux of calcium when mitochondria were incubated with EGTA. Acetaldehyde at low, "physiological" concentrations (100 microM) enhanced calcium retention by mitochondria but this response was blunted after chronic ethanol administration. The in vitro actions of acetaldehyde appear to be mediated, in part, by its metabolism in mitochondria since pretreatment of rats with cyanamide (an aldehyde dehydrogenase inhibitor) prevents this effect.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that induction of a high-affinity NADPH-dependent nitrosodimethylamine demethylase (NDMAd) in liver microsomes occurs in rats due to fasting, ethanol consumption, and streptozotocin-induced diabetes. Several lines of observations suggest that this is due to the induction of specific cytochrome P-450 isozymes. Induction of P-450 species by ethanol has also been observed by other investigators. Since each of the above altered metabolic states has in common elevated levels of ketone bodies, the possible role of acetone, a known inducer of NDMAd, in the induction of the demethylase activity was investigated. Levels of endogenous acetone in fasted rats correlated (r = 0.72) with a three- to fourfold increase in NDMAd activity. However, a dose-response experiment showed endogenous levels of acetone to be capable of causing at most 40% of the induction in fasted rats. This suggests that other ketone bodies or factors may have contributed to the induction. The induction of NDMAd by ethanol was enhanced by alcohol dehydrogenase inhibitors pyrazole and acetaldehyde oxime, suggesting that ethanol, rather than its metabolites, was responsible for the induction.  相似文献   

Antibodies to cytochrome P-450 isozyme 3a, the ethanol-inducible isozyme in rabbit liver, were used to determine the role of this enzyme in the microsomal oxidation of alcohols and the p-hydroxylation of aniline. P-450 isozymes, 2, 3b, 3c, 4, and 6 did not crossreact with anti-3a IgG as judged by Ouchterlony double diffusion, and radioimmunoassays indicated a crossreactivity of less than 1%. Greater than 90% of the activity of purified form 3a toward aniline, ethanol, n-butanol, and n-pentanol was inhibited by the antibody in the reconstituted system. The catalytic activity of liver microsomes from control or ethanol-treated rabbits was unaffected by the addition of either desferrioxamine (up to 1.0 mM) or EDTA (0.1 mM), suggesting that reactions involving the production of hydroxyl radicals from H2O2 and any contaminating iron in the system did not make a significant contribution to the microsomal activity. The addition of anti-3a IgG to hepatic microsomes from ethanol-treated rabbits inhibited the metabolism of ethanol, n-butanol, n-pentanol, and aniline by about 75, 70, 80, and 60%, respectively, while the inhibition of the activity of microsomes from control animals was only about one-half as great. The rate of microsomal H2O2 formation was inhibited to a lesser extent than the formation of acetaldehyde, thus suggesting that the antibody was acting to prevent the direct oxidation of ethanol by form 3a. Under conditions where purified NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase-catalyzed substrate oxidations was minimal, the P-450 isozymes other than 3a had low but significant activity toward the four substrates examined. The residual activity at maximal concentrations of the antibody most likely represents the sum of the activities of P-450 isozymes other than 3a present in the microsomal preparations. The results thus indicate that the enhanced monooxygenase activity of liver microsomes from ethanol-treated animals represents catalysis by P-450 isozyme 3a.  相似文献   

The rate of p-nitroanisole O-demethylation is markedly inhibited by ethanol. To evaluate a role of acetaldehyde in the inhibition by ethanol, a comparison was made of the effects of ethanol and acetaldehyde on the metabolism of p-nitroanisole by isolated liver cells. No effect on the metabolism of p-nitroanisole was found at low concentrations of acetaldehyde (<0.5 mm), whereas inhibition occurred at high concentrations (1 mm). In fact, acetaldehyde was not any more inhibitory than crotonaldehyde, which is a poor substrate for the low-Km mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase. Cyanamide, an inhibitor of acetaldehyde oxidation, did not prevent the inhibition by ethanol. Crotonol, an alcohol that does not change the mitochondrial redox state, in contrast to ethanol, proved to be a more effective inhibitor of the metabolism of p-nitroanisole than ethanol. Greater sensitivity to crotonol was also found in isolated microsomes and may reflect hydrophobic effects by crotonol, relative to ethanol. These results suggest that although high levels of acetaldehyde can be inhibitory, physiological levels of acetaldehyde did not affect the metabolism of p-nitroanisole. It is unlikely that acetaldehyde itself plays a major role in the mechanism by which ethanol inhibits the metabolism of p-nitroanisole. The inhibition of p-nitroanisole O-demethylation by ethanol was prevented by pyruvate or fructose, but not by xylitol, sorbitol, or lactate. All these substrates by themselves stimulated metabolism of p-nitroanisole. Pyruvate and glyceraldehyde (which arises from the metabolism of fructose) can oxidize cytosolic NADH. These results suggest that the generation of cytosolic NADH from the oxidation of ethanol, the subsequent requirement for substrate shuttles to transfer NADH into the mitochondria, and redox inhibition of the citric acid cycle, interfere with the transport of NADPH out of the mitochondria, and consequently with drug metabolism.  相似文献   

To investigate the mechanisms governing collagen interaction with blood platelets, the effects of side-chain modifications on collagen-induced platelet aggregation and release of serotonin were studied. Since many chemical modifications alter the ability of collagen to form fibers that, according to current theory, may complicate interpretation of data, we eliminated this possibility by using collagen stabilized in a native-type fibrillar structure by treatment with either glutaraldehyde or ultraviolet irradiation. Acetylation, methylation, succinylation, treatment with 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene, 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid or 1,2-cyclohexanedione, and deguanidination with hypobromite were used to modify collagen side-chain reactive groups: amino, carboxyl, hydroxyl and guanidino. Both unmodified monomeric dispersed and fibrillar collagen preparations initiated platelet aggregation and release, although the kinetics and magnitude of the response were different. Monomeric collagen which had been modified by deguanidination, methylation or succinylation, failed to polymerize in physiological conditions and did not induce platelet aggregation and release. However, none of the chemical modifications of stabilized native-type collagen fibers, except treatment with hypobromite or cyclohexanedione, had an effect on collagen-induced platelet aggregation and release. Both hypobromite and cyclohexanedione modified guanidino groups of arginyl residues. Results showed that the ability of a collagen sample to induce platelet aggregation and release of serotonin is dependent on the arginine content of fibrillar collagen.These data demonstrate that manipulation of amino, carboxyl and hydroxyl groups is unimportant as long as the native-type fibrillar structure is maintained, and that arginyl residues are directly involved in collagen-platelet interaction. Moreover, the data suggest that only the arginyl residues in the Y position of the tripeptide unit Gly-X-Y of collagen are responsible.  相似文献   

Fertilization of the eggs of the sea urchin Arbacia punctulata is followed by the phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6. The increase in phosphorylation starts at the same time that protein synthesis begins to increase, and leads to the appearance of mono-, di-, and triphosphorylated S6 derivatives. Essentially all the S6 is phosphorylated by first cleavage. This phosphorylation requires the occurrence of both the normal Ca2+ transient and the consequent Na+H+ exchange. Protein synthesis can be partially activated by an increase in intracellular pH brought about by weak bases, but this neither causes S6 phosphorylation, nor the inactivation of the specific S6 phosphatase present in unfertilized Arbacia eggs.  相似文献   

Cytosolic malate dehydrogenase from human liver was isolated and its physical and kinetic properties were determined. The enzyme had a molecular weight of 72,000 ± 2000 and an amino acid composition similar to those of malate dehydrogenases from other species. The kinetic behaviour of the enzyme was consistent with an Ordered Bi Bi mechanism. The following values (μm) of the kinetic parameters were obtained at pH 7.4 and 37 °C: Ka, 17; Kia, 3.6; Kb, 51; Kib, 68; Kp, 770; Kip, 10,700; Kq, 42; Kiq, 500, where a, b, p, and q refer to NADH, oxalacetate, malate, and NAD+, respectively. The maximum velocity of the enzyme in human liver homogenates was 102 μmol/min/g wet wt of liver for oxalacetate reduction and 11.2 μmol/min/g liver for malate oxidation at pH 7.4 and 37 °C. Calculations using these parameters showed that, under conditions in vivo, the rate of NADH oxidation by the enzyme would be much less than the maximum velocity and could be comparable to the rate of NADH production during ethanol oxidation in human liver. The rate of NADH oxidation would be sensitive to the concentrations of NADH and oxalacetate; this sensitivity can explain the change in cytosolic NAD+NADH redox state during ethanol metabolism in human liver.  相似文献   

The ability of paraquat radicals (PQ+.) generated by xanthine oxidase and glutathione reductase to give H2O2-dependent hydroxyl radical production was investigated. Under anaerobic conditions, paraquat radicals from each source caused chain oxidation of formate to CO2, and oxidation of deoxyribose to thiobarbituric acid-reactive products that was inhibited by hydroxyl radical scavengers. This is in accordance with the following mechanism derived for radicals generated by γ-irradiation [H. C. Sutton and C. C. Winterbourn (1984) Arch. Biochem. Biophys.235, 106–115] PQ+. + Fe3+ (chelate) → Fe2+ (chelate) + PQ++ H2O2 + Fe2+ (chelate) → Fe3+ (chelate) + OH? + OH.. Iron-(EDTA) and iron-(diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid) (DTPA) were good catalysts of the reaction; iron complexed with desferrioxamine or transferrin was not. Extremely low concentrations of iron (0.03 μm) gave near-maximum yields of hydroxyl radicals. In the absence of added chelator, no formate oxidation occurred. Paraquat radicals generated from xanthine oxidase (but not by the other methods) caused H2O2-dependent deoxyribose oxidation. However, inhibition by scavengers was much less than expected for a reaction of hydroxyl radicals, and this deoxyribose oxidation with xanthine oxidase does not appear to be mediated by free hydroxyl radicals. With O2 present, no hydroxyl radical production from H2O2 and paraquat radicals generated by radiation was detected. However, with paraquat radicals continuously generated by either enzyme, oxidation of both formate and deoxyribose was measured. Product yields decreased with increasing O2 concentration and increased with increasing iron(DTPA). These results imply a major difference in reactivity between free and enzymatically generated paraquat radicals, and suggest that the latter could react as an enzyme-paraquat radical complex, for which the relative rate of reaction with Fe3+ (chelate) compared with O2 is greater than is the case with free paraquat radicals.  相似文献   

If liver alcohol dehydrogenase were rate-limiting in ethanol metabolism, inhibitors of the enzyme should inhibit the metabolism with the same type of kinetics and the same kinetic constants in vitro and in vivo. Against varied concentrations of ethanol, 4-methylpyrazole is a competitive inhibitor of purified rat liver alcohol dehydrogenase (Kis = 0.11 microM, in 83 mM potassium phosphate and 40 mM KCl buffer, pH 7.3, 37 degrees C) and is competitive in rats (with Kis = 1.4 mumol/kg). Isobutyramide is essentially an uncompetitive inhibitor of purified enzyme (Kii = 0.33 mM) and of metabolism in vivo (Kii = 1.0 mmol/kg). Low concentrations of both inhibitors decreased the rate of metabolism as a direct function of their concentrations. Qualitatively, therefore, alcohol dehydrogenase activity appears to be a major rate-limiting factor in ethanol metabolism. Quantitatively, however, the constants may not agree because of distribution in the animal or metabolism of the inhibitors. At saturating concentrations of inhibitors, ethanol is eliminated by inhibitor-insensitive pathways, at about 10% of the total rate at a dose of ethanol of 10 mmol/kg. Uncompetitive inhibitors of alcohol dehydrogenase should be especially useful for inhibiting the metabolism of alcohols since they are effective even at saturating levels of alcohol, in contrast to competitive inhibitors, whose action is overcome by saturation with alcohol.  相似文献   

Kluyveromyces fragilis cells have been packed into the shell side of an industrial size hollow fibre module. The feed was pumped through the tube side under pressure. During continuous, single-pass operation with a synthetic lactose medium containing 50 g l?1lactose, ethanol productivity was 30–60 g l?1h?1at dilution rates of 1–4 h?1. With 150 g l?1lactose concentration, the productivity was 100–135 g l?1h?1. Productivity was generally lower when cottage cheese whey permeate (45 g l?1lactose) was used as the feed. Long-term stability of the hollow fibre bioreactor was good, provided adequate care was taken to bleed the gas generated and restrict cell concentration in the shell side.  相似文献   

The acute effect of ethanol on hepatic protein synthesis is a rather controversial issue. In view of the conflicting reports on this subject, the effect of ethanol on protein labeling from l-[3H]valine in isolated liver cells was studied under a variety of experimental conditions. When tracer doses of the isotope were utilized, ethanol consistently decreased the rate of protein labeling, regardless of the metabolic conditions of the cells. This inhibition was not prevented by doses of 4-methylpyrazole large enough to abolish all the characteristic metabolic effects of ethanol, and it was not related to perturbations on the rates of l-valine transport and/or proteolysis. When ethanol was tested in the presence of saturating doses of l-[3H]valine no effect on protein labeling was observed. These observations suggest that the ethanol effect in decreasing protein labelling from tracer doses of the radioactive precursor does not reflect variations in the rate of protein synthesis but reflects changes in the specific activity of the precursor. These changes probably are secondary to variations in the dimensions of the amino acid pool utilized for protein synthesis. Even though it showed a lack of effect when tested alone, in the presence of saturating doses of the radioactive precursor ethanol inhibited the stimulatory effects on protein synthesis mediated by glucose and several gluconeogenic substrates. This effect of ethanol was not prevented by inhibitors of alcohol dehydrogenase, indicating that a shift of the NAD system to a more reduced state is not the mediator of its action. It is suggested that ethanol probably acted by changing the steady-state levels of some common effector(s) generated from the metabolism of all these fuels or else by preventing the inactivation of a translational repressor.  相似文献   

Cartilage slices maintained in organ culture have been shown to develop an enhanced capacity to respond to serum. The response was measured at the initiation of culture and after 3 and 7 days of culture in medium containing an inhibitor of DNA synthesis and 0, 1, or 16% serum. At these times, cartilage slices were washed to remove serum and inhibitor, and then exposed to various concentrations of serum for evaluation of DNA and proteoglycan synthesis. The range of the derived dose-response curves and the indicated sensitivity to low serum concentrations were the parameters used to evaluate the response capacity. Response capacity increased gradually, reaching a maximum after 8 days of culture. Considerable enhancement was obtained after maintenance in the absence of serum using both DNA and proteoglycan synthesis as markers. Additional, graded enhancement of response capacity was obtained when the cartilage slices were maintained in 1 or 16% serum. The effects of maintenance in serum were much greater when DNA synthesis rather than proteoglycan synthesis was used to measure the response. However, this serum-dependent enhancement was only prominent when ascorbate was present during the dose-response assay. Ascorbate caused a similar but less-marked increase in sensitivity to serum when proteoglycan synthesis was measured. The possibility that ascorbate may function as a cofactor during the progression phase of cell proliferation is discussed.  相似文献   

Two strains of Neurospora crassa have been identified which utilize cellulase and produce extracellular cellulase [see 1,4-(1,3; 1,4)-β-d-glucan 4-glucanohydrolase, EC] and β-d-glucosidase [β-d-glucoside glucohydrolase, EC]. The activities were detected as early as 48 h in the culture broth. These cultures also fermented d-glucose, d-xylose and cellulosic materials to ethanol as the major product of fermentation. The conversion of cellulose to ethanol was >60%, indicating the potential of using Neurospora for the direct conversion of cellulose to ethanol.  相似文献   

The effect of ethanol on [14C]pantothenate incorporation into CoA and on total CoA levels was measured in 3-day-old primary cultures of adult rat liver parenchymal cells. Ethanol decreased the incorporation of radioactivity into CoA a maximum of 67%, 5 mm ethanol was saturating for the inhibitory effect and 0.2 mm ethanol was sufficient for half-saturation. This inhibitory effect did not result from a loss of CoA precursors or from cell death. Ethanol concentrations up to 10 mm did not decrease the ATP content of cells or the total protein content of cells which adhered to the incubation flask. Ethanol (5 mm) had no effect on the cyteine + cystine content of the cells. Intracellular pantothenate concentrations were not affected by 5 mm ethanol, and increasing the pantothenate concentration did not affect ethanol inhibition. Ethanol inhibition of [14C]pantothenate conversion to CoA could be fully reversed by rinsing the cells free of ethanol. The ethanol inhibition could also be fully reversed by addition of 4-methylpyrazole, indicating that ethanol must be oxidized via alcohol dehydrogenase to exert its inhibitory effect. Acetaldehyde, the immediate product of alcohol dehydrogenase, was also an inhibitor of the incorporation of [14C]pantothenate into CoA; the maximum inhibition was 63%. Acetaldehyde concentrations maintained between 18 and 103 μm inhibited incorporation by 57%. The inhibition by acetaldehyde did not correlate well with changes in the NADH and NAD+ ratio of the cells (as determined by measuring changes in the lactate-to-pyruvate ratio). The ability of glucagon, dibutyryl cAMP + theophylline, or dexamethasone to stimulate [14C]pantothenate conversion to CoA was not decreased by the addition of ethanol or acetaldehyde, indicating that ethanol inhibition does not occur by reversal of the cAMP-mediated regulatory mechanism for CoA biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Glyoxylate thiohemiacetal formation constants (defined as the concentration of thiohemiacetal divided by the concentration of thiol and the total concentration of hydrated and unhydrated glyoxylate) were determined at 25°C and pH 7.4 for a variety of thiols using two independent methods, and were found to be in the range of 0.2 to 1.7 mm?1. Under the same conditions the hydration constant for glyoxylate (defined as the concentration of the hydrate divided by the concentration of the free aldehyde) was determined to be 163 ± 7. This information is used in conjunction with kinetic data to calculate kinetic constants for the oxidation of the thiohemiacetals by O2 catalyzed by rat kidney l-hydroxy acid oxidase. The results further indicate that several such thiohemiacetals are excellent substrates, and suggest that one or more of them may be the physiological reactant for this enzyme.  相似文献   

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