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Free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria in soils need to tightly regulate their uptake of metals in order to acquire essential metals (such as the nitrogenase metal cofactors Fe, Mo and V) while excluding toxic ones (such as W). They need to do this in a soil environment where metal speciation, and thus metal bioavailability, is dependent on a variety of factors such as organic matter content, mineralogical composition, and pH. Azotobacter vinelandii, a ubiquitous gram-negative soil diazotroph, excretes in its external medium catechol compounds, previously identified as siderophores, that bind a variety of metals in addition to iron. At low concentrations, complexes of essential metals (Fe, Mo, V) with siderophores are taken up by the bacteria through specialized transport systems. The specificity and regulation of these transport systems are such that siderophore binding of excess Mo, V or W effectively detoxifies these metals at high concentrations. In the topsoil (leaf litter layer), where metals are primarily bound to plant-derived organic matter, siderophores extract essential metals from natural ligands and deliver them to the bacteria. This process appears to be a key component of a mutualistic relationship between trees and soil diazotrophs, where tree-produced leaf litter provides a living environment rich in organic matter and micronutrients for nitrogen-fixing bacteria, which in turn supply new nitrogen to the ecosystem.  相似文献   

Summary A method for collecting sterile mucilage from maize root tips growing in sterile conditions has been devised.Enterobacter andAzospirillum strains were isolated from the rhizosphere of maize and rice using the spermosphere model method. To evaluate chemotaxis of these strains, a modification of Adler's microcapillary method was used. Under these conditions, the number of attracted bacteria was proportional to the concentration of mucilage. When comparing the chemotaxis ofA. lipoferum andE. cloacae from the rhizosphere of maize and from the rhizosphere of rice, it appeared that the strains isolated from maize were strongly attracted by maize mucilage whereas strains isolated from rice were not more attracted than the control (E. coli K12). Thus, bacteria of the same species are not equivalent in their chemotactic behaviour. This could imply that some degree of specificity exists in the establishment of plant-bacteria associations.  相似文献   

Molecular biological taxonomy of some free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A novel approach to the taxonomy of several free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria is proposed on the basis of two DNA parameters. 1) DNA base composition, expressed as average molar (guanine + cytosine) content, determined by thermal denaturation and 2) DNA homology, determined by DNA hybridization with bothPseudomonas fluorescens andPseudomonas putida. The following taxonomic conclusions emerged:
  1. 1.
    The existence ofBeijerinckia andDerxia as individual genera seems justified.  相似文献   

Abstract Cell-free extracts obtained from nitrogen-fixing cells of organisms of the family Azotobacteriaceae were analyzed for superoxide dismutases (SOD). For all the representative organisms examined, unusually high specific activities for SOD were recorded. Single Fe-containing SOD were found in Azotobacter vinelandii (5 strains), A. chroococcum (2 strains), A. beijerinckii (1 strain), Azomonas macrocytogenes (2 strains), and Derxia gummosa (2 strains). Highly active, single Mn-containing SOD were found in all of 6 Beijerinckia strains examined ( B. indica, B. lacticogenes, B. mobilis, B. fluminensis, B. derxii and B. venezuelae ). Multiple SOD were found for Azomonas agilis (Mn-SOD and 2 Fe-SOD), A. insignis (Mn-SOD, Fe-SOD) and Azospirillum lipoferum (2 Fe-SOD) and Azospirillum brasilense (Mn-SOD and 2 Fe-SOD).  相似文献   

Summary Interest of microbial production of amino acids has been increased greatly since development of biotechnological methods. These methods represent a perspective way applied in a future large-scale manufacture of inexpensive amino acids. In this context, the isolation of producing organisms that may be exploited in the desing of alternative methods for the production of amino acids could be of primary importance.In this review we will describe the liberation of amino acids (methionine, lysine, arginine, tryptophane and glutamic acid) byAzotobacter andAzospirillum during growth in culture media with different carbon sources under diazotrophic and adiazotrophic conditions. These organisms may be useful in developing new methods for the industrial production of amino acids.  相似文献   

The recently discoveredAzotobacter paspali has a % GC of 63.2–64.6. This value and the described physiological and biochemical features, justify its inclusion in the genusAzotobacter. Its % GC which is somewhat lower than that of the other members of this genus, and several unusual phenotypic properties, confirm its status as a separate species. Azotobacter miscellum ATCC 17962 has the same % GC value asAzotobacter vinelandii. Azotomonas insolita NCIB 8627 (58.9% GC) andAzotomonas fluorescens NCIB 9884 (64.8% GC) have peritrichous flagella. They do not belong to the genus to which they have been assigned; besides, the existence of the genusAzotomonas still remains to be ascertained. Pseudomonas azotocolligans NCIB 9391 (65.6% GC) also has peritrichous flagella. It should be removed from the genusPseudomonas. The taxonomic position of the latter three organisms is still unknown.  相似文献   

Agricultural soils are heterogeneous environments in which conditions affecting microbial growth and diversity fluctuate widely in space and time. In this study, the molecular ecology of the total bacterial and free-living nitrogen-fixing communities in soils from the Nafferton Factorial Systems Comparison (NFSC) study in northeast England were examined. The field experiment was factorial in design, with organic versus conventional crop rotation, crop protection, and fertility management factors. Soils were sampled on three dates (March, June, and September) in 2007. Total RNA was extracted from all soil samples and reverse transcribed. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and quantitative PCR (qPCR) were used to analyze nifH and 16S rRNA genes in order to study free-living diazotrophs and the total bacterial community, respectively. Crop rotation was shown to have a significant effect on total bacterial diversity (and that of free-living N fixers) (P ≤ 0.001). On all three dates, nifH activity was higher in the conventional crop rotation. In contrast, qPCR analysis of free-living N fixers indicated significantly higher levels of activity in conventionally fertilized plots in June (P = 0.0324) and in plots with organic crop protection in September (P = 0.0143). To our knowledge, the effects of organic and conventional farming systems on free-living diazotrophs have never been studied. An increased understanding of the impacts of management practices on free-living N fixers could allow modifications in soil management practices to optimize the activity of these organisms.  相似文献   

Following amino acid or ammonium starvation, ppGpp is accumulated by Rhizobium meliloti strain 1021 but not by R. meliloti strain 41 or Rhizobium tropici. Azorhizobium caulinodans ORS571 produced ppGpp following amino acid deprivation; however, the free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria Azotobacter vinelandii and Azomonas agilis did not produce ppGpp. Western blot analysis using anti-RelA antibody demonstrated that R. meliloti strain 1021, Azotobacter vinelandii and Azorhizobium caulinodans cross-reacted under conditions that detected RelA in Escherichia coli CF1648. Cross-reaction was not observed in R. meliloti strain 41, R. tropici, or Azomonas agilis. All strains that accumulated ppGpp also produced high intracellular levels of ATP. Received: 28 August 1998 / Accepted: 11 November 1998  相似文献   

For preliminary screening for and characterization of free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria from rhizoplane microflora, we used Winogradsky's mineral mixture-based nitrogen-free medium solidified with 0.3% gellan gum. The soft gel medium enabled some reference and wild free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria to grow in characteristic colonies, including their reaction to oxygen and their motility change. Gellan gum is thus likely to be a better gel matrix than agarose for the investigation of root-associating, free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria to identify their characteristic behaviors.  相似文献   

High frequency stimulation of fiber systems in the mammalian hippocampus produces a semipermanent increase in synaptic efficacy. This effect, long-term potentiation (LTP), has been of considerable interest as a potential substrate of memory due to its rapid onset and extreme persistence. Experiments are described that indicate that the locus of LTP is confined to the synaptic complex of the fibers stimulated; further, Ca2+ is shown to be essential for the initiation of LTP and may play a role in triggering this increase in synaptic efficiency. Data from biochemical analyses of LTP indicate that a 40,000 dalton synaptic membrane protein shows a highly reliable change in its endogenous phosphorylation following high frequency hippocampal stimulation. Phosphorylase kinase, a Ca2+ sensitive enzyme, is shown to specifically catalyse the phosphorylation of this 40,000 dalton protein. The data are discussed in terms of a working model in which the Ca2+ dependent phosphorylation of the 40,000 dalton protein produced by high frequency stimulation is a biochemical intermediate in the production of LTP.  相似文献   

Twenty-two soluble esterases have been identified inD. melanogaster by combining the techniques of native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and isoelectric focusing. The sensitivity of each isozyme to three types of inhibitors (organophosphates, eserine sulfate, and sulfydryl reagents) identified 10 as carboxylesterases, 6 as cholinesterases, and 3 as acetylesterases. Three isozymes could not be classified and no arylesterases were identified. The carboxyl- and cholinesterases could each be further divided into two subclasses on the basis of inhibition by organophosphates and sulfhydryl reagents, respectively. Cholineand acetylesterases have characteristic substrate preferences but both subclasses of carboxylesterases are heterogeneous in substrate utilization. Subclass 2 carboxylesterases exhibit diverse temporal expression patterns, with subclass 1 carboxylesterases generally found in larvae and subclass 1 cholinesterases and acetylesterases more characteristic of pupae and adults. Tissues showing the greatest number of isozymes are larval body wall (eight) and digestive tract (six in larvae, six in adults). Carboxylesterases are distributed across a wide range of tissues, but subclass 1 cholinesterases are generally associated with neural or neurosecretory tissues and subclass 2 cholinesterases with digestive tissues.This study was funded in part by the Rural Credits Development Fund.  相似文献   

The complex symbiotic relationship between corals and their dinoflagellate partner Symbiodinium is believed to be sustained through close associations with mutualistic bacterial communities, though little is known about coral associations with bacterial groups able to fix nitrogen (diazotrophs). In this study, we investigated the diversity of diazotrophic bacterial communities associated with three common coral species (Acropora millepora, Acropora muricata, and Pocillopora damicormis) from three midshelf locations of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) by profiling the conserved subunit of the nifH gene, which encodes the dinitrogenase iron protein. Comparisons of diazotrophic community diversity among coral tissue and mucus microenvironments and the surrounding seawater revealed that corals harbor diverse nifH phylotypes that differ between tissue and mucus microhabitats. Coral mucus nifH sequences displayed high heterogeneity, and many bacterial groups overlapped with those found in seawater. Moreover, coral mucus diazotrophs were specific neither to coral species nor to reef location, reflecting the ephemeral nature of coral mucus. In contrast, the dominant diazotrophic bacteria in tissue samples differed among coral species, with differences remaining consistent at all three reefs, indicating that coral-diazotroph associations are species specific. Notably, dominant diazotrophs for all coral species were closely related to the bacterial group rhizobia, which represented 71% of the total sequences retrieved from tissue samples. The species specificity of coral-diazotroph associations further supports the coral holobiont model that bacterial groups associated with corals are conserved. Our results suggest that, as in terrestrial plants, rhizobia have developed a mutualistic relationship with corals and may contribute fixed nitrogen to Symbiodinium.  相似文献   

A study was made of the virus-like particle (VLP) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae S7. This strain contains elevated amounts of P1 double-stranded ribonucleic acid (dsRNA) but no P2 dsRNA. The amount of dsRNA contained in cells grown on a fermentable carbon source (glucose) was compared with that in cells grown on a nonfermentable carbon source (ethanol). It was found that ethanol-grown cells contain higher levels of dsRNA than glucose-grown cells. In the former, the amount of dsRNA increased during the logarithmic phase of growth, whereas in the latter it increased during the transition from the logarithmic to the stationary phase. A method was devised to isolate VLPs from these cells by using CsCl gradients, and the yield was assessed by monitoring the recovery of dsRNA. Three proteins were found to be tightly associated with these particles. They have molecular weights of 75,000, 53,000, and 37,000. Together they account for almost all of the coding capacity of the P1 dsRNA that the VLP contains.  相似文献   

Marine, sediment-dwelling ciliates were examined for cytochrome oxidase activity by a cytochemical method and for fine structural details. Species of Plagiopylidae (Trichostomatida), i.e. Plagiopyla frontata, Sonderia vorax and Sonderia sp., and of Heterotrichda, i.e., Parablepharisma pellitum, Parablepharisma sp., Metopus contortus, Metopus vestitus and Caenomorpha capucina; previously considered to be obligate anaerobes because of their sulfide-containing habitat, do not have cytochrome oxidase activity or mitochondria with cristae or tubuli. The evolutionary origin and significance of anaerobic ciliates is discussed. Most of the anaerobic ciliates harbor a flora of ecto- and endosymbiotic bacteria as demonstrated by transmission and scanning electron micrographs. It is speculated that the bacteria may utilize the metabolic end products of the protozoa for growth and energy yielding processes. These associations are also compared with other, previously described cases of symbiosis involving prokaryotes and protozoa.  相似文献   

Hydrogenase activity in cells of the nitrogen-fixing methane-oxidizing bacterium strain 41 of the Methylosinus type increased markedly when growth was dependent upon the fixation of gaseous nitrogen. A direct relationship may exist between hydrogenase and nitrogenase in this bacterium. Acetylene reduction was supported by the presence of hydrogen gas.  相似文献   

Diazotrophic bacteria were isolated from the rhizosphere of field-grown Triticum aestivum, Hordeum vulgare, and Avena sativa grown in various regions of Greece. One isolate, with the highest nitrogen-fixation ability from each of the eleven rhizospheres, was selected for further characterisation. Diazotrophic strains were assessed for plant-growth-promoting traits such as indoleacetic acid production and phosphate solubilisation. The phylogenies of 16S rRNA gene of the selected isolates were compared with those based on dnaK and nifH genes. The constructed trees indicated that the isolates were members of the species Azospirillum brasilense, Azospirillum zeae, and Pseudomonas stutzeri. Furthermore, the ipdC gene was detected in all A. brasilence and one A. zeae isolates. The work presented here provides the first molecular genetic evidence for the presence of culturable nitrogen-fixing P. stutzeri and A. zeae associated with field-grown A. sativa and H. vulgare in Greece.  相似文献   

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