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Summary The SCO1 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes a 30 kDa protein which is specifically required for a post-translational step in the accumulation of subunits 1 and 2 of cytochrome c oxidase (COXI and COXII). Antibodies directed against a -Gal::SCO1 fusion protein detect SCO1 in the mitochondrial fraction of yeast cells. The SCO1 protein is an integral membrane protein as shown by its resistance to alkaline extraction and by its solubilization properties upon treatment with detergents. Based on the results obtained by isopycnic sucrose gradient centrifugation and by digitonin treatment of mitochondria, SCO1 is a component of the inner mitochondrial membrane. Membrane localization is mediated by a stretch of 17 hydrophobic amino acids in the amino-terminal region of the protein. A truncated SCO1 derivative lacking this segment, is no longer bound to the membrane and simultaneously loses its biological function. The observation that membrane localization of SCO1 is affected in mitochondria of a rho 0 strain, hints at the possible involvement of mitochondrially coded components in ensuring proper membrane insertion.  相似文献   

Summary The products of the nuclear genes CBS1 and CBS2 are both required for translational activation of mitochondrial apocytochrome b in yeast. We report the intramitochondrial localization of both proteins by use of specific antisera. Based on its solubilization properties the CBS1 protein is presumed to be a component of the mitochondrial membrane; the detergent concentrations needed to release CBS1 from mitochondria are almost the same as for cytochrome c 1. In contrast, CBS2 behaves like a soluble protein, with some characteristics of a membrane-associated protein. A model is presented for translational activation of cytochrome b, which might also be applicable to translational regulation of other mitochondrial genes.  相似文献   

Prooxidants induce release of Ca2+ from mitochondria through the giant solute pore in the mitochondrial inner membrane. However, under appropriate conditions prooxidants can induce Ca2+ release without inducing a nonspecific permeability change. Prooxidant-induced release of Ca2+ isselective. Presumably, this is the result of the operation of a permeability pathway for H+ coupled to the reversal of the Ca2+ uniporter, the latter generating the selectivity. The solute pore and prooxidant-induced Ca2+-specific pathways exhibit common sensitivities to a set of inhibitors and activators. It is proposed that the pore can operate in two open states: (1) permeable to H+ only and (2) permeable to solutes of Mr<1500. Under some conditions, prooxidants induce the H+-selective state which, in turn, collapses the inner membrane potential and permits selective loss of Ca2+ via the Ca2+ uniporter.  相似文献   

Both biotic and abiotic stresses cause considerable crop yield losses worldwide (Chrispeels, Sadava Plants, genes, and crop biotechnology 2003; Oerke, Dehne Crop Prot 23:275–285 2004). To speed up screening assays in stress resistance breeding, non-contact techniques such as chlorophyll fluorescence imaging can be advantageously used in the quantification of stress-inflicted damage. In comparison with visual spectrum images, chlorophyll fluorescence imaging reveals cell death with higher contrast and at earlier time-points. This technique has the potential to automatically quantify stress-inflicted damage during screening applications. From a physiological viewpoint, screening stress-responses using attached plant leaves is the ideal approach. However, leaf growth and circadian movements interfere with time-lapse monitoring of leaves, making it necessary to fix the leaves to be studied. From this viewpoint, a method to visualise the evolution of chlorophyll fluorescence from excised leaf pieces kept in closed petri dishes offers clear advantages. In this study, the plant–fungus interaction sugar beet–Cercospora beticola was assessed both in attached leaf and excised leaf strip assays. The attached leaf assay proved to be superior in revealing early, pre-visual symptoms and to better discriminate between the lines with different susceptibility to Cercospora.  相似文献   

Translocases of mitochondrial inner membrane (TIMs) are multiprotein complexes. The only Tim component so far characterized in kinetoplastid parasites such as Trypanosoma brucei is Tim17 (TbTim17), which is essential for cell survival and mitochondrial protein import. Here, we report that TbTim17 is present in a protein complex of about 1,100 kDa, which is much larger than the TIM complexes found in fungi and mammals. Depletion of TbTim17 in T. brucei impairs the mitochondrial import of cytochrome oxidase subunit IV, an N-terminal signal-containing protein. Pretreatment of isolated mitoplasts with the anti-TbTim17 antibody inhibited import of cytochrome oxidase subunit IV, indicating a direct involvement of the TbTim17 in the import process. Purification of the TbTim17-containing protein complex from the mitochondrial membrane of T. brucei by tandem affinity chromatography revealed that TbTim17 associates with seven unique as well as a few known T. brucei mitochondrial proteins. Depletion of three of these novel proteins, i.e. TbTim47, TbTim54, and TbTim62, significantly decreased mitochondrial protein import in vitro. In vivo targeting of a newly synthesized mitochondrial matrix protein, MRP2, was also inhibited due to depletion of TbTim17, TbTim54, and TbTim62. Co-precipitation analysis confirmed the interaction of TbTim54 and TbTim62 with TbTim17 in vivo. Overall, our data reveal that TbTim17, the single homolog of Tim17/22/23 family proteins, is present in a unique TIM complex consisting of novel proteins in T. brucei and is critical for mitochondrial protein import.  相似文献   

Wurm CA  Jakobs S 《FEBS letters》2006,580(24):5628-5634
The mitochondrial inner membrane exhibits a complex topology. Its infolds, the cristae membranes, are contiguous with the inner boundary membrane (IBM), which runs parallel to the outer membrane. Using live cells co-expressing functional fluorescent fusion proteins, we report on the distribution of inner membrane proteins in budding yeast. To this end we introduce the enlarged mitochondria of Deltamdm10, Deltamdm31, Deltamdm32, and Deltammm1 cells as a versatile model system to study sub-mitochondrial protein localizations. Proteins of the F(1)F(0) ATP synthase and of the respiratory chain complexes III and IV were visualized in the cristae-containing interior of the mitochondria. In contrast, proteins of the TIM23 complex and of the presequence translocase-associated motor were strongly enriched at the IBM. The different protein distributions shown here demonstrate that the cristae membranes and the IBM are functionally distinct sub-compartments.  相似文献   

The effect of light on the protein synthesis pattern in the mitochondria of Neurospora crassa was examined by in vivo labelling with [35S]-methionine and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. A brief 5-min illumination induced the rapid and transient synthesis of a 38-kDa protein. White collar-mutants were not stimulated to synthesize this protein by light. A protein of a similar molecular weight and isoelectrical point was synthesized during recovery from heat shock.  相似文献   

Ion channels selective for chloride ions are present in all biological membranes, where they regulate the cell volume or membrane potential. Various chloride channels from mitochondrial membranes have been described in recent years. The aim of our study was to characterize the effect of stilbene derivatives on single-chloride channel activity in the inner mitochondrial membrane. The measurements were performed after the reconstitution into a planar lipid bilayer of the inner mitochondrial membranes from rat skeletal muscle (SMM), rat brain (BM) and heart (HM) mitochondria. After incorporation in a symmetric 450/450 mM KCl solution (cis/trans), the chloride channels were recorded with a mean conductance of 155 ± 5 pS (rat skeletal muscle) and 120 ± 16 pS (rat brain). The conductances of the chloride channels from the rat heart mitochondria in 250/50 mM KCl (cis/trans) gradient solutions were within the 70–130 pS range. The chloride channels were inhibited by these two stilbene derivatives: 4,4′-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid (DIDS) and 4-acetamido-4′-isothiocyanostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid (SITS). The skeletal muscle mitochondrial chloride channel was blocked after the addition of 1 mM DIDS or SITS, whereas the brain mitochondrial channel was blocked by 300 μM DIDS or SITS. The chloride channel from the rat heart mitochondria was inhibited by 50–100 μM DIDS. The inhibitory effect of DIDS was irreversible. Our results confirm the presence of chloride channels sensitive to stilbene derivatives in the inner mitochondrial membrane from rat skeletal muscle, brain and heart cells.  相似文献   

Summary The linear autonomous form of kalilo DNA (previously called AR-kalDNA) is shown to be resident within mitochondria rather than nuclei, as had been suggested by previous experiments. This form has been renamed mtAR-kalDNA, to signify its mitochondrial location. Experiments are described that illustrate the inheritance and somatic transmission patterns of the mitochondrial kalilo plasmid and the mitochondrial inserted form of kalilo DNA (mtlS-kalDNA). Progeny of a cross with a pre-senescent subculture as the female parent inherited mtAR-ka1DNA only; mtIS-kalDNA was not transmitted sexually. During somatic propagation of the ascospore cultures, novel kalilo DNA inserts appeared and most of them persisted until death. We propose that these inserts originated from de novo integration of mtAR-kalDNA into the mitochondrial DNA. In two of the ascopore-derived series analyzed, the first inserts detected were seen only transiently and inserts appearing subsequent to the transient inserts were retained until death. We propose that these enduring inserts originated either from rearrangements of the transient inserts or from novel integration events, either from mtAR-kalDNA or from transposition of the transient inserts.  相似文献   

Summary Restriction fragment length polymorphisms between Larix leptolepis and Larix decidua were identified in heterologous hybridization experiments, using wheat mitochondrial DNA probes specific for atp9, coxI, nad3/rps12, and orf25. Analysis of eight individuals of each reciprocal hybrid of these two species revealed that mitochondrial DNA was maternally inherited. Furthermore, sequences homologous to wheat orf25 were also identified in Larix gmelini, Larix siberica, Larix olgensis, and Larix laricina, as well as Ginkgo biloba, Picea mariana, Picea glauca and Pinus contorta.  相似文献   

The effect of oligomycin and cyclosporine A on the induction of non-specific permeability of the inner mitochondrial membrane by Ca2+ was under study. Both oligomycin and cyclosporine A were able to prevent the activation of non-specific permeability, but cyclosporine A was the only agent which could restore initial permeability of the inner mitochondrial membrane. The effect of cyclosporine A was shown not to be mediated through redistribution of Ca2+ between different mitochondrial subpopulations  相似文献   

Summary The fluorescence properties of three copper proteins, namely human superoxide dismutase,Pseudomonas aeruginosa azurin andThiobacillus versutus amicyanin have been studied. All these proteins show a non-exponential decay of fluorescence, though the tryptophanyl residues responsible for the emission are very differently located in the three proteins. All the three decays can be fitted by at least two lifetimes or better with one or two lorentzian-shaped, continuous distributions of lifetime. In each case the removal of copper affects the quantum yield of fluorescence without affecting the shape of the emission.  相似文献   

Summary We isolated revertants capable of respiration from the respiratory deficient yeast mutant, FF1210-6C/ 170, which displays greatly decreased mitochondrial protein synthesis due to a single base substitution at the penultimate base of the tRNAAsp gene on mitochondrial (mt) DNA. Three classical types of revertant were identified: (1) same-site revertants; (2) intragenic revertants which restore the base pairing in the acceptor stem of the mitochondrial tRNAAsp; and (3) extragenic suppressors located in nuclear DNA. In addition a fourth type of revertant was identified in which the mutant tRNAAsp is amplified due to the maintenance of both the original mutant mtDNA and a modified form of the mutant mtDNA in which only a small region around the tRNAAsp gene is retained and amplified. The latter form resembles the mtDNA in vegetative petite (rho -) strains which normally segregates rapidly from the wild-type mtDNA. Each revertant type was characterized genetically and by both DNA sequence analysis of the mitochondrial tRNAAsp gene and analysis of the quantity and size of RNA containing the tRNAAsp sequence. These results indicate that the mitochondrial tRNAAsp of the mutant retains a low level of activity and that the presence of the terminal base pair in tRNAAsp is a determinant of both tRNAAsp function and the maintenance of wild-type levels of tRNAAsp.  相似文献   

Mitochondria play an important role in the integration and transmission of cell death signals, activating caspases and other cell death execution events by releasing apoptogenic proteins from the intermembrane space. The BCL-2 family of proteins localize (or can be targeted) to mitochondria and regulate the permeability of the mitochondrial outer membrane to these apoptotic factors. Recent evidence suggests that multiple mechanisms may regulate the release of mitochondrial factors, some of which depend on the action of caspases.  相似文献   

Here we demonstrate that ciliated protozoa can jettison mitochondria as intact organelles, releasing their contents to the extracellular space either in a soluble form, or in association with membrane vesicles at the cell periphery. The response is triggered by lateral clustering of GPI-anchored surface antigens, or by heat shock. In the first instance, extrusion is accompanied by elevated levels of intracellular calcium and is inhibited by Verapamil and BAPTA-AM arguing strongly for the involvement of calcium in triggering the response. Cells survive mitochondrial discharge raising the interesting possibility that extrusion is an early evolutionary adaptation to cell stress.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the role of Trypanosoma cruzi invasion and inflammatory processes in reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in a mouse atrial cardiomyocyte line (HL-1) and primary adult rat ventricular cardiomyocytes. Cardiomyocytes were incubated with T. cruzi (Tc) trypomastigotes, Tc lysate (TcTL), or Tc secreted proteins (TcSP) for 0–72 h, and ROS were measured by amplex red assay. Cardiomyocytes infected by T. cruzi (but not those incubated with TcTL or TcSP) exhibited a linear increase in ROS production for 2–48 h postinfection (max 18-fold increase), which was further enhanced by recombinant cytokines (IL-1β, TNF-α, and IFN-γ). We observed no increase in NADPH oxidase, xanthine oxidase, or myeloperoxidase activity, and specific inhibitors of these enzymes did not block the increased rate of ROS production in infected cardiomyocytes. Instead, the mitochondrial membrane potential was perturbed and resulted in inefficient electron transport chain (ETC) activity and enhanced electron leakage and ROS formation in infected cardiomyocytes. HL-1 rho (ρ) cardiomyocytes lacked a functional ETC and exhibited no increase in ROS formation in response to T. cruzi. Together, these results demonstrate that invasion by T. cruzi and an inflammatory milieu affect mitochondrial integrity and contribute to electron transport chain inefficiency and ROS production in cardiomyocytes.  相似文献   

Cytochromes b, c, d, and o were identified by spectroscopic analysis of respiratory membrane fragments from Vitreoscilla sp., strain C1. Carbon monoxide difference spectra of the reduced membranes had absorption maxima at 416, 534, and 571 nm (ascribed to cytochrome o) and 632 nm (cytochrome d). Derivative spectra of the pyridine hemochromogen spectra of the membranes identified the presence of b- and c-type cytochromes in Vitreoscilla. The cyanide binding curve of the membranes was biphasic with dissociation constants of 2.14 mM and 10.7 mM which were assigned to cytochrome o and cytochrome d, respectively. Membranes bound carbon monoxide with dissociation constant 3.9 M, which was assigned to cytochrome o. Cytochrome c 556 and a NADH-p-iodonitrotetrazolium violet reductase component were partially purified from Vitreoscilla membranes.Abbreviations INT p-iodonitrotetrazolium violet - RMF respiratory membrane fragments - K d dissociation constant - CHAPS 3-[(3-cholamido propyl) dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate - DOC sodium deoxycholate - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate  相似文献   

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