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Studies of juvenile recruitment of the green sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis in the Gulf of Maine were conducted during the summer of 1995. These experiments confirmed 12 years of previous observations that settlement only occurs during the months of June and July. Settlement panels were placed at a series of sites along the Maine and New Hampshire coastline to compare recruitment in the northeastern and southwestern regions of the Gulf of Maine. The densities of urchins recruiting in Casco Bay and at the Isles of Shoals were two orders of magnitude higher than those from Eastport and Winter Harbor. There was a discontinuity in settlement densities at Penobscot Bay. Experiments conducted at the Isles of Shoals showed a positive relationship between water motion and larval supply, but neither parameter correlated with recruitment density over eight stations. Contrary to previous results, recuitment was greater within natural, as well as, artificial kelp beds compared to urchin barren areas and control panels outside the experimental kelp beds. The impact of changing community structure due to urchin harvesting was discussed as an factor influencing differences in juvenile urchin recruitment.  相似文献   

Significant controversies exist over the three types of Sebastes mentella found in the Irminger Sea and adjacent waters. Preliminary genetic studies have given evidence for the existence of three distinct groups, characterized using several molecular genetic markers. The biological or ecological significance of these between-group differences has, however, not been evaluated. In the present paper, we review the life cycle of S. mentella in this area, based on published data. Spawning of S. mentella in the Irminger Sea takes place in a single area above Reykjanes Ridge. The larvae drift towards East Greenland from where they are carried to West Greenland (NAFO Subareas 0+1). Later they return to East Greenland where the main nursery area has been identified. There is evidence for a migration of juvenile fish from the nursery area into the open Irminger Sea, where many different cohorts spawn. We also compare these ecological data with the genetic results and we conclude that the observed genetic differences can be derived from possible genetic drift, selection or mostly from temporal variation (age dependency). which has also been reported for other species with as high longevity as S. mentella. We conclude that S. mentella in the Irminger Sea and adjacent waters comprises one single population.  相似文献   

Most organisms in intertidal areas are marine in origin; many have distributions that extend into the subtidal zone. Terrestrial predators such as mammals and birds may exploit these animals during low tide and can have considerable effects on intertidal food webs. Several studies have shown that avian predators are capable of reducing densities of sessile and slow-moving intertidal invertebrates but very few studies have considered avian predation on mobile invertebrate predators such as crabs. In this study, we investigated predation by Great Black-backed Gulls (Larus marinus Linnaeus) on three species of crabs (Cancer borealis Stimpson, Cancer irroratus Say, and Carcinus maenas Linnaeus). The study was at Appledore Island, ME (a gull breeding island) and 8 other sites throughout the Gulf of Maine, including breeding islands and mainland sites. On Appledore Island, intertidal and subtidal zones provided over one-third of prey remains found at gull nests, and crabs were a substantial proportion (∼ 30% to 40%) of the total remains. Similarly, collections of prey remains from intertidal areas indicated that crabs were by far the most common marine prey. C. borealis was eaten far more often and C. irroratus and C. maenas less often than expected at each site. Comparing numbers of carapaces to densities of crabs in low intertidal and shallow subtidal zones at each site, we estimated that gulls remove between 15% and 64% of C. borealis during diurnal low tides. The proportion of C. borealis eaten by gulls was independent of proximity to a gull colony. Approximately 97% of the outer coast of Maine is within 20 km of a breeding island. Thus, a lot of gull predation on crabs may occur throughout the Gulf of Maine during summer months. Crabs are important predators of other invertebrates; if predation by gulls reduces the number of crabs in intertidal and shallow subtidal areas, gulls may have important indirect effects on intertidal food webs.  相似文献   

The big (Raja binoculata), California (R. inornata), longnose (R. rhina), and sandpaper (Bathyraja kincaidii), skates are commonly found on soft-bottom regions of the central California continental shelf and upper slope. The feeding ecology of this assemblage was compared to evaluate the degree of trophic separation among species, based on the results of previous species-specific diet studies. Specimens were collected from fishery independent trawl surveys conducted during September 2002–March 2003 at depths of 9–536 m. Using single and compound measures, diet composition of small (≤60 cm TL) and large (>60 cm TL) individuals were compared within continental shelf (≤200 m) and slope (>200 m) regions using traditional, multivariate, and novel techniques. Diet compositions within size classes were similar in both regions. Diet compositions between size classes generally differed, however, with fishes more important and crustaceans (especially shrimps and euphausiids) less important in the diets of large individuals. Crabs contributed substantially to skate diet compositions on the shelf, but were uncommon prey items at deeper depths, probably because of their relative scarcity in slope waters. Conversely, cephalopods were common prey items at slope depths, but were rarely ingested at shelf depths. The studied skate assemblage appears to consist primarily of generalist crustacean and fish predators that exhibit high dietary overlap at similar sizes. It is possible that resource competition among skates and groundfish species has been reduced because of considerable recent declines in the biomass of upper trophic level groundfishes. Skates may therefore play important roles in contemporary benthic food web dynamics off central California.  相似文献   

Two species of benthic damselfishes from the Gulf of California, Mexico, use contrasting behaviors when feeding on benthic algal communities. The small (±70 g) Cortez damselfish, Eupomacentrus rectifraenum (Gill, 1862), feeds selectively from a multi-species algal mat, eats fleshy red and green algae and ignores brown and calcareous algae. The giant blue damselfish, Microspathodon dorsalis (Gill, 1862), is a large (±450 g), lethargic, nonselective feeder which grazes on a near monoculture of a fleshy red alga, Polysiphonia sp. Feeding activity for both species is low in the morning peaks during late afternoon, and drops sharply as night approaches. Based on feeding rates, gut-filling times, and weights of gut contents, Cortez damselfish process six to eight full guts of food and giant blue damselfish three full guts of food per day. The algal mat exhibits high standing crops (291–618 g dry wt · m?2) and low productivity, but the preferred food of the Cortez damselfish (Ulva) appears to colonize the mat frequently and grow rapidly. The Polysiphonia dominated community on giant blue damselfish territories exhibits low standing crops (23 g · m?2) and high productivity (34–47 times that of the mat per gram algae). Even though the feeding behaviors and resources used by the two damselfishes differ, both species eat similar food (delicate red and green fleshy algae, and depend on rapid colonization and/or high productivity to maintain their primary foods in the grazed algal community.  相似文献   


Shell repair frequencies in eleven species of Recent gastropods from the northern Gulf of California vary with habitat, shell morphology and intensity of durophagous predation. Squat shells with large apertures tend to have high repair frequencies (0.25–0.50). Shell thickness at the aperture and shell size are not correlated with frequency of repair. Significant intraspecific variation in repair frequency exists between habitats. Samples from rocky habitats have statistically higher repair frequencies than samples of the same species from sandy habitats. However, habitat‐related variation between species is not apparent.

Trends in co‐evolution of gastropods and their durophagous predators are based on the indirect evidence of shell repair frequencies through time. Variation in repair frequency due to environmental and morphological factors may obscure predator‐related temporal trends in repair frequency.  相似文献   

Foraging ecology of the California gnatcatcher deduced from fecal samples   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The California gnatcatcher is a threatened species essentially restricted to coastal sage scrub habitat in southern California. Its distribution and population dynamics have been studied intensely, but little is known about its diet. We identified arthropod fragments in 33 fecal samples of the California gnatcatcher to gain insight into its foraging ecology and diet. Fecal samples were collected from adult males, adult females, fledglings, and nestlings. Leaf- and planthoppers (Homoptera) and spiders (Araneae) predominated numerically in samples. Spider prey was most diverse, with eight families represented. True bugs (Hemiptera) and wasps, bees, and ants (Hymenoptera) were only minor components of the gnatcatcher diet. Gnatcatcher adults selected prey to feed their young that was larger than expected given the distribution of arthropod size available in their environment, and chicks were provisioned with larger prey items and significantly more grasshoppers and crickets (Orthoptera) and spiders than adults consumed themselves. Both adults and young consumed more sessile than active prey. Further studies are needed to determine whether arthropods sampled in coastal sage scrub that are common in fecal samples are good indicators of California gnatcatcher habitat. Received: 30 December 1998 / Accepted: 28 April 1999  相似文献   

竹类植物种群生态学研究进展与展望   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
王微  陶建平  宋利霞  冉春燕   《广西植物》2006,26(4):412-417
综述了竹类种群生理生态学、种群动态、繁殖特性、无性系种群特征等几个方面的研究进展,概括了群落水平上竹类种群对森林更新的影响。并从竹类种群克隆多样性与微进化、生长适应机理、开花机制,以及竹类种群与林窗更新等四个方面展望未来竹类种群生态学研究的重点和主要趋势。  相似文献   

The bat ray, Myliobatis californica, is the most common, large predatory fish in Humboldt Bay, California. To prevent bat ray predation on cultured oyster beds, much effort has focused on reducing their population. A 13 month study was conducted in Humboldt Bay to examine the rays' use of the bay, population structure, and feeding ecology. Bat rays are seasonally found in Humboldt Bay during the spring, summer, and early fall months. Adult rays were most abundant during the summer months, while numbers of juveniles increased through the summer and early fall, indicating that Humboldt Bay is an important pupping and nursery ground. Very few rays were found in the bay during the colder months of the year. This decline in abundance is attributed to cooler water temperatures (< 10° C). The stomach contents from 503 bat rays were examined. Overall, clams were the predominant prey item. The index of importance and Shannon-Weiner diversity index indicated that food habits of bat rays change with increasing size. Larger prey items and a wider variety of prey items were consumed as rays increased in size. Dietary importance of small clams and Crangon shrimp decreased with increasing ray size, while the importance of larger prey items (e.g. large clams, Cancer crabs, blue mud shrimp, echiuran worms) increased. Predation on oysters was rare. Differences between the diets of male and female rays of similar sizes were also observed.  相似文献   

The Baja California peninsula represents a biogeographical boundary contributing to regional differentiation among populations of marine animals. We investigated the genetic characteristics of perennial and annual populations of the marine angiosperm, Zostera marina, along the Pacific coast of Baja California and in the Gulf of California, respectively. Populations of Z. marina from five coastal lagoons along the Pacific coast and four sites in the Gulf of California were studied using nine microsatellite loci. Analyses of variance revealed significant interregional differentiation, but no subregional differentiation. Significant spatial differentiation, assessed using θST values, was observed among all populations within the two regions. Z. marina populations along the Pacific coast are separated by more than 220 km and had the greatest θST (0.13–0.28) values, suggesting restricted gene flow. In contrast, lower but still significant genetic differentiation was observed among populations within the Gulf of California (θST = 0.04–0.18), even though populations are separated by more than 250 km. This suggests higher levels of gene flow among Gulf of California populations relative to Pacific coast populations. Direction of gene flow was predominantly southward among Pacific coast populations, whereas no dominant polarity in the Gulf of California populations was observed. The test for isolation by distance (IBD) showed a significant correlation between genetic and geographical distances in Gulf of California populations, but not in Pacific coast populations, perhaps because of shifts in currents during El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events along the Pacific coast.  相似文献   

Although many studies have shown that animal-associated bacterial species exhibit linkage disequilibrium at chromosomal loci, recent studies indicate that both animal-associated and soil-borne bacterial species can display a nonclonal genetic structure in which alleles at chromosomal loci are in linkage equilibrium. To examine the situation in soil-borne species further, we compared genetic structure in two soil populations of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii and two populations of R. leguminosarum bv. viciae from two sites in Oregon, with genetic structure in R. leguminosarum bv. viciae populations recovered from peas grown at a site in Washington, USA, and at a site in Norfolk, UK. A total of 234 chromosomal types (ET) were identified among 682 strains analysed for allelic variation at 13 enzyme-encoding chromosomal loci by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE). Chi-square tests for heterogeneity of allele frequencies showed that the populations were not genetically uniform. A comparison of the genetic diversity within combined and individual populations confirmed that the Washington population was the primary cause of genetic differentiation between the populations. Each individual population exhibited linkage disequilibrium, with the magnitude of the disequilibrium being greatest in the Washington population and least in the UK population of R. leguminosarum bv. viciae. Linkage disequilibrium in the UK population was created between two clusters of 9 and 23 ETs, which, individually, were in linkage equilibrium. Strong linkage disequilibrium between the two major clusters of 8 and 12 ETs in the Washington population was caused by the low genetic diversity of the ETs within each cluster relative to the inter-cluster genetic distance. Because neither the magnitude of genetic diversity nor of linkage disequilibrium increased as hierarchical combinations of the six local populations were analysed, we conclude that the populations have not been isolated from each other for sufficient time, nor have they been exposed to enough selective pressure to develop unique multilocus genetic structure.  相似文献   

The round stingray, Urobatis halleri, is a viviparous elasmobranch that inhabits inshore, benthic habitats ranging from the western U.S.A. to Panama. The population genetic structure of this species was inferred with seven polymorphic microsatellite loci in samples collected at three sites in coastal southern California, one near Santa Catalina Island, California and one in the eastern Gulf of California. Urobatis halleri is relatively common, but little is known of its movement patterns or population structure. Small FST values (?0·0017 to 0·0005) suggested little structure among coastal populations of southern and Baja California. The population sampled at Santa Catalina Island, which is separated by a deep‐water channel from the coastal sites, however, was significantly divergent (large FST, 0·0251) from the other populations, suggesting low connectivity with coastal populations. The Santa Catalina Island population also had the lowest allele richness and lowest average heterozygosity, suggesting recent population bottlenecks in size.  相似文献   

Estimates of demographic parameters are essential for assessing the status of populations and assigning conservation priority. In light of the difficulties associated with obtaining such estimates, vital rates are rarely available even for well-studied species. We present the first estimates of age-specific birth rates for female California sea lions ( Zalophus californianus ) >10 yr of age. These rates were estimated from the reproductive histories of five cohorts of animals branded as pups between 1980 and 1984 at Los Islotes colony in the Gulf of California, Mexico. Age-specific birth rates varied among age classes and ranged between 0.06 and 0.80. The highest birth rates were observed for females between 10 and 15 yr of age, with decreased birth rates among older females. The effect of age, year, and resighting effort were explored using logistic regression analysis. Based on Akaike Information Criteria, birth rates were best explained by female age, while year and resighting effort did not have a significant effect. The odds ratio of producing a pup decreased with age but did not change significantly for middle-aged females. Our estimates of age-specific birth rates are consistent with general patterns observed for other large vertebrates.  相似文献   

Results of semi-quantitative observations and quantitative sampling of seagrasses at coastal and offshore sites along the western Arabian Gulf are presented. Overall seagrass cover (all species together) shows significant positive correlation with latitude, but not with salinity, temperature or depth. The same pattern is shown by Halodule uninervis (Forsk.) Aschers., the dominant species. Mean seagrass biomass ranged from 53–235 g m-2 (dry weight). These values are comparable with biomass estimates from regions in which environmental conditions are generally less extreme than in the Gulf. Seagrass biomass is significantly negatively correlated with depth and sediment grain size. No significant correlation is apparent between seagrass biomass and factors such as season, salinity, or concentrations of nutrients and heavy metals measured. It is pointed out that any correlations observed are not necessarily taken to imply causality.  相似文献   

Sharks segregate by sex and size, but few studies have attempted to explain such behaviors. To address this, we examined aggregations and the foraging ecology of whale sharks in Bahía de La Paz (BLP) with aerial and ship surveys and direct observation. Zooplankton abundance and composition, and hydrographic conditions were analyzed in relation to whale shark occurrence to explore underlying factors causing segregations. We observed large aggregations of juveniles (<9 m total length, TL) inshore, comprised by 60 % male individuals, and small aggregations of adults (>9 m TL) offshore, composed of 84 % females. Juvenile sharks were associated to turbid shallow waters in BLP, where they performed stationary and dynamic suction feeding on dense copepod swarms. Adults occurred in oceanic waters and fed by ram-filtering on diffuse patches of euphausiids, with no association to oceanographic conditions. Such segregation may be advantageous to juvenile R. typus utilizing shallow coastal waters to find abundant preferred prey needed for their fast growth rates. Our studies suggest that the main driving forces of whale shark segregation by sex and size in BLP may be diet preference for juveniles and habitat preference for adult sharks.  相似文献   

The population of Nicobar is not a single random mating population but divided into a number of subpopulations within each of which essentially random mating takes place. Heterogeneity tests indicate that there is a significant difference among subpopulations for the ABO blood group system but not for the MN system. The overall gene frequencies of the ABO system were: r = 0·914; p = 0·033; q = 0·053. The gene frequencies of the MN system are much more consistent in the area as a whole than in the ABO system. The gene frequencies of the MN system were: M = 0·92 and N = 0·08. The Wahlund's principle yields the value of Ø = 0·0358 for the MN system and the unweighted mean value of Øs equals 0·0301 for the ABO system. The founder effect may have a far greater effect than the effects of chance in the genetical structure of Nicobar subpopulations.  相似文献   

Cohorts of Branchiura sowerbyi were reared at different temperatures and initial population densities in order to obtain data suitable for the interpretation of population dynamics in field populations. Percent hatching from cocoons reaches its maximum at 25 °C and decreases towards lower and higher temperatures. Embryonic development time, TE, was measured and the relative threshold temperature, 10 °C, calculated by extrapolation. The degree day requirement for embryo development is 195 °C d. The time of first cocoon laying (Tgm) was observed and the ratio TE/Tgm was seen to fit with that of other tubificid species cultured so far. Embryo mortality is rather high, while worm mortality is low or very low. Fecundity increases from 15 to 20 °C but decreases at 25 °C. A mathematical model for the simulation of population densities with four size-stage compartments is suggested. It could be used for the optimization of worm uptake (simulated as stage specific mortality) in mass cultures reared for the production of Branchiura, to be used as food for fish fingerlings.  相似文献   

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