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The desmid flora of the Girutiskis mire complex reserve in Lithuania, a Natura 2000 territory and a potential Ramsar site, was investigated for the first time. Despite being a relatively small area with homogenous ecological conditions and a narrow range of pH-values, some pattern in the distribution of desmid species was observed. The lowest number of species was observed in the highly acidic lakes that were surrounded by sub-shrub bogs, and the highest number in less acidic lakes that were surrounded by trembling bogs. A total of 78 desmid taxa were found of which 16 were first records for Lithuania. Almost half of the taxa were uniquely found at one site, and only 10% were classified as frequent. Presented at the International Symposium Biology and Taxonomy of Green Algae V, Smolenice, June 26–29, 2007, Slovakia.  相似文献   

The desmid flora of mesotrophic Lake Maarsseveen I, eutrophic Lake Maarsseveen II, as well as the interconnecting broads was studied during the period 1987–1991. Seasonal perodicity of euplanktonicStaurastrum andCosmarium species in the two Maarsseveen lakes fitted the well-known general pattern of desmid abundance peaks in (late) summer time. The deviating seasonality of two euplanktonicClosterium species (C. aciculare andC. acutum var.variabile) could be related to special nutritional demands. The tychoplanktonic desmid flora encountered in the interconnecting system of peat pits and canals proved to be more diversified as the influence of nutrient-poor seepage on the habitat (appearing from conductivity, transparency and the occurrence of particular macrophyte species) was greater. The rare speciesEuastrum germanicum andHeimansia pusilla had been only incidentally recorded in The Netherlands. Hanny Kooyman-van Blokland untimely died at the age of forty, in March 1994.  相似文献   

We studied the possible role of resource limitation and interspecific competition in assemblages of dabbling ducks on breeding lakes in Finland and Sweden with observational and experimental data. After initial vegetation mapping and yearly censuses of ducks in 1985–1990, we collected observational data in 1991–1994 from 28 lakes with natural populations of mallard Anas platyrhynchos and teal A. crecca. Mallard and teal co-occur over vast areas in the Holarctic and they are the only breeding dabbling ducks on many oligotrophic lakes. Both species are migratory in our study regions, teal arriving later in spring than mallards. Log-linear model analysis of observational presence/absence data revealed a positive, not a negative, association between the species. This association was independent of habitat diversity as well as of lake size. Mallard-teal interaction was also studied in a cross-over introduction experiment in 32 other lakes in two years. Wing-clipped mallards were introduced to breeding lakes before the arrival of teal to induce resource limitation and interspecific competition, hypothesized to reduce lake use by teal. The density of mallard pairs on experimental lakes was 2.9–8.0 times higher than on controls, but there was no negative response by teal to the treatment. This is the first combined observational-experimental demonstration of lack of interspecific competition in waterfowl. Our results indicate that heterospecific attraction may affect species co-existence in dabbling ducks. Received: 28 October 1996 / Accepted: 13 January 1997  相似文献   

A method recently proposed by Coesel that uses the desmid flora to assess the conservation value of aquatic habitats was applied to an alkaline and hypertrophic oxbow of the Upper Tisza river (NE Hungary). According to the macrophyte community the oxbow contains two distinct habitats, both of which provide suitable conditions for the development of a rich desmid flora. High temporal and spatial differences in the algal flora were observed in periphyton and plankton samples taken in June and August 2004. The sample of Utricularia vulgaris periphyton collected in August was characterised by the most species-rich desmid flora. The conservation value of this sample was the maximum according to Coesel’s method. The latter also proved to be useful for the assessment of the conservation value of plankton net samples taken from among the macrophytes. The use of modified rarity value calculations as recently proposed by Fehér did not significantly affect the conservation value, but different enumeration methods to quantify the floristic diversity did result in different conservation values. We found that Coesel’s desmid based method is a useful tool for assessing the conservation value of the studied oxbow. Based our results the Coesel method’s applicability and usefulness depended on (i) the sampling location (open water or macrophytic region) samples were taken from open water or from macrophytic region; and (ii) species enumeration procedures (up to 400 specimens counted, or whole droplets counted). Presented at the International Symposium Biology and Taxonomy of Green Algae V, Smolenice, June 26–29, 2007, Slovakia.  相似文献   

A detailed qualitative investigation of the desmid community in the territory of the Province of Vojvodina (Northern Serbia, part of the Pannonian Plain) revealed a surprisingly high number of desmid taxa. Although most of the desmids were marked as rare, according to the results of physico-chemical analyses of water samples, several taxa were frequently recorded in habitats that are generally deemed unsuitable for desmids. The ecological characteristics of 18 desmid taxa, some of which known as acidophilic and/or oligotrophic, are briefly discussed. The unexpected presence of many desmid taxa is explained by assuming that their tolerance threshold to various physico-chemical parameters has changed considerably. Presented at the International Symposium Biology and Taxonomy of Green Algae V, Smolenice, June 26–29, 2007, Slovakia.  相似文献   

Three peat swamps situated in the southern part of Thailand were investigated for their desmid flora in relation to a number of physical and chemical habitat parameters. Altogether, 99 species were encountered belonging to 22 genera. 30 species are new records for the Thai desmid flora. Laempagarung peat swamp showed the highest diversity (45 species), followed by Maikhao peat swamp (32 species) and Jud peat swamp (25 species). Despite its relatively low species richness, Jud swamp appeared to house a number of rare taxa, e.g., Micrasterias subdenticulata var. ornata, M. suboblonga var. tecta and M. tetraptera var. siamensis which can be considered Indo-Malaysian endemics. Differences in composition of the desmid flora between the three peat swamps are discussed in relation to environmental conditions. Presented at the International Symposium Biology and Taxonomy of Green Algae V, Smolenice, June 26–29, 2007, Slovakia.  相似文献   

This report summarizes the results of summer studies of five soft water lakes, five hard water lakes and six calcareous spring ponds in Wisconsin with respect to the composition of the plankton and aufwuchs communities and the relative role of desmids in those communities. The results are compared with similar data obtained from selected acid bog lakes, alkaline bog lakes and closed bogs. Soft water lakes harbored a greater aufwuchs and plankton desmid diversity than hard water lakes or spring ponds; however, diversity in acid bog lakes was substantially greater than in any other lake type. Utricularia contained the greatest desmid diversity and population density in every lake where it occurred. Staurastrum was the most prevalent genus in the plankton and it was the only one recorded from hard water lakes and calcareous spring ponds. Desmid aufwuchs population densities were roughly comparable in hard water lakes, soft water lakes and acid bogs and the contribution of desmids to the total aufwuchs population was similar for the latter two lake types. However, the plankton of acid bog lakes generally harbored substantially greater desmid populations and these populations contributed much more to the total population than in any other lake type. Aufwuchs data are presented for several hosts and comparisons of population densities are given among hosts within a given lake and between the same host in different lakes of a given type. Data for other algal groups are also included.  相似文献   

This investigation summarizes quantitative data on the generic composition of the euplankton and aufwuchs desmid communities of 61 Wisconsin lakes, and analyzes the information with respect to 1) the role of the various genera in terms of frequency, density, and relative importance, 2) the suitability of various lake types for harboring desmid communities, and 3) the relationships between chemical parameters and desmid distribution. The generaStaurastrum, Cosmarium, andClosterium are of wide occurrence, appear to play major roles in the communities of all lake types, and are the most tolerant of varying chemical conditions. Most euplankton genera are of importance only in acid bogs, but aufwuchs genera generally are more widely distributed. Both the euplankton and the aufwuchs communities appear to be composed of 1–4 desmid assemblages, each with a differing range of importance values. Based on biological criteria, acid bogs appear to be the most suitable lake type for harboring desmid communities and calcareous spring ponds the least suitable type. High generic diversity of desmids appears to be correlated with low conductivity, calcium and alkalinity levels, pH values of 5.1–7.0, and the presence of free CO2. The evidence attending various hypotheses concerning water chemistry and desmid distribution appears contradictory, and further studies are needed to help clarify the situation.  相似文献   

Two new phototrophic consortia, “Chlorochromatium lunatum” and “Pelochromatium selenoides”, were observed and collected in the hypolimnion of several dimictic lakes in Wisconsin and Michigan (USA). The two consortia had the same morphology but different pigment composition. The cells of the photosynthetic components of the consortia were half-moon-shaped. This morphology was used to differentiate them from the previously described motile phototrophic consortia “Chlorochromatium aggregatum” and “Pelochromatium roseum”. These phototrophic cells did not resemble any described unicellular green sulfur bacteria. The predominant pigments detected were bacteriochlorophyll d and chlorobactene for the green-colored “Clc. lunatum”, and bacteriochlorophyll e and isorenieratene for the brown-colored “Plc. selenoides”. Their pigment compositions and the presence of chlorosomes attached to the inner face of the cytoplasmic membrane in both kinds of photosynthetic cells confirmed this new half-moon-shaped morphotype as a green sulfur bacterium. Both consortia were found thriving in lakes with low concentrations of sulfide (< 60 μM), below the layers of “Clc. aggregatum” and “Plc. roseum”. The green consortia were observed in lakes where the oxic-anoxic interface was located at shallow depths (2–7 m), while the brown consortia were found at greater depths (8–16 m). The two newly described consortia were never detected together at the same depth in any lake. Received: 30 April 1997 / Accepted: 17 January 1998  相似文献   

The present study focuses on the geographic distribution and biodiversity of the Chlorococcales in Patagonian lakes, covering a latitudinal transect. Two different approaches are considered (a) a review of the historical records of Chlorococcales in Patagonia and (b) the analysis of the morphology-based species diversity, ecological remarks, and geographic distribution of the chlorococcalean species recorded in 33 aquatic environments during surveys 2007 and 2008. A total of 308 chlorococcalean species were recorded throughout a 60-year period in Patagonian freshwater systems, encountering the highest chlorococcalean richness in lakes and shallow lakes located in the more intensively sampled areas. In our surveys 2007–2008, 72 chlorococcalean taxa were registered, among which 80% are worldwide distributed, about 19% are restricted to cold temperate areas in both hemispheres and one species (Pediastrum patagonicum) is one of the taxa probably endemic for Patagonia. The chlorococcalean richness in relation to the environmental factors, revealed that it is directly correlated with the trophic status of the water bodies (chl a: r = 0.52 and DIN: r = 0.47; P < 0.05). The latitude was inversely correlated with the species richness (r = −0.40; P < 0.05), and the chlorococcalean biodiversity of the Andean lakes (mean value: 3.64) was significantly lower (P = 0.0022) than that of the lakes from the Patagonian Plateau (mean value: 9.62). In this study we observed a decreasing trend in the biodiversity of Chlorococcales with increasing latitude, which fits in the existing ecological pattern described for different groups of organisms.  相似文献   

Community structure and diversity patterns of pelagic copepods were investigated for the coastal areas and in the marine lakes of the Palau islands in the West Pacific. We conducted field surveys during 2004–2007 and collected zooplankton samples from eight coastal areas and 16 marine lakes. The marine lakes in the islands of Palau are limnologically classified into two types, meromictic and holomictic lakes. Species diversity indices (Margalef’s species richness d′, Shannon–Wiener index H′, and Simpson’s dominance) were measured at each sampling site. The copepod community structure was analyzed using multivariate analyses, hierarchical cluster analysis, and non-metric multidimensional scaling (MDS) from the PRIMER package. A total of 36 copepod taxa were identified to the genus or species level from Calanoida, Cyclopoida, Harpacticoida, and Poecilostomatoida. Multivariate analysis based on the Bray–Curtis similarity index revealed that copepod assemblages could be classified into three different groups according to their habitat: (I) meromictic lakes, (II) holomictic lakes with an exceptionally shallow and flat basin (type A holomictic lakes), (III) holomictic lakes with a deep basin (type B holomictic lakes), and all coastal areas. The meromictic lakes were characterized by markedly decreased species diversity (d′ = 0.15, H′ = 0.41) in which only two brackish-water species, Bestiolina similis and Oithona dissimilis, were dominant. Type A holomictic lakes were characterized by relatively low levels of species diversity (d′ = 1.25, H′ = 1.35). In contrast, type B holomictic lakes were characterized by relatively high levels of species diversity, which was comparable to that of coastal areas. This result indicated that zooplankton assemblages in the type B holomictic lakes were closely related to a coastal community. The present study showed that the species diversity of pelagic copepods varies according to the level of isolation and the local environmental conditions for each marine lake.  相似文献   

Habitat use and ecological specialization within lake Daphnia populations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Many species of planktonic cladocerans display substantial variation in habitat use (mean depth and diel vertical migration), both among and within populations. We examined whether clonal segregation and specialization contributes to such behavioral variation within several lake populations of the cladoceran, Daphnia pulicaria. Electrophoretic and quantitative genetic analysis of clonal lines isolated from different depths at night revealed that clonal habitat specialization was common. Clones that utilized shallow water at night were genetically smaller at maturity and lower fecundity under standard laboratory conditions than the deep-water clones. The magnitude of this clonal habitat specialization varied among lakes: populations displaying broad use of depth habitats contained greater genetic variance than populations with more constrained habitat use. These results are consistent with known differences in selective factors in different depth habitats and suggest that substantial clonal specialization can occur within single populations. Since previous work has discovered a heritable basis to habitat selection in several Daphnia species, including D. pulicaria in our study lakes, it is likely that clonal/depth specialization is an important factor affecting the trophic ecology of Daphnia. Received: 18 April 1996 / Accepted: 25 September 1996  相似文献   

The ecological significance of cleaner fish on coral reefs was investigated. I removed all cleaner fish, Labroides dimidiatus, from eight small reefs, measured the subsequent effect on the abundance and species composition of all reef fish after 3 and 6 months, and compared it with eight control reefs with cleaner fish. The removal of cleaner fish had no detectable effect on the total abundance of fish on reefs and the total number of fish species at both times. Multivariate analysis by non-metric multidimensional scaling and ANOSIM pairwise tests based on 191 fish species revealed no effect of cleaners on the community structure of fish. Similar results were obtained using principal components analysis on subsets of the data using the 33 most common fish species and the 15 most abundant species (≥5 individuals per reef ) with both log10 (x + 1) transformed data and with fish numbers standardized for abundance. This study demonstrates that the removal of cleaner fish for 6 months did not result in fish suffering increased mortality nor in fish leaving reefs to seek cleaning elsewhere. Received: 28 October 1996 / Accepted: 7 February 1997  相似文献   

A dense accumulation of the phototrophic consortium “Pelochromatium roseum” in a small, eutrophic, freshwater lake (Dagowsee, Brandenburg, Germany) was investigated. Within the chemocline, the number of epibionts of the consortia represented up to 19% of the total number of bacteria. Per “P. roseum” a mean value of 20 epibionts was determined. Similar to other aquatic habitats, consortia in the Dagowsee were found only at low light intensities (< 7 μmol quanta m–2 s–1) and low sulfide concentrations (0–100 μM). In dialysis cultures of “P. roseum”, bacterial cells remained in a stable association only when incubated at light intensities between 5 and 10 μmol quanta m–2 s–1. Intact consortia from natural samples had a buoyant density of 1046.8 kg m–3, which was much higher than that of ambient chemocline water (995.8 kg m–3). Under environmental conditions and without motility, this density difference would result in rapid sedimentation of consortia toward the lake bottom. Our results indicate that (1) consortia are adapted to a very narrow regime of light intensities and sulfide concentrations, (2) motility and tactic responses must be of ecological significance for the colonization of the free water column of lakes, and (3) phototrophic growth of consortia can be explained only by a cycling of sulfur species in the chemocline, possibly within the consortia themselves. Received: 27 May 1997 / Accepted: 16 September 1997  相似文献   

Invasive species can alter patterns of biodiversity by displacing closely related native species that occupy similar habitats. We used multivariate ecological niche modeling to determine the potential spread and displacement of native congeners by the invasive aquatic plant, variable-leaf milfoil (VLM, Myriophyllum heterophyllum) in New Hampshire, USA. We show that VLM occurs almost exclusively in “higher order” lakes characterized as large, low elevation systems with relatively high pH, alkalinity and conductivity. In contrast, native milfoils occur across a broad range of lake orders. The strong association between lake order and VLM invasions suggests that VLM is most likely to displace native milfoils in higher order lakes. However, the mechanism by which VLM occurs in higher order lakes—higher propagule pressure versus higher growth and survivorship—is unclear. We therefore caution that native species may ultimately be susceptible to displacement from lower order lakes if the current distribution of VLM reflects higher propagule pressures. Our model provides a valuable tool for the prioritization of monitoring efforts.  相似文献   

A total of 23 ostracod taxa were found in 48 of 90 different water bodies (wetlands, springs, lakes, creeks, etc.) located at moderate to high elevation (530–1,095 m) in Diyarbakır province. The ecological tolerances and optimum values for environmental variables of 15 species were analyzed. Accordingly, maximum numbers of species were found between 700 and 800 m. Ostracod species and sampling sites along with seven environmental variables were ordinated with canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The first axis of CCA explained 72% of the relationship between species and environmental variables. Of these, water temperature, redox potential and altitude were the most influential (P < 0.05) factors for species. Based on habitat similarities, an unweighted pair group mean average dendrogram divided species into four clustering groups. Among the species, Potamocypris arcuata, Candona neglecta and Psychrodromus fontinalis had the highest optimum estimates for altitude, whereas P. arcuata, Herpetocypris brevicaudata and P. fontinalis exhibited the highest tolerances to altitude. While most species revealed unique tolerances and optimum values for different ecological variables, species with cosmopolitan characteristics had wider ranges of ecological tolerances and distribution amid the variety of habitats along elevational gradients.  相似文献   

Suspended and benthic algal communities from a mildly acidic, third-order Rhode Island stream were examined to determine the seasonal distribution, abundance and diversity of the lotic desmids. Within a one-year sampling period, 148 species and 202 subspecific taxa of desmids were identified, representing 23 genera. Species of Cosmarium and Closterium accounted for approximately 70% of the desmids present, and were the most diverse and abundant taxa during all seasons except spring, when Hyalotheca dissiliens was the dominant desmid species. Average abundance and species richness generally were greatest during summer for both suspended and benthic desmids. Most desmids occurred in benthic habitats, and were randomly distributed among substrata. Average seasonal abundance was 7.4 × 104 cells·g?1 dry wt substratum, among 13 types of substrata. Highest desmid abundance was measured among substrata with intricate morphologies, such as Fontinalis spp., which was associated with 1.2 × 106 desmid cells·g?1 dry wt substratum, or 1.7 × 103 cells·cm?2 substratum. Cell division was observed for 70 desmid taxa, and average seasonal reproduction (based on cell numbers) among all substrata ranged from 4% in winter to 20% during summer. In addition, sexually produced zygospores were found occasionally for H. dissiliens. Desmids were distributed among most substrata examined in this stream, with abundance comparable to reported estimates from softwater lakes and acid bogs. In contrast to established dogma, lotic desmids are not incidental drift organisms, but rather comprise a viable and persistent component of the stream periphyton.  相似文献   

We here exploit two large datasets on zooplankton in Norwegian lakes, spanning a wide range of geographical, physical, chemical and biological properties, to assess the ecological niches and habitats of Bythotrephes longimanus and Leptodora kindtii. The species overlapped geographically, yet co-occurred only in a limited number of lakes. Bythotrephes inhabited virtually all types of lakes, except alpine localities and productive lakes dominated by cyprinid communities where the hyaline Leptodora was most abundant. The zooplankton communities also differed in Bythotrephes and Leptodora lakes, probably both reflecting different predatory regimes, but also water quality and other lake-specific properties. We found no evidence for species being excluded by the presence of Bythotrephes, rather the diversity in general was higher in lakes with these predators present compared with those without. We found, however, a very close association between Bythotrephes and Daphnia galeata and to some extent also between Bythotrephes and D. longispina, suggesting that these species also may benefit from Bythotrephes invasion. Both Bythotrephes and Leptodora species occur naturally in this region, and knowledge about the ecological preferences and the zooplankton community composition in Bythotrephes—and Leptodora lakes will provide valuable information about the long-term effects of Bythotrephes invasion and potential interaction with of Leptodora as top invertebrate predator.  相似文献   

Freshwater bryozoans were investigated during field studies of 601 lakes and other surface water bodies throughout Norway from 1960 to 1978. The frequency of occurrence of the two Fredericella species was evaluated in relation to 12 environmental variables. Statistically significant deviations from the frequencies expected on the basis of random distribution were described using the categories preference, avoidance and absence. The typical European Fredericella sultana (with glossy statoblasts) occurred at 72 localities, north to 70° 25 N (the northernmost record on a global scale). Its frequency dropped towards the north. Maximum elevation above sea level was 1097 m (maximum recorded for Northern Europe). Another species with pitted statoblasts, tentatively considered to be Fredericella indica, occurred at 50 localities, north to 71° 09 N (the northernmost record reported to date). The geographical distribution reflected a typical northern cold-water species. One third of the 50 records were from lakes situated north of the Arctic Circle, and rich colonies were found on the North Cape plateau, as far north as possible on the European mainland. The few records from southeastern Norway were from high mountain lakes, up to 1397 m above sea level (highest record for Europe). This species was not found in any of the numerous lowland lakes investigated in southeastern Norway where F. sultana was common. Both species tolerated a cold climate, especially Fredericella indica, and they occurred in a wide range of environments. F. sultana preferred lakes with rather low elevation above sea level, rich vegetation with plant species typical for eutrophic environments, gyttja sediments and stony "hard" shores, some wave action, high content of calcium, and slightly coloured water. This species avoided ponds and was absent from ditches and mires, avoided dystrophic lakes surrounded by Sphagnum bog, with dy sediments and strongly coloured water, avoided sites with small wave action, was indifferent to magnesium and low concentrations of calcium, and was absent from lakes with pH below 5.4. F. indica was only recorded from lakes. It preferred rather low temperatures, oligotrophic conditions with poor aquatic vegetation and stony shores, some wave action, pH above 7.0, and low water colour (below 11 mg Pt l–1). This species avoided lakes with high temperatures and was absent above 20 °C, was absent where aquatic vegetation was rich or consisted of Sphagnum bog, avoided lakes with soft sediments of dygyttja and dy, places with small wave action, acid lakes, was absent at pH below 5.9, tended to avoid water with colour above 10 mg Pt l–1 and was absent in lakes with colour above 40 mg Pt l–1. F. sultana and F. indica occurred together in only six lakes, four in the north, and two in the southern mountain areas. The opposite sensitivity and reactions of the two species towards several environmental variables were supported by a logistic regression analysis. The main ecological difference between the two species is that F. indica appears to be more strongly dependent on climatic factors.  相似文献   

Chinese and Mongolian saline lakes: a limnological overview   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
W. D. Williams 《Hydrobiologia》1991,210(1-2):39-66
More than half of China's lakes are saline (viz. have salinities > 3 g L−1). Most salt lakes are in northwestern China (Tibet, Qinghai, Sinkiang, Inner Mongolia). Most Mongolian salt lakes are in the west of that country. Tectonic movements have been of the greatest importance in lake origins, but aeolian activity and deflation have also played a role. Many salt lakes in Qinghai-Tibet lie at altitudes > 4 000 m.a.s.l.; Aiding Hu (Sinkiang) lies at −154 m.a.s.l. Again, many lakes are large in area and deep. Small, shallow lakes are also common. Dimictic thermal patterns prevail in deep lakes, polymictic patterns in shallow ones. The highest salinity recorded is 555 g L−1. The salinity of Qinghai Lake, the largest Chinese salt lake, is 14 g L−1, but mean lake salinity on the northern Tibetan plateau is about an order of magnitude greater. Lop Nor has a salinity of ∼ 5 g L−1. Dominant ions are Na and Cl; Mg, Ca, SO4 and HCO3 + CO3 are important in certain lakes. Most major ions originate by weathering and leaching from rocks. pH values are generally high (often > 9.0). There are no bird or fish species confined to salt lakes, though many are associated with lakes of low or moderate salinity. Artemia occurs widely inland and in coastal salt pans, but is the only major macroinvertebrate of highly saline lakes. In lakes of only low to moderate salinity, invertebrate communities comprise widespread halotolerant freshwater forms and halophiles, some regionally endemic. Submerged and emergent macrophytes occur in lakes of low salinity, but phytoplankton species are more halotolerant. Ctenocladus circinatus, a green alga, is known from a Tibetan salt lake with a salinity of 200 g L−1. There is a dearth of basic limnological information on Chinese and Mongolian salt lakes. More work in particular is needed on a variety of geographically widespread lakes to (a) document seasonal physico-chemical events, and (b) compile comprehensive biological inventories of taxa present. Chinese salt lakes are significant sites for palaeoclimatic research, for conservation purposes, and for the resolution of several important biological questions (especially of an ecological and biogeographical sort). They also have important economic values. Unfortunately, the natural existence of many appears to be threatened by decreased inflows, largely the result of human impact on catchments.  相似文献   

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