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Studies of the skin with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) reveal a diverse morphology in breeding tubercles among species of Phoxinus. Based mainly on the fine structure of the surface of tubercles, nine morphotypes, coded as letters A-I, occur in Phoxinus. Most of the morphotypes are common to all Phoxinus species, but type E is present only on the dorsum of the head of P. phoxinus, type H on the breast scale of female P. phoxinus, and type I on the pectoral fin in P. erythrogaster. Multicellular breeding tubercles bearing unicellular projections, identified as unculiferous tubercles are found in type H and probably types F and G. The distribution of tubercles on head, body, and fins is described and compared among Phoxinus species. Breeding tubercles in Phoxinus and other minnow genera are compared in order to interpret the phylogenetic implication of the tuberculation in Phoxinus. The deeply embedded breast scales and the breeding tubercles on their apical margins, and a series of tubercles on the apical margins of lateral scales of the caudal peduncle in breeding males of Phoxinus species, are the characters supporting the monophyly of the genus. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The Halieutichthys aculeatus species complex is reviewed. Members of this clade are distinguished by the presence of tubercles on the tail and a reticulate dorsal pigmentation pattern. Three species are recognized, including two species new to science. A neotype is chosen for H. aculeatus. Halieutichthys bispinosus n. sp. is characterized by having relatively strong tubercles on the dorsal surface, a row of tubercles almost always present dorsal to the orbit, both sphenotic tubercles well developed and sharp, trifid principal tubercles on the disk margin with anterior spinelet enlarged, dense arrangement of tubercles on the tail and a comparatively large adult body size. Halieutichthys intermedius n. sp. can be distinguished from congeners by having both sphenotic tubercles strongly reduced, the tubercles almost always absent dorsal to the orbit, principal tubercles on the disk margin uniformly short and blunt tubercles, with all spinelets generally reduced.  相似文献   

Species within the coreid clade (Hemiptera: Coreidae) can often be observed competing in intrasexual competitions over access to mates and territories. Coreids that partake in these competitions typically possess sexually dimorphic hind legs that are used to strike and squeeze their rivals. In addition to their weaponized legs, some coreid species also possess sexually dimorphic abdominal tubercles, which are assumed to be sexually selected weapons. Still, much remains unknown about the morphology of these structures. Here, using the species Mictis longicornis Westwood, we investigate the frequency distribution and static allometry of abdominal thickness, a measure that includes tubercle length. Furthermore, we also investigate the morphological relationship between abdominal tubercles and weaponized hind legs. We find that male abdominal thickness is best explained by a bimodal distribution, thereby describing the first observed male polymorphism in the coreid clade; a phenomenon typically associated with alternative reproductive tactics. Additionally, we find that major males are characterized primarily by having large weaponized legs and abdominal tubercles, which further suggests that abdominal tubercles are used in male–male competition.  相似文献   

The presence of chelate and subchelate fore legs in Phymatinae (Hemiptera: Reduviidae), or ambush bugs, provides a unique opportunity to study the evolution of different types of raptorial legs in a closely related group of arthropods. Themonocorini have simple, possibly raptorial legs, Phymatini and Macrocephalini distinct subchelate fore legs, and the charismatic Carcinocorini are the only insects with a chelate fore leg apart from female dryinid Chysidoidea (Hymenoptera). Relationships between the four phymatine tribes are here analyzed in a cladistic framework thus permitting testable hypotheses on the evolution of raptorial legs. The presented analysis of phymatine tribal level relationships is based on a dataset comprising 11 species of Phymatinae and 54 non‐phymatine Reduviidae and Heteroptera. The molecular data set consists of ~3500 MAFFT aligned bases of 16S, 28S D2–D3, and 18S ribosomal genes. Parsimony and maximum likelihood analyses resulted in identical topologies for the ingroup with the relationships Themonocorini + (Phymatini + (Carcinocorini + Macrocephalini)) receiving high support values. Eleven morphological characters, eight of them derived from fore leg morphology, were optimized on the parsimony analysis. These optimizations indicate that the ancestral ambush bug had a simple raptorial leg; that size reduction of the tarsus, enlargement of the femur, curvature of the fore tibia, armature of tibia and femur with rows of tiny tubercles that allow for gripping of a prey insect, and the large process on the ventral surface of the femur arose in the common ancestor of Carcinocorini + Macrocephalini + Phymatini. The chelate leg in Carcinocorini is likely derived from a subchelate precursor similar to the one seen in recent Macrocephalini and may have evolved through elongation of the ventral, proximal portion of the fore femur and modification of the median process to form part of the digitus fixus. © The Willi Hennig Society 2010.  相似文献   

We compared the pupal stridulatory organs of 35 species and one subspecies of Iberian Lycaenidae using scanning electron microscopy. The studied species belong to the tribes Theclini, Eumaeini, Lycaenini, and Polyommatini. Nine species do not show stridulatory organs on the pupae but all other species possess them. Stridulatory organs are formed by a stridulatory plate (pars stridens) placed on the fifth abdominal segment and a file (plectron) in the sixth abdominal segment. The plate has tubercles in the Theclini and Lycaenini, tubercles, ridges, or undulations in the Eumaenini, and tubercles, teeth, or unspecialized structures in the Polyommatini. Morphological differences can be found in the files of the different tribes, regarding the number of teeth, their form and size. Cuticular formations of the organs were studied on a surface of 2,500 µm2 and the average of ridges, tubercles, and teeth was measured searching for relevant taxonomic information. Stridulatory organs were thought to be an adaptation to myrmecophily but we show that they are present both in myrmecophilous and nonmyrmecophilous species; therefore, we suggest that this trait probably did not evolve in relation with myrmecophily, but may be used to enhance relationships with ants. J. Morphol. 275:414–430, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Three new species of Antricola (Acari: Argasidae) are described from adult specimens collected on bat guano in different caves in Brazil. The female of Antricola guglielmonei n. sp. is easily determined by the presence of 2 smooth, depressed areas lacking setae in the posterolateral portions of the dorsum of the idiosoma, together with the partial fusion of the tubercles in the anteromedian portion of the idiosoma. The male of this species has a small spiracular plate surrounded by a pattern of tubercles disposed concentrically in its dorsal portion. Both sexes have cervical grooves very slightly marked. Antricola delacruzi n. sp. represents the only Antricola species with the dorsum of the idiosoma devoid of tubercles in both sexes and with scarce and minute setae placed over the smooth cuticle. The female of A. inexpectata n. sp. is known only from a few specimens. In this species, lines of smooth cuticle lacking setae separate the tubercles of the dorsum. In addition, there are 3 clumps of plumose setae close to the spiracular plate, in the ventrolateral portions of the idiosoma, in 3 well-delimited regions over cuticular thickenings. These 3 species share the peculiarity of a Haller's organ with the anterior pit bearing only 7 + 2 setae. The collection of these new species in Brazilian caves greatly expands the known range of the genus. A key to the adults of all known species of the genus is provided.  相似文献   

In contrast to many crickets and katydids, adult male camel crickets (Orthoptera: Raphidophoridae) do not stridulate and do not produce audible air-borne calling songs to attract females for mating. The mating behavior of most camel cricket species is undescribed; how pair-formation occurs is unknown, but chemical cues seem one likely possibility. In the camel cricket Pristoceuthophilus marmoratus Rehn, we test (1) the role of chemical cues in conspecific attraction, and (2) the role of the abdominal tubercles of adult males in producing those cues. We show (1) that virgin adult females are attracted to paper towels previously exposed to adult males, and (2) that paper towels previously exposed to adult males with exposed tubercles are more attractive than paper towels previously exposed to adult males with experimentally closed tubercles. In addition, we present Scanning Electron Microscope photos of adult male tubercle structure that are consistent with their putative role in producing chemical cues.  相似文献   

A common structural pattern (as observed under the SEM) in the main body of sectioned sclerites of the family Alcyoniidae, and octocorals in general, is the arrangement of acicular crystals in concentric layers. The crystals roughly follow the direction of the spicule axis, however, the sectioned tubercles of large Sinularia spicules have the acicular crystals oriented in the direction of the tubercles (i.e. perpendicular to the spicule axis), contrary to the sectioned tubercles of Sarcophyton and Lobophytum spicules. They reveal some rod-like structures, furcating the acute processes at the top of the tubercles. Sectioned small, club-like Sinularia sclerites show numerous tiny acicular crystals, oriented with their long axes at a fairly constant degree of inclination around a central axis. SEM studies of sectioned Cladiella sclerites show a granulate structure organized in concentric layers, but lacking acicular crystals. The Silurian Atractosella cataractaca show important characters in common with Recent alcyoniid species.  相似文献   

Lian WG  Zhang C  Zhang F 《ZooKeys》2011,(112):39-352
The genus Plistobunus Pocock, 1903 and its type species Plistobunus rapax Pocock, 1903 are redescribed based on the type material deposited in the British Museum of Natural History (BMNH), London. In addition, a new Plistobunus species from Hainan Island is described and illustrated of Plistobunus columnariussp. n. The new species is diagnosed by having a row of 12 setiferous tubercles on anterior margin of carapace, and the femur of pedipalpus ventrally with 13 setiferous tubercles in male.  相似文献   

The dermal covering of most batoid fish is constituted by dermal denticles and by different series of tubercles or thorns. The repartition and the morphological variations of these structures can provide complementary information about the taxonomy of skates and rays. The variations in these dermal structures within Pristiforms, Rajiforms and Myliobatiforms have been studied, taking into consideration the number of tubercles, their location and their arrangement in different series. Following Hubbs and Ishiyama [30], two new terms and 15 new series are indicated. The characteristics of the arrangement and of the morphology of these structures can separate the Rajiforms, having spiny tubercles or thorns, from the Myliobatiformes, bearing lanceolate or heart-shaped tubercles. The main taxinomic characters found are: guitar fish characterized by two scapular series, one well-developed rostral series and tubercles with an anterolateral ornamentation (relief). Within this group, Rhinidae and Rhynchobatidae are set apart by the morphology of their tubercles (devoid of any anterolateral ornamentation), by the absence of a middorsal caudal series and by the presence of an outer supraspiracular series. Platyrhina and Platyrhinoidis are distinguishable by the absence of anterolateral relief and by the presence of anterolateral, lateral and parallel series. Rajoids are characterized by thorns, only one scapular series and sometimes a nucho-scapular triangle, malar and alar thorns in adults, and well-developed parallel and lateral series. Myliobatiforms are devoid of rostral, orbito-spiracular, malar, alar, anterolateral, parallel and lateral series but a caudal sting is present in most species. Sawfish are almost entirely devoid of tubercules, except for rostral ‘teeth’. The morphology and arrangement of the rostral teeth can differenciate the two genera within this family.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of the surface tubercles of a specialized mechanoreceptor found within the head of Elaphe obsoleta lindheimeri indicates that the tubercle consists of a craterlike structure with a peg emerging from its center. After removal of the outer keratinized layers of the epidermis, the SEM discloses a replicate tubercle on the underlying alpha keratin layer. Over 6000 tubercles were found within a single snake. The mechanoreceptors were more densely concentrated on anterior scales, and their number appears to be species specific so that they are more concentrated in snakes with smaller heads than in those with larger ones.  相似文献   

The last-instar larva, pupa, male and female of Simulium virescens sp. nov. are described and illustrated. This species has a peculiar larva, which has an elongated head capsule and light-green colour. The first thoracic segment has tubercle on its dorsal region and the third thoracic segment has one pair of tubercles; the first to the fourth abdominal segments have one pair of tubercles on each segment. Until now this new species had only been collected at the type locality, which is on the middle stretch of the Correntina River in the southwestern portion of the state of Bahia, Brazil. Females were voraciously biting humans during the field work. This new species represents the second species of Simulium (Psilopelmia) in Brazil and the first registered outside of the Brazilian Amazon Region.  相似文献   

Adult and immature stages of a new whitefly species Dialeurodes swidi Ko are described and illustrated. It can be distinguished from other species by the abundant large tubercles scattered over its dorsum, each of them bearing a geminate pore. The biology, comparative notes and identification keys to puparia and adults of Dialeurodes species of Taiwan are provided.  相似文献   

Male glandular organs characterized by porous surfaces with hair-like cuticular elaborations are known from several trichoniscid isopods. In the subterranean species Titanethes albus, males possess paired tubercles with numerous hairs and pores dorsally on the pleon. We analyzed the microscopic anatomy of these structures with scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Diverse epicuticular formations and numerous sensilla, which are probably chemoreceptive, are present on the tubercles. We found several secretory surfaces on the pleon in addition to the dorsal tubercles. We also examined the distribution, architecture and ultrastructure of male-specific glands in T. albus with light and transmission electron microscopy. Three distinct types of male-specific rosette glands are present in different parts of the pleon and in the uropods. Glands secreting on the dorsal tubercles contain stellar central cells. The ultrastructure and histochemical staining properties of male-specific glands in T. albus suggest that they produce peptides which might function as contact pheromones.  相似文献   

Three new species of Tricorythopsis Traver (Ephemeroptera: Leptohyphidae) are described and illustrated based on nymphs from southeastern Brazil. These new species can be distinguished from other species of the genus by the following characters: Tricorythopsis araponga sp. n.: (1) femora with long setae; (2) abdominal segments 5–7 with dorsal tubercles; (3) tarsal claws with 4–6 marginal denticles and 7 + 4 submarginal denticles. Tricorythopsis baptistai sp. n.: (1) tarsal claws with 4–5 large marginal denticles and one submarginal denticle on each side; (2) abdominal colour pattern; (3) abdomen without tubercles; (4) coxae without projections. Tricorythopsis pseudogibbus sp. n.: (1) abdominal segments 6–8 with small dorsal tubercles; (2) tarsal claws with four large marginal denticles, and 3 + 1 or 2 submarginal denticles; (3) coxae dorsally projected; (4) femora broad and with short setae; (5) pronotum with anterolateral projection.  相似文献   

A new fish leech Ambulobdella shandikovi n. g., n. sp. (Hirudinida: Piscicolidae), a parasite of Whitson’s grenadier Macrourus whitsoni (Regan) (Macrouridae: Gadiformes) collected in the Ross Sea at depths from 1,221 to 1,433 m, is described and compared with related taxa based on morphological and molecular characters. Ambulobdella shandikovi n. sp. is characterised by prominent segmental tubercles on the venter and dorsal segmental tubercles, an uncommon appearance of its anterior sucker with ear-like edges and an inner membrane around the mouth-pore, well-developed musculature and a unique combination of features of the reproductive and digestive systems. The presence of uncommon tubercles can be attributed, in part, to temporary associations of A. shandikovi n. sp. with its fish hosts and a need for well-developed sensory and locomotory organs. A certain locomotory function of ventrolateral tubercles of A. shandikovi n. sp. is hypothesised and discussed. Further deep-sea surveys are obviously needed to shed light on the behaviour and mode of locomotion of this species.  相似文献   

Wedekind C  Evanno G  Urbach D  Jacob A  Müller R 《Genetica》2008,132(2):199-208
Some models of sexual selection predict that individuals vary in their genetic quality and reveal some of this variation in their secondary sexual characteristics. Alpine whitefish (Coregonus sp.) develop breeding tubercles shortly before their spawning season. These tubercles are epidermal structures that are distributed regularly along the body sides of both males and females. There is still much unexplained variation in the size of breeding tubercles within both sexes and with much overlap between the sexes. It has been suggested that breeding tubercles function to maintain body contact between the mating partners during spawning, act as weapons for defence of spawning territories, or are sexual signals that reveal aspects of genetic quality. We took two samples of whitefish from their spawning place, one at the beginning and one around the peak of spawning season. We found that females have on average smaller breeding tubercles than males, and that tubercle size partly reveals the stage of gonad maturation. Two independent full-factorial breeding experiments revealed that embryo mortality was significantly influenced by male and female effects. This finding demonstrates that the males differed in their genetic quality (because offspring get nothing but genes from their fathers). Tubercle size was negatively linked to some aspects of embryo mortality in the first breeding experiment but not significantly so in the second. This lack of consistency adds to inconsistent results that were reported before and suggests that (i) some aspects of genetic quality are not revealed in breeding tubercles while others are, or (ii) individuals vary in their signaling strategies and the information content of breeding tubercles is not always reliable. Moreover, the fact that female whitefish have breeding tubercles of significant size while males seem to have few reasons to be choosy suggests that the tubercles might also serve some functions that are not linked to sexual signaling.  相似文献   

Boke , Norman H. (U. Oklahoma, Norman.) Areole dimorphism in Coryphantha. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48(7): 593–603. Illus. 1961.—Coryphantha clava and C. erecta have both grooved and grooveless tubercles. The latter occur on young plants and emergent branches and may occur mixed with grooved tubercles on adult shoots, especially in C. erecta. Grooved tubercles have monomorphic areoles and are the only ones which bear flowers. The dimorphic areoles on grooveless tubercles develop exactly as in the mammillarias. In both species capitate glands occur in the axils of most tubercles and may occur at any position along an areole groove. The glands are initiated by the areole meristem in the same manner as spines, with which they are homologous. Close relationship between the 2 species is substantiated by both ectomorphic and endomorphic characters. The possession of both monomorphic and dimorphic areoles may mean that these cacti are evolving toward the complete areole dimorphism manifested by the mammillarias.  相似文献   

Small‐eared shrews (Mammalia, Soricidae) of the New World genus Cryptotis are distributed from eastern North America to the northern Andes of South America. One well‐defined clade in this genus is the Central American Cryptotis mexicana group, whose members are set off from other species in the genus by their variably broader fore feet and more elongate and broadened fore claws. Two species in the C. mexicana group, Cryptotis goodwini Jackson and Cryptotis griseoventris Jackson, inhabit highlands in Guatemala and southern Mexico and are presumed to be sister species whose primary distinguishing feature is the larger body size of C. goodwini. To better characterize these species and confirm the identification of recently‐collected specimens, we obtained digital X‐ray images of the manus from large series of dried skins of both species. Measurements of the metacarpals and phalanges successfully separated most specimens of C. goodwini and C. griseoventris. These measurements also show that the fore feet of C. griseoventris from Chiapas, Mexico, are morphologically distinct from those of members of the species inhabiting Guatemala. Univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analyses indicate that fore foot characters are more conservative within species of the C. mexicana group than are cranio‐mandibular characters. Patterns of evolution of fore foot characters that superficially appear to be linear gradations are actually more complex, illustrating individual evolutionary trajectories. No claim to original US government works. Journal compilation © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 118–134.  相似文献   

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