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Vicia faba L. (faba bean) is an important legume and is cultivated essentially as a cool-season crop. Changes in sowing dates and lack of precipitation expose faba bean crop to drought and heat stresses. The gradual rise in global temperatures owing to climate change is likely to exacerbate the detrimental effects of hot and dry climatic conditions on faba bean cultivation. High temperature stress is particularly damaging to faba bean during the flowering period, when the viability of pollen is critical for successful reproduction. Recent studies have shown that maintenance of protein homeostasis through synthesis of heat shock proteins plays a key role in the heat response of plants. To date, there has been no significant work linking the heat response of faba bean to the repertoire of its heat shock proteins. While quantitative trait loci have been identified for resistance against biotic stresses in faba bean, there is no parallel success with abiotic stresses in this species. Programs aiming at genetic improvement of the heat/drought resistance of this crop by both conventional breeding and molecular breeding methods are hampered because of the large and majorly ill-analyzed genome of faba bean plants. Likewise, molecular and biotechnology-related tools are poorly developed for faba bean; as a result, the fruits of transgenic research developed with model plant species are not reaching this crop. While specifically discussing the prospects for the genetic improvement of faba bean against heat and drought stresses, we highlight the areas of research which need to be strengthened on faba bean.  相似文献   

Among grain legumes, faba bean is becoming increasingly popular in European agriculture due to recent economic and environmental interests. Faba bean can be a highly productive crop, but it is sensitive to drought stress and yields can vary considerably from season to season. Understanding the physiological basis of drought tolerance would indicate traits that can be used as indirect selection criteria for the development of cultivars adapted to drought conditions. To assess genotypic variation in physiological traits associated with drought tolerance in faba bean and to determine relationships among these attributes, two pot experiments were established in a growth chamber using genetic materials that had previously been screened for drought response in the field. Nine inbred lines of diverse genetic backgrounds were tested under adequate water supply and limited water conditions. The genotypes showed substantial variation in shoot dry matter, water use, stomatal conductance, leaf temperature, transpiration efficiency, carbon isotope discrimination (Δ13C), relative water content (RWC) and osmotic potential, determined at pre-flowering vegetative stage. Moisture deficits decreased water usage and consequently shoot dry matter production. RWC, osmotic potential, stomatal conductance and Δ13C were lower, whereas leaf temperature and transpiration efficiency were higher in stressed plants, probably due to restricted transpirational cooling induced by stomatal closure. Furthermore, differences in stomatal conductance, leaf temperature, Δ13C and transpiration efficiency characterized genotypes that were physiologically more adapted to water deficit conditions. Correlation analysis also showed relatively strong relationships among these variables under well watered conditions. The drought tolerant genotypes, ILB-938/2 and Melodie showed lower stomatal conductance associated with warmer leaves, whereas higher stomatal conductance and cooler leaves were observed in sensitive lines (332/2/91/015/1 and Aurora/1). The lower value of Δ13C coupled with higher transpiration efficiency in ILB-938/2, relative to sensitive lines (Aurora/1 and Condor/3), is indeed a desirable characteristic for water-limited environments. Finally, the results showed that stomatal conductance, leaf temperature and Δ13C are promising physiological indicators for drought tolerance in faba bean. These variables could be measured in pot-grown plants at adequate water supply and may serve as indirect selection criteria to pre-screen genotypes.  相似文献   

Faba bean varieties with determinacy of the apical meristem are relevant to green production. A diagnostic CAPS (cleavage amplification polymorphic sequence) marker for determinate growth habit (ti) in faba bean was previously developed by Avila et al. (Mol Breed 17:185–190, 2006) but was effective only on a limited range of cultivars or genotypes. In this study, we studied the reasons for this limited application and developed a new marker useful for most faba bean-breeding programs. By designing a new set of primers, the complete genomic Vf_TFL1 sequences from different genotypes contrasting for the character were obtained and additional base changes associated with the ti phenotype were identified. The comparison among faba bean sequences showed that the previous CAPS marker was based on a SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) at position 469 in the intron 2–3, a silent mutation. On the contrary, a SNP at position 26 that distinguishes determinate and indeterminate growth habit genotypes lead to an amino acid change (Leu-9 to Arg) in the determinate growth habit genotypes that could account for the ti phenotype. A dCAPS marker based on this SNP that creates a TaqI site in the ti allele was developed. The marker was 100% successful in predicting ti phenotypes in a broad range of faba bean germplasm representing all major cultivars historically grown in Europe. The outcome confirms the utility of the new dCAPS in worldwide marker-assisted selection programs.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of 21 faba bean populations was examined using morphological and molecular markers. DNA was extracted from 189 individuals and 8 microsatellite markers were genotyped individually in these 21 populations. A total of 53 alleles were obtained in all populations, with an average of 6.62 alleles per locus. The expected and observed heterozygosity was 0.38 and 0.62 respectively. The average polymorphism index content of SSR markers was 0.61, ranging from 0.31 to 0.81. The unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean dendrogram clustered all the populations into two groups, each for them subdivided into 3 sub-groups according to geographical origin. Morphological variation showed that the populations were not grouped according to their geographical origin. Therefore, patterns of differentiation of morphological traits did not coincide with molecular differentiation, indicating that morphological variation does not reflect genetic subdivision in studied faba bean populations. Analysis of molecular variance revealed high levels of genetic variation (83%) within population and provides a good base for designing genetic improvement programs. The result of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) revealed that three dimensional principal components (PC1, PC2 and PC3) contributed 40.56% of the total variability and accounted with values of 20.64, 11.22 and 8.70%, respectively. Cluster analysis based on PCA indicated three separate groups of populations. The genetic relationships found between the 21 populations samples were the same in both the PCA and STRUCTURE analysis which support the results observed. These data may serve as a foundation for the development of faba bean breeding programs.  相似文献   

The reserve mobilization was analysed in germinating seeds of faba bean (Vicia faba) exposed to treatment with a toxic cadmium concentration for 4 days. When the behaviours of three cultivars were compared with regard to the germination rate, the following order of sensitivity to cadmium was observed: Aguadulce and Luz de otoño showed 59 and 19% of inhibition from controls, respectively, while no effect was observed in the case of the local Féverole. The growth of embryo radicle was also affected in the same pattern. The differential vulnerability to Cd stress cannot be correlated to shortage in water supply of cotyledons. However, Cd-treated germinating seeds of the most sensitive cultivar (Aguadulce) showed restriction in starch mobilization and decrease in availability of soluble sugars and free amino acids. Moreover, glucose, fructose and amino acids were markedly leaked into the germination medium at the expense of the growing embryonic axis during exposure to Cd. These results provide an indication of the way in which cadmium might impair seed germination.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and relationships of 802 faba bean (Vicia faba L.) landraces and varieties from different geographical locations of China and abroad were examined using ISSR markers. A total of 212 repeatable amplified bands were generated with 11 ISSR primers, of which 209 were polymorphic. Accessions from North China showed highest genetic diversity, while accessions from central China showed low level of diversity. Chinese spring faba bean germplasm was clearly separated from Chinese winter faba bean, based on principal component analysis and UPGMA clustering analysis. Winter accessions from Zhejiang (East China), Jiangxi (East China), Sichuan (Southwest China) and Guizhou (Southwest China) were quite distinct to that from other provinces in China. Great differentiation between Chinese accessions and those from rest of the world was shown with a UPGMA dendrogram. AMOVA analyses demonstrated large variation and differentiation within and among groups of accessions from China. As a continental geographic group, accessions from Europe were genetically closer to those from North Africa. Based on ISSR data, grouping results of accessions from Asia, Europe and Africa were obviously associated with their geographical origin. The overall results indicated that the genetic relationship of faba bean germplasm was closely associated with their geographical origin and their ecological habit.  相似文献   

Plant aquaporins are believed to facilitate water transport across cell membranes. However, the relationship between aquaporins and drought resistance in plants remains unclear. VfPIP1, a putative aquaporin gene, was isolated from Vicia faba leaf epidermis, and its expression was induced by abscisic acid (ABA). Our results indicated that the VfPIP1 protein was localized in the plasma membrane, and its expression in V. faba was induced by 20% polyethylene glycol 6000. To further understand the function of VfPIP1, we obtained VfPIP1-expressing transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants under the control of the CaMV35S promoter. As compared to the wild-type control plants, the transgenic plants exhibited a faster growth rate, a lower transpiration rate, and greater drought tolerance. In addition, the stomata of the transgenic plants closed significantly faster than those of the control plants under ABA or dark treatment. These results suggest that VfPIP1 expression may improve drought resistance of the transgenic plants by promoting stomatal closure under drought stress.  相似文献   

In both controlled environment and the field, six QTLs for ascochyta blight resistance were identified in three regions of the genome of an intraspecific population of chickpea using the IDS and AUDPC disease scoring systems. One QTL-region was detected from both environments, whereas the other two regions were detected from each environment. All the QTL-regions were significantly associated with ascochyta blight resistance using either of the disease scoring systems. The QTLs were verified by multiple interval mapping, and a two-QTL genetic model with considerable epistasis was established for both environments. The major QTLs generally showed additive gene action, as well as dominance inter-locus interaction in the multiple genetic model. All the QTLs were mapped near a RGA marker. The major QTLs were located on LG III, which was mapped with five different types of RGA markers. A CLRR-RGA marker and a STMS marker flanked QTL 6 for controlled environment resistance at 0.06 and 0.04 cM, respectively. Other STMS markers flanked QTL 1 for field resistance at a 5.6 cM interval. After validation, these flanking markers may be used in marker-assisted selection to breed for elite chickpea cultivars with durable resistance to ascochyta blight. The tight linkage of RGA markers to the major QTL on LG III will allow map-based cloning of the underlying resistance genes.Communicated by P. Langridge  相似文献   

Ascochyta blight (AB) caused by Ascochyta rabiei (teleomorph, Didymella rabiei) Pass. Lab. is an important fungal disease of chickpea worldwide. Only moderate sources of resistance are available within the cultivated species and we hypothesized that the available sources may carry different genes for resistance, which could be pyramided to improve field resistance to AB. Four divergent moderately resistant cultivars CDC Frontier, CDC Luna, CDC Corinne, and Amit were each crossed to a highly susceptible germplasm ICCV 96029. Parents, F1 and F2 generations were evaluated under controlled conditions for their reactions to AB. A total of 144 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were first mapped to eight linkage groups (LG) for the CDC Frontier × ICCV 96029 population. Then based on the evidence from this population, 76, 61, and 42 SSR markers were systematically chosen and mapped in CDC Luna, CDC Corinne, and Amit populations, respectively. Frequency distributions of the AB rating in the F2 generation varied among the four populations. Composite interval mapping revealed five QTLs (QTL1–5), one on each of LG 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8, respectively, distributed across different sources, controlling resistance to AB. CDC Frontier contained QTL2, 3, and 4 that simultaneously accounted for 56% of phenotypic variations. CDC Luna contained QTL 1 and 3. CDC Corinne contained QTL 3 and 5, while only QTL 2 was identified in Amit. Altogether these QTL explained 48, 38, and 14% of the estimated phenotypic variations in CDC Luna, CDC Corinne, and Amit populations, respectively. The results suggested that these QTLs could be combined into a single genotype to enhance field resistance to AB. Y. Anbessa and B. Taran contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Low and unstable yields across seasons and environments are among the main reasons which make profitability for farmers too low. Along with resistance/tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses, plant architecture and yield-related traits are the main determinants of yield stability. The current study was conducted to identify and validate quantitative trait loci (QTL) for plant architecture and yield-related traits in faba bean; our results provide novel information about the genetics of plant architecture traits in this crop. An equina × paucijuga recombinant inbred line population was derived and submitted to field experiments at Córdoba (Spain) over a period of four seasons. Stable QTL were identified for eight of the traits evaluated. QTL clusters were identified on almost each chromosome. The high inter-trait correlations between some of the traits controlled by a cluster of QTL might reflect either a set of closely linked loci or, more likely, pleiotropic effects. The stability of many of these major QTL in different years offers the possibility of exploiting them via marker-assisted selection. Further fine mapping of these target regions will help to identify potential candidate genes using synteny.  相似文献   

Abscisic acid (ABA) regulates stomatal closure in response to water loss. Here, we examined the competence of guard cells to synthesize ABA, using two Arabidopsis ABA biosynthetic enzymes. 35S pro::AtNCED3-GFP and AAO3-GFP were introduced into guard cells of broad bean leaves. AtNCED3-GFP expression was detected at the chloroplasts, whereas green fluorescent protein (GFP) and AAO3-GFP were in the cytosol. The stomatal aperture was decreased in AtNCED3-GFP- and AAO3-GFP-transformed guard cells. This indicated that ABA biosynthesis is stimulated by heterologous expression of AtNCED3 and Arabidopsis aldehyde oxidase 3 (AAO3) proteins, which both seem to be regulatory enzymes for ABA biosynthesis in these cells. Furthermore, stomatal closure by the expression of AtNCED3 and AAO3 suggested that the substrates of the enzymes are present and native ABA-biosynthesis enzymes are active in guard cells. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. V. Melhorn and K. Matsumi contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola is an important disease that causes halo blight in common bean. The genetic mechanisms underlying quantitative halo blight resistance are poorly understood in this species, as most disease studies have focused on qualitative resistance. The present work examines the genetic basis of quantitative resistance to the nine halo blight races in different organs (primary and trifoliate leaf, stem and pod) of an Andean recombinant inbred line (RIL) progeny. Using a multi-environment quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping approach, 76 and 101 main-effect and epistatic QTLs were identified, respectively. Most of the epistatic interactions detected were due to loci without detectable QTL additive main effects. Main and epistatic QTLs detected were mainly consistent across the environment conditions. The homologous genomic regions corresponding to 26 of the 76 main-effect detected QTLs were positive for the presence of resistance-associated gene cluster encoding nucleotide-binding and leucine-rich repeat (NL) proteins and known defence genes. Main-effect QTLs for resistance to races 3, 4 and 5 in leaf, stem and pod were located on chromosome 2 within a 3.01-Mb region, where a cluster of nine NL genes was detected. The NL gene Phvul.002G323300 is located in this region, which can be considered an important putative candidate gene for the non-organ-specific QTL identified here. The present research provides essential information not only for the better understanding of the plant-pathogen interaction but also for the application of genomic assisted breeding for halo blight resistance in common bean.  相似文献   

Bulk segregant analysis was used to identify random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers linked to a gene determining hypersensitive resistance in Vicia faba line 2N52 against race 1 of the rust fungus Uromyces viciae-fabae. The monogenic nature of the resistance was determined by analyzing the F(2) population from a cross between resistant line 2N52 and susceptible line VF-176, and further confirmed in the F(2:3)-derived families. Linkage of the RAPD markers was confirmed by screening 55 F(2) plants segregating for resistance. Three RAPD markers (OPD13(736), OPL18(1032) and OPI20(900)) were mapped in coupling phase to the resistance gene for race 1 ( Uvf-1). No recombinants between OPI20(900) and Uvf-1 were detected. Two additional markers (OPP02(1172) and OPR07(930)) were linked to the gene in repulsion phase at a distance of 9.9 and 11.5 cM, respectively. The application of marker-assisted selection to develop new faba bean varieties with rust resistance genes is discussed.  相似文献   

A total of eight strains of bacteria were isolated from the root nodule of Vicia faba on the selective media of Rhizobium. Two of these strains produced phenotypically distinct mucoid colonies (one slow growing and the other fast growing) and were examined using a polyphasic approach for taxonomic identification. The two strains (MTCC 7405 and MTCC 7406) turned out to be new strains of biovar 1 Agrobacterium rather than Rhizobium, as they showed growth on alkaline medium as well as on 2% NaCl and neither catabolized lactose as the carbon source nor oxidized Tween-80. The distinctness between the two strains was marked with respect to their growth on dextrose and the production of lysine dihydrolase, ornithine decarboxylase and DNA G + C content. 16S rDNA sequencing and their comparison with the 16S rDNA sequences of previously described agrobacteria as well as rhizobia strains confirmed the novelty of the two strains. Both of the strains clustered with strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens in the 16S rDNA-based phylogenetic tree. The phenotypic and biochemical properties of the two strains differed from those of the recognized biovar of A. tumefaciens. It is proposed that the strains MTCC 7405 and MTCC 7406 be classified as novel biovar of the species A. tumefaciens (Type strains MTCC 7405 = DQ383275 and MTCC 7406 = DQ383276).
Bhupendra N. TiwaryEmail:

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is susceptible to grey mold (Botrytis cinerea). Partial resistance to this fungus was identified in accessions of wild relatives of tomato such as S. habrochaites LYC4. In order to identify loci involved in quantitative resistance (QTLs) to B. cinerea, a population of 174 F2 plants was made originating from a cross between S. lycopersicum cv. Moneymaker and S. habrochaites LYC4. The population was genotyped and tested for susceptibility to grey mold using a stem bioassay. Rbcq1, a QTL reducing lesion growth (LG) and Rbcq2, a QTL reducing disease incidence (DI) were identified. Rbcq1 is located on Chromosome 1 and explained 12% of the total phenotypic variation while Rbcq2 is located on Chromosome 2 and explained 15% of the total phenotypic variation. Both QTL effects were confirmed by assessing disease resistance in two BC2S1 progenies segregating for either of the two QTLs. One additional QTL, Rbcq4 on Chromosome 4 reducing DI, was identified in one of the BC2S1 progenies. F2 individuals, homozygous for the Rbcq2 and Rbcq4 alleles of S. habrochaites showed a reduction of DI by 48%. QTLs from S. habrochaites LYC4 offer good perspectives for breeding B. cinerea resistant tomato cultivars. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

A number of clubroot resistant (CR) Chinese cabbage cultivars have been developed in Japan using resistant genes from CR European fodder turnips (B. rapa ssp. rapifera). Clubroot resistance in European fodder turnips are known to be controlled by the combined action of several dominant resistance genes. We have developed three Chinese cabbage clubroot-resistant doubled haploid (DH) lines-T136-8, K10, and C9-which express resistance in different manners against two isolates of Plasmodiophora brassicae, M85 and K04. Depending on the isolates, we identified two CR loci, CRk and CRc. CRk was identified by quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis of an F(2) population derived from a cross between K10 and Q5. This locus showed resistance to both isolates and is located close to Crr3 in linkage group R3. The other locus, CRc was identified by QTL analysis of an F(2) population derived from a cross between C9 and susceptible DH line, 6R. This locus was mapped to linkage group R2 and is independent from any published CR loci. We developed sequence-tagged site markers linked to this locus.  相似文献   

Two repeated DNA sequences isolated from a partial genomic DNA library of Helianthus annuus, p HaS13 and p HaS211, were shown to represent portions of the int gene of a Ty3 /gypsy retroelement and of the RNase-Hgene of a Ty1 /copia retroelement, respectively. Southern blotting patterns obtained by hybridizing the two probes to BglII- or DraI-digested genomic DNA from different Helianthus species showed p HaS13 and p HaS211 were parts of dispersed repeats at least 8 and 7 kb in length, respectively, that were conserved in all species studied. Comparable hybridization patterns were obtained in all species with p HaS13. By contrast, the patterns obtained by hybridizing p HaS211 clearly differentiated annual species from perennials. The frequencies of p HaS13- and p HaS211-related sequences in different species were 4.3x10(4)-1.3x10(5) copies and 9.9x10(2)-8.1x10(3) copies per picogram of DNA, respectively. The frequency of p HaS13-related sequences varied widely within annual species, while no significant difference was observed among perennial species. Conversely, the frequency variation of p HaS211-related sequences was as large within annual species as within perennials. Sequences of both families were found to be dispersed along the length of all chromosomes in all species studied. However, Ty3 /gypsy-like sequences were localized preferentially at the centromeric regions, whereas Ty1/ copia-like sequences were less represented or absent around the centromeres and plentiful at the chromosome ends. These findings suggest that the two sequence families played a role in Helianthusgenome evolution and species divergence, evolved independently in the same genomic backgrounds and in annual or perennial species, and acquired different possible functions in the host genomes.  相似文献   


Key message

Map-based cloning identified a candidate gene for resistance to the anthracnose fungal pathogen Colletotrichum orbiculare in cucumber, which reveals a novel function for the highly conserved STAYGREEN family genes for host disease resistance in plants.


Colletotrichum orbiculare is a hemibiotrophic fungal pathogen that causes anthracnose disease in cucumber and other cucurbit crops. No host resistance genes against the anthracnose pathogens have been cloned in crop plants. Here, we reported fine mapping and cloning of a resistance gene to the race 1 anthracnose pathogen in cucumber inbred lines Gy14 and WI 2757. Phenotypic and QTL analysis in multiple populations revealed that a single recessive gene, cla, was underlying anthracnose resistance in both lines, but WI2757 carried an additional minor-effect QTL. Fine mapping using 150 Gy14?×?9930 recombinant inbred lines and 1043 F2 individuals delimited the cla locus into a 32 kb region in cucumber Chromosome 5 with three predicted genes. Multiple lines of evidence suggested that the cucumber STAYGREEN (CsSGR) gene is a candidate for the anthracnose resistance locus. A single nucleotide mutation in the third exon of CsSGR resulted in the substitution of Glutamine in 9930 to Arginine in Gy14 in CsSGR protein which seems responsible for the differential anthracnose inoculation responses between Gy14 and 9930. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis indicated that CsSGR was significantly upregulated upon anthracnose pathogen inoculation in the susceptible 9930, while its expression was much lower in the resistant Gy14. Investigation of allelic diversities in natural cucumber populations revealed that the resistance allele in almost all improved cultivars or breeding lines of the U.S. origin was derived from PI 197087. This work reveals an unknown function for the highly conserved STAYGREEN (SGR) family genes for host disease resistance in plants.

A total of 98 rhizobial strains, isolated during the winter of the years 2003 (35 isolates), 2004 (33 isolates), and 2005 (30 isolates) were analyzed to determine the genetic diversity of the natural population nodulating Vicia faba plants and to identify dominant genotypes. All isolates were identified as Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae by biovar-specific polymerase chain reaction amplification of the nodC gene. Intraspecific DNA polymorphism was evaluated through the restriction endonucleases analysis combined with pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Four genotypes characterized 53% of the isolates, showing a high occurrence; moreover, they were recovered over the 3 years, thus showing a lasting persistence in the soil, which could mean a high degree of saprophytic competitiveness. The richness, diversity, and dominance indexes of genotypes were calculated to monitor the evolution of the rhizobial population during the 3 years. The genetic diversity of the analyzed strains decreased along the 3 years. In fact, the biodiversity index H′ decreased from 2.6 in the first and second year to 1.9 in the third year; probably, as a result of bean monocropping, specific genotypes of Rh. leguminosarum bv. viciae were naturally selected.  相似文献   



To identify Rhizobium strains’ ability to biocontrol Sclerotium rolfsii, a fungus that causes serious damage to the common bean and other important crops, 78 previously isolated rhizobia from common bean were assessed.


Dual cultures, volatiles, indole-acetic acid (IAA), siderophore production and 16S rRNA sequencing were employed to select strains for pot and field experiments.


Thirty-three antagonistic strains were detected in dual cultures, 16 of which were able to inhibit ≥84% fungus mycelial growth. Antagonistic strains produced up to 36.5 μg mL?1 of IAA, and a direct correlation was verified between IAA production and mycelium inhibition. SEMIA 460 inhibited 45% of mycelial growth through volatile compounds. 16S rRNA sequences confirmed strains as Rhizobium species. In pot condition, common bean plants grown on S. rolfsii-infested soil and inoculated with SEMIA 4032, 4077, 4088, 4080, 4085, or 439 presented less or no disease symptoms. The most efficient strains under field conditions, SEMIA 439 and 4088, decreased disease incidence by 18.3 and 14.5% of the S. rolfsii-infested control.


Rhizobium strains could be strong antagonists towards S. rolfsii growth. SEMIA 4032, 4077, 4088, 4080, 4085, and 439 are effective in the biological control of the collar rot of the common bean.

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