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The ligand-bound androgen receptor (AR) regulates target genes via a mechanism involving coregulators such as androgen receptor-associated 54 (ARA54). We investigated whether the interruption of the AR coregulator function could lead to down-regulation of AR activity. Using in vitro mutagenesis and a yeast two-hybrid screening assay, we have isolated a mutant ARA54 (mt-ARA54) carrying a point mutation at amino acid 472 changing a glutamic acid to lysine, which acts as a dominant-negative inhibitor of AR transactivation. In transient transfection assays of prostate cancer cell lines, the mt-ARA54 suppressed endogenous mutated AR-mediated and exogenous wild-type AR-mediated transactivation in LNCaP and PC-3 cells, respectively. In DU145 cells, the mt-ARA54 suppressed exogenous ARA54 but not other coregulators, such as ARA55-enhanced or SRC-1-enhanced AR transactivation. In the LNCaP cells stably transfected with the plasmids encoding the mt-ARA54 under the doxycycline inducible system, the overexpression of the mt-ARA54 inhibited cell growth and endogenous expression of prostate-specific antigen. Mammalian two-hybrid assays further demonstrated that the mt-ARA54 can disrupt the interaction between wild-type ARA54 molecules, suggesting that ARA54 dimerization or oligomerization may play an essential role in the enhancement of AR transactivation. Together, our results demonstrate that a dominant-negative AR coregulator can suppress AR transactivation and cell proliferation in prostate cancer cells. Further studies may provide a new therapeutic approach for blocking AR-mediated prostate cancer growth.  相似文献   

The influence of estrogen on the development of the male reproductive system may be interrupted in a subset of partial androgen insensitivity syndrome (PAIS) patients. PAIS describes a wide range of male undermasculinization resulting from mutations in the androgen receptor (AR) or steroid metabolism enzymes that perturb androgen-AR regulation of male sex organ development. In this study, we are interested in determining if PAIS-derived AR mutants that respond normally to androgen have altered responses to estrogen in the presence of ARA70, a coregulator previously shown to enhance 17beta-estradiol E2-induced AR transactivation. The wild-type AR (wtAR) and two PAIS AR mutants, AR(S703G) and AR(E709K), all bind to androgen and E2 and subsequently translocate to the nucleus. Whereas ARA70 functionally interacts with the wtAR and the PAIS AR mutants in response to androgen, E2 only promotes the functional interaction between ARA70 and the wtAR but not the PAIS AR mutants. ARA70 increases E2 competitive binding to the wtAR in the presence of low level androgen and also retards E2 dissociation from the wtAR. ARA70 is present in both the cytoplasm and the nucleus of various mouse testicular cells during early embryogenesis day 16, at postpartum day 0 during estradiol synthesis and in the Leydig cells at postpartum day 49. ARA70 may be unable to modulate the PAIS AR mutants-E2 binding, diminishing the effect of E2 via AR during male reproductive system development in patients with such mutations. Therefore, the presence of ARA70 in the testosterone and E2-producing Leydig cells may enhance the overall activity of AR during critical stages of male sex organ development.  相似文献   

The androgen receptor (AR) requires coregulators for its optimal function. However, whether AR coregulators further need interacting protein(s) for their proper function remains unclear. Here we describe transgelin as the first ARA54-associated negative modulator for AR. Transgelin suppressed ARA54-enhanced AR function in ARA54-positive, but not in ARA54-negative, cells. Transgelin suppressed AR transactivation via interruption of ARA54 homodimerization and AR-ARA54 heterodimerization, resulting in the cytoplasmic retention of AR and ARA54. Stable transfection of transgelin in LNCaP cells suppressed AR-mediated cell growth and prostate-specific antigen expression, whereas this suppressive effect was abolished by the addition of ARA54-small interfering RNA. Results from tissue surveys showing decreased expression of transgelin in prostate cancer specimens further strengthened the suppressor role of transgelin. Our findings reveal the novel mechanisms of how transgelin functions as a suppressor to inhibit prostate cancer cell growth. They also demonstrate that AR coregulators, like ARA54, might have dual in vivo roles functioning as both a direct coactivator and as an indirect mediator in AR function. The finding that a protein can modulate AR function without direct interaction with AR might provide a new therapeutic approach, with fewer side effects, to battle prostate cancer by targeting AR indirectly.  相似文献   

Androgen receptor (AR)-associated coregulator 70 (ARA70) was the first identified AR coregulator. However, its molecular mechanism and biological relevance to prostate cancer remain unclear. Here we show that ARA70 interacts with and promotes AR activity via the consensus FXXLF motif within the ARA70-N2 domain (amino acids 176-401). However, it does not promote AR activity via the classic LXXLL motif located at amino acids 92-96, although this classic LXXLL motif is important for ARA70 to interact with other receptors, such as PPARgamma. The molecular mechanisms by which ARA70 enhances AR transactivation involve the increase of AR expression, protein stability, and nuclear translocation. Furthermore, ARA70 protein is more frequently detected in prostate cancer specimens (91.74%) than in benign tissues (64.64%, p < 0.0001). ARA70 expression is also increased in high-grade prostate cancer tissues as well as the hormone-refractory LNCaP xenografts and prostate cancer cell lines. Because ARA70 can promote the antiandrogen hydroxyflutamide (HF)-enhanced AR transactivation, the increased ARA70 expression in hormone-refractory prostate tumors may confer the development of HF withdrawal syndrome, commonly diagnosed in patients with the later stages of prostate cancer. Because ARA70-N2 containing the AR-interacting FXXLF motif without coactivation function can suppress HF-enhanced AR transactivation in the hormone-refractory LNCaP cells, using the ARA70-N2 inhibitory peptide at the hormone refractory stage to battle the HF withdrawal syndrome may become an alternative strategy to treat prostate cancer.  相似文献   

The androgen receptor (AR) may recruit multiple coregulators for proper or optimal transactivation. Here we report the identification and characterization of ARA67/PAT1 as an AR coregulator from a prostate cDNA library. ARA67/PAT1 was screened out as an AR N terminus interacting protein. Interaction mapping shows that the cooperation of multiple domains within ARA67/PAT1 may be required for the maximal interaction with AR. ARA67/PAT1 functions as a repressor with better suppressive effects on AR compared to glucocorticoid receptor and estrogen receptor. Further mechanism dissection reveals that the interrupted AR cytoplasmic-nuclear shuttling may play a major role in ARA67/PAT1 mediated suppression on AR. Together, these results suggest that ARA67/PAT1 may function as a novel repressor that can modulate AR function in prostate cancer.  相似文献   

APPL may function as an adapter protein to modulate the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt pathway. Although we have previously proven that the PI3K/Akt pathway can suppress androgen receptor (AR) transactivation, the potential linkage from APPL to the AR remains unclear. Here we demonstrated that APPL could suppress AR-mediated transactivation in a dose-dependent manner in LNCaP and PC-3 cells. This suppressive effect could be blocked by either dominant-negative Akt or dominant-negative PI3K or LY294002, suggesting that the APPL-mediated suppression of AR transactivation is dependent on the PI3K/Akt pathway. We also observed that APPL could further enhance the Akt-mediated suppression of AR transactivation and AR target gene using the reporter gene and Northern blot assay. APPL was able to enhance insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1)-mediated Akt activation. The abrogation of IGF-1-mediated Akt activation by the dominant-negative PI3K or LY294002 or antisense APPL suggests that APPL may function as an important adapter protein in controlling the IGF-1 --> Akt signal pathway. Co-immunoprecipitation and glutathione S-transferase pull-down assays suggest that APPL, Akt, and AR may exist in a complex and Akt may serve as an important bridge factor for the association of APPL with AR. Together, our data indicate that APPL may suppress AR transactivation via potentiating Akt activity.  相似文献   

The focal adhesion kinase Pyk2 integrates signals from cell adhesion receptors, growth factor receptors, and G-protein-coupled receptors leading to the activation of intracellular signaling pathways that regulate cellular phenotypes. The intrinsic mechanism for the activation of Pyk2 activity remains to be fully defined. Previously, we reported that mutations in the N-terminal FERM domain result in loss of Pyk2 activity and expression of the FERM domain as an autonomous fragment inhibits Pyk2 activity. In the present study, we sought to determine the mechanism that underlies these effects. Utilizing differentially epitope-tagged Pyk2 constructs, we observed that Pyk2 forms oligomeric complexes in cells and that complex formation correlates positively with tyrosine phosphorylation. Similarly, when expressed as an autonomous fragment, the Pyk2 FERM domain formed a complex with other Pyk2 FERM domains but not the FAK FERM domain. When co-expressed with full-length Pyk2, the autonomously expressed Pyk2 FERM domain formed a complex with full-length Pyk2 preventing the formation of Pyk2 oligomers and resulting in reduced Pyk2 phosphorylation. Deletion of the FERM domain from Pyk2 enhanced Pyk2 complex formation and phosphorylation. Together, these data indicate that the Pyk2 FERM domain is involved in the regulation of Pyk2 activity by acting to regulate the formation of Pyk2 oligomers that are critical for Pyk2 activity.  相似文献   

ARA267-α is a newly identified androgen receptor coactivator. In order to further elucidate its precise role in cells, using the ARA267-α fragment containing four PHD and one SET conserved domains as bait we revealed an ARA267-α-PHD-SET-interacting protein, death receptor-6 (DR6), in the yeast two-hybrid screening. DR6 is the member of TNF receptor family and has a death domain in its intracellular cytoplasmic portion (DR6cp) to mediate the cell apoptosis. The interaction between ARA267-α-PHD-SET and DR6cp was confirmed in vitro and in vivo. Our finding implied that androgen signaling pathway might cross talk with apoptosis signaling pathway through the interaction between ARA267-α and DR6.  相似文献   

Positive responses to combined androgen elimination therapy and radiation therapy have been well documented in the treatment of prostate cancer patients. The detailed mechanisms how androgen-androgen receptor (AR) cross talks to the radiation-related signal pathways, however, remain largely unknown. Here we report the identification of hRad9, a key member of the checkpoint Rad protein family, as a coregulator to suppress androgen-AR transactivation in prostate cancer cells. In vivo and in vitro interaction assays using Saccharomyces cerevisiae two-hybrid, mammalian two-hybrid, glutathione S-transferase pull-down, and coimmunoprecipitation methods prove that AR can interact with the C terminus of hRad9 via its ligand binding domain. The FXXLF motif within the C terminus of hRad9 interrupts the androgen-induced interaction between the N terminus and C terminus of AR. This interaction between AR and hRad9 may result in the suppression of AR transactivation, demonstrated by the repressed AR transactivation in androgen-induced luciferase reporter assay and the reduced endogenous prostate-specific antigen expression in Western blot assay. Addition of small interfering RNA of hRad9 can reverse hRad9 suppression effects, which suggests that hRad9 functions as a repressor of AR transactivation in vivo. Together, our data provide the first linkage between androgen-AR signals and radiation-induced responses. Further studies of the influence of hRad9 on prostate cancer growth may provide potential new therapeutic approaches.  相似文献   

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