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To screen and identify the novel probe markers binding hepatocellular carcinoma specifically and sensitively, a phage‐displayed 12‐mer peptide library was used to make biopanning with the modified protocols on HepG2 cells. After four rounds of panning, the consensus sequences were obtained, and the PC28, a phage clone with most specific and sensitive binding to HepG2 cells, was identified as the best positive clone. The peptide probe HCSP4 (sequence SLDSTHTHAPWP) was synthesized based on the sequencing result of PC28. The specificity and sensitivity of HCSP4 were primarily analyzed using immunofluorescence, flow cytometry, and other methods. The results show that HCSP4 can bind to hepatocellular carcinoma cells with satisfactory specificity and sensitivity. It may be a promising lead candidate for molecular imaging and targeted drug delivery in the diagnosis and therapy of hepatocellular carcinoma. Copyright © 2014 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hansman GS  Oka T  Katayama K  Takeda N 《FEBS letters》2006,580(17):4047-4050
Human sapovirus (SaV) is uncultivable, but expression of the recombinant capsid protein (rVP1) in insect cells results in the formation of virus-like particles (VLPs) that are morphologically similar to the native viruses. However, the SaV rVP1 expression levels are considerably low. We have found that inclusions of short foreign nucleotide sequences inserted directly upstream from the predicted rVP1 AUG start codon lead to increased yield of VLPs. This method allowed us to express a SaV rVP1, which could not have been expressed to measurable or practical levels otherwise.  相似文献   

The activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein (Arc) is important for synaptic plasticity and the normal function of the brain. Arc interacts with neuronal postsynaptic proteins, but the mechanistic details of its function have not been fully established. The C-terminal domain of Arc consists of tandem domains, termed the N- and C-lobe. The N-lobe harbours a peptide binding site, able to bind multiple targets. By measuring the affinity of human Arc towards various peptides from stargazin and guanylate kinase-associated protein (GKAP), we have refined its specificity determinants. We found two sites in the GKAP repeat region that bind to Arc and confirmed these interactions by X-ray crystallography. Phosphorylation of the stargazin peptide did not affect binding affinity but caused changes in thermodynamic parameters. Comparison of the crystal structures of three high-resolution human Arc-peptide complexes identifies three conserved C–H…π interactions at the binding cavity, explaining the sequence specificity of short linear motif binding by Arc. We further characterise central residues of the Arc lobe fold, show the effects of peptide binding on protein dynamics, and identify acyl carrier proteins as structures similar to the Arc lobes. We hypothesise that Arc may affect protein-protein interactions and phase separation at the postsynaptic density, affecting protein turnover and re-modelling of the synapse. The present data on Arc structure and ligand binding will help in further deciphering these processes.  相似文献   

Cyclic peptides are attractive candidates for synthetic affinity ligands due to their favorable properties, such as resistance to proteolysis, and higher affinity and specificity relative to linear peptides. Here we describe the discovery, synthesis and characterization of novel cyclic peptide affinity ligands that bind the Fc portion of human Immunoglobulin G (IgG; hFc). We generated an mRNA display library of cyclic pentapeptides wherein peptide cyclization was achieved with high yield and selectivity, using a solid‐phase crosslinking reaction between two primary amine groups, mediated by a homobifunctional linker. Subsequently, a pool of cyclic peptide binders to hFc was isolated from this library and chromatographic resins incorporating the selected cyclic peptides were prepared by on‐resin solid‐phase peptide synthesis and cyclization. Significantly, this approach results in resins that are resistant to harsh basic conditions of column cleaning and regeneration. Further studies identified a specific cyclic peptide—cyclo[Link‐M‐WFRHY‐K]—as a robust affinity ligand for purification of IgG from complex mixtures. The cyclo[Link‐M‐WFRHY‐K] resin bound selectively to the Fc fragment of IgG, with no binding to the Fab fragment, and also bound immunoglobulins from a variety of mammalian species. Notably, while the recovery of IgG using the cyclo[Link‐M‐WFRHY‐K] resin was comparable to a Protein A resin, elution of IgG could be achieved under milder conditions (pH 4 vs. pH 2.5). Thus, cyclo[Link‐M‐WFRHY‐K] is an attractive candidate for developing a cost‐effective and robust chromatographic resin to purify monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Finally, our approach can be extended to efficiently generate and evaluate cyclic peptide affinity ligands for other targets of interest. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 857–870. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

An effective method for peptide screening of ligand-binding proteins was applied by using recombinant E. coli which is capable of expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) and which can also express random peptides displayed on flagella of the cells. This screening method used a combination of fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) and flagella display on the basis of a commercial FliTrx random peptide library for isolating the peptide-displaying clones which are able to bind Alexa 546 fluorescence-labeled cytochrome c. Flow cytometry simultaneously detected the two different fluorescence intensities, from GFP in the library and Alexa546-labeled to cytochrome c, enabling the specific clones bound to cytochrome c to be obtained from the first or second round of cell sorting. Compared with original FliTrx peptide screening system that requires repeating biopanning five times, our results suggested that detecting two different fluorescence intensities by flow cytometry is feasible for effective peptide screening.  相似文献   

Novel statistical methods have been developed and used to quantitate and annotate the sequence diversity within combinatorial peptide libraries on the basis of small numbers (1-200) of sequences selected at random from commercially available M13 p3-based phage display libraries. These libraries behave statistically as though they correspond to populations containing roughly 4.0+/-1.6% of the random dodecapeptides and 7.9+/-2.6% of the random constrained heptapeptides that are theoretically possible within the phage populations. Analysis of amino acid residue occurrence patterns shows no demonstrable influence on sequence censorship by Escherichia coli tRNA isoacceptor profiles or either overall codon or Class II codon usage patterns, suggesting no metabolic constraints on recombinant p3 synthesis. There is an overall depression in the occurrence of cysteine, arginine and glycine residues and an overabundance of proline, threonine and histidine residues. The majority of position-dependent amino acid sequence bias is clustered at three positions within the inserted peptides of the dodecapeptide library, +1, +3 and +12 downstream from the signal peptidase cleavage site. Conformational tendency measures of the peptides indicate a significant preference for inserts favoring a beta-turn conformation. The observed protein sequence limitations can primarily be attributed to genetic codon degeneracy and signal peptidase cleavage preferences. These data suggest that for applications in which maximal sequence diversity is essential, such as epitope mapping or novel receptor identification, combinatorial peptide libraries should be constructed using codon-corrected trinucleotide cassettes within vector-host systems designed to minimize morphogenesis-related censorship.  相似文献   

A new ribosome display system was applied for the in vitro selection of a metal-binding motif from an artificial peptide library. The display system consisted of an mRNA-associating protein, a ribosome, and mRNA. The protein part of this display system was designed to provide a random peptide library and to stabilize the ribosome display. The random peptide library was newly designed to isolate stable metal-binding motifs. We employed the system for in vitro selection and found several new proteins and peptides that bind Co(II)-immobilized resin and Co(II)-complex, respectively. This newly developed system can be conveniently applied to the in vitro selection of peptide aptamers.  相似文献   

Peptide affinity tags have become efficient tools for the purification of recombinant proteins from biological mixtures. The most commonly used ligands in this type of affinity chromatography are immobilized metal ions, proteins, antibodies, and complementary peptides. However, the major bottlenecks of this technique are still related to the ligands, including their low stability, difficulties in immobilization, and leakage into the final products. A model approach is presented here to overcome these bottlenecks by utilizing macroporous ceramic fluorapatite (CFA) as the stationary phase in chromatography and the CFA‐specific short peptides as tags. The CFA chromatographic materials act as both the support matrix and the ligand. Peptides that bind with affinity to CFA were identified from a randomized phage display heptapeptide library. A total of five rounds of phage selection were performed. A common N‐terminal sequence was found in two selected peptides: F4‐2 (KPRSMLH) and F5‐4 (KPRSVSG). The peptide F5‐4, displayed by more than 40% of the phages analyzed in the fifth round of selection, was subjected to further studies. Selectivity of the peptide for the chemical composition and morphology of CFA was assured by the adsorption studies. The dissociation constant, obtained from the F5‐4/CFA adsorption isotherm, was in the micromolar range, and the maximum capacity was 39.4 nmol/mg. The chromatographic behavior of the peptides was characterized on a CFA stationary phase with different buffers. Preferential affinity and specific retention properties suggest the possible application of the phage‐derived peptides as a tag in CFA affinity chromatography for enhancing the selective recovery of proteins. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Protein p16INK4a (p16) is a well‐known biomarker for diagnosis of human papillomavirus (HPV) related cancers. In this work, we identify novel p16 binding peptides by using phage display selection method. A random heptamer phage display library was screened on purified recombinant p16 protein‐coated plates to elute only the bound phages from p16 surfaces. Binding affinity of the bound phages was compared with each other by enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), fluorescence imaging technique, and bioinformatic computations. Binding specificity and binding selectivity of the best candidate phage‐displayed p16 binding peptide were evaluated by peptide blocking experiment in competition with p16 monoclonal antibody and fluorescence imaging technique, respectively. Five candidate phage‐displayed peptides were isolated from the phage display selection method. All candidate p16 binding phages show better binding affinity than wild‐type phage in ELISA test, but only three of them can discriminate p16‐overexpressing cancer cell, CaSki, from normal uterine fibroblast cell, HUF, with relative fluorescence intensities from 2.6 to 4.2‐fold greater than those of wild‐type phage. Bioinformatic results indicate that peptide ‘Ser‐His‐Ser‐Leu‐Leu‐Ser‐Ser’ binds to p16 molecule with the best binding score and does not interfere with the common protein functions of p16. Peptide blocking experiment shows that the phage‐displayed peptide ‘Ser‐His‐Ser‐Leu‐Leu‐Ser‐Ser’ can conceal p16 from monoclonal antibody interaction. This phage clone also selectively interacts with the p16 positive cell lines, and thus, it can be applied for p16‐overexpressing cell detection. Copyright © 2015 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

俞海青  顾晓波 《生物技术通讯》2003,14(6):499-501,516
以人胰岛素为靶蛋白从七肽展示库中筛选高亲和力噬菌体肽,在洗脱阶段采用酸性洗脱液和高浓度靶蛋白溶液进行4次交替洗脱,选择性回收高亲和力噬菌体肽。测定滴度计算回收率,ELISA法分别测定噬菌体洗脱液整体亲和力和噬菌体单克隆的结合特性并计算亲合率。洗脱步骤采用4次交替洗脱后,第二轮第4次噬菌体的回收率比第一轮增长了1800倍,高亲和力噬菌体在洗脱液中所占比例也迅速提高,第二轮第4次洗脱液中达75%,在第三轮的各次洗脱液中几乎均达100%。建立了一种快速筛选高亲和力噬菌体肽的方法,改进后的筛选方法能使高亲和力噬菌体肽的筛选工作更为简便且效果显著。  相似文献   

应用基于激烈火球菌Pyrococcus furiosus重组酶RadA的ATP酶结构域(RAD骨架)的多肽展示体系,通过嫁接人绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG)结合多肽,制备抗hCG类抗体分子。通过合成hCG结合多肽插入RAD多肽展示位点的类抗体基因,成功构建了pET30a-RAD/hCGBP-sfGFP原核表达载体,在大肠杆菌中诱导蛋白表达,分离、纯化获得类抗体蛋白,通过亲和吸附-GFP荧光检测方法测定类抗体对hCG的结合活性,并与应用单域抗体通用骨架制备的嫁接抗体比较活性差异。结果显示,RAD类抗体分子对hCG分子具有较高的亲和性和特异性,显著优于单域嫁接抗体,并与商业单克隆抗体的活性相当;同时,利用RAD多肽展示骨架制备的抗hCG类抗体,具有较高的生化稳定性,是一种具有应用潜力的抗体替代分子。  相似文献   

The feasibility of using a combinatorial phage display library of decapeptides to identify ligands which can interact with the surface of a crystal was assessed using geological calcium carbonate as a model. Two relatively strong binding clones were identified by ELISA, sequenced and the encoded oligopeptides were prepared by solid phase synthesis and their properties compared with those of casein hydrolysate.  相似文献   

利用抗体捕获法,经三轮淘洗,从表面展示随机肽序列的噬菌体文库中筛选到与衣原体单克隆抗体C17特异结合的噬菌体克隆,其一致序列为:(L/I)PGGS(P/W),竞争抑制实验表明含特异序列的克隆能与天然抗原竞争。据此,我们认为此序列为衣原体的B细胞抗原表位。  相似文献   

将兔出血症病毒衣壳蛋白VP6 0基因插入杆状病毒转移载体pBLUEBACHIS2_B的 6 HIS表达标签下游 ,与线性化野生型杆状病毒基因组DNA共转染Sf9昆虫细胞 ,经蚀斑纯化后获克隆化重组杆状病毒pBLUEBACHIS2B_VP6 0。以重组杆状病毒感染Sf9细胞 ,经SDS_PAGE和Westernblot检测显示高效表达一分子量为 6 9kD的重组蛋白 ,并且该蛋白可被兔抗RHDV高免血清识别。血凝试验表明 ,该重组蛋白可以凝集人“O”型红细胞 ,血凝价达 2 1 6 ,同时 ,该血凝性可被抗RHDV的高免血清所抑制。经电镜观察 ,重组病毒表达的融合有 6 HIS表达标签的衣壳蛋白仍可在昆虫细胞内自聚成不包裹核酸的、与天然RHDV病毒粒子在物理形态上相似的病毒样颗粒 (VLPs) ,并且该VLPs与兔抗RHDV高免血清作用后于电镜下可见凝集成团的现象 ,表明其与天然RHDV病毒粒子在抗原性上也极为相似  相似文献   

Phage display is a powerful methodology for the identification of peptide ligands binding to any desired target. However, the selection of target-unrelated peptides (TUPs) appears as a huge problem in the screening of phage display libraries through biopanning. The phage-displayed peptide TLHPAAD has been isolated both in our laboratory and by another reserach group on completely different screening targets prompting us to hypothesize that it may be a potential TUP. In the current study, we analyzed the binding characteristics and propagation rate of phage clone displaying TLHPAAD peptide (SW-TUP clone). The results of ELISA experiment and phage recovery assay provided strong support for the notion that SW-TUP phage binds to polystyrene with a significantly higher affinity than control phage clones. Furthermore, this polystyrene binding was demonstrated to occur in a concentration- and pH-dependent mode. Characterization of the propagation profile of phage clones within a specified time course revealed no statistically significant difference between the amplification rate of SW-TUP and control phages. Our findings lead us to the conclusion that SW-TUP phage clone with the displayed peptide TLHPAAD is not a true target binder and its selection in biopanning experiments results from its bidning affinity to the polystyrene surface of the solid phase.  相似文献   

Information on subsite specificity of the transglutaminase (TG) is important to design any specific peptides for TG's applications and inhibitor studies. Here, mRNA display was introduced for identifying the subsite specificity of TG from Streptomyces mobaraensis (STG). Functionally active peptides expressed from mRNA display library were differentially conjugated to hexa lysine (K6)—beads according to their relative activities for STG. The active peptide substrates for STG were enriched through six rounds of screening, and its corresponding cDNA/mRNA sequences were identified by DNA sequencing. The results showed that tripeptides such as LQQ and TQP do not show any activity for STG, but the minimum size of the peptide displaying STG activity is pentapeptide. One such predicted peptide sequence, that is, RLQQP (TQ1), showed higher reactivity (ca. 182% conjugation yield) to STG than that of the highly active sequence, that is, control‐Q (PQPQLPYPQPQLPY), well‐known previously for mammalian TG2. Furthermore, when recombinant DsRed was tagged with TQ1 sequence at its C‐terminal, DsRed‐TQ1 underwent efficient covalent‐immobilization onto alginate–gelatin bead by STG reaction, showing a Q‐peptide application as a useful tagging molecule. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 353–362. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is an important marker for the diagnosis and management of prostate cancer. Free PSA has been shown to be more extensively cleaved in sera from benign prostatic hyperplasia patients than in sera from prostate cancer patients. Moreover, the presence of enzymatically activatable PSA was characterized previously in sera from patients with prostate cancer by the use of the specific anti-free PSA monoclonal antibody (mAb) 5D3D11. As an attempt to obtain ligands for the specific recognition of different PSA forms including active PSA, phage-displayed linear and cyclic peptide libraries were screened with PSA coated directly into microplate wells or presented by two different anti-total PSA mAbs. Four different phage clones were selected for their ability to recognize PSA and the inserted peptides were produced as synthetic peptides. These peptides were found to capture and to detect specifically free PSA, even in complex biological media such as sera or tumour cell culture supernatants. Alanine scanning of peptide sequences showed the involvement of aromatic and hydrophobic residues in the interaction of the peptides with PSA whereas Spotscan analysis of overlapping peptides covering the PSA sequence identified a peptide binding to the kallikrein loop at residues 82-87, suggesting that the peptides could recognize a non-clipped form of PSA. Moreover, the PSA-specific peptides enhance the enzymatic activity of PSA immobilized into microplate wells whereas the capture of PSA by the peptides inhibited totally its enzymatic activity while the peptide binding to PSA had no effect in solution. These PSA-specific peptides could be potential tools for the recognition of PSA forms more specifically associated to prostate cancer.  相似文献   

A bacterial display methodology was developed for N- and C-terminal display and demonstrated to enable rapid screening of very large peptide libraries with high precision and efficiency. To overcome limitations of insertional fusion display libraries, a new scaffold was developed through circular permutation of the Escherichia coli outer membrane protein OmpX that presents both N and C termini on the external cell surface. Circularly permuted OmpX (CPX) display was directly compared to insertional fusion display by screening comparable peptide libraries in each format using magnetic and fluorescence activated cell sorting. CPX display enabled in situ measurement of dissociation rate constants with improved accuracy and, consequently, improved affinity discrimination during screening and ranking of isolated clones. Using streptavidin as a model target, bacterial display yielded the well-characterized HP(Q)/(M) motif obtained previously using several alternative peptide display systems, as well as three additional motifs (L(I)/(V) CQNVCY, CGWMY(F)/(Y)xEC, ERCWYVMHWPCNA). Using CPX display, a very high affinity streptavidin-binding peptide was isolated having a dissociation rate constant k(off) = 0.002sec(-1) even after grafting to the C terminus of an unrelated protein. Comparison of individual clones obtained from insertional fusion and terminal fusion libraries suggests that the N-terminal display yields sequences with greater diversity, affinity, and modularity. CPX bacterial display thus provides a highly effective method for screening peptide libraries to rapidly generate ligands with high affinity and specificity.  相似文献   

Yeast surface display is a valuable, widely used method for protein engineering. However, current yeast display applications rely on the staining of epitope tags in order to verify full‐length presentation of the protein of interest on the cell surface. We aimed at developing a modified yeast display approach that relies on ribosomal skipping, thereby enabling the translation of two proteins from one open reading frame and, in that manner, generating an intracellular fluorescence signal. This improved setup is based on a 2A sequence that is encoded between the protein to be displayed and a gene for green fluorescent protein (GFP). The intracellular GFP fluorescence signal of yeast cells correlates with full‐length protein presentation and omits the need for the immunofluorescence detection of epitope tags. For method validation, shark‐derived IgNAR variable domains (vNAR) were subjected to affinity maturation using the 2A‐GFP system. Yeast library screening of full‐length vNAR variants which were detected via GFP expression yielded the same high‐affinity binder that had previously been isolated by our group using the conventional epitope tag‐based display format. The presented method obviates the need for additional immunofluorescence cell staining, offering an easy and cost‐friendly alternative to conventional epitope tag detections.  相似文献   

Discovery of peptide ligands that can target human ovarian cancer and deliver chemotherapeutics offers new opportunity for cancer therapy. The advent of phage‐displayed peptide library facilitated the screening of such peptides. In vivo screening that set in a microanatomic and functional context was applied in our study, and a novel peptide WSGPGVWGASVK targeting ovarian cancer was isolated. The phage clone PC3‐1 displaying peptide WSGPGVWGASVK can gain effective access to accumulate in the tumor sites after intravenous injection while reducing its accumulation in normal organs. Positive immunostaining of PC3‐1 was located in both sites of tumor cells and tumor blood vessels, which resulted in a diffuse binding pattern through the tumor. In vitro study results confirmed the capability of peptide WSGPGVWGASVK binding to and being internalized by both tumor cells and angiogenic endothelial cells. Flow cytometry analysis revealed that the peptide bound to SKOV3 cells with Kd value of 5.43 ± 0.4 μM. Taken together, it suggested that peptide WSGPGVWGASVK is a lead candidate for delivering therapeutics to penetrate into tumors. Copyright © 2013 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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