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The Rif1 protein is a negative regulator of DNA replication initiation in eukaryotes. Here we show that budding yeast Rif1 inhibits DNA replication initiation at the rDNA locus. Absence of Rif1, or disruption of its interaction with PP1/Glc7 phosphatase, leads to more intensive rDNA replication. The effect of Rif1-Glc7 on rDNA replication is similar to that of the Sir2 deacetylase, and the two would appear to act in the same pathway, since the rif1Δ sir2Δ double mutant shows no further increase in rDNA replication. Loss of Rif1-Glc7 activity is also accompanied by an increase in rDNA repeat instability that again is not additive with the effect of sir2Δ. We find, in addition, that the viability of rif1Δ cells is severely compromised in combination with disruption of the MRX or Ctf4-Mms22 complexes, both of which are implicated in stabilization of stalled replication forks. Significantly, we show that removal of the rDNA replication fork barrier (RFB) protein Fob1, alleviation of replisome pausing by deletion of the Tof1/Csm3 complex, or a large deletion of the rDNA repeat array all rescue this synthetic growth defect of rif1Δ cells lacking in addition either MRX or Ctf4-Mms22 activity. These data suggest that the repression of origin activation by Rif1-Glc7 is important to avoid the deleterious accumulation of stalled replication forks at the rDNA RFB, which become lethal when fork stability is compromised. Finally, we show that Rif1-Glc7, unlike Sir2, has an important effect on origin firing outside of the rDNA locus that serves to prevent activation of the DNA replication checkpoint. Our results thus provide insights into a mechanism of replication control within a large repetitive chromosomal domain and its importance for the maintenance of genome stability. These findings may have important implications for metazoans, where large blocks of repetitive sequences are much more common.  相似文献   

The cellular response to DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) is initiated by the MRX/MRN complex (Mre11-Rad50-Xrs2 in yeast; Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 in mammals), which recruits the checkpoint kinase Tel1/ATM to DSBs. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the role of Tel1 at DSBs remains enigmatic, as tel1Δ cells do not show obvious hypersensitivity to DSB-inducing agents. By performing a synthetic phenotype screen, we isolated a rad50-V1269M allele that sensitizes tel1Δ cells to genotoxic agents. The MRV1269MX complex associates poorly to DNA ends, and its retention at DSBs is further reduced by the lack of Tel1. As a consequence, tel1Δ rad50-V1269M cells are severely defective both in keeping the DSB ends tethered to each other and in repairing a DSB by either homologous recombination (HR) or nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ). These data indicate that Tel1 promotes MRX retention to DSBs and this function is important to allow proper MRX-DNA binding that is needed for end-tethering and DSB repair. The role of Tel1 in promoting MRX accumulation to DSBs is counteracted by Rif2, which is recruited to DSBs. We also found that Rif2 enhances ATP hydrolysis by MRX and attenuates MRX function in end-tethering, suggesting that Rif2 can regulate MRX activity at DSBs by modulating ATP-dependent conformational changes of Rad50.  相似文献   

It has been well documented that Tel1 positively regulates telomere-end resection by promoting Mre11-Rad50-Xrs2(MRX) activity, while Rif2 negatively regulates telomere-end resection by inhibiting MRX activity. At uncapped telomeres, whether Tel1 or Rif2 plays any role remains largely unknown. In this work, we examined the roles of Tel1 and Rif2 at uncapped telomeres in yku70△ and/or cdc13-1 mutant cells cultured at non-permissive temperature. We found that deletion of TEL1 exacerbates the temperature sensitivity of both yku70△ and cdc13-1 cells. Further epistasis analysis indicated that MRX and Tel1 function in the same pathway in telomere protection. Consistently, TEL1 deletion increases accumulation of Exo1-dependent telomeric single-stranded DNA(ssDNA) at uncapped telomeres, which stimulates checkpoint-dependent cell cycle arrest. Moreover, TEL1 deletion in yku70△ cells facilitates Rad51-dependent Y0 recombination. In contrast, RIF2 deletion in yku70△ cells decreases the accumulation of telomeric ssDNA after 8 h of incubation at the non-permissive temperature of 37℃ and suppresses the temperature sensitivity of yku70△ cells, likely due to the increase of Mre11 association at telomeres.Collectively, our findings indicate that Tel1 and Rif2 regulate telomere protection at uncapped telomeres via their roles in balancing MRX activity in telomere resection.  相似文献   

Generation of G-strand overhangs at Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast telomeres depends primarily on the MRX (Mre11-Rad50-Xrs2) complex, which is also necessary to maintain telomere length by recruiting the Tel1 kinase. MRX physically interacts with Rif2, which inhibits both resection and elongation of telomeres. We provide evidence that regulation of telomere processing and elongation relies on a balance between Tel1 and Rif2 activities. Tel1 regulates telomere nucleolytic processing by promoting MRX activity. In fact, the lack of Tel1 impairs MRX-dependent telomere resection, which is instead enhanced by the Tel1-hy909 mutant variant, which causes telomerase-dependent telomere overelongation. The Tel1-hy909 variant is more robustly associated than wild-type Tel1 to double-strand-break (DSB) ends carrying telomeric repeat sequences. Furthermore, it increases the persistence at a DSB adjacent to telomeric repeats of both MRX and Est1, which in turn likely account for the increased telomere resection and elongation in TEL1-hy909 cells. Strikingly, Rif2 is unable to negatively regulate processing and lengthening at TEL1-hy909 telomeres, indicating that the Tel1-hy909 variant overcomes the inhibitory activity exerted by Rif2 on MRX. Altogether, these findings highlight a primary role of Tel1 in overcoming Rif2-dependent negative regulation of MRX activity in telomere resection and elongation.  相似文献   

Fission yeast Mrc1 (mediator of replication checkpoint 1) is an adaptor checkpoint protein required for Rad3-dependent activation of the checkpoint kinase Cds1 in response to arrest of replication forks. Here we report studies on the regulation of Mrc1 by phosphorylation. Replication arrest induced by hydroxyurea (HU) induces Mrc1 phosphorylation that is detected by a change in Mrc1 electrophoretic mobility. Phosphorylation is maintained in cds1Delta, rad3Delta, and tel1Delta single mutants but eliminated in a rad3Delta tel1Delta double mutant. Mrc1 has two clusters of S/TQ motifs that are potential Rad3/Tel1 phosphorylation sites. Mutation of six S/TQ motifs in these two clusters strongly impairs Mrc1 phosphorylation. Two motifs located at S604 and T645 are vital for HU resistance. The T645A mutation strongly impairs a Cds1-Mrc1 yeast two-hybrid interaction that is dependent on a functional forkhead-associated (FHA) domain in Cds1, indicating that phosphorylation of T645 mediates Mrc1's association with Cds1. Consistent with this model, the T645 region of Mrc1 effectively substitutes for the T11 region of Cds1 that is thought to be phosphorylated by Rad3 and to mediate FHA-dependent oligomerization of Cds1. The S/TQ cluster that includes S604 is needed for Mrc1's increased association with chromatin in replication-arrested cells. These data indicate that Rad3 and Tel1 regulate Mrc1 through differential phosphorylation to control Cds1.  相似文献   

Chromosomal DNA replication involves the coordinated activity of hundreds to thousands of replication origins. Individual replication origins are subject to epigenetic regulation of their activity during S-phase, resulting in differential efficiencies and timings of replication initiation during S-phase. This regulation is thought to involve chromatin structure and organization into timing domains with differential ability to recruit limiting replication factors. Rif1 has recently been identified as a genome-wide regulator of replication timing in fission yeast and in mammalian cells. However, previous studies in budding yeast have suggested that Rif1’s role in controlling replication timing may be limited to subtelomeric domains and derives from its established role in telomere length regulation. We have analyzed replication timing by analyzing BrdU incorporation genome-wide, and report that Rif1 regulates the timing of late/dormant replication origins throughout the S. cerevisiae genome. Analysis of pfa4Δ cells, which are defective in palmitoylation and membrane association of Rif1, suggests that replication timing regulation by Rif1 is independent of its role in localizing telomeres to the nuclear periphery. Intra-S checkpoint signaling is intact in rif1Δ cells, and checkpoint-defective mec1Δ cells do not comparably deregulate replication timing, together indicating that Rif1 regulates replication timing through a mechanism independent of this checkpoint. Our results indicate that the Rif1 mechanism regulates origin timing irrespective of proximity to a chromosome end, and suggest instead that telomere sequences merely provide abundant binding sites for proteins that recruit Rif1. Still, the abundance of Rif1 binding in telomeric domains may facilitate Rif1-mediated repression of non-telomeric origins that are more distal from centromeres.  相似文献   

Many repair and recombination proteins play essential roles in telomere function and chromosome stability, notwithstanding the role of telomeres in “hiding” chromosome ends from DNA repair and recombination. Among these are XPF and ERCC1, which form a structure-specific endonuclease known for its essential role in nucleotide excision repair and is the subject of considerable interest in studies of recombination. In contrast to observations in mammalian cells, we observe no enhancement of chromosomal instability in Arabidopsis plants mutated for either XPF (AtRAD1) or ERCC1 (AtERCC1) orthologs, which develop normally and show wild-type telomere length. However, in the absence of telomerase, mutation of either of these two genes induces a significantly earlier onset of chromosomal instability. This early appearance of telomere instability is not due to a general acceleration of telomeric repeat loss, but is associated with the presence of dicentric chromosome bridges and cytologically visible extrachromosomal DNA fragments in mitotic anaphase. Such extrachromosomal fragments are not observed in later-generation single-telomerase mutant plants presenting similar frequencies of anaphase bridges. Extensive FISH analyses show that these DNAs are broken chromosomes and correspond to two specific chromosome arms. Analysis of the Arabidopsis genome sequence identified two extensive blocks of degenerate telomeric repeats, which lie at the bases of these two arms. Our data thus indicate a protective role of ERCC1/XPF against 3′ G-strand overhang invasion of interstitial telomeric repeats. The fact that the Atercc1 (and Atrad1) mutants dramatically potentiate levels of chromosome instability in Attert mutants, and the absence of such events in the presence of telomerase, have important implications for models of the roles of recombination at telomeres and is a striking illustration of the impact of genome structure on the outcomes of equivalent recombination processes in different organisms.  相似文献   

Constitutive heterochromatin is essential for chromosome maintenance in all eukaryotes. However, the repetitive nature of the underlying DNA, the presence of very stable protein-DNA complexes and the highly compacted nature of this type of chromatin represent a challenge for the DNA replication machinery. Data collected from different model organisms suggest that at least some of the components of the DNA replication checkpoint could be essential for ensuring the completion of DNA replication in the context of heterochromatin. I review and discuss the literature that directly or indirectly contributes to the formulation of this hypothesis. In particular, I focus my attention on Rif1, a newly discovered member of the DNA replication checkpoint. Recent data generated in mammalian cells highlight the spatial and temporal relation between Rif1, pericentromeric heterochromatin and S-phase. I review these recent and the previous data coming from studies performed in yeast in order to highlight the possible evolutionary conserved links and propose a molecular model for Rif1 role in heterochromatin replication.  相似文献   

Short Telomeres Initiate Telomere Recombination in Primary and Tumor Cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Human tumors that lack telomerase maintain telomeres by alternative lengthening mechanisms. Tumors can also form in telomerase-deficient mice; however, the genetic mechanism responsible for tumor growth without telomerase is unknown. In yeast, several different recombination pathways maintain telomeres in the absence of telomerase—some result in telomere maintenance with minimal effects on telomere length. To examine non-telomerase mechanisms for telomere maintenance in mammalian cells, we used primary cells and lymphomas from telomerase-deficient mice (mTR−/− and Eμmyc+mTR−/−) and CAST/EiJ mouse embryonic fibroblast cells. These cells were analyzed using pq-ratio analysis, telomere length distribution outliers, CO-FISH, Q-FISH, and multicolor FISH to detect subtelomeric recombination. Telomere length was maintained during long-term growth in vivo and in vitro. Long telomeres, characteristic of human ALT cells, were not observed in either late passage or mTR−/− tumor cells; instead, we observed only minimal changes in telomere length. Telomere length variation and subtelomeric recombination were frequent in cells with short telomeres, indicating that length maintenance is due to telomeric recombination. We also detected telomere length changes in primary mTR−/− cells that had short telomeres. Using mouse mTR+/− and human hTERT+/− primary cells with short telomeres, we found frequent length changes indicative of recombination. We conclude that telomere maintenance by non-telomerase mechanisms, including recombination, occurs in primary cells and is initiated by short telomeres, even in the presence of telomerase. Most intriguing, our data indicate that some non-telomerase telomere maintenance mechanisms occur without a significant increase in telomere length.  相似文献   

Regulation of DNA replication and copy number is necessary to promote genome stability and maintain cell and tissue function. DNA replication is regulated temporally in a process known as replication timing (RT). Rap1-interacting factor 1 (Rif1) is a key regulator of RT and has a critical function in copy number control in polyploid cells. Previously, we demonstrated that Rif1 functions with SUUR to inhibit replication fork progression and promote underreplication (UR) of specific genomic regions. How Rif1-dependent control of RT factors into its ability to promote UR is unknown. By applying a computational approach to measure RT in Drosophila polyploid cells, we show that SUUR and Rif1 have differential roles in controlling UR and RT. Our findings reveal that Rif1 acts to promote late replication, which is necessary for SUUR-dependent underreplication. Our work provides new insight into the process of UR and its links to RT.  相似文献   

Telomere length is negatively regulated by proteins of the telomeric DNA-protein complex. Rap1p in Saccharomyces cerevisiae binds the telomeric TG(1-3) repeat DNA, and the Rap1p C terminus interacts with Rif1p and Rif2p. We investigated how these three proteins negatively regulate telomere length. We show that direct tethering of each Rif protein to a telomere shortens that telomere proportionally to the number of tethered molecules, similar to previously reported counting of Rap1p. Surprisingly, Rif proteins could also regulate telomere length even when the Rap1p C terminus was absent, and tethered Rap1p counting was completely dependent on the Rif proteins. Thus, Rap1p counting is in fact Rif protein counting. In genetic settings that cause telomeres to be abnormally long, tethering even a single Rif2p molecule was sufficient for maximal effectiveness in preventing the telomere overelongation. We show that a heterologous protein oligomerization domain, the mammalian PDZ domain, when fused to Rap1p can confer telomere length control. We propose that a nucleation and spreading mechanism is involved in forming the higher-order telomere structure that regulates telomere length.  相似文献   

SIRT1 is a NAD-dependent deacetylase that regulates a variety of pathways including the stress protection pathway. SIRT1 deacetylates a number of protein substrates, including histones, FOXOs, PGC-1α, and p53, leading to cellular protection. We identified a functional interaction between cJUN N-terminal kinase (JNK1) and SIRT1 by coimmunoprecipitation of endogenous proteins. The interaction between JNK1 and SIRT1 was identified under conditions of oxidative stress and required activation of JNK1 via phosphorylation. Modulation of SIRT1 activity or protein levels using nicotinamide or RNAi did not modify JNK1 activity as measured by its ability to phosphorylate cJUN. In contrast, human SIRT1 was phosphorylated by JNK1 on three sites: Ser27, Ser47, and Thr530 and this phosphorylation of SIRT1 increased its nuclear localization and enzymatic activity. Surprisingly, JNK1 phosphorylation of SIRT1 showed substrate specificity resulting in deacetylation of histone H3, but not p53. These findings identify a mechanism for regulation of SIRT1 enzymatic activity in response to oxidative stress and shed new light on its role in the stress protection pathway.  相似文献   

Single genome sequencing of early HIV-1 genomes provides a sensitive, dynamic assessment of virus evolution and insight into the earliest anti-viral immune responses in vivo. By using this approach, together with deep sequencing, site-directed mutagenesis, antibody adsorptions and virus-entry assays, we found evidence in three subjects of neutralizing antibody (Nab) responses as early as 2 weeks post-seroconversion, with Nab titers as low as 1∶20 to 1∶50 (IC50) selecting for virus escape. In each of the subjects, Nabs targeted different regions of the HIV-1 envelope (Env) in a strain-specific, conformationally sensitive manner. In subject CH40, virus escape was first mediated by mutations in the V1 region of the Env, followed by V3. HIV-1 specific monoclonal antibodies from this subject mapped to an immunodominant region at the base of V3 and exhibited neutralizing patterns indistinguishable from polyclonal antibody responses, indicating V1–V3 interactions within the Env trimer. In subject CH77, escape mutations mapped to the V2 region of Env, several of which selected for alterations of glycosylation. And in subject CH58, escape mutations mapped to the Env outer domain. In all three subjects, initial Nab recognition was followed by sequential rounds of virus escape and Nab elicitation, with Nab escape variants exhibiting variable costs to replication fitness. Although delayed in comparison with autologous CD8 T-cell responses, our findings show that Nabs appear earlier in HIV-1 infection than previously recognized, target diverse sites on HIV-1 Env, and impede virus replication at surprisingly low titers. The unexpected in vivo sensitivity of early transmitted/founder virus to Nabs raises the possibility that similarly low concentrations of vaccine-induced Nabs could impair virus acquisition in natural HIV-1 transmission, where the risk of infection is low and the number of viruses responsible for transmission and productive clinical infection is typically one.  相似文献   



Telomere length (TL) has been found to be associated with life span in birds and humans. However, other studies have demonstrated that TL does not affect survival among old humans. Furthermore, replicative senescence has been shown to be induced by changes in the protected status of the telomeres rather than the loss of TL. In the present study we explore whether age- and sex-specific telomere dynamics affect life span in a long-lived snake, the water python (Liasis fuscus).

Methodology/Principal Findings

Erythrocyte TL was measured using the Telo TAGGG TL Assay Kit (Roche). In contrast to other vertebrates, TL of hatchling pythons was significantly shorter than that of older snakes. However, during their first year of life hatchling TL increased substantially. While TL of older snakes decreased with age, we did not observe any correlation between TL and age in cross-sectional sampling. In older snakes, female TL was longer than that of males. When using recapture as a proxy for survival, our results do not support that longer telomeres resulted in an increased water python survival/longevity.


In fish high telomerase activity has been observed in somatic cells exhibiting high proliferation rates. Hatchling pythons show similar high somatic cell proliferation rates. Thus, the increase in TL of this group may have been caused by increased telomerase activity. In older humans female TL is longer than that of males. This has been suggested to be caused by high estrogen levels that stimulate increased telomerase activity. Thus, high estrogen levels may also have caused the longer telomeres in female pythons. The lack of correlation between TL and age among old snakes and the fact that longer telomeres did not appear to affect python survival do not support that erythrocyte telomere dynamics has a major impact on water python longevity.  相似文献   

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