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The gastric system of the lobster stomatogastric ganglion has previously been thought to include no neurons capable of endogenous bursting. We describe conditions under which one of the motorneurons, the CP cell, can burst endogenously in a free-running manner in the absence of other phasic network activity. Isolated preparations of the foregut nervous system were used, and the CP bursting was either spontaneous or was activated by continuous stimulation of an input nerve. Three criteria were applied to establish the endogenous nature of such burst generation in CP: absence of phasic input, reset of the bursting pattern by pulses of current in a characteristic phase-dependent manner, and modulation of burst rate by sustained injected current. (1) The firing of other cells which are known to be related synaptically to CP was monitored in nerve records. These other cells were either silent or fired only tonically. Cross-correlograms showed that CP bursting was not ascribable to phasic activity in these other network cells. (2) A depolarizing current pulse of sufficient strength injected intracellularly between bursts triggered a burst prematurely and reset the subsequent rhythm. A hyperpolarizing pulse during a burst terminated it and reset the subsequent rhythm. Reset behavior was similar to that described for other endogenous bursters. (3) Application of a positive-going ramp current initially caused an increase in burst rate, as described for other endogenous bursters. However, further depolarization caused a slower burst rate due to lengthening of the individual bursts, although mean firing frequency continued to increase throughout the range tested. Such free-running endogenous repetitive bursting appeared to result from the CP's ability to produce slow regenerative depolarizations (“plateau potentials”). When bursting was present, so was the plateau property, as determined by I–V analysis and by the ability of brief current pulses to trigger and terminate bursts. The previous inability to observe endogenous bursting in preparations with central input removed may be due to the usual absence of the plateau property in such preparations.  相似文献   

Stable signal transmission is crucial for information processing by the brain. Synfire-chains, defined as feed-forward networks of spiking neurons, are a well-studied class of circuit structure that can propagate a packet of single spikes while maintaining a fixed packet profile. Here, we studied the stable propagation of spike bursts, rather than single spike activities, in a feed-forward network of a general class of excitable bursting neurons. In contrast to single spikes, bursts can propagate stably without converging to any fixed profiles. Spike timings of bursts continue to change cyclically or irregularly during propagation depending on intrinsic properties of the neurons and the coupling strength of the network. To find the conditions under which bursts lose fixed profiles, we propose an analysis based on timing shifts of burst spikes similar to the phase response analysis of limit-cycle oscillators.  相似文献   

Monoamine agonists and antagonists were applied to the lobster cardiac ganglion in an attempt to clarify the different actions of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT) and dopamine (DA) on this rhythmic pattern generator. Experiments were designed to determine whether the similar responses to 5HT and DA applied to the anterior region of the ganglion could be separated by pharmacological approaches, and whether the different responses to 5HT applied to the anterior and posterior regions of the ganglion could be attributed to mediation by different receptors. A small number of the 5HT agonists which were tested mimic the effects of 5HT, in that they increase the frequency of bursting and decrease burst duration when applied to the whole ganglion, but decrease burst frequency and increase burst duration when applied only to the posterior half. Other 5HT agonists decrease frequency and prolong bursts when applied to the whole ganglion. Of the DA agonists tested, none acts as DA itself does. Rather, they mimic the effects of 5HT applied to the posterior ganglion, by slowing bursting and prolonging bursts. The actions of agonists do not correspond in any clear way to the receptor specificities as defined in vertebrates. Most antagonists tested do not show similar specificities to their effects in vertebrates. In particular, most of the DA antagonists tested are more effective in blocking exogenous 5HT than DA. One monoamine agonist directly alters the properties of endogenous burst-organizing potentials (driver potentials) in the motorneurons of the ganglion.  相似文献   

In recent years, accumulating evidence indicates that thalamic bursts are present during wakefulness and participate in information transmission as an effective relay mode with distinctive properties from the tonic activity. Thalamic bursts originate from activation of the low threshold calcium cannels via a local feedback inhibition, exerted by the thalamic reticular neurons upon the relay neurons. This article, examines if this simple mechanism is sufficient to explain the distinctive properties of thalamic bursting as an effective relay mode. A minimal model of thalamic circuit composed of a retinal spike train, a relay neuron and a reticular neuron is simulated to generate the tonic and burst firing modes. The integrate-and-fire-or-burst model is used to simulate the neurons. After discriminating the burst events with criteria based on inter-spike-intervals, statistical indices show that the bursts of the minimal model are stereotypic events. The relation between the rate of bursts and the parameters of the input spike train demonstrates marked nonlinearities. Burst response is shown to be selective to spike-silence-spike sequences in the input spike train. Moreover, burst events represent the input more reliably than the tonic spike in a considerable range of the parameters of the model. In conclusion, many of the distinctive properties of thalamic bursts such as stereotypy, nonlinear dependence on the sensory stimulus, feature selectivity and reliability are reproducible in the minimal model. Furthermore, the minimal model predicts that while the bursts are more frequent in the spike train of the off-center X relay neurons (corresponding to off-center X retinal ganglion cells), they are more reliable when generated by the on-center ones (corresponding to on-center X ganglion cells).  相似文献   

Applying the non-hydrolyzable cholinergic agonist carbachol (CCh) to the cerebral ganglion of Aplysia elicits sustained, regular bursts of activity in the buccal ganglia resembling those seen during biting. The threshold for bursting is 102–4 M. Bursting begins after a 2 to 5 min delay. The burst frequency increases over the first 5 bursts, reaching a plateau value of 3 per minute. Bursting is maintained for over 10 min. Some of the effects of CCh may be attributed to its ability to depolarize and fire CBI-2, a command-like neuron in the cerebral ganglion that initiates biting. CBI-2 is also depolarized by ACh, and by stimulating peripheral sensory nerves. Excitation of CBI-2 caused by carbachol is partially blocked by the muscarinic antagonist atropine. We examined whether CCh-induced bursting is modified in ganglia taken from Aplysia that previously experienced treatments inhibiting feeding, such as satiation, head shock contingent or non-contingent with food, and training animals with an inedible food. No treatment consistently and repeatedly affected the latency, the peak burst period, the length of time that bursting was maintained, or the threshold CCh concentration for eliciting bursting. However, there was a decrease in the rate of the buildup of the buccal ganglion program in previously satiated animals.  相似文献   

A stereotyped pattern of spontaneous, rhythmic bursting in motoneurons of three principal uropod muscles in the sand carb Emerita analoga has been recorded from a deafferented chain of the four most-posterior abdominal ganglia. This endogenous motor program resembles the electromyogram pattern recorded from return-stroke and power-stroke muscles in swimming crabs in that (1) latencies of power-stroke bursts and burst periods are positively correlated with each other and (2) durations of power-stroke bursts are brief and nearly invarient. The endogenous program differs from the electromyogram pattern in having longer periods and return-stroke bursts which are brief and sporadic. The neural oscillator underlying the endogenous motor program, therefore, appears to drive the power stroke. Circumstantial evidence suggests that it may also inhibit return stroke motoneurons concurrently with excitation of the power-stroke excitor.  相似文献   

A stereotyped pattern of spontaneous, rhythmic bursting in motoneurons of three prinicipal uropod muscles in the sand crab Emerita analoga has been recorded from a deafferented chain of the foru most-posterior abdominal ganglia. This endogenous motor program resembles the electromyogram pattern recorded from return-stroke and power-stroke muscles in swimming crabs in that (1) latencies of power-stroke bursts and burst periods are positively correlated with each other and (2) durations of power-stroke bursts are brief and mearly invarient. The endogenous program differs from the electromyogram pattern in having longer periods and return-stroke bursts which are brief and sporadic. The neural oscillator underlying the endogenous motor program, therefore, appears to drive the power stroke. Circumstantial evidence suggests that it may also inhibit return-stroke motoneurons concurrently with excitation of the power-stroke excitor.  相似文献   

To study why pancreatic beta-cells prefer to burst as a multi-cellular complex, we have formulated a stochastic model for bursting clusters of excitable cells. Our model incorporated a delayed rectifier K+ channel, a fast voltage-gated Ca2+ channel, and a slow Cai-blockable Ca2+ channel. The fraction of ATP-sensitive K+ channels that may still be active in the bursting regime was included in the model as a leak current. We then developed an efficient method for simulating an ionic current component of an excitable cell that contains several thousands of channels opening simultaneously under unclamped voltage. Single channel open-close stochastic events were incorporated into the model by use of binomially distributed random numbers. Our simulations revealed that in an isolated beta-cell [Ca2+]i oscillates with a small amplitude about a low [Ca2+]i. However, in a large cluster of tightly coupled cells, stable bursts develop, and [Ca2+]i oscillates with a larger amplitude about a higher [Ca2+]i. This may explain why single beta-cells do not burst and also do not release insulin.  相似文献   

Responses of the antennal thermosensitive neuron of the ground beetle Platynus assimilis to warming from 20 to 50 °C were measured and analysed. During warming, neurons switched from regular spiking to bursting. ISI analysis showed that the number of spikes in the burst and spike frequency within the burst were temperature dependent and may precisely encode unfavourably or dangerously high temperatures in a graded manner. In contrast, regular spikes of the neuron encode moderate temperatures at 20-30 °C. The threshold temperature of spike bursting varied in different neurons from 25 to 47 °C. As a result, the number of bursting neurons increased with temperature increase. Therefore, in addition to the burst characteristics, the total number of bursting neurons may also contain useful information on external temperature. A relationship between the spike bursts and locomotor activity of the beetles was found which may have importance in behavioural thermoregulation of the species. At 44.4 ± 0.6 °C, first indications of partial paralysis (of the hind legs) were observed. We emphasize, that in contrast to various sensory systems studied, the thermoreceptor neuron of P. assimilis has a stable and continuous burst train, no temporal information is encoded in the timing of the bursts.  相似文献   



The quantification of social media impacts on societal and political events is a difficult undertaking. The Japanese Society of Oriental Medicine started a signature-collecting campaign to oppose a medical policy of the Government Revitalization Unit to exclude a traditional Japanese medicine, “Kampo,” from the public insurance system. The signature count showed a series of aberrant bursts from November 26 to 29, 2009. In the same interval, the number of messages on Twitter including the keywords “Signature” and “Kampo,” increased abruptly. Moreover, the number of messages on an Internet forum that discussed the policy and called for signatures showed a train of spikes.

Methods and Findings

In order to estimate the contributions of social media, we developed a statistical model with state-space modeling framework that distinguishes the contributions of multiple social media in time-series of collected public opinions. We applied the model to the time-series of signature counts of the campaign and quantified contributions of two social media, i.e., Twitter and an Internet forum, by the estimation. We found that a considerable portion (78%) of the signatures was affected from either of the social media throughout the campaign and the Twitter effect (26%) was smaller than the Forum effect (52%) in total, although Twitter probably triggered the initial two bursts of signatures. Comparisons of the estimated profiles of the both effects suggested distinctions between the social media in terms of sustainable impact of messages or tweets. Twitter shows messages on various topics on a time-line; newer messages push out older ones. Twitter may diminish the impact of messages that are tweeted intermittently.


The quantification of social media impacts is beneficial to better understand people’s tendency and may promote developing strategies to engage public opinions effectively. Our proposed method is a promising tool to explore information hidden in social phenomena.  相似文献   

Social networking services (e.g., Twitter, Facebook) are now major sources of World Wide Web (called “Web”) dynamics, together with Web search services (e.g., Google). These two types of Web services mutually influence each other but generate different dynamics. In this paper, we distinguish two modes of Web dynamics: the reactive mode and the default mode. It is assumed that Twitter messages (called “tweets”) and Google search queries react to significant social movements and events, but they also demonstrate signs of becoming self-activated, thereby forming a baseline Web activity. We define the former as the reactive mode and the latter as the default mode of the Web. In this paper, we investigate these reactive and default modes of the Web''s dynamics using transfer entropy (TE). The amount of information transferred between a time series of 1,000 frequent keywords in Twitter and the same keywords in Google queries is investigated across an 11-month time period. Study of the information flow on Google and Twitter revealed that information is generally transferred from Twitter to Google, indicating that Twitter time series have some preceding information about Google time series. We also studied the information flow among different Twitter keywords time series by taking keywords as nodes and flow directions as edges of a network. An analysis of this network revealed that frequent keywords tend to become an information source and infrequent keywords tend to become sink for other keywords. Based on these findings, we hypothesize that frequent keywords form the Web''s default mode, which becomes an information source for infrequent keywords that generally form the Web''s reactive mode. We also found that the Web consists of different time resolutions with respect to TE among Twitter keywords, which will be another focal point of this paper.  相似文献   

An understanding of the nonlinear dynamics of bursting is fundamental in unraveling structure-function relations in nerve and secretory tissue. Bursting is characterized by alternations between phases of rapid spiking and slowly varying potential. A simple phase model is developed to study endogenous parabolic bursting, a class of burst activity observed experimentally in excitable membrane. The phase model is motivated by Rinzel and Lee's dissection of a model for neuronal parabolic bursting (J. Math. Biol. 25, 653–675 (1987)). Rapid spiking is represented canonically by a one-variable phase equation that is coupled bi-directionally to a two-variable slow system. The model is analyzed in the slow-variable phase plane, using quasi steady-state assumptions and formal averaging. We derive a reduced system to explore where the full model exhibits bursting, steady-states, continuous and modulated spiking. The relative speed of activation and inactivation of the slow variables strongly influences the burst pattern as well as other dynamics. We find conditions of the bistability of solutions between continuous spiking and bursting. Although the phase model is simple, we demonstrate that it captures many dynamical features of more complex biophysical models.This research was partially supported by NSF-JOINT RESEARCH grant 8803573, grant from CONCYT and DGAPA(UNAM) Mexico for H. Carrillo, and for the S. M. Baer NSF DMS-9107538  相似文献   

Using two-cell and 50-cell networks of square-wave bursters, we studied how excitatory coupling of individual neurons affects the bursting output of the network. Our results show that the effects of synaptic excitation vs. electrical coupling are distinct. Increasing excitatory synaptic coupling generally increases burst duration. Electrical coupling also increases burst duration for low to moderate values, but at sufficiently strong values promotes a switch to highly synchronous bursts where further increases in electrical or synaptic coupling have a minimal effect on burst duration. These effects are largely mediated by spike synchrony, which is determined by the stability of the in-phase spiking solution during the burst. Even when both coupling mechanisms are strong, one form (in-phase or anti-phase) of spike synchrony will determine the burst dynamics, resulting in a sharp boundary in the space of the coupling parameters. This boundary exists in both two cell and network simulations. We use these results to interpret the effects of gap-junction blockers on the neuronal circuitry that underlies respiration.  相似文献   

Huh Y  Bhatt R  Jung D  Shin HS  Cho J 《PloS one》2012,7(1):e30699
Thalamocortical (TC) neurons are known to relay incoming sensory information to the cortex via firing in tonic or burst mode. However, it is still unclear how respective firing modes of a single thalamic relay neuron contribute to pain perception under consciousness. Some studies report that bursting could increase pain in hyperalgesic conditions while others suggest the contrary. However, since previous studies were done under either neuropathic pain conditions or often under anesthesia, the mechanism of thalamic pain modulation under awake conditions is not well understood. We therefore characterized the thalamic firing patterns of behaving mice in response to nociceptive pain induced by inflammation. Our results demonstrated that nociceptive pain responses were positively correlated with tonic firing and negatively correlated with burst firing of individual TC neurons. Furthermore, burst properties such as intra-burst-interval (IntraBI) also turned out to be reliably correlated with the changes of nociceptive pain responses. In addition, brain stimulation experiments revealed that only bursts with specific bursting patterns could significantly abolish behavioral nociceptive responses. The results indicate that specific patterns of bursting activity in thalamocortical relay neurons play a critical role in controlling long-lasting inflammatory pain in awake and behaving mice.  相似文献   

Kinetic diversity of Na+ channel bursts in frog skeletal muscle   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Individual Na+ channels of dissociated frog skeletal muscle cells at 10 degrees C fail to inactivate in 0.02% of depolarizing pulses, thus producing bursts of openings lasting hundreds of milliseconds. We present here a kinetic analysis of 87 such bursts that were recorded in multi-channel patches at four pulse potentials. We used standard dwell-time histograms as well as fluctuation analysis to analyze the gating kinetics of the bursting channels. Since each burst contained only 75-150 openings, detailed characterization of the kinetics from single bursts was not possible. Nevertheless, at this low kinetic resolution, the open and closed times could be well fitted by single exponentials (or Lorentzians for the power spectra). The best estimates of both the open and closed time constants produced by either technique were much more broadly dispersed then expected from experimental or analytical variability, with values varying by as much as an order of magnitude. Furthermore, the values of the open and closed time constants were not significantly correlated with one another from burst to burst. The bursts thus expressed diverse kinetic behaviors, all of which appear to be manifestations of a single type of Na+ channel. Although the opening and closing rates were dispersed, their average values were close to those of alpha m and 2 beta m derived from fits to the early transient Na+ currents over the same voltage range. We propose a model in which the channel has both primary states (e.g., open, closed, and inactivated), as well as "modes" that are associated with independent alterations in the rate constants for transition between each of these primary states.  相似文献   

Cricket ultrasound avoidance is a classic model system for neuroethology. Avoidance steering is triggered by high-firing-rate bursts of spikes in the auditory command neuron AN2. Although bursting is common among sensory neurons, and although the detailed structure of bursts may encode information about the stimulus, it is as yet unclear whether this information is decoded. We address this question in two ways: from an information coding point of view, by showing the relationship between stimulus and burst structure; and also from a functional point of view by showing the relationship between burst structure and behavior. We conclude that the burst structure carries detailed temporal information about the stimulus but that this has little impact on the behavioral response, which is affected mainly by burst size.  相似文献   

Endogenous nature of spontaneous bursting in hippocampal pyramidal neurons   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The normal spontaneous bursting behavior of hippocampal pyramidal neurons was investigated. Bursting frequency was found to be membrane potential dependent, the frequency increasing with maintained depolarization and decreasing upon hyperpolarization. Short depolarizing-current pulses would trigger bursts which outlasted the stimulus, and bursting continued when synaptic transmission had been blocked. The spontaneous bursts of these neurons, in contrast to bursts induced by convulsive agents, appear to exhibit the classical behavior of endogenous bursts as observed in invertebrate neurons. The endogenous bursts in hippocampal neurons may result, also, from an interplay of intrinsic membrane currents.  相似文献   

Although the bursting patterns with spike undershoot are involved with the achievement of physiological or cognitive functions of brain with synaptic noise, noise induced-coherence resonance (CR) from resting state or subthreshold oscillations instead of bursting has been widely identified to play positive roles in information process. Instead, in the present paper, CR characterized by the increase firstly and then decease of peak value of power spectrum of spike trains is evoked from a bursting pattern with spike undershoot, which means that the minimal membrane potential within burst is lower than that of the subthreshold oscillations between bursts, while CR cannot be evoked from the bursting pattern without spike undershoot. With bifurcations and fast-slow variable dissection method, the bursting patterns with and without spike undershoot are classified into “Sub-Hopf/Fold” bursting and “Fold/Homoclinic” bursting, respectively. For the bursting with spike undershoot, the trajectory of the subthreshold oscillations is very close to that of the spikes within burst. Therefore, noise can induce more spikes from the subthreshold oscillations and modulate the bursting regularity, which leads to the appearance of CR. For the bursting pattern without spike undershoot, the trajectory of the quiescent state is not close to that of the spikes within burst, and noise cannot induce spikes from the quiescent state between bursts, which is cause for non-CR. The result provides a novel case of CR phenomenon and extends the scopes of CR concept, presents that noise can enhance rather than suppress information of the bursting patterns with spike undershoot, which are helpful for understanding the dynamics and the potential physiological or cognitive functions of the nerve fiber or brain neurons with such bursting patterns.  相似文献   

Coexpression of the beta subunit (KV,Cabeta) with the alpha subunit of mammalian large conductance Ca2+- activated K+ (BK) channels greatly increases the apparent Ca2+ sensitivity of the channel. Using single-channel analysis to investigate the mechanism for this increase, we found that the beta subunit increased open probability (Po) by increasing burst duration 20-100-fold, while having little effect on the durations of the gaps (closed intervals) between bursts or on the numbers of detected open and closed states entered during gating. The effect of the beta subunit was not equivalent to raising intracellular Ca2+ in the absence of the beta subunit, suggesting that the beta subunit does not act by increasing all the Ca2+ binding rates proportionally. The beta subunit also inhibited transitions to subconductance levels. It is the retention of the BK channel in the bursting states by the beta subunit that increases the apparent Ca2+ sensitivity of the channel. In the presence of the beta subunit, each burst of openings is greatly amplified in duration through increases in both the numbers of openings per burst and in the mean open times. Native BK channels from cultured rat skeletal muscle were found to have bursting kinetics similar to channels expressed from alpha subunits alone.  相似文献   

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