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Potentiometric titrations of filtrates from cultures of intertidal and marine fungi revealed extracellular production of strong copper-complexing ligands for 8 of 11 species tested. Conditional stability constants for these ligands at pH 7 ranged from 109 to 1012, similar to previously published constants for organic ligands from natural waters and sediments. Our results indicate that fungi could be an important source of natural chelating substances, and could play an important role in controlling the biological availability and geochemical behavior of copper in many natural systems.  相似文献   

Abstract Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) has been implicated in degradation of wood by both brown-rot and white-rot fungi. This study found that low concentrations of nitrogem and carbohydrates (cellobiose, glucose, xylose and mannose) in an agar medium had little effect on H2O2 production by white-rot fungi. However, low concentrations of nitrogen and carbohydrates stimulated H2O2 production by brown-rot fungi. Use of the chromogen 2,2'-azino-di(3-ethyl benzthiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) (ABTS) with horseradish peroxidase to detect H2O2 by the fungi was slightly better than detection by the chromogen o -dianisidine with horseradish peroxidase. An auxiliary test to check the role of H2O2 in wood decay found that hydrogen peroxide-negative isolates of the white-rot fungi Pharnerochaete chrysosporium and Ganoderma applanatum were unable to decay sweetgum and southern pine.  相似文献   

Seven organic compounds containing nitrogen were tested as potential sources of nitrogen for five different species of freshwater algae. The chlorococcal green algae Selenastrum and Ankistrodesmus were the most versatile with regard to nitrogen sources; the diatom Cyclotella also grew well upon some organic nitrogen compounds. The desmid Arthrodesmus grew fast only on urea, while Cryptomonas did not grow well upon any of the organic compounds tested.
More information is needed before the potential importance of organic nitrogen sources for freshwater phytoplankton can be assessed.  相似文献   

YKa3bIBaeMBIe B JIиTepaType IIpиeMbI биOJIOГиЧecKOЙ OбpaбOTKи ДpeBecиHbI иCnoJIb3yЮT ДeЙcTBиe pacTyЩиx ДpeBecHbIx rpибKOB. ЭTO — cЦocoб IIpocToЙ, HO, BO-IIepBbIx, MeДJIeHHbIЙ, a BO-BTOPBIX, He rapaHTиpyЮЩиЙ; paBHOMepHocTи ДeЙCTBиЯ. IIpиMeHЯЯ aKTиBHbIe npeπapaTbI; фepMeHTOB ДpeBecHbIx rpибKOB, MOжHO COKpaTиTb BeCb C0pOЦeCC ДO HeCKOJIbKиX ДecЯTKOB ЧacoB и IIpeДyπpeДиTb HepaBHOMepHoe pa3pyШneHиe CTpyKTypbI ДpeBeCиHbI.  相似文献   

Sclerotium rolfsii andSclerotium bataticola could utilize protein and produce extracellular proteinase. In protein-deficient media no extracellular proteinase was detected. In protein-containing media addition of glucose stimulated enzyme synthesis; in absence of glucose addition of ammonium to the protein-media decreased enzyme activity. The rate of protein hydrolysis was higher in media contained glucose but not ammonium. The rate of glucose depletion from the culture filtrates was faster in treatments received protein with glucose or with glucose and ammonium, and addition of sulphur showed slight decrease in glucose utilization.  相似文献   

Fungi are known to produce a range of extracellular enzymes and other secondary metabolites. Investment in extracellular enzyme production may be an important element of the survival strategy of these fungi in maritime Antarctic soils. This study focuses on fungi that were isolated from ornithogenic, undisturbed and human-impacted soils collected from the Fildes Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica, during the austral summer in February 2007. We (1) describe fungal diversity based on molecular approaches, (2) describe the thermal characteristics of the fungal isolates, and (3) screen extracellular hydrolase enzyme production (amylase and cellulase) by the isolates. Soil samples were cultured using the Warcup soil plating technique and incubated at 4 and 25 °C to allow basic thermal classification. In total, 101 isolates were obtained. All the isolates were screened at culture temperatures of 4 and 25 °C in order to detect activity of extracellular hydrolase enzymes. At 25 °C, ornithogenic penguin rookery soils recorded the lowest diversity of fungi, with little difference in diversity apparent between the other soils examined. At 4 °C, an undisturbed site recorded the lowest and a human-impacted site the highest diversity of fungi. The majority of the fungi identified in this study were in the mesophilic thermal class. Six strains possessed significant activity for amylase and 13 for cellulase at 25 °C. At 4 °C, four strains showed significant amylase and 22 significant cellulase activity. The data presented increase our understanding of microbial responses to environmental temperature.  相似文献   

Bebber DP  Watkinson SC  Boddy L  Darrah PR 《Oecologia》2011,167(4):1177-1184
Anthropogenic nitrogen (N) deposition affects many natural processes, including forest litter decomposition. Saprotrophic fungi are the only organisms capable of completely decomposing lignocellulosic (woody) litter in temperate ecosystems, and therefore the responses of fungi to N deposition are critical in understanding the effects of global change on the forest carbon cycle. Plant litter decomposition under elevated N has been intensively studied, with varying results. The complexity of forest floor biota and variability in litter quality have obscured N-elevation effects on decomposers. Field experiments often utilize standardized substrates and N-levels, but few studies have controlled the decay organisms. Decomposition of beech (Fagus sylvatica) blocks inoculated with two cord-forming basidiomycete fungi, Hypholoma fasciculare and Phanerochaete velutina, was compared experimentally under realistic levels of simulated N deposition at Wytham Wood, Oxfordshire, UK. Mass loss was greater with P. velutina than with H. fasciculare, and with N treatment than in the control. Decomposition was accompanied by growth of the fungal mycelium and increasing N concentration in the remaining wood. We attribute the N effect on wood decay to the response of cord-forming wood decay fungi to N availability. Previous studies demonstrated the capacity of these fungi to scavenge and import N to decaying wood via a translocating network of mycelium. This study shows that small increases in N availability can increase wood decomposition by these organisms. Dead wood is an important carbon store and habitat. The responses of wood decomposers to anthropogenic N deposition should be considered in models of forest carbon dynamics.  相似文献   

Short-fibre formation during cellulose degradation by cellulolytic fungi   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary All cell-free filtrates of 26 fungal strains containning cellulase activities degraded native cellulose to both reducing sugar and insoluble short fibres. Low-molecular components from the crude filtrates could also degrade native cellulose into short fibres, not accompanied with the production of reducing sugar. Short fibre formation played an important role in cellulose degradation to make the substrate more accessible to attack of cellulases.  相似文献   

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