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Summary The immunocytochemical distribution of gonadotropin (GTH) in the goldfish pituitary gland was studied applying the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) method and the protein A-gold technique at lightand electron-microscopic levels, respectively, with an antiserum raised against silver carp GTH. In the light-microscopic immunocytochemistry, PAS-positive cells in the proximal pars distalis showed strong reaction with the antiserum. Gold particles were concentrated both on globules (large) and on granules (small) of the gonadotrophs (PAS-positive cells) in the electron-microscopic immunocytochemistry. Other cells in the pituitary gland, including thyrotrophs, displayed no immunoreactivity with the antiserum at the dilutions tested. These results indicate, not only immunocytochemical distribution of GTH both in globules and in granules in the gonadotrophs, but also the high purity of the antigen (silver carp GTH) and specificity of the antiserum.  相似文献   

Many birds show a rhythmic forward and backward movement of their heads when they walk on the ground. This so-called “head-bobbing” is characterized by a rapid forward movement (thrust phase) which is followed by a phase where the head keeps its position with regard to the environment but moves backward with regard to the body (hold phase). These head movements are synchronized with the leg movements. The functional interpretations of head-bobbing are reviewed. Furthermore, it is discussed why some birds do bob their head and others do not.  相似文献   

Summary A re-examination of goldfish liver was made through the use of SEM of fractured samples and TEM of ultrathin-sections and freeze-etch replicas. Several new hepatic fine structures described in the present study are morphologically similar to those reported previously in many higher vertebrates including mammals. Hepatic sinusoids of goldfish contain fenestrations which are arranged into sieve plates. Although the hepatic plates are made up of two layers of hepatocytes, the parenchymal cells of goldfish liver are morphologically similar to mammalian hepatocytes, particularly with respect to the sinusoidal surfaces which are studded with numerous microvilli. The intercellular surfaces of hepatocytes have both nexus and desmosomal junctions, similar to those found in various epithelial cells of higher vertebrates, as cell attachments and communication foci. Tight junctions are found mainly between the openings of the intracellular bile canaliculi and the intralobular bile ductules which are situated in the center of the bicellular hepatic plate.Supported in part by Grants # GM92 and ES07017  相似文献   

The effects of thermal acclimation of goldfish upon the bulk fluidity of synaptic, mitochondrial and myelin membrane fractions of brain was determined using steady-state and differential polarised phase fluorimetry. Membrane fluidity decreased in the order, mitochondria>synaptic membranes>myelin. In each case membranes from cold-acclimated goldfish were more fluid than the corresponding membranes of warm-acclimated goldfish, though the adjustment of fluidity in each case was insufficient to compensate for the direct effects of the temperature difference. The extent of fluidity compensation was greatest in the mitochondrial fraction and least in the myelin fraction, indicating heterogeneous responses in different membrane-types. Steady-state and dynamic fluorimetric techniques provided identical estimates of the homeoviscous responses, indicating that despite its short-comings, the steady-state technique provided as good a measure of adaptive responses as the more complex and sophisticated technique.  相似文献   

Summary The monoaminergic innervation of the goldfish pituitary gland was studied by means of light- and electronmicroscopic radioautography after in vitro administration of 3H-dopamine. The tracer was specifically incorporated and retained by part of the type-B fibers innervating the different lobes of the pituitary. In the rostral pars distalis labeled fibers were most frequently observed in contact with the basement membrane separating the neurohypophysis and the adenohypophysis. In the proximal pars distalis and the pars intermedia, labeled profiles were detected in the neural tissue and in direct contact with the different types of secretory cells.According to the previous data concerning the uptake and retention of tritiated catecholamines in the central nervous system, it is assumed that the labeled fibers are mainly catecholaminergic (principally dopaminergic). This study provides morphological evidence for a neuroendocrine function of catecholamines in the goldfish.  相似文献   

This work deals with the role of myosin phosphorylation in anaphase chromosome movement. Y27632 and ML7 block two different pathways for phosphorylation of the myosin regulatory light chain (MRLC). Both stopped or slowed chromosome movement when added to anaphase crane-fly spermatocytes. To confirm that the effects of the pharmacological agents were on the presumed targets, we studied cells stained with antibodies against mono- or bi-phosphorylated myosin. For all chromosomes whose movements were affected by a drug, the corresponding spindle fibres of the affected chromosomes had reduced levels of 1P- and 2P-myosin. Thus the drugs acted on the presumed target and myosin phosphorylation is involved in anaphase force production.Calyculin A, an inhibitor of MRLC dephosphorylation, reversed and accelerated the altered movements caused by Y27632 and ML-7, suggesting that another phosphorylation pathway is involved in phosphorylation of spindle myosin. Staurosporine, a more general phosphorylation inhibitor, also reduced the levels of MRLC phosphorylation and caused anaphase chromosomes to stop or slow. The effects of staurosporine on chromosome movements were not reversed by Calyculin A, confirming that another phosphorylation pathway is involved in phosphorylation of spindle myosin.  相似文献   

The role of peristomatal transpiration in the mechanism of stomatal movement   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
Abstract. Peristomatal transpiration is defined as the relative high local rate of cuticular water loss from external and internal surfaces around the stomatal pore and its decisive role in the control of stomatal movement is re-emphasized. As the resistance towards changes in air humidity is low in the pore surroundings, the state of turgor is particularly unsteady there. Due to the inherent instability the guard cell 'senses' fluctuations in the supply-demand relationship of water and is thus the control unit proper. The environmental variables (supply and demand) are cross-correlated within the subsidiary cell and the information is transmitted to the guard cell through the water potential gradient between the two cells. A conceptual segregation of a 'humidity response' by 'passive' stomatal movements is rejected.
As ions always accumulate at the most distant point of the liquid path and as this point varies with pore width according to the prevailing water potential gradients, it is felt that the water stream is causing the characteristic pattern of ion distribution within the epidermis. Passive import of ions is attributed to local concentration gradients which are steepened by continuous supply and by water uptake into the guard cell in response to starch hydrolysis. A mechanistic model supplements the discussion.  相似文献   

Goldfish are ideal vertebrates for the study of regeneration within the central nervous system. The present behavioural and neuroanatomical investigations after bilateral transection of the entire olfactory tracts of either lateral or medial subtracts have been designed (1) to examine the relationship between morphological changes and changes in the perception of spontaneously preferred chemosensory stimuli, (2) to investigate the animals' ability to qualitatively discriminate amino acids in olfactory concentrations (below taste threshold, 10-6–10-8 M), one of which had been rewarded preoperatively (specific regeneration), and (3) to examine the discriminative ability for amino acids at concentrations above taste threshold (> 10-5 M) in intact sham-operated, and in operated specimens at various time intervals before functional regeneration. Within 10–14 days after bilateral transection of the lateral olfactory tracts, specific regeneration was observed. After bilateral transection of the medial olfactory tracts, no immediate behavioural change was recorded for 1 week. Thereafter, goldfish behaviour became unstable and dropped to the chance level for 3–4 weeks. Subsequent to this time the goldfish returned to the preoperative level. Following bilateral crushing of the olfactory tracts and after total tractotomy, a specific regeneration was observed after 4 weeks and 6–8 weeks, respectively, post op. HRP studies showed that after bilateral lesioning a qualitative reinnervation of the respective nuclei within the forebrain by the medial and lateral olfactory subtracts was evident.Abbreviations FB funnel biting - FO funnel orientation - HRP horseradish peroxidase - LOT lateral olfactory tract - MOT medial olfactory tract  相似文献   

Summary Synaptic ribbons in the pineal organ of the goldfish were examined electron microscopically with particular attention to their topography. These structures were formed of parallel membranes, which were poorly preserved with OsO4 fixation and could be extracted from thin sections with pronase indicating their proteinaceous nature. Synaptic ribbons were closely apposed to the plasma membrane bordering dendrites of ganglion cells, but were also related to processes of both photoreceptor and supportive cells. Their close proximity to invaginations of the plasma membrane and portions of the endoplasmic reticulum suggest that they are involved in the turnover of cytoplasmic membranes. Tubular and spherical organelles of unknown function are also described.  相似文献   

Summary Brain lesions that destroyed the anterior preoptic region or the pituitary stalk in sexually mature (= completed ovarian recrudescence) goldfish caused a significant increase in serum gonadotropin levels for at least 11 days postoperatively. These results confirmed previous findings indicating the presence of a gonadotropin release-inhibitory factor. Electron-microscopic investigation revealed that the gonadotrops were depleted of the small secretory granules, had marked dilations of the cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum and extensive development of the Golgi apparatus. This indicated both secretion and synthesis, and correlated with the prolonged increase in serum gonadotropin resulting from the lesions.Supported by grants from Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada to W.S. Hoar and R.E. Peter  相似文献   

Summary The energy flow of the anaerobic metabolism of glodfish at 20°C during hypoxia and anoxia was studied by simultaneous direct and indirect calorimetry. During anoxia the heat production as determined by direct calorimetry (180 J · h–1 · kg–0.85) is reduced to 30% of the normoxic level (570 J · h–1 · kg–0.85), which is the same reduction as found previously. The patterns of substrate utilization are compared with previous results, where the anoxic pattern was established by simultaneous calorimetry without carbon dioxide measurements. The present results, which do include carbon dioxide measurements, show the same pattern: carbohydrate and protein as substrates and carbon dioxide, ethanol and fat as end products. The pattern of substrate utilization at low oxygen levels is a combination of the anoxic pattern with an aerobic component. During anoxia only 5% of the metabolizable energy is used for energy metabolism. Of the remaining part (metabolizable energy for production) 60% is converted into ethanol and 40% into fat. At two hypoxia levels the distribution of the metabolizable energy for production into ethanol and fat is the same.  相似文献   

基于计算机视觉的罗非鱼适应环境的体色变化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多数鱼类的体色会受应激条件、环境背景、健康状况、生长发育和社会地位等因素的影响而发生改变。本文利用基于计算机视觉的体色量化技术研究正常情况和社会应激条件下罗非鱼对背景颜色的适应性,以及在背景颜色变化过程中体色变化的响应速度。实验结果表明:已适应白色背景的鱼放入黑色背景水体后,体色变化主要发生在前10s内,放入时和放入10s后的体色明度值差异极显著(**p<0.01);在白色背景下适应的鱼放入黑色背景下适应2h后其体色变得很黑,将其放入白色背景水体后体色在10s内可发生由深到浅的变化,放入时和放入10s后的体色明度值差异极显著(** p<0.01)。在蓝色背景下适应的鱼放入黑色背景水体后,体色变化主要发生在前10s内,放入时和放入10s后的体色明度值差异显著(*p<0.05)。在蓝色背景下适应的鱼放入黑色背景下适应2h后的体色变得很黑,再将其放入白色背景水体后体色由深变浅,放入时和10s后的体色明度值发生极显著变化(**p<0.01)。处于社会应激条件下劣势地位的鱼体色会变黑,刚放入白色背景水体时的平均灰级达到12.7阶,放入60s、1800s后的体色和刚放入时没有显著差异。受社会应激影响轻微的鱼体色在1800s后适应了环境的颜色,明度值和没有受应激影响鱼的体色接近,而受伤或受社会应激影响较严重的鱼体色改变较小。鱼在高浓度非离子氨(UIA浓度为0.178 mg/L)的水中处理3h后,鱼的体色变得很黑,刚放入白色背景水体时平均灰级达到15.1阶,放入10s、120s后鱼的体色变化不大,放入180s后鱼的体色变浅,平均灰级达到9.3阶,与刚放入时的体色明度相比差异显著(*p<0.05)。  相似文献   

Movement is known to attenuate the perception of tactile stimuli delivered on the moving part of the body, and this gating diminishes the greater the distance from the moving part. However, does it influence the perception of sensations occurring spontaneously without external triggers? In Experiment 1, participants were asked to focus on one hand while moving or not moving their thumb, and thereafter to map and describe the spatial and qualitative attributes of sensations perceived over the remaining, motionless part of the hand. The results show that movement reduces the frequency, spatial extent, and intensity of sensations, but also participants’ confidence about their spatial characteristics. As expected, gating decreased the greater the distance from the moving thumb. Furthermore, gating was greater for distal than proximal segments of the hand, suggesting a hierarchical proximo-distal suppression. Experiment 2 ruled out the possibility that these effects were due to tactile sensations elicited by movement. Possible mechanisms of gating in the case of spontaneous sensations are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite its consequences for ecological processes and population dynamics, intra‐specific variability is frequently overlooked in animal movement studies. Consequently, the necessary resolution to reveal drivers of individual movement decisions is often lost as animal movement data are aggregated to infer average or population patterns. Thus, an empirical understanding of why a given movement pattern occurs remains patchy for many taxa, especially in marine systems. Nonetheless, movement is often rationalized as being driven by basic life history requirements, such as acquiring energy (feeding), reproduction, predator‐avoidance, and remaining in suitable environmental conditions. However, these life history requirements are central to every individual within a species and thus do not sufficiently account for the high intra‐specific variability in movement behavior and hence fail to fully explain the occurrence of multiple movement strategies within a species. Animal movement appears highly context dependent as, for example, within the same location, the behavior of both resident and migratory individuals is driven by life history requirements, such as feeding or reproduction, however different movement strategies are utilized to fulfill them. A systematic taxa‐wide approach that, instead of averaging population patterns, incorporates and utilizes intra‐specific variability to enable predictions as to which movement patterns can be expected under a certain context, is needed. Here, we use intra‐specific variability in elasmobranchs as a case study to introduce a stepwise approach for studying animal movement drivers that is based on a context‐dependence framework. We examine relevant literature to illustrate how this context‐focused approach can aid in reliably identifying drivers of a specific movement pattern. Ultimately, incorporating behavioral variability in the study of movement drivers can assist in making predictions about behavioral responses to environmental change, overcoming tagging biases, and establishing more efficient conservation measures.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the possible circadian dependence of leptin effects on food intake, locomotor activity, glycemia and plasma cortisol levels in goldfish (Carassius auratus). Fish were maintained under 12L:12D photoperiod and subjected to two different feeding schedules, one group fed during photophase (10:00) and the other one during scotophase (22:00). Leptin or saline were intraperitoneally injected at two different times (10:00 or 22:00), coincident or not with the meal time. To eliminate the entraining effect of the light/dark cycle, goldfish maintained under 24 h light (LL) were fed and leptin-injected at 10:00. A reduction in food intake and locomotor activity and an increase in glycemia were found in goldfish fed and leptin-injected at 10:00. No significant changes in circulating cortisol were observed. Those effects were not observed when leptin was administered during the scotophase, regardless the feeding schedule; neither in fish maintained under LL, suggesting that a day/night cycle would be necessary to observe the actions of leptin administered during the photophase. Changes in locomotor activity and glycemia were only observed in goldfish when leptin was injected at daytime, coincident with the feeding schedule, suggesting that these leptin actions could be dependent on the feeding time as zeitgeber. In view of these results it appears that the circadian dependence of leptin actions in goldfish can be determined by the combination of both zeitgebers, light/dark cycle and food. Our results point out the relevance of the administration time when investigating regulatory functions of hormones.  相似文献   

Origin of the pituitary innervation in the goldfish   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Despite the large number of studies devoted to the pituitary of teleosts, the origin of the direct pituitary innervation is still largely unknown. Although such a model is ideal for applying retrograde transport techniques, these methods involve the difficult in vivo injection of tracers into the pituitary and have never been applied. Recently, a lipophilic fluorescent dye (1-1-dioctadecyl-3,3,3,3-tetramethylindocarbocyanin; DiI) has been introduced and shown to have the capacity of being transported by the membranes of paraformaldehydefixed tissues. Microcrystals of DiI were implanted via a ventral approach into the pituitary of goldfish previously fixed by intracardiac perfusion of paraformaldehyde. The goldfish heads were kept immersed in paraformaldehyde for various periods of time (2–6 weeks). The brains were then dissected and cut transversally using a Vibratome. The results demonstrate that hypophysiotrophic areas are essentially restricted to the preoptic region, the mediobasal hypothalamus and the nucleus dorsolateralis thalami. In addition, cell bodies probably containing gonadotrophin releasing-hormone were also retrogradely stained along a pathway that can be traced up to the olfactory bulbs. The results also confirm that cell bodies, located around the ventral aspect of the preoptic recess and probably corresponding to dopaminergic neurons, project to the pituitary. Large neurons have also been observed in the rostral dorsal midbrain tegmentum just caudal to the posterior commissure. Most neurons of the so-called paraventricular organ remain unstained. Finally, a fiber tract originating from an undetermined territory of the posterior brain has been observed. The results are discussed in relation to the possible chemical nature of the hypophysiotropic neurons.  相似文献   

A system for the back projection of computer-generated visual images onto a screen or screens that cover 240° of the horizontal visual field is described. Its applicability for the study of crab vision is tested by comparing the frequency response of the optokinetic response of the land crab, Cardisoma guanhumi, to sinusoidal oscillation of computer-generated striped patterns and a real striped drum. Significant differences were observed only at the low end of the frequency spectrum. The flexibility of computer-generated visual stimulation and its advantages for the study of optic flow are illustrated by experiments that: (a) demonstrate how well crabs separate the translational and rotational components of optic flow by showing compensatory eye movements to only the latter; (b) show that the ability to compensate for rotation is not impaired by combinations of rotation and translation; (c) show that motion parallax cues are used in addition to previously-described global cues for making the distinction between rotation and translation. Finally, the use of these methods in a successful search for visual interneurones sensitive to optic flow stimuli is demonstrated for the shore crab, Carcinus maenas.  相似文献   

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