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Diverse and conserved roles of CLE peptides   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The function of plant CLAVATA3 (CLV3)/ENDOSPERM SURROUNDING REGION (ESR) (CLE) peptides in shoot meristem differentiation has been expanded in recent years to implicate roles in root growth and vascular development among different CLE family members. Recent evidence suggests that nematode pathogens within plant roots secrete ligand mimics of plant CLE peptides to modify selected host cells into multinucleate feeding sites. This discovery demonstrated an unprecedented adaptation of an animal gene product to functionally mimic a plant peptide involved in cellular signaling for parasitic benefit. This review highlights the diverse and conserved role of CLE peptides in these different contexts.  相似文献   

To investigate the roles of amino acid residues around the chromophore in photoactive yellow protein (PYP), new mutants, Y42A, E46A, and T50A were prepared. Their spectroscopic properties were compared with those of wild-type, Y42F, E46Q, T50V, R52Q, and E46Q/T50V, which were previously prepared and specified. The absorption maxima of Y42A, E46A, and T50A were observed at 438, 469, and 454 nm, respectively. The results of pH titration for the chromophore demonstrated that the chromophore of PYP mutant, like the wild-type, was protonated and bleached under acidic conditions. The red-shifts of the absorption maxima in mutants tended toward a pK(a) increase. Mutation at Glu46 induced remarkable shifts in the absorption maxima and pK(a). The extinction coefficients were increased in proportion to the absorption maxima, whereas the oscillator strengths were constant. PYP mutants that conserved Tyr42 were in the pH-dependent equilibrium between two states (yellow and colorless forms). However, Y42A and Y42F were in the pH-independent equilibrium between additional intermediate state(s) at around neutral pH, in which yellow form was dominant in Y42F whereas the other was dominant in Y42A. These findings suggest that Tyr42 acts as the hinge of the protein, and the bulk as well as the hydroxyl group of Tyr42 controls the protein conformation. In all mutants, absorbance at 450 nm was decreased upon flash irradiation and afterwards recovered on a millisecond time scale. However, absorbance at 340--370 nm was increased vice versa, indicating that the long-lived near-UV intermediates are formed from mutants, as in the case of wild-type. The lifetime changes with mutation suggest the regulation of proton movement through a hydrogen-bonding network.  相似文献   

Glycine receptors (GlyRs) are chloride channels that mediate fast inhibitory neurotransmission and are members of the pentameric ligand-gated ion channel (pLGIC) family. The interface between the ligand binding domain and the transmembrane domain of pLGICs has been proposed to be crucial for channel gating and is lined by a number of charged and aromatic side chains that are highly conserved among different pLGICs. However, little is known about specific interactions between these residues that are likely to be important for gating in α1 GlyRs. Here we use the introduction of cysteine pairs and the in vivo nonsense suppression method to incorporate unnatural amino acids to probe the electrostatic and hydrophobic contributions of five highly conserved side chains near the interface, Glu-53, Phe-145, Asp-148, Phe-187, and Arg-218. Our results suggest a salt bridge between Asp-148 in loop 7 and Arg-218 in the pre-M1 domain that is crucial for channel gating. We further propose that Phe-145 and Phe-187 play important roles in stabilizing this interaction by providing a hydrophobic environment. In contrast to the equivalent residues in loop 2 of other pLGICs, the negative charge at Glu-53 α1 GlyRs is not crucial for normal channel function. These findings help decipher the GlyR gating pathway and show that distinct residue interaction patterns exist in different pLGICs. Furthermore, a salt bridge between Asp-148 and Arg-218 would provide a possible mechanistic explanation for the pathophysiologically relevant hyperekplexia, or startle disease, mutant Arg-218 → Gln.  相似文献   

The tyrosinase family of genes has been conserved throughout vertebrate evolution. The role of conserved N-glycan sites in sorting, stability, and activity of tyrosinase family proteins was investigated using two family members from two different species, mouse gp75/tyrosinase-related protein (TRP)-1/Tyrp1 and human tyrosinase. Potential N-linked glycosylation sites on the lumenal domains of mouse gp75/TRP-1/Tyrp1 and human tyrosinase were eliminated by site-directed mutagenesis (Asn to Gln substitutions). Our results show that selected conserved N-glycan sites on tyrosinase family members are crucial for stability in the secretory pathway and endocytic compartment and for enzymatic activity. Different glycan sites on the same tyrosinase family polypeptide can perform distinct functions, and conserved sites on tyrosinase family paralogues can perform different functions.  相似文献   

A fundamental goal in cellular signaling is to understand allosteric communication, the process by which signals originating at one site in a protein propagate reliably to affect distant functional sites. The general principles of protein structure that underlie this process remain unknown. Here, we describe a sequence-based statistical method for quantitatively mapping the global network of amino acid interactions in a protein. Application of this method for three structurally and functionally distinct protein families (G protein-coupled receptors, the chymotrypsin class of serine proteases and hemoglobins) reveals a surprisingly simple architecture for amino acid interactions in each protein family: a small subset of residues forms physically connected networks that link distant functional sites in the tertiary structure. Although small in number, residues comprising the network show excellent correlation with the large body of mechanistic data available for each family. The data suggest that evolutionarily conserved sparse networks of amino acid interactions represent structural motifs for allosteric communication in proteins.  相似文献   

Fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) is a mammalian integral membrane enzyme responsible for the hydrolysis of a number of neuromodulatory fatty acid amides, including the endogenous cannabinoid anandamide and the sleep-inducing lipid oleamide. FAAH belongs to a large class of hydrolytic enzymes termed the "amidase signature family," whose members are defined by a conserved stretch of approximately 130 amino acids termed the "amidase signature sequence." Recently, site-directed mutagenesis studies of FAAH have targeted a limited number of conserved residues in the amidase signature sequence of the enzyme, identifying Ser-241 as the catalytic nucleophile and Lys-142 as an acid/base catalyst. The roles of several other conserved residues with potentially important and/or overlapping catalytic functions have not yet been examined. In this study, we have mutated all potentially catalytic residues in FAAH that are conserved among members of the amidase signature family, and have assessed their individual roles in catalysis through chemical labeling and kinetic methods. Several of these residues appear to serve primarily structural roles, as their mutation produced FAAH variants with considerable catalytic activity but reduced expression in prokaryotic and/or eukaryotic systems. In contrast, five mutations, K142A, S217A, S218A, S241A, and R243A, decreased the amidase activity of FAAH greater than 100-fold without detectably impacting the structural integrity of the enzyme. The pH rate profiles, amide/ester selectivities, and fluorophosphonate reactivities of these mutants revealed distinct catalytic roles for each residue. Of particular interest, one mutant, R243A, displayed uncompromised esterase activity but severely reduced amidase activity, indicating that the amidase and esterase efficiencies of FAAH can be functionally uncoupled. Collectively, these studies provide evidence that amidase signature enzymes represent a large class of serine-lysine catalytic dyad hydrolases whose evolutionary distribution rivals that of the catalytic triad superfamily.  相似文献   

H Teng  C Grubmeyer 《Biochemistry》1999,38(22):7363-7371
The dimeric zinc metalloenzyme L-histidinol dehydrogenase (HDH) catalyzes an unusual four-electron oxidation of the amino alcohol histidinol via the histidinaldehyde intermediate to the acid product histidine with the reduction of two molecules of NAD. An essential base, with pKa about 8, is involved in catalysis. Here we report site-directed mutagenesis studies to replace each of the five histidine residues (His-98, His-261, His-326, His-366, and His-418) in Salmonella typhimurium with either asparagine or glutamine. In all cases, the overexpressed enzymes were readily purified and behaved as dimers. Substitution of His-261 and His-326 by asparagine caused about 7000- and 500-fold decreases in kcat, respectively, with little change in KM values. Similar loss of activity was also reported for a H261N mutant Brassica HDH [Nagai, A., and Ohta, D. (1994) J. Biochem. 115, 22-25]. Kinetic isotope effects, pH profiles, substrate rescue, and stopped-flow experiments suggested that His-261 and His-326 are involved in proton transfers during catalysis. Sensitivity to metal ion chelator and decreased affinities for metal ions with substitutions at His-261 and His-418 suggested that these two residues are candidates for zinc ion ligands.  相似文献   

To understand the effect of visible light on the stability of photoactive yellow protein (PYP), urea denaturation experiments were performed with PYP in the dark and with PYP(M) under continuous illumination. The urea concentrations at the midpoint of denaturation were 5.26 +/- 0.29 and 3.77 +/- 0.19 M for PYP and PYP(M), respectively, in 100 mM acetate buffer, and 5.26 +/- 0.24 and 4.11 +/- 0.12 M for PYP and PYP(M), respectively, in 100 mM citrate buffer. The free energy change upon denaturation (DeltaG(D)(H2O)), obtained from the denaturation curve, was 11.0 +/- 0.4 and 7.6 +/- 0.2 kcal/mol for PYP and PYP(M), respectively, in acetate buffer, and 11.5 +/- 0.3 and 7.8 +/- 0.1 kcal/mol for PYP and PYP(M), respectively, in citrate buffer. Even though the DeltaG(D)(H2O) value for PYP(M) is almost identical in the two buffer systems, the urea concentration at the midpoint of denaturation is lower in acetate buffer than in citrate buffer. Although their CD spectra indicate that the protein conformations of the denatured states of PYP and PYP(M) are indistinguishable, the configurations of the chromophores in their denatured structures are not necessarily identical. Both denatured states are interconvertible through PYP and PYP(M). Therefore, the free energy difference between PYP and PYP(M) is 3.4-3.7 kcal/mol for the protein moiety, plus the additional contribution from the difference in configuration of the chromophore.  相似文献   

Caenorhabditis elegans and human HRG-1-related proteins are conserved, membrane-bound permeases that bind and translocate heme in metazoan cells via a currently uncharacterized mechanism. Here, we show that cellular import of heme by HRG-1-related proteins from worms and humans requires strategically located amino acids that are topologically conserved across species. We exploit a heme synthesis-defective Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant to model the heme auxotrophy of C. elegans and demonstrate that, under heme-deplete conditions, the endosomal CeHRG-1 requires both a specific histidine in the predicted second transmembrane domain (TMD2) and the FARKY motif in the C terminus tail for heme transport. By contrast, the plasma membrane CeHRG-4 transports heme by utilizing a histidine in the exoplasmic (E2) loop and the FARKY motif. Optimal activity under heme-limiting conditions, however, requires histidine in the E2 loop of CeHRG-1 and tyrosine in TMD2 of CeHRG-4. An analogous system exists in humans, because mutation of the synonymous histidine in TMD2 of hHRG-1 eliminates heme transport activity, implying an evolutionary conserved heme transport mechanism that predates vertebrate origins. Our results support a model in which heme is translocated across membranes facilitated by conserved amino acids positioned on the exoplasmic, cytoplasmic, and transmembrane regions of HRG-1-related proteins. These findings may provide a framework for understanding the structural basis of heme transport in eukaryotes and human parasites, which rely on host heme for survival.  相似文献   

High conservation of glycyl residues in homologous proteins is fairly frequent. It is commonly understood that glycine tends to be highly conserved either because of its unique Ramachandran angles or to avoid steric clash that would arise with a larger side chain. Using a database of aligned 3D structures of homologous proteins we identified conserved Gly in 288 alignment positions from 85 families. Ninety‐six of these alignment positions correspond to conserved Gly residue with (φ, ψ) values allowed for non‐glycyl residues. Reasons for this observation were investigated by in‐silico mutation of these glycyl residues to Ala. We found in 94% of the cases a short contact exists between the Cβ atom of the introduced Ala with the atoms which are often distant in the primary structure. This suggests the lack of space even for a short side chain thereby explaining high conservation of glycyl residues even when they adopt (φ, ψ) values allowed for Ala. In 189 alignment positions, the conserved glycyl residues adopt (φ, ψ) values which are disallowed for Ala. In‐silico mutation of these Gly residues to Ala almost always results in steric hindrance involving Cβ atom of Ala as one would expect by comparing Ramachandran maps for Ala and Gly. Rare occurrence of the disallowed glycyl conformations even in ultrahigh resolution protein structures are accompanied by short contacts in the crystal structures and such disallowed conformations are not conserved in the homologues. These observations raise the doubt on the accuracy of such glycyl conformations in proteins.  相似文献   

Low JC  Tu SC 《Biochemistry》2002,41(6):1724-1731
Residues 257-291 of the Vibrio harveyi bacterial luciferase alpha subunit comprise a highly conserved, protease-labile, disordered loop region, most of which is unresolved in the previously determined X-ray structures of the native enzyme. This loop region has been shown to display a time- dependent proteolysis resistance upon single catalytic turnover and was postulated to undergo conformational changes during catalysis ([AbouKhair, N. K., Ziegler, M. M., and Baldwin, T. O. (1985) Biochemistry 24, 3942-3947]. To investigate the role of this region in catalysis, we have performed site-specific mutations of different conserved loop residues. In comparison with V(max) and V(max)/K(m,flavin) of the native luciferase, the bioluminescence activities of alphaG284P were decreased to 1-2% whereas those of alphaG275P and alphaF261D were reduced by 4-6 orders of magnitude. Stopped-flow results indicate that both alphaG275P and alphaF261D were able to form the 4a-hydroperoxy-FMN intermediate II but at lower yields. Both mutants also had enhanced rates for the intermediate II nonproductive dark decay and significantly compromised abilities to oxidize the decanal substrate. Additional mutations were introduced into the alphaG275 and alphaF261 positions, and the activities of the resulting mutants were characterized. Results indicate that the torsional flexibility of the alphaG275 residue and the bulky and hydrophobic nature of the alphaF261 residue were critical to the luciferase activity. Our results also support a functional role for the alpha subunit unstructured loop itself, possibly by serving as a mobile gating mechanism in shielding critical intermediates (including the excited flavin emitter) from exposure to medium.  相似文献   

The absorption spectra of two photoactive yellow protein model chromophores have been measured in vacuum using an electrostatic ion storage ring. The absorption spectrum of the isolated chromophore is an important reference for deducing the influence of the protein environment on the electronic energy levels of the chromophore and separating the intrinsic properties of the chromophore from properties induced by the protein environment. In vacuum the deprotonated trans-thiophenyl-p-coumarate model chromophore has an absorption maximum at 460 nm, whereas the photoactive yellow protein absorbs maximally at 446 nm. The protein environment thus only slightly blue-shifts the absorption. In contrast, the absorption of the model chromophore in aqueous solution is significantly blue-shifted (lambda(max) = 395 nm). A deprotonated trans-p-coumaric acid has also been studied to elucidate the effect of thioester formation and phenol deprotonation. The sum of these two changes on the chromophore induces a red shift both in vacuum and in aqueous solution.  相似文献   

The light-induced isomerization of a double bond is the key event that allows the conversion of light energy into a structural change in photoactive proteins for many light-mediated biological processes, such as vision, photosynthesis, photomorphogenesis, and photo movement. Cofactors such as retinals, linear tetrapyrroles, and 4-hydroxy-cinnamic acid have been selected by nature that provide the essential double bond to transduce the light signal into a conformational change and eventually, a physiological response. Here we report the first events after light excitation of the latter chromophore, containing a single ethylene double bond, in a low temperature crystallographic study of the photoactive yellow protein. We measured experimental phases to overcome possible model bias, corrected for minimized radiation damage, and measured absorption spectra of crystals to analyze the photoproducts formed. The data show a mechanism for the light activation of photoactive yellow protein, where the energy to drive the remainder of the conformational changes is stored in a slightly strained but fully cis-chromophore configuration. In addition, our data indicate a role for backbone rearrangements during the very early structural events.  相似文献   

As a bacterial blue light sensor the photoactive yellow protein (PYP) undergoes conformational changes upon signal transduction. The absorption of a photon triggers a series of events that are initially localized around the protein chromophore, extends to encompass the whole protein within microseconds, and leads to the formation of the transient pB signaling state. We study the formation of this signaling state pB by molecular simulation and predict its solution structure. Conventional straightforward molecular dynamics is not able to address this formation process due to the long (microsecond) timescales involved, which are (partially) caused by the presence of free energy barriers between the metastable states. To overcome these barriers, we employed the parallel tempering (or replica exchange) method, thus enabling us to predict qualitatively the formation of the PYP signaling state pB. In contrast to the receptor state pG of PYP, the characteristics of this predicted pB structure include a wide open chromophore-binding pocket, with the chromophore and Glu(46) fully solvent-exposed. In addition, loss of alpha-helical structure occurs, caused by the opening motion of the chromophore-binding pocket and the disruptive interaction of the negatively charged Glu(46) with the backbone atoms in the hydrophobic core of the N-terminal cap. Recent NMR experiments agree very well with these predictions.  相似文献   

The light-induced global conformational change of photoactive yellow protein was directly observed by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The N-terminal 6, 15, or 23 amino acid residues were enzymatically truncated (T6, T15, or T23, respectively), and their near-UV intermediates were accumulated under continuous illumination for SAXS measurements. The Kratky plot demonstrated that illumination induced partial loss of globularity. The change in globularity was marked in T6 but very small in T15 and T23, suggesting that structural change in positions 7-15 mainly reduces the globularity. The radius of gyration (R(g)) estimated by Guinier plot was increased by 1.1 A for T6 and 0.7 A for T15 and T23 upon illumination. As T23 lacks most of the N-terminal loop, structural change in the main part composed of the PAS core, helical connector, and beta-scaffold caused an increase of R(g) by 0.7 A. The structural change of positions 7-15 caused an additional increase by 0.4 A. The decrease of R(g) upon truncation of positions 7-15 for dark state was 0.3 A, while that for the intermediate was 0.7 A, suggesting that this region moves outward on formation of the intermediate. These results indicate that a light-induced structural change of PYP takes place in the main part and N-terminal 15 amino acid residues. The former induces only dimensional increase, but the latter results in additional change in shape.  相似文献   

Chang SC  Lin KY  Chen YJ  Lai CH  Chang GG  Chou WY 《The FEBS journal》2006,273(17):4072-4081
Malic enzyme catalyses the reduction of NADP+ to NADPH and the decarboxylation of L-malate to pyruvate through a general acid/base mechanism. Previous kinetic and structural studies differ in their interpretation of the amino acids responsible for the general acid/base mechanism. To resolve this discrepancy, we used site-directed mutagenesis and kinetic analysis to study four conserved carboxylic amino acids. With the D257A mutant, the Km for Mn2+ and the kcat decreased relative to those of the wild-type by sevenfold and 28-fold, respectively. With the E234A mutant, the Km for Mg2+ and L-malate increased relative to those of the wild-type by 87-fold and 49-fold, respectively, and the kcat remained unaltered, which suggests that the E234 residue plays a critical role in bivalent metal ion binding. The kcat for the D235A and D258A mutants decreased relative to that of the wild-type by 7800-fold and 5200-fold, respectively, for the overall reaction, by 800-fold and 570-fold, respectively, for the pyruvate reduction partial reaction, and by 371-fold and 151-fold, respectively, for the oxaloacetate decarboxylation. The activities of the overall reaction and the pyruvate reduction partial reaction of the D258A mutant were rescued by the presence of 50 mM sodium azide. In contrast, small free acids did not have a rescue effect on the activities of the E234A, D235A, and D257A mutants. These data suggest that D258 may act as a general base to extract the hydrogen of the C2 hydroxy group of L-malate with the aid of D235-chelated Mn2+ to polarize the hydroxyl group.  相似文献   

The photocycle intermediates of photoactive yellow protein (PYP) were characterized by low-temperature Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The difference FTIR spectra of PYP(B), PYP(H), PYP(L), and PYP(M) minus PYP were measured under the irradiation condition determined by UV-visible spectroscopy. Although the chromophore bands of PYP(B) were weak, intense sharp bands complementary to the 1163-cm(-1) band of PYP, which show the chromophore is deprotonated, were observed at 1168-1169 cm(-1) for PYP(H) and PYP(L), indicating that the proton at Glu46 is not transferred before formation of PYP(M). Free trans-p-coumaric acid had a 1294-cm(-1) band, which was shifted to 1288 cm(-1) in the cis form. All the difference FTIR spectra obtained had the pair of bands corresponding to them, indicating that all the intermediates have the chromophore in the cis configuration. The characteristic vibrational modes at 1020-960 cm(-1) distinguished the intermediates. Because these modes were shifted by deuterium-labeling at the ethylene bond of the chromophore while labeling at the phenol part had no effect, they were attributed to the ethylene bond region. Hence, structural differences among the intermediates are present in this region. Bands at about 1730 cm(-1), which show that Glu46 is protonated, were observed for all intermediates except for PYP(M). Because the frequency of this mode was constant in PYP(B), PYP(H), and PYP(L), the environment of Glu46 is conserved in these intermediates. The photocycle of PYP would therefore proceed by changing the structure of the twisted ethylene bond of the chromophore.  相似文献   

Beta-lactoglobulin has been found to be a member of a super family of protein that bind specific ligands and which share common features in their amino acid sequences. Here we show that these features are grouped spatially on the surface of the proteins and suggest that they may be concerned with binding to cell-surface receptors.  相似文献   

In the absence of x-ray structures of sodium and calcium channels their homology models are used to rationalize experimental data and design new experiments. A challenge is to model the outer-pore region that folds differently from potassium channels. Here we report a new model of the outer-pore region of the NaV1.4 channel, which suggests roles of highly conserved residues around the selectivity filter. The model takes from our previous study (Tikhonov, D. B., and Zhorov, B. S. (2005) Biophys. J. 88, 184-197) the general disposition of the P-helices, selectivity filter residues, and the outer carboxylates, but proposes new intra- and inter-domain contacts that support structural stability of the outer pore. Glycine residues downstream from the selectivity filter are proposed to participate in knob-into-hole contacts with the P-helices and S6s. These contacts explain the adapted tetrodotoxin resistance of snakes that feed on toxic prey through valine substitution of isoleucine in the P-helix of repeat IV. Polar residues five positions upstream from the selectivity filter residues form H-bonds with the ascending-limb backbones. Exceptionally conserved tryptophans are engaged in inter-repeat H-bonds to form a ring whose π-electrons would facilitate passage of ions from the outer carboxylates to the selectivity filter. The outer-pore model of CaV1.2 derived from the NaV1.4 model is also stabilized by the ring of exceptionally conservative tryptophans and H-bonds between the P-helices and ascending limbs. In this model, the exceptionally conserved aspartate downstream from the selectivity-filter glutamate in repeat II facilitates passage of calcium ions to the selectivity-filter ring through the tryptophan ring. Available experimental data are discussed in view of the models.  相似文献   

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