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A theoretical membrane skeleton model of erythrocyte has been developed and successfully applied to interpret electrical and mechanical properties of the red blood cell spectrin-actin network. The model is based on the structure of the membrane skeleton that is comprised of unit cells each containing an actin protofilament and shooting forth a few spectrin heterodimers. The loose ends of the heterodimers of adjacent cells can form bonds with each other giving rise to an integrated network. The number of bonds depends on the temperature. The bond length being excessive (2.6 times the distance between the centers of adjacent cells), the bonds are flexible, and can thus be regarded as entropy springs. The advanced model has been employed to calculate the shear modulus of the membrane skeleton as well as to establish its temperature dependence. In a wide range of temperatures mu(T) is a decreasing function well fitting the experimental data. The relationship between the membrane bilayer-free size of the skeleton and the ionic strength of the solution has been derived to appear in good agreement with the results obtained previously. Experimental data combined with the advanced theory yield the average number of heterodimers per unit cell, m0, as equal to ca. 5; the spectrin heterodimer charge has been estimated.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of oxidative stress on red blood cell membrane mechanical properties in vitro using detailed analysis of the membrane thermal fluctuation spectrum. Two different oxidants, the cytosol-soluble hydrogen peroxide and the membrane-soluble cumene hydroperoxide, are used, and their effects on the membrane bending elastic modulus, surface tension, strength of confinement due to the membrane skeleton, and 2D shear elastic modulus are measured. We find that both oxidants alter significantly the membrane elastic properties, but their effects differ qualitatively and quantitatively. While hydrogen peroxide mainly affects the elasticity of the membrane protein skeleton (increasing the membrane shear modulus), cumene hydroperoxide has an impact on both membrane skeleton and lipid bilayer mechanical properties, as can be seen from the increased values of the shear and bending elastic moduli. The biologically important implication of these results is that the effects of oxidative stress on the biophysical properties, and hence the physiological functions, of the cell membrane depend on the nature of the oxidative agent. Thermal fluctuation spectroscopy provides a means of characterizing these different effects, potentially in a clinical milieu.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a new dynamic image analyzing technique that will give us the ability to measure the viscoelastic parameters of individual living red blood cells non-invasively, in situ and in real time. With this technique, the bending modulus Kc, the shear elasticity μ and their ratio ε were measured under different temperatures, oxygen partial pressures and osmotic pressures. The results not only show the effects of external conditions on mechanical properties of cell membranes including deformability,flexibility, adhesive ability and plasticity, but also demonstrate that the technique can be used to measure cell membrane parameters continuously under several physiological and pathological conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Rates of human red blood cell hemolysis were measured as a function of temperature. Three distinct temperature intervals for hemolysis were noted: a) At temperatures equal to or less than 37°C no hemolysis was observed for the duration of the incubation (30 hr). b) For temperatures exceeding 45°C hemolysis rates are rapid and are accompanied by gross changes in cellular morphology. The activation energy for hemolysis is 80 kcal/mole; this value is characteristic of protein denaturation and enzyme inactivation suggesting that these processes contribute to hemolysis at these high temperatures. c) Between 38 and 45°C the energy of activation is 29 kcal/mole, indicating that a fundamentally different process than protein inactivation is responsible for hemolysis at these relatively low temperatures. A mechanism based on the concept of the critical bilayer assembly temperature of cell membranes (N.L. Gershfeld,Biophys. J. 50:457–461, 1986) accounts for hemolysis at these relatively mild temperatures: The unilamellar state of the membrane is stable at 37°C, but is transformed to a multibilayer when the temperature is raised; hemolysis results because formation of the multibilayer requires exposing lipid-free areas of the erythrocyte surface. An analysis of the activation energy for hemolysis is presented that is consistent with the proposed unilamellar-multibilayer transformation.  相似文献   

The molecular arrangement within a lamellar structure composed of human erythrocyte lipids is determined. The 45 A thick lipid layer, in water, is filled in the interior with a liquid-like configuration of the hydrocarbon chains of phospholipid molecules and is covered on both sides by their hydrophilic polar groups. Cholesterol is located so that part of its steroid nucleus is between the polar groups of the phospholipid molecules while the rest of the molecule extends into the inner hydrocarbon layer. This lipid leaflet would be expected to have the mechanical properties of a purely liquid surface, as other authors have shown for the "black" lipid membranes. Data are presented which demonstrate that the intact erythrocyte membrane is a tough viscoelastic substance with a Young''s modulus of 106–108 dynes/cm2 and a viscosity of 107–1010 poises. The parameters and the kinetics of membrane breakdown are incompatible with the model system of pure lipid. Caution must be exercised in applying various data on the model systems to intact membranes.  相似文献   

Two models of spectrin elasticity are developed and compared to experimental measurements of the red blood cell (RBC) membrane shear modulus through the use of an elastic finite element model of the RBC membrane skeleton. The two molecular models of spectrin are: (i) An entropic spring model of spectrin as a flexible chain. This is a model proposed by several previous authors. (ii) An elastic model of a helical coiled-coil which expands by increasing helical pitch. In previous papers, we have computed the relationship between the stiffness of a single spectrin molecule (K) and the shear modulus of a network (μ), and have shown that this behavior is strongly dependent upon network topology. For realistic network models of the RBC membrane skeleton, we equate μ to micropipette measurements of RBCs and predict K for spectrin that is consistent with the coiled-coil molecular model. The value of spectrin stiffness derived from the entropic molecular model would need to be at least 30 times greater to match the experimental results. Thus, the conclusion of this study is that a helical coiled-coil model for spectrin is more realistic than a purely entropic model.  相似文献   

Intracellular Ca2+ at concentrations ranging from 0 to 10 mumol/l increases the shear modulus of surface elasticity (mu) and the surface viscosity (eta) of human red blood cells by 20% and 70%, respectively. K+ selective channels in the red cell membrane become activated by Ca2+. The activation still occurs to the same extent when the membrane skeleton is degraded by incorporation of trypsin into resealed red cell ghosts, suggesting that the channel activation is not controlled by the proteins of the membrane skeleton and is independent of mu and eta. Incorporation of trypsin at concentrations ranging from 0 to 100 ng/ml into red cell ghosts leads to a graded digestion of spectrin, a cleavage of the band 3 protein and a release of the binding proteins ankyrin and band 4.1. These alterations are accompanied by an increase of the lateral mobility of the band 3 protein which, at 40 ng/ml trypsin, reaches a plateau value where the rate of lateral diffusion is enhanced by about two orders of magnitude above the rate measured in controls without trypsin. Proteolytic digestion by 10-20 ng/ml trypsin leads to a degradation of more than 40% of the spectrin and increases the rate of lateral diffusion to about 20-70% of the value observed at the plateau. Nevertheless, mu and eta remain virtually unaltered. However, the stability of the membrane is decreased to the point where a slight mechanical extension, or the shear produced by centrifugation results in disintegration and vesiculation, precluding measurements of eta and mu in ghosts treated with higher concentrations of trypsin. These findings indicate that alterations of the structural integrity of the membrane skeleton exert drastically different effects on mu and eta on the one hand and on the stability of the membrane on the other.  相似文献   

Brief incubation of human red cells with the membrane mobility agent, 2-(2-methoxy)-ethoxyethyl 8-(2-n-octylcyclopropyl)-octanoate (A2C), produces stomatocytes (with invaginations) along with a decrease in osmotic fragility, an altered distribution in a two-phase dextran-polyethylene glycol-water system, and increased permeability to the GSH oxidant, the diazene derivative, 1,2-diazenedicarboxylic acid bis(N′-methylpiperazide). These changes are consistent with what would be expected for agents which increase membrane lipid disorder. Membrane mobility agents provide a very convenient means for altering membrane properties and should be useful for studies on both normal and abnormal red cells.  相似文献   

The natural biconcave shape of red blood cells (RBC) may be altered by injury or environmental conditions into a spiculated form (echinocyte). An analysis is presented of the effect of such a transformation on the resistance of RBC to entry into capillary sized cylindrical tubes. The analysis accounts for the elasticity of the membrane skeleton in dilation and shear, and the local and nonlocal resistance of the bilayer to bending, the latter corresponding to different area strains in the two leaflets of the bilayer. The shape transformation is assumed to be driven by the equilibrium area difference (A0, the difference between the equilibrium areas of the bilayer leaflets), which also affects the energy of deformation. The cell shape is approximated by a parametric model. Shape parameters, skeleton shear deformation, and the skeleton density of deformed membrane relative to the skeleton density of undeformed membrane are obtained by minimization of the corresponding thermodynamic potential. Experimentally, A0 is modified and the corresponding discocyte–echinocyte shape transition obtained by high-pressure aspiration into a narrow pipette, and the deformability of the resulting echinocyte is examined by whole cell aspiration into a larger pipette. We conclude that the deformability of the echinocyte can be accounted for by the mechanical behavior of the normal RBC membrane, where the equilibrium area difference A0 is modified.  相似文献   

Among 15 enzymes PFK decreased most during preservation at 4 degrees C for 6-8 weeks, and this was prevented by the addition of adenine and inosine, but not by adenine or inosine only. PFK inactivation in hemolysate was also prevented by ATP. In order to maintain low fragility, isotonic sucrose solution was newly devised. Maltose and lactose followed and mannitol was also effective. The decrease in fragility accompanied the decrease in the cell volume and the increase of Na+, K+, H+ and Cl- in the medium. However, the filtrability of red cells was sometimes decreased in case of extremely lowered fragility. Therefore, appropriate ratios of isoosmotic sucrose (hardly permeable) and NaCl (relatively rapidly permeable) solutions must be selected for preservation of blood. Various properties in vitro of rabbit cells were well maintained and their posttransfusion viability was also prolonged when using this medium. Elimination of hypoxanthine could be achieved by hydron coated charcoal prior to transfusion.  相似文献   

Jiang M  Ding Y  Su Y  Hu X  Li J  Zhang Z 《FEBS letters》2006,580(28-29):6561-6564
Flotillin-1 and arginase are both up-regulated in red blood cell membrane of type 2 diabetic patients. For studying why the soluble arginase can bind to the membrane and whether such binding would modify arginase activity, the arginase1 and related proteins were cloned and expressed. The results showed that flotillin-1 can interact with arginase1, and hence arginase activity was up-regulated by 26.8%. It was estimated that about 61% of arginase1 is bound to the membrane mediated by flotillin-1. The arginase activity in diabetic patients was significantly higher than that of the controls (752.4+/-38.5 U/mg protein vs 486.7+/-28.7 U/mg protein).  相似文献   

Dansylation of the red blood cell membrane inhibits monovalent anion transport as measured by means of 36C1 and enhances divalent anion transport as measured by means of 35SO4 (Legrum, Fasold and Passow (1980) Hoppe-Seyler's Z. Physiol. Chem. 361, 1573-1590 and Lepke and Passow (1982) J. Physiol. (London) 328, 27-48). In the present work the effect of dansylation on phosphate equilibrium exchange was studied over the pH range where the ratio between monovalent and divalent phosphate anions varies. At high pH, phosphate equilibrium exchange was enhanced; at low pH, exchange was inhibited. The pH maximum of phosphate equilibrium exchange, seen at pH 6.3 in untreated ghosts is now replaced by a plateau. The inverse effects of dansylation on the rates of exchange at high and low pH suggest that both monovalent and divalent phosphate anions are accepted as substrates by the anion transport protein. A tentative attempt to obtain a quantitative estimate of the ratio of monovalent and divalent phosphate transport indicates that in the untreated red cell membrane over the pH range 7.2-8.5 the transport of HPO42- is negligible compared to the transport of H2PO4-.  相似文献   

Interaction between phloretin and the red blood cell membrane   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Phloretin binding to red blood cell components has been characterized at pH6, where binding and inhibitory potency are maximal. Binding to intact red cells and to purified hemoglobin are nonsaturated processes approximately equal in magnitude, which strongly suggests that most of the red cell binding may be ascribed to hemoglobin. This conclusion is supported by the fact that homoglobin-free red cell ghosts can bind only 10% as much phloretin as an equivalent number of red cells. The permeability of the red cell membrane to phloretin has been determined by a direct measurement at the time-course of the phloretin uptake. At a 2% hematocrit, the half time for phloretin uptake is 8.7s, corresponding to a permeability coefficient of 2 x 10(-4) cm/s. The concentration dependence of the binding to ghosts reveals two saturable components. Phloretin binds with high affinity (K diss = 1.5 muM) to about 2.5 x 10(6) sites per cell; it also binds with lower affinity (Kdiss = 54 muM) to a second (5.5 x 10(7) per cell) set of sites. In sonicated total lipid extracts of red cell ghosts, phloretin binding consists of a single, saturable component. Its affinity and total number of sites are not significantly different from those of the low affinity binding process in ghosts. No high affinity binding of phloretin is exhibited by the red cell lipid extracts. Therefore, the high affinity phloretin binding sites are related to membrane proteins, and the low affinity sites result from phloretin binding to lipid. The identification of these two types of binding sites allows phloretin effects on protein-mediated transport processes to be distinguished from effects on the lipid region of the membrane.  相似文献   

Thermoelasticity of red blood cell membrane.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
The elastic properties of the human red blood cell membrane have been measured as functions of temperature. The area compressibility modulus and the elastic shear modulus, which together characterize the surface elastic behavior of the membrane, have been measured over the temperature range of 2-50 degrees C with micropipette aspiration of flaccid and osmotically swollen red cells. In addition, the fractional increase in membrane surface area from 2-50 degrees C has been measured to give a value for the thermal area expansivity. The value of the elastic shear modulus at 25 degrees C was measured to be 6.6 X 10(-3) dyne/cm. The change in the elastic shear modulus with temperature was -6 X 10(-5) dyne/cm degrees C. Fractional forces were shown to be only on the order of 10-15%. The area compressibility modulus at 25 degrees C was measured to be 450 dyne/cm. The change in the area compressibility modulus with temperature was -6 dyne/cm degrees C. The thermal area expansivity for red cell membrane was measured to be 1.2 X 10(-3)/degrees C. With this data and thermoelastic relations the heat of expansion is determined to be 110-200 ergs/cm2; the heat of extension is 2 X 10(-2) ergs/cm2 for unit extension of the red cell membrane. The heat of expansion is of the order anticipated for a lipid bilayer idealized as twice the behavior of a monolayer at an oil-water interface. The observation that the heat of extension is positive demonstrates that the entropy of the material increases with extension, and that the dominant mechanism of elastic energy storage is energetic. Assuming that the red cell membrane shear rigidity is associated with "spectrin," unit extension of the membrane increases the configurational entropy of spectrin by 500 cal/mol.  相似文献   

In inside-out human red cell membrane vesicles /IOV/, in the absence of Mg2+, the only calcium-induced labelling by γ32P-ATP occurs in a 140–150 000 molecular weight protein fraction, representing the hydroxylamine-sensitive phosphorylated intermediate /EP/ of the calcium pump. In the presence of Mg2+ calcium-induced phosphorylation is accelerated but several other membrane proteins are also phosphorylated through protein kinase action forming hydroxylamine-insensitive bonds. Addition of calmodulin accelerates EP formation both in the absence and presence of Mg2+.Treatment of the membrane with SH-group reagents significantly reduces EP formation. Mild trypsin digestion of IOVs, stimulating active calcium transport, eliminates calmodulin action and decreases the steady-state level of EP. In trypsin-digested IOVs the molecular weight of the 32P-labelled EP is shifted to lower values /110–120 000/ We suggest that trypsin digestion cleaves off a 20–40 000 molecular weight calmodulin-binding regulatory subunit of the calcium pump molecule.  相似文献   

The time-dependent recovery of an elongated red cell is studied as a function of temperature. Before release, the elongated cell is in static equilibrium where external forces are balanced by surface elastic force resultants. Upon release, the cell recovers its initial shape with a time-dependent exponential behavior characteristic of a viscoelastic solid material undergoing large ("finite") deformation. The recovery process is characterized by a time constant, tc, that decreases from approximately 0.27 s at 6 degrees C to 0.06 s at 37 degrees C. From this measurement of the time constant and an independent measurement of the shear modulus of surface elasticity for red cell membrane, the value for the membrane surface viscosity as a function of temperature can be calculated.  相似文献   

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