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Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) exerts multiple actions on endothelial cells including among others the expression of pro-coagulant activity and adhesion molecules, and secretion of cytokines. We now show that TNF-alpha induces a time- and dose-dependent cytotoxic effect on cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells. This TNF-induced cytotoxicity, which is preceded by increased production of nitric oxide (NO), is significantly decreased by the NO synthase inhibitor N-iminoethyl-L-ornithine (L-NIO). Dexamethasone, which prevents the expression of cytokine-induced NO synthase in endothelial cells, also inhibits TNF-alpha-dependent cytotoxicity. The results indicate that NO is involved in the cytotoxic effect of TNF-alpha on endothelial cells.  相似文献   

Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC), like most normal cells, are resistant to tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF)-induced apoptosis in spite of TNF activating sphingomyelinase and generating ceramide, a known inducer of apoptosis. Here we report that TNF activates another key enzyme, sphingosine kinase (SphK), in the sphingomyelin metabolic pathway resulting in production of sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) and that S1P is a potent antagonist of TNF-mediated apoptosis. The TNF-induced SphK activation is independent of sphingomyelinase and ceramidase activities, suggesting that TNF affects this enzyme directly other than through a mass effect on sphingomyelin degradation. In contrast to normal HUVEC, in a spontaneously transformed endothelial cell line (C11) TNF stimulation failed to activate SphK and induced apoptosis as characterized by morphological and biochemical criteria. Addition of exogenous S1P or increasing endogenous S1P by phorbol ester markedly protected C11 cell line from TNF-induced apoptosis. Conversely, N, N-dimethylsphingosine, an inhibitor of SphK, profoundly sensitized normal HUVEC to killing by TNF. Thus, we demonstrate that the activation of SphK by TNF is an important signaling for protection from the apoptotic effect of TNF in endothelial cells.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to identify biochemical pathways driving the resistance of endothelial cells to apoptosis induced by tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF). (1) Although nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappaB) was activated by TNF, its inhibition by MG-132 failed to sensitize these cells. (2) The activation of protein kinase C (PKC) by phorbol ester completely abolished the TNF-induced cell death. (3) The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitor wortmannin (Wo) triggered apoptosis and enhanced the TNF-induced cell death. (4) The MEK inhibitor PD98059 did not affect the TNF-induced apoptotic process. (5) The p38 is activated by TNF and its inhibition by SB203580 sensitized the cells to TNF. This is correlated with the inhibition of phosphorylation of heat-shock protein of 27 kDa (HSP27).These results indicate that TNF activates NF-kappaB, which does not drive any anti-apoptotic response, and p38, which plays an anti-apoptotic function probably through HSP27 phosphorylation. Moreover, PKC and PI3K are involved in the control of survival pathways.  相似文献   

Endothelial expression of matrix metalloproteinases has been implicated in angiogenesis and endothelial cell proliferation. Recently, it has been shown that high-density lipoproteins (HDLs) promote angiogenesis. In the present study, we investigated the effects of native HDLs on the expression of several proteases and their inhibitors in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. We show that ADAMTS-1 (a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motif) was potently induced by incubation with lipopolysaccharide or tumor necrosis factor-alpha and that the expression was significantly reduced in the presence of HDL subfraction 3. Since ADAMTS-1 has recently been shown to inhibit endothelial cell proliferation, the result of the present work may represent a new mechanism by which HDL could have a positive effect on endothelial cell and vascular wall function.  相似文献   

Impaired endothelial cell proliferation has been proposed to be an early, critical defect contributing to the development of atherosclerosis. Recent studies show that high plasma tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha levels and low serum ascorbic acid (AA) levels correlate with atherosclerosis severity. Additionally, AA has been reported to have potential beneficial effects in preventing atherosclerosis. Based on these studies, we investigated the role of AA (< or =1mM) on TNF-alpha-mediated vascular endothelial cell growth inhibition in vitro. In accordance with previous reports, we found that TNF-alpha alone inhibited endothelial cell proliferation. Further studies revealed that AA alone enhanced endothelial cell proliferation and that AA blocked endothelial cell growth inhibition induced by TNF-alpha. By contrast, we observed no effect of AA on endothelial cell activation or nuclear entry of nuclear factor-kappaB in response to TNF-alpha. The protective effect of AA on endothelial cell proliferation was not simply the result of its antioxidant activity but did correlate with collagen IV expression by endothelial cells. AA pre-treatment of proliferating endothelial cells promoted retinoblastoma protein (Rb) phosphorylation and decreased p53 levels when compared to untreated cells. Furthermore, the addition of AA to TNF-alpha-treated proliferating endothelial cells blocked both the inhibition of retinoblastoma protein phosphorylation and enhanced p53 expression induced by TNF-alpha. Consistent with these results, we found that AA protects endothelial cells against TNF-alpha-induced apoptosis. These studies highlight the potential therapeutic role of AA in promoting endothelial cell proliferation during inflammatory conditions, such as atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

Although tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) is an important host factor against intracellular bacteria, little is known about the effect of TNF-alpha on the persistence of intracellular Staphylococcus aureus in vascular endothelial cells. It was investigated whether recombinant human TNF-alpha influences the survival of intracellular S. aureus (ATCC 29213) in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) under a condition with an antistaphylococcal agent, and its mechanism. The HUVECs were incubated with TNF-alpha, oxacillin, or both in 24-well plates for up to 48 h following internalization of S. aureus (10(6) CFU well(-1)) into HUVECs for 1 h. TNF-alpha (1 ng mL(-1)) significantly reduced the number of intracellular S. aureus in HUVECs, and TNF-alpha plus oxacillin eliminated more intracellular S. aureus in HUVEC than oxacillin alone. The LDH viability assay and quantification of apoptosis using photometric enzyme-immunoassay showed that TNF-alpha preferentially induced cell death and apoptosis of HUVECs infected with S. aureus compared with noninfected HUVECs. These results indicate that TNF-alpha helps antistaphylococcal antibiotics to eliminate intracellular S. aureus in vascular endothelial cells, partly because TNF-alpha preferentially induces apoptosis of endothelial cells infected by S. aureus.  相似文献   

The endothelium plays a central role in the logistics of the immune system by allowing the selective transmigration of leukocytes, as well as the maintenance of the circulation and coagulation homeostasis. Evidence is increasing that the carbohydrate composition of the endothelial cell surface is critical for the cells to exert their physiological function. The major aim of this study is to unravel the mechanisms underlying the expression of carbohydrate structures by endothelial cells, which are involved in leukocyte adhesion and migration. Using quantitative real-time PCR, the expression profile of a selected group of 74 glycosylation-related genes has been determined in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) and human foreskin microvascular endothelial cells (FMVEC) under control and TNFalpha-induced conditions. The set of genes comprised 59 glycosyltransferases, 6 mannosidases and 9 sulfotransferases. In parallel, the overall cell surface glycan profile has been assessed by the use of glycan-specific lectins and monoclonal antibodies. The results demonstrate that HUVEC and FMVEC differ substantially in the expression of glycosylation-related genes and, accordingly, also in the presence of different glycan epitopes on the cell membrane. Induction of an inflamed phenotype of the cells by treatment with TNFalpha differentially modulates a set of these genes in HUVEC and FMVEC resulting in a change in the cell membrane associated glycans that are of importance in inflammation-related endothelial cell-surface processes.  相似文献   

Glucose and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha) concentrations are elevated in diabetes. Both of these factors correlate with diabetic vasculopathy and endothelial cell apoptosis, yet their combined effects have not been measured. We have previously shown that the angiogenic growth factor fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2), which is generally protective against endothelial cell death, is similarly elevated in high glucose conditions. We therefore investigated the effect of TNFalpha on endothelial cell death under normal and elevated glucose conditions, with a particular focus on FGF-2. Porcine aortic endothelial cells were cultured in 5 and 30 mM glucose and stimulated with TNFalpha, together with FGF-2 or a neutralizing FGF-2 antibody. Cell death was measured via cell counts or an annexin apoptotic assay, and cell cycle phase was determined by propidium iodide labeling. TNFalpha-induced endothelial cell death increased for cells in high glucose, and cell death was enhanced with increasing FGF-2 exposure and negated by a neutralizing FGF-2 antibody. Endothelial cells were most susceptible to TNFalpha-induced cell death when stimulated with FGF-2 18 h prior to TNFalpha, corresponding to cell entry into S phase of the proliferative cycle. The FGF-2 associated increase in TNFalpha-induced cell death was negated by blocking cell entry into S phase. Endothelial cell release of FGF-2 in high glucose leads to cell cycle progression, which makes cells more susceptible to TNFalpha-induced cell death. These data suggest that growth factor outcomes in high glucose depend on secondary mediators such as cytokines and stimulation cell cycle timing.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of tumor necrosis factor alpha on vascular endothelial cells was analyzed using a collagen-embedded, three-dimensional culture system, focusing on angiogenesis and expression of cell adhesion molecules. When the endothelial cells were cultured between two layers of type-I collagen gel, they reorganized into a network of branching and anastomosing tubular structures. Once the structure was formed, the cells did not undergo further division. Addition of tumor necrosis factor alpha at 10 to 500 U/ml to the overlaid culture medium inhibited this tube-forming process and enhanced their survival, whereas it suppressed cell growth in monolayer. To test its effect on the expression of cell adhesion molecules, the collagen was digested, and the dispersed cells were stained with anti-intercellular adhesion molecule-1 and endothelial-leukocyte adhesion molecule-1 monoclonal antibodies. Tumor necrosis factor alpha upregulated the expressions of both molecules for an extended period of time. Even in the absence of tumor necrosis factor alpha, the cells embedded in collagen matrices expressed small amounts of these adhesion molecules. These results indicate that endothelial cells display phenotypic changes in collagen matrices and modulatory response to tumor necrosis factor alpha.  相似文献   

Recent reports have described purinergic modulation of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) signaling in neutrophils and astrocytes. In Sertoli cells, both TNF-R1 and TNF-R2 TNF-α receptors are present and this cytokine modulates many functions of these cells related to the maintenance of spermatogenesis. Sertoli cells express distinct purinoreceptors and previous work has shown that these cells secrete extracellular nucleotides and their metabolites. In this work, we studied the possible role of extracellular purines in TNF-α signaling in cultured Sertoli cells. This cytokine increased inosine concentration from 30 min to 6 h, with no effect at 24 h. Both TNF-α and inosine increased nitrite accumulation and nitric oxide synthase activity. Erythro-9-(2-hydroxy-3-nonyl)adenine (EHNA), an adenosine deaminase inhibitor, abolished the TNF-α induced inosine increase, nitrite accumulation and nitric oxide synthase activity. These results suggest that extracellular inosine acts as intermediary in TNF-α stimulated nitric oxide production in cultured Sertoli cells.  相似文献   

Interleukin-1(IL-1) and tumor necrosis factor- (TNF-) are two majorcytokines that rise to relatively high levels during systemicinflammation, and the endothelial cell (EC) response to these cytokinesmay explain some of the dysfunction that occurs. To better understandthe cytokine-induced responses of EC at the gene expression level,human umbilical vein EC were exposed to IL-1 or TNF- for varioustimes and subjected to cDNA microarray analyses to study alterations intheir mRNA expression. Of ~4,000 genes on the microarray, expressionlevels of 33 and 58 genes appeared to be affected by treatment withIL-1 and TNF-, respectively; 25 of these genes responded to bothtreatments. These results suggest that the effects of IL-1 andTNF- on EC are redundant and that it may be necessary to suppressboth cytokines simultaneously to ameliorate the systemic response.


Work from this and other laboratories has identified a role forprotein tyrosine kinases in interleukin-1 (IL-1)- and tumor necrosis factor- (TNF-)-induced responses in endothelial cells. In this study, we show that activation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) by IL-1 leads to increased tyrosine phosphorylation of several proteins including one with a molecular massof ~42 kDa. This protein was identified asp42mapk by Western blot analysis.Tyrosine phosphorylation and catalytic activation ofp42mapk by IL-1 was transient,reaching maximal levels after 30 min and returning to basal levels by120-300 min. Activation ofp42mapk in HUVEC was also observedin response to TNF- or to the protein kinase C (PKC)-activatingphorbol ester phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA). Pretreatment ofHUVEC with IL-1 or TNF- prevented reactivation ofp42mapk by either cytokine but didnot affect subsequent activation in response to PMA. Activation ofp42mapk by PMA was significantlyreduced by the PKC inhibitor Ro-31-8220 and completely inhibited by theprotein tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein. Genistein, but notRo-31-8220, attenuated IL-1- and TNF--inducedp42mapk activation. Takentogether, the results of this study demonstrate 1) thatp42mapk is transiently activatedin HUVEC by IL-1 and TNF-, 2)that this activation is PKC independent, and3) that a genistein-inhibitable tyrosine kinase may be an upstream regulator of cytokine-induced p42mapk activation in humanendothelium.


Ma ZC  Gao Y  Wang J  Zhang XM  Wang SQ 《Life sciences》2006,79(2):175-181
Ginsenoside Rg1 (derived from ginseng root) has been found to have many vasoprotective activities. The present study was undertaken to examine effect of ginsenoside Rg1 on the secretion of nitric oxide (NO) in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) stimulated with or without tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha). We showed here that ginsenoside Rg1 can increase the basal and TNF-alpha-attenuated NO production in a dose-dependent manner. As little is known regarding the vascular molecular mechanism of ginsenoside Rg1 on HUVECs and proteomic technique has more advantages in molecular identification, we attempted to use proteomic analysis to explain vascular molecular mechanism of ginsenoside Rg1 on HUVECs. Proteomic analytical result showed that 21 protein spots were changed in TNF-alpha stimulated HUVECs, including 9 up-regulated spots, 11 down-regulated spots, and 1 spot detected in TNF-alpha stimulated group only. The expression level of proteins such as MEKK3, phosphoglycerate mutase was increased, and nitric-oxide synthase, mineralocorticoid receptor were decreased in TNF-alpha stimulated HUVECs, while ginsenoside Rg1 could prevent this change or reverse to some degree. This study suggested that NO production increased via ginsenoside Rg1 played an important role in the protective effect on TNF-alpha stimulated HUVECs and was helpful to deeply understand the active mechanism of ginsenoside Rg1 to HUVECs at the molecular level.  相似文献   

Because activation of the coagulation cascade and the generation of thrombin coexist with sepsis and the release of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, we determined the effects of TNF-alpha on the mechanism of thrombin-induced increase in endothelial permeability. We assessed Ca(2+) signaling in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. In human umbilical vein endothelial cells exposed to TNF-alpha for 2 h, thrombin produced a rise in the intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) lasting up to 10 min. In contrast, thrombin alone produced a rise in [Ca(2+)](i) lasting for 3 min, whereas TNF-alpha alone had no effect on [Ca(2+)](i.) Thrombin-induced inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate generation was not different between control and TNF-alpha-exposed cells. In the absence of extracellular Ca(2+), thrombin produced similar increases in [Ca(2+)](i) in both control and TNF-alpha-exposed cells. In TNF-alpha-exposed cells, the thrombin-induced Ca(2+) influx after intracellular Ca(2+) store depletion was significantly greater and prolonged compared with control cells. Increased Ca(2+) entry was associated with an approximately fourfold increase in Src activity and was sensitive to the Src kinase inhibitor PP1. After TNF-alpha exposure, thrombin caused increased tyrosine phosphorylation of junctional proteins and actin stress fiber formation as well as augmented endothelial permeability. These results suggest that TNF-alpha stimulation of endothelial cells results in amplification of the thrombin-induced Ca(2+) influx by an Src-dependent mechanism, thereby promoting loss of endothelial barrier function.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether macrophages were directly stimulated by tumor cells to release TNF-alpha. We found that several murine and human tumor cell lines and crude cell membrane vesicles prepared from these tumor cells stimulated pyran copolymer-elicited murine peritoneal macrophages (PEM) to release as much as 362 +/- 69 (mean +/- SE) units of TNF activity per 10(6) PEM in vitro. By contrast, several nontransformed cells, including Con A-stimulated splenic leukocytes and CTLL cloned T lymphocytes, failed to stimulate PEM to release TNF. Antibody and complement-mediated depletion of macrophages abrogated the release of TNF; whereas depletion of NK cells and T lymphocytes did not affect tumor-stimulated TNF release, suggesting that tumor cells directly stimulated PEM to release TNF. Tumor-stimulated TNF release was rapid, peaking in 2 to 3 h with subsequent loss of TNF activity from the medium. In the absence of tumor, PEM contained detectable levels of TNF mRNA, but did not release functionally active TNF. The addition of P815 tumor cell membrane vesicles increased both TNF mRNA levels, peaking at 1 to 2 h, and release of high levels of TNF activity. Confounding effects of endotoxin were excluded by the resistance of tumor-stimulated TNF release to neutralization by polymixin B, and by the equivalent responsiveness of PEM from endotoxin-resistant (C3H/HeJ) and endotoxin-sensitive (C3H/HeN) mice to stimulation by tumor cells. Factors which stimulated PEM to release TNF could be extracted from tumor cell membrane, with 77% of the macrophage-stimulating activity recoverable in aqueous phase. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that some tumor cell lines express specific characteristics which can be recognized by macrophages and which stimulate macrophages to release TNF.  相似文献   

Recycling of tumor necrosis factor-alpha receptor in MCF-7 cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kinetics of regulation of membrane receptors for tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF) in human breast adenocarcinoma MCF-7 cells was investigated. When MCF-7 cells were incubated with radioiodinated human recombinant TNF, they bound TNF specifically and accumulated it intracellularly. Preincubation of cells with native TNF up to 1 x 10(-9) M for 12 h stimulated specific binding of TNF, indicating that concentrations of membrane receptors for TNF were regulated by the ligand. Accumulation of radioactivity in cells incubated with [125I]TNF proceeded at a constant rate for up to 24 h. Kinetics of binding and internalization of TNF were similar in the presence and absence of protein synthesis for at least 1 h, suggesting that the TNF receptor was either replenished from an intracellular pool of receptors or was recycled (reutilized) during the course of TNF internalization. Data were analyzed kinetically by fitting equations of compartmental models of ligand-cell interactions with and without the term for receptor recycling. Fits were obtained only for the model with receptor recycling; absence of the term for receptor recycling resulted in physically impossible best-fit parameter values. Analysis of the best-fit parameters indicated that both internalization and recycling of the receptor were stimulated by the ligand.  相似文献   

Vascular permeability factor (VPF) is mitogenic for bovine aortic endothelial (BAE) cells, whereas tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is cytostatic and was found to completely block the mitogenic response to VPF. In contrast to the apparently antagonistic mitogenic effects that these two factors elicit, chronic exposure of BAE cells to either VPF of TNF resulted in significant (about 3-fold) increases in the rates of hexose transport. The concentrations required for half-maximal stimulation were 2 ng/ml (40 pM) for TNF and 4 ng/ml (100 pM) for VPF. Exposure to both factors simultaneously resulted in a greater stimulation of transport (about 7-fold) than exposure to either factor alone. Northern blot analysis indicated that the amount of message for the GLUT-1/erythrocyte form of the glucose transporter was specifically increased by treatment with VPF (5-fold), TNF (25-fold), or to both cytokines together (35-fold). Expression of mRNAs for the insulin-sensitive muscle/adipose transporter (GLUT-4), brain/fetal skeletal muscle transporter (GLUT-3), or the hepatic transporter (GLUT-2) were not detected in either control or treated cells. Acute or chronic exposure to insulin (10(-9) to 10(-6) M) did not activate hexose transport in BAE cells. Thus, glucose transport in aortic endothelial cells can be up-regulated by either VPF, a growth stimulator, or by TNF, a growth inhibitor, but not by insulin. The additive effect of the two cytokines together may be important in the control of increased glucose metabolism at sites of inflammation.  相似文献   

Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) plays a role in the resistance to apoptosis of several types of cells, but its role in the development of thyroid cancer is unknown. In this study, we investigated the regulation of HO-1 in human papillary thyroid carcinoma cells (KAT5). The results show that HO-1 is significantly induced by hemin and cadmium. In addition to inducing HO-1, hemin and cadmium also cause a rise in the levels of p21, a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor. Cells with increased levels of HO-1 and p21 were more resistant to apoptotic stimuli than cells with normal levels. The cells resistant to apoptosis also displayed an increased arrest at the G(0)/G(1) phase of the cell-cycle. The induced levels of HO-1 and p21 were significantly reduced by p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38 MAPK) and extracellular-regulated kinase (ERK) inhibitors. More importantly, KAT5 cells regained their sensitivity to apoptotic stimuli after they were treated with these kinase inhibitors, indicating that p38 MAPK and ERK are required for the resistance to apoptosis conferred by HO-1. Furthermore, we demonstrated that increased levels of HO-1 and p21 expression are associated with an increase in the activity of NF-kappaB and that inhibiting NF-kappaB leads to a block in the induction of HO-1 and p21. In summary, this study reveals that an increase in the level of HO-1 markedly reduces the sensitivity of papillary thyroid carcinoma cells to apoptotic stimuli. The HO-1 pathway of apoptosis resistance is associated with an increase in the levels of p21, involves a p38 MAPK and ERK-mediated mechanism and can be suppressed by inhibiting NF-kappaB.  相似文献   

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