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A helper phage to improve single-chain antibody presentation in phage display   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
We show here that the number of single-chain antibody fragments (scFv) presented on filamentous phage particles generated with antibody display phagemids can be increased by more than two orders of magnitude by using a newly developed helper phage (hyperphage). Hyperphage have a wild-type pIII phenotype and are therefore able to infect F(+) Escherichia coli cells with high efficiency; however, their lack of a functional pIII gene means that the phagemid-encoded pIII-antibody fusion is the sole source of pIII in phage assembly. This results in an considerable increase in the fraction of phage particles carrying an antibody fragment on their surface. Antigen-binding activity was increased about 400-fold by enforced oligovalent antibody display on every phage particle. When used for packaging a universal human scFv library, hyperphage improved the specific enrichment factor obtained when panning on tetanus toxin. After two panning rounds, more than 50% of the phage were found to bind to the antigen, compared to 3% when conventional M13KO7 helper phage was used. Thus, hyperphage is particularly useful in stoichiometric situations, when there is little chance that a single phage will locate the desired antigen.  相似文献   

DNA family shuffling is a powerful method for enzyme engineering, which utilizes recombination of naturally occurring functional diversity to accelerate laboratory-directed evolution. However, the use of this technique has been hindered by the scarcity of family genes with the required level of sequence identity in the genome database. We describe here a strategy for collecting metagenomic homologous genes for DNA shuffling from environmental samples by truncated metagenomic gene-specific PCR (TMGS-PCR). Using identified metagenomic gene-specific primers, twenty-three 921-bp truncated lipase gene fragments, which shared 64-99% identity with each other and formed a distinct subfamily of lipases, were retrieved from 60 metagenomic samples. These lipase genes were shuffled, and selected active clones were characterized. The chimeric clones show extensive functional and genetic diversity, as demonstrated by functional characterization and sequence analysis. Our results indicate that homologous sequences of genes captured by TMGS-PCR can be used as suitable genetic material for DNA family shuffling with broad applications in enzyme engineering.  相似文献   

We describe a rapid, eukaryotic, in vitro method for selection and evolution of antibody combining sites using antibody-ribosome-mRNA (ARM) complexes as selection particles. ARMs carrying single-chain (VH/K) binding fragments specific for progesterone were selected using antigen-coupled magnetic beads; selection simultaneously captured the genetic information as mRNA, making it possible to generate and amplify cDNA by single-step RT-PCR on the ribosome-bound mRNA for further manipulation. Using mutant libraries, antigen-binding ARMs were enriched by a factor of 10(4)-10(5)-fold in a single cycle, with further enrichment in repeated cycles. While demonstrated here for antibodies, the method has the potential to be applied equally for selection of receptors or peptides from libraries.  相似文献   

Allelic polymorphism of HLA-class II antigens plays a key role in the regulation of the immune response and in transplantation immunity. The allelic diversity of these antigens can now be analyzed at the DNA level after amplification by polymerase chain reaction. In this study we apply a simple technique based on the electrophoretic analysis of DNA heteroduplexes to the typing of HLA-DPB1 alleles. In order to increase its resolution, a group-specific amplification was used which subdivides the 19 HLA-DPB1 alleles in two non-overlapping families. A separate analysis was then performed within each group of alleles. This approach allowed an unequivocal one-step typing of the alleles belonging to group 1 which comprises few alleles of high frequency. Some group 2 alleles require, as a further step, the test with a restriction enzyme. The combination of more than one technique represents, in our opinion, the easiest way to solve the micropolymorphism of class II alleles. We conclude that this method, which is very simple, quick, and accurate and does not require probes, may become the method of choice for HLA-DPB1 typing.  相似文献   

In vitro display methods are superior tools for obtaining monoclonal antibodies. Although totally in vitro display methods, such as ribosome display and mRNA display, have the advantages of larger library sizes and quicker selection procedures compared with phage display, their applications have been limited to single-chain Fvs due to the requirement for linking of the mRNA and the nascent protein on the ribosome. Here we describe a different type of totally in vitro method, DNA display, that is applicable to heterodimeric Fab fragments: in vitro compartmentalization in water-in-oil emulsions allows the linking of an oligomeric protein and its encoding DNA with multiple ORFs. Since previously used emulsions impaired the synthesis of functional Fab fragments, we modified conditions for preparing emulsions, and identified conditions under which it was possible to enrich Fab fragments 106-fold per three rounds of affinity selection. Furthermore, we confirmed that genes encoding stable Fab fragments could be selected from a Fab fragment library with a randomized hydrophobic core in the constant region by applying heat treatment as a selection pressure. Since this method has all advantages of both phage display and totally in vitro display, it represents a new option for many applications using display methods.  相似文献   

An active form of single-chain antibody (scFv) has been produced in Escherichia coli for murine monoclonal antibody MabA34 (gamma 1, kappa), which is specific for human plasma apolipoprotein (apo) A-I. The complementary DNAs (cDNAs) encoding the variable regions of heavy chain (VH) and light chain (VL) were connected by a (Gly4Ser)3 linker using an assembly polymerase chain reaction. The construct (VL-linker-VH) was placed under the control of highly efficient T7 promoter system. The cloned scFv was expressed in E. coli as inclusion bodies. After purification from E. coli lysate using sonication and low speed centrifugation, the inclusion body was solubilized and denatured in the presence of 8 M urea, renatured by dialysis, and scFv was finally purified using antigen-affinity chromatography. The purity and activity of purified scFv were confirmed by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), Western blotting and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The affinity constant was determined by a biosensor method using the BIAcore system. The results showed that the yield of correctly refolded scFv was more than 20 mg l-1 of E. coli flask culture and the specific binding activity to apo A-I was retained with an affinity constant of 6.74 x 10(-8) M (Kd). A notable thing is that guanidine-HCl as a denaturant induced more multimeric formation in the subsequent refolding procedure for the scFv of MabA34 and thus, it was not suitable as urea was. This fact is uncommon for what is generally known for the denaturation and refolding of recombinant antibodies.  相似文献   

Zhang AB  Feng J  Ward RD  Wan P  Gao Q  Wu J  Zhao WZ 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e30986
Species identification via DNA barcodes is contributing greatly to current bioinventory efforts. The initial, and widely accepted, proposal was to use the protein-coding cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) region as the standard barcode for animals, but recently non-coding internal transcribed spacer (ITS) genes have been proposed as candidate barcodes for both animals and plants. However, achieving a robust alignment for non-coding regions can be problematic. Here we propose two new methods (DV-RBF and FJ-RBF) to address this issue for species assignment by both coding and non-coding sequences that take advantage of the power of machine learning and bioinformatics. We demonstrate the value of the new methods with four empirical datasets, two representing typical protein-coding COI barcode datasets (neotropical bats and marine fish) and two representing non-coding ITS barcodes (rust fungi and brown algae). Using two random sub-sampling approaches, we demonstrate that the new methods significantly outperformed existing Neighbor-joining (NJ) and Maximum likelihood (ML) methods for both coding and non-coding barcodes when there was complete species coverage in the reference dataset. The new methods also out-performed NJ and ML methods for non-coding sequences in circumstances of potentially incomplete species coverage, although then the NJ and ML methods performed slightly better than the new methods for protein-coding barcodes. A 100% success rate of species identification was achieved with the two new methods for 4,122 bat queries and 5,134 fish queries using COI barcodes, with 95% confidence intervals (CI) of 99.75-100%. The new methods also obtained a 96.29% success rate (95%CI: 91.62-98.40%) for 484 rust fungi queries and a 98.50% success rate (95%CI: 96.60-99.37%) for 1094 brown algae queries, both using ITS barcodes.  相似文献   

We have isolated from a human synthetic phage display library a clone, 2A3, which discriminates native lysozyme from denatured forms. Binding of single-chain Fv fragments (scFvs) of the clone to native hen egg white lysozyme was competitively inhibited by native hen egg white (hew) and human (h) lysozymes. Dot blotting analysis indicated that scFv of the clone did not react with denatured lysozymes. The K(d) values for scFv of 2A3 binding to native hew- and h-lysozymes were 3.78 x 10(-9) and 9.31 x 10(-9) M, respectively, indicating that 2A3 binds more strongly to native hew-lysozyme than to native h-lysozyme. The deduced amino acid sequence of the V(H) chain-CDR3 region of 2A3 was RRYALDY, of which the Arg residues at positions 1 and 2 of the CDR3 region were observed to be extremely rare in other antibodies by homology analysis. Based on these observations, site-directed mutagenesis of the RRYALDY-coding region was carried out. The results, combined with biomolecular analyses, demonstrated that Arg residues at positions 1 and 2 of this region were important for native lysozyme-binding.  相似文献   

In vitro display technologies are powerful tools for screening peptides with desired functions. We previously proposed a DNA display system in which streptavidin-fused peptides are linked with their encoding DNAs via biotin labels in emulsion compartments and successfully applied it to the screening of random peptide libraries. Here we describe its application to functional and folded proteins. By introducing peptide linkers between streptavidin and fused proteins, we achieved highly efficient (>95%) formation of DNA-protein conjugates. Furthermore, we successfully enriched a glutathione-S-transferase gene by a factor of 20-30-fold per round on glutathione-coupled beads. Thus, DNA display should be useful for rapidly screening or evolving proteins based on affinity selection.  相似文献   

Random mutagenesis is a powerful tool for studying the effects of a large number of permutations of a particular DNA sequence and its encoded products. Here we describe a new strategy of conducting in vitro random mutagenesis using ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS). The Bacillus aprN18 gene, coding for a serine protease with fibrinolytic activity, was used as a target gene. To study the mutations of the coding region, rather than the whole plasmid, the 1.4 kb gene fragment was cut out from an expression plasmid and treated with 10 mM EMS at 37 degrees C for 1 h. The treated fragment was then ligated back into the original expression vector and a library of random mutants was constructed in a protease-deficient Bacillus subtilis strain. A plate assay-based screening method was used to select for mutant clones with altered enzyme activity, and the change of activity was then confirmed by a semi-quantitative enzyme assay using liquid culture supernatant. The inserts of five clones with altered enzyme activity were randomly chosen for sequencing analysis. Among the point mutations detected, GC --> AT transition accounts for 42.1%, AT --> GC transition 34.2% and GC/CG transversion 23.7%, respectively. To our knowledge this is the first application of EMS for in vitro mutagenesis of a defined DNA sequence.  相似文献   

We describe the isolation of a CCR5-specific antibody, ST6, from an antibody phage display library generated from an immune rabbit. ST6 was previously shown to efficiently prevent the surface expression of CCR5 when expressed intracellularly (Steinberger, P., Andris-Widhopf, J., Buhler, B., Torbett, B. E., and Barbas, C. F., III (2000) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 97, 805-810). Because ST6 has therapeutic potential in human immunodeficiency virus, type 1 disease, its humanization was desired to minimize the potential for immunogenicity. ST6 was humanized using a phage display-based approach. Like the parental rabbit clone, the humanized version ST6/34 efficiently prevented the surface expression of CCR5. The conserved linear peptide epitope bound by these antibodies was mapped using phage display. Both ST6 as well as the humanized anti-CCR5 antibody ST6/34 were produced as complete IgG antibodies and shown to bind to cell surface CCR5.  相似文献   

White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is one of the most significant viral pathogens causing high mortality and economic damage in shrimp aquaculture. Although intensive efforts were undertaken to detect and characterize WSSV infection in shrimp during the last decade, we still lack methods either to prevent or cure white spot disease. Most of the studies on neutralizing antibodies from sera have been performed using in vivo assays. For the first time, we report use of an in vitro screening method to obtain a neutralizing scFv antibody against WSSV from a previously constructed anti-WSSV single chain fragment variable region (scFv) antibody phage display library. From clones that were positive for WSSV by ELISA, 1 neutralizing scFv antibody was identified using an in vitro screening method based on shrimp primary lymphoid cell cultures. The availability of a neutralizing antibody against the virus should accelerate identification of infection-related genes and the host cell receptor, and may also enable new approaches to the prevention and cure of white spot disease.  相似文献   

Yeast surface display is a valuable, widely used method for protein engineering. However, current yeast display applications rely on the staining of epitope tags in order to verify full‐length presentation of the protein of interest on the cell surface. We aimed at developing a modified yeast display approach that relies on ribosomal skipping, thereby enabling the translation of two proteins from one open reading frame and, in that manner, generating an intracellular fluorescence signal. This improved setup is based on a 2A sequence that is encoded between the protein to be displayed and a gene for green fluorescent protein (GFP). The intracellular GFP fluorescence signal of yeast cells correlates with full‐length protein presentation and omits the need for the immunofluorescence detection of epitope tags. For method validation, shark‐derived IgNAR variable domains (vNAR) were subjected to affinity maturation using the 2A‐GFP system. Yeast library screening of full‐length vNAR variants which were detected via GFP expression yielded the same high‐affinity binder that had previously been isolated by our group using the conventional epitope tag‐based display format. The presented method obviates the need for additional immunofluorescence cell staining, offering an easy and cost‐friendly alternative to conventional epitope tag detections.  相似文献   

A rapidly labelled RNA associated with DNA in HeLa cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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