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Retinoic acid (RA) signaling regulates multiple aspects of vertebrate embryonic development and tissue patterning, in part through the local availability of nuclear hormone receptors called retinoic acid receptors (RARs) and retinoid receptors (RXRs). RAR/RXR heterodimers transduce the RA signal, and loss-of-function studies in mice have demonstrated requirements for distinct receptor combinations at different stages of embryogenesis. However, the tissue-specific functions of each receptor and their individual contributions to RA signaling in vivo are only partially understood. Here we use morpholino oligonucleotides to deplete the four known zebrafish RARs (raraa, rarab, rarga, and rargb). We show that while all four are required for anterior-posterior patterning of rhombomeres in the hindbrain, there are unique requirements for rarga in the cranial mesoderm for hindbrain patterning, and rarab in lateral plate mesoderm for specification of the pectoral fins. In addition, the alpha subclass (raraa, rarab) is RA inducible, and of these only raraa expression is RA-dependent, suggesting that these receptors establish a region of particularly high RA signaling through positive-feedback. These studies reveal novel tissue-specific roles for RARs in controlling the competence and sensitivity of cells to respond to RA.  相似文献   

The zebrafish has become a major model system for biomedical research and is an emerging model for the study of behaviour. While adult zebrafish express a visually mediated shoaling preference, the onset of shoaling behaviour and of this preference is unknown. To assess the onset of these behaviours, we first manipulated the early social environment of larval zebrafish subjects, giving them three model shoaling partners of the same pigment phenotype. We then assayed the subjects' preferences using binary preference tests in which we presented subjects with two shoals, one shoal of fish exhibiting the same pigment pattern phenotype as their models and another shoal with a radically different pigment pattern. To determine whether or not the visually mediated preference could be altered once it was established, we further manipulated the social environment of a number of subjects, rearing them with one model shoal and testing them, then changing their social consorts and retesting them. Our results demonstrate that larval zebrafish shoal early in their development, but do not exhibit a shoaling preference until they are juveniles. Moreover, we find that the shoaling preference is stable, as changing the social environment of fish after they had acquired a preference did not change their preference. These data will facilitate investigations into the mechanisms underlying social behaviour in this vertebrate model system.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid (RA) signaling in vertebrate embryos occurs in a distinct physical and temporal pattern. Regulating this spatial distribution is crucial to the development of the embryo, as RA in excess or in inappropriate tissues is teratogenic. In order to understand how RA availability is determined in zebrafish we have investigated the expression of cyp26a1, an enzyme that inactivates RA, and its relationship to raldh2, one of the enzymes that produce RA from retinal. cyp26a1 expression follows three phases: in presumptive anterior neurectoderm and in a circumblastoporal ring during gastrulation, in the tailbud throughout somitogenesis, and in multiple specific tissue types beginning at mid-somitogenesis and continuing through 48 h postfertilization (hpf). This expression was either adjacent or opposite to those tissues expressing raldh2. We then investigated how RA production might regulate these relationships. Endogenous RA produced by raldhs did not play a role in setting cyp26a1 expression in most tissues. However, exogenous RA regulates expression of both enzymes. cyp26a1 is up regulated in the embryo in a time, concentration, and tissue-dependent manner. Conversely, raldh2 expression is reduced with RA treatment. Tests of the raldh2 promoter in cell transfections proved that RA directly represses its activity. These data demonstrate that the feedback mechanisms regulating production and degradation of RA must be considered in any experiments altering levels of RA in the developing vertebrate embryo.  相似文献   

Living animals exploit information released from dead animals to conduct adaptive biological responses. For instance, a recently published study has shown that avoidance behavior is triggered by death-associated odors in zebrafish. Stress can clearly act as an adaptive response that allows an organism to deal with an imminent threat. However, it has not been demonstrated whether these chemical cues are stressful for fish. Here, we confirmed that dead zebrafish scents induce defensive behavior in live conspecifics. Additionally, we show for the first time in fish that these scents increase cortisol in conspecifics. To reach this conclusion, firstly, we exposed zebrafish to multi-sensorial cues (e.g., visual, tactile, chemical cues) from dead conspecifics that displayed defensive behaviors and increased cortisol. Also, when we limited zebrafish to chemical cues from dead conspecifics, similar responses arose. These responses coincide with the decaying destruction of epidermal cells, indicating that defensive and stress responses could take place as an effect of substances emanating from decaying flesh, as well as alarm substance released due to rupture of epidermal cells. Taken together, these results illustrate that living zebrafish utilize cues from dead conspecific to avoid or to cope with danger and ensure survival.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid (RA) signaling is required for normal development of multiple organs. However, little is known about how RA influences the initial stages of lung development. Here, we used a combination of genetic, pharmacological and explant culture approaches to address this issue, and to investigate how signaling by different RA receptors (RAR) mediates the RA effects. We analyzed initiation of lung development in retinaldehyde dehydrogenase-2 (Raldh2) null mice, a model in which RA signaling is absent from the foregut from its earliest developmental stages. We provide evidence that RA is dispensable for specification of lung cell fate in the endoderm. By using synthetic retinoids to selectively activate RAR alpha or beta signaling in this model, we demonstrate novel and unique functions of these receptors in the early lung. We show that activation of RAR beta, but not alpha, induces expression of the fibroblast growth factor Fgf10 and bud morphogenesis in the lung field. Similar analysis of wild type foregut shows that endogenous RAR alpha activity is required to maintain overall RA signaling, and to refine the RAR beta effects in the lung field. Our data support the idea that balanced activation of RAR alpha and beta is critical for proper lung bud initiation and endodermal differentiation.  相似文献   

Cyclooxygenase is a key enzyme in prostanoid biosynthesis. Mammalian species have two cyclooxygenases, constitutively expressed cyclooxygenase-1 (Cox-1) and inducible cyclooxygenase-2 (Cox-2). Cox-1 and/or Cox-2 have been also identified in other vertebrates, including fish. We identified a second zebrafish Cox-2 gene orthologue, Cox-2b. All of the functionally important amino acids for cyclooxygenase enzymes are conserved in Cox-2b. The 3' untranslated region of the Cox-2b message contains AU rich elements characteristic of regulation at the level of mRNA stability. Constitutive tissue expression patterns for Cox-2a and Cox-2b are distinct, but overlap. Both Cox-2a and Cox-2b expression are inducible in the kidney when fish are exposed to tetradecanoylphorbol acetate. Like Cox-2a, Cox-2b protein, expressed in COS cells is functionally active. Thus, the zebrafish genome contains two functional, inducible Cox-2 genes. Database searching demonstrates that some fish genomes contain multiple Cox-1 or Cox-2 cyclooxygenase genes, suggesting alternate duplication and retention of this gene.  相似文献   

Females often choose to associate with males that have exaggerated traits. In fishes, this may reflect an overall preference for larger size in a potential mate. Female zebrafish (Danio rerio) prefer males with larger bodies but not longer fins. The availability of mutant and transgenic strains of zebrafish make this a unique model system in which to study the role of phenotypic variation in social and sexual behavior. We used mutant strains of zebrafish with truncated (short fin) and exaggerated (long fin) fins to further examine female preferences for fin length in dichotomous association tests. Wild type females showed no preferences between wild type males and short fin mutant males or between wild type males and long fin mutant males. short fin females also showed no preference for short fin males or wild type males while long fin females preferred to associate with long fin males over wild type males. These results suggest that the single gene long fin mutation that results in altered fin morphological may also be involved in a related female association preference.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid (RA) plays a critical role in neural patterning and organogenesis in the vertebrate embryo. Here we characterize a mutant of the zebrafish named giraffe (gir) in which the gene for the RA-degrading enzyme Cyp26a1 is mutated. The gir mutant displayed patterning defects in multiple organs including the common cardinal vein, pectoral fin, tail, hindbrain, and spinal cord. Analyses of molecular markers suggested that the lateral plate mesoderm is posteriorized in the gir mutant, which is likely to cause the defects of the common cardinal vein and pectoral fin. The cyp26a1 expression in the rostral spinal cord was strongly upregulated in the gir mutant, suggesting a strong feedback control of its expression by RA signaling. We also found that the rostral spinal cord territory was expanded at the expense of the hindbrain territory in the gir mutant. Such a phenotype is the opposite of that of the mutant for Raldh2, an enzyme that synthesizes RA. We propose a model in which Cyp26a1 attenuates RA signaling in the prospective rostral spinal cord to limit the expression of hox genes and to determine the hindbrain-spinal cord boundary.  相似文献   

Forward genetic screens have been instrumental in defining molecular components of visual function. The zebrafish mutant fading vision (fdv) has been identified in such a screen due to defects in vision accompanied by hypopigmentation in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and body melanocytes. The RPE forms the outer most layer of the retina, and its function is essential for vision. In fdv mutant larvae, the outer segments of photoreceptors are strongly reduced in length or absent due to defects in RPE cells. Ultrastructural analysis of RPE cells reveals dramatic cellular changes such as an absence of microvilli and vesicular inclusions. The retinoid profile is altered as judged by biochemical analysis, arguing for a partial block in visual pigment regeneration. Surprisingly, homozygous fdv vision mutants survive to adulthood and show, despite a persistence of the hypopigmentation, a partial recovery of retinal morphology. By positional cloning and subsequent morpholino knock-down, we identified a mutation in the silver gene as the molecular defect underlying the fdv phenotype. The Silver protein is required for intralumenal fibril formation in melanosomes by amylogenic cleavage. Our data reveal an unexpected link between melanosome biogenesis and the visual system, undetectable in cell culture.  相似文献   

Galectins, a family of β-galactoside-binding proteins, participate in a variety of biological processes, such as early development, tissue organization, immune regulation, and tumor evasion and metastasis. Although as many as fifteen bona fide galectins have been identified in mammals, but the detailed mechanisms of their biological roles still remain unclear for most. This fragmentary knowledge extends to galectin-like proteins such as the rat lens crystallin protein GRIFIN (Galectin-related inter fiber protein) and the galectin-related protein GRP (previously HSPC159; hematopoietic stem cell precursor) that lack carbohydrate-binding activity. Their inclusion in the galectin family has been debated, as they are considered products of evolutionary co-option. We have identified a homologue of the GRIFIN in zebrafish (Danio rerio) (designated DrGRIFIN), which like the mammalian equivalent is expressed in the lens, particularly in the fiber cells, as revealed by whole mount in situ hybridization and immunostaining of 2 dpf (days post fertilization) embryos. As evidenced by RT-PCR, it is weakly expressed in the embryos as early as 21 hpf (hour post fertilization) but strongly at all later stages tested (30 hpf and 3, 4, 6, and 7 dpf). In adult zebrafish tissues, however, DrGRIFIN is also expressed in oocytes, brain, and intestine. Unlike the mammalian homologue, DrGRIFIN contains all amino acids critical for binding to carbohydrate ligands and its activity was confirmed as the recombinant DrGRIFIN could be purified to homogeneity by affinity chromatography on a lactosyl-Sepharose column. Therefore, DrGRIFIN is a bona fide galectin family member that in addition to its carbohydrate-binding properties, may also function as a crystallin.  相似文献   

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