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A study was made of linolenic acid-dependent oxidative chlorophyll bleaching (CHLOX) by thylakoid membranes from senescing leaf tissue of a normal cultivar (cv. Rossa) and a non-yellowing mutant genotype (Bf 993) of Festuca pratensis Huds. To overcome the problem of variation in levels of endogenous chlorophyll substrate in membranes from different sources, light-harvesting complex (LHC) was used to supplement thylakoid pigment. It was shown that CHLOX is associated with both Photosystem I and LHC-rich thylakoid subfractions but that purified LHC has negligible associated CHLOX activity and stimulates the rate of bleaching by isolated entire chloroplast membranes. Non-senescent tissue of Bf 993 and Rossa had essentially identical thylakoid CHLOX levels, which subsequently declined during senescence in darkness. The half-life of CHLOX from the mutant was three times greater than that of the normal genotype. In both cultivars, the amount of CHLOX assayed in thylakoids isolated at different times during senescence was more than adequate to support the corresponding in-vivo rate of pigment degradation as calculated from the half-life for chlorophyll. It was concluded that the non-yellowing mutation is not expressed through a lack of CHLOX activity. The role of linolenic acid metabolism in the regulation of thylakoid structure and function during senescence, and as a likely site of the non-yellowing lesion, are discussed.Abbreviations CHLOX linolenic acid-dependent oxidative chlorophyll bleaching activity - CHLPX chlorophyll peroxidase - CPI chlorophyll-protein complex I - LHC light-harvesting complex - LNA linolenic acid - PSI photosystem I - PSII photosystem II - S relative senescence rate - t 1/2 lialf time for degradation  相似文献   

The lipid compositions of leaves from Festuca pratensis cv. Rossa (yellowing) were compared with those from a non-yellowing mutant, Bf 993. The leaves of Bf 993 contained a higher level of acyl lipids on both a fresh-weight and a dry-weight basis. Diacylgalactosylglycerol, diacylgalabiosylglycerol and phosphatidylinositol were relatively enriched in the Bf 993 mutant while phosphatidylcholine was relatively reduced. There were no differences in the fatty-acid compositions of individual lipids between the two varieties. During senescence, the lipids of cv. Rossa were progressively degraded over an 8-d period. In contrast little lipid degradation was observed in the Bf 993 mutant during the first 4 d. The results support the hypothesis that the slower senescence changes of the Bf 993 mutant may be due, in part, to an altered membrane lipid composition.II=Thomas (1982b)  相似文献   

Howard Thomas 《Planta》1982,154(3):212-218
Soluble and thylakoid membrane polypeptides from senescing leaf tissue of Rossa, a normal yellowing Festuca pratensis genotype, were fractionated by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and compared with those of the non-yellowing mutant Bf 993. Subunits of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase were the major soluble polypeptides and declined to low levels in senescing leaves of both genotypes. The major thylakoid polypeptides were those associated with the chlorophyllprotein complexes CPI and CPII. The levels of all thylakoid polypeptide species fell during senescence of Rossa leaf tissue but Bf993 lamellae retained CPI, CPII and a number of other hydrophobic low molecular weight polypeptides. The increasing hydrophobicity and decreasing protein complement of Bf 993 thylakoids were reflected in a fall in membrane density from 1.16 to 1.13 g cm-3 over 8 d of senescence and a decline in the extractability of chlorophyll-containing membranes in the same period. In Bf993 the molar ratio of chlorophyll to hydrophobic membrane protein increased from 92 at day 0 to 296 at day 8. In the same time the ratio for Rossa increased from 88 to 722 and 8 d-senesced Rossa tissue yielded less than 2% of the solvent-soluble protein it contained at day 0 as compared with 24% for the protein of Bf993. These results are discussed in relation to the nature of the non-yellowing lesion.Abbreviations RuBPC ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (EC - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetate - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate - CP chlorophyll-protein complex  相似文献   

P. Hilditch  H. Thomas  L. Rogers 《Planta》1986,167(1):146-151
The photosynthetic capacity of detached leaves of a non-yellowing mutant of Festuca pratensis Huds. declined during senescence at a similar rate to that in a normal cultivar. Respiratory oxygen uptake in the dark continued at similar rates in both genotypes during several days of senescence. In chloroplasts isolated from leaves at intervals after excision, the rate of photosystem I (PS I)-mediated methyl viologen reduction using reduced N,N,N,N-tetramethyl-p-phenylene diamine as electron donor also declined in both genotypes, possibly due to loss of integrity of the photosynthetic apparatus in the cytochrome f-plastocyanin region. There was a similar fall in PS II electron transport using water as electron donor and measured at the rate of reduction of 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol. Partial restoration of this activity by the addition of diphenyl carbazide was evidence for lability of the oxygen-evolving complex during senescence. An accentuated difference between mutant and normal material in this case indicated that the mutant retains a greater number of functional PS II centres. Changes in the light-saturation characteristics of the two photosystems have been discussed in relation to the organization of the photosynthetic membranes during senescence.Abbreviations and symbols DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea - DCPIP 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol - DMSO dimethyl sulphoxide - DPC diphenyl carbazide - MV methyl viologen - PS I, PS II photosystem I, II - TMPD N,N,N,N-tetramethyl-p-phenylene diamine  相似文献   

High molecular weight ribosomal RNA components and their pattern of loss on ageing of excised leaf sections were the same in the non-yellowing mutant and the normal genotype of Festuca pratensis even though the mutant showed retarded chlorophyll loss. Thus it appears that the genetic lesion does not extend to changes in the ribosomal RNA components of chloroplasts or cytoplasm.  相似文献   

The senescence of leaves is characterized by yellowing as chlorophyll pigments are degraded. Proteins of the chloroplasts also decline during this phase of development. There exists a non-yellowing mutant genotype of Festuca pratensis Huds. which does not suffer a loss of chlorophyll during senescence. The fate of chloroplast membrane proteins was studied in mutant and wild-type plants by immune blotting and immuno-electron microscopy. Intrinsic proteins of photosystem II, exemplified by the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding protein (LHCP-2) and D1, were shown to be unusually stable in the mutant during senescence, whereas the extrinsic 33-kilodalton protein of the oxygen-evolving complex was equally lable in both genotypes. An ultrastructural study revealed that while the intrinsic proteins remained in the internal membranes of the chloroplasts, they ceased to display the heterogenous lateral distribution within the lamellae which was characteristic of nonsenescent chloroplasts. These observations are discussed in the light of possible mechanisms of protein turnover in chloroplasts.Abbreviations kDa kilodalton - LHCP-2 light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding protein - Mr relative molecular mass - PSII photosystem II - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate  相似文献   

A non-competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) which enables detection of as little as 0.1 ng cytochrome f in leaf extracts has been developed. No evidence for specific or non-specific interference by proteins other than cytochrome f was found. The assay was applied to a comparative study of age-related changes in the cytochrome f content of leaves of Festuca pratensis Huds. cv. Rossa, and a non-yellowing mutant genotype (Bf993) having a lesion in the mechanism responsible for thylakoid membrane disassembly. Cytochrome f in senescent leaves of the latter genotype was found to be present at significantly higher levels than in the wild-type, implying an inability on the part of the mutant to degrade this protein. The results obtained by ELISA were confirmed by antibody probing of Western blots.Abbreviations Ab antibody - BSA bovine serum albumin - chl chlorophyll - cyt cytochrome - ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - Ig immunoglobulin - kDa kilodalton - LHCP-2 light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b binding protein - OEC oxygen-evolving complex - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - POase peroxidase - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate - PS II Photosystem II - TBS Tris buffered saline - Tris tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane  相似文献   

The loss of pigments was assessed in detached leaves of Festuca pratensis Huds. kept in permanent darkness. Two genotypes, a normal yellowing cultivar Rossa and a non-yellowing mutant Bf 993 were compared with each other. Analysis of individual pigments, chlorophylls. β-carotene, lutein, violaxanthin and neoxanthin was performed using HPLC. In the non-yellowing genotype the high retention of chlorophylls was associated with an equally high retention of total carotenoids. Although the two genotypes differ markedly with regard to the rate of pigment loss, the ratios of yellow to green pigments did not change significantly during dark-induced senescence. At the end of the senescence period β-carotene was retained to a higher degree than the xanthophylls, particularly in the yellowing genotype. In the mutant leaves the ratio of chlorophyll a to b remained nearly constant, whereas in leaves of the normal genotype a preferential retention of chlorophyll b was observed towards the end of the senescence period. It is concluded that the thylakoids of the non-yellowing genotype retain all the principal components of protein-pigment complexes, i.e. chlorophylls, carotenoids and apoproteins. Possible explanations for the stability of these complexes in the mutant are discussed.  相似文献   

Functional chloroplasts from photoheterotrophic Euglena gracilis can be isolated in isoosmotic gradients of 10–80% Percoll. The chloroplasts display rates of CO2 dependent O2 evolution and CO2 fixation of 30–50 mol mg-1 chlorophyll h-1 or 25–35% of the net O2 evolution by the whole cells and appear to be strikingly different from spinach chloroplasts in several respects: 1. tolerance to high concentration of orthophosphate in the assay medium; 2. inability to support oxaloacetate-dependent O2 evolution; 3. ability to support only low to moderate rates of 3-phosphoglycerate-dependent O2 evolution; 4. an apparent absence of a phosphate translocator in the terms described by Heldt and Rapley ([1970] FEBS Lett. 10, 143–148).University of California, Dept. of Plant and Soil Biology, 108 Hilgard Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA  相似文献   

Suspension cultures from mature embryo-derived compact callus were initiated in seven meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.) cultivars. Four to six months after initiation, embryogenic suspension cultures with a moderate growth rate were established from three of them (cvs. Barmondo, Belimo and Leopard). These suspension cultures showed the capacity, maintained over six months, to regenerate green plants which could be grown to maturity under greenhouse conditions.Morphogenic suspension cultures from single genotypes of three F. pratensis cultivars (cvs. Barmondo, Belimo and Leopard) yielded large numbers of protoplasts, which upon culture in agarose beads using nurse cells formed microcalli with an overall plating efficiency in the range of 10-3 to 10-4. Mature plants were reproducibly regenerated and established in soil, from such protoplasts during a period of six months. The regeneration of fertile plants from protoplasts derived from suspension cultures of meadow fescue and its implications on gene transfer technology for this species are discussed.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxy-acetic acid.  相似文献   

Mutation of the nuclear gene sid disables chlorophyll degradation during leaf senescence in the pasture grass Festuca pratensis. This study investigated the effect of the mutation on photosynthesis and on leaf and whole plant growth under a range of nitrogen regimes. When plants were cultivated in a static hydroponic system, the chlorophyll content of fourth leaves of the stay-green mutant Bf993 remained virtually unchanged from full expansion to complete senescence, while tissue of the wild-type (cv. Rossa) became completely yellow. The retention of chlorophyll in Bf993 was not associated with maintenance of photosynthetic activity as shown by rates of light-saturated CO2 fixation and apparent quantum efficiency. Higher levels of total N in senescing leaves of Bf993 than in Rossa indicated reduced nitrogen remobilization in the mutant. When using a range of [NH4NO3], dry matter production and tillering Mere lower for Bf993 at all but the highest [NH4NO3, which was supra-optimal for the wild type. In contrast to the static system, where fluctuations in N supply occurred, growth and [NO3?] uptake were similar in mutant and wild type when [NO3?] was continuously maintained by a flowing solution culture system. The results are discussed in relation to the role of N supply and the effect of the stay-green mutation on N recycling.  相似文献   

Summary A spontaneous mutation arising in Festuca pratensis has the effect of stabilizing the pigmentproteolipid complexes of thylakoid membranes so that leaf tissue does not turn yellow during senescence. Inheritance of the non-yellowing character was analysed in crosses between the wild-type cultivar Rossa and a mutant line Bf 993. Electrophoretic variants of cytoplasmic phosphoglucoisomerase coded by alleles of the nuclear gene Pgi-2 were used to identify hybrids during intercrossing. About 96% of the F1 progeny were heterozygous and all were phenotypically yellowing. In the F2 generation yellow green segregated in a ratio of 2.141, not significantly different from 31. In the backcross between F1 and Bf 993 the ratio was 11 yellow green. There was no indication of linkage to Pgi-2. Senescence of detached Bf 993 and Rossa leaves was compared with that of the F1 hybrid. The hybrid behaved in an essentially identical fashion to the wildtype parent, and in marked contrast to the mutant, in all aspects of the senescence syndrome investigated, including loss of chlorophyll, carotenoids and the light-harvesting chlorophyll-protein of thylakoid membranes, and elevation of the particulate protein chlorophyll ratio in the terminal stages. It is concluded that there exists in Festuca pratensis a nuclear gene, designated Sid (senescence-induced degradation) which regulates turnover of hydrophobic components of photosynthetic membranes in ageing leaf tissue and which occurs in at least two allelic forms, y (yellow) dominant over g (green).Abbreviations PGI phosphoglucoisomerase - Pgi nuclear gene coding for PGI - TSH tris buffer containing 2-mercaptoethanol - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate - Chl chlorophyll - LHCP light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b binding protein - ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay  相似文献   

Organelle inheritance in intergeneric hybrids of Festuca pratensis and Lolium perenne was investigated by restriction enzyme and Southern blot analyses of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). All F1 hybrids exhibited maternal inheritance of both cpDNA and mtDNA. However, examination of backcross hybrids, obtained by backcrossing the intergeneric F1 hybrids to L. Perenne, indicated that both uniparental maternal organelle inheritance and uniparental paternal organelle inheritance can occur in different backcross hybrids.  相似文献   

NaCl stress (200 mM) inhibited the electron transport activity of photosystem 2 (PS2) more than that of PS1. The degree of electron transport activity inhibition was lower in the salt-tolerant cultivar Pokkali than in the salt-sensitive cultivar Peta. The polypeptide composition of the thylakoid membrane and PS2 particles did not change after NaCl treatment but there was a difference in polypeptide compositions of thylakoid membrane and PS2 particles between the two cultivars. PS2 particles of cv. Pokkali contained more 33-kDa and 43-kDa polypeptides than cv. Peta. Additionally, PS2 particles after NaCl treatment showed deficiency of 23-kDa outside polypeptides of PS2.  相似文献   

H. Kuroiwa  M. Sugai  T. Kuroiwa 《Protoplasma》1988,146(2-3):89-100
Summary The fate of the chloroplasts and chloroplast nuclei (cp-nuclei) was followed during spermatogenesis in the fernPteris vittata L. by epifluorescence microscopy after staining with 4-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) and by quantitation of chloroplast DNA (cp-DNA) by fluorimetry using a video intensified microscope photon counting system (VIMPICS). The spores were grown on solid medium that contained antheridiogen (Anptd), and formed an antheridium initial on the protonema cell. The antheridium initial divided and produced 16 spermatocytes and 3 surrounding cells. The chloroplasts in the spermatocytes decreased in volume as cell division was repeated, until finally the volume of each chloroplast was 1/15 of that of the primary chloroplasts. The DNA content of the chloroplasts was also reduced to 1/5 of the original value and when the sperm matured, the fluorescence of cp-DNA disappeared. In the 16-cell spermatocyte, the recognition of the fluorescence of chlorophyll in the chloroplasts with a green excitation filter became difficult. But, the plastids could be observed until the final stage of the sperm. From these observations, it appears that there are two steps in the metamorphosis of chloroplasts during spermatogenesis in the fern. The first step involves the decrease in the volume of chloroplasts, accompanied by reduction of the DNA content, and the second step involves the change of the physical state of chloroplasts to amyloplasts and the disappearance of the cp-DNA from the amyloplasts.  相似文献   

A cytological and molecular analysis was performed to assess the genetic uniformity and true-to-type character of plants regenerated from 20 week-old embryogenic suspension cultures of meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.), and compared to protoplastderived plants obtained from the same cell suspension. Cytological variation was not observed in a representative sample of plants regenerated directly from the embryogenic suspensions and from protoplasts isolated therefrom. Similarly, no restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were detected in the mitochondrial, plastid and nuclear genomes in the plants analyzed. Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA markers (RAPDs) have been used to characterise molecularly a set of mature meadow fescue plants regenerated from these in vitro cultures. RAPD markers using 18 different short oligonucleotide primers of arbitrary nucleotide sequence in combination with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) allowed the detection of pre-existing polymorphisms in the donor genotypes, but failed to reveal newly generated variation in the protoplast-derived plants compared to their equivalent suspensionculture regenerated materials.The genetic stability of meadow fescue plants regenerated from suspension cultures and protoplasts isolated therefrom and its implications on gene transfer technology for this species are discussed.Abbreviations PCR polymerase chain reaction - RAPD random amplified polymorphic DNA - RFLP restriction fragment length polymorphism.  相似文献   

1. Isolated intact spinach chloroplasts respond to changes of the sorbitol concentration of the suspending medium as near-perfect osmometers within a large range of osmotic potentials. Under isotonic conditions (=9–10 bar), their average osmotic volume is 24 m3 and the total volume 36 m3. The osmotic volume can be increased to 63 m3 by lowering the sorbitol concentration until a critical osmotic potential of =4 bar is reached. Below that value chloroplasts rupture. Between 10 bar and 4 bar, volume changes are reversible. 2. Increasing the chloroplast volume above 24 m3 causes inhibition of photosynthesis, with 50% inhibition occurring at an osmotic potential of =5–6 bar. This corresponds to an osmotic volume of 45–55 m3. Depending on the duration of hypotonic treatment, inhibition of photosynthesis is more or less reversible. 3. Between 4 and 10 bar, the chloroplast envelope exhibits a very low permeability for ferricyanide, many metabolites, and soluble stroma proteins. 4. Electron transport is not inhibited by swelling of chloroplasts. Also, the ATP/ADP-ratio remains unchanged. 5. The solute concentration in the chloroplasts appears to be optimal for photosynthesis at 10 bar. Increasing the chloroplast volume causes inhibition of photosynthesis by dilution effects.  相似文献   

B. Demmig  K. Winter 《Planta》1986,168(3):421-426
Concentrations of four major solutes (Na+, K+, Cl-, proline) were determined in isolated, intact chloroplasts from the halophyte Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L. following long-term exposure of plants to three levels of NaCl salinity in the rooting medium. Chloroplasts were obtained by gentle rupture of leaf protoplasts. There was either no or only small leakage of inorganic ions from the chloroplasts to the medium during three rapidly performed washing steps involving precipitation and re-suspension of chloroplast pellets. Increasing NaCl salinity of the rooting medium resulted in a rise of Na+ und Cl- in the total leaf sap, up to approximately 500 and 400 mM, respectively, for plants grown at 400 mM NaCl. However, chloroplast levels of Na+ und Cl- did not exceed 160–230 and 40–60 mM, respectively, based upon a chloroplast osmotic volume of 20–30 l per mg chlorophyll. At 20 mM NaCl in the rooting medium, the Na+/K+ ratio of the chloroplasts was about 1; at 400 mM NaCl the ratio was about 5. Growth at 400 mM NaCl led to markedly increased concentrations of proline in the leaf sap (8 mM) compared with the leaf sap of plants grown in culture solution without added NaCl (proline 0.25 mM). Although proline was fivefold more concentrated in the chloroplasts than in the total leaf sap of plants treated with 400 mM NaCl, the overall contribution of proline to the osmotic adjustment of chloroplasts was small. The capacity to limit chloroplast Cl- concentrations under conditions of high external salinity was in contrast to an apparent affinity of chloroplasts for Cl- under conditions of low Cl- availability.Abbreviation Chl chlorophyll  相似文献   

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