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The presence of five P2X-like genes (p2xA–E) in Dictyostelium suggests that nucleotides other than cAMP may act as extracellular signalling molecules in this model eukaryote. However, p2xA was found to have an exclusively intracellular localisation making it unclear whether Dictyostelium utilise P2 receptors in a manner analogous to vertebrates. Using an apoaequorin expressing strain we show here that Dictyostelium do possess cell surface P2 receptors that facilitate Ca2+ influx in response to extracellular ATP and ADP (EC50 = 7.5 μM and 6.1 μM, respectively). Indicative of P2X receptor activation, responses were rapid reaching peak within 2.91 ± 0.04 s, required extracellular Ca2+, were inhibited by Gd3+, modified by extracellular pH and were not affected by deletion of either the single or iplA genes. Responses also remained unaffected by disruption of p2xA or p2xE showing that these genes are not involved. Cu2+ and Zn2+ inhibited purine-evoked Ca2+ influx with IC50 values of 0.9 and 6.3 μM, respectively. 300 μM Zn2+ completely abolished the initial large rapid rise in intracellular Ca2+ revealing the presence of an additional smaller, slower P2Y-like response. The existence of P2 receptors in Dictyostelium makes this organism a valuable model to explore fundamental aspects of purinergic signalling.  相似文献   



cAMP-induced Ca2+-influx in Dictyostelium is controlled by at least two non-mitochondrial Ca2+-stores: acidic stores and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The acidic stores may comprise the contractile vacuole network (CV), the endosomal compartment and acidocalcisomes. Here the role of CV in respect to function as a potential Ca2+-store was investigated.  相似文献   

Chemotactic stimulation of Dictyostelium discoideum induces an uptake of Ca2+ by the cells followed by a release of Ca2+. In this study we investigated the mechanism of Ca2+ release and found that it was inhibited by La3+, Cd2+ and azide. Ca2+ release occurred in the absence of external Na+, indicating that an Na+/Ca2+ exchange was not involved. Plasma membranes contained high- and low-affinity ATPase activities. Apparent K0.5 values were 8 microM for the major Mg2+-ATPase and 1.1 microM for the high-affinity Ca2+-ATPase, respectively. The Mg2+-ATPase activity was inhibited by elevated concentrations of Ca2+, whereas both Ca2+-ATPases were active in the absence of added Mg2+. The activities of the Ca2+-ATPases were not modified by calmodulin. The high-affinity Ca2+-ATPase was competitively inhibited by La3+ and Cd2+; we suggest that this high-affinity enzyme mediates the release of Ca2+ from D. discoideum cells.  相似文献   

Xestospongin C (XeC) is known to bind to the inositol 1,4, 5-trisphosphate (IP(3))-sensitive store in mammalian cells and to inhibit IP(3)- and thapsigargin-induced Ca(2+) release. In this study we show that this is also true for Dictyostelium. In addition, XeC inhibited Ca(2+) uptake into purified vesicle fractions and induced Ca(2+) release. This suggests that, in the case of Dictyostelium, XeC opens rather than plugs the IP(3) receptor channel as was proposed for mammalian cells (Gafni, J., Munsch, J. A. , Lam, T. H., Catlin, M. C., Costa, L. G., Molinski, T. F., and Pessah, I. N. (1997) Neuron 19, 723-733). In order to elucidate the function of the XeC-sensitive Ca(2+) store in Dictyostelium during differentiation, we applied XeC to the cells and found that it caused a time-dependent increase of basal [Ca(2+)](i) and inhibited cAMP-induced Ca(2+) influx in single cells as well as in cell suspensions. Moreover, XeC blocked light scattering spikes and pulsatile cAMP signaling.  相似文献   

Oocyte aging due to delayed fertilization is associated with declining quality and developmental potential. Intracellular calcium (Ca2+) concentration ([Ca2+]i) regulates oocyte growth, maturation, and fertilization and has also been implicated in aging. Using bovine oocytes, we tested the hypothesis that oocyte aging could be delayed by reducing [Ca2+]i via blocking the influx of extracellular Ca2+ or chelating ooplasmic free Ca2+. After IVM, cumulus–oocyte complexes or denuded oocytes were cultured in medium supplemented with 1-octanol, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, or 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid tetrakis-acetoxymethyl ester (BAPTA-AM) to manipulate [Ca2+]i. Addition of 1-mM 1-octanol increased blastocyst development rates in the cumulus–oocyte complexes aged for 6 hours by IVF and for 6, 12, and 24 hours by parthenoactivation, and this effect was independent of the presence of cumulus cells. The intracellular levels of ATP, Glutathione, and Glutathione disulfide were not affected by 1-octanol, but [Ca2+]i was significantly decreased. When oocytes were cultured in Ca2+-free medium for 12 hours, the blastocyst development rate was greater and the beneficial effects of 1-octanol on oocyte aging were abolished. However, when the medium was supplemented with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, [Ca2+]i increased and the blastocyst development rate decreased. Moreover, BAPTA-AM reduced [Ca2+]i and increased blastocyst development rates after IVF or parthenoactivation. We conclude that the age-associated developmental potency decline was delayed by blocking the influx of extracellular Ca2+ or reducing ooplasmic free Ca2+. 1-Octanol, BAPTA-AM, or Ca2+-free medium could be used to lengthen the fertilization windows of aged bovine oocytes.  相似文献   

Ca2+ responses to two chemoattractants, folate and cyclic AMP (cAMP), were assayed in Dictyostelium D. discoideum mutants deficient in one or both of two abundant Ca2+-binding proteins of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), calreticulin and calnexin. Mutants deficient in either or both proteins exhibited enhanced cytosolic Ca2+ responses to both attractants. Not only were the mutant responses greater in amplitude, but they also exhibited earlier onsets, faster rise rates, earlier peaks, and faster fall rates. Correlations among these kinetic parameters and the response amplitudes suggested that key events in the Ca2+ response are autoregulated by the magnitude of the response itself, i.e., by cytosolic Ca2+ levels. This autoregulation was sufficient to explain the altered kinetics of the mutant responses: larger responses are faster in both mutant and wild-type cells in response to both folate (vegetative cells) and cAMP (differentiated cells). Searches of the predicted D. discoideum proteome revealed three putative Ca2+ pumps and four putative Ca2+ channels. All but one contained sequence motifs for Ca2+- or calmodulin-binding sites, consistent with Ca2+ signals being autoregulatory. Although cytosolic Ca2+ responses in the calnexin and calreticulin mutants are enhanced, the influx of Ca2+ from the extracellular medium into the mutant cells was smaller. Compared to wild-type cells, Ca2+ release from the ER in the mutants thus contributes more to the total cytosolic Ca2+ response while influx from the extracellular medium contributes less. These results provide the first molecular genetic evidence that release of Ca2+ from the ER contributes to cytosolic Ca2+ responses in D. discoideum.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1990,111(6):2527-2535
A Paramecium possesses secretory organelles called trichocysts which are docked beneath the plasma membrane awaiting an external stimulus that triggers their exocytosis. Membrane fusion is the sole event provoked by the stimulation and can therefore be studied per se. Using 3 microM aminoethyl dextran (AED; Plattner, H., H. Matt, H.Kersken, B. Haake, and R. Sturz, 1984. Exp. Cell Res. 151:6-13) as a vital secretagogue, we analyzed the movements of calcium (Ca2+) during the discharge of trichocysts. We showed that (a) external Ca2+, at least at 3 X 10(-7) M, is necessary for AED to induce exocytosis; (b) a dramatic and transient influx of Ca2+ as measured from 45Ca uptake is induced by AED; (c) this influx is independent of the well-characterized voltage- operated Ca2+ channels of the ciliary membranes since it persists in a mutant devoid of these channels; and (d) this influx is specifically abolished in one of the mutants unable to undergo exocytosis, nd12. We propose that the Ca2+ influx induced by AED reflects an increase in membrane permeability through the opening of novel Ca2+ channel or the activation of other Ca2+ transport mechanism in the plasma membrane. The resulting rise in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration would in turn induce membrane fusion. The mutation nd12 would affect a gene product involved in the control of plasma membrane permeability to Ca2+, specifically related to membrane fusion.  相似文献   

In Dictyostelium discoideum, the initial differentiation of cells is regulated by the phase of the cell cycle at starvation. Cells in S and early G2 (or with a low DNA content) have relatively high levels of cellular Ca2+ and display a prestalk tendency after starvation, whereas cells in mid to late G2 (or with a high DNA content) have relatively low levels of Ca2+ and display a prespore tendency. We found that there is a correlation between cytosolic Ca2+ and cell cycle phase, with high Ca2+ levels being restricted to cells in the S and early G2 phases. As expected on the basis of this correlation, cell cycle inhibitors influence the proportions of amoebae containing high or low Ca2+. However, it has been reported that in the rtoA mutant, which upon differentiation gives rise to many more stalk cells than spores (compared to the wild type), initial cell-type choice is independent of cell cycle phase at starvation. In contrast to the wild type, a disproportionately large fraction of rtoA amoebae fall into the high Ca2+ class, possibly due to an altered ability of this mutant to transport Ca2+.  相似文献   

In mated cultures (NC4 X V12) of Dictyostelium discoideum containing 1.0 mM CaCl2, cell fusion generates large numbers of binucleate cells which develop into zygote giant cells. In the absence of Ca2+, binucleate formation does not occur. When 1.0 mM CaCl2 is added to Ca2+-deficient cultures at 18 h, 50% of the cells fuse within 45 min producing large multinucleate syncytia. Small, presumptive gametes appear in Ca2+-deficient cultures and reach a peak of about 20% of the cell population by 10 h, but they maintain this plateau and do not fuse. Upon the addition of CaCl2, the presumptive gametes immediately fuse, producing binucleate cells which develop rapidly into morphologically distinct giant cells. Cell fusion continues, resulting in the formation of extremely large (40-80 microns diameter) multinucleate syncytia by 45 min. The induction of this extensive, synchronous cell fusion does not occur in the presence of other chloride salts and EGTA inhibits it, revealing that Ca+ is the regulatory ion.  相似文献   

In the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum, changes in free cytosolic Ca2+ are thought to regulate certain processes during cell aggregation and differentiation. To understand the mechanisms controlling free Ca2+ levels in this organism, we previously isolated and characterized an ATP/Mg2+-dependent, high-affinity Ca2+ pump which appeared to be a component of "inside-out" plasma membrane vesicles [J. L. Milne and M. B. Coukell (1988) Biochem. J. 249. 223-230]. In this report, we demonstrate that a high-affinity Ca2+ pump, with properties virtually identical to the isolated pump, can be detected in filipin- or digitonin-permeabilized cells of Dictyostelium. Moreover, Ca2+-pumping vesicles, which migrate on Percoll/KCl gradients like the vesicles identified earlier, can be isolated from the permeabilized cells. Results of additional experiments suggest that this intracellular Ca2+ transporter is associated with a high-capacity non-IP3-releasable Ca2+ store which is generated by endocytosis. A possible role for this store in maintaining Ca2+ homeostasis in Dictyostelium is discussed.  相似文献   

Recently, we demonstrated the presence of multiple folate-binding sites on the cell surface of Dictyostelium discoideum. These sites were divided into two major classes, with different ligand specificities (A and B). Each major class consists of several interconvertible subtypes. In the present report, the ability of 13 folate analogs to activate both adenylate and guanylate cyclase in pre- as well as postaggregative cells is examined. The patterns of correlation between binding and activation data indicate that guanylate cyclase activation is mediated by the B-sites in both developmental stages (P less than 0.001). In postaggregative cells, adenylate cyclase also seems to be activated by the B-sites (P less than 0.001). In contrast, adenylate cyclase activation in preaggregative cells was well correlated with the specificity of A-sites (P less than 0.01). Remarkably, the potencies of activation were less affected by molecular modifications than the binding affinities were, as suggested by a slope of 0.4 in a plot of K0.5 values of activation vs. binding. This observation argues against the existence of a transduction mechanism in which the response is proportional to receptor occupancy. For the B-receptor, however, the degree of receptor occupancy appears to determine the response. The existence of folic acid antagonists is demonstrated, some of which are specific for either A-sites coupled to adenylate cyclase or for B-sites coupled to guanylate cyclase.  相似文献   

Cell fusion resulting in zygote giant cell formation is the first observable event of sexual development in D. discoideum. The results reported here show that this process is Ca2+-dependent and that by increasing the level of Ca2+ in the medium the number of cell fusions can be increased 57-fold over control cultures. The data also suggest that Ca2+ has both an early and late function in the development of zygotes and these functions are mediated at the cell surface. These results plus the availability of a liquid culture for generating large volumes of cells make sexual development in D. discoideum an excellent system for the analysis of membrane fusion in eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Amebae of Dictyostelium exhibit a transient uptake of extracellular Ca2+ approximately 5 s after activation of surface folate or cAMP receptors (Bumann, J., B. Wurster, and D. Malchow. 1984. J. Cell Biol. 98:173-178). To further characterize these Ca2+ entry systems, we analyzed 45Ca2+ uptake by resting and activated amebae. Like the surface chemoreceptors, folate- and cAMP-induced Ca2+ uptake responses were developmentally regulated; the former response was evident in vegetative but not aggregation-competent cells, whereas the latter response displayed the opposite pattern of expression. In contrast, other characteristics of these Ca2(+)-uptake pathways were remarkably similar. Both systems (a) exhibited comparable kinetic properties, (b) displayed a high specificity for Ca2+, and (c) were inhibited effectively by Ruthenium Red, sodium azide, and carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenyl-hydrazone. These results, together with the finding that vegetative cells transformed with a plasmid expressing the surface cAMP receptor exhibit a cAMP-induced Ca2+ uptake, suggest that different chemoreceptors activate a single Ca2+ entry pathway. Additional pharmacological and ion competition studies indicated that receptor-mediated Ca2+ entry probably does not involve a Na+/Ca2+ exchanger or voltage-activated channels. Chemoattractant binding appears to generate intracellular signals that induce activation and adaption of the Ca2(+)-uptake response. Analysis of putative signaling mutants suggests that Ca2+ entry is not regulated by the guanine nucleotide-binding (G) protein subunits G alpha 1 or G alpha 2, or by G protein-mediated changes in intracellular cAMP or guanosine 3,'5'-cyclic monophosphate (cGMP).  相似文献   

K+-stimulated 45Ca2+ influx was measured in rat brain presynaptic nerve terminals that were predepolarized in a K+-rich solution for 15 s prior to addition of 45Ca2+. This 'slow' Ca2+ influx was compared to influx stimulated by Na+ removal, presumably mediated by Na+-Ca2+ exchange. The K+-stimulated Ca2+ influx in predepolarized synaptosomes, and the Na+-removal-dependent Ca2+ influx were both saturating functions of the external Ca2+ concentration; and both were half-saturated at 0.3 mM Ca2+. Both were reduced about 50% by 20 microM Hg2+, 20 microM Cu2+ or 0.45 mM Mn2+. Neither the K+-stimulated nor the Na+-removal-dependent Ca2+ influx was inhibited by 1 microM Cd2+, La3+ or Pb2+, treatments that almost completely inhibited K+-stimulated Ca2+ influx in synaptosomes that were not predepolarized. The relative permeabilities of K+-stimulated Ca2+, Sr2+ or Ba2+ influx in predepolarized synaptosomes (10:3:1) and the corresponding selectivity ratio for Na+-removal-dependent divalent cation uptake (10:2:1) were similar. These results strongly suggest that the K+-stimulated 'slow' Ca2+ influx in predepolarized synaptosomes and the Na+-removal-dependent Ca2+ influx are mediated by a common mechanism, the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger.  相似文献   

Thecoupling mechanism between depletion of Ca2+ stores in theendoplasmic reticulum and plasma membrane store-operated ion channelsis fundamental to Ca2+ signaling in many cell types and hasyet to be completely elucidated. Using Ca2+release-activated Ca2+ (CRAC) channels in RBL-2H3 cells asa model system, we have shown that CRAC channels are maintained in theclosed state by an inhibitory factor rather than being opened by theinositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor. This inhibitory role can befulfilled by the Drosophila protein INAD (inactivation-noafter potential D). The action of INAD requires Ca2+ andcan be reversed by a diffusible Ca2+ influx factor. Thusthe coupling between the depletion of Ca2+ stores and theactivation of CRAC channels may involve a mammalian homologue of INADand a low-molecular-weight, diffusible store-depletion signal.


Activation of surface folate receptors or cyclic AMP (cAMP) receptor (cAR) 1 in Dictyostelium triggers within 5-10 s an influx of extracellular Ca2+ that continues for 20 s. To further characterize the receptor-mediated Ca2+ entry, we analyzed 45Ca2+ uptake in amoebas overexpressing cAR2 or cAR3, cARs present during multicellular development. Both receptors induced a cAMP-dependent Ca2+ uptake that had comparable kinetics, ion selectivity, and inhibitor profiles as folate- and cAR1-mediated Ca2+ uptake. Analysis of mutants indicated that receptor-induced Ca2+ entry does not require G protein alpha subunits G alpha 1, G alpha 2, G alpha 3, G alpha 4, G alpha 7, or G alpha 8. Overexpression of cAR1 or cAR3 in g alpha 2- cells did not restore certain G alpha 2-dependent events, such as aggregation, or cAMP-mediated activation of adenylate and guanylate cyclases, but these strains displayed a cAMP-mediated Ca2+ influx with kinetics comparable to wild-type aggregation-competent cells. These results suggest that a plasma membrane-associated Ca(2+)-influx system may be activated by at least four distinct chemoreceptors during Dictyostelium development and that the response may be independent of G proteins.  相似文献   

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