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In this paper we describe properties of old (Takahashi, 1978) and new tabCts and tabCcs bacterial mutants. We find that under non-permissive conditions they differently inhibit the synthesis of specific T4 prereplicative gene products. Among such products, that we have been able to identify, are P43 and PrIIA. In contrast, P32 and PrIIB are not affected.Inhibition of P43 (T4 DNA polymerase) synthesis is sufficient to account for depressed DNA synthesis in tabC (Takahashi, 1978).In heterodiploids: (1) all tabC mutants are recessive; (2) all tabC mutants do not complement with each other; (3) at least one, tabCts-5521, becomes dominant at 42.6 °C if rho mutant ts15 (Tab+) (Das et al., 1976) is situated in trans; (4) tabCts-5521 also becomes dominant at 42.6 °C if tabCcs-110 and tabCcs-18 are situated in trans (42.6 °C is non-permissive for T4 development on tabCcs-5521 and permissive for T4 development on tabCcs mutants).We discuss the possibility that in tabC mutants rho protein is altered and insensitive to T4-specific anti-termination functions. We also discuss a model that accounts for the differential effect of tabC mutants on the synthesis of T4 prereplicative proteins.  相似文献   

Methods developed for isolating bacterial nucleoids were applied to bacteria infected with phage T4. The replicating pool of T4 DNA was isolated as a particle composed of condensed T4 DNA and certain RNA and protein components of the cell. The particles have a narrow sedimentation profile (weight-average s=2,500S) and have, on average, a T4 DNA content similar to that of the infected cell. Their dimensions observed via electron and fluorescence microscopy are similar to the dimensions of the intracellular DNA pool. The DNA packaging density is less than that of the isolated bacterial nucleoid but appears to be roughly similar to its state in vivo. Host-cell proteins and T4-specific proteins bound to the DNA were characterized by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels. The major host proteins are the RNA polymerase subunits and two envelope proteins (molecular weights, 36,000 and 31,000). Other major proteins of the host cell were absent or barely detectable. Single-strand breaks can be introduced into the DNA with gamma radiation or DNase without affecting its sedimentation rate. This and other studies of the effects of intercalated ethidium molecules have suggested that the average superhelical density of the condensed DNA is small. However, these studies also indicated that there may be a few domains in the DNA that become positively supercoiled in the presence of high concentrations of ethidium bromide. In contrast to the Escherichia coli nucleoid, the T4 DNA structure remains condensed after the RNA and protein components have been removed (although there may be slight relaxation in the state of condensation under these conditions).  相似文献   

The process of phage T4 DNA injection into the host cell was studied under a fluorescent microscope, using 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole as a DNA-specific fluorochrome. The phage DNA injection was observed when spheroplasts were infected with the artificially contracted phage particles having a protruding core. The DNA injection was mediated by the interaction of the core tip with the cytoplasmic membrane of the spheroplast. A membrane potential was not required for the process of DNA injection. On the other hand, DNA injection upon infection by intact noncontracted phage of the intact host cell was inhibited by an energy poison. Based on these observations, together with results from previous work, a model for the T4 infection process is presented, and the role of the membrane potential in the infection process is discussed.  相似文献   

Rutberg, Blanka (Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden), and Lars Rutberg. Bacteriophage-induced functions in Escherichia coli K(lambda) infected with rII mutants of bacteriophage T4. J. Bacteriol. 91:76-80. 1966.-When Escherichia coli K(lambda) was infected with rII mutants of phage T4, deoxycytidine triphosphatase, one of the phage-induced early enzymes, was produced at initially the same rate as in r(+)-infected cells. Deoxyribonuclease activity was one-third to one-half of that of r(+)-infected cells. This lower deoxyribonuclease activity was observed also in other hosts or when infection was made with rI or rIII mutants. Presence of chloramphenicol did not allow a continued synthesis of phage deoxyribonucleic acid in rII-infected K(lambda). No phage lysozyme was detected nor was any antiphage serum-blocking antigen found in rII-infected K(lambda). It is suggested that the rII gene is of significance for the expression of phage-induced late functions in the host K(lambda).  相似文献   

The immunity (imm) gene of Escherichia coli bacteriophage T4.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
M J Lu  U Henning 《Journal of virology》1989,63(8):3472-3478
The immunity (imm) gene of the Escherichia coli bacteriophage T4 effects exclusion of phage superinfecting cells already infected with T4. A candidate for this gene was placed under the control of the lac regulatory elements in a pUC plasmid. DNA sequencing revealed the presence of an open reading frame encoding a very lipophilic 83-residue (or 73-residue, depending on the unknown site of translation initiation) polypeptide which most likely represents a plasma membrane protein. This gene could be identified as the imm gene because expression from the plasmid caused exclusion of T4 and because interruption of the gene in the phage genome resulted in a phage no longer effecting superinfection immunity. It was found that the fraction of phage which was excluded upon infection of cells possessing the plasmid-encoded Imm protein ejected only about one-half of their DNA. Therefore, the Imm protein inhibited, directly or indirectly, DNA ejection.  相似文献   

Previous workers reported that the T4 bacteriophage UvsX protein could promote neither RecA-LexA-mediated DNA repair nor induction of lysogenized bacteriophage, only recombination. Reexamination of these phenotypes demonstrated that, in contrast to these prior studies, when this gene was cloned into a medium but not a low-copy-number vector, it stimulated both a high frequency of spontaneous induction and mitomycin C-stimulated bacteriophage induction in a strain containing a recA13 mutation, but not a recA1 defect. The gene when cloned into a low- or medium- copy-number vector also promoted a low frequency of recombination of two duplicated genes in Escherichia coli in a strain with a complete recA gene deletion. These results suggest that a narrow concentration range of T4 UvsX protein is required to promote both high-frequency spontaneous and mitomycin C-stimulated bacteriophage induction in a recA13 gene mutant, but it facilitates recombination of duplicated genes at only a very low frequency in E. coli RecA(-) mutants with a complete recA deletion. These results also suggest that the different UvsX phenotypes are affected differentially by the concentration of UvsX protein present.  相似文献   

S-Adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) plays a myriad of roles in cellular metabolism. One of the many roles of AdoMet in Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium is as a corepressor of genes encoding enzymes of methionine biosynthesis. To investigate the metabolic effects of large reductions in intracellular AdoMet concentrations in growing cells, we constructed and examined mutants of E. coli which are conditionally defective in AdoMet synthesis. Temperature-sensitive mutants in metK, the structural gene for the S-adenosylmethionine synthetase (AdoMet synthetase) expressed in minimal medium, were constructed by in vitro mutagenesis of a plasmid-borne copy of metK. By homologous recombination, the chromosomal copy was replaced with the mutated metK gene. Both heat- and cold-sensitive mutants were examined. At the nonpermissive temperature, two such mutants had 200-fold-reduced intracellular AdoMet levels and required either methionine or vitamin B12 for growth. In the presence of methionine or vitamin B12, the mutants grew at normal rates even though the AdoMet levels remained 0.5% of wild type. A third mutant when placed at nonpermissive temperature had less than 0.2% of the normal AdoMet level and did not grow on minimal medium even in the presence of methionine or vitamin B12. All of these mutants grew normally on yeast-extract-based medium in which an alternate form of S-adenosylmethionine synthetase was expressed.  相似文献   

The synthesis of bacteriophage G4 DNA was examined in temperature-sensitive dna mutants under permissive and nonpermissive conditions. The infecting single-stranded G4 DNA was converted to the parental replicative form (RF) at the nonpermissive temperature in infected cells containing a temperature sensitive mutation in the dnaA, dnaB, dnaC, dnaE, or dnaG gene. The presence of 30 mug of chloramphenicol or 200 mug of rifampin per ml had no effect on parental RF synthesis in these mutants. Replication of G4 double-stranded RF DNA occurred at a normal rate in dnaAts cells at the nonpermissive temperature, but the rate was greatly reduced in cells containing a temperature-sensitive mutation in the dnaB, dnaC, dnaE, or dnaG gene. RF DNA replicated at normal rates in revertants of these dna temperature-sensitive host cells. The simplest interpretation of these observations is that none of the dna gene products tested is essential for the synthesis of the complementary DNA strand on the infecting single-stranded G4 DNA, whereas the dnaB, dnaC, dnaE, (DNA polymerase III), and dnaG gene products are all essential for replication of the double-stranded G4 RF DNA. The alternate possibility that one or more of the gene products are actually essential for G4 parental RF synthesis, even though this synthesis is not defective in the mutant hosts, is also discussed.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli cells infected with gene H mutants of bacteriophage phi X174 produce two types of particles. The 110S particles contain single-stranded circular DNA; the 110S particles are not infectious, although their DNA is infectious for E. coli spheroplasts. The second type of particles, 70S particles, contain a fragment of single-stranded DNA ranging from 0.2 to 0.5 genome in length. This fragment DNA anneals only to restriction enzyme fragments of replicative-form DNA from the portion of the molecule corresponding to the origin and early region of phi X174 single-stranded synthesis, although full-round single-stranded DNA synthesis is occurring in the H mutant-infected cells. Different H mutant phages produce different proportions of 70S to 110S particles; those mutants producing the most 70S also exhibit the largest amount of degradation of intracellularly labeled DNA during infection. These results suggest that in H mutant-infected cells, full-length single-stranded DNA is synthesized; varying amounts of degradation of the single-stranded material occur, and the resulting fragment DNA is subsequently incorporated into 70S particles.  相似文献   

Host functions required for replication of microvirid phage G13 DNA were investigated in vivo, using thermosensitive dna mutants of Escherichia coli. In dna+ bacteria, conversion of viral single-stranded DNA into double-stranded replicative form (stage I synthesis) was resistant to 150 microgram/ml of chloramphenicol or 200 microgram/ml of rifampicin. Although multiplication of G13 phage was severely inhibited at 42--43 degrees C even in dna+ host, considerable amount of parental replicative form was synthesized at 43 degrees C in dna+, dnaA or dnaE bacteria. In dnaB and dnaG mutants, however, synthesis of parental replicative form was severely inhibited at the restrictive temperature. Interestingly enough, stage I replication of G13 DNA was, unlike that of phiX174, dependent on host dnaC(D) function. Moreover, the stage I synthesis of G13 DNA in dnaZ was thermosensitive in nutrient broth but not in Tris/casamino acids/glucose medium. In contrast with the stage I replication, synthesis of G13 progeny replicative form was remarkably thermosensitive even in dna+ or dnA cells.  相似文献   

Regulation of T4-specific mRNA synthesis was studied during leucine starvation of a leucine-requiring stringent Escherichia coli B strain. This was done by imposing starvation prior to T4 infection and then letting RNA synthesis proceed for different time periods. Rifampin or streptolydigin was added to stop further RNA synthesis, and protein synthesis was restored by addition of leucine. Samples were withdrawn at different times, and the enzyme-forming capacities found that, during conditions which elicit the stringent response in uninfected bacteria, immediate early mRNA is not stringently regulated. This conclusion contradicts the earlier conclusion of others, obtained by measuring incorporation of radioactive uracil; this is explained by the observation of Edlin and Neuhard (1967), confirmed and extended by us to the T4-infected cell, that the incorporation of uracil into RNA of a stringent strain is virtually blocked by amino acid starvation, whereas that of adenine continues at 30 to 50% of the rate seen in the presence of the required amino acid.  相似文献   

We have constructed derivatives of plasmid pMB9 carrying EcoRI digestion fragments of bacteriophage T4 DNA that code for late gene functions. When Escherichia coli strains carrying these plasmids are infected with T4 amber mutants, burst sizes up to 30% of the wild-type level are obtained. Single burst experiments imply that the phage progeny result from complementation and do not depend on marker rescue. By electrophoretic and immunological techniques, we have established that the cloned T4 late genes are transcribed and translated in uninfected cells. A serum blocking assay has been used to quantitate the levels of one of the T4 gene products, gp11, before and after T4 infection. Uninfected cells containing the cloned T4 gene 11 DNA have 0.1% and mini cells have 1% of the gp11 levels per unit protein found in cells late after T4 wild-type infection. There is little or no additional gp10 and gp11 formed from the cloned genes after T4 infection.  相似文献   

The site specificity of bacteriophage T4-induced type II DNA topoisomerase action on double-stranded DNA has been explored by studying the sites where DNA cleavages are induced by the enzyme. Oxolinic acid addition increases the frequency at which phi X174 duplex DNA is cut by the enzyme by about 100-fold, to the point where nearly every topoisomerase molecule causes a double-stranded DNA cleavage event. The effect of oxolinic acid on the enzyme is very similar to its effect on another type II DNA topoisomerase, the Escherichia coli DNA gyrase. A filter-binding method was developed that allows efficient purification of topoisomerase-cleaved DNA fragments by selecting for the covalent attachment of this DNA to the enzyme. Using this method, T4 topoisomerase recognition of mutant cytosine-containing T4 DNA was found to be relatively nonspecific, whereas quite specific recognition sites were observed on native T4 DNA, which contains glucosylated hydroxymethylcytosine residues. The increased specificity of native T4 DNA recognition seems to be due entirely to the glucose modification. In contrast, E. coli DNA gyrase shows a high level of specificity for both the mutant cytosine-containing DNA and native T4 DNA, recognizing about five strong cleavage sites on both substrates. An unexpected feature of DNA recognition by the T4 topoisomerase is that the addition of the cofactor ATP strongly stimulates the topoisomerase-induced cleavage of native T4 DNA, but has only a slight effect on cleavage of cytosine-containing T4 DNA.  相似文献   

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