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Yeast Rad52 DNA-repair mutants exhibit pronounced radiation sensitivity and a defect in homologous re combination (HR), whereas vertebrate cells lacking Rad52 exhibit a nearly normal phenotype. Bio chemical studies show that both yeast Rad52 and Rad55-57 (Rad51 paralogs) stimulate DNA-strand exchange mediated by Rad51. These findings raise the possibility that Rad51 paralogs may compensate for lack of Rad52 in vertebrate cells, explaining the absence of prominent phenotypes for Rad52-deficient cells. To test this hypothesis, using chicken DT40 cells, we generated conditional mutants deficient in both RAD52 and XRCC3, which is one of the five vertebrate RAD51 paralogs. Surprisingly, the rad52 xrcc3 double-mutant cells were non-viable and exhibited extensive chromosomal breaks, whereas rad52 and xrcc3 single mutants grew well. Our data reveal an overlapping (but non-reciprocal) role for Rad52 and XRCC3 in repairing DNA double-strand breaks. The present study shows that Rad52 can play an important role in HR repair by partially substituting for a Rad51 paralog.  相似文献   

Rad51 paralogs belong to the Rad52 epistasis group of proteins and are involved in homologous recombination (HR), especially the assembly and stabilization of Rad51, which is a homolog of RecA in eukaryotes. We previously cloned and characterized two RAD51 paralogous genes in Arabidopsis, named AtRAD51C and AtXRCC3, which are considered the counterparts of human RAD51C and XRCC3, respectively. Here we describe the identification of RAD51B homologue in Arabidopsis, AtRAD51B. We found a higher expression of AtRAD51B in flower buds and roots. Expression of AtRAD51B was induced by genotoxic stresses such as ionizing irradiation and treatment with a cross-linking reagent, cisplatin. Yeast two-hybrid analysis showed that AtRad51B interacted with AtRad51C. We also found and characterized T-DNA insertion mutant lines. The mutant lines were devoid of AtRAD51B expression, viable and fertile. The mutants were moderately sensitive to γ-ray and hypersensitive to cisplatin. Our results suggest that AtRAD51B gene product is involved in the repair of double-strand DNA breaks (DSBs) via HRAccession numbers: AB194809 (AtRAD51Bα), AB194810 (AtRAD51Bβ), AB194811 (AtRAD51D).  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested two possible roles for Rad9 in mammalian cells subjected to replication stress or DNA damage. One model suggests that a Rad9-containing clamp is loaded onto damaged DNA, where it participates in Chk1 activation and subsequent events that contribute to cell survival. The other model suggests that Rad9 translocates to mitochondria, where it triggers apoptosis by binding to and inhibiting Bcl-2 and Bcl-x(L). To further study the role of Rad9, parental and Rad9(-/-) murine embryonic stem (ES) cells were treated with camptothecin, etoposide, or cytarabine, all prototypic examples of three classes of widely used anticancer agents. All three agents induced Rad9 chromatin binding. Each of these agents also triggered S-phase checkpoint activation in parental ES cells, as indicated by a caffeine-inhibitable decrease in [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA and Cdc25A down-regulation. Interestingly, the ability of cytarabine to activate the S-phase checkpoint was severely compromised in Rad9(-/-) cells, whereas activation of this checkpoint by camptothecin and etoposide was unaltered, suggesting that the action of cytarabine is readily distinguished from that of classical topoisomerase poisons. Nonetheless, Rad9 deletion sensitized ES cells to the cytotoxic effects of all three agents, as evidenced by enhanced apoptosis and diminished colony formation. Collectively, these results suggest that the predominant role of Rad9 in ES cells is to promote survival after replicative stress and topoisomerase-mediated DNA damage.  相似文献   

Xrcc3 is recruited to DNA double strand breaks early and independent of Rad51   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Rad51-mediated homologous recombination (HR) is essential for maintenance of genome integrity. The Xrcc3 protein functions in HR DNA repair, and studies suggest it has multiple roles at different stages in this pathway. Defects in vertebrate XRCC3 result in elevated levels of spontaneous and DNA damage-induced chromosomal abnormalities, as well as increased sensitivity to DNA damaging agents. Formation of DNA damaged-induced nuclear Rad51 foci requires Xrcc3 and the other Rad51 paralog proteins (Rad51B, Rad51C, Rad51D, Xrcc2), thus supporting a model in which an early function of Xrcc3 involves promoting assembly of active Rad51 repair complexes. However, it is not known whether Xrcc3 or other Rad51 paralog proteins accumulate at DNA breaks, and if they do whether their stable association with breaks requires Rad51. Here we report for the first time that Xrcc3 forms distinct foci in human cells and that nuclear Xrcc3 begins to localize at sites of DNA damage within 10 min after radiation treatment. RNAi-mediated knock down of Rad51 has no effect on the DNA damage-induced localization of Xrcc3 to DNA breaks. Our data are consistent with a model in which Xrcc3 associates directly with DNA breaks independent of Rad51, and subsequently facilitates formation of the Rad51 nucleoprotein filament.  相似文献   

Centromere that plays a pivotal role in chromosome segregation is composed of repetitive elements in many eukaryotes. Although chromosomal regions containing repeats are the hotspots of rearrangements, little is known about the stability of centromere repeats. Here, by using a minichromosome that has a complete set of centromere sequences, we have developed a fission yeast system to detect gross chromosomal rearrangements (GCRs) that occur spontaneously. Southern and comprehensive genome hybridization analyses of rearranged chromosomes show two types of GCRs: translocation between homologous chromosomes and formation of isochromosomes in which a chromosome arm is replaced by a copy of the other. Remarkably, all the examined isochromosomes contain the breakpoint in centromere repeats, showing that isochromosomes are produced by centromere rearrangement. Mutations in the Rad3 checkpoint kinase increase both types of GCRs. In contrast, the deletion of Rad51 recombinase preferentially elevates isochromosome formation. Chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis shows that Rad51 localizes at centromere around S phase. These data suggest that Rad51 suppresses rearrangements of centromere repeats that result in isochromosome formation.  相似文献   

Homologous recombinational repair of DNA double-strand breaks and crosslinks in human cells is likely to require Rad51 and the five Rad51 paralogs (XRCC2, XRCC3, Rad51B/Rad51L1, Rad51C/Rad51L2 and Rad51D/Rad51L3), as has been shown in chicken and rodent cells. Previously, we reported on the interactions among these proteins using baculovirus and two- and three-hybrid yeast systems. To test for interactions involving XRCC3 and Rad51C, stable human cell lines have been isolated that express (His)6-tagged versions of XRCC3 or Rad51C. Ni2+-binding experiments demonstrate that XRCC3 and Rad51C interact in human cells. In addition, we find that Rad51C, but not XRCC3, interacts directly or indirectly with Rad51B, Rad51D and XRCC2. These results argue that there are at least two complexes of Rad51 paralogs in human cells (Rad51C–XRCC3 and Rad51B–Rad51C–Rad51D–XRCC2), both containing Rad51C. Moreover, Rad51 is not found in these complexes. X-ray treatment did not alter either the level of any Rad51 paralog or the observed interactions between paralogs. However, the endogenous level of Rad51C is moderately elevated in the XRCC3-overexpressing cell line, suggesting that dimerization between these proteins might help stabilize Rad51C.  相似文献   

Stathmin/Oncoprotein 18, a microtubule destabilizing protein, is required for survival of p53-deficient cells. Stathmin-depleted cells are slower to enter mitosis, but whether delayed mitotic entry triggers cell death or whether stathmin has a separate pro-survival function was unknown. To test these possibilities, we abrogated the cell cycle delay by inhibiting Wee1 in synchronized, stathmin-depleted cells and found that apoptosis was reduced to control levels. Synchronized cells treated with a 4 hour pulse of inhibitors to CDK1 or both Aurora A and PLK1 delayed mitotic entry and apoptosis was triggered only in p53-deficient cells. We did not detect mitotic defects downstream of the delayed mitotic entry, indicating that cell death is activated by a mechanism distinct from those activated by prolonged mitotic arrest. Cell death is triggered by initiator caspase 8, based on its cleavage to the active form and by rescue of viability after caspase 8 depletion or treatment with a caspase 8 inhibitor. In contrast, initiator caspase 9, activated by prolonged mitotic arrest, is not activated and is not required for apoptosis under our experimental conditions. P53 upregulates expression of cFLIPL, a protein that blocks caspase 8 activation. cFLIPL levels are lower in cells lacking p53 and these levels are reduced to a greater extent after stathmin depletion. Expression of FLAG-tagged cFLIPL in p53-deficient cells rescues them from apoptosis triggered by stathmin depletion or CDK1 inhibition during G2. These data indicate that a cell cycle delay in G2 activates caspase 8 to initiate apoptosis specifically in p53-deficient cells.  相似文献   

Rad51 and Rad54 are key proteins that collaborate during homologous recombination. Rad51 forms a presynaptic filament with ATP and ssDNA active in homology search and DNA strand exchange, but the precise role of its ATPase activity is poorly understood. Rad54 is an ATP-dependent dsDNA motor protein that can dissociate Rad51 from dsDNA, the product complex of DNA strand exchange. Kinetic analysis of the budding yeast proteins revealed that the catalytic efficiency of the Rad54 ATPase was stimulated by partial filaments of wild-type and Rad51-K191R mutant protein on dsDNA, unambiguously demonstrating that the Rad54 ATPase activity is stimulated under these conditions. Experiments with Rad51-K191R as well as with wild-type Rad51-dsDNA filaments formed in the presence of ATP, ADP or ATP-γ-S showed that efficient Rad51 turnover from dsDNA requires both the Rad51 ATPase and the Rad54 ATPase activities. The results with Rad51-K191R mutant protein also revealed an unexpected defect in binding to DNA. Once formed, Rad51-K191R-DNA filaments appeared normal upon electron microscopic inspection, but displayed significantly increased stability. These biochemical defects in the Rad51-K191R protein could lead to deficiencies in presynapsis (filament formation) and postsynapsis (filament disassembly) in vivo.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which the progression of eukaryotic replication forks is controlled after DNA damage are unclear. We have found that fork progression is slowed by cisplatin or UV treatment in intact vertebrate cells and in replication assays in vitro. Fork slowing is reduced or absent in irs1SF CHO cells and XRCC3(-/-) chicken DT40 cells, indicating that fork slowing is an active process that requires the homologous recombination protein XRCC3. The addition of purified human Rad51C-XRCC3 complex restores fork slowing in permeabilized XRCC3(-/-) cells. Moreover, the requirement for XRCC3 for fork slowing can be circumvented by addition of human Rad51. These data demonstrate that the recombination proteins XRCC3 and Rad51 cooperatively modulate the progression of replication forks on damaged vertebrate chromosomes.  相似文献   

Genetic studies in rodent and chicken mutant cell lines have suggested that Rad51 paralogs (XRCC2, XRCC3, Rad51B/Rad51L1, Rad51C/Rad51L2 and Rad51D/Rad51L3) play important roles in homologous recombinational repair of DNA double-strand breaks and in maintaining chromosome stability. Previous studies using yeast two- and three-hybrid systems have shown interactions among these proteins, but it is not clear whether these interactions occur simultaneously or sequentially in vivo. By utilizing immunoprecipitation with extracts of human cells expressing epitope-tagged Rad51 paralogs, we demonstrate that XRCC2 and Rad51D, while stably interacting with each other, co-precipitate with Rad51C but not with XRCC3. In contrast, Rad51C is pulled down with XRCC3, whereas XRCC2 and Rad51D are not. In addition, Rad51B could be pulled down with Rad51C and Rad51D, but not with XRCC3. These results suggest that Rad51C is involved in two distinct in vivo complexes: Rad51B–Rad51C–Rad51D–XRCC2 and Rad51C–XRCC3. In addition, we demonstrate that Rad51 co-precipitates with XRCC3 but not with XRCC2 or Rad51D, suggesting that Rad51 can be present in an XRCC3–Rad51C–Rad51 complex. These complexes may act as functional units and serve accessory roles for Rad51 in the presynapsis stage of homologous recombinational repair.  相似文献   

Interaction of human recombination proteins Rad51 and Rad54.   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The cDNA for human protein HsRad54, which is a structural homolog of Saccharomyces cerevisiae recombination/repair protein Rad54, was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. As demonstrated by analysis in vitro and in vivo, HsRad54 protein interacts with human Rad51 recombinase. The interaction is mediated by the N-terminal domain of HsRad54 protein, which interacts with both free and DNA-bound HsRad51 protein.  相似文献   

DNA damage signaling and repair take place in a chromatin context. Consequently, chromatin-modifying enzymes, including adenosine triphosphate–dependent chromatin remodeling enzymes, play an important role in the management of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). Here, we show that the p400 ATPase is required for DNA repair by homologous recombination (HR). Indeed, although p400 is not required for DNA damage signaling, DNA DSB repair is defective in the absence of p400. We demonstrate that p400 is important for HR-dependent processes, such as recruitment of Rad51 to DSB (a key component of HR), homology-directed repair, and survival after DNA damage. Strikingly, p400 and Rad51 are present in the same complex and both favor chromatin remodeling around DSBs. Altogether, our data provide a direct molecular link between Rad51 and a chromatin remodeling enzyme involved in chromatin decompaction around DNA DSBs.  相似文献   

The Rad51 protein, a homologue of the bacterial RecA protein, is an essential factor for both meiotic and mitotic recombination. The N-terminal domain of the human Rad51 protein (HsRad51) directly interacts with DNA. Based on a yeast two-hybrid analysis, it has been reported that the N-terminal region of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rad51 protein binds Rad52;S. cerevisiae Rad51 and Rad52 both activate the homologous pairing and strand exchange reactions. Here, we show that the HsRad51 N-terminal region, which corresponds to the Rad52-binding region of ScRad51, does not exhibit strong binding to the human Rad52 protein (HsRad52). To investigate its function, the C-terminal region of HsRad51 was randomly mutagenized. Although this region includes the two segments corresponding to the putative DNA-binding sites of RecA, all seven of the mutants did not decrease, but instead slightly increased, the DNA binding. In contrast, we found that some of these HsRad51 mutations significantly decreased the HsRad52 binding. Therefore, we conclude that these amino acid residues are required for the HsRad51.HsRad52 binding. HsRad52, as well as S. cerevisiae Rad52, promoted homologous pairing between ssDNA and dsDNA, and higher homologous pairing activity was observed in the presence of both HsRad51 and HsRad52 than with either HsRad51 or HsRad52 alone. The HsRad51 F259V mutation, which strongly impaired the HsRad52 binding, decreased the homologous pairing in the presence of both HsRad51 and HsRad52, without affecting the homologous pairing by HsRad51 alone. This result suggests the importance of the HsRad51.HsRad52 interaction in homologous pairing.  相似文献   

Ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) is characterized by ataxia, genomic instability, and increased cancer incidence. Previously, iron chelator concentrations which suppressed normal cell colony formation increased A-T cell colony formation. Similarly, iron chelators preferentially increased A-T cell colony formation following peroxide exposure compared to normal cells. Last, A-T cells exhibited increased short-term sensitivity to labile iron exposure compared to normal cells, an event corrected by recombinant ATM (rATM) expression. Since chromosomal damage is important in A-T pathology and iron chelators exert beneficial effects on A-T cells, we hypothesized that iron chelators would reduce A-T cell chromosomal breaks. We treated A-T, normal, and A-T cells expressing rATM with labile iron, iron chelators, antioxidants, and t-butyl hydroperoxide, and examined chromosomal breaks and ATM activation. Additionally, the effect of ATM-deficiency on transferrin receptor (TfR) expression and TfR activity blockage in A-T and syngeneic A-T cells expressing rATM was examined. We report that (1) iron chelators and iron-free media reduce spontaneous and t-butyl hydroperoxide-induced chromosomal breaks in A-T, but not normal, or A-T cells expressing rATM; (2) labile iron exposure induces A-T cell chromosomal breaks, an event lessened with rATM expression; (3) desferal, labile iron, and copper activate ATM; (4) A-T cell TfR expression is lowered with rATM expression and (5) blocking TfR activity with anti-TfR antibodies increases A-T cell colony formation, while lowering chromosomal breaks. ATM therefore functions in iron responses and the maintenance of genomic stability following labile iron exposure.  相似文献   

Coordinated response of mammalian Rad51 and Rad52 to DNA damage   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Liu Y  Maizels N 《EMBO reports》2000,1(1):85-90
Biochemical analysis has shown that mammalian Rad51 and Rad52 interact and synergize in DNA recombination reactions in vitro, but these proteins have not been shown to function together in response to DNA damage in vivo. By analysis of murine cells expressing murine Rad52 tagged with green fluorescent protein (GFP)–Rad52, we now show that DNA damage causes Rad51 and GFP–Rad52 to colocalize in distinct nuclear foci. Cells expressing GFP–Rad52 show both increased survival and an increased number of Rad51 foci, raising the possibility that Rad52 is limiting for repair. These observations provide evidence of coordinated function of Rad51 and Rad52 in vivo and support the hypothesis that Rad52 plays an important role in the DNA damage response in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Exposure of cells to DNA-damaging agents results in a rapid increase in the formation of subnuclear complexes containing Rad51. To date, it has not been determined to what extent DNA damage-induced cytoplasmic to nuclear transport of Rad51 may contribute to this process. We have analyzed subcellular fractions of HeLa and HCT116 cells and found a significant increase in nuclear Rad51 levels following exposure to a modest dose of ionizing radiation (2 grays). We also observed a DNA damage-induced increase in nuclear Rad51 in the Brca2-defective cell line Capan-1. To address a possible Brca2-independent mechanism for Rad51 nuclear transport, we analyzed subcellular fractions for two other Rad51-interacting proteins, Rad51C and Xrcc3. Rad51C has a functional nuclear localization signal, and although we found that the subcellular distribution of Xrcc3 was not significantly affected by DNA damage, there was a damage-induced increase in nuclear Rad51C. Furthermore, RNA interference-mediated depletion of Rad51C in HeLa and Capan-1 cells resulted in lower steady-state levels of nuclear Rad51 as well as a diminished DNA damage-induced increase. Our results provide important insight into the cellular regulation of Rad51 nuclear entry and a role for Rad51C in this process.  相似文献   

Ye SM  Gao SJ 《生理科学进展》2005,36(3):237-240
人类Rad5l蛋白是同源重组的关键酶,发挥着链转移或链交换活性,启动DNA同源配对的作用。Rad51D蛋白是Rad51蛋白的5种同源物之一,对细胞调节有正反两种作用机制一方面作为辅助因子参与DNA修复同源重组,维持正常细胞周期;另一方面又是诱发癌症病变,防止癌细胞衰老的因素之一。Rad51D蛋白对细胞的作用机制,是人类征服癌症的双刃刀,如果阻止癌细胞的Rad51D蛋白作用可以促进癌细胞的死亡;而同时Rad51D蛋白作用的减弱将使细胞发生周期紊乱,产生新的病变。本文将近年来有关Rad51D的研究成果进行了整理,主要包括Rad51D蛋白的生物学特征和生物学功能两部分,同时对Rad51D蛋白的研究方向提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

The Rad51B, Rad51C, Rad51D and Xrcc2 proteins are Rad51 paralogs, and form a complex (BCDX2 complex) in mammalian cells. Mutant cells defective in any one of the Rad51-paralog genes exhibit spontaneous genomic instability and extreme sensitivity to DNA-damaging agents, due to inefficient recombinational repair. Therefore, the Rad51 paralogs play important roles in the maintenance of genomic integrity through recombinational repair. In the present study, we examined the DNA-binding preference of the human BCDX2 complex. Competitive DNA-binding assays using seven types of DNA substrates, single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), double-stranded DNA, 5′- and 3′-tailed duplexes, nicked duplex DNA, Y-shaped DNA and a synthetic Holliday junction, revealed that the BCDX2 complex preferentially bound to the two DNA substrates with branched structures (the Y-shaped DNA and the synthetic Holliday junction). Furthermore, the BCDX2 complex catalyzed the strand-annealing reaction between a long linear ssDNA (1.2 kb in length) and its complementary circular ssDNA. These properties of the BCDX2 complex may be important for its roles in the maintenance of chromosomal integrity.  相似文献   

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