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The role of ABA in freezing tolerance and cold acclimation in barley   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The role of ABA in freezing resistance in nonacclimated and cold‐acclimated barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.) was studied. Eleven nonacclimated cultivars differed in their LT50, ranging from −10.8 to −4.8°C. Sugars, free proline, soluble proteins and ABA were analyzed in nonacclimated cultivars and during cold acclimation of one cultivar. There was an inverse correlation between LT50 and both ABA and sucrose contents. Exogenous ABA caused a decrease in the freezing point of leaf tissue in the cultivar with the lowest level of endogenous ABA, but not in the cultivar with the highest level, suggesting that ABA in the latter may be near the optimum endogenous level to induce freezing tolerance. Plants of cv. Aramir treated with ABA or allowed to acclimate to cold temperature increased their soluble sugar content to a similar level. The LT50 of leaves of cold‐acclimated cv. Aramir decreased from −5.8 to −11.4°C, with biphasic kinetics, accumulating proline and soluble sugars with similar kinetics. The biphasic profile observed during cold acclimation could be a direct consequence of cryoprotectant accumulation kinetics. ABA and soluble protein accumulation showed a single step profile, associated mainly with the second phase of the LT50 decrease. Thus, a significant increase in endogenous ABA is part of the response of barley to low temperature and may be required as a signal for the second phase of cold acclimation. Endogenous ABA contents in the nonacclimated state may determine constitutive freezing tolerance.  相似文献   

The effects of ABA, 2,4-D, kinetin and cold exposure on the cold hardiness of Medicago sativa L. cell suspensions were investigated. Cultures treated with 5×10–5 M ABA at 2°C for 4 weeks in the absence of kinetin showed a 50% survival after freezing to –12.5°C, whereas cultures grown at 25°C under normal conditions tolerated freezing to only –3°C. The optimum ABA treatment of 5×10–5 M for 4 weeks was effective only in combination with cold exposure. Of six cell lines tested, all showed different degrees of induced cold hardiness. The results suggest that ABA alone cannot induce freezing tolerance on alfalfa cell suspension cultures and that the deletion of kinetin and combination of low temperature and ABA is critical for the induction of cold hardiness in alfalfa cell suspension cultures.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - LT50 50% killing temperature  相似文献   

In many woody plants photoperiod signals the initiation of dormancy and cold acclimation. The photoperiod-specific physiological and molecular mechanisms have remained uncharacterised. The role of abscisic acid (ABA) and dehydrins in photope-riod-induced dormancy and freezing tolerance was investigated in birch, Betula pubescens Ehrh. The experiments were designed to investigate if development of dormancy and freezing tolerance under long-day (LD) and short-day (SD) conditions could be affected by manipulation of the endogenous ABA content, and if accumulation of dehydrin-like proteins was correlated with SD and/or the water content of the buds. Experimentally, the internal ABA content was increased by ABA application and by water stress treatment under LD, and decreased by blocking the synthesis of ABA with fluridone under SD. Additionally, high humidity (95% RH) was applied to establish if accidental water stress was involved in SD. ABA content was monitored by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with selective ion monitoring (SIM). Short days induced a transient increase in ABA content, which was absent in 95% RH, whereas fluridone treatment decreased ABA. Short days induced a typical pattern of bud desiccation and growth cessation regardless of the treatment, and improved freezing tolerance except in the fluridone treatment. ABA content of the buds was significantly increased after spraying ABA on leaves and after water stress, treatments that did not induce cessation of growth and dormancy, but improved freezing tolerance. In addition to several constitutively produced dehydrins, two SD-specific proteins of molecular masses 34 and 36 kDa were found. Photoperiod- and experimentally-induced alterations in ABA contents affected freezing tolerance but not cessation of growth and dormancy. Therefore, involvement of ABA in the photoperiodic control of cold acclimation is more direct than in growth cessation and dormancy. As the typical desiccation pattern of the buds was found in all SD plants, and was not directly related to ABA content or to freezing tolerance, this pattern characterises the onset of photo-period-induced growth cessation and dormancy. The results provide evidence for the existence of various constitutively and two photoperiod-induced dehydrins in buds of birch, and reveal characteristics of dormancy and freezing tolerance that may facilitate further investigations of photoperiodic control of growth in trees.  相似文献   

植物抗寒及其基因表达研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
曹琴  孔维府  温鹏飞 《生态学报》2004,24(4):806-811
植物经过逐渐降低的温度从而提高抗寒能力 ,这个过程被人们称为低温驯化。植物低温驯化过程是一个复杂的生理、生化和能量代谢变化过程 ,这些变化主要包括膜系统的稳定性、可溶性蛋白的积累和小分子渗透物质 ,比如脯氨酸、糖等 ,这些变化中的一些是植物抗寒必需的 ,而另外一些变化不是必需的。主要对冷害和低温生理生化变化、低温诱导表达基因的功能和作用、低温驯化的调节机制及其信号转导方面进行了综述。通过差别筛选 c DNA文库的方法已经鉴定了许多低温诱导表达、进而提高植物抗寒能力的基因 ,其中有脱水素、COR基因和 CBF1转录因子等。低温信号的感受、转导和调节表达是低温驯化的关键环节 ,低温信号的转导过程与干旱胁迫之间具有一定的交叉 ,这为利用 ABA等来提高植物抗寒能力成为可能 ,相信不久的将来人们可以通过提高植物抗寒能力从而增加经济产量成为现实。  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that the nucleotide sequences of the Agrobacterium rhizogenes rolC locus and the selective marker nptII developed mutations during the long-term cultivation of transgenic cell cultures of Panax ginseng. In the present report, we analyzed the nucleotide sequences of selected plant gene families in the 20-year-old P. ginseng 1c cell culture and in leaves of cultivated P. ginseng plants. We sequenced the Actin genes, which are a family of house-keeping genes; the phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) and dammarenediol synthase genes (DDS), which actively participate in the biosynthesis of ginsenosides; and the somatic embryogenesis receptor kinase (SERK) genes, which control plant development. We demonstrate that the plant genes also developed mutations during long-term cultivation. The highest level of nucleotide substitution was detected in the sequences of the SERK genes (2.00 ± 0.11 nt per 1000 nt), and the level was significantly higher when compared with the cultivated P. ginseng plant. Interestingly, while the diversity of Actin genes was similar in the P. ginseng cell culture and the cultivated plants, the diversity of the DDS and SERK genes was less in the 20-year-old cell culture than in the cultivated plants. In this work, we detail the level of nucleotide substitutions in different plant genes during the long-term culture of plant cells.  相似文献   

Plants adapt to freezing stress through cold acclimation, which is induced by nonfreezing low temperatures and accompanied by growth arrest. A later increase in temperature after cold acclimation leads to rapid loss of freezing tolerance and growth resumption, a process called deacclimation. Appropriate regulation of the trade-off between freezing tolerance and growth is necessary for efficient plant development in a changing environment. The cell wall, which mainly consists of polysaccharide polymers, is involved in both freezing tolerance and growth. Still, it is unclear how the balance between freezing tolerance and growth is affected during cold acclimation and deacclimation by the changes in cell wall structure and what role is played by its monosaccharide composition. Therefore, to elucidate the regulatory mechanisms controlling freezing tolerance and growth during cold acclimation and deacclimation, we investigated cell wall changes in detail by sequential fractionation and monosaccharide composition analysis in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, for which a plethora of information and mutant lines are available. We found that arabinogalactan proteins and pectic galactan changed in close coordination with changes in freezing tolerance and growth during cold acclimation and deacclimation. On the other hand, arabinan and xyloglucan did not return to nonacclimation levels after deacclimation but stabilized at cold acclimation levels. This indicates that deacclimation does not completely restore cell wall composition to the nonacclimated state but rather changes it to a specific novel composition that is probably a consequence of the loss of freezing tolerance and provides conditions for growth resumption.  相似文献   

With the availability of microarray technology, the expression profiles of thousands of genes can be monitored simultaneously to help determine the mechanisms of these biological processes. We conducted Affymetrix GeneChip microarray analyses of the Arabidopsis-cyst nematode interaction and employed a statistical procedure to analyze the resultant data, which allowed us to identify significant gene expression changes. Quantitative real-time RT-PCR assays were used to confirm the microarray analyses. The results of the expression profiling revealed 128 genes with altered steady-state mRNA levels following infection by the sugar beet cyst nematode (Heterodera schachtii; BCN), in contrast to only 12 genes that had altered expression following infection by the soybean cyst nematode (H. glycines; SCN). The expression of these 12 genes also changed following infection by BCN, i.e. we did not identify any genes regulated exclusively by SCN. The identification of 116 genes whose expression changes during successful cyst nematode parasitism by BCN suggests a potential involvement of these genes in the infection events starting with successful syncytium induction. Further characterization of these genes will permit the formulation of testable hypotheses to explain successful cyst nematode parasitism.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane (PM) is the primary site of freezing injury in plants. To determine global changes in PM protein profiles in association with freezing tolerance development, proteome analysis of the purified PM of Arabidopsis suspension-cultured cells (T87 line) was conducted with label-free protein quantification technology. Freezing tolerance of Arabidopsis cells at the lag growth phase (8 d old) increased after cold acclimation (CA) or ABA treatment. Proteome analysis assigned 658 proteins in the PM in total, of which 45.3% (298 proteins) were predicted to have transmembrane domains. They were classified into several functional categories, with the primary categories being proteins in transporters, signal transduction, protein destination and storage, and cell structure. After CA, 271 proteins increased and 111 proteins decreased. ABA treatment resulted in 185 increased and 56 decreased proteins. Of these, 139 increased and 49 decreased proteins were identified in common after both CA and ABA treatment. In addition, there were proteins specifically expressed in cold- (132 increased and 62 decreased) or ABA- (46 increased and 7 decreased) treated cells. Collectively, our results clearly show that (i) responses of the PM proteome to CA and ABA treatment overlap substantially but, at the same time, some proteins exhibited different response patterns in each treatment; and (ii) the majority of ABA-responsive proteins are CA-responsive proteins but not vice versa, suggesting complex interactions of CA and ABA signaling pathways in the PM proteome responses.  相似文献   

In this paper, we continue our studies of the previously discovered [O.A. Zabotina, D.A. Ayupova, O.N. Larskaya, O.N. Nikolaeva, G.I. Petrovicheva, A.I. Zabotin, Physiologically active oligosaccharides, accumulating in the roots of winter wheat during adaptation to low temperature, Russian Journal of Plant Physiology 45 (1998) 262] oligosaccharin (physiologically active oligosaccharide) GXAG, which stimulates the acquisition of freezing tolerance in winter varieties of Triticum aestivum L. The transient accumulation of GXAG in the tissues of winter wheat correlates with the temporal activation of cell wall glycosidases during the first hours of cold acclimation (2 °C). This finding suggests that the oligosaccharin is liberated as a result of the intensification of hemicellulose turnover. At low concentrations, GXAG initiates the acquisition of freezing tolerance in winter plants, in a manner similar to ABA, even at room temperature. The resultant effect of ABA and GXAG on the freezing tolerance of winter wheat depends on the sequence of pre-treatments with these two factors. When seedlings are pre-treated with GXAG a few hours before treatment with ABA, the effect is synergistic, and its impact depends on the duration of pre-treatment with GXAG. When ABA is applied first, the resultant effect on freezing tolerance is additive. The results obtained here lead to the conclusion that oligosaccharin, accumulating during the first hours of cold acclimation, functions as a partner of ABA during the initiation of freezing tolerance acquisition in winter plants. We hypothesize that GXAG increases cell receptivity to ABA signaling.  相似文献   

A study was performed to examine whether or not betaine (glycinebetaine), a compatible solute, is accumulated in response to cold stress and is involved in mechanisms that protect plants from freezing injury. For this purpose, we used near-isogenic lines of barley, with each line differing only in a single gene for the spring type of growth habit; the various lines were produced by back-crosses to a recurrent cultivar of the winter type. The winter type of growth habit requires a low temperature for triggering of flower development (vernalization), whereas the spring type does not. Betaine was accumulated to five times the basal level over the course of 3 weeks at low temperature (5 °C) in the winter-type cultivar and in a spring-sh line having the sh gene for the spring-type growth habit, but the level was only doubled in the spring-Sh3 line, which carried the Sh3 gene for the spring-type growth habit. Among near-isogenic lines of the same cultivar, the levels of betaine accumulated in leaves at low temperature were well correlated with the percentages (on a dry weight basis) of green leaves that survived freezing injury (-5 °C). This observation indicates the possibility, separate from the recognized role of betaine in the response to salinity and/or drought, that betaine accumulates in response to cold stress and that the accumulation of betaine during cold acclimation is associated to some extent with freezing tolerance in leaves of barley plants.  相似文献   

Brassica napus and B. campestris are grown in Western Canada in areas subject to unseasonable frosts. At the seedling stage, cultivars of Brassica are very sensitive to frosts of -2° to-5°C, which are either lethal or delay the development of the plant. Seedlings of B. napus and B. campestris, germinated and grown at 10°C (16-h photoperiod), were treated with a foliar spray of either 100 M racemic abscisic acid (ABA), 100 M of various ABA analogs, 0.1% acetone, or were untreated. Freeze tests indicated 2°C of frost tolerance could be gained in B. napus following an application of three ABA analogs. In B. campestris, three analogs also increased freezing tolerance approximately 1.5°C. The analogs 2,3 dihydro ABA and acetylenic divinyl methyl-ABA were effective in both species. Plant fresh weight and dry weight increased in treated plants relative to control or acetone-treated plants after 3 weeks at 10°C. The effect of frost and/or analog treatment on flowering was determined in both species. In B. campestris and B. napus, a mild frost advanced flowering by approximately 2 days compared with nonfrozen control plants. The promotive effect of frost on flowering decreased with increasing severity of the frost. Several of the analog treatments, particularly 2,3 dihydro ABA and acetylenic divinyl ABA, advanced flowering by 2–3 days in both species. The benefit of these ABA analog treatments on flowering was enhanced additionally by a mild frost. Plants treated with either ABA, 2,3 dihydro ABA, 2,3 acetylenic dihydro ABA, or acetylenic divinyl ABA flowered up to 5 days earlier than control plants.  相似文献   

Freezing tolerance is the ability of plants to survive subfreezing temperatures and is a major component of winter survival. In order to study the genetic regulation of freezing tolerance, an F2 population ofBrassica rapa and a doubled haploid population ofBrassica napus were assayedin vitro for relative freezing tolerance of acclimated and nonacclimated plants. Linkage maps developed previously were used to identify putative quantitative trait loci (QTL). Genomic regions with significant effects on freezing tolerance were not found for theB. napus population, but forB. rapa four regions were associated with acclimated freezing tolerance (FTA) and acclimation ability (FTB), and two unliked regions were associated with nonacclimated freezing tolerance (FTN). Acclimation ability was regulated by genes with very small additive effects and both positive and negative dominance effects. The allele from the winter parent at the FTN QTL had positive additive effects, but negative dominance effects. RFLP loci detected by a cold-induced and a stress-related cDNA fromArabidopsis thaliana mapped near two QTL for FTA/FTB. Further tests are needed to determine if alleles at these loci are responsible for the QTL effects we detected.  相似文献   

Changes in LT50 and carbohydrate levels in response to cold acclimation were monitored in vitro and in vivo in red raspberry ( Rubus idaeus L.) cultivars with different levels of cold hardiness. Entire micropropagated plantlets or shoot tips from 3 cultivars were harvested before, during and after cold acclimation. Cane samples from container-grown plants of 4 cultivars were harvested before and during cold acclimation and deacclimation. Samples were evaluated for cold hardiness (LT50) by controlled freezing, then analyzed for carbohydrates, including starch, sucrose, glucose, fructose and raffinose. Hardiness of cold-acclimated 'Muskoka' and 'Festival' was superior to that of 'Titan' or 'Willamette'. In vitro plantlets had higher levels of soluble carbohydrates on a dry weight basis and higher ratios of sucrose:(glucose+fructose) than the container-grown plants. Total soluble carbohydrates, primarily sucrose, accumulated during cold acclimation in both plantlets (33–56% relative increase) and plants (143–191% relative increase). Sucrose increased 124–165% in plantlets and 253–582% in container-grown plants during acclimation and declined rapidly to the level of control plants during deacclimation. Glucose and fructose also accumulated, but to a lesser extent than sucrose. Raffinose concentrations were very low, but increased significantly during cold acclimation. In vitro, genotype hardiness was related to the high concentrations of total soluble carbohydrates, sucrose and raffinose. In vivo, hardier genotypes had lower concentrations of starch than the less hardy genotypes. These results demonstrated the importance of soluble carbohydrates, especially sucrose, in cold hardening of red raspberry and that the in vitro conditions or controlled acclimation conditions do not necessarily reflect the phenomena observed in vivo.  相似文献   

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