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RNA viruses are the most common viruses of plants, and the evolution of these viruses has been studied both experimentally and phylogenetically. The basic molecular mechanisms for plant virus evolution are similar to those of other viruses, with some notable exceptions. Recent advances include new insights into the origins of plant viruses, analyses of quasispecies and mutation frequencies, population studies on field isolates and practical studies on the importance of virus evolution to agriculture.  相似文献   

Vesicular stomatitis virus has been a preferred system to study evolution for several decades. New approaches to antiviral treatment, such as lethal mutagenesis, stem from investigations done with VSV. Recent work has shed new light in the way we view neutrality, a fundamental concept to understand the evolutionary history of RNA viruses.  相似文献   

Variability and evolution of the plant RNA virus pepper mild mottle virus   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
The RNA genomes of 26 isolates of pepper mild mottle virus were compared by their RNase T1 fingerprints. Twenty-three isolates came from epidemic outbreaks in greenhouse-grown peppers in Almería (southeastern Spain) from 1983 to 1987; three other isolates, from 1980, came from Sicily (Italy) and Zaragoza (central Spain). The 26 fingerprints can be classified into 10 different types; nucleotide substitution rates show them to be very similar. Cluster and cladistic analyses group types corresponding to the Almería isolates separate from those of 1980. Intraannual and interannual nucleotide differences were estimated. An evolutionary model for pepper mild mottle virus built on these data indicates a highly stable population, maintaining its diversity through time, with a main prevailing haplotype from which closely related variants arise that do not replace it. This high stability could be due to strong functional constraints on variation, as suggested by the high proportion of invariant versus polymorphic sites in fingerprints.  相似文献   

R C Olsthoorn  N Licis    J van Duin 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(11):2660-2668
The start of the coat protein gene of RNA phage MS2 adopts a well-defined hairpin structure of 12 bp (including one mismatch) in which the start codon occupies the loop position. An earlier expression study using partial MS2 cDNA clones had indicated that the stability of this hairpin is important for gene expression. For every -1.4 kcal/mol increase in stability a 10-fold reduction in coat protein was obtained. Destabilizations beyond the wild-type value did not affect expression. These results suggested that the hairpin was tuned in the sense that it has the highest stability still compatible with maximal ribosome loading. Employing an infectious MS2 cDNA clone, we have now tested the prediction that the delta G 0 of the coat protein initiator helix is set at a precise value. We have introduced stabilizing and destabilizing mutations into this hairpin in the intact phage and monitored their evolution to viable species. By compensatory mutations, both types of mutants quickly revert along various pathways to wild-type stability, but not to wild-type sequence. As a rule the second-site mutations do not change the encoded amino acids or the Shine-Dalgarno sequence. The return of too strong hairpins to wild-type stability can be understood from the need to produce adequate supplies of coat protein. The return of unstable hairpins to wild-type stability is not self-evident and is presently not understood. The revertants provide an evolutionary landscape of slightly suboptimal phages, that were stable at least for the duration of the experiment (approximately 20 infection cycles).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Cucumber mosaic virus, a model for RNA virus evolution   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Taxonomic relationships: Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) is the type member of the Cucumovirus genus, in the family Bromoviridae . Additional members of the genus are Peanut stunt virus (PSV) and Tomato aspermy virus (TAV). The RNAs 3 of all members of the genus can be exchanged and still yield a viable virus, while the RNAs 1 and 2 can only be exchanged within a species.
Physical properties: The virus particles are about 29 nm in diameter, and are composed of 180 subunits (T = 3 icosahedral symmetry). The particles sediment with an s value of approximately 98. The virions contain 18% RNA, and are highly labile, relying on RNA–protein interactions for their integrity. The three genomic RNAs, designated RNA 1 (3.3 kb in length), RNA 2 (3.0 kb) and RNA 3 (2.2 kb) are packaged in individual particles; a subgenomic RNA, RNA 4 (1.0 kb), is packaged with the genomic RNA 3, making all the particles roughly equivalent in composition. In some strains an additional subgenomic RNA, RNA 4A is also encapsidated at low levels. The genomic RNAs are single stranded, plus sense RNAs with 5' cap structures, and 3' conserved regions that can be folded into tRNA-like structures.
Satellite RNAs: CMV can harbour molecular parasites known as satellite RNAs (satRNAs) that can dramatically alter the symptom phenotype induced by the virus. The CMV satRNAs do not encode any proteins but rely on the RNA for their biological activity.
Hosts: CMV infects over 1000 species of hosts, including members of 85 plant families, making it the broadest host range virus known. The virus is transmitted from host to host by aphid vectors, in a nonpersistent manner.
Useful web sites: http://mmtsb.scripps.edu/viper/1f15.html (structure); http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ICTVdb/ICTVdB/10040001.htm (general information)  相似文献   

Eukaryotic ribosomal RNA genes contain rapidly evolving regions of unknown function termed expansion segments. We present the comparative analysis of the primary and secondary structure of two expansion segments from the large subunit rRNA gene of ten species of Drosophila and the tsetse fly species Glossina morsitans morsitans. At the primary sequence level, most of the differences observed in the sequences obtained are single base substitutions. This is in marked contrast with observations in vertebrate species in which the insertion or deletion of repetitive motifs, probably generated by a DNA-slippage mechanism, is a major factor in the evolution of these regions. The secondary structure of the two regions, supported by multiple compensatory base changes, is highly conserved between the species examined and supports the existence of a general folding pattern for all eukaryotes. Intriguingly, the evolutionary rate of expansion segments is very slow relative to other genic and non-genic regions of the Drosophila genome. These results suggest that the evolution of expansion segments in the rDNA multigene family is a balance between the homogenization of new mutations by unequal crossing over and a combination of selection against some such mutations per se and selection for subsequent compensatory mutations, in order to maintain a particular RNA secondary structure.  相似文献   

Trace elements exert a strong influence on immune function. Debilitated humoral and cellular immune responses may impair virus clearance in infected organisms, and favor the generation of virus variants with altered biological properties. The population size in evolving viral quasispecies, as well as increased mutagenesis trigered by oxidative stress, may contribute to altering the outcome of quasispecies evolution in infected hosts. The genetic plasticity of RNA viruses is one of the main obstacles for the control of the diseases they cause and probably a major force in the emergence of new viral pathogens. Recent results suggest links between nutritional deficiencies and the generation of variant viruses, a possibility that is addressed in the present article.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity and evolution rates of delta virus RNA sequences.   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
F Imazeki  M Omata    M Ohto 《Journal of virology》1990,64(11):5594-5599
To investigate the geographical divergence of delta virus RNA sequences, 868 nucleotides (nt), including the delta antigen-coding region, were determined in isolates from two Japanese patients, M and S, by polymerase chain reaction and direct sequencing and compared with three previously reported nucleotide sequences. The sequence obtained for hepatitis delta virus RNA from patient M was approximately 92% identical to sequences previously obtained for two other strains of hepatitis delta virus, whereas the sequence of hepatitis delta virus RNA obtained from patient S was approximately 81% identical to the previously sequenced strains. This suggests that delta agent in Japan has a heterogeneous origin and the delta virus RNA sequence from Japanese patient S is the most divergent delta virus isolate yet analyzed. To study the evolution rate of delta virus RNA, viral isolates obtained 3 and 4 years apart from each of two patients were also sequenced. It was estimated that the substitution rate of viral RNA was 0.57 x 10(-3) nt per site per year in patient M and 0.64 x 10(-3) nt per site per year in patient S for the delta antigen gene.  相似文献   

Identification of virulence determinants of viruses is of critical importance in virology. In search of such determinants, virologists traditionally utilize comparative genomics between a virulent and an avirulent virus strain and construct chimeras to map their locations. Subsequent comparison reveals sequence differences, and through analyses of site-directed mutants, key residues are identified. In the absence of a naturally occurring virulent strain, an avirulent strain can be functionally converted to a virulent variant via an experimental evolutionary approach. However, the concern remains whether experimentally evolved virulence determinants mimic those that have evolved naturally. To provide a direct comparison, we exploited a plant RNA virus, soybean mosaic virus (SMV), and its natural host, soybean. Through a serial in vivo passage experiment, the molecularly cloned genome of an avirulent SMV strain was converted to virulent variants on functionally immune soybean genotypes harboring resistance factor(s) from the complex Rsv1 locus. Several of the experimentally evolved virulence determinants were identical to those discovered through a comparative genomic approach with a naturally evolved virulent strain. Thus, our observations validate an experimental evolutionary approach to identify relevant virulence determinants of an RNA virus.  相似文献   

The information content of a non-enzymatic self-replicator is limited by Eigen's error threshold. Presumably, enzymatic replication can maintain higher complexity, but in a competitive environment such a replicator is faced with two problems related to its twofold role as enzyme and substrate: as enzyme, it should replicate itself rather than wastefully copy non-functional substrates, and as substrate it should preferably be replicated by superior enzymes instead of less-efficient mutants. Because specific recognition can enforce these propensities, we thoroughly analyze an idealized quasispecies model for enzymatic replication, with replication rates that are either a decreasing (self-specific) or increasing (cross-specific) function of the Hamming distance between the recognition or “tag” sequences of enzyme and substrate. We find that very weak self-specificity suffices to localize a population about a master sequence and thus to preserve its information, while simultaneous localization about complementary sequences in the cross-specific case is more challenging. A surprising result is that stronger specificity constraints allow longer recognition sequences, because the populations are better localized. Extrapolating from experimental data, we obtain rough quantitative estimates for the maximal length of the recognition or tag sequence that can be used to reliably discriminate appropriate and infeasible enzymes and substrates, respectively.  相似文献   

Viruses are fast evolving pathogens that continuously adapt to the highly variable environments they live and reproduce in. Strategies devoted to inhibit virus replication and to control their spread among hosts need to cope with these extremely heterogeneous populations and with their potential to avoid medical interventions. Computational techniques such as phylogenetic methods have broadened our picture of viral evolution both in time and space, and mathematical modeling has contributed substantially to our progress in unraveling the dynamics of virus replication, fitness, and virulence. Integration of multiple computational and mathematical approaches with experimental data can help to predict the behavior of viral pathogens and to anticipate their escape dynamics. This piece of information plays a critical role in some aspects of vaccine development, such as viral strain selection for vaccinations or rational attenuation of viruses. Here we review several aspects of viral evolution that can be addressed quantitatively, and we discuss computational methods that have the potential to improve vaccine design.  相似文献   

Compositional constraints and genome evolution   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  

P E Turner  L Chao 《Genetics》1998,150(2):523-532
Sex allows beneficial mutations that occur in separate lineages to be fixed in the same genome. For this reason, the Fisher-Muller model predicts that adaptation to the environment is more rapid in a large sexual population than in an equally large asexual population. Sexual reproduction occurs in populations of the RNA virus phi6 when multiple bacteriophages coinfect the same host cell. Here, we tested the model''s predictions by determining whether sex favors more rapid adaptation of phi6 to a bacterial host, Pseudomonas phaseolicola. Replicate populations of phi6 were allowed to evolve in either the presence or absence of sex for 250 generations. All experimental populations showed a significant increase in fitness relative to the ancestor, but sex did not increase the rate of adaptation. Rather, we found that the sexual and asexual treatments also differ because intense intrahost competition between viruses occurs during coinfection. Results showed that the derived sexual viruses were selectively favored only when coinfection is common, indicating that within-host competition detracts from the ability of viruses to exploit the host. Thus, sex was not advantageous because the cost created by intrahost competition was too strong. Our findings indicate that high levels of coinfection exceed an optimum where sex may be beneficial to populations of phi6, and suggest that genetic conflicts can evolve in RNA viruses.  相似文献   

There have been substantial improvements in statistical tools for assessing the evolutionary roles of mutation and natural selection from interspecific sequence data. The importance of having the rate at which a point mutation occurs depend on the DNA sequence at sites surrounding the mutation is now better appreciated and can be accommodated in probabilistic models of protein evolution. To quantify the evolutionary impact of some aspect of phenotype, one promising strategy is to develop a system for predicting phenotype from the DNA sequence and to then infer how the evolutionary rates of sequence change are affected by the predicted phenotypic consequences of the changes. Although statistical tools for characterizing protein evolution are improving, the list of candidate phenomena that can affect rates of protein evolution is long and the relative contributions of these phenomena are only beginning to be disentangled.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) coat protein disk suggests a possible pathway for the early evolution of the virus self-assembly mechanism.The coat protein contains a 2-fold repeated structural pattern in the folding of both its four alpha helices (A,B,C,D), which run alternately forward and back along the radius of the disk, and the four-stranded antiparallel pleated sheet which links these helices to the hydrophobic girdle at the outer rim of the disk. Helices A and B can be approximately superposed on C and D by a screw rotation about a molecular pseudo-dyad axis which lies nearly parallel to the plane of the protein disk. This operation relates 29 pairs of α-carbon positions with a root-mean-square deviation of 1.77 Å. A second pseudo-dyad in the pleated-sheet region relates 14 more atom pairs with a deviation of 2.32 Å and forms a distorted continuation of the relationship between the helices. The helix dyad also relates repeated pairs of functionally important amino acids which take part in intersubunit contacts.We have analysed these structural repeats and tested their significance by comparing them with repeats in other “helix quartet” proteins, cytochrome b5 and the hemerythrins, as well as with an irregular helix cluster in thermolysin. TMV is noticeably more repetitive than the others, including hemerythrin which is thought to have evolved by gene duplication.We propose that the primitive TMV coat protein was a dimeric structure of two smaller units paired about a 2-fold axis. Each unit was a pair of helices, linked at the inner radius of the virus rod by a short bend, where the RNA binding site formed, and connected at the outer radius by two short strands of beta sheet. A tandem gene duplication joined the two units and formed the present helix quartet. The flexible loop which now runs into the centre of the virus and connects helix C to helix D developed later. The assembly origin RNA may have evolved from part of the coat protein RNA which codes for this loop.  相似文献   

To address the evolution of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) within a single host, we analyzed the HIV-1 C2-V5 env regions of both cell-free genomic-RNA- and proviral-DNA-derived clones. Sequential samples were collected over a period of 3 years from six untreated subjects (three typical progressors [TPs] and three slow progressors [SPs], all with a comparable length of infection except one. The evolutionary analysis of the C2-V5 env sequences performed on 506 molecular clones (253 RNA- and 253 DNA-derived sequences) highlighted a series of differences between TPs and SPs. In particular, (i) clonal sequences from SPs (DNA and RNA) showed lower nucleotide similarity than those from TPs (P = 0. 0001), (ii) DNA clones from SPs showed higher intra- and intersample nucleotide divergence than those from TPs (P < 0.05), (iii) higher host-selective pressure was generally detectable in SPs (DNA and RNA sequences), and (iv) the increase in the genetic distance of DNA and RNA sequences over time was paralleled by an increase in both synonymous (Ks) and nonsynonymous (Ka) substitutions in TPs but only in nonsynonymous substitutions in SPs. Several individual peculiarities of the HIV-1 evolutionary dynamics emerged when the V3, V4, and V5 env regions of both TPs and SPs were evaluated separately. These peculiarities, probably reflecting host-specific features of selective constraints and their continuous modulation, are documented by the dynamics of Ka/Ks ratios of hypervariable env domains.  相似文献   

Pantaleo V  Burgyán J 《Journal of virology》2008,82(23):11851-11858
Cymbidium ringspot virus (CymRSV) satellite RNA (satRNA) is a parasitic subviral RNA replicon that replicates and accumulates at the cost of its helper virus. This 621-nucleotide (nt) satRNA species has no sequence similarity to the helper virus, except for a 51-nt-long region termed the helper-satellite homology (HSH) region, which is essential for satRNA replication. We show that the accumulation of satRNA strongly depends on temperature and on the presence of the helper virus p19 silencing suppressor protein, suggesting that RNA silencing plays a crucial role in satRNA accumulation. We also demonstrate that another member of the Tombusvirus genus, Carnation Italian ringspot virus (CIRV), supports satRNA accumulation at a higher level than CymRSV. Our results suggest that short interfering RNA (siRNA) derived from CymRSV targets satRNA more efficiently than siRNA from CIRV, possibly because of the higher sequence similarity between the HSH regions of the helper and CIRV satRNAs. RNA silencing sensor RNA carrying the putative satRNA target site in the HSH region was efficiently cleaved when transiently expressed in CymRSV-infected plants but not in CIRV-infected plants. Strikingly, replacing the CymRSV HSH box2 sequence with that of CIRV restores satRNA accumulation both at 24°C and in the absence of the p19 suppressor protein. These findings demonstrate the extraordinary adaptation of this virus to its host in terms of harnessing the antiviral silencing response of the plant to control the virus parasite satRNA.  相似文献   

RNA virus genomes are compact, often containing multiple overlapping reading frames and functional secondary structure. Consequently, it is thought that evolutionary interactions between nucleotide sites are commonplace in the genomes of these infectious agents. However, the role of epistasis in natural populations of RNA viruses remains unclear. To investigate the pervasiveness of epistasis in RNA viruses, we used a parsimony-based computational method to identify pairs of co-occurring mutations along phylogenies of 177 RNA virus genes. This analysis revealed widespread evidence for positive epistatic interactions at both synonymous and nonsynonymous nucleotide sites and in both clonal and recombining viruses, with the majority of these interactions spanning very short sequence regions. These findings have important implications for understanding the key aspects of RNA virus evolution, including the dynamics of adaptation. Additionally, many comparative analyses that utilize the phylogenetic relationships among gene sequences assume that mutations represent independent, uncorrelated events. Our results show that this assumption may often be invalid.  相似文献   

Earth's early history may have been characterized by coevolution of microbial metabolism and atmospheric composition. Metabolic developments affected the composition of the atmosphere and the resultant changes in the atmosphere stimulated the evolution of new metabolic capabilities.The first organisms were presumably fermenting heterotrophs, exploiting organic molecules abiotically synthesized. These organisms multiplied, developing new biosynthetic capabilities to overcome deficiencies in the abiotic supply of particular compounds, until their growth was limited by the energy source provided by abiotic synthesis of fermentable organic compounds. Further growth required a new energy source, which may have been the chemical energy represented by the mixture of carbon dioxide and hydrogen in the primitive atmosphere. Chemotrophic organisms resembling methane bacteria may have evolved to exploit this source. They would have flourished, along with the heterotrophs that fed on them, until they had decreased the level of atmospheric hydrogen to the point where further extraction of chemical energy from the atmosphere was not possible. Once again, the expansion of life was limited by the availability of energy.The origin of bacterial photosynthesis overcame the second energy crisis. Photosynthetic bacteria could exploit the abundant energy of sunlight while using atmospheric hydrogen and reduced compounds derived from it only as electron donors. Life flourished again, drawing atmospheric hydrogen (replenished only by volcanoes) down to levels so low as to limit even bacterial photosynthesis. Before the full potential of photosynthesis could be exploited the evolution of the metabolic apparatus to process an electron donor of unlimited abundance was necessary. This donor, of course, was water, and the new metabolic process was algal photosynthesis. The oxygen released changed the world from anaerobic to aerobic and made possible the last great advance in energy-yielding metabolism, aerobic respiration.Proceedings of the Fourth College Park Colloquium on Chemical Evolution:Limits of Life, University of Maryland, College Park, 18–20 October 1978.  相似文献   

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