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Conventional agarose gel electrophoresis separates DNA using a static electric field. The maximum size limit for separation of DNA by this method is about 20 kilobase pairs (kb). A number of new electrophoretic techniques which employ periodic reorientation of electric fields permit separation of DNA well beyond this size limit. We sought to determine whether the use of very fast (millisecond) field switching could improve separation of DNA in the size range of 1 to 50 kb. Additionally, we have compared the resolution obtained with each of the different field switching regimens for DNA in this size range. Switching intervals of from 0.2 to 900 ms were used with unidirectional pulsing of a single electric field, with pulsed field gels, and with field inversion gel electrophoresis. Plotting the mobility of DNA as a function of size demonstrates that under the conditions used, each of these techniques offers comparable resolution. We also have examined the separation obtained when field inversion gels are run with forward and reverse fields of equal voltage and different durations, versus using fields of equal duration and different voltages. Field inversion which uses forward and reverse fields of different voltages yields resolution which is superior to the other methods examined.  相似文献   

The Schwartz and Cantor technique for releasing and fractionating megabase-sized DNA from agarose-embedded cells is beginning to bridge the gap in resoluation between classical genetics and current molecular DNA techniques, particularly in mammalian systems. As yet no conditions have been described for preparing plant DNA that is of sufficient length to allow similar long-range restriction mapping experiments in plant systems. In this report, we describe the application of the Schwartz and Cantor technique for preparing high molecular weight DNA from embedded tomato leaf protoplasts, as well as conditions for generating and fractionating large restriction fragments, by field inversion gel electrophoresis (FIGE). The bulk of DNA released from lysed protoplasts was at least 2 Mb in size and amenable to restriction digestion as shown by hybridizing Southern blots with, among others, a probe for the Adh-2 gene of tomato. Restriction fragments as large as 700 kb were detected. Chloroplast DNA is isolated intact, amenable to restriction analysis and, in its native form, not mobile in FIGE.  相似文献   

Pulse field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) was utilised to compare the genomes of 16 Streptococcus thermophilus cultures from yoghurt, cheese, laban and dahi after digestion with the restriction endonucleases, SfiI, SmaI and BssHII. PFGE profiles could be used for strain identification and were also useful in predicting relatedness of certain strains. Genetic variations between specific morphotypes of a highly proteolytic culture were not detectable by PFGE in this study. Statistical analysis of SmaI restriction patterns enabled the clustering of strains into two groups which corresponded with biochemical properties of the strains examined and suggested that PFGE profiles could be useful in predicting biochemical characteristics.  相似文献   

DNA fragmentation of 50 kb is observed in apoptotic human lymphocytes as measured with pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Standard PFGE assay involves embedding of cells into agarose blocks followed by lysis in the presence of proteinase K. In this study, we modified the PFGE protocol by omitting the proteinase K. In this study, we modified the PFGE assay by omitting the proteinase K and changing lysis solution according to the method of anomalous viscosity time dependence (AVTD). The conditions of PFGE were adjusted aiming to compress apoptotic fragments, increasing sensitivity and the number of samples that could be loaded on the same gel. Lymphocytes were irradiated with gamma-rays and apoptotic fragmentation of DNA was determined by PFGE using standard lysis with proteinase K and lysis protocol from AVTD method. Both protocols of lysis resulted in the same pattern of DNA fragments. The yield of radiation-induced apoptotic fragmentation was higher with the AVTD protocol of lysis. The novel PFGE protocol is simple and relatively non-expensive, requires only 7 h running time and gives a possibility to analyse simultaneously up to 69 samples in the same gel. The sensitivity of our protocol provides reproducible detection of 50 kb fragmentation after irradiation of human lymphocytes with 5 cGy of gamma-rays. In 2 of 6 donors tested, this DNA fragmentation was detected at dose on 2 cGy. The novel protocol can be used for quantification of 50 kb apoptotic fragments induced by different agents including low dose ionising radiations, chemicals and electromagnetic fields.  相似文献   

Several regression methods were tested for estimating the sizes of a wide range of plasmids (1.37-312 MDa) and restriction fragments (2.2-14.2 MDa) by agarose gel electrophoresis. The most accurate and least variable method was the multiple regression of log10 molecular size against log10 relative mobility and the reciprocal square root of the relative mobility. This method gave a good fit to all the data with low percentage errors of the molecular size estimates (less than or equal to 3.0 +/- 1.5%). It is suggested that with this method the molecular size of unknown plasmids can be accurately estimated using the plasmids from Escherichia coli V517 and E. coli IR713 as standards.  相似文献   

A vertical gel electrophoresis apparatus is described which can distinguish DNA fragments differing by single base pair substitutions. The system employs a homogenous polyacrylamide gel containing urea-formamide and a temperature gradient which runs either perpendicular or parallel to the direction of electrophoresis. The temperature-gradient system simplifies several features of the denaturant-gradient system (1) and is relatively inexpensive to construct. Eight homologous 373 bp DNAs differing by one, two, or nine base pair substitutions were examined. DNA electrophoretic mobility changed abruptly with the temperature induced unwinding of DNA domains. GC to AT substitutions at different locations within the first melting domain, as well as an AT to TA transversion were separated with temperature gradients parallel to the electrophoretic direction. The relative stabilities of the DNAs observed in the gels were compared to predictions of DNA melting theory. General agreement was observed however complete correspondence was not obtained.  相似文献   

S B Smith  C Heller  C Bustamante 《Biochemistry》1991,30(21):5264-5274
A model is presented for the motion of individual molecules of DNA undergoing pulse field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). The molecule is represented by a chain of charged beads connected by entropic springs, and the gel is represented by a segmented tube surrounding the beads. This model differs from earlier reptation/tube models in that the tube is allowed to leak in certain places and the chain can double over and flow out of the side of the tube in kinks. It is found that these kinks often lead to the formation of U shapes, which are a major source of retardation in PFGE. The results of computer simulations using this model are compared with real DNA experimental results for the following cases: steady field motion as seen in fluorescence microscopy, mobility in steady fields, mobility in transverse field alternation gel electrophoresis (TFAGE), mobility in field inversion gel electrophoresis (FIGE), and linear dichroism (LD) of DNA in agarose gels during PFGE. Good agreement between the simulations and the experimental results is obtained.  相似文献   

Ribosomal RNA and precursor ribosomal RNA from at least one representative of each vertebrate class have been analyzed by electron microscopic secondary structure mapping. Reproducible patterns of hairpin loops were found in both 28 S ribosomal and precursor ribosomal RNA, whereas almost all the 18 S ribosomal RNA molecules lack secondary structure under the spreading conditions used. The precursor ribosomal RNA of all species analyzed have a common design. The 28 S ribosomal RNA is located at or near the presumed 5′-end and is separated from the 18 S ribosomal RNA region by the internal spacer region. In addition there is an external spacer region at the 3′-end of all precursor ribosomal RNA molecules. Changes in the length of these spacer regions are mainly responsible for the increase in size of the precursor ribosomal RNA during vertebrate evolution. In cold blooded vertebrates the precursor contains two short spacer regions; in birds the precursor bears a long internal and a short external spacer region, and in mammals it has two long spacer regions. The molecular weights, as determined from the electron micrographs, are 2·6 to 2·8 × 106 for the precursor ribosomal RNA of cold blooded vertebrates, 3·7 to 3·9 × 106 for the precursor of birds, and 4·2 to 4·7 × 106 for the mammalian precursor. Ribosomal RNA and precursor ribosomal RNA of mammals have a higher proportion of secondary structure loops when compared to lower vertebrates. This observation was confirmed by digesting ribosomal RNAs and precursor ribosomal RNAs with single-strandspecific S1 nuclease in aqueous solution. Analysis of the double-stranded, S1-resistant fragments indicates that there is a direct relationship between the hairpin loops seen in the electron microscope and secondary structure in aqueous solution.  相似文献   

A computer program was developed to automate the selection of DNA fragments for detecting mutations within a long DNA sequence by denaturing gel electrophoresis methods. The program, MELTSCAN, scans through a user specified DNA sequence calculating the melting behavior of overlapping DNA fragments covering the sequence. Melting characteristics of the fragments are analyzed to determine the best fragment for detecting mutations at each base pair position in the sequence. The calculation also determines the optimal fragment for detecting mutations within a user specified mutational hot spot region. The program is built around the statistical mechanical model of the DNA melting transition. The optimal fragment for a given position is selected using the criteria that its melting curve has at least two steps, the base pair position is in the fragment's lowest melting domain, and the melting domain has the smallest number of base pairs among fragments that meet the first two criteria. The program predicted fragments for detecting mutations in the cDNA and genomic DNA of the human p53 gene.  相似文献   

Modifications have been made to standard pulse field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) systems to enable very large DNA molecules to be resolved. The single most important modification was to elevate the temperature of electrophoresis to 35 degrees C. This enabled the largest Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome to be reproducibly resolved. More impressively, it enabled the DNA of Candida albicans to be clearly resolved into six bands, a feat which was very difficult at lower temperatures. Even so, optimal resolution could only be obtained by carefully adjusting field voltages and switching times. The DNA from the two largest C. albicans chromosomes, which was estimated to be at least 5-10Mbp in size, ran somewhat anomalously, giving fuzzy bands which did not migrate in the direction of the average electric field. That the highest molecular weight band was a distinct chromosome was demonstrated by specific hybridisation to the C. albicans ADE2 gene probe. With further fine tuning, the PFGE system described here should be capable of resolving DNA from the smallest human chromosomes.  相似文献   

Leptospirosis is a public health problem. Infection with pathogenic Leptospira occurs by exposure to many environments and is traditionally associated with occupational risk activities. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis was used to investigate the epidemiological relatedness among Leptospira isolates. However, analysis by PFGE yielded inconclusive data as a result of extensive DNA degradation. This degradation can be significantly reduced by the inclusion of thiourea in the electrophoresis buffer, improving the analysis of DNA banding patterns.  相似文献   

Pulse field gel electrophoresis mapping is an important techniquefor characterizing large segments of DNA and constructing long-rangerestriction maps. We have developed a tool, PFGE MAPPER, toaid in the construction of pulse field electrophoresis gel maps.This tool helps construct pulse field gel maps from single anddouble digest experiments visualized by hybridization with singlecopy probes. The program is written in Think C and runs on Macintoshcomputers. An intuitive interface allows the user to interactivelymodify fragment sizes or errors, select fragments for analysisand recalculate the maps. Maps can be printed or saved for laterviewing. After constructing and saving several maps in a region,PFGE MAPPER can be used to refine and extend the overall mapby merging individual maps. This tool should be useful for constructinglong-range restriction maps of genomic DNA and yeast artificialchromosomes.  相似文献   

DNA fragments containing mispaired and modified bases, bulges, lesions and specific sequences have altered conformation. Methods for separating complex samples of DNA fragments based on conformation but independent of length have many applications, including (i) separation of mismatched or unmatched DNA fragments from those perfectly matched; (ii) simultaneous, diagnostic, mismatch scanning of multiple fragments; (iii) isolation of damaged DNA fragments from undamaged fragments; and (iv) estimation of reannealing efficiency of complex DNA samples. We developed a two-dimensional conformation-dependent electrophoresis (2D-CDE) method for separating DNA fragments based on length and conformation in the first dimension and only on length in the second dimension. Differences in migration velocity due to conformation were minimized during second dimension electrophoresis by introducing an intercalator. To test the method, we constructed 298 bp DNA fragments containing cytosine bulges ranging from 1 to 5 nt. Bulge-containing DNA fragments had reduced migration velocity in the first dimension due to altered conformation. After 2D-CDE, bulge-containing DNA fragments had migrated in front of an arc comprising heterogeneous fragments with regular conformation. This simple and robust method could be used in both analytical and preparative applications involving complex DNA samples.  相似文献   

The effect of DNA concentration on pulsed field gel electrophoretic mobility was studied for human genomic DNA prepared in agarose inserts at 8-800 micrograms/ml and digested to completion with Not I. An eighth of each 100 microliter insert was used to produce DNA loads of 0.1 to 10 micrograms per lane. The mobility of single copy restriction fragments, as detected by hybridization, was largely concentration independent when DNA concentrations were 80 micrograms/ml or less. However, at DNA concentrations of 200 micrograms/ml and greater, dramatic effects of DNA concentration are evident. In the worst case, at 800 micrograms/ml, the apparent size of a DNA fragment is almost 2.5 times its true size. At constant DNA concentrations, increasing the DNA mass loads by loading larger insert slices had no further effect on DNA electrophoretic mobility, although the bands were broader for bigger insert slices. Thus, for precise and accurate sizing in pulsed field gel electrophoresis the DNA concentration in agarose inserts should not be greater than 80 micrograms/ml (10(7) diploid human cells/ml agarose insert).  相似文献   

Isolation of DNA fragments from agarose gel by centrifugation.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

The gel electrophoretic permutation assays of DNA fragments experimentally investigated by different authors were theoretically reproduced using our theoretical model of sequence-dependent curvature. The general pattern of agreement obtained suggests that our method can be usefully adopted as an alternative to the experimental assay, in particular where the lack of a sufficient number of unique restriction sites in the fragment prevents the correct localization of the main bend site.  相似文献   

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