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Effect of rootstock on apple (Malus domestica) tree water relations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of rootstock on mid-season water relations, under orchard conditions of non-limiting soil moisture, were determined for bearing 'Empire' apple trees ( Malus domestica Borkh.) on the clonal rootstocks M9, M26, M7, MM106, and MM104 (most to least dwarfing) in their sixth and seventh growing seasons. Stem water potentials (ψstem) of trees on M9 and M26 were more negative at midday, under warm, sunny conditions, than were the trees on the other three rootstocks. However, change in ψstem per change in stem distance through the canopy (water potential gradient) did not vary among rootstocks at midday. There was no rootstock effect on diurnal variation in transpiration or stomatal conductance. Differences in water storage capacitance, relative to tree size, were determined in a separate study but did not account for the differences observed in ψstem. Calculated hydraulic conductivities of xylem water transport suggest that rootstocks differ in their ability to conduct water to the scion, but hydraulic conductivity of the scion was not affected by rootstock. Root-stock differences in hydraulic conductivity were not accounted for by differences in tree size.  相似文献   

The root system of permanent grasslands is of outstanding importance for resource acquisition. Particularly under semi-arid conditions, the acquisition of water and nutrients is highly variable during the vegetation growth period and between years. Additionally, grazing is repeatedly disturbing the functional equilibrium between the root system and the transpiring leaf canopy. However, very few data is available considering grazing effects on belowground net primary productivity (BNPP) and root-shoot dry mass allocation in natural grassland systems. We hypothesise that grazing significantly reduces BNPP due to carbon reallocation to shoot growth. Root biomass and BNPP were estimated by soil coring in 2004, 2005 and 2006 and from ingrowth cores in 2005 and 2006 at one site which has been protected from grazing since 1979 (UG79), at one winter grazing (WG), and one heavily grazed (HG) site. BNPP was estimated from the summation of significant increments of total and live root biomass and from accumulated root biomass of ingrowth cores. Belowground biomass varied from 1,490–2,670 g m?2 and was significantly lower under heavy grazing than at site UG79. Root turnover varied from 0.23 to 0.33 year?1 and was not significantly different between sites. Heavy grazing significantly decreased live root biomass and BNPP compared to site UG79. Taking BNPP estimates from live root biomass dynamics and ingrowth cores as the most reliable values, the portion of dry mass allocated belowground relative to total net primary productivity (BNPP/NPP) varied between 0.50–0.66 and was reduced under heavy grazing in 2005, but not in 2006. The positive correlation between cumulative root length density of ingrowth cores and leaf dry matter suggests that the ingrowth core method is suitable for studying BNPP in this semi-arid steppe system. Grazing effects on BNPP and BNPP/NPP should be considered in regional carbon models and estimates of belowground nutrient cycling.  相似文献   

In order to identify potential biochemical markers that can be used as indicators for phase change, the dynamics of polyphenolic compounds across apple seedlings (Malus domestica, Jonathan x Golden Delicious) were analyzed in this study by high performance liquid chromatography. Precocious flowering was induced by foliar sprays of plant growth regulators. Qualitative changes in the concentration of polyphenols were observed at node nos. 50, 80 and 120. Spontaneous and induced flowering was found at node nos. 122 and 77. It was reasonable to conclude that node no. 77 represented the point of transition between the juvenile phase and the adult vegetative phase, which was marked by the presence of phloridzin in the buds. The disappearance of myricitrin in the bark and the absence of caffeic acid in the aboveground tissues were qualitative markers of the reproductive phase, which was reached at node no. 122.  相似文献   

The contribution of N remobilization to the seasonal growth of field-grown Malus domestica (apple) trees was measured using two different techniques. 'Fuji' trees grafted on M.9 apple rootstocks were planted in the field and fertilized and irrigated for two growing seasons. During the second year, the trees received 15N-labelled fertilizer and destructive harvests were taken during the spring and summer to determine the pattern of N remobilization and uptake. At the same time, patterns of N translocation in the xylem were measured by sampling saps at each harvest and analysing them for their constituent amino acids and amides. Total water flux through the trunk xylem was also measured throughout the sampling period using the heat balance technique. The flux of amino compounds in the xylem was then calculated to see if this approach could quantify remobilization. Most of the N for leaf growth was provided by remobilization, which lasted for some 40 d following bud-burst. The labelled N was not taken up until 14 d after remobilization had started. The predominant amino compounds recovered in the xylem were Asn, Asp, Arg, and Gln, whose concentration peaked during remobilization, except for Arg whose concentration was highest at bud-break and declined thereafter. The amount of N translocated in the xylem as Asn, Asp and Gln correlated well with the amount of N remobilized (as measured by the recovery of unlabelled N in the new above-ground growth). The data suggest that Arg is translocated predominantly as a consequence of root uptake and they are discussed in relation to measuring N remobilization in field-grown trees.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Global change will likely express itself in southwestern United States arid lands through changes in amounts and timing of precipitation in response to elevated CO2 concentrations. In addition, increased nitrogen (N) deposition may occur due to increased urban development. This study addressed the effects of water and N availability on C allocation in arid land soil-plant systems.


Columns filled with Mojave Desert topsoil containing Larrea tridentata seedlings with two treatment levels each of N and soil moisture were labeled by exposure to 13C-enriched CO2.


Increased soil moisture increased plant biomass, total 13C uptake, 13C levels in leaves, soil organic matter, and soil respiration, decreased relative C allocation to stems but increased allocation to soil organic matter. Increased soil N availability increased N uptake but decreased C allocation to soil respiration presumably due to decreased substrate supply for microbes. There was no detectable label in carbonate C, suggesting that this pool does not significantly contribute to ecosystem C fluxes.


Our study indicates that increased water availability causes increased C uptake with increased C allocation to soil organic matter in Larrea tridentata-dominated communities while increased N deposition will have a minimal impact on C sequestration.  相似文献   

Carotenoid accumulation confers distinct colouration to plant tissues, with effects on plant response to light and as well as health benefits for consumers of plant products. The carotenoid pathway is controlled by flux of metabolites, rate-limiting enzyme steps, feed-back inhibition, and the strength of sink organelles, the plastids, in the cell. In apple (Malus × domestica Borkh), fruit carotenoid concentrations are low in comparison with those in other fruit species. The apple fruit flesh, in particular, begins development with high amounts of chlorophylls and carotenoids, but in all commercial cultivars a large proportion of this is lost by fruit maturity. To understand the control of carotenoid concentrations in apple fruit, metabolic and gene expression analysis of the carotenoid pathway were measured in genotypes with varying flesh and skin colour. Considerable variation in both carotenoid concentrations and compound profile was observed between tissues and genotypes, with carotenes and xanthophylls being found only in fruit accumulating high carotenoid concentrations. The study identified potential rate-limiting steps in carotenogenesis, which suggested that the expression of ZISO, CRTISO, and LCY-ε, in particular, were significant in predicting final carotenoid accumulation in mature apple fruit.  相似文献   

In this study, stylar proteins of apple (Malus x domestica) which correlate with known intervarietal incompatibility relationships and have similar characteristics to the S-glycoproteins of Japanese pear (Pyrus serotina) were surveyed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE). Varietal differences were detected in a group of glycoproteins having Mrs and pIs similar to those of the S-glycoproteins of Japanese pear. 2D-PAGE profiles of these glycoproteins were correlated with intervarietal incompatibility relationships. These glycoproteins reacted with antiserum raised against the S 4-glycoprotein of Japanese pear, a result suggesting that they may be the products of S-alleles in styles of apple. On the basis of the profiles of the putative S-glycoproteins, S-genotypes were proposed for each of the apple cultivars examined.  相似文献   

A ribonuclease inhibitory activity was detected in the fruits of common apple, Malus x domestica, cv. Fuji, and purified by affinity chromatography on ribonuclease A-Sepharose. It inhibited hydrolysis of cyclic-2':3'-CMP by bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A with an apparent inhibition constant of about 5 x 10(-8) M. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry of the purified protein gave two peaks corresponding to the mass numbers of 55,658 and 62,839, while three bands of 43-, 34-, and 21-kDa were detected by SDS-PAGE. These results suggested that the inhibitor preparation was a mixture of two proteins comprised of 43- and 21-kDa subunits or of 34- and 21-kDa subunits. Attempts to separate these two proteins were unsuccessful. Amino acid composition and N-terminal amino acid sequence of these subunits were also identified and N-terminal sequences showed some similarity to that of cottonseed storage globulin. The significance of the presence of ribonuclease inhibitors in apple fruits is not clear, but it might allow some speculation about their possible involvement in the control of the self-incompatibility ribonuclease of Rosaceae plants.  相似文献   

Screening of an apple genomic library with (GA)15 and (GT)15 probes demonstrated that these repeats are abundant, occurring about every 120 and 190 kb, respectively. Microsatellites isolated from a small insert library enriched for (GA) repeats contained numbers of repeats ranging from 7 to 39. Primers to these microsatellite loci were able to direct the amplification of the repeats in 21 different cultivars. The majority of markers were highly polymorphic, diploid, and showed simple Mendelian inheritance, although about 25% of markers generated complex banding patterns consistent with the amplification of more than one locus. As few as three microsatellite markers were sufficient to differentiate between all 21 cultivars. Received: 20 February 1996 / Accepted: 24 May 1996  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: While there is now a significant body of research correlating apple (Malus x domestica) fruit softening with the cell wall hydrolase ENDO-POLYGALACTURONASE1 (PG1), there is currently no direct evidence of its function. This study examined the effect of down regulation of PG1 expression in 'Royal Gala' apples, a cultivar that typically has high levels of PG1, and softens during fruit ripening. RESULTS: PG1-suppressed 'Royal Gala' apples harvested from multiple seasons were firmer than controls after ripening, and intercellular adhesion was higher. Cell wall analyses indicated changes in yield and composition of pectin, and a higher molecular weight distribution of CDTA-soluble pectin. Structural analyses revealed more ruptured cells and free juice in pulled apart sections, suggesting improved integrity of intercellular connections and consequent cell rupture due to failure of the primary cell walls under stress. PG1-suppression also had reduced expansion of cells in the hypodermis of ripe apples, resulting in more densely packed cells in this layer. This change in morphology appears to be linked with reduced transpirational water loss in the fruit. CONCLUSIONS: These findings confirm PG1's role in apple fruit softening and suggests that this is achieved in part by reducing cellular adhesion. This is consistent with previous studies in shown in strawberry but not in tomato. In apple PG1 also appears influence other fruit texture characters such as juiciness and water loss.  相似文献   

Little is known about the effects of cover crops on soil properties in organic orchards. To fill this gap, this work aimed at examining the effects of several cover crops on soil fertility, nitrate dynamics, populations of nematodes and tree performance in an organic orchard of apple cv. Royal Gala/EM 26 planted in 1994 at 4 × 2 m. In 1999 the following treatments were randomly applied to the inter-row spaces of 20 tree rows each: permanent cover of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) plus fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schribn.), Alfalfa/fescue (AF); permanent cover of strawberry clover (Trifolium fragiferum L.), Strawberry clover (SC); seeding of common vetch (Vicia sativa L.), Vetch (V); and Control (C) (natural vegetation of grasses and legumes with the soil disked twice in late winter, which is the traditional management system used by growers in this region). The cover crops were mowed 3 or 4 times during the growing season and the clippings were left on the ground for decomposition. The trial was conducted in the northern Patagonia region of Argentina in a sandy loam soil with a pH of 7.6 and initial organic matter content of 1.5%. A commercially available certified organic fertilizer containing 5% total N, 2% total P and 4% total K was added annually at a rate of 1.0 kg per tree in equal amounts to each treatment in a radius of 0.4 m around the trunk. After 6 years, soil organic matter in the top soil was 31, 27.9, 23 and 18.6 g kg−1 for SC, AF, V and C treatments, respectively. Total soil N followed the same trend. Apple leaf N declined steadily in all treatments especially in AF and C from year 3 to 5 with values below 1.8% and it was therefore necessary to increase the rate of organic fertilizer. Nitrate concentrations remained under 7.5 mg kg−1 during the winter months in all treatments and increased in spring and summer. A sharp increase in soil nitrate, up to 100 ppm, was observed in late spring in V due to rapid biomass decomposition after maturation of the common vetch. Populations of nematodes especially bacterivores and herbivores increased from September (late winter) to March (fall) in the V treatment. Significant differences were observed when we compared the effects of treatments on the entire nematode population. Tree growth as measured by trunk cross sectional area and canopy volume was significantly lower in the C treatment. Apple yield was also lower in the C treatment in years 5 and 6 while no differences were found among the seeded cover crops. Thus, our soil management treatments did affect soil properties, tree growth and yield. Disking is not a recommended practice because it may decrease the concentration of soil organic matter and leads to poor tree vigor that corresponds to low fruit bearing potential. However, even with the use of permanent cover crops the addition of organic fertilizers is needed in order to sustain yield and tree vigor.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Carbon (C) cycling in terrestrial ecosystems is influenced by the distribution of photo-assimilated C in the plant-soil system. Photo-assimilated C allocation in a wheat cropping system was examined to identify the links between soil fertility, C partitioning and soil C sequestration.


A pulse labelling experiment was conducted where 14CO2 was introduced to wheat plants grown in two groups of soils of varying fertility: arable soils spiked with nutrients, and soils with differing land-use histories. Wheat shoot, root and soil samples were taken 1, 14 and 28 days after pulse labelling to examine the fluxes of 14C in the plant-root-soil system.


The partitioning of 14C in wheat plant-root-soil system was found to vary with time, nutrient spiked soil fertility and land-use history. At the end of the experiment using spiked soils, a positive correlation was observed between the allocation of 14C in the shoots and soil fertility, whereas in the roots, this relationship was negative. The overall allocation of 14C in the plant-root system differed significantly between the land-use histories; while in the spiked arable soils 14C allocation in the shoots and roots systematically followed their fertility status.


There was a weak relationship between C allocation and soil fertility in the soils of different land-use history compared to the strong relationship in the spiked arable soils. This suggests that other factors in the soils under different land uses were more important than nutrient status alone in driving photo-assimilated C allocation. This study demonstrated that soil fertility and land-use history have a crucial role in the allocation of photo-assimilated C in the plant-soil system and are important factors by which C sequestration in soil may be impacted.  相似文献   

To accurately measure gene expression using PCR-based approaches, there is the need for reference genes that have low variance in expression (housekeeping genes) to normalise the data for RNA quantity and quality. For non-model species such as Malus x domestica (apples), previously, the selection of reference genes relied on using homology to reference genes in model species. In this study, a genomics approach was used to identify apple genes with low variance in expression in 217 messenger RNA (mRNA)-seq data sets covering different tissues, during fruit development, and treated with a range of different stress conditions. Ten potential reference genes were chosen for validation by quantitative PCR (qPCR) over 29 different tissue types and treatments. From the combined mRNA-seq and qPCR results, three potential reference genes are proposed that can be used as good controls for PCR based expression studies. The three genes show homology to lipid transfer proteins, phytochrome protein phosphatase and the ubiquitination pathway. With the progression of research away from non-model species, this approach provides a robust method for selecting candidate genes for use as reference genes in qPCR.  相似文献   

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