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弥勒苣苔为中国特有的濒危植物,一度被认为灭绝后又被重新发现,引起了学界及公众的广泛关注。种子库是保护珍稀濒危物种的一种有效手段,对物种开展种子保存需要较为深入的了解其种子休眠及萌发特性;但对于弥勒苣苔,现有资料十分有限,本研究系统地探讨了弥勒苣苔种子的休眠状态及萌发习性。在对其种子进行X光透视后,发现其种子的胚发育完全,且基本充满整个种子,因此认为该种子不具有形态休眠。在多个变温及恒温条件下对新鲜种子进行萌发测试,发现在较高温度(高于20℃)下萌发率很高且萌发迅速,赤霉素及低温层积处理能够显著提高种子在较低温度下(低于20℃)的萌发率,因此可以判定其种子存在浅的生理休眠。种子在恒温下的萌发率比相应的变温下萌发率要高,可能是其对所处荫蔽环境的一种适应。硝酸钾对种子萌发有显著的促进作用,在野外环境下,硝酸钾有对生境空窗及较少竞争的指示作用。  相似文献   

报道了贵州苦苣苔科一新记录属--弥勒苣苔属(Paraisometrum W.T.Wang).该属为中国特有的单型属,仅弥勒苣苔(P.mileense W.T.Wang)一种,分布于云南东南部和广西西部,在贵州省为首次记录.本文对该种进行详细描述,重新确定了该种花冠的颜色为黄色,并提供了野外照片.凭证标本存放于广西植物研究所标本馆(IBK).  相似文献   

广西苦苣苔科稀有珍贵植物——弥勒苣苔   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首次报道广西苦苣苔科植物一新记录属:弥勒苣苔属.该属接近金盏苣苔属,但不同在于弥勒苣苔属花冠上唇4浅裂,下唇不分裂,2对雄蕊分别着生于花冠中部及其上方,雌蕊具一个柱头.弥勒苣苔属为中国特有的单型属,仅弥勒苣苔一种,分布于云南东南部和广西西部.该种在广西首次记录,凭证标本存放于广西植物标本馆(IBK).  相似文献   

龙眼种子的休眠特性及萌发生理   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文对有休眠现象的顽拗型龙眼(Dim-ocarpus longan )品种“乌圆”种子的休眠生理特性作了一些检测,获得如下几个方面结果。1.与温度的关系新采收的龙眼种子(含水量约为37.5%)于5~35℃下可以萌发,5℃下萌发的速度极慢,15~25℃下发芽率均可达100%,其中25℃下萌发的时间最短,只需7天,15℃下则需20天,而于30℃和35℃下萌发20天的发芽率却分别只有76.7%和73.3%(图1)。将置于30℃和  相似文献   

凤丹种子的休眠和萌发特性   总被引:40,自引:1,他引:40  
先高温后低温处理可以解除凤丹种子的休眠,凤丹种子萌发需要经历严格有序的后熟,长根和长芽三个阶段,某一阶段的条件不能满足或不按上述顺序进行,即不能萌发成苗。GA3可代替低温提高凤丹种子的萌发率。  相似文献   

刘宁 《生物学通报》2014,49(10):11-14
讨论种子休眠与萌发的相关概念,包括休眠、萌发、初生休眠、次生休眠、休眠种子、非休眠种子及休眠循环等;同时介绍2个影响较大的种子休眠类型的分类体系,并对休眠与萌发的调控机制进行综述。  相似文献   

种子萌发和休眠的调控   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
种子的萌发和休眠受外界因子和种子本身的特征如种子的结构、植物激素的含量以及种子所携带的遗传信息等的影响。在种子发育后期,种子成熟脱水,处于发育停滞(develop-mental arrest)。在这个阶段,种子可能是休眠(初生休眠)或者是非休眠(图1)。休眠种子不可能被完全适合的萌发条件诱导萌发。通常应用一定的温度范围能够打破干燥种子的  相似文献   

山茱萸种子的休眠原因与萌发条件   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
山茱萸种子的萌发受到种皮抑制物、胚生理后熟程度以及当年低温的阻抑。种子秋播后需经3个月高温(15~22℃)、2个月低温(5~16℃)的湿沙层积,才能完成生理后熟,于次年春天萌发。并研究了种子层积过程中氧的作用、种皮的单宁和ABA含量、胚乳转化、G6PDH(6—磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶)和 6PGDH(6—磷酸葡萄糖酸脱氢酶)与萌发的关系。  相似文献   

单种属弥勒苣苔属系统位置研究 基于分子和细胞学数据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
弥勒苣苔属是苦苣苔科的单种属,仅分布于中国西南部。为探讨弥勒苣苔在苦苣苔亚科中的系统位置,我们选择了苦苣苔亚科116个类群,外类群为苦苣苔亚科以外的7个物种。用最大简约法(MP)和贝叶斯分析(BI),对以上类群的核基因ITS以及两个叶绿体基因trnL-F、atpB-rbcL数据进行了独立和联合分析。在三个片段联合分析的结果中,弥勒苣苔与马铃苣苔属、后蕊苣苔属、金盏苣苔属、直瓣苣苔属以及川鄂粗筒苣苔构成一个强烈支持的分枝。MP树中,此分枝为并系,而在BI分析中,弥勒苣苔与川鄂粗筒苣苔、直瓣苣苔属互为姐妹类群。同时,第一次报道了弥勒苣苔的染色体数目(2n=34)。根据前人报道,马铃苣苔属、后蕊苣苔属、粗筒苣苔属和直瓣苣苔属的染色体数目同为2n=34,这进一步支持我们的分子系统发育分析。  相似文献   

翅果油树种子的休眠和萌发生理   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  

种子休眠与萌发的分子生物学的研究进展   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
尹华军  刘庆 《植物学通报》2004,21(2):156-163
休眠与萌发是植物种子对环境变化的适应特征,受许多基因调控和环境因子的影响.利用数量遗传学方法(如QTL分析)和突变等手段已对休眠和萌发特性进行了深入的遗传学研究.近些年来,随着分子生物学的快速发展,种子休眠和萌发研究已经深入到分子水平.分子生物学技术的运用,特别是基因表达、基因组测序和以双向凝胶电泳及质谱分析为技术基础的蛋白质组学分析,已成为研究种子休眠和萌发的新工具和新方向.本文主要就利用分子生物学方法研究种子休眠与萌发的进展给予简要综述.  相似文献   

Seed banking following internationally agreed standards is an important way for preserving collections of wild plant species ex situ; but this method is not suitable for desiccation sensitive species. Lauraceae comprehends some of the dominant species in the evergreen broadleaved forest in the south of China and contains many species both of ecological and economical importance. However, study on seed biology such as germination and desiccation tolerance of this family is scarce. Seeds of 9 species from 5 genera of this family were collected and their dormancy status and germination requirement were studied; also their desiccation tolerance were determined using a modified 100 seed test. The results showed that seeds of Cinnamomum camphora probably have intermediate physiological dormancy; seeds of Actinodaphne forrestii, Actinodaphne obovata, Cinnamomum migao, Lindera metcalfiana var. dictyophylla, Lindera communis and Neolitsea polycarpa are non deep physiological dormant; Seeds of Cinnamomum burmannii and Phoebe glaucophylla may have no or negligible dormancy. All 9 species lost seed viability after desiccated to 286%-716% moisture content while still retained considerable viability with moisture content ranged from 1732% to 4487% after moist storage; thus seeds of the 9 species are all desiccation sensitive and can not be stored at the conventional seed bank conditions.  相似文献   

对以色列3个群体的二穗短柄草(Brochypodium distachyon)种子的休眠与萌发进行了研究.结果表明:以色列二穗短柄草种子都具有休眠的习性,且不属于外源休眠(种壳休眠)类型;储藏温度和时间等因素对不同群体的二穗短柄草种子的休眠和萌发有着极显著的影响,高温(40℃)储藏可以加快种子后熟,打破种子的休眠;3个群体的二穗短柄草种子休眠深度不同,依次是:Sede Boqer>Yatk>Mt.carmel;且休眠深度与群体生长地年平均降雨量呈负相关关系.二穗短柄草的这些休眠和萌发特性可能是其长期与环境相互作用,在自然选择压力下进化形成的存活机制.  相似文献   

盐生植物种子的休眠、休眠解除及萌发的特点   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文讨论了盐生植物种子的休眠、休眠解除及萌发的特点 ,主要内容有 :( 1 )盐生植物种子的休眠类型 ;( 2 )打破盐生植物种子休眠的必要条件 ;( 3)盐生种子萌发与土壤盐度的关系。并讨论了盐度抑制盐生植物种子的机理。最后 ,作者提出了将来研究盐生植物种子萌发需要解决的几个重点问题以及研究盐生植物种子休眠和萌发问题的意义  相似文献   

蔷薇种子的休眠及解除方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了蔷薇(Rosa L.)种子休眠原因、解除休眠方法以及环境条件对休眠与萌发的影响.蔷薇种子休眠的主要原因有瘦果果皮和种皮的限制作用,胚生理休眠以及果肉、瘦果果皮、种皮和胚中的抑制物质.解除休眠的方法包括去除瘦果果皮限制、解除胚的生理休眠、去除抑制物质等.种子发育过程中及成熟后,环境因子,如温度、水分和光照,对种子休眠和萌发有影响.此外,微生物、果实采集时间也对种子休眠及萌发有较大影响.蔷薇种子的休眠机制复杂,且种间差异很大.  相似文献   

The principal antioxidant enzymes and metabolites were reported to play a very important role in eliminating reactive oxygen species and maintaining vigour in dormancy breaking and germination of Davidia involucrate seeds. However, the researches on the change laws of content and activity are seldom. In present study, we chose Davidia involucrate seeds which collected from the Mabian Nature Reserve as experimental materials, and then investigated the activity of principal antioxidant enzymes and the content of metabolites in dormancy breaking and germination of the seeds. The results showed that the activity of peroxidase (POD), catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione reductase (GR) exhibited an increasing trend but the activity of total antioxidant capacity (T AOC) decreased greatly in early stage of stratification. Comparing with the decrease of protein (Pr), the content of ascorbic acid (Vc) and free amino acid (FAA) significantly increased. In middle stage of stratification, the activity of SOD and T AOC increased firstly and then decreased at last. The activity of POD always maintained a higher level although the activity of CAT and GR decreased greatly. In terminal stage of stratification, the activities of POD, GR, T AOC and the content of FAA and Vc exhibited an increasing trend, while the activity of CAT and SOD maintained a low level. In germination stage, the activity of all antioxidant enzymes and the content of Vc and FAA were increased obviously (P < 005), but the content of the protein was decreased. These results suggested that Davidia involucrata seeds may have a good ability to efficiently remove the effects on cell structure caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS) by keeping the interaction of antioxidant enzymes and metabolites successively during the period of dormancy breaking and germination. This adjustment helps to ensure the germination of seeds by acceleration the post ripening in morphological and physiological of progresses.  相似文献   

鸢尾属(Iris L.)花卉具有较高的观赏性,极具开发利用价值,且主要以种子繁殖后代;但多数种子具有休眠特性,给育种工作带来了困难。其休眠原因包括种皮机械阻碍和种子中萌发抑制物存在等内外多重因素,单一或交互作用影响种子萌发。种子休眠解除的方法主要有环境条件处理、机械处理、化学试剂或激素处理等。本文对鸢尾属植物种子休眠原因、休眠解除方法及其机理等作了系统概述,旨在为鸢尾属花卉资源的合理开发利用及种质创新提供理论依据。  相似文献   

对采自贵州毕节地区的11种植物的种子萌发特性进行了初步研究,结果表明:①盐肤木、火棘、化香、云贵金丝桃与白栎种子在4周之内能够萌发;除云贵鹅耳枥胚坏死之外(萌发实验前后对种子进行解剖),其他5种植物的种子都未萌发,处于不同的休眠状态。②盐肤木、化香、云贵金丝桃的种子光照时的萌发率远高于黑暗时的萌发率,具有显著差异,尤其是云贵金丝桃,因此3种植物种子均属于喜光性种子;而火棘与白栎种子有无光照都可以萌发,而且萌发率没显著差异,因此属于光不敏感或光中性种子。③盐肤木、云贵金丝桃的种子在30℃较高温条件下萌发最好;白栎、火棘种子在15℃、20℃低温条件下萌发更好;化香种子萌发温度既不能低于20℃也不能高于25℃。④刺异叶花椒种子吸水率高达85%,胚包埋在胚乳之中非常微小、未分化,因此可以初步判定属于形态休眠或者形态生理休眠;而平枝荀子、西域旌节花、云南旌节花种子吸水率都在20%以上,胚长/种子长都超多1/2,并且胚已发育完全,应属于生理休眠;小果蔷薇种子吸水率约27%,胚长/种子长都达2/3,并且通过对种子的解剖发现胚还未发育,应属于形态生理休眠。  相似文献   

Role of Abscisic Acid in Seed Dormancy   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Seed dormancy is an adaptive trait that improves survival of the next generation by optimizing the distribution of germination over time. The agricultural and forest industries rely on seeds that exhibit high rates of germination and vigorous, synchronous growth after germination; hence dormancy is sometimes considered an undesirable trait. The forest industry encounters problems with the pronounced dormancy of some conifer seeds, a feature that can lead to non-uniform germination and poor seedling vigor. In cereal crops, an optimum balance is most sought after; some dormancy at harvest is favored because it prevents germination of the physiologically mature grain in the head prior to harvest (that is, preharvest sprouting), a phenomenon that leads to considerable damage to grain quality and is especially prominent in cool moist environments. The sesquiterpene abscisic acid (ABA) regulates key events during seed formation, such as the deposition of storage reserves, prevention of precocious germination, acquisition of desiccation tolerance, and induction of primary dormancy. Its regulatory role is achieved in part by cross-talk with other hormones and their associated signaling networks, via mechanisms that are largely unknown. Quantitative genetics and functional genomics approaches will contribute to the elucidation of genes and proteins that control seed dormancy and germination, including components of the ABA signal transduction pathway. Dynamic changes in ABA biosynthesis and catabolism elicit hormone-signaling changes that affect downstream gene expression and thereby regulate critical checkpoints at the transitions from dormancy to germination and from germination to growth. Some of the recent developments in these areas are discussed.  相似文献   

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