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Individual quaking aspen trees vary greatly in foliar chemistry and susceptibility to defoliation by gypsy moths and forest tent caterpillars. To relate performance of these insects to differences in foliar chemistry, we reared larvac from egg hatch to pupation on leaves from different aspen trees and analyzed leaf samples for water, nitrogen, total nonstructural carbohydrates, phenolic glycosides, and condensed tannins. Larval performance varied markedly among trees. Pupal weights of both species were strongly and inversely related to phenolic glycoside concentrations. In addition, gypsy moth performance was positively related to condensed tannin concentrations, whereas forest tent caterpillar pupal weights were positively associated with leaf nitrogen concentrations. A subsequent study with larvae fed aspen leaves supplemented with the phenolic glycoside tremulacin confirmed that the compound reduces larval performance. Larvae exhibited increased stadium durations and decreased relative growth rates and food conversion efficiencies as dietary levels of tremulacin increased. Differences in performance were more pronounced for gypsy moths than for forest tent caterpillars. These results suggest that intraspecific variation in defensive chemistry may strongly mediate interactions between aspen, gypsy moths and forest tent caterpillars in the Great Lakes region, and may account for differential defoliation of aspen by these two insect species.  相似文献   

Lymantria xylina Swinhoe (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) is a serious defoliator of hardwood and fruit trees in Taiwan. The larvae of L. xylina feed on >63 species of host plants, belonging to 29 families. Because a large number of larvae are needed for the production of nucleopolyhedrosis virus (NPV) or other related studies, the development of a suitable artificial diet is very important for the mass rearing of this moth in the laboratory. In this study, eight artificial diets, modified from different formulas, and one host plant, Liquidambar formosana Hance, were used to feed L. xylina caterpillars. Through various bioassays (first instar survival trial and long- and short-term feeding trials), the most suitable diet for the L. xylina was selected by performance comparisons with L. formosana. After the first instar survival trial, two of the diets were discarded, because no larva survived on these diets. The results of the long-term feeding trial indicated that the larvae grew successfully on only three kinds of artificial diet. Finally, results of the short-term feeding trial revealed that a diet (diet A), modified from the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (L.), formula diet, was the most appropriate for the L. xylina. Larvae fed on diet A had better survival rate, pupal weight, adult size, efficiency of conversion, and relative growth rate than larvae fed on other diets; they did not grow as well as those fed on L. formosana, however, except for pupal and adult weight, and approximate digestibility. In summary, diet A was found to be the best of the artificial diets for the L. xylina and is suitable for mass rearing of this moth in the laboratory.  相似文献   

Abstract .Temperature and the protein content of food affect rates of consumption and growth in herbivorous insects in different ways: reduced temperature typically reduces both consumption and growth rates, whereas reduced dietary protein typically increases consumption rate but either reduces or has no effect on growth rate. The interactions between temperature and dietary protein concentration in affecting consumption, growth and efficiency in fifth-instar caterpillars of Manduca sexta were studied, using both short-term (4 h) and long-term (duration of fifth stadium) experiments. The short-term experiments examined constant temperatures between 14 and 42°C, whereas the long-term experiments examined constant temperatures between 18 and 34°C; both experiments considered two levels of dietary protein. In both experiments, caterpillars had significantly higher consumption and frass production rates on low-protein compared with high-protein diets at each test temperature between 18 and 34°C, thereby compensating for the lower diet quality. In contrast, at more extreme temperatures (14 and 42°C) in the short-term studies, consumption and frass production rates were lower on low-protein compared with high-protein diets. As a result, there were substantial interactions between temperature and dietary protein for consumption and frass production rates in the short-term experiments, but not in the long-term experiments. These results suggest that interactions between temperature and dietary protein may emerge because of the failure of compensatory feeding responses at low and high temperatures. It is hypothesized that the failure of compensatory responses is more likely to occur under diurnally fluctuating temperatures than under a constant temperature with the same mean, and it is proposed that interactions between temperature and dietary protein for consumption are relevant to M. sexta and other caterpillars that experience wide diurnal fluctuations in temperature in the field.  相似文献   

Nutritional indices, development rates, percent dry weights and total lipids were determined in gypsy moth larvae (Lymantria dispar L.) reared on a high wheat germ (HWG) diet or diets prepared from lyophilized, ball-milled oak or pine foliage as the only source of dietary nitrogen (N). With regard to both total and proteinaceous N content, HWG diet>oak diet>pine diet. All nutritional indices measured were significantly lower in second instars fed pine diet vs. oak diet. Protein supplementation of pine diet with either casein or ovalbumin to bring total N up to the level present in oak diet resulted in small increased in approximate digestibility (AD) and effciency of conversion of ingested food (ECI), but relative growth rate (RGR) remained unaffected. The low RGR of larvae fed pine diet (unsupplemented or protein supplemented), as compared to those fed HWG or oak diet, was accompanied by significantly lower larval percent dry weight and percent total lipid. In contrast, RGR, larval percent dry weight and total lipid values were comparable in second instars fed HWG or oak diet. Insects reared from the first through the final instar on oak diet exhibited lower pupal weights compared to those reared on HWG. Casein addition to oak diet generally resulted in even more extended larval development times and further reduced pupal weights, but wheat germ addition to oak diet did not alter development rates and caused an increase in pupal weights.  相似文献   

A large proportion of gypsy moths (Lymantria dispar (L.)) are likely to experience multiple species diets in the field due to natural wandering and host switching which occurs with these insects. Nutritional indices in fourth and fifth instar gypsy moth larvae were studied in the field for insects that were switched to a second host species when they were fourth instars. The tree species used as hosts were northern pin oak (Quercus ellipsoidalis E. J. Hill), white oak (Q. alba L.), big-tooth aspen (Populus grandidentata Michx.), and trembling aspen (P. tremuloides Michx.). Conclusions of this study include: 1) Insects which fed before the host switch on northern pin oak performed better after the host switch than did insects with other types of early dietary experience. While the northern pin oak-started insects had very low relative food consumption rates on their second host species immediately after the switch, one instar later they had the highest ranked consumption rates. During both instars they had the second highest efficiencies of converting ingested and digested food to body mass. High food consumption rates and relatively high efficiency of food conversion helped these insects to obtain the highest ranked mean relative growth rates in the fifth instar compared to the relative growth rates obtained by insects from any of the other first host species. 2) Among the four host species examined, a second host of trembling aspen was most advantageous for the insects. Feeding on this species after the switch led to higher larval weights and higher relative growth rates for insects than did any of the other second host species. The insects on trembling aspen attained excellent growth despite only mediocre to low food conversion efficiencies. The low efficiencies were offset by high relative food consumption rates. 3) Low food consumption rates often tend to be paired with high efficiency of conversion and vice versa. 4) There is no discernable tendency for the first plant species eaten to cause long-term inductions which affect the ability of gypsy moths to utilize subsequent host plants. Insects did not tend to consume more, grow faster, or be more efficient if their second host plant was either the same as their rearing plant or congeneric to it. Methods are delineated which allow values of nutritional indices to be obtained for insects on intact host plants under field conditions. These methods are useful for the purpose of answering questions about the relative effects that different diet treatments have on insect response.  相似文献   

Effects of various single and two species diets on the performance of gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar (L.)) were studied when this insect was reared from hatch to population on intact host trees in the field. The tree species used for this study were red oak (Quercus rubra L.), white oak (Q. alba L.), bigtooth aspen (Populus grandidentata Michaux), and trembling aspen (P. tremuloides Michaux). These are commonly available host trees in the Lake States region. The study spanned two years and was performed at two different field sites in central Michigan. Conclusions drawn from this study include: (1) Large differences in gypsy moth growth and survival can occur even among diet sequences composed of favorable host species. (2) Larvae that spent their first two weeks feeding on red oak performed better during this time period than larvae on all other host species in terms of mean weight, mean relative growth rate (RGR), and mean level of larval development, while larvae on a first host of bigtooth aspen were ranked lowest in terms of mean weight, RGR, and level of larval development. (3) Combination diets do not seem to be inherently better or worse than diets composed of only a single species; rather, insect performance was affected by the types of host species eaten and the time during larval development that these host species were consumed instead of whether larvae ate single species diets or mixed species diets. (4) In diets composed of two host species, measures of gypsy moth performance are affected to different extents in the latter part of the season by the two different hosts; larval weights and development rates show continued effects of the first host fed upon while RGRs, mortality, and pupal weights are affected strongly by the second host type eaten. (5) Of the diets investigated in this study, early feeding on red oak followed by later feeding on an aspen, particularly trembling aspen, is most beneficial to insects in terms of attaining high levels of performance throughout their lives.  相似文献   

Abstract. Food selection behaviour, food utilization efficiency and growth performance of a generalist insect, the gypsy moth ( Lymantria dispar (L.), Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae), were examined with respect to variation in food nitrogen concentration. The results suggest that gypsy moth do not suffer physiologically and in fact may benefit from intraplant variation by selective feeding. When provided with diet cubes containing identical nitrogen concentrations, control larvae tended to consume food from a single cube. This behaviour contrasted with that of larvae provided cubes differing in nitrogen concentration. These larvae tended to consume more from the high nitrogen cube, but allocated feeding more evenly among diet cubes than did control larvae. Overall, larvae mixed foods so as to obtain a mean concentration of 2.9-3.2% nitrogen, a concentration assumed to approximate the 'intake target'. Larvae confined to single nitrogen concentrations mitigated the impact of imbalanced diets on body composition via both pre-ingestive and post-ingestive compensation. When confined to a specific nitrogen concentration, larvae adjusted their intake to the point of best compromise. In this case, this was the geometrically closest point to the estimated intake target. Larvae with a choice of foods that deviated more than ±1% from each other in nitrogen concentration grew as well as or better than larvae without a choice but given identical mean nitrogen concentrations. These results demonstrate that selectivity and nitrogen consumption by gypsy moth larvae are altered according to the particular choices available. Insects may benefit from intraplant variation in food quality because such variation provides the opportunity to choose foods and mix them in ways that permit close matching with the intake target. Variation may be particularly important to insects which must offset changing nutritional demands.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of long-term CO2 enrichment on foliar chemistry of quaking aspen ( Populus tremuloides ) and the consequences of chemical changes for performance of the gypsy moth ( Lymantria dispar ) and susceptibility of the gypsy moth to a nucleopolyhedrosis virus (NPV). Foliage was collected from outdoor open-top chambers and fed to insects in a quarantine rearing facility. Under enriched CO2, levels of leaf nitrogen declined marginally, levels of starch and phenolic glycosides did not change, and levels of condensed tannins increased. Long-term bioassays revealed reduced growth (especially females), prolonged development and increased consumption in larvae fed high-CO2 foliage but no significant differences in final pupal weights or female fecundity. Short-term bioassays showed weaker, and sex-specific, effects of CO2 treatment on larval performance. Correlation analyses revealed strong, negative associations between insect performance and phenolic glycoside concentrations, independent of CO2 treatment. Larval susceptibility to NPV did not differ between CO2 treatments, suggesting that effects of this natural enemy on gypsy moths are buffered from CO2-induced changes in foliar chemistry. Our results emphasize that the impact of enriched CO2 on plant–insect interactions will be determined not only by how concentrations of plant compounds are altered, but also by the relevance of particular compounds for insect fitness. This work also underscores the need for studies of genetic variation in plant responses to enriched CO2 and long-term population-level responses of insects to CO2-induced changes in host quality.  相似文献   

Most studies linking dietary variation with insect fitness focus on a single dietary component and late larval growth. We examined the effects of variation in multiple dietary factors over most life stages of the sphingid moth, Manduca sexta. Larvae received artificial diets in which protein, sucrose, and water content were varied. The relationship between larval size, growth and consumption rates differed significantly across diets. Larvae on control and low-sucrose diets grew most rapidly and attained the largest pupal and adult sizes. Conversely, larvae on low-water and low-protein diets initially grew slowly, but accelerated in the fifth instar and became pupae and adults comparable to control animals in size. There were no fundamental differences in protein:carbohydrate consumption patterns or strategies among experimental diets and larval instars. However, inadequate dietary water appeared to be more important for early than late instar larvae. Larvae on all artificial diets showed increasing fat content throughout all stages, including wandering and metamorphosis. Compensatory feeding among low-water and low-protein larvae was correlated with significantly higher fat content in larvae, pupae and adults, whereas low-sucrose animals were substantially leaner than those on the control diet. These differences may have strong effects on adult physiology, reproduction, and foraging patterns.  相似文献   

Oldfield mice (Peromyscus polionotus) that are more heterozygous utilize food and maintain body weight under varying degrees of dietary stress better than their less heterozygous counterparts. Mice were collected in southern Florida and fed diets of three qualities. During each dietary treatment, body weight, amount of food eaten, amount of food absorbed, and feeding efficiency were determined. Body weights for all mice decreased during the experiment. More heterozygous mice maintained their weight better during periods of dietary stress than those that were less heterozygous. Mice with different levels of genetic variability had essentially the same mean feeding efficiency with high quality diets. Mice with high heterozygosities maintained the same efficiency with low quality diets, but those with lower heterozygosities had decreased feeding efficiencies. A slight increase in available energy for mice of different heterozygosities can dramatically change fitness correlated characters, such as growth rates, body weights, energy stores, and reproductive rates.  相似文献   

Summary Survival and body composition of starving gypsy moth larvae initially reared on aspen foliage or artificial diet differeing in nitrogen (N) and carbohydrate concentration were examined under laboratory conditions. Diet nitrogen concentration strongly affected starvation resistance and body composition, but diet carbohydrate content had no effects on these. Within any single diet treatment, greater body mass afforded greater resistance to starvation. However, starving larvae reared on 1.5% N diet survived nearly three days longer than larvae reared on 3.5% N diet. Larvae reared on artificial diet survived longer than larvae reared on aspen. Differences in survival of larvae reared on artificial diet with low and high nitrogen concentrations could not be attributed to variation in respiration rates, but were associated with differences in body composition. Although percentage lipid in larvae was unaffected by diet nitrogen concentration, larvae reared on 1.5% N diet had a higher percentage carbohydrate and lower percentage protein in their bodies prior to starvation than larvae reared on 3.5% N diet. Hence, larger energy reserves of larvae reared on low nitrogen diet may have contributed to their greater starvation resistance. Whereas survival under food stress was lower for larvae reared on high N diets, growth rates and pupal weights were higher, suggesting a tradeoff between rapid growth and survival. Larger body size does not necessarily reflect larger energy reserves, and, in fact, larger body size accured via greater protein accumulation may be at the expense of energy reserves. Large, fast-growing larvae may be more fit when food is abundant, but this advantage may be severely diminished under food stress. The potential ecological and evolutionary implications of a growth/survival tradeoff are discussed.  相似文献   

Midgut pH of gypsy moth larvae was depressed artificially with buffered diet to examine the impact of alkalinity on the caterpillars' ability to tolerate a dietary polyphenol and a quinone. A 2x3 factorial design was used, with 2 levels of succinate buffer and 3 dietary amendments (tannic acid, juglone, or control). Development was monitored during the third and fourth instars, with consumption, food passage rates, midgut pH, and midgut redox potential (Eh) measured in the fourth instar. Diet buffering successfully depressed midgut pH to hypothetically suboptimal acidic levels without reductions in survivorship, but it did reduce larval growth and impede development. Buffering dramatically reduced survivorship of fourth instar larvae eating diets containing tannic acid or juglone. Growth increased on unbuffered diet amended with tannic acid, but not with juglone. Caterpillars passed food through the gut more slowly when feeding on buffered tannic acid diet or on unbuffered juglone diet. These results indicate that maintenance of midgut alkalinity is critical to tolerance of dietary tannic acid and juglone, and that these allelochemicals have very different activities in the caterpillar gut.  相似文献   

Adaptation of the gypsy moth to an unsuitable host plant   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The pattern of adaptation with regard to life history traits and traits thought to be important in feeding habits of caterpillars in two populations of the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L.; Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) originating from the locust tree (Robinia pseudoacacia; Fabaceae) and oak (Quercus petrea; Fagaceae) forests were investigated in the laboratory. The Robinia population has experienced unsuitable locust tree leaves as an exclusive food resource for more than 40 years. Since Quercus species are the principal host plants of the gypsy moth, the specific objectives of this study have been to measure the extent of differentiation between ancestral and derived populations in several life history traits (egg-to-adult viability, duration of larval and pupal stages, and pupal weight) and nutritional indices – relative growth rate (RGR), relative consumption rate (RCR), assimilation efficiency (AD), gross growth efficiency (ECI), and net growth efficiency (ECD). Significant differences between the Quercus and Robinia populations were detected in pupal duration, RGR, RCR, and AD. The presence of a significant population × host interaction in traits such as preadult viability, duration of pupal stage, RGR, and ECI suggests that adaptation of the gypsy moth to the unsuitable host might be ongoing. Using a full-sib design, we screened for genetic variation in life history traits within both populations, and examined the genetic correlations of performance across oak and locust leaves within both populations. The genetic variances for analyzed life history traits were lower under conditions that are commonly encountered in nature. Our data show that positive cross-host genetic correlations preponderate within both populations.  相似文献   

White clover growing in New Zealand is experiencing increasing levels of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation as a result of ozone depletion. We evaluated the effects of UV-B radiation on the foliar chemistry of two populations of white clover (Trifolium repens L.), ’Huia’ and ’Tienshan,’ and the consequences for the performance of armyworms (Spodoptera litura) and cutworms (Graphania mutans). Plants were grown in controlled environment rooms with and without supplemental UV-B radiation at a dose of 13.3 kJ m–2 day–1, corresponding to a 25% mid-summer ozone depletion above Palmerston North, New Zealand. In both white clover populations, UV-B radiation elicited changes in foliar chemistry, including slight increases in nitrogen concentrations and decreases in carbohydrate concentrations. In addition, the ’Huia’ population showed decreases in fiber concentrations and marked increases in cyanogenic activity. No change in UV-absorbing compounds was detected in either population. Long- and short-term feeding trials were conducted to assess dietary effects on insect growth, consumption, and food utilization. Changes in the performance of both insect species were generally small. The most pronounced effect was a 36% reduction in weight of S. litura after 2 weeks of feeding on Huia grown at high UV, but larval development times were only slightly prolonged and pupal weights were unaffected. S. litura short-term performance was affected by differences in white clover population. The long-term performance of G. mutans was not affected and its short-term performance (stadium duration and consumption rate) was only marginally affected by the high-UV treatment. We conclude that the effects of elevated UV-B radiation on white clover plant chemistry can be specific to certain plant populations. The differences in sensitivity of the two generalist insect species suggest that effects may also be specific to certain plant-herbivore associations. These results indicate that future UV-B herbivory studies should examine genotypic effects in both plants and animals. Received: 18 May 1999 / Accepted: 25 July 1999  相似文献   

1. This study investigated how phytochemical variation among clones of quaking aspen Populus tremuloides, growing in a common habitat, affects the growth and fecundity of a model herbivore. 2. Gypsy moth Lymantria dispar larvae were reared from egg hatch to pupation on 10 aspen clones in the field or on excised foliage in the laboratory. Foliage was collected from each clone, and concentrations of phenolic glycosides, condensed tannins, nitrogen, and water were determined. 3. Herbivore fitness parameters and aspen phytochemical concentrations varied significantly among clones. In both the field and laboratory, larvae reared on clones containing high concentrations of phenolic glycosides exhibited prolonged developmental times and reduced pupal weights and fecundity. Herbivore performance parameters were also related positively to foliar nitrogen concentrations in the laboratory. Food consumption, but neither growth nor reproductive parameters, were related positively to condensed tannin concentrations. 4. In this study, foliar concentrations of phenolic glycosides were implicated as a significant determinant of food quality for gypsy moths, consistent with results of previous laboratory experiments. Additionally, this study documents a case in which host plant variation at a local level influences the performance and possibly the distribution and abundance of an important herbivore.  相似文献   

Michael S. Singer 《Oikos》2001,93(2):194-204
The physiological efficiency hypothesis argues that the physiological efficiency of food utilization determines feeding habits of herbivorous insects. Although relatively unsuccessful at explaining dietary specificity, it may explain the food-mixing habit of individually polyphagous herbivores because they may opportunistically increase physiological efficiency by optimizing nutrient balance or diluting toxins in the course of feeding on multiple host-plant species. This study tests two predictions of the physiological efficiency hypothesis with the woolly bear caterpillar, Grammia geneura (Strecker) (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae). Namely, both herbivore performance (survival, developmental rate, pupal mass) and growth efficiency should be better on mixed-plant diets than on single-plant diets. In a series of three laboratory experiments, I found that larval survival and developmental rate on mixed-plant diets were superior to performance on single-plant diets in only one of four cases. In all other cases, mixed-plant diets were either inferior (female pupal mass) to single-plant diets or not detectably different from them. Larval growth efficiency on mixed-plant diets was never superior to that on single-plant diets. In mixed-plant treatments, caterpillars often selected a diet that included plant species of relatively low suitability alone, thereby suffering reduced performance and growth efficiency. These results contradict predictions of the physiological efficiency hypothesis, indicating the limitations of the conventional focus on the physiological constraints on food utilization as an explanation for both individual polyphagy and dietary specificity in herbivorous insects.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to examine the effects of CO2-mediated changes in tree chemistry on the performance of the gypsy moth ((Lymantria dispar L.) and the parasitold Cotesia melanoscela (Ratz.). We used carbon-nutrient balance theory to develop hypotheses regarding changes in tree chemistry and the performance of both insects under elevated CO2. As predicted, levels of foliar nitrogen declined and concentrations of carbon-based compounds (e.g. starch and phenolics) increased under elevated CO2. Gypsy moth performance (e.g. growth, development) was altered by CO2-mediated changes in foliar chemistry, but the magnitude was small and varied across tree species. Larvae feeding on high CO2 aspen exhibited the largest reduction in performance, relative to larvae feeding on birch, oak, or maple. Parasitism by C. melanoscela significantly prolonged gypsy moth development and reduced growth rates. Overall, the effect of parasitism on gypsy moth performance did not differ between CO2 treatments. Altered gypsy moth performance on high CO2 foliage in turn affected parasitoid performance, but the response was variable: parasitoid mortality increased and adult female size declined slightly under high CO2, while development time and adult male size were unaffected. Our results suggest that CO2-induced changes in plant chemistry were buffered to the extent that effects on third trophic level interactions were weak to non-existent for the system examined in this study.  相似文献   

Abstract Caterpillars of the noctuid moth, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith), reared on artificial diets diluted with cellulose and water, increased fresh weight (fw) consumption 2.2–2.5-fold over those on the undiluted diet. At moderate levels of water- or cellulose-dilution, the increased consumption, combined with increased digestion and absorption of nutrients (ADNU), sufficiently compensated for the reduced nutrient intake to achieve pupal biomass equivalent to that of pupae from the undiluted diet. At higher levels of water- and cellulose-dilution, fw consumption and ADNU increased further but pupal dry weight declined on the water-diluted diets. At each level of dilution fw consumption and ADNU increased similarly on the water- and cellulose-diluted diets, but biomass gain was reduced on the water- compared with the cellulose-diluted diets. This was due in part to lowered food conversion efficiency on the water-diluted diets, possibly caused by increased costs of metabolizing the wetter diets. Our data support the hypothesis that consumption rates are regulated by a nutrient feedback mechanism. Our data also suggest that digestive enzyme activity is correlated with consumption. Furthermore, the cost of increased consumption rates on diets of reduced energetic value may constitute a substantially greater energy expenditure than previously believed. However, this cost was insufficient to reduce relative growth rates but was apparently manifested in lowered lipid accumulation.  相似文献   

1. Interactions between invertebrate herbivores with different feeding modes are common on long-lived woody plants. In cases where one herbivore facilitates the success of another, the consequences for their shared host plant may be severe. Eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), a canopy-dominant conifer native to the eastern U.S., is currently threatened with extirpation by the invasive stylet-feeding hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae). The effect of adelgid on invasive hemlock-feeding folivores remains unknown. 2. This study evaluated the impact of feeding by hemlock woolly adelgid on gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) larval preference for, and performance on, eastern hemlock. To assess preference, 245 field-grown hemlocks were surveyed for gypsy moth herbivory damage and laboratory paired-choice bioassays were conducted. To assess performance, gypsy moth larvae were reared to pupation on adelgid-infested or uninfested hemlock foliage, and pupal weight, proportional weight gain, and larval period were analysed. 3. Adelgid-infested hemlocks experienced more gypsy moth herbivory than did uninfested control trees, and laboratory tests confirmed that gypsy moth larvae preferentially feed on adelgid-infested hemlock foliage. Gypsy moth larvae reared to pupation on adelgid-infested foliage gained more weight than larvae reared on uninfested control foliage. 4. These results suggest that the synergistic effect of adelgid and gypsy moth poses an additional threat to eastern hemlock that may increase extirpation risk and ecological impact throughout most of its range.  相似文献   

The growth rates of insect herbivores commonly decrease when they feed on mature leaves due to the combined effects of several nutritional and physiological mechanisms. Environmental stresses during leaf development may also decrease herbivore performance. The present study tests two main hypotheses to help clarify the importance of these factors for the nutrition and growth of an insect herbivore: (i) decreases in nutrient levels, consumption rates and nutrient assimilation efficiencies impact negatively on herbivores feeding on mature leaves and (ii) wind stress has a negative impact on herbivores feeding on mature leaves. The results show that mature poplar (Populus alba × Populus tremula) leaves have decreased levels of protein and increased levels of fibre, and that growth rates of gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L.) are decreased on mature leaves in association with decreased consumption rates. However, in contrast to the first hypothesis, protein and carbohydrate are assimilated efficiently (74–82% and 84–87%, respectively) from immature and mature poplar leaves. The larvae are able to chew mature leaves as efficiently as immature leaves, potentially maximizing nutrient extraction. By contrast to the second hypothesis, wind‐stressed leaves have no significant detrimental effects on nutrient assimilation efficiencies, and the lower growth rates of L. dispar larvae feeding on mature wind‐stressed leaves can be explained by lower consumption rates. Therefore, the availability of nutrients to herbivores feeding on mature tree leaves is not necessarily impacted by lower assimilation efficiencies, even when leaves develop under wind stress. These results help explain some of the large variation between the nutritional qualities of trees for forest Lepidoptera.  相似文献   

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