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The purpose of the study was to compare myocardial perfusion assessed by electron beam computed tomography (EBCT) with that obtained by 99mTc-sestamibi single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) in patients with old myocardial infarction and control subjects at rest. A total of 42 patients with suspected and known ischaemic heart disease (IHD) were included in the study. 20 pts had a history of Q-wave myocardial infarction (MI), 12 pts had an old non-Q-wave MI and 10 served as controls (without perfusion defects on SPECT images at rest). Assessment of the myocardial perfusion by EBCT was performed using the short axis view and multislice mode (MSM) during injection of 50 ml of the nonionic contrast medium at 4 ml/s via cubital vein. Perfusion defects were localized by SPECT according to 6-segment model of the LV (septal, anterior, lateral, posterior, inferior and apical). Overall concordance between EBCT and SPECT was 67% for normal versus abnormal perfusion. Agreement between the 2 methods for each of the 6 segments was 81% (K = 0.62) for the anterior segment, 71% (K = 0.42) for the septal segment, 71% (K = 0.43) for the apical, 69% (K = 0.3) for the lateral segment, 48% (K = 0.13) for the posterior segment and 60% (K = -0.13) for the inferior segment. Discrepancies between the two of techniques were most notable in the posterior region. Beam hardening during passage of the contrast medium through the heart chambers and descending aorta is possible explanation of the artifacts on EBCT images. This study demonstrates that nowadays EBCT is not yet alternative to SPECT in the assessment of the myocardial perfusion in patients and further improvements of scanning techniques are necessary.  相似文献   

Our objective was to investigate the functional role of hypercholesterolemia-associated myocardial neovascularization in early atherosclerosis using the antiangiogenic thalidomide. Experimental atherosclerosis is characterized by myocardial neovascularization, associated with a decrease in myocardial perfusion response to challenge, coronary endothelial dysfunction, and high oxidative stress. However, the functional significance of these neovessels is not known. Three groups of pigs (n = 6 each) were studied after 12 wk of normal or hypercholesterolemic diet without (HC) or with thalidomide (HC + Thal). Myocardial perfusion and permeability were assessed at baseline and in response to cardiac challenge, using electron beam computed tomography, and coronary endothelial function was assessed using organ chambers. Myocardial samples were scanned ex vivo with a three-dimensional microscopic computed tomography scanner, and the spatial density of the myocardial microvessels was quantified. Growth factors and oxidative stress were measured in the myocardial tissue. As a results of these procedures, myocardial perfusion response to adenosine and dobutamine was blunted in both HC and HC + Thal pigs compared with normal pigs (P < 0.05, HC and HC + Thal vs. normal) as was the coronary endothelial function. Myocardial permeability response to adenosine was increased in both HC and HC + Thal pigs compared with normal pigs (P < 0.05, HC and HC + Thal vs. normal, and HC + Thal vs. HC). The microvascular density was increased in HC pigs compared with normal pigs but normalized in HC + Thal pigs (P < 0.001 HC vs. normal and HC + Thal). HC + Thal pigs showed decreased expression of Flk-1 and basic FGF but increased expression of VEGF compared with normal and HC pigs. Oxidative stress was increased in both HC and HC + Thal pigs compared with normal pigs. In conclusion, chronic administration of thalidomide attenuates myocardial neovascularization in experimental HC pigs without affecting myocardial perfusion response to stimulation. This suggests that the myocardial neovascularization may not contribute to the attenuated myocardial perfusion response in hypercholesterolemia.  相似文献   

Ischaemic preconditioning (IP) is a strong endogenous infarct reducing stimulus which has not previously been evaluated with myocardial perfusion imaging using 99mTc-MIBI. Factors responsible for cellular MIBI uptake are affected by both IP and acute ischaemia (plasma membrane and mitochondrial membrane potential and oxidative metabolism). IP seems to involve mitochondrial K-ATP channels affecting mitochondrial membrane potential and thereby potentially MIBI uptake. The study evaluated the performance of MPI with MIBI as a tracer to characterise the extent that severely ischaemic compromised myocardium was salvaged by IP. In a closed chest model, an ischaemic preconditioned group (8 pigs) subjected to IP before introducing a 45 min period of catheter based coronary occlusion was compared with a control group (9 pigs). Area at risk'(AAR), infarct size (IS) and IS relative to AAR was determined by MIBI SPECT and by a standard histochemical method. The results demonstrated that infarct size was significantly smaller in the IP group both relative to left ventricle (IS/LV) and to area at risk (IS/AAR). Both AAR/LV and IS/LV, however, were greater when measured by MPI than with histochemistry. There was no difference in the ratio between infarct size and area at risk (IS/AAR). In conclusion, MPI with MIBI is a reliable measurement of infarct reduction by ischaemic preconditioning. Myocardium affected by recent ischaemia is correctly distinguished as viable by MPI in early reperfusion, when compared to a standard histochemical technique.  相似文献   



Pericardial fat has adverse effects on the surrounding vasculature. Previous studies suggest that pericardial fat may contribute to myocardial ischemia in symptomatic individuals. However, it is unknown if pericardial fat has similar effects in asymptomatic individuals.


We determined the association between pericardial fat and myocardial blood flow (MBF) in 214 adults with no prior history of cardiovascular disease from the Minnesota field center of the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (43% female, 56% Caucasian, 44% Hispanic). Pericardial fat volume was measured by computed tomography. MBF was measured by MRI at rest and during adenosine-induced hyperemia. Myocardial perfusion reserve (PR) was calculated as the ratio of hyperemic to resting MBF.


Gender-stratified analyses revealed significant differences between men and women including less pericardial fat (71.9±31.3 vs. 105.2±57.5 cm3, p<0.0001) and higher resting MBF (1.12±0.23 vs. 0.93±0.19 ml/min/g, p<0.0001), hyperemic MBF (3.49±0.76 vs. 2.65±0.72 ml/min/g, p<0.0001), and PR (3.19±0.78 vs. 2.93±0.89, p = 0.03) in women. Correlations between pericardial fat and clinical and hemodynamic variables were stronger in women. In women only (p = 0.01 for gender interaction) higher pericardial fat was associated with higher resting MBF (p = 0.008). However, this association was attenuated after accounting for body mass index or rate-pressure product. There were no significant associations between pericardial fat and hyperemic MBF or PR after multivariate adjustment in either gender. In logistic regression analyses there was also no association between impaired coronary vasoreactivity, defined as having a PR <2.5, and pericardial fat in men (OR, 1.18; 95% CI, 0.82–1.70) or women (OR, 1.11; 95% CI, 0.68–1.82).


Our data fail to support an independent association between pericardial fat and myocardial perfusion in adults without symptomatic cardiovascular disease. Nevertheless, these findings highlight potentially important differences between asymptomatic and symptomatic individuals with respect to the underlying subclinical disease burden.  相似文献   

Molecular methods for the assessment of bacterial viability   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The main objective of this cross-sectional study was to determine the validity of the silhouette rating scale and reported values of height and weight in assessing weight status in a group of adolescents. 245 adolescents, students of the Belgrade elementary school, aged 11-14 (12.33 +/- 0.50), were involved. Weight status was assessed by anthropometry, self-reported height and weight and by figure rating scale. From the results obtained significant differences emerged as a function of weight status. The majority of normal weight adolescents were accurate in reporting their body size. The percentage of under-reporters was significantly higher in the overweight/obese group than in the normal weight group (chi2 = 9.741, p = 0.003). The correlation between BMI, both measured and self-reported, and perceived body size was positive and highly significant (p < 0.001). Self-reported weight and height appears acceptable for estimating weight status in normal weight adolescents, but not in those who are overweight or obese. This study also demonstrated that adolescents can estimate with some accuracy their body size using figure ratings scales.  相似文献   

B J Fuller  D E Pegg 《Cryobiology》1976,13(2):177-184
A method of estimating renal function by normothermic perfusion in vitro has been developed. In this paper, its application to the study of different methods of hypothermic renal preservation in the rabbit is described. Groups of kidneys were stored at 4 °C for 24 hr by surface cooling alone, by initial perfusion followed by storage (washout perfusion), and by continuous perfusion. Renal function was found to be severely compromised after surface cooling alone or after washout perfusion with an isotonic solution resembling extracellular fluid. Washout with a solution containing sufficient additional glucose to raise the osmolality to 400 mosm/kg gave greatly improved function, but increasing the concentration of magnesium from 2 to 72 mequiv/litre failed to confer any additional benefit, and increasing the concentration of potassium from 4 to 74 mequiv/ litre depressed function. Continuous perfusion with a solution containing albumin and dextran gave results that were inferior to the best washout method, but increasing the osmolality of the perfusate with glucose again resulted in a very significant improvement in function, which however was still inferior to the best washout method of storage. The further use of this test system to study methods of renal preservation is advocated.  相似文献   

区域生态风险评价方法研究进展   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
周婷  蒙吉军 《生态学杂志》2009,28(4):762-767
生态风险评价是近十几年逐渐兴起并得到发展的一个研究领域,区域生态风险评价作为生态风险评价的组成部分,由于其空间异质性和评价过程的复杂性,而成为了研究的难点与热点。本文综述了生态风险评价和区域生态风险评价的概念、方法和实践研究的进展,总结了具有代表性的生态风险评价概念模型框架和步骤以及物理、数学和计算机模拟等评价方法;归纳了区域生态风险评价的概念模型、PETAR方法以及相对风险评价模型等;介绍了针对多样化的风险源、风险受体和评价数据源类型的不同而进行的实践案例研究。针对目前研究中存在评价阈值确定、暴露和危害分析、定量表征、不确定性处理等方面的问题,提出需进一步研究和探讨区域生态风险评价的指标体系、评价标准、定量化方法与技术以及风险效应表征等。  相似文献   

D Mandallaz  J Mau 《Biometrics》1981,37(2):213-222
If the regulatory requirements are symmetrical, the use of symmetrical confidence intervals as a decision rule for bioequivalence assessment leads, as shown by simulations, to better level properties and an inferior power compared to a rule based on shortest confidence intervals. A choice between these two approaches will have to depend on a loss function. For asymmetric regulatory requirements, symmetrical confidence intervals should not be used; however, a decision can still be based on posterior probabilities, pr (theta epsilon [r1, r2]/x), or shortest confidence intervals. For purposes of inference, presentation and interpretation of results, we think that the use of symmetrical confidence intervals alone can be misleading and we therefore recommend that the posterior probabilities and densities, or at least the shortest confidence intervals, be given.  相似文献   

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