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We study three classical problems of genome rearrangement--sorting, halving, and the median problem--in a restricted double cut and join (DCJ) model. In the DCJ model, introduced by Yancopoulos et al., we can represent rearrangement events that happen in multichromosomal genomes, such as inversions, translocations, fusions, and fissions. Two DCJ operations can mimic transpositions or block interchanges by first extracting an appropriate segment of a chromosome, creating a temporary circular chromosome, and then reinserting it in its proper place. In the restricted model, we are concerned with multichromosomal linear genomes and we require that each circular excision is immediately followed by its reincorporation. Existing linear-time DCJ sorting and halving algorithms ignore this reincorporation constraint. In this article, we propose a new algorithm for the restricted sorting problem running in O(n log n) time, thus improving on the known quadratic time algorithm. We solve the restricted halving problem and give an algorithm that computes a multilinear halved genome in linear time. Finally, we show that the restricted median problem is NP-hard as conjectured.  相似文献   

We provide a computationally realistic mathematical framework for the NP-hard problem of the multichromosomal breakpoint median for linear genomes that can be used in constructing phylogenies. A novel approach is provided that can handle signed, unsigned, and partially signed cases of the multichromosomal breakpoint median problem. Our method provides an avenue for incorporating biological assumptions (whenever available) such as the number of chromosomes in the ancestor, and thus it can be tailored to obtain a more biologically relevant picture of the median. We demonstrate the usefulness of our method by performing an empirical study on both simulated and real data with a comparison to other methods.  相似文献   

Given two genomes with duplicate genes, Zero Exemplar Distance is the problem of deciding whether the two genomes can be reduced to the same genome without duplicate genes by deleting all but one copy of each gene in each genome. Blin, Fertin, Sikora, and Vialette recently proved that Zero Exemplar Distance for monochromosomal genomes is NP-hard even if each gene appears at most two times in each genome, thereby settling an important open question on genome rearrangement in the exemplar model. In this article, we give a very simple alternative proof of this result. We also study the problem Zero Exemplar Distance for multichromosomal genomes without gene order, and prove the analogous result that it is also NP-hard even if each gene appears at most two times in each genome. For the positive direction, we show that both variants of Zero Exemplar Distance admit polynomial-time algorithms if each gene appears exactly once in one genome and at least once in the other genome. In addition, we present a polynomial-time algorithm for the related problem Exemplar Longest Common Subsequence in the special case that each mandatory symbol appears exactly once in one input sequence and at least once in the other input sequence. This answers an open question of Bonizzoni et al. We also show that Zero Exemplar Distance for multichromosomal genomes without gene order is fixed-parameter tractable in the general case if the parameter is the maximum number of chromosomes in each genome.  相似文献   



Genome median and genome halving are combinatorial optimization problems that aim at reconstructing ancestral genomes as well as the evolutionary events leading from the ancestor to extant species. Exploring complexity issues is a first step towards devising efficient algorithms. The complexity of the median problem for unichromosomal genomes (permutations) has been settled for both the breakpoint distance and the reversal distance. Although the multichromosomal case has often been assumed to be a simple generalization of the unichromosomal case, it is also a relaxation so that complexity in this context does not follow from existing results, and is open for all distances.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The double cut and join operation (abbreviated as DCJ) has been extensively used for genomic rearrangement. Although the DCJ distance between signed genomes with both linear and circular (uni- and multi-) chromosomes is well studied, the only known result for the NP-complete unsigned DCJ distance problem is an approximation algorithm for unsigned linear unichromosomal genomes. In this article, we study the problem of computing the DCJ distance on two unsigned linear multichromosomal genomes (abbreviated as UDCJ). RESULTS: We devise a 1.5-approximation algorithm for UDCJ by exploiting the distance formula for signed genomes. In addition, we show that UDCJ admits a weak kernel of size 2k and hence an FPT algorithm running in O(2(2k)n) time.  相似文献   

Motivated by the trend of genome sequencing without completing the sequence of the whole genomes, a problem on filling an incomplete multichromosomal genome (or scaffold) I with respect to a complete target genome G was studied. The objective is to minimize the resulting genomic distance between I' and G, where I' is the corresponding filled scaffold. We call this problem the onesided scaffold filling problem. In this paper, we conduct a systematic study for the scaffold filling problem under the breakpoint distance and its variants, for both unichromosomal and multichromosomal genomes (with and without gene repetitions). When the input genome contains no gene repetition (i.e., is a fragment of a permutation), we show that the two-sided scaffold filling problem (i.e., G is also incomplete) is polynomially solvable for unichromosomal genomes under the breakpoint distance and for multichromosomal genomes under the genomic (or DCJ--Double-Cut-and-Join) distance. However, when the input genome contains some repeated genes, even the one-sided scaffold filling problem becomes NP-complete when the similarity measure is the maximum number of adjacencies between two sequences. For this problem, we also present efficient constant-factor approximation algorithms: factor-2 for the general case and factor 1.33 for the one-sided case.  相似文献   



Due to recent progress in genome sequencing, more and more data for phylogenetic reconstruction based on rearrangement distances between genomes become available. However, this phylogenetic reconstruction is a very challenging task. For the most simple distance measures (the breakpoint distance and the reversal distance), the problem is NP-hard even if one considers only three genomes.  相似文献   

The study of genome rearrangements is an important tool in comparative genomics. This paper revisits the problem of sorting a multichromosomal genome by translocations, i.e., exchanges of chromosome ends. We give an elementary proof of the formula for computing the translocation distance in linear time, and we give a new algorithm for sorting by translocations, correcting an error in a previous algorithm by Hannenhalli.  相似文献   

Many approaches to compute the genomic distance are still limited to genomes with the same content, without duplicated markers. However, differences in the gene content are frequently observed and can reflect important evolutionary aspects. While duplicated markers can hardly be handled by exact models, when duplicated markers are not allowed, a few polynomial time algorithms that include genome rearrangements, insertions and deletions were already proposed. In an attempt to improve these results, in the present work we give the first linear time algorithm to compute the distance between two multichromosomal genomes with unequal content, but without duplicated markers, considering insertions, deletions and double cut and join (DCJ) operations. We derive from this approach algorithms to sort one genome into another one also using DCJ operations, insertions and deletions. The optimal sorting scenarios can have different compositions and we compare two types of sorting scenarios: one that maximizes and one that minimizes the number of DCJ operations with respect to the number of insertions and deletions. We also show that, although the triangle inequality can be disrupted in the proposed genomic distance, it is possible to correct this problem adopting a surcharge on the number of non-common markers. We use our method to analyze six species of Rickettsia, a group of obligate intracellular parasites, and identify preliminary evidence of clusters of deletions.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: A one-to-one correspondence between the sets of genes in the two genomes being compared is necessary for the notions of breakpoint and reversal distances. To compare genomes where there are paralogous genes, Sankoff formulated the exemplar distance problem as a general version of the genome rearrangement problem. Unfortunately, the problem is NP-hard even for the breakpoint distance. RESULTS: This paper proposes a divide-and-conquer approach for calculating the exemplar breakpoint distance between two genomes with multiple gene families. The combination of our approach and Sankoff's branch-and-bound technique leads to a practical program to answer this question. Tests with both simulated and real datasets show that our program is much more efficient than the existing program that is based only on the branch-and-bound technique. AVAILABILITY: Code for the program is available from the authors.  相似文献   

Genome rearrangement is an important area in computational biology and bioinformatics. The translocation operation is one of the popular operations for genome rearrangement. It was proved that computing the unsigned translocation distance is NP-hard. In this paper, we present a (1.5 + epsilon)-approximation algorithm for computing unsigned translocation distance which improves upon the best known 1.75-ratio. The running time of our algorithm is O(n2 + (4/epsilon)1.5 square root log(4/epsilon )2(4/epsilon), where n is the total number of genes in the genome.  相似文献   

Genome rearrangement is an important area in computational biology and bioinformatics. The translocation operation is one of the popular operations for genome rearrangement. It was proved that computing the unsigned translocation distance is NP-hard. In this paper, we present a (1.5+epsiv)-approximation algorithm for computing the unsigned translocation distance that improves upon the best known 1.75-ratio. The runtime of our algorithm is O(n2+(4/epsiv)1.5radic(log(4/epsiv)24/epsiv)), where n is the total number of genes in the genome.  相似文献   

In the recent years, there has been a growing interest in inferring the total order of genes or markers on a chromosome, since current genetic mapping efforts might only suffice to produce a partial order. Many interesting optimization problems were thus formulated in the framework of genome rearrangement. As an important one among them, the minimum breakpoint linearization (MBL) problem is to find the total order of a partially ordered genome that minimizes its breakpoint distance to a reference genome whose genes are already totally ordered. It was previously shown to be NP-hard, and the algorithms proposed so far are all heuristic. In this paper, we present an {m^2+mover 2}-approximation algorithm for the MBL problem, where m is the number of gene maps that are combined together to form a partial order of the genome under investigation.  相似文献   

Given a phylogenetic tree involving whole genome duplication events, we contribute to solving the problem of computing the rearrangement and double cut-and-join (DCJ) distances on a branch of the tree linking a duplication node d to a speciation node or a leaf s. In the case of a genome G at s containing exactly two copies of each gene, the genome halving problem is to find a perfectly duplicated genome D at d minimizing the rearrangement distance with G. We generalize the existing exact linear-time algorithm for genome halving to the case of a genome G with missing gene copies. In the case of a known ancestral duplicated genome D, we develop a greedy approach for computing the distance between G and D, called the double distance. Two algorithms are developed in both cases of a genome G containing exactly two copies of each gene, or at most two copies of each gene (with missing gene copies). These algorithms are shown time-efficient and very accurate for both the rearrangement and DCJ distances.  相似文献   

Computing genomic distances between whole genomes is a fundamental problem in comparative genomics. Recent researches have resulted in different genomic distance definitions, for example, number of breakpoints, number of common intervals, number of conserved intervals, and Maximum Adjacency Disruption number. Unfortunately, it turns out that, in presence of duplications, most problems are NP-hard, and hence several heuristics have been recently proposed. However, while it is relatively easy to compare heuristics between them, until now very little is known about the absolute accuracy of these heuristics. Therefore, there is a great need for algorithmic approaches that compute exact solutions for these genomic distances. In this paper, we present a novel generic pseudo-boolean approach for computing the exact genomic distance between two whole genomes in presence of duplications, and put strong emphasis on common intervals under the maximum matching model. Of particular importance, we show three heuristics which provide very good results on a well-known public dataset of gamma-Proteobacteria.  相似文献   

Alexeev  Nikita  Alekseyev  Max A. 《BMC genomics》2017,18(4):356-9


The ability to estimate the evolutionary distance between extant genomes plays a crucial role in many phylogenomic studies. Often such estimation is based on the parsimony assumption, implying that the distance between two genomes can be estimated as the rearrangement distance equal the minimal number of genome rearrangements required to transform one genome into the other. However, in reality the parsimony assumption may not always hold, emphasizing the need for estimation that does not rely on the rearrangement distance. The distance that accounts for the actual (rather than minimal) number of rearrangements between two genomes is often referred to as the true evolutionary distance. While there exists a method for the true evolutionary distance estimation, it however assumes that genomes can be broken by rearrangements equally likely at any position in the course of evolution. This assumption, known as the random breakage model, has recently been refuted in favor of the more rigorous fragile breakage model postulating that only certain “fragile” genomic regions are prone to rearrangements.


We propose a new method for estimating the true evolutionary distance between two genomes under the fragile breakage model. We evaluate the proposed method on simulated genomes, which show its high accuracy. We further apply the proposed method for estimation of evolutionary distances within a set of five yeast genomes and a set of two fish genomes.


The true evolutionary distances between the five yeast genomes estimated with the proposed method reveals that some pairs of yeast genomes violate the parsimony assumption. The proposed method further demonstrates that the rearrangement distance between the two fish genomes underestimates their evolutionary distance by about 20%. These results demonstrate how drastically the two distances can differ and justify the use of true evolutionary distance in phylogenomic studies.

A central problem in genome rearrangement is finding a most parsimonious rearrangement scenario using certain rearrangement operations. An important problem of this type is sorting a signed genome by reversals and translocations (SBRT). Hannenhalli and Pevzner presented a duality theorem for SBRT which leads to a polynomial time algorithm for sorting a multi-chromosomal genome using a minimum number of reversals and translocations. However, there is one case for which their theorem and algorithm fail. We describe that case and suggest a correction to the theorem and the polynomial algorithm. The solution of SBRT uses a reduction to the problem of sorting a signed permutation by reversals (SBR). The best extant algorithms for SBR require quadratic time. The common approach to solve SBR is by finding a safe reversal using the overlap graph or the interleaving graph of a permutation. We describe a family of signed permutations which proves a quadratic lower bound on the number of affected vertices in the overlap/interleaving graph during any optimal sorting scenario. This implies, in particular, an Omega(n3) lower bound for Bergeron's algorithm.  相似文献   

Genomic rearrangement operations can be very useful to infer the phylogenetic relationship of gene orders representing species. We study the problem of finding potential ancestral gene orders for the gene orders of given taxa, such that the corresponding rearrangement scenario has a minimal number of reversals, and where each of the reversals has to preserve the common intervals of the given input gene orders. Common intervals identify sets of genes that occur consecutively in all input gene orders. The problem of finding such an ancestral gene order is called the preserving reversal median problem (pRMP). A tree-based data structure for the representation of the common intervals of all input gene orders is used in our exact algorithm TCIP for solving the pRMP. It is known that the minimum number of reversals to transform one gene order into another can be computed in polynomial time, whereas the corresponding problem with the restriction that common intervals should not be destroyed is already NP-hard. It is shown theoretically that TCIP can solve a large class of pRMP instances in polynomial time. Empirically we show the good performance of TCIP on biological and artificial data.  相似文献   

In the study of genome rearrangement, the block-interchanges have been proposed recently as a new kind of global rearrangement events affecting a genome by swapping two nonintersecting segments of any length. The so-called block-interchange distance problem, which is equivalent to the sorting-by-block-interchange problem, is to find a minimum series of block-interchanges for transforming one chromosome into another. In this paper, we study this problem by considering the circular chromosomes and propose a Omicron(deltan) time algorithm for solving it by making use of permutation groups in algebra, where n is the length of the circular chromosome and delta is the minimum number of block-interchanges required for the transformation, which can be calculated in Omicron(n) time in advance. Moreover, we obtain analogous results by extending our algorithm to linear chromosomes. Finally, we have implemented our algorithm and applied it to the circular genomic sequences of three human vibrio pathogens for predicting their evolutionary relationships. Consequently, our experimental results coincide with the previous ones obtained by others using a different comparative genomics approach, which implies that the block-interchange events seem to play a significant role in the evolution of vibrio species.  相似文献   

We prove that the genome aliquoting problem, the problem of finding a recent polyploid ancestor of a genome, with breakpoint distance can be solved in polynomial time. We propose an aliquoting algorithm that is a 2-approximation for the genome aliquoting problem with double cut and join distance, improving upon the previous best solution to this problem, Feij?o and Meidanis' 4-approximation algorithm.  相似文献   

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