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An investigation of spatial pattern in relatively sparse Pinus ponderosa-P. Jeffreyi stands showed that a simple Poisson model of random distribution described the pattern at 5 to 50 m scales in the denser stands examined when allowance is made for inhibition between nearest neighbors. There is evidence for a clumped distribution in large quadrats for the sparsest stands, which concurs with prior work where a mixed Poisson model was fit to the data. The technique used was innovative in that it involved digitally recording tree locations from high resolution aerial photos, which allowed for the automatic application of several statistical techniques in order to determine how pattern varies with plot density and scale. Point locations were recorded for six 11.3 ha plots in three density regions of a 340 ha study area in northeastern California, USA. The inter-event distance distribution, and one- and two-dimensional power spectra were calculated, and variable quadrat analysis was performed for the data sets. The second order and spectral analyses showed no evidence of a distinctive clumped pattern at any scale, and all analyses showed that the pattern was regular at the scale of the average inter-plant distance in the denser stands. For the sparser stands, the counts in large quadrats did not fit a Poisson distribution, but were better fit by a mixed Poisson model describing aggregated pattern.  相似文献   

以米亚罗林区为例,利用森林样地调查和遥感影像解译方法,通过森林植被图与数字地形的叠加,分析了川西亚高山森林大规模采伐和更新后,主要森林植被类型外貌与起源之间的联系,以及各类型分布的地形分异规律和空间格局.结果表明,大规模采伐和更新后,森林植被类型的外貌与起源相关,老龄针叶林为保留下来的原始林,中幼龄针叶林为人工林,落叶阔叶林为天然次生林,而针阔混交林中既有天然次生的成分,也有人工、天然更新共同作用的成分.海拔2 800~3 600 m是米亚罗的主要伐区,森林恢复表现出坡向分异:人工更新的中幼龄针叶林主要分布于阳坡、半阳坡;落叶阔叶林和针阔混交林受天然更新的影响,主要分布于阴坡、半阴坡.老龄针叶林主要保留在海拔3 600 m以上.恢复过程中各种森林植被类型镶嵌分布,景观破碎化严重.  相似文献   

川西亚高山森林恢复的空间格局分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
以米亚罗林区为例,利用森林样地调查和遥感影像解译方法,通过森林植被图与数字地形的叠加,分析了川西亚高山森林大规模采伐和更新后,主要森林植被类型外貌与起源之间的联系,以及各类型分布的地形分异规律和空间格局.结果表明,大规模采伐和更新后,森林植被类型的外貌与起源相关,老龄针叶林为保留下来的原始林,中幼龄针叶林为人工林,落叶阔叶林为天然次生林,而针阔混交林中既有天然次生的成分,也有人工、天然更新共同作用的成分.海拔2 800~3 600 m是米亚罗的主要伐区,森林恢复表现出坡向分异:人工更新的中幼龄针叶林主要分布于阳坡、半阳坡;落叶阔叶林和针阔混交林受天然更新的影响,主要分布于阴坡、半阴坡.老龄针叶林主要保留在海拔3 600 m以上.恢复过程中各种森林植被类型镶嵌分布,景观破碎化严重.  相似文献   

The variation in species composition of trees 7.6 cm gbh in thirty-eight plots (mostly c. 0.2 ha in extent) from physiognomically-defined kerangas forest were re-analyzed by principal components analysis ordination (species centering and standardization by sample norm). Analyses were performed separately on basal area abundances, on the densities of trees in three size classes (7.6, 30.5 and 61.0 cm gbh) and on the density of small and large trees (7.6-<30.5 and 30.5-<61.0 cm gbh). A total of 636 taxa were reduced to 381 for analysis, removing those of very low density and plot frequency.Three groups of plots were identified: forest at low elevation, and generally coastal, on deep humus podzols; forest at intermediate elevation on mostly red-yellow podzols with affinities to dipterocarp forest; and forest at high elevation on mostly peaty podzols. The first group was divisible into five subgroups along a drainage gradient, while the more poorly drained plots showing affinities to peatswamp forest. Forty to eighty of the taxa, depending on the criteria for selection, were sufficient to define a stable, reduced spatial structure of the data matrix. Two subgroups, both coastal on deep podzols, represent the extreme form of kerangas forest per se. A comparison of Agathis borneensis- and Shorea albida-dominated plots revealed few other associated and differentiating taxa.Patterns were clearest from analyses of basal area data and of densities of all and small trees. Ordinations and grouping of plots for small, but not large, tree densities were similar to those for basal area. Different species were differentiated on the basis of the abundance measure, leading to group (tabular) definition of associations in a dual manner. A new system of summarization is presented which combines basal area, density and frequency in a graded hierarchical approach.The association between vegetation and soil type was difficult to unravel because of the limited environmental space sampled. Soil type was confounded with elevation, rainfall and geographical location. A major factor is clay content probably affecting nutrient status and water holding properties. Modal analysis of small tree densities showed clearest patterns in this respect. There were no patterns at the family or genus level, nor in leaf size spectra within kerangas.Problems in the treatment, analysis and summarization of tropical forest data sets are discussed. These problems centre on the scale and intensity of field sampling and the advantages of measuring small trees leading to a dual basal area and density approach. All published studies, including this one, within kerangas forest have used inadequate sampling for the purposes of revealing species changes with respect to soil type and composition.  相似文献   

海南岛霸王岭热带低地雨林树木的空间格局   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
树木空间格局及其形成过程是物种共存及生物多样性维持机制研究的一个重要方面。该文以海南岛两个1 hm 2的典型热带低地雨林老龄林森林动态样地为基础, 通过4个点格局模型(均质Poisson过程、异质Poisson过程、均质Thomas过程和异质Thomas过程)模拟扩散限制和生境异质性作用对树木空间分布格局的影响, 并分析不同空间尺度下(< 2 m, 2-5 m, 5-10 m, 10-15 m, 15-20 m和20-25 m)不同作用的相对重要性。结果表明: 热带低地雨林的所有树木总体上呈现聚集分布的空间格局, 随着尺度的增大, 聚集强度逐渐减小。树种在模拟空间分布格局最优模型中的比例由高到低分别是: 均质Thomas过程, 均质Poisson过程、异质Thomas过程和异质Poisson过程。扩散限制作用是形成热带低地雨林树木空间分布格局最重要的生态过程, 其次是完全随机作用以及生境异质性和扩散限制的联合作用, 而生境异质性的作用最小。不同空间尺度上模拟各树种空间分布格局的最优模型比例差异显著, 扩散限制作用能够在多数空间尺度上模拟多个树种的空间分布格局, 其次为随机作用; 生境异质性和扩散限制的联合作用主要在小尺度(0-5 m)影响树种分布, 而生境异质性在较大尺度(15-25 m)上影响树种的空间分布格局。  相似文献   

Swidden agriculture, commercial logging and plantation development have been considered to be the primary common causes of degradation and loss of tropical rain forests in Southeast Asia. In this paper, I chose a part of northeastern Sarawak, East Malaysia as my case study area to analyze the changes in its land-use characteristics. In the study area, as well as primeval forests, we see that land use began about 100 years ago by a native group called the Iban; commercial logging began in the 1960s, and the development of oil palm plantations began recently. I describe the changes in land use as well as their social and economic causes by referring to aerial photographs, literature surveys, interviews with government officers and the Iban, and observation of land use. My analysis of land use demonstrates that on “state land”, where commercial logging and oil palm plantation development are occurring, large areas of forest have been disturbed in a short period of time. The objective is to benefit economically in response to the social and economic conditions surrounding the study area. On the other hand, in the “Iban territory,” where the Iban practice their land use, land conversion has not occurred on a large scale and in a short period of time, even though the forest has been cut and agricultural fields have been created in response to social and economic conditions as well. They disperse small agricultural fields throughout their forest land. Therefore, the landscape of the “Iban territory” is based on secondary forest, composed of patches of forest in various stages and with several types of agricultural land. Today in Sarawak, monocrop plantations are rapidly expanding and little primeval forest remains. Given these conditions, the land-use practices of natives such as the Iban will be evaluated from the viewpoint of ecosystem and biodiversity conservation. It could play an important role in providing habitats for natural wildlife.  相似文献   

Tropical forest plants are known to be pollinated by a diverse array of animals. Here we report on the pollination of a woody climber species, Uvaria elmeri (Annonaceae), by cockroaches in a lowland mixed-dipterocarp forest in Sarawak, Malaysia. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of pollination by cockroaches. The cauliflorous flowers in the understory are protogynous and bloomed for 50 h. An odor similar to decayed wood or a mushroom was secreted by flowers and was stronger during the male stage. Pollinators were cockroaches (Blattellidae) and drosophilid flies (Drosophilidae). Cockroaches, the main pollinators, visited flowers during both female and male stages at night, feeding on stigmatic exudate and pollen. Drosophilids, the secondary pollinators. mainly visited female-stage flowers during daytime, fed on stigmatic exudate. and laid eggs on stigmas. Neither autogamy nor self-compatibility was observed. Fruit production appeared to be pollen-limited. The fruit set, which was 2% of flowers in natural condition, was significantly lower than the 30% fruit set obtained by artificial cross-pollination. We discuss the traits of cockroaches as pollinators and the breeding system of U. elmeri.  相似文献   

Past work on tree-to-tree interactions in semi-arid savannas, through the use of nearest neighbour analysis, has shown both a regular dispersion pattern and a positive correlation between the size of a tree and the distance to its nearest neighbour. From these results, the importance of competition has been inferred. In the present study, tree-to-tree interactions in a mesic savanna woodland at Marondera, Zimbabwe, dominated by relatively small-sized individuals of Brachystegia spiciformis and Julbernardia globiflora, were examined. Results show that the regular dispersion pattern is uncommon; that there are few significant positive correlations between size of individual and distance to nearest neighbour; and that growth rate is not consistently correlated with size and distance of nearest neighbour. Results of a study of regeneration relative to canopy cover suggest a possible mechanism for these findings: unlike semi-arid savannas, young plants often grow in under-canopy environments so that early spacing of young trees does not occur. Significant positive correlations between the size of a tree and the distance to its nearest neighbour were found in a stand of larger, presumably older, trees, suggesting that such a relationship only develops in mesic miombo woodland through a thinning process as the trees mature. Familial clumping, which is common in the study area, may mask spatial patterns.Abbreviations RBAI Relative basal area increment  相似文献   

森林资源可持续利用空间格局分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
森林资源的经营管理一直很少注重其空间格局分析,以大兴安岭林区塔源林场的森林资源为对象,采用GIS技术对该地区森林资源现状结构进行了分析,生成森林资源保护作业区划图,同时绘制了分别与采伐、抚育和更新造林等信息相对应的多层专题图。将这些专题图与保护作业区划图进行叠加分析,显示1996-1998年该地区森林资源可持续利用的空间格局,为森林资源保护与管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

为深入了解神农架天然针阔混交林群落乔木树种的更新特征,于神农架国家公园设置1 hm2森林动态监测样地对树种更新进行调查,利用Ripley的L函数分析优势更新树种的空间分布格局、种间空间关联性以及与大树的空间分布关系。结果显示:(1)更新个体共有35 752株,隶属于19科29属45种。更新优势种基本是乔木层优势树种,物种更新数量表现为:巴山冷杉(Abies fargesii Franch.) > 华山松(Pinus armandii Franch.) > 四蕊槭(Acer stachyophyllum subsp.tetramerum(Pax)A.E.) > 华中山楂(Crataegus wilsonii Sarg.),混交林群落更新良好。(2)随着尺度增加,巴山冷杉、华山松更新空间格局由聚集分布向随机分布和均匀分布发展;华中山楂、四蕊槭更新的空间格局在整个尺度上均为聚集分布,表明针叶、阔叶树种更新在空间生态利用策略上出现分化。(3)巴山冷杉与其余3个优势更新树种、华山松与华中山楂更新呈显著正相关,表现出对微生境的共同喜好;四蕊槭分别与华山松、华中山楂更新的空间关系表现为显著负相关,种间竞争激烈。(4)巴山冷杉、华中山楂、四蕊槭的更新个体与大树的空间分布总体为显著正相关,这可能与种子传播限制相关;华山松幼苗、幼树与大树的空间分布在小尺度上呈负相关,存在资源不对称竞争。  相似文献   

Lowiaceae, a family of the Zingiberales, comprise 11 species in the single genus Orchidantha. Here we present the first report on the pollination of Lowiaceae and describe a new system of dung-beetle pollination from Sarawak, Borneo. Orchidantha inouei has a zygomorphic flower located just above the ground. Observations revealed that the plant is visited frequently and is pollinated by scarabaeid dung beetles, mainly members of the genus Onthophagus. All four species of Onthophagus collected on O. inouei have also been caught using traps baited with dung or carrion in Borneo. Onthophagus was presumably attracted to the dung-like odor of the flower. Pollination of O. inouei is different from other examples of beetle pollination in that its flower provides neither reward nor protected space. Dung beetles are excellent at following a particular dung scent. Orchidantha is the only genus that includes species lacking floral nectar. It is interesting that this deception pollination using dung beetles was found in Zingiberales, in which all known species have mutual and specialized relationships with their long-distance, but costly, pollinators-bees, birds, and bats.  相似文献   

Many arguments have been presented to justify the conservation of tropical forests. In the case of mangrove forests, their preservation can be argued using economic and employment grounds alone. A case study of the Sarawak Mangroves Forest Reserve, Malaysia is presented. Here, the mangroves support marine fisheries worth US$21.1 million p.a. and up to 3000 jobs, timber products worth US$123,217 p.a., and a tourist industry worth US$3.7 million p.a. If the mangroves were to be damaged, all of the fisheries and timber and many of the tourism benefits would be lost. In addition, highly expensive civil engineering works would be incurred to prevent coastal erosion, flooding and other damage. The area is also one of the only remaining refuges for mangrove flora and fauna in Sarawak. If the area were to be converted to aquaculture ponds or oil palm plantations, levels of revenue would be greatly reduced, and the multiple other benefits of mangroves would be lost. Coastal land pressure is not a limiting factor in the State. Considering their economic, employment, coastal protection and species conservation values, mangroves should be conserved and their importance taken into account at all levels in development planning.  相似文献   

We have investigated tree distributions in relation to topography between different tree life history stages, from the seed-dispersal stage to the adult stage in a warm temperate evergreen broadleaved forest on Yakushima Island, Japan, to clarify the critical stages in determining adult tree distributions. We conducted a census of all living trees > or =30 cm tall and collected seed falls over three years using 25 seed traps in a 50 m x 50 m quadrat. Four life stages were defined: stage 1, dispersed seed; stage 2, individuals taller than 30 cm and diameter at breast height (DBH) < 1 cm; stage 3, trunks 1 cm < or = DBH < 10 cm; stage 4, trunks with DBH > or = 10 cm. We classified 17 common tree species into three groups; group A was distributed mainly on the upper slope, group B on the lower slope, and group C on both. Most of group A and B trees at stages 2-4 showed an aggregated distribution along the topographical gradient. The densities at stage 1 showed weaker aggregations according to slope. Topography-specific tree distribution was probably determined at the regeneration stage, and later survival was less effective as a mechanism of vegetation differentiation.  相似文献   

大兴安岭呼中森林景观的空间点格局分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于呼中林业局林相图,采用点格局方法,分析了森林景观的空间格局及各景观间的关联性。结果表明:针叶林在0~25km尺度范围内呈聚集分布;阔叶林在0~14km为聚集分布,在14~25km为随机分布;灌木林在0~10km为聚集分布,在10~25km为随机分布;草甸在0~15km为聚集分布,在15~25km为随机分布。针叶林与灌木林在4.5~25km、阔叶林与草甸在12~24km尺度范围内无关联性;针叶林与阔叶林、针叶林与草甸、阔叶林与灌木林、灌木林与草甸在0~25km尺度范围内均存在空间关联性。这种分布格局对大兴安岭林区森林的可持续经营具有重要的指导意义,小范围内的植被恢复可以采用集中连片的造林方式,而大范围内则可以根据立地条件类型采取随机造林模式。  相似文献   

Growth strategies of six species of trees are compared and used to analyze forest architecture. They included the overstory speciesFagus grandifolia, Magnolia grandiflora, Pinus glabra andLiquidambar styraciflua, and the understory speciesOstrya virginiana andIlex opaca. The six species were abundant in Woodyard Hammock, an old-growth forest in northern Florida, USA. Height, stem diameter, crown projection and radial growth were measured in trees between 5 and 35 m tall. Three different, but non-exclusive, growth strategies were identified for the tree species: survival (Fagus grandifolia, Magnolia grandiflora, Ilex opaca), occupy open space (Fagus grandifolia, Ostrya virginiana, Ilex opaca), and reach above competitors (Liquidambar styraciflua, Pinus glabra). In two transects (0.42 ha) and one quadrat (1 ha), heights of dominant trees were used to distinguish different phases of forest development, which were mapped. In the quadrat, juvenile canopy trees in the undergrowth were mapped. The combination of presence of different developmental phases, presence of juveniles in the undergrowth, growth strategies of main tree species, and disturbance regime was used to assess forest development in the near future.Fagus grandifolia is predicted to become the main dominant species, but the frequent hurricanes open the forest canopy and provide opportunities for understory species (Ostrya virginiana andIlex opaca), and light-demanding overstory species (Liquidambar styraciflua andPinus glabra).  相似文献   

Spatial patterns are important characteristics of the forest and theycan reveal such things as successional status and ecological characteristics ofthe species. We tested the hypothesis that spatial distribution will bedifferent, depending on whether the species is intolerant or tolerant to shade.We assessed the spatial distribution of trees (> 4 cm dbh) andjuveniles in eight laurel forest plots. A univariate spatial analysis(performed with Ripley's K1) showed that all tree species havesignificantaggregation at short distances (2 m). Nevertheless, two groups ofspecies could be differentiated: Erica scoparia,Myrica faya and Ilex canariensisshowed a tendency for aggregation at large distances (larger than 6m)while L. azorica and Prunuslusitanicashowed aggregation only at shorter distances. Ripley's BivariateK1,2 analyses showed no significant differences in the spatialdistribution ofanalyzed species pairs from a null model. Only Laurusazoricahad a sufficient sample size for analysis of juvenile distribution. Aunivariateanalysis revealed thatL. azorica seedlings (stems < 50 cm high)were clumped in some plots up to 5 m, but this was not consistent.Saplings (stems > 50 cm high and < 4 cm dbh)didnot show strong clumping even at short distances. L.azoricasaplings had no significant aggregation with, nor repulsionfrom, adults of the same or different species. Spatial patterns of the speciesshould be considered in the development of restoration plans of the laurelforest 90%of which has disappeared or been intensively disturbed on Tenerife Island.  相似文献   

Species diversity has attracted particular attention because of its significance for helping determine present species performance and likely future community composition. The spatial pattern of species diversity (species richness, abundance and Shannon diversity) in Changbai temperate forest in Northeastern China was studied to investigate the present and likely causes for the formation of spatial patterns. To fulfill this goal, three aspects of diversity were addressed: 1) changes in the relationships of the diversity variables, species richness, abundance and Shannon diversity, to sampling area and sampling design. The three diversity variables were found to respond to sampling area in a dissimilar way. Sampling design had no significant effect on the diversity variable-area curves. The power function, which was derived under the assumption that the forest was in equilibrium, did not fit the observed species-area curves, indicating that the Changbai temperate forest was probably not in equilibrium. 2) Variograms, used to examine the spatial structure of species diversity, showed that the spatial structure of species diversity in the Changbai temperate forest was weakly anisotropic. 3) Partitioning the variation of species diversity into spatial and environmental factors indicated that the spatial pattern of the Changbai forest community was unpredictable, probably because there were many undetermined processes controlling its development.  相似文献   

Studies on larval population densities and adult emergence rates of the Brugian filariasis vectors Mansonia bonneae Edwards and Ma. dives Schiner were conducted in freshwater swamp forest bordering the Sadong River, Serian District, Sarawak, East Malaysia, during 1984-85. Three species of aquatic host-plants in the Family Araceae were identified as supporting immature stages of the Ma. bonneae/dives complex. Proportions of positive plants were 4.7%, 6.5% and 3.4% with 6.4 +/- 2.6, 7.3 +/- 2.8 and 10.1 +/- 1.1 larvae per positive plant, respectively, for the plant species Homalomena cordata Schott, H. rostrata Griffiths and Hydrostemma motleyi (Hook. f.) Mabberley. These data indicate no significant preferences between the three types of host-plant. Detailed monitoring of the host-plant H. cordata revealed no significant monthly fluctuations in larval density per plant nor the proportion of positive plants. 11.6% of larvae were Ma. dives and 88.4% were Ma. bonneae. Mean daily yields of Ma. bonneae/dives adults per square metre of H. cordata vegetated water surface were 0.45 males plus 0.57 females during the wet season (December-February) compared with 0.2 males plus 0.31 females during the dry season (June-August). Thus output of adults per plant was approximately halved, and suitable breeding areas were further reduced, during the dry season. By extrapolation from these rates, a crude mean estimate for productivity of Ma. bonneae/dives females is 1.6 million per hectare per annum in swamp forest habitats vegetated with any of the host-plants studied.  相似文献   

太岳山油松天然林林木的空间格局   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)耐低温、干旱和贫瘠,是我国北方温性针叶林中分布最广的森林群落,也是我国北方广大地区最主要的造林树种之一。太岳林区在山西省素称"油松之乡",麻池背的油松天然林从封禁以来,在其生长过程中未受到干扰破坏,形成了独特的油松天然林生态系统顶级群落。2007年7月,在太岳林区灵空山林场的麻池背,设置了一块面积为4hm2的油松天然林样地,逐一测量并记录了样地内所有胸径大于1cm乔木树种的胸径(DBH),树高,冠幅(南北,东西)和枝下高,并对其挂牌标记,鉴定种名,确定坐标位置。用扩散系数C,平均拥挤度m*和聚块性指数m*/m及Morisita指数Iδ对样地内林木的空间格局进行了判断,主要研究了油松林木空间格局随取样尺度、林木径级变化的动态以及油松上层木,下层木和枯立木的空间格局,另外还分析了主要伴生树种辽东栎(Quercus liaotungensis)以及其他所有阔叶树种的空间格局。研究结果表明:样地内胸径大于1cm的乔木树种共35种,3561株,油松2583株,占总个体数的72.50%,其中活立木2482株,枯立木101株;辽东栎319株,占总个体数的9.07%,为油松的主要伴生树种;其余各树种的个体数占总个体数的比例均不到4%。林分中构成中上层林的树种是油松,树高10m以上的乔木树种中,油松以外的其他树种只占了3.99%;10m以下的乔木树种和灌木组成了下层林木。油松的径级分布呈峰型,中径级个体多,主要集中在28—36cm,小径级与大径级则相对较少。在5m×5m,10m×10m,20m×20m三个尺度下,油松林木均为集群格局,且尺度变化对聚集程度影响不明显;同时对不同径级油松林木分布格局研究显示,除最大径级(d44cm)外,其余各径级基本都为集群格局,而最大径级为随机格局,表明随着生长发育,油松林木空间格局由集群格局逐渐向随机格局转变;油松上层木、下层木和枯立木均为集群格局;主要伴生树种辽东栎以及其他所有阔叶树种皆为集群格局。  相似文献   

The existence of a relationship between the spatial pattern of trees and the distribution of young individuals beneath the canopy has been tested in the beech (Fagus sylvatica) and spruce (Picea abies) — fir (Abies alba) forests in the mountainous region, using two different methods. The first method was the analysis of spatial pattern of individuals, the second one was based on calculating sums of influences of all trees occurring within analysed plot on a given point on the forest floor. Results of spatial pattern analyses were surprisingly consistent: almost all mature trees and seedlings didplayed a random pattern of spatial arrangement. However, there is a clear, although statistically insignificant tendency towards uniformity of spatial pattern with increasing sizes of analysed trees. Results of comparing sums of influences on regularly distributed points with sums of influences on seedlings or saplings revealed no tendency in forest regeneration to concentrate in places, where the sums were smaller than the average for a plot. This, coupled with the dominance of random spatial pattern of trees, suggests, that viewed on a small spatial scale, influence of competition among forest trees on their spatial arrangement is obscured by other factors, which are not closely related to the distribution of individuals.  相似文献   

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