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Characterization of recombinant human factor VIII   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Recently, complete human factor VIII DNA clones have been obtained and subsequently expressed in baby hamster kidney cells (Wood, W. I., Capon, D. J., Simonsen, C. C., Eaton, D. L., Gitschier, J., Keyt, B., Seeburg, P. H., Smith, D. H., Hollingshead, P., Wion, K. L., Delwart, E., Tuddenham, E. G. D., Vehar, G. A., and Lawn, R. M. (1984) Nature 312, 330-337). The recombinant factor VIII (rVIII) protein secreted from these cells has now been purified allowing its structural analysis and comparison to plasma-derived factor VIII (pdVIII). Analysis of purified rVIII by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis shows that it consists of multiple polypeptides with relative mobilities (Mr) ranging from 80,000-210,000. The same pattern of polypeptides is also observed for pdVIII resolved by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The proteins associated with rVIII are recognized by pdVIII antibodies in a Western blot. When rVIII and pdVIII are subjected to isoelectric focusing they are resolved into a similar pattern of protein bands. Thrombin, factor Xa, and activated protein C, which modulate factor VIII activity by proteolysis, process rVIII in the same manner they do pdVIII. As is the case for pdVIII, thrombin activation of rVIII coagulant activity correlates with the generation of subunits with Mr of 73,000, 50,000 and 43,000. These subunits appear to form a metal-(perhaps Ca2+) linked complex. EDTA inactivates thrombin-activated rVIII and pdVIII, with the activity being regenerated after the addition of a molar excess of MnCl2. The results suggest that rVIII is structurally and functionally very similar to pdVIII.  相似文献   

The synthesis, processing, and secretion of factor VIII expressed from heterologous genes introduced into Chinese hamster ovary cells has been studied. The results show factor VIII to be synthesized as a primary translation product of approximately 230 kDa that can be detected in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum. In this compartment, the majority of the factor VIII is in a complex with a resident protein of the endoplasmic reticulum, binding protein, and may never appear in the medium. Some factor VIII transits the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus, where it is cleaved to generate the mature heavy and light chains. In the absence of von Willebrand factor in the medium, the secreted heavy and light chains are unassociated and subsequently degraded. In the presence of von Willebrand factor in the medium, the heavy and light chains are secreted as a stable complex and activity accumulates linearly with time. The utilization and complexity of asparagine-linked carbohydrate present on the secreted recombinant-derived factor VIII and human plasma-derived factor VIII were compared and found to be very similar. In both cases, the asparagine-linked carbohydrate moieties on the heavy chain are primarily of the hybrid or complex-type. In contrast, the factor VIII from both sources contains a high-mannose type of asparagine-linked carbohydrate on the light chain.  相似文献   

Siglecs, sialic acid-recognizing Ig-superfamily lectins, regulate various aspects of immune responses, and have also been shown to induce the endocytosis of binding materials such as anti-Siglec antibodies or sialic acid-harboring bacteria. In this study, we demonstrated that the expression of Siglec-9 enhanced the transfection efficiency of several cell lines such as macrophage RAW264 and non-hematopoietic 293FT cells. We applied this finding to the production of a lentiviral vector in which cells were transfected simultaneously with multiple vectors, and achieved a twice increase in viral production levels. Furthermore, 293FT cells expressing lectin-defective Siglec-9 produced three- to seven-fold higher titer of viral vector compared with parental 293FT cells. These results suggest that Siglec-9 enhanced lentiviral vector production in a lectin-independent manner.  相似文献   

Aggregation of proteins is a major problem in their use as drugs and is also involved in a variety of pathological diseases. In this study, biophysical techniques were employed to investigate aggregate formation in the pharmaceutically important protein, recombinant human factor VIII (rhFVIII). Recombinant human factor VIII incubated in solution at 37 degrees C formed soluble aggregates as detected by molecular sieve chromatography and dynamic light scattering. This resulted in a corresponding loss of biological activity. Fluorescence and CD spectra of the thermally stressed rhFVIII samples did not, however, suggest significant differences in protein conformation. To identify conformational changes in rhFVIII that may be involved in rhFVIII aggregation, temperature and solutes were used to perturb the native structure of rhFVIII. Far-UV CD and FTIR studies of rhFVIII as a function of temperature revealed conformational changes corresponding to an increase in intermolecular beta-sheet content beginning at approximately 45 degrees C with significant aggregation observed above 60 degrees C. Fluorescence and DSC studies of rhFVIII also indicated conformational changes initiating between 45 and 50 degrees C. An increase in the exposure of hydrophobic surfaces was observed beginning at approximately 40 degrees C, as monitored by increased binding of the fluorescent probe, bis-anilinonaphthalene sulfonic acid (bis-ANS). Perturbation by various solutes produced several transitions prior to extensive unfolding of rhFVIII. In all cases, a common transition, characterized by an increase in the wavelength of the fluorescence emission maximum of rhFVIII from approximately 330 to 335 nm, was observed during thermal and solute perturbation of factor VIII. Moreover, this transition was correlated with an increased association of factor VIII upon incubation at 37 degrees C in the presence of various solutes. These results suggest that association of rhFVIII in solution was initiated by a small transition in the tertiary structure of the protein which produced a nucleating species that led to the formation of inactive soluble aggregates.  相似文献   

Cryo-electron microscopy has the power to visualise lipid membranes at the closest to in vivo conditions. The structure of the lipid bilayer can be well resolved and the interactions between lipid-protein and protein-protein molecules followed at the molecular level. We undertook an extended Cryo-electron microscopy study to follow the factor VIII binding to phosphatidylserine containing lipid nanotubes at different lipid composition. Obtaining well ordered tubes is required to define the factor VIII membrane-bound structure. The observed alterations in the arrangement of the protein molecules are indicative for the flexibility of the membrane-bound factor VIII. Understanding the significance of these conformational changes is essential to comprehend the function of factor VIII in coagulation and as a drug for Hemophilia A.  相似文献   

Sodium propionate, as well as sodium butyrate, enhanced the production of recombinant B-domain-deleted, factor VIII (rFVIIIdB) by Chinese hamster ovary cells growing in a spinner-flask with a protein-free medium by more than six-fold. The two acids, however, had different cytotoxicities.  相似文献   

A lentiviral construct for an enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) driven by a chicken beta-actin promoter, cytomegalovirus enhancer, and intronic sequences from rabbit beta-globin (CAG) was used to produce transgenic lines of rats for evaluation of the usefulness of this approach in gene function studies. Fertilized eggs were collected from inbred Dahl S and outbred Sprague-Dawley rats, and approximately 100 pl of concentrated virus were microinjected into the perivitrelline space of one-cell embryos. Of 121 embryos injected, 60 pups (49.6%) were born. Transgenic rates averaged 22% in Dahl S and 14% in Sprague-Dawley rats. Copy number ranged from one to four in the founders, and the inheritance of the transgene in a subsequent F(1) population was 48.2%. The small number of insertion sites enabled us to derive inbred transgenic lines with a single copy of the transgene within one generation. Sequencing of each transgene insertion site revealed that they inserted as single copies with a preference for the introns of genes. The CAG promoter drove high levels of eGFP expression in brain, kidney, heart, and vasculature, making it very suitable for exploring the cardiovascular function of newly discovered genes. The pattern of eGFP expression was similar across five different F(1) transgenic lines, indicating that the expression of the transgene was independent of its chromosomal position. Thus lentiviral transgenesis provides a powerful tool for the production of transgenic inbred rats and will enhance the usefulness of this species in gene discovery and target validation studies.  相似文献   

Summary Reinstating two naturally occurring intervening sequences of the human factor VIII gene into a B domain-deleted factor VIII cDNA sequence, either as separate entities or in combination, revealed slightly elevated protein production in the case of intron 8, while the addition of intron 16 markedly reduced protein levels. This reduction may be due to decreased levels of mRNA.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hemophilia A is a congenital disorder caused by a deficiency of the blood-clotting factor VIII (FVIII) and is an attractive candidate for gene therapy. Most of the studies have only explored the potential of hepatocytes and muscle cells as the targets for gene transfer. Attempts to transfer the genes into hematopoietic cells have so far been mostly unsuccessful due to inefficiency of most viral vectors to transduce these cells and the supposed inability of the cells to express FVIII. METHODS: We demonstrate the generation of an engineered Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) vector with a BAC backbone that has the unique capacity to carry either the full-length FVIII cDNA or its B-domain-deleted form; a modified version of the vector that carries B-domain-deleted FVIII along with the von Willebrand factor (vWF) cDNA or the reporter gene DsRed2 was also used. All these vectors have been safety modified with viral thymidine kinase cDNA to transduce human B-cells in culture. RESULTS: Low-level expression of FVIII in the order of 5-8 ng FVIIIC/ml were observed in the cells stably transduced with full-length FVIII, while cells with the B-domain-deleted version expressed 8-16 ng FVIIIC/ml. Expression of vWF and B-domain-deleted FVIII resulted in a moderate expression of 18-30 ng FVIIIC/ml. Long-term expression for 12-16 weeks was observed in these cells regardless of selection pressure. CONCLUSIONS: These results support the development of an episomal engineered EBV vector for treatment of hemophilia A using the hematopoietic cells as a target for providing immediate secretion of functionally active product in the circulating bloodstream.  相似文献   

核糖体前体的形成和核运输需要多种核仁复合物的参与,hNoc4L是酿酒酵母S.cerevisiae的核仁复合物相关蛋白4的同源蛋白,并含有保守的Noc结构域,但其功能未知。为了构建hNoc4L基因过表达的慢病毒载体,本实验通过将EF1α启动子替换原shRNA慢病毒载体pll3.7的U6启动子,成功构建了慢病毒表达载体pll3.7-EF1,并进一步得到了hNoc4L基因过表达的慢病毒载体。利用慢病毒包装系统对不同物种的细胞进行感染,以此检测该重组慢病毒载体的包装效率,并通过构建的hNoc4L过表达的RAW264.7稳定细胞系检测了该载体的免疫原性和稳定转染能力。结果表明成功构建了高效、长期稳定表达和免疫原性低的hNoc4L特异性表达的慢病毒载体,为进一步研究hNoc4L蛋白在哺乳动物核糖体生物发生中的调控作用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Upscaling of lentiviral vector production by tangential flow filtration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: HIV-1-derived vectors are promising tools for gene transfer into the brain. Application of these vectors for gene therapy or for the creation of animal models for neurodegenerative diseases requires standardization and upscaling of lentiviral vector production methods. METHODS: In this study, serum-free HIV-1 vector production was efficiently upscaled by use of cell factories and the introduction of tangential flow filtration (TFF) prior to centrifugation. RESULTS: Vector titers (TU/ml) and p24 values (pg p24/ml) for a serum-free HIV-1 vector produced in cell factories and using TFF prior to centrifugation were comparable to those of small-scale productions. TFF allowed a 66-fold concentration of the vectors with complete vector recovery. Further concentration of the vector (30-fold) was achieved either by low-speed centrifugation or by ultracentrifugation. Combination of TFF and ultracentrifugation resulted in a vector recovery of 90-100% and titers that increased 1800-fold and 900-fold for transducing units and p24 concentration, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: With this new standardized method for lentiviral vector production and concentration, 1 ml of concentrated vector is routinely produced with titers of 10(9)-10(10) TU/ml starting from 2 l of cell-culture medium. Moreover, stereotactic injection of this vector in mouse striatum resulted in a large transduced brain volume in the absence of any immune response.  相似文献   

Transgenic rabbit is the preferred disease model of atherosclerosis, lipoprotein metabolism and cardiovascular diseases since upon introducing genetic mutations of human genes, rabbit models reflect human physiological and pathological states more accurately than mouse models. Beyond that, transgenic rabbits are also used as bioreactors to produce pharmaceutical proteins in their milk. Since in the laboratory rabbit the conventional transgenesis has worked with the same low efficiency in the last twenty five years and truly pluripotent embryonic stem cells are not available to perform targeted mutagenesis, our aim was to adapt lentiviral transgenesis to this species. A simian immunodeficiency virus based replication defective lentiviral vector was used to create transgenic rabbit through perivitelline space injection of fertilized oocytes. The enhanced green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene was placed under the ubiquitous CAG promoter. Transgenic founder rabbits showed mosaic pattern of GFP expression. Transgene integration and expression was revealed in tissues derived from all three primary germ layers. Transgene expression was detected in the developing sperm cells and could get through the germ line without epigenetic silencing, albeit with very low frequency. Our data show for the first time, that lentiviral transgenesis could be a feasible and viable alternative method to create genetically modified laboratory rabbit.  相似文献   



To establish a serum-free suspension process for production of recombinant human factor IX (rhFIX) based on the human cell line HEK 293T by evaluating two approaches: (1) serum-free suspension adaptation of previously genetic modified cells (293T-FIX); and (2) genetic modification of cells already adapted to such conditions (293T/SF-FIX).


After 10 months, 293T-FIX cells had become adapted to FreeStyle 293 serum-free medium (SFM) in Erlenmeyer flasks. After 48 and 72 h of culture, 2.1 µg rhFIX/ml and 3.3 µg rhFIX/ml were produced, respectively. However, no biological activity was detected. In the second approach, wild-type 293T cells were adapted to the same SFM (adaptation process took only 2 months) and then genetically modified for rhFIX production. After 48 h of culture, rhFIX reached 1.5 µg/ml with a biological activity of 0.2 IU/ml, while after 72 h, the production was 2.4 µg/ml with a biological activity of 0.3 IU/ml.


The findings demonstrate that the best approach to establish an rhFIX production process in suspension SFM involves the genetic modification of cells already adapted to the final conditions. This approach is time saving and may better ensure the quality of the produced protein.

Hemophilia A (HA) is a bleeding disorder caused by deficiency of the coagulation factor VIII (F8). F8 replacement is standard of care, whereas gene therapy (F8 gene) for HA is an attractive investigational approach. However, the large size of the F8 gene and the immunogenicity of the product present challenges in development of the F8 gene therapy. To resolve these problems, we synthesized a shortened F8 gene (F8-BDD) and cloned it into a lentiviral vector (LV). The F8-BDD produced mainly short cleaved inactive products in LV-transduced cells. To improve F8 functionality, we designed two novel F8-BDD genes, one with an insertion of eight specific N-glycosylation sites (F8-N8) and another which restored all N-glycosylation sites (F8-299) in the B domain. Although the overall protein expression was reduced, high coagulation activity (>100-fold) was detected in the supernatants of LV-F8-N8- and LV-F8-299-transduced cells. Protein analysis of F8 and the procoagulation cofactor, von Willebrand Factor, showed enhanced interaction after restoration of B domain glycosylation using F8-299. HA mouse hematopoietic stem cell transplantation studies illustrated that the bleeding phenotype was corrected after LV-F8-N8 or -299 gene transfer into the hematopoietic stem cells. Importantly, the F8-299 modification markedly reduced immunogenicity of the F8 protein in these HA mice. In conclusion, the modified F8-299 gene could be efficiently packaged into LV and, although with reduced expression, produced highly stable and functional F8 protein that corrected the bleeding phenotype without inhibitory immunogenicity. We anticipate that these results will be beneficial in the development of gene therapies against HA.  相似文献   

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