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C1, the complex that triggers the classic pathway of complement, is a 790-kDa assembly resulting from association of a recognition protein C1q with a Ca2+-dependent tetramer comprising two copies of the proteases C1r and C1s. Early structural investigations have shown that the extended C1s-C1r-C1r-C1s tetramer folds into a compact conformation in C1. Recent site-directed mutagenesis studies have identified the C1q-binding sites in C1r and C1s and led to a three-dimensional model of the C1 complex (Bally, I., Rossi, V., Lunardi, T., Thielens, N. M., Gaboriaud, C., and Arlaud, G. J. (2009) J. Biol. Chem. 284, 19340–19348). In this study, we have used a mass spectrometry-based strategy involving a label-free semi-quantitative analysis of protein samples to gain new structural insights into C1 assembly. Using a stable chemical modification, we have compared the accessibility of the lysine residues in the isolated tetramer and in C1. The labeling data account for 51 of the 73 lysine residues of C1r and C1s. They strongly support the hypothesis that both C1s CUB1-EGF-CUB2 interaction domains, which are distant in the free tetramer, associate with each other in the C1 complex. This analysis also provides the first experimental evidence that, in the proenzyme form of C1, the C1s serine protease domain is partly positioned inside the C1q cone and yields precise information about its orientation in the complex. These results provide further structural insights into the architecture of the C1 complex, allowing significant improvement of our current C1 model.  相似文献   

In infection, complement C1q recognizes pathogen-congregated antibodies and elicits complement activation. Among endogenous ligands, C1q binds to DNA and apoptotic cells, but whether C1q binds to nuclear DNA in apoptotic cells remains to be investigated. With UV irradiation-induced apoptosis, C1q initially bound to peripheral cellular regions in early apoptotic cells. By 6 h, binding concentrated in the nuclei to the nucleolus but not the chromatins. When nucleoli were isolated from non-apoptotic cells, C1q also bound to these structures. In vivo, C1q exists as the C1 complex (C1qC1r2C1s2), and C1q binding to ligands activates the C1r/C1s proteases. Incubation of nucleoli with C1 caused degradation of the nucleolar proteins nucleolin and nucleophosmin 1. This was inhibited by the C1 inhibitor. The nucleoli are abundant with autoantigens. C1q binding and C1r/C1s degradation of nucleolar antigens during cell apoptosis potentially reduces autoimmunity. These findings help us to understand why genetic C1q and C1r/C1s deficiencies cause systemic lupus erythematosus.  相似文献   

Complement control protein modules (CCP) typically mediate protein:protein interaction during immune response in vertebrates. Using NMR chemical shift perturbation mapping, we present previously lacking experimental evidence for intermolecular interactions between the CCP1 and CCP2 modules of the human C1r serine protease (SP). The identified interface is clearly distinct from that observed in the covalently linked CCP1-CCP2 pair. Structural models of the CCP1-CCP2-SP segments of two C1r molecules built on the basis of shift perturbation data are fully consistent with an extended interaction interface and suggests the possibility of a structural rearrangement as a switch between functional states of human C1r.

Structured summary

MINT-8045767: CCP1 (uniprotkb:P00736) and CCP2 (uniprotkb:P00736) bind (MI:0407) by nuclear magnetic resonance (MI:0077)  相似文献   

Beta‐secretase 1 (BACE‐1) is an aspartyl protease implicated in the overproduction of β‐amyloid fibrils responsible for Alzheimer disease. The process of β‐amyloid genesis is known to be pH dependent, with an activity peak between solution pH of 3.5 and 5.5. We have studied the pH‐dependent dynamics of BACE‐1 to better understand the pH dependent mechanism. We have implemented support for graphics processor unit (GPU) accelerated constant pH molecular dynamics within the AMBER molecular dynamics software package and employed this to determine the relative population of different aspartyl dyad protonation states in the pH range of greatest β‐amyloid production, followed by conventional molecular dynamics to explore the differences among the various aspartyl dyad protonation states. We observed a difference in dynamics between double‐protonated, mono‐protonated, and double‐deprotonated states over the known pH range of higher activity. These differences include Tyr 71‐aspartyl dyad proximity and active water lifetime. This work indicates that Tyr 71 stabilizes catalytic water in the aspartyl dyad active site, enabling BACE‐1 activity.  相似文献   

The first complement component C1s formed large aggregates with bFGF when bFGF and C1s were incubated at 37°C overnight. Under non-reducing conditions, a part of the aggregates did not penetrate into 5% polyacrylamide gel in the presence of SDS, and the rest penetrated into 5% gel but not into 12% gel. The aggregates were dissociated into monomers by reducing with 2-mercaptoethanol. Both active and inactive C1s formed aggregates with bFGF. In addition, a portion of bFGF was degraded by active C1s but not by inactive C1s. Aggregates were not formed when 2-mercaptoethanol (2 mM &base;) was added to the incubation mixture. After the incubation with C1s the growth-stimulating activity of bFGF was measured by using human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) as indicator cells. The aggregate formation between C1s and bFGF significantly reduced the activity of bFGF. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations for Ets-1 ETS domain-DNA complexes were performed to investigate the mechanism of sequence-specific recognition of the GGAA DNA core by the ETS domain. Employing the crystal structure of the Ets-1 ETS domain-DNA complex as a starting structure we carried out MD simulations of: (i). the complex between Ets-1 ETS domain and a 14 base-pair DNA containing GGAA core sequence (ETS-GGAA); (ii). the complex between the ETS domain and a DNA having single base-pair mutation, GGAG sequence (ETS-GGAG); and (iii). the 14 base-pair DNA alone (GGAA). Comparative analyses of the MD structures of ETS-GGAA and ETS-GGAG reveal that the DNA bending angles and the ETS domain-DNA phosphate interactions are similar in these complexes. These results support that the GGAA core sequence is distinguished from the mutated GGAG sequence by a direct readout mechanism in the Ets-1 ETS domain-DNA complex. Further analyses of the direct contacts in the interface between the helix-3 region of Ets-1 and the major groove of the core DNA sequence clearly show that the highly conserved arginine residues, Arg391 and Arg394, play a critical role in binding to the GGAA core sequence. These arginine residues make bidentate contacts with the nucleobases of GG dinucleotides in GGAA core sequence. In ETS-GGAA, the hydroxyl group of Tyr395 is hydrogen bonded to N7 nitrogen of A(3) (the third adenosine in the GGAA core), while the hydroxyl group makes a contact with N4 nitrogen of C(4') (the complementary nucleotide of the fourth guanosine G(4) in the GGAG sequence) in the ETS-GGAG complex. We have found that this difference in behavior of Tyr395 results in the relatively large motion of helix-3 in the ETS-GGAG complex, causing the collapse of bidentate contacts between Arg391/Arg394 and the GG dinucleotides in the GGAG sequence.  相似文献   

Argonaute-2 (AGO2), a member of the Argonaute family, is the only member possessing catalytic and RNA silencing activity. In here, a molecular dynamics (MDs) simulation was performed using the crystal structure of human AGO2 protein complex with miR-20a. miR-20a is involved with various kind of biological process like heart and lung development, oncogenic process, etc. In precise, MD simulation was carried out with AGO2 protein complex with wild type, two mutant sites and four mutant sites in guided microRNA (miRNA). It has been noted that root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) of atomic positions of nucleic acid for wild type and two mutant sites guided miRNA has the same pattern of fluctuations, which stabilizes around 0.27 nm after 2 ns. Cα atom of AGO2 protein in the complex shows that this complex with wild type and two mutant site mutation duplex has a stable RMSD value after 20 ns, ranging between 0.14 and 0.21 nm. From the root-mean-square fluctuation (RMSF), we observed an increased pattern of fluctuations for the atoms of four mutant complex of AGO2-miR-20a complex. This increased RMSF of non-mutated nucleic acids is contributed by U-A bond breaking at the site of the nucleotide of U2 of guided miRNA, as observed from the duplex structure taken at different time steps of the simulation. Superimposed structure of the miRNA-mRNA duplex for the three complexes depicts that the three miRNA-mRNA duplexes are stable during the simulation. Current work demonstrates the possible correlations between the conformational changes of this AGO2-miR-20a duplex structure and the interactions of different atoms.  相似文献   

For the first time a consistent catalytic mechanism of phospholipase C from Bacillus cereus is reported based on molecular mechanics calculations. We have identified the position of the nucleophilic water molecule, which is directly involved in the hydrolysis of the natural substrate, phosphatidylcholine, in phospholipase C. This catalytically essential water molecule, after being activated by an acidic residue (Asp55), performs the nucleophilic attack on the phosphorus atom in the substrate, leading to a trigonal bipyramidal pentacoordinated intermediate (and structurally similar transition state). The subsequent collapse of the intermediate, regeneration of the enzyme, and release of the products has to involve a not yet identified second water molecule. The catalytic mechanism reported here is based on a series of molecular mechanics calculations. First, the x-ray structure of phospholipase C from B. cereus including a docked substrate molecule was subjected to a stepwise molecular mechanics energy minimization. Second, the location of the nucleophilic water molecule in the active site of the fully relaxed enzyme–substrate complex was determined by evaluation of nonbonded interaction energies between the complex and a water molecule. The nucleophilic water molecule is positioned at a distance (3.8 Å) from the phosphorus atom in the substrate, which is in good agreement with experimentally observed distances. Finally, the stability of the complex between phospholipase C, the substrate, and the nucleophilic water molecule was verified during a 100 ps molecular dynamics simulation. During the simulation the substrate undergoes a conformational change, but retains its localization in the active site. The contacts between the enzyme, the substrate, and the nucleophilic water molecule display some fluctuations, but remain within reasonable limits, thereby confirming the stability of the enzyme–substrate–water complex. The protocol developed for energy minimization of phospholipase C containing three zinc ions located closely together at the bottom of the active site cleft is reported in detail. In order to handle the strong electrostatic interactions in the active site realistically during energy minimization, delocalization of the charges from the three zinc ions was considered. Therefore, quantum mechanics calculations on the zinc ions and the zinc-coordinating residues were carried out prior to the molecular mechanics calculations, and two different sets of partial atomic charges (MNDO-Mulliken and AM1-ESP) were applied. After careful assignment of partial atomic charges, a complete energy minimization of the protein was carried out by a stepwise procedure without explicit solvent molecules. Energy minimization with either set of charges yielded structures, which were very similar both to the x-ray structure and to each other, although using AM1-ESP partial atomic charges and a dielectric constant of 4, yielded the best protein structure. © 1997 John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Biopoly 42: 319–336, 1997  相似文献   

Beta-amyloid precursor protein cleavage enzyme1 (BACE1) and beta-amyloid precursor protein cleavage enzyme2 (BACE2), members of aspartyl protease family, are close homologs and have high similarity in their protein crystal structures. However, their enzymatic properties are different, which leads to different clinical outcomes. In this study, we performed sequence analysis and all-atom molecular dynamic (MD) simulations for both enzymes in their ligand-free states in order to compare their dynamical flap behaviors. This is to enhance our understanding of the relationship between sequence, structure and the dynamics of this protein family. Sequence analysis shows that in BACE1 and BACE2, most of the ligand-binding sites are conserved, indicative of their enzymatic property as aspartyl protease members. The other conserved residues are more or less unsystematically localized throughout the structure. Herein, we proposed and applied different combined parameters to define the asymmetric flap motion; the distance, d1, between the flap tip and the flexible region; the dihedral angle, φ, to account for the twisting motion and the TriCα angle, θ2 and θ1. All four combined parameters were found to appropriately define the observed “twisting” motion during the flaps different conformational states. Additional analysis of the parameters indicated that the flaps can exist in an ensemble of conformations, i.e. closed, semi-open and open conformations for both systems. However, the behavior of the flap tips during simulations is different between BACE1 and BACE2. The BACE1 active site cavity is more spacious as compared to that of BACE2. The analysis of 10S loop and 113S loop showed a similar trend to that of flaps, with the BACE1 loops being more flexible and less stable than those of BACE2. We believe that the results, methods and perspectives highlighted in this report would assist researchers in the discovery of BACE inhibitors as potential Alzheimer’s disease therapies.  相似文献   

A targeted molecular dynamics study of WPD loop movement in PTP1B   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Targeted molecular dynamics was used to examine the mechanism of WPD loop closure in PTP1B, which is essential for the activity of the enzyme. Two important regions are identified: the R-loop (residues 113-118), which assists in substrate binding, and the S-loop (residues 198-209), which undergoes a conformational change that appears to be vital for the movement of the WPD loop. The S-loop is adjacent to the alpha3-helix, and its conformational change is coupled with a change of interactions between the alpha3- and alpha7-helices. This latter observation is of particular interest in connection with a novel class of allosteric inhibitors of PTP1B [Wiesmann et al., Nat. Struc. Mol. Biol. 11 (2004) 730-737]. These compounds prevent the closure of the WPD loop, forcing the enzyme to remain in a catalytically inactive conformation, by blocking the rearrangement of the alpha3-helix relative to the alpha7-helix.  相似文献   

The peptide compstatin and its derivatives inhibit the complement-component protein C3 in primate mammals and are potential therapeutic agents against the unregulated activation of complement in humans, but are inactive against C3 from lower mammals. Recent molecular dynamics (MD) simulations showed that the most potent compstatin analog comprised entirely of natural amino acids (W4A9) had a smaller affinity for rat C3, due to reproducible changes in the rat protein structure with respect to the human protein, which eliminated or weakened specific protein-ligand interactions seen in the human C3:W4A9 complex. Here, we study by MD simulations three W4A9 complexes with the mouse C3 protein, and two "transgenic" mouse derivatives, containing a small number (6-9) of human C3 substitutions. The mouse complex experiences the conformational changes and affinity reduction of the rat complex. In the "transgenic" complexes, the conformation remains closer to that of the human complex, the protein-ligand interactions are improved, and the affinity for compstatin becomes "human-like." The present work creates new avenues for a compstatin-sensitive animal model. A similar strategy, involving the comparison of a series of complexes by MD simulations, could be used to design "transgenic" sequences in other systems.  相似文献   

Recent trends in new drug discovery of anticancer drugs have made oncologists more aware of the fact that the new drug discovery must target the developing mechanism of tumorigenesis to improve the therapeutic efficacy of antineoplastic drugs. The drugs designed are expected to have high affinity towards the novel targets selectively. Current research highlights overexpression of CYP450s, particularly cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1), in tumour cells, representing a novel target for anticancer therapy. However, the CYP1 family is identified as posing significant problems in selectivity of anticancer molecules towards CYP1A1. Three members have been identified in the human CYP1 family: CYP1A1, CYP1A2 and CYP1B1. Although sequences of the three isoform have high sequence identity, they have distinct substrate specificities. The understanding of macromolecular features that govern substrate specificity is required to understand the interplay between the protein function and dynamics, design novel antitumour compounds that could be specifically metabolized by only CYP1A1 to mediate their antitumour activity and elucidate the reasons for differences in substrate specificity profile among the three proteins. In the present study, we employed a combination of computational methodologies: molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulations. We utilized eight substrates for elucidating the difference in substrate specificity of the three isoforms. Lastly, we conclude that the substrate specificity of a particular substrate depends upon the type of the active site residues, the dynamic motions in the protein structure upon ligand binding and the physico‐chemical characteristics of a particular ligand. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We study forced unbinding of fluorescein from the wild type (WT) and a mutant [H(H58)A] of the single-chain variable-fragment (scFv) anti-fluorescein antibody FITC-E2 by molecular dynamics simulations using various pulling techniques. A large number of long simulations were needed to obtain statistically meaningful results as both the wild type and the H(H58)A mutant unbinding occurs through multiple pathways, often with metastable intermediates. For the wild type, the rate-limiting step in the unbinding process corresponds to the breaking of the non-native interactions characteristic of a specific intermediate. The H(H58)A mutation disfavors the occurrence of this intermediate. Two events where the hapten partially unbinds in the absence of pulling force are observed in extensive equilibrium simulations of the wild type, and their analysis indicates that forced unbinding and spontaneous unbinding proceed along similar pathways. The different unbinding mechanisms observed in the simulations suggest a possible reason for the difference in the experimental off-rate between the two antibodies. We predict mutations that are expected to modulate the occurrence of the unbinding intermediate. For two such new mutants [H(H58)A and S(H52)A], our predictions are validated in silico by additional simulations. The accompanying paper in this issue by Honegger et al. reports the X-ray structure of FITC-E2 with a derivative of fluorescein, which was used as the starting conformation for the work presented here.  相似文献   

The minor protein in milk, lactoferrin (Lf), is known for a variety of biological functions, and has been investigated as a protective encapsulant for probiotic bacteria in health-promoting food products. Lf is likely to be exposed to extreme pH conditions which are known to have disruptive influences on its functionality. The molecular mechanisms underlying these pH-dependent changes are not well-understood. To explore the potential of Lf as an encapsulant, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were applied to study its conformational changes under extreme acidic (pH 1.0) or basic (pH 14.0) conditions, relative to neutral pH. Simulations indicate that the structure of apo-Lf is relatively stable at neutral pH, while acidic and basic pH result in substantially greater flexibility, partly induced by the loss of contacts between the N- and C-terminal lobes, causing them to undergo extensive relative bending and twisting motions. Basic pH causes greater structural disruption compared to acidic exposure. The latter has greater influence on the N-terminus, with increased fluctuations and disruptions of inter-residue contacts compared to those at neutral pH; while basic pH was found to more prominently disrupt contacts at the C-terminus. These results help elucidate possible functional consequences on Lf of exposure to extreme pH conditions.  相似文献   

The dependence of geometric structure and thermal stability of liposomes on their component phospholipid molecules and distribution of molecules in the inner and the outer layers of the liposome is investigated by conducting molecular simulations in explicit water for the eight types of liposomes constructed from different phospholipids. Using molecular mechanics structure-relaxation based on the coarse grained (CG) model, stable structures of the solvated liposomes are obtained. In addition, the molecular dynamics (MD) simulations based on the CG model are carried out at 310 and 360 K for elucidating the change in structure of the solvated liposomes. The MD simulations reveal that liposomes having the same number of lipids (SNL) in both the inner and the outer layers keep their spherical structures even at 360 K. In particular, the SNLs composed of palmitoyloleoyl-phosphatidyl-ethanolamine1 or dimyristoylglycero-phosphatidyl-choline lipid exhibit a compact spherical shape. In contrast, liposomes having the same density of lipids in the inner and the outer layers cannot keep their spherical shapes at 360 K. The obtained results contribute toward developing novel liposomes with enhanced thermal stability.  相似文献   

The serine protease, C1r, initiates activation of the classical pathway of complement, which is a crucial innate defense mechanism against pathogens and altered-self cells. C1r both autoactivates and subsequently cleaves and activates C1s. Because complement is implicated in many inflammatory diseases, an understanding of the interaction between C1r and its target substrates is required for the design of effective inhibitors of complement activation. Examination of the active site specificity of C1r using phage library technology revealed clear specificity for Gln at P2 and Ile at P1′, which are found in these positions in physiological substrates of C1r. Removal of one or both of the Gln at P2 and Ile at P1′ in the C1s substrate reduced the rate of C1r activation. Substituting a Gln residue into the P2 of the activation site of MASP-3, a protein with similar domain structure to C1s that is not normally cleaved by C1r, enabled efficient activation of this enzyme. Molecular dynamics simulations and structural modeling of the interaction of the C1s activation peptide with the active site of C1r revealed the molecular mechanisms that particularly underpin the specificity of the enzyme for the P2 Gln residue. The complement control protein domains of C1r also made important contributions to efficient activation of C1s by this enzyme, indicating that exosite interactions were also important. These data show that C1r specificity is well suited to its cleavage targets and that efficient cleavage of C1s is achieved through both active site and exosite contributions.  相似文献   

Plasma or serum samples from 12 Arabian and 181 standardbred horses have been typed using an immunofixation technique to determine electrophoretic polymorphism of equine third complement component (C3). Six distinctly different electrophoretic patterns of equine C3 have been recognized thus far. SDS PAGE analysis of equine C3/anti C3 complexes revealed that the submolecular structure comprised an alpha chain and beta chain of molecular weights approximately 118,000 and 63,000 daltons respectively. The molecular weights of the alpha and beta chains were similar in all electrophoretic variants tested. Family data derived from 73 mares, 21 stallions and 99 offspring suggested that the six electrophoretic phenotypes were inherited by means of three codominant alleles named C3-1, C3-2 and C3-3 at a single autosomal locus.  相似文献   

A water-soluble peptide possessing an immune complex selective affinity was synthesized and its primary structure established as: Leu-Glu-Gln-Gly-Glu-Asn-Val-Phe-Leu-Gln-Ala-Thr-Ser-Asp-Asp-Cys. This peptide, designated as C1q-like peptide (CLP), represents a possible immune complex binding epitope of complement C1q. CLP has a hydrophilicity value of 0.21. At 0.5 M, it inhibited by 50% natural human C1q from binding to horseradish peroxidase-rabbit anti-peroxidase immune complex. CLP failed to inhibit Staphylococcus aureus protein A from binding monomeric IgG. When coated to a microplate, CLP showed selective binding to the immune complex, and could be used for application in immunochemical detection of immune complex. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

Liu Y  Pan D  Bellis SL  Song Y 《Proteins》2008,73(4):989-1000
Glycosylation plays an important role in the regulation of integrin function. Molecular mechanisms underlying the effects of altered glycosylation on beta1 integrin structure and function are still largely unknown. In this study, we used a molecular modeling approach to study the effects of altered glycosylation, with alpha2-6 sialic acid and without alpha2-6 sialic acid, on the structure of the I-like domain of the beta1 integrin. Our results demonstrated that altered glycosylation affected the interactions between oligosaccharides and the I-like domain, which in turn changed the accessibility of the specificity-determining loop for ligand binding. Altered glycosylation caused significant conformational changes for most of the key functional regions of the I-like domain of beta1 integrin, including the metal ion-dependent adhesion site that contains a DLSYS motif, and other critical residues for ligand binding (Asn-224, Glu-229, Asp-233, Asp-267, and Asp-295). In addition, altered glycosylation caused significant movement of the alpha1 and alpha7 helices, which are important for the activation of beta1 integrin. The results from this study offered molecular mechanisms for the experimental observations that variant glycosylation regulates integrin function.  相似文献   

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