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Ecological communities are structured by both deterministic and stochastic processes. We investigated phylogenetic patterns at regional and local scales to understand the influences of seasonal processes in shaping the structure of anuran communities in the southern Pantanal wetland, Brazil. We assessed the phylogenetic structure at different scales, using the Net Relatedness Index (NRI), the Nearest Taxon Index (NTI), and phylobetadiversity indexes, as well as a permutation test, to evaluate the effect of seasonality. The anuran community was represented by a non-random set of species with a high degree of phylogenetic relatedness at the regional scale. However, at the local scale the phylogenetic structure of the community was weakly related with the seasonality of the system, indicating that oriented stochastic processes (e.g. colonization, extinction and ecological drift) and/or antagonist forces drive the structure of such communities in the southern Pantanal.  相似文献   

Quantifying Landscape Spatial Pattern: What Is the State of the Art?   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
Landscape ecology is based on the premise that there are strong links between ecological pattern and ecological function and process. Ecological systems are spatially heterogeneous, exhibiting considerable complexity and variability in time and space. This variability is typically represented by categorical maps or by a collection of samples taken at specific spatial locations (point data). Categorical maps quantize variability by identifying patches that are relatively homogeneous and that exhibit a relatively abrupt transition to adjacent areas. Alternatively, point-data analysis (geostatistics) assumes that the system property is spatially continuous, making fewer assumptions about the nature of spatial structure. Each data model provides capabilities that the other does not, and they should be considered complementary. Although the concept of patches is intuitive and consistent with much of ecological theory, point-data analysis can answer two of the most critical questions in spatial pattern analysis: what is the appropriate scale to conduct the analysis, and what is the nature of the spatial structure? I review the techniques to evaluate categorical maps and spatial point data, and make observations about the interpretation of spatial pattern indices and the appropriate application of the techniques. Pattern analysis techniques are most useful when applied and interpreted in the context of the organism(s) and ecological processes of interest, and at appropriate scales, although some may be useful as coarse-filter indicators of ecosystem function. I suggest several important needs for future research, including continued investigation of scaling issues, development of indices that measure specific components of spatial pattern, and efforts to make point-data analysis more compatible with ecological theory.  相似文献   

Theory posits that community dynamics organize at distinct hierarchical scales of space and time, and that the spatial and temporal patterns at each scale are commensurate. Here we use time series modeling to investigate fluctuation frequencies of species groups within invertebrate metacommunities in 26 boreal lakes over a 20-year period, and variance partitioning analysis to study whether species groups with different fluctuation patterns show spatial signals that are commensurate with the scale-specific fluctuation patterns identified. We identified two groups of invertebrates representing hierarchically organized temporal dynamics: one species group showed temporal variability at decadal scales (slow patterns of change), whilst another group showed fluctuations at 3 to 5-year intervals (faster change). This pattern was consistently found across all lakes studied. A spatial signal was evident in the slow but not faster-changing species groups. As expected, the spatial signal for the slow-changing group coincided with broad-scale spatial patterns that could be explained with historical biogeography (ecoregion delineation, and dispersal limitation assessed through a dispersal trait analysis). In addition to spatial factors, the slow-changing groups correlated with environmental variables, supporting the conjecture that boreal lakes are undergoing environmental change. Taken together our results suggest that regionally distinct sets of taxa, separated by biogeographical boundaries, responded similarly to broad-scale environmental change. Not only does our approach allow testing theory about hierarchically structured space-time patterns; more generally, it allows assessing the relative role of the ability of communities to track environmental change and dispersal constraints limiting community structure and biodiversity at macroecological scales.  相似文献   

Eosinophils have been shown to be potent effector cells for the killing of helminth parasites in in vitro cultures. However, an in vivo role for eosinophils has been more difficult to establish. Early data showed close associations between eosinophils and damaged or dead parasites in histological sections, and significant correlations between resistance to parasites and the capacity to induce eosinophilia after infection. However, more recent studies, using mice that have reduced or increased eosinophil levels through targeting of the eosinophil-specific cytokine interleukin 5, have not unanimously supported an in vivo role for eosinophils in resistance to parasites. Here, Els Meeusen and Adam Balic review these studies and suggest a major role for the innate immune response in unnatural mouse-parasite models to explain some of the findings. They conclude that the data so far are consistent with a role for eosinophils in the killing of infective larval stages, but not adults, of most helminth parasites.  相似文献   

Verschoor  B.C.  de Goede  R.G.M.  Brussaard  L. 《Plant and Soil》2002,243(1):81-90
We have examined the interaction between plant parasitic nematodes and plant species from different stages of grassland succession. In these grasslands, fertiliser application was stopped in order to restore the former nutrient-poor ecosystems. This management resulted in a reversed succession of high- to low-productivity. Nematodes isolated from a high-productive early-successional field and a low-productive late-successional field were inoculated to sterilised soil planted with seedlings of either Lolium perenne (a fast-growing early-successional species) or Festuca rubra (a slow-growing late-successional species). The experiment was performed at low and high supply rates of nutrients. We hypothesised that at a low nutrient supply rate the growth of L. perenne will be more reduced by nematode herbivory than the growth of F. rubra. Furthermore, we hypothesised that higher numbers of plant parasitic nematodes will develop under L. perenne. We found no support for our first hypothesis, because nematodes did not affect plant growth. Our results suggest that changes in the nutrient availability rather than plant parasitic nematodes affect plant succession in impoverished grasslands. On the other hand, plant species and nutrient supply rate significantly affected the density and composition of the plant parasitic nematode community. In line with our second hypothesis, plant parasitic nematodes reproduced better on the fast-growing L. perenne than on the slow-growing F. rubra. Our results, therefore, suggest that the succession of the plant parasitic nematode community is probably more affected by changes in the plant community than the other way round.  相似文献   

The holism-reductionism debate, one of the classic subjects of study in the philosopy of science, is currently at the heart of epistemological concerns in ecology. Yet the division between holism and reductionism does not always stand out clearly in this field. In particular, almost all work in ecosystem ecology and landscape ecology presents itself as holistic and emergentist. Nonetheless, the operational approaches used rely on conventional reductionist methodology.From an emergentist epistemological perspective, a set of general 'transactional' principles inspired by the work of J. Dewey and J.K. Feibleman are proposed in an effort to develop a coherent ontological and methodological semantics.  相似文献   



Phylogenies reconstructed with only one or a few independently inherited loci may be unresolved or incongruent due to taxon and gene sampling, horizontal gene transfer, or differential selection and lineage sorting at individual loci. In an effort to remedy this situation, we examined the utility of conserved orthologous set (COSII) nuclear loci to elucidate the phylogenetic relationships among 29 diploid Solanum species in the sister clades that include tomato and potato, and in Datura inoxia as a far outgroup. We screened 40 COSII markers with intron content over 60% that are mapped in different chromosomes; selected a subset of 19 by the presence of single band amplification of size mostly between 600 and 1200 bp; sequenced these 19 COSII markers, and performed phylogenetic analyses with individual and concatenated datasets. The present study attempts to provide a fully resolved phylogeny among the main clades in potato and tomato that can help to identify the appropriate markers for future studies using additional species.  相似文献   

Consideration of complex geographic patterns of reciprocal adaptation has provided insight into new features of the coevolutionary process. In this paper, we provide ecological, historical, and geographical evidence for coevolution under complex temporal and spatial scenarios that include intermittent selection, species turnover across localities, and a range of trait match/mismatch across populations. Our study focuses on a plant host–parasitic plant interaction endemic to arid and semiarid regions of Chile. The long spines of Chilean cacti have been suggested to evolve under parasite-mediated selection as a first line of defense against the mistletoe Tristerix aphyllus. The mistletoe, in turn, has evolved an extremely long morphological structure that emerges from the seed endosperm (radicle) to reach the host cuticle. When spine length was traced along cactus phylogenies, a significant association between spine length and parasitism was detected, indicating that defensive traits evolved in high correspondence with the presence or absence of parasitism in two cactus lineages. Assessment of spine-radicle matching across populations revealed a potential for coevolution in 50% of interaction pairs. Interestingly, hot spots for coevolution did not distribute at random across sites. On the contrary, interaction pairs showing high matching values occur mostly in the northern distribution of the interaction, suggesting a geographical structure for coevolution in this system. Only three sampled interaction pairs were so mismatched that reciprocal selection could not occur given current trait distributions. Overall, different lines of evidence indicate that arms-race coevolution is an ongoing phenomenon that occurs in the global system of interconnected populations.  相似文献   

Recently, a novel 'two-step' model of pathogenicity has been described that suggests host-cell-derived vasculoproliferative factors play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of bacillary angiomatosis, a disease caused by the human pathogenic bacterium Bartonella henselae. The resulting proliferation of endothelial cells could be interpreted as bacterial pathogens triggering the promotion of their own habitat: the host cell. Similar disease mechanisms are well known in the plant pathogen Agrobacterium tumefaciens, which causes crown gall disease. There are notable similarities between the pathogenicity of A. tumefaciens leading to tumourous disease in plants and to the B. henselae-triggered proliferation of endothelial cells in humans. Here, we hypothesize that this pathogenicity strategy might be common to several bacterial species in different hosts owing to shared pathogenicity factors.  相似文献   

Ecological Genetics and the Restoration of Plant Communities: Mix or Match?   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
We present a conceptual framework for choosing native plant material to be used in restoration projects on the basis of ecological genetics. We evaluate both the likelihood of rapid establishment of plants and the probability of long-term persistence of restored or later successional communities. In addition, we consider the possible harmful effects of restoration projects on nearby ecosystems and their native resident populations. Two attributes of the site to be restored play an important role in determining which genetic source will be most appropriate: (1) degree of disturbance and (2) size of the disturbance. Local plants or plants from environments that “match” the habitat to be restored are best suited to restore sites where degree of disturbance has been low. Hybrids or “mixtures” of genotypes from different sources may provide the best strategy for restoring highly disturbed sites to which local plants are not adapted. Cultivars that have been modified by intentional or inadvertent selection have serious drawbacks. Nevertheless, cultivars may be appropriate when the goal is rapid recovery of small sites that are highly disturbed.  相似文献   

Most studies dealing with species distribution patterns on fragmented landscapes focus on the characteristics of habitat patches that influence local occurrence and abundance, but they tend to neglect the question of what drives colonization of previously unoccupied patches. In a study of the dryad butterfly, we combined classical approaches derived from metapopulation theory and landscape ecology to investigate the factors driving colonization from a recent refugium. In three consecutive transect surveys, we recorded the presence and numbers of imagos in 27 patches of xerothermic grassland and 26 patches of wet meadow. Among the predictors affecting the occurrence and abundance of the dryad, we considered environmental variables reflecting (i) habitat patch quality (e.g., goldenrod cover, shrub density, vegetation height); (ii) factors associated with habitat spatial structure (patch size, patch isolation and fragmentation); and (iii) features of patch surroundings (100-m buffers around patches) that potentially pose barriers or provide corridors. Patch colonization by the dryad was strongly limited by the distance from the species refugium in the region; there was a slight positive effect of shrub density in this respect. Butterfly abundance increased in smaller and more fragmented habitat patches; it was negatively impacted by invasive goldenrod cover, and positively influenced by the density of watercourses in patch surroundings. Nectar plant availability was positively related to species abundance in xerothermic grassland, while in wet meadow the effect was the reverse. We conclude that dryad colonization of our study area is very recent, since the most important factor limiting colonization was distance from the refugium, while the habitat quality of target patches had less relevance. In order to preserve the species, conservation managers should focus on enhancing the quality of large patches and should also direct their efforts on smaller and more fragmented ones, including those with relatively low resource availability, because such habitat fragments have an important role to play for specialist species.  相似文献   

Macroautophagy (hereafter called ‘autophagy’) is a cellular process for degrading and recycling cellular constituents, and for maintenance of cell function. Autophagy initiates via vesicular engulfment of cellular materials and culminates in their degradation via lysosomal hydrolases, with the whole process often being termed ‘autophagic flux’. Autophagy is a multi-step pathway requiring the interplay of numerous scaffolding and signalling molecules. In particular, orthologs of the family of ∼30 autophagy-regulating (Atg) proteins that were first characterised in yeast play essential roles in the initiation and processing of autophagic vesicles in mammalian cells. The serine/threonine kinase mTOR (mechanistic target of rapamycin) is a master regulator of the canonical autophagic response of cells to nutrient starvation. In addition, AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), which is a key sensor of cellular energy status, can trigger autophagy by inhibiting mTOR, or by phosphorylating other downstream targets. Calcium (Ca2+) has been implicated in autophagic signalling pathways encompassing both mTOR and AMPK, as well as in autophagy seemingly not involving these kinases. Numerous studies have shown that cytosolic Ca2+ signals can trigger autophagy. Moreover, introduction of an exogenous chelator to prevent cytosolic Ca2+ signals inhibits autophagy in response to many different stimuli, with suggestions that buffering Ca2+ affects not only the triggering of autophagy, but also proximal and distal steps during autophagic flux. Observations such as these indicate that Ca2+ plays an essential role as a pro-autophagic signal. However, cellular Ca2+ signals can exert anti-autophagic actions too. For example, Ca2+ channel blockers induce autophagy due to the loss of autophagy-suppressing Ca2+ signals. In addition, the sequestration of Ca2+ by mitochondria during physiological signalling appears necessary to maintain cellular bio-energetics, thereby suppressing AMPK-dependent autophagy. This article attempts to provide an integrated overview of the evidence for the proposed roles of various Ca2+ signals, Ca2+ channels and Ca2+ sources in controlling autophagic flux.  相似文献   

Nociception is the detection of a noxious tissue-damaging stimulus and is sometimes accompanied by a reflex response such as withdrawal. Pain perception, as distinct from nociception, has been demonstrated in birds and mammals but has not been systematically studied in lower vertebrates. We assessed whether a fish possessed cutaneous nociceptors capable of detecting noxious stimuli and whether its behaviour was sufficiently adversely affected by the administration of a noxious stimulus. Electrophysiological recordings from trigeminal nerves identified polymodal nociceptors on the head of the trout with physiological properties similar to those described in higher vertebrates. These receptors responded to mechanical pressure, temperatures in the noxious range (more than 40 degrees C) and 1% acetic acid, a noxious substance. In higher vertebrates nociceptive nerves are either A-delta or C fibres with C fibres being the predominating fibre type. However, in the rainbow trout A-delta fibres were most common, and this offers insights into the evolution of nociceptive systems. Administration of noxious substances to the lips of the trout affected both the physiology and the behaviour of the animal and resulted in a significant increase in opercular beat rate and the time taken to resume feeding, as well as anomalous behaviours. This study provides significant evidence of nociception in teleost fishes and furthermore demonstrates that behaviour and physiology are affected over a prolonged period of time, suggesting discomfort.  相似文献   

Submerged macrophytes are subjected to potential mechanical stresses associated with fluctuating water levels in natural conditions. However, few experimental studies have been conducted to further understand the effects of water level fluctuating amplitude on submerged macrophyte species and their assemblages or communities. We designed a controlled experiment to investigate the responses of three submerged macrophyte species (Hydrilla verticillata, Ceratophyllum demersum and Elodea nuttallii) and their combinations in communities to three amplitudes (static, ± 30 cm, ± 60 cm) of water level fluctuations. Results showed that water level fluctuating amplitude had little effects on the community performance and the three tested species responded differently. H. verticillata exhibited more growth in static water and it was negatively affected by either of the water level fluctuations amplitude, however, growth parameters of H. verticillata in two fluctuating water level treatments (i.e., ± 30 cm, ± 60 cm) were not significantly different. On the other hand, the growth of C. demersum was not significantly correlated with different amplitude treatments. However, it became more abundant when water levels fluctuated. E. nuttallii was inhibited by the two fluctuating water level treatments, and was less in growth parameters compared to the other species especially in water level fluctuating conditions. The inherent differences in the adaptive capabilities of the tested species indicate that C. demersum or other species with similar responses may be dominant species to restore submerged macrophyte communities with great fluctuating water levels. Otherwise, H. verticillata, E. nuttallii or other species with similar responses could be considered for constructing the community in static water conditions.  相似文献   

The high affinity of antipsychotic drugs for the dopamine D2 receptor focused attention onto the role of these receptors in the genesis of psychoses and the pathology of schizophrenia. However, psychotic symptoms are only one aspect of the complex symptom profile associated with schizophrenia. Therefore, research continues into other neurochemical systems and their potential roles in key features associated with schizophrenia. Modulating the cholinergic system in attempts to treat schizophrenia predates specific neurochemical hypotheses of the disorder. Cholinergic modulation has progressed from the use of coma therapy, through the use of anti-cholinergic drugs to control side-effects of older (typical) antipsychotic medications, to the development of drugs designed to specifically activate selected muscarinic receptors. This review presents data implicating a decrease in muscarinic receptors, particularly the M1 receptor, in the pathology of schizophrenia and explores the potential physiological consequences of such a change, drawing on data available from muscarinic receptor knockout mice as well as clinical and pre-clinical pharmacology. The body of evidence presented suggests that deficits in muscarinic receptors are associated with some forms of schizophrenia and that targeting these receptors could prove to be of therapeutic benefit to patients with the disorder.  相似文献   

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