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Proteins to be secreted are transported from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the Golgi apparatus. The transport of these proteins requires the localization and activity of proteins that create ER exit sites, coat proteins to collect cargo and to reshape the membrane into a transport container, and address labels—SNARE proteins—to target the vesicles specifically to the Golgi apparatus. In addition some proteins may need export chaperones or export receptors to enable their exit into transport vesicles. ER export factors, SNAREs, and misfolded Golgi-resident proteins must all be retrieved from the Golgi to the ER again. This retrieval is also part of the organellar homeostasis pathway essential to maintaining the identity of the ER and of the Golgi apparatus. In this review, I will discuss the different processes in retrograde transport from the Golgi to the ER and highlight the mechanistic insights we have obtained in the last couple of years.Proteins that are exposed at the plasma membrane or populate a membrane-bounded organelle are synthesized into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). In the ER, the folding of these proteins takes place and posttranslational modifications such as N-glycosylation and disulfide bridge formation occur. Upon adopting a suitable, often correct, conformation, proteins destined to locations beyond the ER are concentrated at so-called ER exit sites (ERES) and incorporated into nascent COPII-coated vesicles. These COPII vesicles eventually bud off the ER membrane and are transported to the Golgi (in yeast, Drosophila, and C. elegans) or the ER-Golgi intermediate compartment (in mammalian cells) (Schweizer et al. 1990; Kondylis and Rabouille 2003; Spang 2009; Witte et al. 2011).It is assumed that the vesicle coat is at least partially destabilized through the hydrolysis of GTP by the small GTPase Sar1 (Oka and Nakano 1994; Springer et al. 1999). However, some of the destabilized coat components have to stay on the vesicle until it has reached the Golgi apparatus because coat components participate in the recognition and the tethering process (Barlowe 1997; Cai et al. 2007; Lord et al. 2011; Zong et al. 2012). Subsequently, SNARE proteins on the vesicles (v-SNAREs) zipper up with cognate SNAREs on the Golgi (target SNAREs, t-SNAREs) to drive membrane fusion (Hay et al. 1998; Cao and Barlowe 2000; Parlati et al. 2002). The content of the ER-derived COPII vesicles is thereby released into the lumen of the cis-cisterna of the Golgi apparatus. Most proteins will continue their journey through the Golgi apparatus and encounter further modifications such as extension of the glycosylation tree or lipidation. However, some proteins, especially those involved in the fusion process, i.e., the v-SNAREs or proteins that act as export factors of the ER, such as Vma21, which is essential for export of the correctly folded and assembled V0 sector of the V-ATPase, need to be recycled back to the ER for another round of transport (Ballensiefen et al. 1998; Malkus et al. 2004). Moreover, cis-Golgi proteins are returned to the ER for quality/functional control (Todorow et al. 2000; Sato et al. 2004; Valkova et al. 2011). Finally, some ER-resident proteins, such as the ER Hsp70 chaperone BiP/Kar2, can escape the ER, but are captured at the cis-Golgi by the H/KDEL receptor Erd2 and returned to the ER (Lewis et al. 1990; Semenza et al. 1990; Aoe et al. 1997).Unfortunately, the retrograde transport route is also hijacked by toxins. For example, endocytosed cholera toxin subunit A contains a KDEL sequence and can thereby exploit the system to access the ER (Majoul et al. 1996, 1998). From there, it is retro-translocated into the cytoplasm where it can exert its detrimental function.  相似文献   

Enriched endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi membranes subjected to mass spectrometry have uncovered over a thousand different proteins assigned to the ER and Golgi apparatus of rat liver. This, in turn, led to the uncovering of several hundred proteins of poorly understood function and, through hierarchical clustering, showed that proteins distributed in patterns suggestive of microdomains in cognate organelles. This has led to new insights with respect to their intracellular localization and function. Another outcome has been the critical testing of the cisternal maturation hypothesis showing overwhelming support for a predominant role of COPI vesicles in the transport of resident proteins of the ER and Golgi apparatus (as opposed to biosynthetic cargo). Here we will discuss new insights gained and also highlight new avenues undertaken to further explore the cell biology of the ER and the Golgi apparatus through tandem mass spectrometry.Most biosynthetic proteins destined for the plasma membrane and secretion, as well as resident proteins of endosomes, lysosomes, the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and the Golgi apparatus originate with cotranslational translocation into the ER. This is followed by carefully controlled folding and quality control. The ER is also a major site for sensing cellular stress and for cholesterol and phospholipid biosynthesis and constitutes a vast continuous endomembrane system that often pervades the entire cytoplasm. The ER commences as the nuclear envelope extends to rough (ribosome-studded) membranes, and ends with tripartite-like structures of tubular smooth (ribosome-free) ER.The ratio of rough and smooth ER is cell type specific. Stem cells have little rough ER and smooth ER (Murphy et al. 1971; Cheng and Leblond 1974), whereas cells highly specialized in protein secretion, such as in the exocrine pancreas, have extensive rough ER with little to no smooth ER (Palade and Siekevitz 1956; Jamieson and Palade 1967). By contrast, liver parenchymal hepatocytes have a near equal abundance of rough and smooth ER with the latter associated with glycogen storage and elimination of exogenous steroids through a multitude of P450-driven oxidation pathways (Bruni and Porter 1965; Loud 1968; Estabrook et al. 1971; Blouin et al. 1977; Reed and Backes 2012). At the other extreme, Leydig cells of the testis are specialized in cholesterol metabolism to form testosterone and are enriched with smooth ER (Mori and Christensen 1980). Emanating from the ER of all cell types in mammals are discrete export sites that are distributed throughout the cell, sometimes numbering in the hundreds. ER export is controlled by the COPII coat machinery, which has been characterized through proteomics analyses in yeast (Otte et al. 2001) and is coupled to microtubule- and dynein/dynactin-dependent transport directed toward the central juxta-nuclear Golgi apparatus (COPII vesicles are discussed in Lord et al. [2013]). This occurs in vesicular/tubular clusters (VTCs) that seemingly undergo a maturation/distillation process (Saraste and Kuismanen 1984) such that when arriving at the cis-face Golgi stacks, biosynthetic cargo appears more concentrated. This is achieved, at least in part, through a continuous removal of ER export machinery components (e.g., p58, p24, and SNARE proteins) that are then returned to the ER via vesicular transport intermediates controlled by the COPI coat machinery. This apparent “distillation” process continues throughout the secretory pathway from as far as the trans-part of the Golgi apparatus (Miesenbock and Rothman 1995). Whether or not such distillation occurs through intra-Golgi cisternal transport or through direct delivery to the ER is part of ongoing investigation, including the extent of recycling (see below).The Golgi apparatus is morphologically distinct from the ER because of its juxtanuclear position, and at the ultrastructural level, appears as a ribbon-like structure of laterally interconnected stacks of flattened cisternae, each having a network of extensive fenestrated membranes associated both at their cis- and trans-face. Biosynthetic cargo here, undergo extensive posttranslational modifications including the maturation of N-linked oligosaccharides, and the addition of O-linked oligosaccharides. At the trans-face, cargo is sorted and packaged for transport either to the plasma membrane or to the endosomal endomembrane system. Some specialized cargo is also packaged and concentrated into dedicated membrane structures for regulated secretion.The functional and morphological demarcation between the ER and the Golgi apparatus is usually assumed to be complete, giving rise to the notion of two independent organelles—each with their own distinct functions. Because of the extensive recycling that takes place, however, the two organelles appear functionally intertwined. Indeed, inhibition of the Golgi-located ARF1 guanine nucleotide exchange factor GBF1 results in a rapid collapse of the Golgi apparatus into the ER (Misumi et al. 1986; Oda et al. 1987; Fujiwara et al. 1988; Lippincott-Schwartz et al. 1989; Claude et al. 1999). As ARF1GDP to ARF1GTP conversion is obligatory to COPI recruitment and vesicle formation and subsequent recycling, the effect of BFA seems at first counter intuitive, but can be explained through the additional role of COPI as a protective coat on cisternal membranes, i.e., BFA-induced dissociation of COPI coat from Golgi membranes enables uncontrolled formation of Golgi-derived tubules that within minutes fuse with the ER, collapsing most of the Golgi into the ER. Strikingly, removal of BFA equally rapidly leads to the reformation of individual functional Golgi stacks positioned at the various ER exit sites and after microtubule-dependent transport, coalesce into the central and juxtanuclear Golgi apparatus. Thus, the two organelles are temporally as well as spatially linked to enable productive communication and trafficking for the process of protein secretion, as well as lipid biosynthesis. This link gives rise to some unexpected functions (see below).  相似文献   

The protein processing and trafficking function of the Golgi is intimately linked to multiple intracellular signaling pathways. Assembly of Golgi trafficking structures and lipid sorting at the Golgi complex is controlled and coordinated by specific phosphoinositide kinases and phosphatases. The intra-Golgi transport machinery is also regulated by kinases belonging to several functionally distinct families, for example, MAP kinase signaling is required for mitotic disassembly of the Golgi. However, the Golgi plays an additional, prominent role in compartmentalizing other signaling cascades that originate at the plasma membrane or at other organelles. This article summarizes recent advances in our understanding of the signaling network that converges at the Golgi.The Golgi apparatus is a dynamic structure that constantly exchanges proteins and lipids with other organelles. It is critical for organellar homeostasis that the different trafficking routes at the Golgi are precisely regulated. For example, the sorting and transport functions of the Golgi must be correctly coordinated with the overall activity of the secretory pathway. In addition, changes in Golgi structure and morphology are tightly controlled, which is particularly critical during mitosis, when the Golgi complex becomes disassembled for proper distribution between the dividing cells. It is therefore not surprising that diverse sets of signaling factors localize at the Golgi and control its function and shape.Phosphoinositide lipids have emerged as particularly important regulators of Golgi function. Reversible phosphorylation of the inositol headgroup of phosphatidylinositol creates seven distinct phosphoinositide species (Di Paolo and De Camilli 2006). These molecules serve as signal transducers at virtually every cellular membrane but have a particularly important role in controlling membrane traffic (Di Paolo and De Camilli 2006). A critical property of phosphoinositides is their tightly regulated spatial distribution. Recent studies have uncovered concentrated pools of these lipids at individual membranes including the Golgi (Roy and Levine 2004; De Matteis et al. 2005; Varnai and Balla 2008). Phosphoinositides often act in cooperation with small Ras-type GTPases and the interplay between phosphoinositides and GTPases from the ADP-ribosylation factor (Arf) and Ras-related in brain (Rab) families is essential for Golgi function (Behnia and Munro 2005; Mayinger 2009). How the lipid kinases and phosphatases that regulate Golgi phosphoinositides interact with other signaling pathway remains a challenging area of research.Whereas phosphoinositide signaling pathways are mainly controlled via extracellular signals that transmit metabolic status and growth conditions, Golgi function can also be regulated by signals that originate at other secretory organelles. Enhanced biosynthesis and processing of secretory proteins at the ER induces the activation of a signaling network that modulates intra-Golgi traffic and overall capacity of secretion (Sallese et al. 2009).Finally, there is mounting evidence that the Golgi serves as an important signaling platform for numerous signaling cascades that originate at the plasma membrane. The discovery that components of the Ras and the protein kinase A (PKA) pathways reside at the Golgi indicates that this organelle plays an important role in compartmentalizing signal transduction pathways (Quatela and Philips 2006; Sallese et al. 2009). This article will review our current understanding of signaling at the Golgi and also highlight the relevance of these processes for human disease.  相似文献   

Since its first visualization in 1898, the Golgi has been a topic of intense morphological research. A typical mammalian Golgi consists of a pile of stapled cisternae, the Golgi stack, which is a key station for modification of newly synthesized proteins and lipids. Distinct stacks are interconnected by tubules to form the Golgi ribbon. At the entrance site of the Golgi, the cis-Golgi, vesicular tubular clusters (VTCs) form the intermediate between the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi stack. At the exit site of the Golgi, the trans-Golgi, the trans-Golgi network (TGN) is the major site of sorting proteins to distinct cellular locations. Golgi functioning can only be understood in light of its complex architecture, as was revealed by a range of distinct electron microscopy (EM) approaches. In this article, a general concept of mammalian Golgi architecture, including VTCs and the TGN, is described.In 1898 Camillo Golgi was the first to visualize, describe, and ultimately name the Golgi complex. Using a histochemical impregnation method causing the reduction and deposition of silver, he defined the Golgi in neuronal cells as a reticular apparatus stained by the “black reaction” (Golgi 1898). In the 1950s, the first ultrastructural images of the Golgi were revealed using the then newly developed electron microscope (EM) (Dalton 1954; Farquhar and Rinehart 1954; Sjostrand and Hanzon 1954; Dalton and Felix 1956), reviewed by Farquhar and Palade (1981). In 1961, the thiamine pyrophosphatase reaction developed by Novikoff and Goldfischer allowed cytochemical labeling of Golgi membranes, which revealed the ubiquitous cellular distribution of this organelle (Novikoff and Goldfischer 1961). In the many years of ultrastructural research that have followed, the visualization of the Golgi has gone hand-in-hand with the developing EM techniques.The intriguing structural complexity of the Golgi has made it one of the most photographed organelles in the cell. However, a full understanding of Golgi architecture is hard to deduce from the ultrathin (70–100 nm) sections used in standard transmission EM preparations. Rambourg and Clermont (1974) were the first to investigate the Golgi in three dimensions (3D), using stereoscopy (Rambourg 1974). In this approach a “thick” (150–200 nm), EM section is photographed at two distinct angles, after which the pairs of photographs are viewed with a stereoscope. Over the years, stereoscopy was applied to a variety of cells and has greatly contributed to our current understanding of Golgi architecture (Lindsey and Ellisman 1985; Rambourg and Clermont 1990; Clermont et al. 1994; Clermont et al. 1995). An alternative approach to study 3D structure is serial sectioning, by which a series of adjacent (serial) thin sections are collected. The Golgi can be followed throughout these sections and be constructed into a 3D model (Beams and Kessel 1968; Dylewski et al. 1984; Rambourg and Clermont 1990). In the nineties, 3D-EM was boosted by the introduction of high-voltage, dual axis 3D electron tomography (Ladinsky et al. 1999; Koster and Klumperman 2003; Marsh 2005; Marsh 2007; Noske et al. 2008), which allows the analysis of sections of up to 3–4 µm with a 4–6 nm resolution in the z-axis. The sections are photographed in a tilt series of different angles, which are reconstructed into a 3D tomogram that allows one to “look beyond” a given structure and reveals how it relates to other cellular compartments.Membranes with a similar appearance can differ in protein content and function. These differences are revealed by protein localization techniques. Therefore, in addition to the “classical” EM techniques providing ultrastructural details, EM methods that determine protein localization within the context of the cellular morphology have been crucial to further our understanding on the functional organization of the Golgi. For example, by enzyme-activity-based cytochemical staining the cis-to-trans-polarity in the distribution of Golgi glycosylation enzymes was discovered, reviewed by Farquhar and Palade (1981), which was key to understanding the functional organization of the Golgi stack in protein and lipid glycosylation. With the development of immunoEM methods, using antibodies, the need for enzyme activity for protein localization was overcome. This paved the way for the localization of a wide variety of proteins, such as the cytoplasmic coat complexes associated with the Golgi (Rabouille and Klumperman 2005).A logical next step in EM-based imaging of the Golgi would be to combine protein localization with 3D imaging, but this is technically challenging. A number of protocols enabling protein localization in 3D have recently been described (Trucco et al. 2004; Grabenbauer et al. 2005; Gaietta et al. 2006; Zeuschner et al. 2006; Meiblitzer-Ruppitsch et al. 2008), but these have only been applied in a limited manner to Golgi studies. Another approach that holds great potential for Golgi research is correlative microscopy (CLEM). Live cell imaging of fluorescent proteins has revolutionized cell biology by the real time visualization of dynamic events. However, live cell imaging does not reveal membrane complexity. By CLEM, live cells are first viewed by light microscopy and then prepared for EM (Mironov et al. 2008; van Rijnsoever et al. 2008). When coupled with the recent introduction of super resolution light microscopy techniques for real time imaging, the combination with EM for direct correlation with ultrastructural resolution has great potential (Hell 2009; Lippincott-Schwartz and Manley 2009).The 100th anniversary of the discovery of the Golgi, in 1998, triggered a wave of reviews on this organelle, including those focusing on Golgi architecture (Rambourg 1997; Farquhar and Palade 1998). More recent reviews that describe Golgi structure in great detail are provided by Marsh (2005) and Hua (2009). In this article, the most recent insights in mammalian Golgi architecture as revealed by distinct EM approaches are integrated into a general concept.  相似文献   

The rough endoplasmic reticulum is a major site of protein biosynthesis in all eukaryotic cells, serving as the entry point for the secretory pathway and as the initial integration site for the majority of cellular integral membrane proteins. The core components of the protein translocation machinery have been identified, and high-resolution structures of the targeting components and the transport channel have been obtained. Research in this area is now focused on obtaining a better understanding of the molecular mechanism of protein translocation and membrane protein integration.Protein translocation across the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) is an ancient and evolutionarily conserved process that is analogous to protein export across the cytoplasmic membranes of eubacterial and archaebacterial cells both with respect to the mechanism and core components. The RER membrane of eukaryotic cells is contiguous with the nuclear envelope and is morphologically composed of interconnected cisternae and tubules. Electron microscope images of mammalian cells and tissues revealed that the cisternal regions of the cytoplasmic surface of the endoplasmic reticulum are densely studded by membrane-bound ribosomes (Palade 1955a,b), giving rise to the term “rough ER.” The RER-bound ribosomes in en face images are often arranged in spirals or hairpins (Palade 1955a; Christensen and Bourne 1999), indicative of polyribosomes that are actively engaged in protein translation.Consistent with this high density of membrane-bound ribosomes, the RER is a major site of protein biosynthesis in eukaryotic cells. The nuclear envelope, the Golgi, lysosome, peroxisome, plasma membrane, and endosomes are biosynthetically derived from the rough ER. The three major groups of proteins that are synthesized by RER-bound ribosomes include secretory proteins, integral membrane proteins destined for ER-derived membranes, and the lumenal-resident proteins of the ER, Golgi, nuclear envelope, and lysosome. For those membranes that are not physically linked to the ER (e.g., the lysosome), integral membrane and lumenal proteins are delivered to their destination by vesicular transport pathways. Bioinformatics analysis of fully sequenced eukaryotic genomes indicates that roughly 30% of open reading frames encode integral membrane proteins (Wallin and von Heijne 1998); hence, a major role of the RER is the biosynthesis of membrane proteins. An important class of membrane proteins that are integrated into the RER has single carboxy-terminal TM spans and are known as tail-anchored (TA) membrane proteins. The posttranslational integration pathway for TA proteins has been a subject of several recent reviews (Borgese and Fasana 2011; Shao and Hegde 2011), thus we will not address the TA pathway in this article.  相似文献   

The transport of lipids from their synthesis site at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to different target membranes could be mediated by both vesicular and nonvesicular transport mechanisms. Nonvesicular lipid transport appears to be the major transport route of certain lipid species, and could be mediated by either spontaneous lipid transport or by lipid-transfer proteins (LTPs). Although nonvesicular lipid transport has been extensively studied for more than four decades, its underlying mechanism, advantage and regulation, have not been fully explored. In particular, the function of LTPs and their involvement in intracellular lipid movement remain largely controversial. In this article, we describe the pathways by which lipids are synthesized at the ER and delivered to different cellular membranes, and discuss the role of LTPs in lipid transport both in vitro and in intact cells.The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a large interconnected membrane network that plays a major role in lipid biosynthesis in eukaryotic cells (Borgese et al. 2006). Newly synthesized lipids at the ER are then delivered to different cellular membranes or organelles, each of which shows unique lipid and protein composition and executes distinct cellular function (Holthuis et al. 2003). The transport of lipids from the ER can be mediated by both vesicular and nonvesicular transport mechanisms. Vesicular transport, as opposed to nonvesicular lipid transport, requires metabolic energy, intact cytoskeleton, and connection to the vesicular transport machinery (Kaplan and Simoni 1985a; Voelker 1990; Vance et al. 1991). Although vesicular lipid transport mediates the bulk transport of many lipids, increasing lines of evidence suggest that nonvesicular lipid transport is the major transport route for certain lipid types (Lev 2010). Nonvesicular lipid transport between membranes could be mediated by spontaneous lipid transport, in which a lipid monomer is diffused through the cytosol from a donor to the acceptor membrane. Given that most cellular lipids are highly hydrophobic, their diffusion through an aqueous phase is very slow and insufficient to support substantial transport of most lipids (Jones and Thompson 1989; Mesmin and Maxfield 2009). Nevertheless, spontaneous lipid transport can be greatly facilitated at membrane contact sites (MCSs) (Levine 2004; Holthuis and Levine 2005) and/or by lipid-transfer proteins (LTPs) (Lev 2010). MCSs are defined as small cytosolic gaps of 10–20 nm between the ER membranes and virtually all cellular organelles (Levine 2004; Lebiedzinska et al. 2009), whereas LTPs are intracellular proteins that can carry a lipid monomer in a hydrophobic pocket and transfer it between membranes through an aqueous phase. LTPs were initially discovered as soluble factors that accelerate the exchange or net transfer of different lipid species between membranes in vitro (Wirtz and Zilversmit 1968). Subsequently, many LTPs have been isolated, cloned, and crystallized. LTPs have been identified in all eukaryotes, in plants, and in bacteria, and according to their sequence and structure similarity have been subdivided into different protein families including SEC14, PITP (phosphatidylinositol-transfer protein), START (StAR-related lipid transfer), GLTP (glycolipid transfer protein), SCP-2 (nonspecific LTPs), and OSBP (oxysterol-binding protein)/ORP (OSBP-related proteins) (D’Angelo et al. 2008). In general, LTPs show specificity for one or more lipid types, and may contain only a single lipid-transfer domain (LTD), or additional structural domains with varying functions (Lev 2010). Over the past 40 years, LTPs have been extensively studied and the major principles of their action mode have been established from both biophysical measurements in vitro and structural data (Lev 2010). Nevertheless, the precise function of LTPs in intact cells remains controversial and a subject of an active field of research. In this article, we briefly describe how lipids are synthesized in the ER and delivered to different target membranes, and discuss how LTPs influence lipid transport in vitro and in intact cells.  相似文献   

The roles of clathrin, its regulators, and the ESCRT (endosomal sorting complex required for transport) proteins are well defined in endocytosis. These proteins can also participate in intracellular pathways that are independent of endocytosis and even independent of the membrane trafficking function of these proteins. These nonendocytic functions involve unconventional biochemical interactions for some endocytic regulators, but can also exploit known interactions for nonendocytic functions. The molecular basis for the involvement of endocytic regulators in unconventional functions that influence the cytoskeleton, cell cycle, signaling, and gene regulation are described here. Through these additional functions, endocytic regulators participate in pathways that affect infection, glucose metabolism, development, and cellular transformation, expanding their significance in human health and disease.The discovery and characterization of clathrin (Pearse 1975) initiated molecular definition of the many endocytosis regulators described in this collection, which mediate the clathrin-dependent and -independent pathways for membrane internalization (see Kirchhausen et al. 2014; Mayor et al. 2014; Merrifield and Kaksonen 2014). In accompanying reviews, we have seen how these endocytic pathways influence nutrition and metabolism (see Antonescu et al. 2014), signal transduction (see Bökel and Brand 2014; Di Fiore and von Zastrow 2014), neuronal function (see Morgan et al. 2013; Cosker and Segal 2014), infection and immunity (see ten Broeke et al. 2013; Cossart and Helenius 2014), tissue polarity and development (see Eaton and Martin-Belmonte 2014; Gonzalez-Gaitan and Jülicher 2014), and migration and metastasis (see Mellman and Yarden 2013). Recently, it has been established that some endocytic regulators have molecular properties that expand their functions beyond endocytosis. These include molecular interactions that affect the microtubule and actin cytoskeletons, nuclear translocation that influences gene regulation, and the formation of membrane-associated scaffolds that serve as signaling and sorting platforms. Through these diverse nonendocytic functions, endocytosis regulators play additional roles in cell division, pathogen infection, cell adhesion, and oncogenesis. In this article, we review the nonconventional behavior of endocytic regulators, first discussing the molecular properties that enable their moonlighting functions and then discussing the cellular processes and disease states that are influenced by these functions.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are partially autonomous organelles that depend on the import of certain proteins and lipids to maintain cell survival and membrane formation. Although phosphatidylglycerol, cardiolipin, and phosphatidylethanolamine are synthesized by mitochondrial enzymes, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylserine, and sterols need to be imported from other organelles. The origin of most lipids imported into mitochondria is the endoplasmic reticulum, which requires interaction of these two subcellular compartments. Recently, protein complexes that are involved in membrane contact between endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria were identified, but their role in lipid transport is still unclear. In the present review, we describe components involved in lipid translocation between the endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria and discuss functional as well as regulatory aspects that are important for lipid homeostasis.Biological membranes are major structural components of all cell types. They protect the cell from external influences, organize the interior in distinct compartments and allow balanced flux of components. Besides their specific proteome, organelles exhibit unique lipid compositions, which influence their shape, physical properties, and function. Major lipid classes found in biological membranes are phospholipids, sterols, and sphingolipids.The major “lipid factory” within the cell is the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). It is able to synthesize the bulk of structural phospholipids, sterols, and storage lipids such as triacylglycerols and steryl esters (van Meer et al. 2008). Furthermore, initial steps of ceramide synthesis occur in the ER providing precursors for the formation of complex sphingolipids in other organelles (Futerman 2006). Besides the export of ceramides, the ER supplies a large portion of lipids to other organelles, which cannot produce their own lipids or have a limited capacity to do so. Organelle interaction and transport of lipids require specific carrier proteins, membrane contact sites, tethering complexes, and/or vesicle flux. These processes are highly important for the maintenance of cell structure and survival but are still a matter of dispute. Most prominent organelle interaction partners are the ER and mitochondria. A subfraction of the ER named mitochondria-associated membrane (MAM) (Vance 1990) was described to be involved in lipid translocation to mitochondria. MAM is part of the ER network, which was shown to be in contact or close proximity to the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM). Contact sites between MAM and mitochondria were assumed to facilitate exchange of components between the two compartments. Interestingly, MAM harbor a number of lipid synthesizing enzymes (Gaigg et al. 1994). Recently, molecular components governing membrane contact between the two organelles were identified (Dolman et al. 2005; Csordás et al. 2006; de Brito and Scorrano 2008; Kornmann et al. 2009; Friedman et al. 2010; Lavieu et al. 2010), although the specific role of these components in lipid translocation is not yet clear.  相似文献   

The Desmosome     
Desmosomes are intercellular junctions that tether intermediate filaments to the plasma membrane. Desmogleins and desmocollins, members of the cadherin superfamily, mediate adhesion at desmosomes. Cytoplasmic components of the desmosome associate with the desmosomal cadherin tails through a series of protein interactions, which serve to recruit intermediate filaments to sites of desmosome assembly. These desmosomal plaque components include plakoglobin and the plakophilins, members of the armadillo gene family. Linkage to the cytoskeleton is mediated by the intermediate filament binding protein, desmoplakin, which associates with both plakoglobin and plakophilins. Although desmosomes are critical for maintaining stable cell–cell adhesion, emerging evidence indicates that they are also dynamic structures that contribute to cellular processes beyond that of cell adhesion. This article outlines the structure and function of the major desmosomal proteins, and explores the contributions of this protein complex to tissue architecture and morphogenesis.The desmosome is an adhesive intercellular junction that is crucial to tissues that experience mechanical stress, such as the myocardium, bladder, gastrointestinal mucosa, and skin (Getsios et al. 2004b; Holthofer et al. 2007). The desmosome was first observed in the spinous layer of epidermis by the Italian pathologist Giulio Bizzozero (1846–1901). Bizzozero''s observations of these small dense nodules, subsequently named “nodes of Bizzozero,” led him to the insightful interpretation of these structures as adhesive cell–cell contact points. The term desmosome was later coined by Josef Schaffer in 1920 and is derived from the Greek words “desmo,” meaning bond or fastening, and “soma,” meaning body (Wells 2005; Calkins and Setzer 2007). The introduction of electron microscopy yielded a series of advances by Porter, Odland, and Kelly in the 1950s and 1960s, which revealed desmosome organization at the ultrastructural level. These studies and others indicated that the desmosome can be divided into three morphologically identifiable zones: the extracellular core region (desmoglea), the outer dense plaque (ODP), and the inner dense plaque (IDP) (Fig. 1A) (Kowalczyk et al. 1994; Schmidt et al. 1994; Green and Jones 1996; North et al. 1999; Garrod and Chidgey 2008).Open in a separate windowFigure 1.A model for the structure of desmosomes. (A) Electron micrograph of a desmosome. (B) Schematic of desmosomal proteins and relative distance from the plasma membrane (PM). The desmosomal cadherins, the desmogleins and desmocollins, extend into extracellular core and outer dense plaque (ODP) to establish contact and adhere to neighboring cells in a Ca2+-dependent manner. The cadherin cytoplasmic tails associate linker proteins, plakoglobin (PG), the plakophilins (PKP), and desmoplakin (DP). DP binds to keratin intermediate filaments (KIF) within the inner dense plaque (IDP), serving to tether the intermediate filaments to the plasma membrane. (Adapted with permission from Kottke et al. 2006.)In the mid 1970s, Skerrow and Matoltsy (Skerrow and Matoltsy 1974a; Skerrow and Matoltsy 1974b) advanced the field by isolating desmosomes using biochemical approaches (Bass-Zubek and Green 2007).These landmark studies provided a foundation for the Franke and Steinberg laboratories to characterize the transmembrane glycoproteins and cytoplasmic plaque proteins that linked the structure to the intermediate filament cytoskeleton, and to develop immunological tools for localizing specific components (Franke et al. 1981; Kapprell et al. 1985; Steinberg et al. 1987). Collectively, these and other studies shaped our current view of how desmosomal components are organized.The transmembrane glycoproteins, termed desmogleins and desmocollins (Garrod and Chidgey 2008), represent separate subfamilies of the cadherin superfamily of calcium dependent adhesion molecules. The extracellular domains of the desmogleins and desmocollins mediate adhesion, whereas the cytoplasmic tails of these cadherins associate with the desmosomal plaque proteins. The outer dense plaque consists of the cytoplasmic tails of the desmosomal cadherins, which bind to members of the armadillo and plakin family of linker proteins (Kowalczyk et al. 1994; Getsios et al. 2004b; Garrod and Chidgey 2008). Plakoglobin, a member of the armadillo family, binds directly to the cytoplasmic tails of both the desmogleins and the desmocollins (Wahl et al. 1996; Witcher et al. 1996). Desmoplakin, a member of the plakin family, interacts with both plakoglobin and another subgroup of armadillo family proteins, the plakophilins (Cowin and Burke 1996). Finally, the interaction between desmoplakin and the keratin filaments forms the inner dense plaque, tethering the cytoskeletal network to the adhesion complex (Fig. 1B) (Kowalczyk et al. 1994; Getsios et al. 2004b; Garrod and Chidgey 2008).The following sections of this article describe the structural and functional characteristics of the major desmosomal proteins. In addition, we discuss differences in tissue expression patterns of desmosomal proteins and the role of desmosomes in human disease. A comprehensive review of additional proteins found to regulate or associate with desmosomes is provided elsewhere (Holthofer et al. 2007) and discussion of desmosome dynamics is provided in Green et al. 2009.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) signal in a paracrine or endocrine fashion to mediate a myriad of biological activities, ranging from issuing developmental cues, maintaining tissue homeostasis, and regulating metabolic processes. FGFs carry out their diverse functions by binding and dimerizing FGF receptors (FGFRs) in a heparan sulfate (HS) cofactor- or Klotho coreceptor-assisted manner. The accumulated wealth of structural and biophysical data in the past decade has transformed our understanding of the mechanism of FGF signaling in human health and development, and has provided novel concepts in receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) signaling. Among these contributions are the elucidation of HS-assisted receptor dimerization, delineation of the molecular determinants of ligand–receptor specificity, tyrosine kinase regulation, receptor cis-autoinhibition, and tyrosine trans-autophosphorylation. These structural studies have also revealed how disease-associated mutations highjack the physiological mechanisms of FGFR regulation to contribute to human diseases. In this paper, we will discuss the structurally and biophysically derived mechanisms of FGF signaling, and how the insights gained may guide the development of therapies for treatment of a diverse array of human diseases.Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling fulfills essential roles in metazoan development and metabolism. A wealth of literature has documented the requirement for FGF signaling in multiple processes during embryogenesis, including implantation (Feldman et al. 1995), gastrulation (Sun et al. 1999), somitogenesis (Dubrulle and Pourquie 2004; Wahl et al. 2007; Lee et al. 2009; Naiche et al. 2011; Niwa et al. 2011), body plan formation (Martin 1998; Rodriguez Esteban et al. 1999; Tanaka et al. 2005; Mariani et al. 2008), morphogenesis (Metzger et al. 2008; Makarenkova et al. 2009), and organogenesis (Goldfarb 1996; Kato and Sekine 1999; Sekine et al. 1999; Sun et al. 1999; Colvin et al. 2001; Serls et al. 2005; Vega-Hernandez et al. 2011). Recent clinical and biochemical data have uncovered unexpected roles for FGF signaling in metabolic processes, including phosphate/vitamin D homeostasis (Consortium 2000; Razzaque and Lanske 2007; Nakatani et al. 2009; Gattineni et al. 2011; Kir et al. 2011), cholesterol/bile acid homeostasis (Yu et al. 2000a; Holt et al. 2003), and glucose/lipid metabolism (Fu et al. 2004; Moyers et al. 2007). Highlighting its diverse biology, deranged FGF signaling contributes to many human diseases, such as congenital craniosynostosis and dwarfism syndromes (Naski et al. 1996; Wilkie et al. 2002, 2005), Kallmann syndrome (Dode et al. 2003; Pitteloud et al. 2006a), hearing loss (Tekin et al. 2007, 2008), and renal phosphate wasting disorders (Shimada et al. 2001; White et al. 2001), as well as many acquired forms of cancers (Rand et al. 2005; Pollock et al. 2007; Gartside et al. 2009; di Martino et al. 2012). Endocrine FGFs have also been implicated in the progression of acquired metabolic disorders, including chronic kidney disease (Fliser et al. 2007), obesity (Inagaki et al. 2007; Moyers et al. 2007; Reinehr et al. 2012), and insulin resistance (Fu et al. 2004; Chen et al. 2008b; Chateau et al. 2010; Huang et al. 2011), giving rise to many opportunities for drug discovery in the field of FGF biology (Beenken and Mohammadi 2012).Based on sequence homology and phylogeny, the 18 mammalian FGFs are grouped into six subfamilies (Ornitz and Itoh 2001; Popovici et al. 2005; Itoh and Ornitz 2011). Five of these subfamilies act in a paracrine fashion, namely, the FGF1 subfamily (FGF1 and FGF2), the FGF4 subfamily (FGF4, FGF5, and FGF6), the FGF7 subfamily (FGF3, FGF7, FGF10, and FGF22), the FGF8 subfamily (FGF8, FGF17, and FGF18), and the FGF9 subfamily (FGF9, FGF16, and FGF20). In contrast, the FGF19 subfamily (FGF19, FGF21, and FGF23) signals in an endocrine manner (Beenken and Mohammadi 2012). FGFs exert their pleiotropic effects by binding and activating the FGF receptor (FGFR) subfamily of receptor tyrosine kinases that are coded by four genes (FGFR1, FGFR2, FGFR3, and FGFR4) in mammals (Johnson and Williams 1993; Mohammadi et al. 2005b). The extracellular domain of FGFRs consists of three immunoglobulin (Ig)-like domains (D1, D2, and D3), and the intracellular domain harbors the conserved tyrosine kinase domain flanked by the flexible amino-terminal juxtamembrane linker and carboxy-terminal tail (Lee et al. 1989; Dionne et al. 1991; Givol and Yayon 1992). A unique feature of FGFRs is the presence of a contiguous segment of glutamic and aspartic acids in the D1–D2 linker, termed the acid box (AB). The two-membrane proximal D2 and D3 and the intervening D2–D3 linker are necessary and sufficient for ligand binding/specificity (Dionne et al. 1990; Johnson et al. 1990), whereas D1 and the D1–D2 linker are implicated in receptor autoinhibition (Wang et al. 1995; Roghani and Moscatelli 2007; Kalinina et al. 2012). Alternative splicing and translational initiation further diversify both ligands and receptors. The amino-terminal regions of FGF8 and FGF17 can be differentially spliced to yield FGF8a, FGF8b, FGF8e, FGF8f (Gemel et al. 1996; Blunt et al. 1997), and FGF17a and FGF17b isoforms (Xu et al. 1999), whereas cytosine-thymine-guanine (CTG)-mediated translational initiation gives rise to multiple high molecular weight isoforms of FGF2 and FGF3 (Florkiewicz and Sommer 1989; Prats et al. 1989; Acland et al. 1990). The tissue-specific alternative splicing in D3 of FGFR1, FGFR2, and FGFR3 yields “b” and “c” receptor isoforms which, along with their temporal and spatial expression patterns, is the major regulator of FGF–FGFR specificity/promiscuity (Orr-Urtreger et al. 1993; Ornitz et al. 1996; Zhang et al. 2006). A large body of structural data on FGF–FGFR complexes has begun to reveal the intricate mechanisms by which different FGFs and FGFRs combine selectively to generate quantitatively and qualitatively different intracellular signals, culminating in distinct biological responses. In addition, these structural data have unveiled how pathogenic mutations hijack the normal physiological mechanisms of FGFR regulation to lead to pathogenesis. We will discuss the current state of the structural biology of the FGF–FGFR system, lessons learned from studying the mechanism of action of pathogenic mutations, and how the structural data are beginning to shape and advance the translational research.  相似文献   

Growth factors and oncogenic kinases play important roles in stimulating cell growth during development and transformation. These processes have significant energetic and synthetic requirements and it is apparent that a central function of growth signals is to promote glucose metabolism to support these demands. Because metabolic pathways represent a fundamental aspect of cell proliferation and survival, there is considerable interest in targeting metabolism as a means to eliminate cancer. A challenge, however, is that molecular links between metabolic stress and cell death are poorly understood. Here we review current literature on how cells cope with metabolic stress and how autophagy, apoptosis, and necrosis are tightly linked to cell metabolism. Ultimately, understanding of the interplay between nutrients, autophagy, and cell death will be a key component in development of new treatment strategies to exploit the altered metabolism of cancer cells.Although single-celled organisms grow and proliferate based on nutrient availability, metazoan cells rely on growth factor input to promote nutrient uptake, regulate growth and proliferation, and survive (Raff 1992; Rathmell et al. 2000). Access and competition for these signals are critical in developmental patterning and to maintain homeostasis of mature tissues. Cells that do not receive proper growth factor signals typically atrophy, lose the ability to uptake and use extracellular nutrients, and instead induce the self-digestive process of autophagy as an intracellular energy source before ultimately undergoing programmed cell death. Cancer cells, in contrast, often become independent of extracellular growth signals by gaining mutations or expressing oncogenic kinases to drive intrinsic growth signals that mimic growth factor input, which can be the source of oncogene addiction. Growth factor input or oncogenic signals often drive highly elevated glucose uptake and metabolism (Rathmell et al. 2000; DeBerardinis et al. 2008; Michalek and Rathmell 2010). First described in cancer by Warburg in the 1920s, this highly glycolytic metabolic program is termed aerobic glycolysis and is a general feature of many nontransformed proliferative cells (Warburg 1956; DeBerardinis et al. 2008).Nutrient uptake and aerobic glycolysis induced by growth signals play key roles in cell survival (Vander Heiden et al. 2001). Manipulating cell metabolism as a means to promote the death of inappropriately dividing cells, therefore, is a promising new avenue to treat disease. Targeting the altered metabolism of cancer cells in particular is of great interest. It is still unclear at the molecular level, however, how inhibiting or modulating cell metabolism leads to apoptosis, and how these pathways may best be exploited (Dang et al. 2009; Wise and Thompson 2010).Growth factor or oncogenic kinases promote multiple metabolic pathways that are essential to prevent metabolic stress and may be targets in efforts to link metabolism and cell death (Vander Heiden et al. 2001). Decreased glucose metabolism on loss of growth signals leads to decreased ATP generation as well as loss in generation of many biosynthetic precursor molecules, including nucleic acids, fatty acids, and acetyl-CoA for acetylation (Zhao et al. 2007; Wellen et al. 2009; Coloff et al. 2011). Glucose is also important as a precursor for the hexosamine pathway, to allow proper glycosylation and protein folding in the endoplasmic reticulum (Dennis et al. 2009; Kaufman et al. 2010). If glucose metabolism remains insufficient or disrupted, the cells can switch to rely on mitochondrial oxidation of fatty acids and amino acids, which are energy rich but do not readily support cell growth and can lead to potentially dangerous levels of reactive oxygen species (Wellen and Thompson 2010). Amino acid deficiency can directly inhibit components of the signaling pathways downstream from growth factors and activate autophagy (Lynch 2001; Beugnet et al. 2003; Byfield et al. 2005; Nobukuni et al. 2005). Finally, hypoxia induces a specific pathway to increase nutrient uptake and metabolism via the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF1/2α) that promotes adaptation to anaerobic conditions, but may lead to apoptosis if hypoxia is severe (Saikumar et al. 1998; Suzuki et al. 2001; Fulda and Debatin 2007).Typically a combination of metabolic stresses rather than loss of a single nutrient input occur at a given time (Degenhardt et al. 2006) and autophagy is activated to mitigate damage and provide nutrients for short-term survival (Bernales et al. 2006; Tracy et al. 2007; Altman et al. 2011; Guo et al. 2011). Autophagy is a cellular process of bulk cytoplasmic and organelle degradation common to nearly all eukaryotes. Unique double-membraned vesicles known as autophagosomes engulf cellular material and fuse with lysosomes to promote degradation of the contents (Kelekar 2005). Described in greater detail below, autophagy can reduce sources of stress, such as protein aggregates and damaged or dysfunctional intracellular organelles, and provide nutrients during times of transient and acute nutrient withdrawal.Despite the protective effects of autophagy, cells deprived of growth signals, nutrients, or oxygen for prolonged times will eventually succumb to cell death. Apoptosis is the initial death response on metabolic stress and is regulated by Bcl-2 family proteins. In healthy cells, antiapoptotic Bcl-2 family proteins, such as Bcl-2, Bcl-xl, and Mcl-1, bind and inhibit the multidomain proapoptotic proteins Bax and Bak (van Delft and Huang 2006; Walensky 2006; Chipuk et al. 2010). In metabolic stress, proapoptotic “BH3-only” proteins of the Bcl-2 family are induced or activated and bind to and inhibit the antiapoptotic Bcl-2 family proteins to allow activation of the proapoptotic Bax and Bak (Galonek and Hardwick 2006). The BH3-only proteins Bim, Bid, and Puma can also directly bind and activate Bax and Bak (Letai et al. 2002; Ren et al. 2010). Active Bax and Bak disrupt the outer mitochondrial membrane (termed mitochondrial outer-membrane permeabilization, or MOMP) and release several proapoptotic factors including cytochrome-C that activate the apoptosome that in turn activates effector caspases to cleave a variety of cellular proteins and drive apoptosis (Schafer and Kornbluth 2006). In cases in which these apoptotic pathways are suppressed, metabolic stress can instead lead to necrotic cell death (Jin et al. 2007).  相似文献   

The Wnt pathway is a major embryonic signaling pathway that controls cell proliferation, cell fate, and body-axis determination in vertebrate embryos. Soon after egg fertilization, Wnt pathway components play a role in microtubule-dependent dorsoventral axis specification. Later in embryogenesis, another conserved function of the pathway is to specify the anteroposterior axis. The dual role of Wnt signaling in Xenopus and zebrafish embryos is regulated at different developmental stages by distinct sets of Wnt target genes. This review highlights recent progress in the discrimination of different signaling branches and the identification of specific pathway targets during vertebrate axial development.Wnt pathways play major roles in cell-fate specification, proliferation and differentiation, cell polarity, and morphogenesis (Clevers 2006; van Amerongen and Nusse 2009). Signaling is initiated in the responding cell by the interaction of Wnt ligands with different receptors and coreceptors, including Frizzled, LRP5/6, ROR1/2, RYK, PTK7, and proteoglycans (Angers and Moon 2009; Kikuchi et al. 2009; MacDonald et al. 2009). Receptor activation is accompanied by the phosphorylation of Dishev-elled (Yanagawa et al. 1995), which appears to transduce the signal to both the cell membrane and the nucleus (Cliffe et al. 2003; Itoh et al. 2005; Bilic et al. 2007). Another common pathway component is β-catenin, an abundant component of adherens junctions (Nelson and Nusse 2004; Grigoryan et al. 2008). In response to signaling, β-catenin associates with T-cell factors (TCFs) and translocates to the nucleus to stimulate Wnt target gene expression (Behrens et al. 1996; Huber et al. 1996; Molenaar et al. 1996).This β-catenin-dependent activation of specific genes is often referred to as the “canonical” pathway. In the absence of Wnt signaling, β-catenin is destroyed by the protein complex that includes Axin, GSK3, and the tumor suppressor APC (Clevers 2006; MacDonald et al. 2009). Wnt proteins, such as Wnt1, Wnt3, and Wnt8, stimulate Frizzled and LRP5/6 receptors to inactivate this β-catenin destruction complex, and, at the same time, trigger the phosphorylation of TCF proteins by homeodomain-interacting protein kinase 2 (HIPK2) (Hikasa et al. 2010; Hikasa and Sokol 2011). Both β-catenin stabilization and the regulation of TCF protein function by phosphorylation appear to represent general strategies that are conserved in multiple systems (Sokol 2011). Thus, the signaling pathway consists of two branches that together regulate target gene expression (Fig. 1).Open in a separate windowFigure 1.Conserved Wnt pathway branches and components. In the absence of Wnt signals, glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3) binds Axin and APC to form the β-catenin destruction complex. Some Wnt proteins, such as Wnt8 and Wnt3a, stimulate Frizzled and LRP5/6 receptors to inhibit GSK3 activity and stabilize β-catenin (β-cat). Stabilized β-cat forms a complex with T-cell factors (e.g., TCF1/LEF1) to activate target genes. Moreover, GSK3 inhibition leads to target gene derepression by promoting TCF3 phosphorylation by homeodomain-interacting protein kinase 2 (HIPK2) through an unknown mechanism, for which β-catenin is required as a scaffold. This phosphorylation results in TCF3 removal from target promoters and gene activation. Other Wnt proteins, such as Wnt5a and Wnt11, use distinct receptors such as ROR2 and RYK, in addition to Frizzled, to control the the cytoskeletal organization through core planar cell polarity (PCP) proteins, small GTPases (Rho/Rac/Cdc42), and c-Jun amino-terminal kinase (JNK).Other Wnt proteins, such as Wnt5a or Wnt11, strongly affect the cytoskeletal organization and morphogenesis without stabilizing β-catenin (Torres et al. 1996; Angers and Moon 2009; Wu and Mlodzik 2009). These “noncanonical” ligands do not influence TCF3 phosphorylation (Hikasa and Sokol 2011), but may use distinct receptors such as ROR1/2 and RYK instead of or in addition to Frizzled (Hikasa et al. 2002; Lu et al. 2004; Mikels and Nusse 2006; Nishita et al. 2006, 2010; Schambony and Wedlich 2007; Grumolato et al. 2010; Lin et al. 2010; Gao et al. 2011). In such cases, signaling mechanisms are likely to include planar cell polarity (PCP) components, such as Vangl2, Flamingo, Prickle, Diversin, Rho GTPases, and c-Jun amino-terminal kinases (JNKs), which do not directly affect β-catenin stability (Fig. 1) (Sokol 2000; Schwarz-Romond et al. 2002; Schambony and Wedlich 2007; Komiya and Habas 2008; Axelrod 2009; Itoh et al. 2009; Tada and Kai 2009; Sato et al. 2010; Gao et al. 2011). This simplistic dichotomy of the Wnt pathway does not preclude some Wnt ligands from using both β-catenin-dependent and -independent routes in a context-specific manner.Despite the existence of many pathway branches, only the β-catenin-dependent branch has been implicated in body-axis specification. Recent experiments in lower vertebrates have identified additional pathway components and targets and provided new insights into the underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   

Microglia are the resident macrophages of the central nervous system (CNS), which sit in close proximity to neural structures and are intimately involved in brain homeostasis. The microglial population also plays fundamental roles during neuronal expansion and differentiation, as well as in the perinatal establishment of synaptic circuits. Any change in the normal brain environment results in microglial activation, which can be detrimental if not appropriately regulated. Aberrant microglial function has been linked to the development of several neurological and psychiatric diseases. However, microglia also possess potent immunoregulatory and regenerative capacities, making them attractive targets for therapeutic manipulation. Such rationale manipulations will, however, require in-depth knowledge of their origins and the molecular mechanisms underlying their homeostasis. Here, we discuss the latest advances in our understanding of the origin, differentiation, and homeostasis of microglial cells and their myelomonocytic relatives in the CNS.Microglia are the resident macrophages of the central nervous system (CNS), which are uniformly distributed throughout the brain and spinal cord with increased densities in neuronal nuclei, including the Substantia nigra in the midbrain (Lawson et al. 1990; Perry 1998). They belong to the nonneuronal glial cell compartment and their function is crucial to maintenance of the CNS in both health and disease (Ransohoff and Perry 2009; Perry et al. 2010; Ransohoff and Cardona 2010; Prinz and Priller 2014).Two key functional features define microglia: immune defense and maintenance of CNS homeostasis. As part of the innate immune system, microglia constantly sample their environment, scanning and surveying for signals of external danger (Davalos et al. 2005; Nimmerjahn et al. 2005; Lehnardt 2010), such as those from invading pathogens, or internal danger signals generated locally by damaged or dying cells (Bessis et al. 2007; Hanisch and Kettenmann 2007). Detection of such signals initiates a program of microglial responses that aim to resolve the injury, protect the CNS from the effects of the inflammation, and support tissue repair and remodeling (Minghetti and Levi 1998; Goldmann and Prinz 2013).Microglia are also emerging as crucial contributors to brain homeostasis through control of neuronal proliferation and differentiation, as well as influencing formation of synaptic connections (Lawson et al. 1990; Perry 1998; Hughes 2012; Blank and Prinz 2013). Recent imaging studies revealed dynamic interactions between microglia and synaptic connections in the healthy brain, which contributed to the modification and elimination of synaptic structures (Perry et al. 2010; Tremblay et al. 2010; Bialas and Stevens 2013). In the prenatal brain, microglia regulate the wiring of forebrain circuits, controlling the growth of dopaminergic axons in the forebrain and the laminar positioning of subsets of neocortical interneurons (Squarzoni et al. 2014). In the postnatal brain, microglia-mediated synaptic pruning is similarly required for the remodeling of neural circuits (Paolicelli et al. 2011; Schafer et al. 2012). In summary, microglia occupy a central position in defense and maintenance of the CNS and, as a consequence, are a key target for the treatment of neurological and psychiatric disorders.Although microglia have been studied for decades, a long history of experimental misinterpretation meant that their true origins remained debated until recently. Although we knew that microglial progenitors invaded the brain rudiment at very early stages of embryonic development (Alliot et al. 1999; Ransohoff and Perry 2009), it has now been established that microglia arise from yolk sac (YS)-primitive macrophages, which persist in the CNS into adulthood (Davalos et al. 2005; Nimmerjahn et al. 2005; Ginhoux et al. 2010, 2013; Kierdorf and Prinz 2013; Kierdorf et al. 2013a). Moreover, early embryonic brain colonization by microglia is conserved across vertebrate species, implying that it is essential for early brain development (Herbomel et al. 2001; Bessis et al. 2007; Hanisch and Kettenmann 2007; Verney et al. 2010; Schlegelmilch et al. 2011; Swinnen et al. 2013). In this review, we will present the latest findings in the field of microglial ontogeny, which provide new insights into their roles in health and disease.  相似文献   

According to the “generic view” of protein aggregation, the ability to self-assemble into stable and highly organized structures such as amyloid fibrils is not an unusual feature exhibited by a small group of peptides and proteins with special sequence or structural properties, but rather a property shared by most proteins. At the same time, through a wide variety of techniques, many of which were originally devised for applications in other disciplines, it has also been established that the maintenance of proteins in a soluble state is a fundamental aspect of protein homeostasis. Taken together, these advances offer a unified framework for understanding the molecular basis of protein aggregation and for the rational development of therapeutic strategies based on the biological and chemical regulation of protein solubility.Virtually every complex biochemical process taking place in living cells depends on the ability of the molecules involved to self-assemble into functional structures (Dobson 2003; Robinson et al. 2007; Russel et al. 2009), and a sophisticated quality control system is responsible for regulating the reactions leading to this organization within the cellular environment (Dobson 2003; Balch et al. 2008; Hartl and Hayer-Hartl 2009; Powers et al. 2009; Vendruscolo and Dobson 2009). Proteins are the molecules that are essential for enabling, regulating, and controlling almost all the tasks necessary to maintain such a balance. To function, the majority of our proteins need to fold into specific three-dimensional structures following their biosynthesis in the ribosome (Hartl and Hayer-Hartl 2002). The wide variety of highly specific structures that results from protein folding, and which serve to bring key functional groups into close proximity, has enabled living systems to develop an astonishing diversity and selectivity in their underlying chemical processes by using a common set of just 20 basic molecular components, the amino acids (Dobson 2003). Given the central importance of protein folding, it is not surprising that the failure of proteins to fold correctly, or to remain correctly folded, is at the origin of a wide variety of pathological conditions, including late-onset diabetes, cystic fibrosis, and Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases (Dobson 2003; Chiti and Dobson 2006; Haass and Selkoe 2007). In many of these disorders proteins self-assemble in an aberrant manner into large molecular aggregates, notably amyloid fibrils (Chiti and Dobson 2006; Ramirez-Alvarado et al. 2010).  相似文献   

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