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The heat-shock protein 90 (Hsp90) is currently thought to buffer eukaryotic cells against perturbations caused by pre-existing cryptic genetic variation. A new study suggests that the buffering function of Hsp90 could instead be due to its repression of de novo transposon-mediated mutagenesis.  相似文献   

The most ubiquitous and well recognized diversity pattern at large spatial scales is the latitudinal increase in species richness near the equator and decline towards the poles. Although several exceptions to this pattern have been documented, shallow water mollusks, the most specious group of marine invertebrates, are the epitome of the monotonic decline in species diversity toward higher latitudes along the Pacific and Atlantic coasts of North America. Here we analyze the geographic diversity of 629 mollusk species along the Pacific South American shelf. Our analyses are based on the most complete database of invertebrates assembled for this region of the world, consisting of latitudinal ranges of over 95% of all described mollusks between 10° and 55°S. Along this coast, mollusk diversity did not follow the typical latitudinal trend. The number of species remained constant and relatively low at intermediate latitudes and sharply increased toward higher latitudes, south of 42°S. This trend was explained by changes in shelf area, but not by sea surface temperature, unlike the pattern documented for Northern Hemisphere mollusks. Direct sampling of soft bottom communities along the gradient suggests that regional trends in species richness are produced by increased alpha diversity, and not only by artifacts produced by the increase in sampling area. We hypothesize that increased shelf area south of 42°S, geographic isolation produced by divergence of major oceanic currents, and the existence of refugia during glaciations, enabled species diversification. Radiation could have been limited by narrow continental shelves between 10°–42°. Asymmetries in latitudinal diversity trends between hemispheres show that there is not a single general factor determining large-scale diversity patterns.  相似文献   

Is the originality of a species measurable?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper, we introduce the concept of 'originality of a species within a set' in order to indicate the average rarity of all the features belonging to this species. Using a phylogenetic tree of 70 species of New World terrestrial Carnivora, we suggest measuring the originality by a probability distribution. This maximizes the expected number of features shared by two species randomly drawn from the set. By using this new index, we take account of branch lengths whereas current indices of originality focus on tree topology. As a supplement to Nee and May's optimizing algorithm, we find that originality must be one of the criteria used in conservation planning.  相似文献   

1. The relationship between coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) standing stock and benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in Kenyan highland streams was determined by sampling seven sites on three rivers (2000–2700 m a.s.l.). Taxa recorded were allocated to functional feeding groups using published literature, mouthpart analysis and examination of gut contents. Patterns were compared with five structurally similar streams in three areas of Europe (south-west France, south-east England, north-east England).
2. Number of individuals and proportion of detritivores in Kenyan streams were equivalent to, or greater than, those in European sites. Shredders were, however, almost completely absent from Kenyan sites, despite high standing stocks of CPOM. Shredders were abundant in all European sites.
3. The phenomenon of low shredder abundance has been observed in other tropical streams in south-east Asia and Central and South America but, in contrast to these regions, the African rivers studied were devoid of shrimps or fish which may occupy the shredding niche elsewhere.
4. These preliminary data suggest that shredder-mediated detritus processing, which is a key functional component of streams in the North Temperate Zone, does not operate in East African streams. There are three possible reasons for this. The first is that tropical African rivers are functionally different to those in temperate regions. This could be because of enhanced microbial activity replacing shredder activity at high temperatures. Alternatively, it could be a result of low palatability of detrital inputs from dominant riparian trees in the region. The second and third are methodological: that our allocation to functional feeding groups is incorrect, and that our sampling methods missed a potentially key shredding taxon – the freshwater crab Potamonautes sp.  相似文献   

This study compared the physiological response to novel situations in sex-separated and sex-mixed groups of horses, as measured by heart rate (HR). The study evaluated the possibility of training horses in a mixed-sex system. The study included 41 Purebred Arabian 2?-year-olds during their first walk on an automated horse walker. Four groups, divided by manner of care and training, consisted of 10 colts and 10 fillies kept in separate stables and trained in separate male or female groups and 12 colts and 9 fillies kept in the same stable and trained together. The study measured HR when horses were at rest before exercise, while moving from stable to walker, during 30 min of exercise on walker, while moving from walker to stable, and at rest after exercise. Mean HR scores recorded from training on the walker were higher in sex-mixed groups. Results obtained while horses were moving from stable to walker, then from walker to stable, were significantly higher in the sex-mixed groups. The study did not recommend training young horses in sex-mixed groups.  相似文献   

Hybrid speciation is thought to be facilitated by escape of early generation hybrids into new habitats, subsequent environmental selection and adaptation. Here, we ask whether two homoploid hybrid plant species (Helianthus anomalus, H. deserticola) diverged sufficiently from their ancestral parent species (H. annuus, H. petiolaris) during hybrid speciation so that they are more fit than the parent species in hybrid species habitats. Hybrid and parental species were reciprocally transplanted into hybrid and parental habitats. Helianthus anomalus was more fit than parental species in the H. anomalus actively moving desert dune habitat. The abilities to tolerate burial and excavation and to obtain nutrients appear to be important for success in the H. anomalus habitat. In contrast, H. deserticola failed to outperform the parental species in the H. deserticola stabilized desert dune habitat, and several possible explanations are discussed. The home site advantage of H. anomalus is consistent with environmental selection having been a mechanism for adaptive divergence and hybrid speciation and supports the use of H. anomalus as a valuable system for further assessment of environmental selection and adaptive traits.  相似文献   

  • 1 Adults of the lacewing Chrysopa regalis Navás were caught in north Spain, Huesca province, Aragon.
  • 2 Their progeny reared in the laboratory under short- and long-day light conditions at 20°C, entered a long diapause as prepupae within the cocoon.
  • 3 Transferred outdoors after spinning up, only a few (12%) became active again in the following spring, whereas the rest remained in diapause for one more year and waited for the end of the second spring to resume their morphogenetic development. Thus most of the studied strain exhibited a 2–year life cycle. This semivoltine strategy is new to chrysopid biology.
  • 4 The predaceous larval phase did not exceed 3% of the total individual lifespan, though the duration of the free-living larval instars averaged 19.9±1.1 (SD) days.
  • 5 During the extended diapause, weight loss was very small, no more than 6.6% of the initial weight, 16.9±2.7 (SD) mg, at the end of diapause, and 8.8% at the time of pupal ecdysis.



Tolerance of species to extreme temperatures largely determines their distribution and vulnerability to climate change. We examined thermal tolerance in tropical and temperate alpine plants, testing the hypotheses that: (a) temperate plants are resistant to more extreme temperatures and have an overall wider thermal tolerance breadth (TTB); (b) TTB in temperate plants is wider than TTB in tropical plants during the entire growing season; (c) resistance to frost and heat varies during the season in temperate plants but not in tropical plants; (d) TTB of a species predicts its latitudinal range.


Tropical (Ecuador, Bolivia) and temperate (USA, Austria) mountains.

Time period

Four periods of the growing season (2014, 2016–2019).

Major taxa

Ninety-six vascular plant species.


We employed the electrolyte leakage method to estimate the temperature resistance, that is, the temperature at which 50% tissue injury (Lt50) occurs in leaves. We used phylogenetic linear mixed-effect models in a Bayesian framework to test for differences between the plant groups.


Temperate and tropical plants do not differ in their temperature resistance. The four hypotheses are rejected since: (a) temperate plants do not have significantly wider overall TTB compared to tropical plants, (b) TTB of temperate plants is wider than TTB of tropical plants only at the end of the temperate summer, (c) seasonal acclimation is observed in both plant groups, (d) the latitudinal range of the plants is not related to TTB.

Main conclusions

The lack of TTB differences between temperate and tropical alpine plants is consistent with trends observed in ectothermic animals, which suggests a general latitudinal pattern in high-elevation poikilotherm organisms. Limited acclimation capacity to cope with long freezing exposures restricts the occurrence of tropical alpine species to thermally aseasonal environments making them particularly vulnerable to climate change.  相似文献   

In the Mediterranean basin, the yellow-legged gull Larus cachinnans has undergone a widespread demographic increase for the past 30 years. Owing to its high ecological adaptability, its aggressive behaviour and its abundance, this gull is often considered to be a pest. The authors review and analyse the impacts of the expansion of the yellow-legged gull on fauna and flora in the Mediterranean area. Despite the relatively limited number of both intensive and general studies, it clearly appears that the population explosion has had a very diverse and severe effect on the ecosystem as a whole (flora, vertebrates, interspecific competition, extinction–colonization processes). The most serious damage has occurred around the largest breeding colonies to the detriment of fragile, rare or very restricted plant and animal species. Thus, from the point of view of fauna and flora conservation, the yellow-legged gull can, for the moment, be considered to be locally superabun dant. Control measures are often very onerous and necessitate heavy manpower and material resources. Additional extensive investigations will be necessary to assess the future development of yellow-legged gull populations and their impact on natural environments.  相似文献   

Influence of 12 nonpolar amino acids residues from the hydrophobic core of apomyoglobin on stability of its native state and folding intermediate was studied. Six of the selected residues are from the A, G and H helices; these are conserved in structure of the globin family, although nonfunctional, that is, not involved in heme binding. The rest are nonconserved hydrophobic residues that belong to the B, C, D, and E helices. Each residue was substituted by alanine, and equilibrium pH‐induced transitions in apomyoglobin and its mutants were studied by circular dichroism and fluorescent spectroscopy. The obtained results allowed estimating changes in their free energy during formation of the intermediate state. It was first shown that the strength of side chain interactions in the apomyoglobin intermediate state amounts to 15–50% of that in its native state for conserved residues, and practically to 0% for nonconserved residues. These results allow a better understanding of interactions occurring in the intermediate state and shed light on involvement of certain residues in protein folding at different stages.  相似文献   

Birds in the order Charadriiformes were sampled at multiple sites in the eastern half of the continental USA, as well as at Argentina, Chile, and Bermuda, during 1999-2005, and tested for avian influenza virus (AIV). Of more than 9,400 birds sampled, AIV virus was isolated from 290 birds. Although Ruddy Turnstones (Arenaria interpres) comprised just 25% of birds sampled, they accounted for 87% of isolates. Only eight AIV isolations were made from birds at four locations outside of the Delaware Bay, USA, region; six of these were from gulls (Laridae). At Delaware Bay, AIV isolations were predominated by hemagglutinin (HA) subtype H10, but subtype diversity varied each year. These results suggest that AIV infection among shorebirds (Scolopacidae) may be localized, species specific, and highly variable in relation to AIV subtype diversity.  相似文献   

Historically, the role of parasites in ecosystem functioning has been considered trivial because a cursory examination reveals that their relative biomass is low compared with that of other trophic groups. However there is increasing evidence that parasite-mediated effects could be significant: they shape host population dynamics, alter interspecific competition, influence energy flow and appear to be important drivers of biodiversity. Indeed they influence a range of ecosystem functions and have a major effect on the structure of some food webs. Here, we consider the bottom-up and top-down processes of how parasitism influences ecosystem functioning and show that there is evidence that parasites are important for biodiversity and production; thus, we consider a healthy system to be one that is rich in parasite species.  相似文献   

The river domain: why are there more species halfway up the river?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Biologists have long noted higher levels of species diversity in the longitudinal middle‐courses of river systems and have proposed many explanations. As a new explanation for this widespread pattern, we suggest that many middle‐course peaks in richness may be, at least in part, a consequence of geometric constraints on the location of species’ ranges along river courses, considering river headwaters and mouths as boundaries for the taxa considered. We demonstrate this extension of the mid‐domain effect (MDE) to river systems for riparian plants along two rivers in Sweden, where a previous study found a middle‐course peak in richness of natural (non‐ruderal) species. We compare patterns of empirical richness of these species to null model predictions of species richness along the two river systems and to spatial patterns for six environmental variables (channel width, substrate fineness, substrate heterogeneity, ice scour, bank height, and bank area). In addition, we examine the independent prediction of mid‐domain effects models that species with large ranges, because the location of their ranges is more constrained, are more likely to produce a mid‐domain peak in richness than are species with small ranges. Species richness patterns of riparian plants were best predicted by models including both null model predictions and environmental variables. When species were divided into large‐ranged and small‐ranged groups, the mid‐domain effect was more prominent and the null model predictions were a better fit to the empirical richness patterns of large‐ranged species than those of small‐ranged species. Our results suggest that the peak in riparian plant species richness in the middle courses of the rivers studied can be explained by an underlying mid‐domain effect (driven by geometric constraints on large‐ranged species), together with environmental effects on richness patterns (particularly on small‐ranged species). We suggest that the mid‐domain effect may help to explain similar middle‐course richness peaks along other rivers.  相似文献   

The two most important components of biodiversity, species diversity and genetic diversity, have generally been treated as separate topics, although a coordination between both components is believed to be critical for ecosystem stability and resilience. Based on a new trait concept that allows for the assessment of genetic diversity across species, the relationship between species diversity and genetic diversity was examined in eight forest tree communities composed of different tree genera including both climax and pioneer species. It was intended to check whether a trade-off exists between the two diversity components as was found in a few studies on animal species.Using several isozyme-gene systems as genetic markers, the genetic diversity across species within each of the tree communities was determined by two measures, the commonly used intraspecific genetic diversity averaged over species and the recently developed transspecific genetic diversity per species. Both data sets were compared with the corresponding community-specific species diversity resulting in a positive relationship between the two diversity components. A statistically significant positive correlation was established between the transspecific genetic diversity per species and the species diversity for three isozyme-gene systems. Beyond that, consistent results were obtained using different parameters of the diversity measure which characterize the total, the effective and the number of prevalent variants. The number of prevalent variants reflected most significantly the non-randomness of the observed diversity patterns.These findings can be explained by the observation that the pioneer tree species reveal a by far higher genetic diversity than the climax tree species, which means that an increase in species diversity, due to the addition of several pioneer species at the expense of one or two climax species, goes along with an increase in the level of genetic diversity. Forest tree communities with the highest degree of species diversity exhibit therefore the highest transspecific genetic diversity per species. This result was discussed with regard to the particular composition and stability of forest tree communities.  相似文献   

Thiobacillus halophilus and Thiobacillus hydrothermalis share 98.7% similarity in 16S rRNA sequence, possess similar gross DNA composition (64.2 and 67.4 mol% G+C values, respectively), and have similar physiological properties. While this might have indicated that they were strains of a single species, DNA-DNA hybridization between the type strains of the two species showed only 59% hybridization, indicating the organisms to be different at the species level. Thiobacillus neapolitanus is the phylogenetically nearest neighbour of T. halophilus and T. hydrothermalis (91.6–92.1% similarity in 16S rRNA sequence) and is the only other Thiobacillus in the γ-subclass of the Proteobacteria that can be regarded as exclusively related to these two species. The 16S rRNA gene sequences of these three species are so different from those of the other thiobacilli in the γ-subclass that they justify recognition as a distinct phyletic group. Their comparative properties are summarized. Received: 23 February 1998 / Accepted: 23 April 1998  相似文献   

The significance of Aeromonas hydrophila in association with disease outbreaks in aquaculture production in the Zhejiang province of China was investigated. Bacteriological examination of moribund fish and crabs resulted in 95 bacterial isolates: 88 bacterial isolates from fish and 7 isolates from crabs. PCR and traditional biochemical methods were used for identification of A. hydrophila. Out of 69 motile aeromonads, 35 isolates were identified as A. hydrophila by biochemical tests. However, 6 of those were not identified as A. hydrophila by a species specific PCR method. Serotyping revealed 2 dominant serotypes (O9 and O97) among A. hydrophila isolates. The data presented show that approximately 42% of the motile aeromonads isolated from disease outbreaks among various fish species were A. hydrophila. It is noteworthy that A. hydrophila accounted for more than 50% of the isolated aeromonands isolated from crucian carp Carassius carassius and Wuchang bream Megalobrama amblycephala with haemorrhagic septicaemia. Although this species was the most frequently isolated organism from internal organs of diseased fish and crabs in the present study, other motile Aeromonas spp. were also found. The PCR assay was useful in preventing misidentification of A. hydrophila, which may occur when only phenotypic tests are employed.  相似文献   

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