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A previous study of 19 south-east Australian heath and forest species with a range of leaf textures showed that they varied considerably in leaf biomechanical properties. By using an index of sclerophylly derived from botanists' rankings (botanists' sclerophylly index, BSI) we determined that leaves considered by botanists to be sclerophyllous generally had both high strength and work to fracture (particularly in punching and tearing tests), both at the level of leaf and per unit leaf thickness. In the current study we have shown that leaves from the same species also varied considerably in leaf specific mass (46–251 g m-2), neutral detergent fibre concentration (20–59% on a dry weight basis) and in leaf anatomy. Multiple regression indicated a very strong correlation between BSI and the first two components of a principal components analysis (PCA) of leaf anatomy (R 2 = 0.91). In addition, there was strong correlation between the first component of a PCA of the mechanical properties (correlated with BSI) and the two axes derived from anatomical characteristics (R 2 = 0.66). The anatomical properties contributing most to the significant component axes were thickness of palisade mesophyll and upper cuticle (axis 1) and percentage fibre (neutral detergent fibre) and lower epidermis thickness (axis 2). However, whether these relationships are causal, or reflect correlations with characteristics not measured in this study, such as vascularization and sclerification, is not clear. At a finer scale, however, there is evidence that there are various ways to be sclerophyllous, both in terms of anatomical and mechanical properties. This is illustrated by comparison of two of the sclerophyllous species, Eucalyptus baxteri and Banksia marginata.  相似文献   

An adaptive feature of some mangroves of Sundarbans, West Bengal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mangrove taxa, apart from their morphological characters, have some unique leaf anatomical features which are very much related to their adaptation as the plants grow in unstable, variable and saline environments with regular tidal influence. Special stomatal structures with extended cuticles render the transpiration rate in many taxa. The presence of glandular and non-glandular hairs on the abaxial and/or adaxial leaf surfaces in some taxa are related to salt secretion of these plants. Comparatively large amounts of water storage tissues occur in the hypodermal or mesophyll tissue of the leaves, reflecting the adaptive nature of mangroves in their stressful habitat. The occurrence of terminal tracheids helps with capillary water storage within the leaf. The coriaceous nature of the leaves in some taxa is due to the presence of sclereids within the mesophyll region. It is noted thatHeritiera is unsuitable to the highly saline habitat of the Sundarbans forest region because of some anatomical peculiarities.  相似文献   

不同沙丘生境主要植物比叶面积和叶干物质含量的比较   总被引:42,自引:2,他引:42  
研究了生长在不同沙丘生境中 (流动沙丘 ,半固定沙丘和固定沙丘 ) 2 0个植物种 (10个 1年生植物种和 10个多年生植物种 )的比叶面积 (SL A)和叶干物质含量 (L DMC)的变化 ,并且分析了各个沙丘生境的土壤养分特征。结果表明 ,各个植物种的平均 SL A和 L DMC在植物种之间差异显著 ;多数在两种或 3种沙丘生境均有分布的植物其 SL A在不同沙丘生境之间差异显著 ,但是仅有 6个植物种的 L DMC在不同沙丘生境之间表现出差异 (p<0 .0 5 )。与许多研究结果类似 ,1年生植物的 SL A显著大于多年生植物的 SL A,而且两者之间 L DMC存在一定的差异。 1年生植物 SL A和 L DMC之间相关性不显著 ,但多年生植物SL A和 L DMC之间呈显著负相关。综合所有 2 0个植物种可以发现 ,SL A增大时 ,L DMC有下降的趋势  相似文献   

随着叶片功能性状研究的不断深入, 通过简单易测量的叶片指标, 同时探究植物生活史权衡对策和估算林分生产力的研究需求日益增长, 例如叶干质量比(LDMC)和比叶面积(SLA)的相互转换。杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)是亚热带重要的常绿针叶树种, 基于LDMC对杉木SLA进行估算, 能够为核算SLA提供途径, 为机理解释和生产估算构建连接途径, 为小区域到大尺度、精算到估算搭建桥梁。该研究在湖南会同和河南信阳两个杉木生长区, 对处于不同小生境(坡向、坡位和冠层深度)以及不同生活史(林龄和叶龄)的叶片进行抽样和采集, 通过测得不同叶龄的单叶LDMCSLA, 初步探究在不同因子下两个性状值的分布差异, 进一步基于LDMC构建SLA估算模型并讨论以叶龄为差分因子对模型的影响。结果表明: 1)杉木SLA平均值为(103.15 ± 69.54) cm 2·g -1, LDMC为0.39 ± 0.11; 2)杉木LDMCSLA可用非线性模型进行估算, 模型符合估算要求; 3)其中一年生叶的拟合效果最好, 老叶(大于二年生叶)的拟合优度较低, 老叶较低的SLA (52.28-75.74 cm 2·g -1)可能暗示LDMC的变化保持相对独立性。该研究基于杉木LDMCSLA估算模型可信且有效, 且不同叶龄对LDMCSLA的影响可能预示着杉木叶片的响应敏感性和生活史权衡策略。  相似文献   

Leaf dry mass per unit leaf area (LMA) is a central trait in ecology, but its anatomical and compositional basis has been unclear. An explicit mathematical and physical framework for quantifying the cell and tissue determinants of LMA will enable tests of their influence on species, communities and ecosystems. We present an approach to explaining LMA from the numbers, dimensions and mass densities of leaf cells and tissues, which provided unprecedented explanatory power for 11 broadleaved woody angiosperm species diverse in LMA (33–262 g m?2; R2 = 0.94; < 0.001). Across these diverse species, and in a larger comparison of evergreen vs. deciduous angiosperms, high LMA resulted principally from larger cell sizes, greater major vein allocation, greater numbers of mesophyll cell layers and higher cell mass densities. This explicit approach enables relating leaf anatomy and composition to a wide range of processes in physiological, evolutionary, community and macroecology.  相似文献   

东灵山地区不同森林群落叶功能性状比较   总被引:20,自引:11,他引:20  
宝乐  刘艳红 《生态学报》2009,29(7):3692-3703
植物功能性状(plant functional trait)是近年来生态学研究的热点.其中叶功能性状(leaf functional trait)与植株生物量和植物对资源的获得、利用及利用效率的关系最为密切.研究了东灵山地区叶功能性状之间的关系、叶功能性状与地形因子的关系,并对不同群落叶功能性状进行了比较.通过Pearson相关分析发现,叶干物质含量(LDMC)与比叶面积(SLA)、叶氮浓度(LNC)、叶磷浓度(LPC)、叶钾浓度(LKC)负相关;叶大小与叶厚度正相关;SLA与 LNC、LPC、LKC正相关;LNC与LPC、LKC正相关;LPC与LKC正相关.通过灰色关联度分析发现,对叶大小、LNC、LKC来讲,海拔是各项地形因子中的首要影响因子;对LDMC、叶厚度来讲,坡度对其影响最大;对SLA、LPC来讲,坡位是其首要影响因子.依据乔木层的SLA和LDMC将5种群落分成3类,第一类是黑桦林和山杨林,第二类是辽东栎林,第三类是胡桃楸林和糠椴林.群落的分类情况符合该地带性植被优势度类型的分类情况,LDMC和SLA是最能体现群落间差异的叶功能性状.  相似文献   

It was predicted that relationships of leaf mass per area (LMA) with juvenile shade tolerance will depend on leaf habit, and on whether species are compared at a common age as young seedlings, or at a common size as saplings. A meta-analysis of 47 comparative studies (372 species) was used to test predictions, and the effect of light environment on this relationship. The LMA of evergreens was positively correlated with shade tolerance, irrespective of ontogeny or light environment. The LMA of young seedlings (相似文献   

干热河谷植物叶片,树高和种子功能性状比较   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
植物功能性状 (plant functional trait)是近年来生态学研究的热点。以云南怒江和澜沧江干热河谷36种木本植物为研究对象,选取比叶面积 (SLA)、植株高 (H) 和种子干重 (SM) 3个功能性状,研究它们的相互关系,比较其在河谷间、河谷内的差异。结果表明:1)两个河谷内36种木本植物的以上3种功能性状间没有显著的相关性 (P值分别为0.8739,0.5763,0.5517);2)河谷间的比叶面积存在显著差异 (P=0.02944),植株高和种子干重无显著差异 (P分别为0.4070, 0.8867);3)两个河谷内木本植物功能性状中,种子干重差异最大,植株高次之,比叶面积最小。  相似文献   

比叶面积(SLA)能够反映植物自身生长对策、对光能的捕获能力、对外界环境变化的适应和对可利用资源的分配策略,对植物的生境适应状况和群落的自然演替程度也起到重要的指示作用。为了深入了解温带森林植物SLA随空间变化的变异特征及其影响因素,跨越1200 km选取中国东北部12个典型温带森林(寒温带兴安落叶松林、温带红松针阔混交林和暖温带落叶阔叶栎林),通过对样地内物种进行系统性的调查,分析了植物SLA在空间上的变化规律及环境因素的影响效应。结果显示:中国温带森林植物SLA范围为2.02—99.65 m~2/kg(均值为34.18 m~2/kg),其中乔木SLA范围为2.02—58.74 m~2/kg(均值为21.32 m~2/kg),灌木SLA范围为2.88—99.65 m~2/kg(均值为31.60 m~2/kg),草本SLA范围为4.66—98.53 m~2/kg(均值为38.75 m~2/kg)。SLA在不同森林类型之间差异显著,具体表现为:温带红松针阔混交林>暖温带落叶阔叶栎林>寒温带兴安落叶松林。SLA受到气候因素和土壤因素的影响,其中随着年均降水、土壤碳氮含量的增加显...  相似文献   

For leaves, the light-capturing surface area per unit dry mass investment (specific leaf area, SLA) is a key trait from physiological, ecological and biophysical perspectives. To address whether SLA declines with leaf size, as hypothesized due to increasing costs of support in larger leaves, we compiled data on intraspecific variation in leaf dry mass (LM) and leaf surface area (LA) for 6334 leaves of 157 species. We used the power function LM=alpha LAbeta to test whether, within each species, large leaves deploy less surface area per unit dry mass than small leaves. Comparing scaling exponents (beta) showed that more species had a statistically significant decrease in SLA as leaf size increased (61) than the opposite (7) and the average beta was significantly greater than 1 (betamean=1.10, 95% CI 1.08-1.13). However, scaling exponents varied markedly from the few species that decreased to the many that increased SLA disproportionately fast as leaf size increased. This variation was unrelated to growth form, ecosystem of origin or climate. The average within-species tendency found here (allometric decrease of SLA with leaf size, averaging 13%) is in accord with concurrent findings on global-scale trends among species, although the substantial scatter around the central tendency suggests that the leaf size dependency does not obligately shape SLA. Nonetheless, the generally greater mass per unit leaf area of larger than smaller leaves directly translates into a greater cost to build and maintain a unit of leaf area, which, all else being equal, should constrain the maximum leaf size displayed.  相似文献   

植物的叶片与细根分别作为植物体地上和地下部分重要的营养器官, 很多功能性状在二者之间存在着一定的关联性。研究这种关联有助于理解植物各性状之间的相互作用、植物生长过程中对资源的利用和分配, 以及建立细根性状的估算模型。该研究对内蒙古锡林河流域65种植物叶片与细根的氮(N)含量、磷(P)含量、N:P以及比叶面积(SLA)和比根长(SRL)进行了比较研究, 结果表明: 在种间尺度上, 叶片与细根间的N、P和N:P存在显著的相关性, 而SLASRL之间相关性较弱; 在种内尺度上, 叶片和细根的N、P及SLASRL, 在不同的物种中呈现出不同的趋势。此外, 叶片与细根性状的关联, 在不同的植物功能群之间存在差异。例如, 双子叶植物叶片与细根间的N含量显著相关, P含量不相关; 而单子叶植物二者之间的P含量显著相关, N含量无关联。该研究的主要结论是, 在相对一致的生境中, 植物叶片与细根性状的关联主要发生在不同物种之间, 在种内尺度上这种关联不明显, 这可能与植物功能性状在种内存在较小的变异幅度有关。  相似文献   

随着叶片功能性状研究的不断深入, 通过简单易测量的叶片指标, 同时探究植物生活史权衡对策和估算林分生产力的研究需求日益增长, 例如叶干质量比(LDMC)和比叶面积(SLA)的相互转换。杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)是亚热带重要的常绿针叶树种, 基于LDMC对杉木SLA进行估算, 能够为核算SLA提供途径, 为机理解释和生产估算构建连接途径, 为小区域到大尺度、精算到估算搭建桥梁。该研究在湖南会同和河南信阳两个杉木生长区, 对处于不同小生境(坡向、坡位和冠层深度)以及不同生活史(林龄和叶龄)的叶片进行抽样和采集, 通过测得不同叶龄的单叶LDMCSLA, 初步探究在不同因子下两个性状值的分布差异, 进一步基于LDMC构建SLA估算模型并讨论以叶龄为差分因子对模型的影响。结果表明: 1)杉木SLA平均值为(103.15 ± 69.54) cm 2·g -1, LDMC为0.39 ± 0.11; 2)杉木LDMCSLA可用非线性模型进行估算, 模型符合估算要求; 3)其中一年生叶的拟合效果最好, 老叶(大于二年生叶)的拟合优度较低, 老叶较低的SLA (52.28-75.74 cm 2·g -1)可能暗示LDMC的变化保持相对独立性。该研究基于杉木LDMCSLA估算模型可信且有效, 且不同叶龄对LDMCSLA的影响可能预示着杉木叶片的响应敏感性和生活史权衡策略。  相似文献   

1. The influence of leaf thickness on internal conductance for CO2 transfer from substomatal cavity to chloroplast stroma ( g i) and carbon isotope ratio (δ13C) of leaf dry matter was investigated for some evergreen tree species from Japanese temperate forests. g i was estimated based on the combined measurements of gas exchange and concurrent carbon isotope discrimination.
2. Leaves with thicker mesophyll tended to have larger leaf dry mass per area (LMA), larger surface area of mesophyll cells exposed to intercellular air spaces per unit leaf area ( S mes) and smaller volume ratio of intercellular spaces to the whole mesophyll (mesophyll porosity).
3. g i of these leaves was correlated positively to S mes but negatively to mesophyll porosity. The variation in g i among these species would be therefore primarily determined by variation of the conductance in liquid phase rather than that in gas phase.
4. δ13C was positively correlated to mesophyll thickness and leaf nitrogen content on an area basis. However, g i values did not correlate to δ13C. These results suggest that difference in δ13C among the species was not caused by the variation in g i, but mainly by the difference in long-term photosynthetic capacity.
5. Comparison of our results with those of previous studies showed that the correlation between leaf thickness and g i differed depending on leaf functional types (evergreen, deciduous or annual). Differences in leaf properties among these functional types were discussed.  相似文献   

Trait predictions from leaf spectral properties are mainly applied to tree species, while herbaceous systems received little attention in this topic. Whether similar trait–spectrum relations can be derived for herbaceous plants that differ strongly in growing strategy and environmental constraints is therefore unknown. We used partial least squares regression to relate key traits to leaf spectra (reflectance, transmittance, and absorbance) for 35 herbaceous species, sampled from a wide range of environmental conditions. Specific Leaf Area and nutrient‐related traits (N and P content) were poorly predicted from any spectrum, although N prediction improved when expressed on a per area basis (mg/m2 leaf surface) instead of mass basis (mg/g dry matter). Leaf dry matter content was moderately to good correlated with spectra. We explain our results by the range of environmental constraints encountered by herbaceous species; both N and P limitations as well as a range of light and water availabilities occurred. This weakened the relation between the measured response traits and the leaf constituents that are truly responsible for leaf spectral behavior. Indeed, N predictions improve considering solely upper or under canopy species. Therefore, trait predictions in herbaceous systems should focus on traits relating to dry matter content and the true, underlying drivers of spectral properties.  相似文献   

Here, we investigated the physiological and structural leaf responses of seedlings of two evergreen and two deciduous Quercus species, grown in a glasshouse and subjected to contrasted conditions of light (low, medium and high irradiance) and water (continuous watering vs 2-months drought). The impact of drought on photosynthetic rate was strongest in high irradiance, while the impact of shade on photosynthetic rate was strongest with high water supply, contradicting the hypothesis of allocation trade-off. Multivariate causal models were evaluated using d-sep method. The model that best fitted the dataset proposed that the variation in specific leaf area affects photosynthetic rate and leaf nitrogen concentration, and this trait determines stomatal conductance, which also affects photosynthetic rate. Shade conditions seemed to ameliorate, or at least not aggravate, the drought impact on oak seedlings, therefore, the drought response on leaf performance depended on the light environment.  相似文献   

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