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The consequences of habitat alteration on the role of understory insectivorous birds as predators of herbivorous insects in tropical forests are poorly understood. To examine whether fragmentation may affect the top–down controls of herbivory, we compared the number of species, individuals, and the community structure of insectivorous birds between fragments and continuous tropical moist forest in Mexico. We also registered insect herbivore abundances and conducted a larvae predation experiment to evaluate the potential role of insectivorous birds as predators of herbivorous insects. We recorded 63 bird species from 22 families, 43 percent of which were insectivorous birds. Species richness, abundance, and diversity of the avian community were higher in continuous forest compared with forest fragments. For insectivorous birds in particular, there was low similarity in avian insectivore communities between forest types, and forest fragments had more heavily dominated communities of avian insectivores. During the dry season, forest fragments presented significantly higher predation rates on artificial caterpillars, and lower abundance of herbivorous Lepidoptera larvae, compared with continuous forest. Furthermore, there was a significant negative correlation between artificial caterpillar predation rate and larval Lepidoptera abundance, with higher rates of predation in sample sites of low Lepidoptera abundance. Hence, the potentially greater light in the dry season combined with a more dominated avian insectivore community in forest fragments may facilitate increased predation by avian insectivores, resulting in a decline in abundance of larval Lepidoptera, with implications for the process of insect‐driven herbivory in forest fragments.  相似文献   

Predation can be one of the key factors that determine abundance in insect herbivore communities, and drive evolution of body size, and anti‐predator traits, including crypsis. Population dynamics and selection pressures will depend on the identity of dominant predators in the system, and these may vary substantially among habitats. Arthropods emerge as chief predators on caterpillars in the understorey of non‐montane tropical forest, whereas birds dominate elsewhere. In a tropical forest in Uganda, Africa, we evaluated marks on dummy caterpillars that differed in size, material (clay vs. dough), colourant, and plant species on which dummy caterpillars were exposed. We included live caterpillars to estimate the extent to which studies using artificial caterpillars reflect actual levels of predation. Ants and wasps were the most important damagers of dummy caterpillars, whereas bug and beetle damage was very rare, and no bird or small mammal damage was observed. Daily attack rates did not differ significantly from apparent mortality of live caterpillars (daily mortality = 12.1%), but dummy caterpillars made from dough were attacked more frequently (daily attack rate = 18.4%) than those from clay (daily attack rate = 6.9%). Caterpillars of different colour and size, and caterpillars exposed on different plant species had the same chances to be predated. This is in contrast to results from temperate area studies where birds dominate and are not affected by dummy caterpillar material, but prefer larger caterpillars. Our results are consistent with dominant predators on tropical forest caterpillars being invertebrates that are more chemically than visually oriented, so that: (1) material used for dummy caterpillars is important, (2) background matching is relatively unimportant, and (3) being large may have less of a cost. These patterns in predation might facilitate polyphagy and evolution of large body size in tropical Lepidoptera.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of anti‐predator traits, such as warning signals and camouflage, has rarely been quantified from a phylogenetic community ecology perspective. Here we use a phylogenetic comparative analysis to test the association between several putative anti‐predator traits and bird predation risk in an assemblage of caterpillar species. We synthesize eight years of field and laboratory study of a temperate forest community, including a four‐year bird exclusion experiment that provided comparative measures of bird predation risk for 38 caterpillar species from a phylogenetic community. We then conducted a phylogenetic generalized least‐squares and information‐theoretic model selection analysis of warning signals (aposematism or mimicry), camouflage (crypsis or masquerade), and behavioral responses to physical attack as predictors of bird predation, while also accounting for putatively important effects of the abundance, mean body size, and phenology of caterpillar species. The most behaviorally specialized caterpillar species possessing warning signals experienced the lowest bird predation risk, supporting aposematism theory and highlighting the role of prey behavior in the visual signaling of predators. Among the camouflaged caterpillar species, those with the greatest latency to detection by human proxy predators experienced the lowest bird predation risk, supporting camouflage theory. Caterpillar behavioral responses to physical attack, however, predicted increased bird predation risk among camouflaged caterpillars. Although caterpillar abundance, body size, and phenology were expected to be important based on inference from optimal foraging theory and previous field observations, these factors had limited predictive power. This study provides methodologically unique evidence for the importance of morphological and behavioral components of primary, visual defenses of caterpillars against their avian predators in a natural community.  相似文献   

In natural ecosystems, arthropod predation on herbivore prey is higher at lower latitudes, mirroring the latitudinal diversity gradient observed across many taxa. This pattern has not been systematically examined in human‐dominated ecosystems, where frequent disturbances can shift the identity and abundance of local predators, altering predation rates from those observed in natural ecosystems. We investigated how latitude, biogeographical, and local ecological factors influenced arthropod predation in Brassica oleracea‐dominated agroecosystems in 55 plots spread among 5 sites in the United States and 4 sites in Brazil, spanning at least 15° latitude in each country. In both the United States and Brazil, arthropod predator attacks on sentinel model caterpillar prey were highest at the highest latitude studied and declined at lower latitudes. The rate of increased arthropod attacks per degree latitude was higher in the United States and the overall gradient was shifted poleward as compared to Brazil. PiecewiseSEM analysis revealed that aridity mediates the effect of latitude on arthropod predation and largely explains the differences in the intensity of the latitudinal gradient between study countries. Neither predator richness, predator density, nor predator resource availability predicted variation in predator attack rates. Only greater non‐crop plant density drove greater predation rates, though this effect was weaker than the effect of aridity. We conclude that climatic factors rather than ecological community structure shape latitudinal arthropod predation patterns and that high levels of aridity in agroecosystems may dampen the ability of arthropod predators to provide herbivore control services as compared to natural ecosystems.  相似文献   

The strength of biotic interactions is generally thought to increase toward the equator, but support for this hypothesis is contradictory. We explored whether predator attacks on artificial prey of eight different colors vary among climates and whether this variation affects the detection of latitudinal patterns in predation. Bird attack rates negatively correlated with model luminance in cold and temperate environments, but not in tropical environments. Bird predation on black and on white (extremes in luminance) models demonstrated different latitudinal patterns, presumably due to differences in prey conspicuousness between habitats with different light regimes. When attacks on models of all colors were combined, arthropod predation decreased, whereas bird predation increased with increasing latitude. We conclude that selection for prey coloration may vary geographically and according to predator identity, and that the importance of different predators may show contrasting patterns, thus weakening the overall latitudinal trend in top‐down control of herbivorous insects.  相似文献   

1. Changes in one prey species' density can indirectly affect the abundance of another prey species if a shared predator eats both species. Sometimes, indirect effects occur when prey straddle habitats, including when riparian predator populations grow in response to emergent aquatic insects and increase predation on terrestrial prey. However, predators may largely switch to aquatic insects or become satiated, reducing predation on terrestrial prey. 2. To determine the net indirect effect of aquatic insects on terrestrial arthropods via generalist spider predators, a field experiment was conducted mimicking midge influx and a wolf spider numerical response inside enclosures near an Icelandic lake. Lab mesocosms were also used to assess per capita rates of spider predation u nder differing levels of midge abundance. 3. Midges always decreased sentinel prey predation, but this effect increased with predator density. When midges were absent, predation increased 30% at a high spider density, but predation was equal between spider treatments when midges were present. In situ arthropods showed no effect of midge or spider treatments, although non‐significant abundance patterns were observed congruent with sentinel prey results. 4. In lab mesocosms, prey survivorship increased ≥50% where midges were present and rapidly saturated; the addition of 5, 20, 50, and 100 midges equivalently reduced spider predation, supporting predator distraction rather than satiation as the root cause. 5. The present results demonstrate a strong positive indirect effect of midges and broadly support the concept that predator responses to alternative prey are a major influence on the magnitude and direction of predator‐mediated indirect effects.  相似文献   

Learning to avoid toxic prey items may aid native predators to survive the invasion of highly toxic species, such as cane toads Bufo marinus in tropical Australia. If the predators’ initial aversion is generalized, native prey that resemble the toxic invader may receive a benefit through accidental mimicry. What ecological factors influence the acquisition of learned avoidance (and hence, the impact of invasion on both predators and native prey)? We conducted laboratory experiments to evaluate how the relative abundance of toad tadpoles compared to palatable native tadpoles (Litoria caerulea and L. rubella) affected the ability of native aquatic predators to discriminate between these two prey types. Both fish (northern trout gudgeon, Mogurnda mogurnda) and frogs (Dahl's aquatic frog, Litoria dahlii) learned to discriminate between toads and frogs within an eight‐day period. Higher abundance of toad tadpoles relative to frog tadpoles enhanced rates of predator learning, and thus reduced predation on toads and increased predation on native tadpoles. In the field, spatial and temporal variation in the relative abundance of cane toads compared to native frogs may influence the rates at which these novel toxic items are deleted from predator diets, and the duration of predator protection afforded to natives that resemble the invader.  相似文献   

Sentinel plasticine prey has been increasingly used to estimate predation pressure. The use of plasticine prey may, however, bias the results, as this method was originally designed to account for predation by organisms that can visually recognize the shapes and colors of their prey. To evaluate the limitations of using sentinel plasticine prey, we compared predator attack rates between real prey – dead and live mealworms, Tenebrio molitor L. (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) – and plasticine models in a monsoonal tropical rainforest of southeastern China. The attack rates by invertebrates were highest on dead prey followed by live prey and plasticine models, whereas the attack rates by vertebrates were lowest on dead prey, and did not differ between live prey and plasticine models. These results confirm that bias imposed by using the plasticine models is affected by the type of predators. In addition, we tested the validity and generality of the premise that predators can distinguish the shapes of plasticine model prey and preferentially attack a caterpillar-like shape over other shapes. To test this hypothesis, we conducted three independent experiments in China, Papua New Guinea, and Finland. In the two latter localities, predation rates on plasticine caterpillars were higher than on models of other shapes, whereas in China, these differences were not significant. Taken together, our study suggests that plasticine models may underestimate the predation by invertebrates to a greater extent than predation by vertebrates, and the preference of model shape by predators may be locality-specific, presumably due to differences in the composition of the predator community. We propose that predation be estimated on both live and plasticine prey in future studies to measure the potential bias imposed by using plasticine models and its variation among various habitats and predator groups.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Attack rates and handling times are measured by a series of separate functional response experiments for each instar of Notonecta glauca attacking four size classes of Daphnia magna as prey. The resulting attack rate and handling time surfaces are complex, with maximum attack rates for small predators attacking small prey, and large predators attacking large prey. Adult Notonecta have lower attack rates than the two previous juvenile instars (4 and 5).
2. The literature on attack rates and handling times in other predator—prey interactions that involve a series of different predator and prey size or age classes is reviewed in the context of the Notonecta-Daphnia results. The data suggest that small predator instars will usually compete with large instars for food, unless there is spatial or temporal separation between them.
3. Complex attack rate and handling time surfaces are to be expected wherever a wide range of prey and predator sizes is involved.
4. Size related changes in attack rates and handling times can introduce very complex dynamics into predator-prey interactions.  相似文献   

Behavioral ecologists and evolutionary biologists have long studied how predators respond to prey items novel in color and pattern. Because a predatory response is influenced by both the predator’s ability to detect the prey and a post-detection behavioral response, variation among prey types in conspicuousness may confound inference about post-prey-detection predator behavior. That is, a relatively high attack rate on a given prey type may result primarily from enhanced conspicuousness and not predators’ direct preference for that prey. Few studies, however, account for such variation in conspicuousness. In a field experiment, we measured predation rates on clay replicas of two aposematic forms of the poison dart frog Dendrobates pumilio, one novel and one familiar, and two cryptic controls. To ask whether predators prefer or avoid a novel aposematic prey form independently of conspicuousness differences among replicas, we first modeled the visual system of a typical avian predator. Then, we used this model to estimate replica contrast against a leaf litter background to test whether variation in contrast alone could explain variation in predator attack rate. We found that absolute predation rates did not differ among color forms. Predation rates relative to conspicuousness did, however, deviate significantly from expectation, suggesting that predators do make post-detection decisions to avoid or attack a given prey type. The direction of this deviation from expectation, though, depended on assumptions we made about how avian predators discriminate objects from the visual background. Our results show that it is important to account for prey conspicuousness when investigating predator behavior and also that existing models of predator visual systems need to be refined.  相似文献   

Intraspecific variation is central to our understanding of evolution and population ecology, yet its consequences for community ecology are poorly understood. Animal personality – consistent individual differences in suites of behaviours – may be particularly important for trophic dynamics, where predator personality can determine activity rates and patterns of attack. We used mesocosms with aquatic food webs in which the top predator (dragonfly nymphs) varied in activity and subsequent attack rates on zooplankton, and tested the effects of predator personality. We found support for four hypotheses: (1) active predators disproportionately reduce the abundance of prey, (2) active predators select for predator‐resistant prey species, (3) active predators strengthen trophic cascades (increase phytoplankton abundance) and (4) active predators are more likely to cannibalise one another, weakening all other trends when at high densities. These results suggest that intraspecific variation in predator personality is an important determinant of prey abundance, community composition and trophic cascades.  相似文献   

  1. Predation is a pervasive force that structures food webs and directly influences ecosystem functioning. The relative body sizes of predators and prey may be an important determinant of interaction strengths. However, studies quantifying the combined influence of intra‐ and interspecific variation in predator–prey body size ratios are lacking.
  2. We use a comparative functional response approach to examine interaction strengths between three size classes of invasive bluegill and largemouth bass toward three scaled size classes of their tilapia prey. We then quantify the influence of intra‐ and interspecific predator–prey body mass ratios on the scaling of attack rates and handling times.
  3. Type II functional responses were displayed by both predators across all predator and prey size classes. Largemouth bass consumed more than bluegill at small and intermediate predator size classes, while large predators of both species were more similar. Small prey were most vulnerable overall; however, differential attack rates among prey were emergent across predator sizes. For both bluegill and largemouth bass, small predators exhibited higher attack rates toward small and intermediate prey sizes, while larger predators exhibited greater attack rates toward large prey. Conversely, handling times increased with prey size, with small bluegill exhibiting particularly low feeding rates toward medium–large prey types. Attack rates for both predators peaked unimodally at intermediate predator–prey body mass ratios, while handling times generally shortened across increasing body mass ratios.
  4. We thus demonstrate effects of body size ratios on predator–prey interaction strengths between key fish species, with attack rates and handling times dependent on the relative sizes of predator–prey participants.
  5. Considerations for intra‐ and interspecific body size ratio effects are critical for predicting the strengths of interactions within ecosystems and may drive differential ecological impacts among invasive species as size ratios shift.

Structural complexity strongly influences the outcome of predator–prey interactions in benthic marine communities affecting both prey concealment and predator hunting efficacy. How habitat structure interacts with species‐specific differences in predatory style and antipredatory strategies may therefore be critical in determining higher trophic functions. We examined the role of structural complexity in mediating predator–prey interactions across several macrophyte habitats along a gradient of structural complexity in three different bioregions: western Mediterranean Sea (WMS), eastern Indian Ocean (EIO) and northern Gulf of Mexico (NGM). Using sea urchins as model prey, we measured survival rates of small (juveniles) and medium (young adults) size classes in different habitat zones: within the macrophyte habitat, along the edge and in bare sandy spaces. At each site we also measured structural variables and predator abundance. Generalised linear models identified biomass and predatory fish abundance as the main determinants of predation intensity but the efficiency of predation was also influenced by urchin size class. Interestingly though, the direction of structure‐mediated effects on predation risk was markedly different between habitats and bioregions. In WMS and NGM, where predation by roving fish was relatively high, structure served as a critical prey refuge, particularly for juvenile urchins. In contrast, in EIO, where roving fish predation was low, predation was generally higher inside structurally complex environments where sea stars were responsible for much of the predation. Larger prey were generally less affected by predation in all habitats, probably due to the absence of large predators. Overall, our results indicate that, while the structural complexity of habitats is critical in mediating predator–prey interactions, the direction of this mediation is strongly influenced by differences in predator composition. Whether the regional pool of predators is dominated by visual roving species or chemotactic benthic predators may determine if structure dampens or enhances the influence of top–down control in marine macrophyte communities.  相似文献   

Predation can play an important role in the evolution and maintenance of prey colour polymorphisms. Several factors are known to affect predator choice, including the prey's relative abundance and conspicuousness. In polymorphic prey species, predators often target the most common or most visible morphs. To test if predator choice can explain why in Midas cichlid fish the more visible (gold) morph is also more rare than the inconspicuous dark morph, we conducted predation experiments using two differently coloured wax models in Nicaraguan crater lakes. Contrary to expectations, we observed an overall higher attack rate on the much more abundant, yet less conspicuous dark models, and propose frequency‐dependent predation as a potential explanation for this result. Interestingly, the attack rate differed between different types of predators. While avian predators were biased towards the abundant and less colourful dark morphs, fish predators did not show a strong bias. However, the relative attack rate of fish predators seemed to vary with the clarity of the water, as attack rates on gold models went up as water clarity decreased. The relative differential predation rates on different morphs might impact the relative abundance of both colour morphs and thus explain the maintenance of the colour polymorphism. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 112 , 123–131.  相似文献   

Theoretical work on intraguild predation suggests that if a top predator and an intermediate predator share prey, the system will be stable only if the intermediate predator is better at exploiting the prey, and the top predator gains significantly from consuming the intermediate predator. In mammalian carnivore systems, however, there are examples of top predator species that attack intermediate predator species, but rarely or never consume the intermediate predator. We suggest that top predators attacking intermediate predators without consuming them may not only reduce competition with the intermediate predators, but may also increase the vigilance of the intermediate predators or alter the vigilance of their shared prey, and that this behavioral response may help to maintain the stability of the system. We examine two models of intraguild predation, one that incorporates prey vigilance, and a second that incorporates intermediate predator vigilance. We find that stable coexistence can occur when the top predator has a very low consumption rate on the intermediate predator, as long as the attack rate on the intermediate predator is relatively large. However, the system is stable when the top predator never consumes the intermediate predator only if the two predators share more than one prey species. If the predators do share two prey species, and those prey are vigilant, increasing top predator attack rates on the intermediate predator reduces competition with the intermediate predator and reduces vigilance by the prey, thereby leading to higher top predator densities. These results suggest that predator and prey behavior may play an important dynamical role in systems with intraguild predation.  相似文献   

Previous studies of avian nest predation have focused on how human-induced changes in the landscape influence the frequency of predation However, natural variation in the abundance of predators due to their choice of habitat can also influence predation rate To determine if predation on artificial nests was influenced by forest stand type, we placed ground and shrub nests containing quail and plasticine eggs in contiguous coniferous, mixedwood and deciduous stands in the southern boreal mixedwood forest of central Canada Nest predators were identified using remotely triggered cameras and marks left in plasticine eggs, while the relative abundance of nest predators such as squirrels and corvids were estimated using acoustic-visual surveys Using the fate of quail eggs to calculate predation rate, we found that predation was significantly higher in coniferous (67%) than in deciduous (17%) or mixedwood (25%) forest, with similar predation on ground (37%) and shrub (29%) nests Using plasticine eggs to calculate predation rate, nests in coniferous forest still suffered higher rates of predation, although predation rates were 15–20% higher, and ground nests suffered significantly higher rates of predation than shrub nests Quail eggs seemed to suffer lower rates of predation because small mammals were unable to penetrate the shell, but could leave marks on plasticine eggs The higher predation rate in coniferous forest was likely caused by higher abundance of red squirrels Tamiasciurus hudsonicus , the presence of fishers Martes pennanti and a simplified understory which may have made it easier for predators to find nests relative to the deciduous and mixedwood forest Plasucine eggs provide new insights into nest predation by identifying predation events by smaller predators such as mice that are missed when using quail eggs  相似文献   

1.?Theory suggests that the relationship between predator diversity and prey suppression should depend on variation in predator traits such as body size, which strongly influences the type and strength of species interactions. Prey species often face a range of different sized predators, and the composition of body sizes of predators can vary between communities and within communities across seasons. 2.?Here, I test how variation in size structure of predator communities influences prey survival using seasonal changes in the size structure of a cannibalistic population as a model system. Laboratory and field experiments showed that although the per-capita consumption rates increased at higher predator-prey size ratios, mortality rates did not consistently increase with average size of cannibalistic predators. Instead, prey mortality peaked at the highest level of predator body size diversity. 3.?Furthermore, observed prey mortality was significantly higher than predictions from the null model that assumed no indirect interactions between predator size classes, indicating that different sized predators were not substitutable but had more than additive effects. Higher predator body size diversity therefore increased prey mortality, despite the increased potential for behavioural interference and predation among predators demonstrated in additional laboratory experiments. 4.?Thus, seasonal changes in the distribution of predator body sizes altered the strength of prey suppression not only through changes in mean predator size but also through changes in the size distribution of predators. In general, this indicates that variation (i.e. diversity) within a single trait, body size, can influence the strength of trophic interactions and emphasizes the importance of seasonal shifts in size structure of natural food webs for community dynamics.  相似文献   

Norman Owen‐Smith 《Oikos》2015,124(11):1417-1426
Simple models coupling the dynamics of single predators to single prey populations tend to generate oscillatory dynamics of both predator and prey, or extirpation of the prey followed by that of the predator. In reality, such oscillatory dynamics may be counteracted by prey refugia or by opportunities for prey switching by the predator in multi‐prey assemblages. How these mechanisms operate depends on relative prey vulnerability, a factor ignored in simple interactive models. I outline how compositional, temporal, demographic and spatial heterogeneities help explain the contrasting effects of top predators on large herbivore abundance and population dynamics in species‐rich African savanna ecosystems compared with less species‐diverse northern temperate or subarctic ecosystems. Demographically, mortality inflicted by predation depends on the relative size and life history stage of the prey. Because all animals eventually die and are consumed by various carnivores, the additive component of the mortality inflicted is somewhat less than the predation rate. Prey vulnerability varies annually and seasonally, and between day and night. Spatial variation in the risk of predation depends on vegetation cover as well as on the availability of food resources. During times of food shortage, herbivores become prompted to occupy more risky habitats retaining more food. Predator concentrations dependent on the abundance of primary prey species may restrict the occurrence of other potential prey species less resistant to predation. The presence of multiple herbivore species of similar size in African savannas allows the top predator, the lion, to shift its prey selection flexibly dependent on changing prey vulnerability. Hence top–down and bottom–up influences on herbivore populations are intrinsically entangled. Models coupling the population dynamics of predators and prey need to accommodate the changing influences of prey demography, temporal variation in environmental conditions, and spatial variation in the relative vulnerability of alternative prey species to predation. Synthesis While re‐established predators have had major impacts on prey populations in northern temperate regions, multiple large herbivore species typically coexist along with diverse carnivores in African savanna ecosystems. In order to explain these contrasting outcomes, certain functional heterogeneities must be recognised, including relative vulnerability of alternative prey, temporal variation in the risk of predation, demographic differences in susceptibility to predation, and spatial contrasts in exposure to predation. Food shortfalls prompt herbivores to exploit more risky habitats, meaning that top–down and bottom–up influences on prey populations are intrinsically entangled. Models coupling the interactive dynamics of predator and prey populations need to incorporate these varying influences on relative prey vulnerability.  相似文献   

1. Predation plays an integral role in many community interactions, with the number of predators and the rate at which they consume prey (i.e. their functional response) determining interaction strengths. Owing to the difficulty of directly observing predation events, attempts to determine the functional response of predators in natural systems are limited. Determining the forms that predator functional responses take in complex systems is important in advancing understanding of community interactions. 2. Prey survival has a direct relationship to the functional response of their predators. We employed this relationship to estimate the functional response for bald eagle Haliaeetus leucocepalus predation of Canada goose Branta canadensis nests. We compared models that incorporated eagle abundance, nest abundance and alternative prey presence to determine the form of the functional response that best predicted intra-annual variation in survival of goose nests. 3. Eagle abundance, nest abundance and the availability of alternative prey were all related to predation rates of goose nests by eagles. There was a sigmoidal relationship between predation rate and prey abundance and prey switching occurred when alternative prey was present. In addition, predation by individual eagles increased as eagle abundance increased. 4. A complex set of interactions among the three species examined in this study determined survival rates of goose nests. Results show that eagle predation had both prey- and predator-dependent components with no support for ratio dependence. In addition, indirect interactions resulting from the availability of alternative prey had an important role in mediating the rate at which eagles depredated nests. As a result, much of the within-season variation in nest survival was due to changing availability of alternative prey consumed by eagles. 5. Empirical relationships drawn from ecological theory can be directly integrated into the estimation process to determine the mechanisms responsible for variation in observed survival rates. The relationship between predator functional response and prey survival offers a flexible and robust method to advance our understanding of predator-prey interactions in many complex natural systems where prey populations are marked and regularly visited.  相似文献   

Understanding the role of history in the formation of communities has been a major challenge in community ecology. Here, we explore the role of phenotypic plasticity and its associated trait‐mediated indirect interactions as a mechanism behind priority effects. Using organisms with inducible defenses as a model system, we examine how aquatic communities initially containing different predator environments are affected at the individual and community level by the colonization of a second predator. Snails and tadpoles were established in four different caged‐predator environments (no predator, fish, crayfish or water bugs). These four communities were then crossed with three predator colonization treatments (no colonization, early colonization, or late colonization) using lethal water bugs as the predator. The snails responded to the caged predator environments with predator‐specific behavioral and morphological defenses. In the colonization treatments, snails possessing the wrong phenotype attempted to induce phenotypic changes to defend themselves against the new risk. However, snails initially induced by a different predator environment often suffered high predation rates. Hence, temporal variation in predation risk not only challenged the snail prey to try to track this environmental variation through time by adjusting their defensive phenotypes, but also caused trait‐mediated interactions between snails and the colonizing predator. For tadpoles within these communities, there was little evidence that the morphological responses of snails indirectly effected tadpole predation rates by colonizing water bugs. Unexpectedly, predation rates on tadpoles by colonizing water bugs were generally higher in the three caged‐predator treatments, suggesting that water bugs elevated their foraging activity in response to potentially competing predators. In summary, we demonstrate an important priority effect in which the initial occurrence of one species of predator can facilitate predation by a second predator that colonizes at a later date (i.e. a TMII) suggesting that phenotypic plasticity can be an important driver behind priority effects (i.e. historical exposure to predators).  相似文献   

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