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Tardigrades of Louisiana and Arkansas, United States of America   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The distribution of tardigrades in the states of the southern United States is poorly known. There are no published records from the state of Louisiana, while in Arkansas only one species has been reported. Samples of mosses and lichens from trees and rocks were collected from three sites in central and southern Louisiana and six sites in western Arkansas. Leaf litter samples were collected from one site in Louisiana. Nine species of tardigrade were found in Louisiana and 22 in Arkansas. The number of species per sample ranged from one to six.  相似文献   

The proliferation of non-native species in North American freshwater ecosystems is considered a primary threat to the integrity of native community structure. However, a general understanding of consistent and predictable impacts of non-native species on native freshwater diversity is limited, in part, because of a lack of broad-scale studies including data from numerous localities across multiple drainages. This study uses data from 751 localities collected during the United States Geological Survey (USGS) National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) program to examine the influence of non-native fish species on native freshwater fish assemblages across the United States. In general, no significant differences in native fish richness and diversity measures were detected between sites with only native species and sites containing non-native species. However, at sites with non-native species, the number of non-native species present was negatively correlated with native species richness and Shannon diversity and positively correlated with native evenness. Non-native piscivores were negatively correlated with native species richness and Shannon diversity and positively correlated with native evenness. Native piscivores were positively correlated with native richness and diversity and negatively correlated with native evenness at sites with only native species. Our results suggest that from a superficial perspective, native species richness and diversity are not different among sites with and without non-native species. However, when patterns of native species richness and diversity are examined at sites containing non-native species, correlations between non-native and native species richness and diversity imply the expected negative effect of invasive taxa. Additionally, non-native piscivores appear to have a significant negative effect on native taxa and possibly represent a novel selective force on naive native prey.  相似文献   

The effects of faunal turnover on mammalian community structure are evaluated for 17 faunal zones of the North American Paleocene through early Eocene land mammal ages (Puercan through early Wasatchian). Generic disappearances were significantly high at the end of the Puercan, Torrejonian, and Tiffanian land mammal ages, but appearances were significantly high only during the early Puercan. Generic richness rose rapidly in the early Puercan, remained stable throughout most of the Paleocene, and increased from the late Paleocene into the early Eocene. The null hypothesis that generic turnover clustered preferentially according to dentally defined trophic or body size categories could be rejected or attributed to sampling problems for all but the early (Pu0) and late Paleocene (Ti5‐Cf2). Early Paleocene change in community structure most probably represented endemic radiation of mammals into previously unoccupied niches. Community restructuring in the late Paleocene reflected a complex of causes, including climatic wanning, intercontinental dispersal, and competition.  相似文献   

周伟  李旭  李凯媛  李明会 《生物多样性》2016,24(10):1146-28
将经典动物区系与区系存在度分析方法相结合, 探讨云南萨尔温江水系的南滚河、南汀河及勐波罗河3条一级支流的鱼类多样性相对于萨尔温江中游水系鱼类的代表性, 比较其鱼类区系存在度差异, 分析区系组成特征及科、属在区系建成中的重要性, 旨在探讨区系存在度指标对鱼类保护区设置的指导作用。结果显示, 萨尔温江中游水系(云南段)共记录土著鱼类74种, 分隶于5目12科45属。3条支流共有土著鱼类53种, 分隶于5目12科38属, 其中南滚河鱼类有9科23属32种, 南汀河有11科33属47种, 勐波罗河有10科26属33种。按种类的绝对数排序, 3条支流均是鲤科、鮡科和条鳅科排前3位。而按区系存在度结果排序, 均是鳗鲡科、鳢科、刺鳅科、合鳃鱼科和鮡科等5个科位列前5位。两种方法排序结果显示, 3条支流表现出完全的一致性。同一属级分类阶元的区系存在度在不同支流间变异较大, 属级和种级分类阶元的地域性分布特点渐趋明显。这3条一级支流鱼类均是以老第三纪原始类群为主体, 南方类群次之, 还有少量青藏高原类群。结合鱼类区系存在度研究结果, 在设置淡水鱼类保护区时, 应考虑在大水系的上中下游分别选择1条或多条一级支流建立保护区; 如果目、科级存在度高的阶元在鱼类保护区规划时涵盖得多, 则保护了较多的高级阶元, 但并非是必须考虑的阶元; 而属级存在度值则是保护区规划时需要特别关注的事项。  相似文献   

南海西北部陆架区鱼类的种类组成与群落格局   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据2006-2007年在南海西北部陆架区海域进行的4航次底拖网调查数据,对该海域鱼类的种类组成和群落格局进行分析.调查共采获鱼类262种,隶属于20目102科.以冬季出现种类数最多,为166种;夏季和秋季次之,分别为161种和155种;春季最少,为135种.运用聚类分析和非度量多维标度(NMDS)方法分析了南海西北部陆架区鱼类群落结构的空间分布.研究表明,该海域鱼类可划分为5个群落,分别为粤西沿岸群落(群落Ⅰ)、海南岛东南沿岸群落(群落Ⅱ)、海南岛东部深海群落(群落Ⅲ)、过渡群落(群落Ⅳ)和混合群落(群落Ⅴ).ANOSIM检验表明,各群落间鱼类组成的差异极为显著(R=0.847-0.939,P<0.001).鱼类群落格局的变化与海流和水深关系密切,有较明显的沿水深梯度分布的规律.咸淡水鱼类在雷州半岛东部的冷涡区域,形成群落Ⅰ;南海暖流控制区域内的深海鱼类,形成群落Ⅲ;在南海暖流最为强劲的冬季,研究区域内大部分鱼类集结为混合性群落Ⅴ;琼东南沿岸的上升流区内形成群落Ⅱ;沿岸流强劲的夏、秋季,在沿岸流和上升流交汇处,形成过渡性群落Ⅳ.  相似文献   

The longnose dace, Rhinichthys cataractae, is a primary freshwater fish inhabiting riffle habitats in small headwater rivers and streams across the North American continent, including drainages east and west of the Continental Divide. The mitochondrially encoded cytochrome b gene (1140 bp) and 2298–2346 bp of the nuclear‐encoded genes S7 and RAG1 were obtained from 87 individuals of R. cataractae (collected from 17 sites throughout its range) and from several close relatives. Phylogenetic analyses recovered a monophyletic R. cataractae species‐group that contained Rhinichthys evermanni, Rhinichthys sp. ‘Millicoma dace’, and a non‐exclusive R. cataractae. Within the R. cataractae species‐group, two well‐supported lineages were identified, including a western lineage (containing R. evermanni, R. sp. ‘Millicoma dace’ and individuals of R. cataractae from Pacific slope drainages) and an eastern lineage (containing individuals of R. cataractae from Arctic, Atlantic, and Gulf slope drainages). Within the eastern lineage of R. cataractae, two well‐supported groups were recovered: a south‐eastern group, containing individuals from the Atlantic slope, southern tributaries to the Mississippi River, and the Rio Grande drainage; and a north‐eastern group, containing individuals from the Arctic slope and northern tributaries to the Mississippi River. Estimates of the timing of divergence within the R. cataractae species‐group, combined with ancestral area‐reconstruction methods, indicate a separation between the eastern and western lineages during the Pliocene to early‐Pleistocene, with a direction of colonization from the west of the Continental Divide eastward. Within the southern portion of its range, R. cataractae likely entered the Rio Grande drainage during the Pleistocene via stream capture events between the Arkansas River (Mississippi River drainage) and headwaters of the Rio Grande. A close relationship between populations of R. cataractae in the Rio Grande drainage and the adjacent Canadian River (Mississippi River drainage) is consistent with hypothesized stream capture events between the Pecos (Rio Grande drainage) and Canadian rivers during the late‐Pleistocene. The population of R. cataractae in the lower Rio Grande may have become separated from other populations in the Rio Grande drainage (upper Rio Grande and Pecos River) and Canadian River during the late‐Pleistocene, well before initiation of recent and significant anthropogenic disturbance within the Rio Grande drainage. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 317–333.  相似文献   

Fifteen species of fiddler crabs are reported for eastern North America between Massachusetts and Quintana Roo, Mexico. Thirteen occur in the United States and 11 in Mexico, with eight in common to the two countries. Of 13 species in the Gulf of Mexico, five are endemic and a sixth is restricted largely to the peninsulas of Florida and Yucatan. The status of U. rapax in the northern Gulf remains to be resolved. Range limits of most species approximate one or the other of two sets of intersecting thermal and geological boundaries that subdivide the Gulf of Mexico along north-south and east-west axes. Species belonging to subgenus Minuca tend to replace one another at the thermally-controlled Carolinian-Caribbean marine biotic boundary across the Florida peninsula and northern Gulf. However, only U. minax of all the North American fiddler crabs exhibits the classical disjunct Carolinian distribution, and this appears basically to reflect the discontinuous distribution of temperate salt marshes that are the habitat of the species. Distributions of species belonging to subgenus Celuca adhere for the most part to the subdivision of the Gulf into western terrigenous and eastern carbonate sedimentary provinces. The northern transition occurs in the vicinity of Apalachee Bay and the southern at Laguna de Terminos. A third distributional pattern is shown by U. subcylindrica , a specialized endemic species of the hypersaline Laguna Madre system of the western Gulf. The level of endemism in the fiddler crabs is relatively high in comparison with that of other marine groups within the Gulf of Mexico. This may be a consequence of the adaptations of fiddler crabs as specialized deposit feeders to regional differences in climatic and edaphic characteristics of a marginally marine upper shore habitat. The distributional patterns of the endemics could prove useful in reconstructing palaeoecological events of evolutionary significance within the Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   

This review shows a close biogeographic connection between eastern Asia and western North America from the late Cretaceous to the late Neogene in major lineages of vascular plants (flowering plants, gymnosperms, ferns and lycophytes). Of the eastern Asian–North American disjuncts, conifers exhibit a high proportion of disjuncts between eastern Asia and western North America. Several lineages of ferns also show a recent disjunct pattern in the two areas. In flowering plants, the pattern is commonly shown in temperate elements between northeastern Asia and northwestern North America, as well as elements of the relict boreotropical and Neogene mesophytic and coniferous floras. The many cases of intercontinental biogeographic disjunctions between eastern Asia and western North America in plants supported by recent phylogenetic analyses highlight the importance of the Bering land bridge and/or the plant migrations across the Beringian region from the late Cretaceous to the late Neogene, especially during the Miocene. The Beringian region has permitted the filtering and migration of certain plant taxa since the Pliocene after the opening of the Bering Strait, as many conspecific taxa or closely related species occur on both sides of Beringia.  相似文献   

The Late Ordovician bryozoan genera of central and southeastern North America are geographically distributed in three biotic provinces, separated by boundaries reflecting major lithofacies differences. The central Cincinnati Province contains most of the North American endemic genera, and represents a narrow ecological zone separating the clastic wedges of the marginal Reedsville-Lorraine Province from the cratonic carbonate platform of the Red River-Stony Mountain Province. The provinces provided major life zones, or biomes, for each of the five bryozoan orders. Genera comprising the provinces differed as well in morphologic complexity, geochronologic survivorship, tiering, endemism and eurytopy. Regions on either side of the Cincinnati Province were dominated by inferred immigrants from Baltoscandia. Al-logenic provincial succession produced time-averaged mixed faunas in regions near the provincial boundaries. Although most generic originations took place within the Cincinnati Province, evolutionary novelties are associated with the Reedsville-Lorraine Province. The loss of the diverse Cincinnati Province, connected with global cooling and a eustatic lowering of sea level, may have been a chief factor in the Late Ordovician extinction of bryozoan genera. Genera from the Red River-Stony Mountain Province differentially survived into the Silurian.  相似文献   

Late Quaternary biomes of Canada and the eastern United States   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
Pollen data have been used to construct biome maps for today, 6000 14C yr bp and 18,000 14C yr bp for Canada and the eastern United States. The inferred modern biome distributions agree well with independent reconstructions of North American vegetation prior to European settlement. Some discrepancies between the pollen data and the modern potential vegetation are caused by post‐settlement clearing of the landscape and the consequent increase of herbaceous types in the recent pollen record. Biome distributions at 6000 14C yr bp reflected the warmer and drier conditions then prevalent in the continental interior, but the overall position of biomes was similar to that of today. The boreal treeline in North America was not significantly north of its present position, in contrast to the 100–200 km shift reported for Siberia. At the last glacial maximum (18,000 14C yr bp ), steppe and tundra were prevalent in the Midwest and north‐western Canada, and coniferous forests and woodlands grew in eastern North America. The open vegetation at 18,000 14C yr bp was probably due to drier conditions and/or lower concentrations of atmospheric CO2. The composition and physical structure of biomes is not constant over time. Mid‐Holocene biomes were similar in structure to those of today, but shifts in the relative importance of individual plant functional types are large enough that the physical properties of biomes, such as albedo, canopy conductance and surface roughness, are likely to have varied even during the Holocene. Last glacial maximum biomes were structurally different from their modern counterparts. The biome maps therefore may obscure significant vegetational changes in space and time during the late Quaternary. The difference between the highest and next highest affinity scores for each sample measures how strongly affinity scores discriminate among biomes. For many biomes, the difference is not large, and affinity score ties are not uncommon, highlighting the importance of tie‐break procedures when using the biomization method.  相似文献   

Aim To develop a systematic and generic framework for biogeographical regionalizations that can assist in reconciling different approaches and advance their application as a research tool. Location The Australian continent is used as a case study. Methods A review of approaches to biogeographical regionalization revealed two basic methodologies: the integrated survey method and the parametric approach. To help reconcile these different approaches, we propose a simple, four‐step, flexible and generic framework. (1) Identification of the thematic foci from the three main themes (composition and evolutionary legacy; ecosystem drivers; ecosystem responses). (2) Proposal of a theory defining the purpose. (3) Application of a numeric agglomerative classification procedure that requires the user to make explicit assumptions about attributes, the number of classification groups, the spatial unit of analysis, and the metric for measuring the similarity of these units based on their attribute values. (4) Acquisition of spatial estimates of the required input attribute data. For this case study, an agglomerative classification strategy was applied using the functions within patn 3.03, a software package facilitating large‐scale, multivariate pattern analysis. The input data to the classifications were continental coverages of 11 environmental variables and three indices of gross primary productivity stored at a grid cell resolution of c. 250 m. The spatial units of analysis were surface hydrological units (SHU), which were derived from a continental digital elevation model based on the contributing areas to stream segments or the area draining into a local sink where there is no organized drainage. The Minkowski series (Euclidean distance) was selected as the association measure to allow weightings to be applied to the variables. Results Two new biogeographical regionalizations of the Australian continent were generated. The first was an environmental domain classification, based on 11 climatic, terrain and soil attributes. This regionalization can be used to address hypotheses about the relationship between environmental distance and evolutionary processes. The classification produced 151 environmental groups. The second was a classification of primary productivity regimes based on estimates of the gross primary productivity of the vegetation cover calculated from moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data and estimates of radiation. This classification produced 50 groups, and can be used to examine hypotheses concerning productivity regimes and animal life‐history strategies. The productivity classification does not capture all the properties related to biological carrying capacity, process rates and differences in the characteristic biodiversity of ecosystems. Some of these ecologically significant properties are captured by the environmental domain classification. Main conclusions Our framework can be applied to all terrestrial regions, and the necessary data for the analyses presented here are now available at global scales. As the spatial predictions generated by the classifications can be tested by comparison with independent data, the approach facilitates exploratory analysis and further hypothesis generation. Integration of the three themes in our framework will contribute to a more comprehensive approach to biogeography.  相似文献   

Offshore wind energy is a growing industry in the United States, and renewable energy from offshore wind is estimated to double the country''s total electricity generation. There is growing concern that land‐based wind development in North America is negatively impacting bat populations, primarily long‐distance migrating bats, but the impacts to bats from offshore wind energy are unknown. Bats are associated with the terrestrial environment, but have been observed over the ocean. In this review, we synthesize historic and contemporary accounts of bats observed and acoustically recorded in the North American marine environment to ascertain the spatial and temporal distribution of bats flying offshore. We incorporate studies of offshore bats in Europe and of bat behavior at land‐based wind energy studies to examine how offshore wind development could impact North American bat populations. We find that most offshore bat records are of long‐distance migrating bats and records occur during autumn migration, the period of highest fatality rates for long‐distance migrating bats at land‐based wind facilities in North America. We summarize evidence that bats may be attracted to offshore turbines, potentially increasing their exposure to risk of collision. However, higher wind speeds offshore can potentially reduce the amount of time that bats are exposed to risk. We identify knowledge gaps and hypothesize that a combination of operational minimization strategies may be the most effective approach for reducing impacts to bats and maximizing offshore energy production.  相似文献   

Assiminea pecos is an endangered species of amphibious gastropod that occupies four widely separated portions of the Rio Grande region in the southwestern United States (Pecos River basin) and northeastern Mexico (Cuatro Cienegas basin). Our statistical and discriminant function analyses of shell variation among the disjunct populations of this species indicate that Mexican specimens differ in their morphometry from those of the United States and can be diagnosed by several characters. We also analyzed variation in the mitochondrial genome by sequencing 658 bp of mitochondrial COI from populations of A. pecos, representatives of the other three North American species of Assiminea, and several outgroups. Our results indicated substantial divergence of the Mexican population of A. pecos, which was consistently depicted as a monophyletic unit nested within or sister to the shallowly structured group comprised of American members of this species. Consistent with our findings, we describe the Mexican population as a new species, which is provisionally placed in the large, worldwide genus Assiminea pending further study of the phylogentic relationships of the North American assimineids. Our molecular data suggest that the Rio Grande region assimineids, which are among the few inland members of the otherwise estuarine subfamily Assimineinae, diverged from coastal progenitors in the late Miocene, with subsequent Pleistocene vicariance of Mexican and American species perhaps associated with development of the modern, lower course of the Rio Grande. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

For more than 100 years, classical biological control of invasive plants through screening, introducing and releasing of host-specific natural enemies from native regions has been regarded as one of the promising approaches to the management of invasive plants. Many invasive plants in the United States of America are native to China, and vice versa. China and the USA also share a number of invasive plant species, including water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), alligator weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides) and cordgrass (Spartina spp.). Collaboration between the two countries on biological control benefits both the nations by reciprocal opportunities to research and exchange natural enemies, by exchanging information on common invasive species, and by providing training for students and professionals. Here we review the history of collaboration between China and the US on biological control of more than 20 invasive plants. Current collaborative projects associated with four plant species, Polygonum perfoliatum L., Trapa natans L. Pueraria montana (Lour.) Merr. var. lobata and Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle, are also covered. We prioritize 14 invasive plants as targets for future collaborative biological control based on information on their importance in introduced areas, natural enemy records, and their potential biocontrol risk to introduced ecosystems. They are: Ampelopsis brevipendunculata, Celastrus orbiculatus, Dioscorea oppositifolia, Euonymus alata, Euonymus fortunei, Ligustrum sinense, Melia azedarach, Paulownia tomentosa, Sapium sebiferum and Ulmus pumila for the US, as well as Spartina alterniflora, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Ambrosia trifida and Solidago canadensis for China. In addition, we emphasize that we must very carefully consider any potential non-target effect when we intend to introduce and release new natural enemies. We anticipate that the high priority both countries have placed on control of invasive plants will stimulate increasing collaboration on biological control.  相似文献   

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