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Quantitative trait loci for aluminum resistance in wheat   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Quantitative trait loci (QTL) for wheat resistance to aluminum (Al) toxicity were analyzed using simple sequence repeats (SSRs) in a population of 192 F6 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between an Al-resistant cultivar, Atlas 66 and an Al-sensitive cultivar, Chisholm. Wheat reaction to Al was measured by relative root growth and root response to hematoxylin stain in nutrient-solution culture. After screening 1,028 SSR markers for polymorphisms between the parents and bulks, we identified two QTLs for Al resistance in Atlas 66. One major QTL was mapped on chromosome 4D that co-segregated with the Al-activated malate transporter gene (ALMT1). Another minor QTL was located on chromosome 3BL. Together, these two QTLs accounted for about 57% of the phenotypic variation in hematoxylin staining score and 50% of the variation in net root growth (NRG). Expression of the minor QTL on 3BL was suppressed by the major QTL on 4DL. The two QTLs for Al resistance in Atlas 66 were also verified in an additional RIL population derived from Atlas 66/Century. Several SSR markers closely linked to the QTLs were identified and have potential to be used for marker-assisted selection (MAS) to improve Al-resistance of wheat cultivars in breeding programs.  相似文献   

Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings were grown for 4 days in an acid soil horizon treated with 10 levels each of Ca(OH)2, CaSO4 and CaCl2. The treatments resulted in a wide range of Al levels and Al speciation in soil solution. Seedling root length in the Ca(OH)2 treatments was significantly related (p<0.01) to calculated Al3+ activity in soil solution. The Al–SO4 complex in soil solution had a negligible effect on the root growth of Hart wheat, thus confirming the previously reached conclusion concerning the nonphytotoxicity of Al–SO4. The short-term seedling root growth technique used in this investigation allowed for separation of Al effects on root elongation from those on plant nutrition and should be useful for studying Al toxicity relationships in soil.  相似文献   

A number of useful marker-trait associations have been reported for wheat. However the number of publications detailing the integrated and pragmatic use of molecular markers in wheat breeding is limited. A previous report by some of these authors showed how marker-assisted selection could increase the genetic gain and economic efficiency of a specific breeding strategy. Here, we present a practical validation of that study. The target of this breeding strategy was to produce wheat lines derived from an elite Australian cultivar ‘Stylet’, with superior dough properties and durable rust resistance donated from ‘Annuello’. Molecular markers were used to screen a BC1F1 population produced from a cross between the recurrent parent ‘Stylet’ and the donor parent ‘Annuello’ for the presence of rust resistance genes Lr34/Yr18 and Lr46/Yr29. Following this, marker-assisted selection was applied to haploid plants, prior to chromosome doubling with cochicine, for the rust resistance genes Lr24/Sr24, Lr34/Yr18, height reducing genes, and for the grain protein genes Glu-D1 and Glu-A3. In general, results from this study agreed with those of the simulation study. Genetic improvement for rust resistance was greatest when marker selection was applied on BC1F1 individuals. Introgression of both the Lr34/Yr18 and Lr46/Yr29 loci into the susceptible recurrent parent background resulted in substantial improvement in leaf rust and stripe rust resistance levels. Selection for favourable glutenin alleles significantly improved dough resistance and dough extensibility. Marker-assisted selection for improved grain yield, through the selection of recurrent parent genome using anonymous markers, only marginally improved grain yield at one of the five sites used for grain yield assessment. In summary, the integration of marker-assisted selection for specific target genes, particularly at the early stages of a breeding programme, is likely to substantially increase genetic improvement in wheat.  相似文献   

The gene Yr26 confers resistance to all races of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (PST), the casual pathogen of wheat stripe rust in China. Here, we report development of a molecular marker closely linked to Yr26 using a resistance gene-analog polymorphism (RGAP) technique. A total of 787 F2 plants and 165 F3 lines derived from the cross Chuanmai 42/Taichung 29 were used for linkage analysis. Eighteen near-isogenic lines (NILs) and 18 Chinese wheat cultivars and advanced lines with different genes for stripe rust resistance were employed for the validation of STS markers. A total of 1,711 RGAP primer combinations were used to test the parents and resistant and susceptible bulks. Five polymorphic RGAP markers were used for genotyping all F2 plants. Linkage analysis showed that the five RGAP markers were closely linked to Yr26 with genetic distances ranging from 0.5 to 2.9 cM. These markers were then converted into STS markers, one, CYS-5, of which was located 0.5 cM to Yr26 and was closely associated with the resistance gene when validated over 18 NILs and 18 Chinese wheat cultivars and lines. The results indicated that CYS-5 can be used in marker-assisted selection targeted at pyramiding Yr26 and other genes for stripe rust resistance.  相似文献   

Near-isogenic lines (NILs) for the leaf rust resistance gene Lr9 were screened for polymorphisms at the molecular level. RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) primers as well as RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) markers were used. Out of 395 RAPD primers tested, three showed polymorphisms between NILs, i.e., an additional band was found in resistant lines. One of these polymorphic bands was cloned and sequenced. Specific primers were synthesized, and after amplification only resistant lines showed an amplified product. Thus, these primers define a sequence-tagged site that is specific for the translocated fragment carrying the Lr9 gene. A cross between a resistant NIL and the spelt (Triticum spelta) variety Oberkulmer was made, and F2 plants were analyzed for genetic linkage. All three polymorphisms detected by the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) and one RFLP marker (cMWG684) showed complete linkage to the Lr9 gene in 156 and 133 plants analyzed, respectively. A second RFLP marker (PSR546) was closely linked (8±2.4 cM) to the Lr9 gene and the other four DNA markers. As this marker maps to the distal part of the long arm of chromosome 6B of wheat, Lr9 and the other DNA markers also map to the distal region of 6BL. All three PCR markers detected the Lr9 gene in independently derived breeding lines and varieties, thus proving their general applicability in wheat breeding programs.  相似文献   

Hessian fly [Mayetiola destructor (Say)] is one of the major insect pests of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) worldwide. Hessian fly (Hf)-resistance genes H16 and H17 were reported to condition resistance to Hf biotype L that is prevalent in many wheat-growing areas of eastern USA, and both of them were previously assigned to wheat chromosome 5A by their linkage to H9. The objectives in this study were to (1) map H16 and H17 independent of their linkage with H9 and (2) identify DNA markers that co-segregate with H16 or H17, and that are useful for selection of these genes in segregating populations and to combine these genes with other Hf-resistance genes in wheat cultivars. Contrary to previously reported locations, H16 and H17 did not show linkage with the molecular markers on chromosome 5A. Instead, both of them are linked with the molecular markers on the short arm of chromosome 1A (1AS). The simple sequence repeat (SSR) marker Xpsp2999 and EST-derived SSR (eSSR) marker Xwem6b are two flanking markers that are linked to H16 at genetic distances of 3.7 and 5.5 cM, respectively. Similarly, H17 is located between markers Xpsp2999 and Xwem6b at genetic distances of 6.2 and 5.1 cM, respectively. Five other SSR and eSSR markers including Xcfa2153, Xbarc263, Xwem3a, Xwmc329, and Xwmc24 were also linked to H16 and H17 at close genetic distances. These closely linked molecular markers should be useful for pyramiding H16 and H17 with other Hessian fly resistance genes in a single wheat genotype. In addition, using Chinese Spring deletion line bin mapping we positioned all of the linked markers and the Hf-resistance genes (H16 and H17) to the distal 14% of chromosome 1AS, where Hf-resistance genes H9, H10, and H11 are located. Our results together with previous studies suggest that Hf-resistance genes H9, H10, H11, H16, and H17 along with the pathogen resistance genes Pm3 and Lr10 appear to occupy a resistance gene cluster in the distal region of chromosome 1AS in wheat. Contribution from Purdue Univ. Agric. Res. Programs Journal Article No. 2007-18105.  相似文献   

Mechanism of durable resistance: a new approach   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Wheat genotypes, including backcross derivatives of Thatcher carrying Lr10 and Lr23, substitution lines for Lr10 and Lr23 in Chinese Spring background and Chinese Spring and Thatcher were analysed against 21 pathotypes of leaf rust in seedling tests. Adult plant responses in all these stocks were observed in the field nurseries under exposure to the inoculum of the Indian virulent races of leaf rust. The seedling data demonstrated that both the substitution lines and the backcross derivatives for each gene carry identical pattern of infection for resistance. The high level of adult plant resistance in the substitution lines, in contrast to the backcross derivatives in Thatcher, has been postulated to be due to the combination of resistance contributed by Lr10 and adult plant Chinese Spring resistance or to Lr23 and Chinese Spring adult plant resistance. It has been suggested that genes Lr10 and Lr23 added to the Chinese Spring background provide sources for durable resistance, since Chinese Spring has continued to provide a moderate level of adult plant resistance to leaf rust for a very long time.  相似文献   

Inheritance of partial resistance to powdery mildew in spring wheat   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Summary Four spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars exhibiting partial resistance to powdery mildew induced by Erysiphe graminis f.sp. tritici were crossed to a common susceptible cultivar to study the inheritance of resistance. The genetic parameters contributing to resistance were estimated by generation means analyses. Additive gene action was the most important genetic component of variation among generation means in all four crosses. Additive by additive effects were significant in one cross and both additive by additive and additive by dominance effects were significant in another. Dominance effects were not significant. The F2/F3 correlations in three crosses ranged from 0.27 to 0.43. Three additional crosses among resistant cultivars were employed to study the effectiveness of selection in improving resistance. By selecting the most resistant plants from the F2 and evaluating the progenies in the F4, increases in resistance ranging from 21% to 31% were obtained. In all crosses, there was transgressive segregation in both directions indicating that the genes conferring resistance to these cultivars differ and exhibit additive effects.  相似文献   

RFLP markers for the wheat powdery mildew resistance genes Pm1 and Pm2 were tagged by means of near-isogenic lines. The probe Whs178 is located 3 cM from the Pm1 gene. For the powdery mildew resistance gene Pm2, two markers were identified. The linkage between the Pm2 resistance locus and one of these two probes was estimated to be 3 cM with a F2 population. Both markers can be used to detect the presence of the corresponding resistance gene in commercial cultivars. Bulked segregant analysis was applied to identify linkage disequillibrium between the resistance gene Pm18 and the abovementioned marker, which was linked to this locus at a distance of 4 cM. Furthermore, the RAPD marker OPH-111900 (5-CTTCCGCAGT-3) was selected with pools created from a population segregating for the resistance of Trigo BR 34. The RAPD marker was mapped about 13 cM from this resistance locus.  相似文献   

Fusarium head blight (FHB) of wheat has become a serious threat to wheat crops in numerous countries. In addition to loss of yield and quality, this disease is of primary importance because of the contamination of grain with mycotoxins such as deoxynivalenol (DON). The Swiss winter cultivar Arina possesses significant resistance to FHB. The objective of this study was to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) for resistance to FHB, DON accumulation and associated traits in grain in a double haploid (DH) population from a cross between Arina and the FHB susceptible UK variety Riband. FHB resistance was assessed in five trials across different years and locations. Ten QTL for resistance to FHB or associated traits were detected across the trials, with QTL derived from both parents. Very few of the QTL detected in this study were coincident with those reported by authors of two other studies of FHB resistance in Arina. It is concluded that the FHB resistance of Arina, like that of the other European winter wheat varieties studied to date, is conferred by several genes of moderate effect making it difficult to exploit in marker-assisted selection breeding programmes. The most significant and stable QTL for FHB resistance was on chromosome 4D and co-localised with the Rht–D1 locus for height. This association appears to be due to linkage of deleterious genes to the Rht-D1b (Rht2) semi-dwarfing allele rather than differences in height per se. This association may compromise efforts to enhance FHB resistance in breeding programmes using germplasm containing this allele.  相似文献   

The cereal cyst nematode (CCN) (Heterodera avenae Woll.) is an economically damaging pest of wheat in many of the worlds cereal growing areas. The development of CCN-resistant cultivars may be accelerated by the use of molecular markers. The Cre gene of the wheat line AUS 10894 confers resistance to CCN. Using a pair of near-isogenic lines (NILs) that should differ only in a small chromosome segment containing the Cre locus, we screened 58 group-2 probes and found two (Tag605 and CDO588) that detect polymorphism between the NILs. Nulli-tetrasomic and ditelosomic lines confirmed that the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers identified were derived from the long arm of wheat chromosome 2. Crosses between AUS 10894 and Spear and the NIL AP and its recurrent parent Prins were used to produce F2 populations that gave the expected 31 segregation ratio for the resistance gene. Linkage analysis identified two RFLP markers flanking the resistance gene. Xglk605 and Xcdo588 mapped 7.3 cM (LOD=6.0) and 8.4 cM (LOD=6.7), respectively, from the Cre locus.  相似文献   

Stagonospora nodorum is the causal agent of the Stagonospora glume blotch disease in hexaploid wheat. The Swiss winter bread wheat cv. 'Arina' has a highly effective, durable and quantitative glume blotch resistance. We studied 240 single seed descent (SSD)-derived lines of an 'Arina × Forno' F5:7 population to identify and map quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for glume blotch resistance under natural infestation. Using composite interval mapping (CIM) and LOD>4.5, we detected two chromosomal regions on chromosome arms 3BS and 4BL which were specifically associated with glume blotch resistance. These identified QTLs were designated QSng.sfr-3BS and QSng.sfr-4BL, respectively. QSng.sfr-3BS peaked at the locus Xgwm389 in the telomeric region of the short arm of chromosome 3B and explained 31.2% of the observed phenotypic variance for the resistance within the population. The responsible QSng.sfr-3BS allele originated from the resistant parent 'Arina'. The QTL QSng.sfr-4BL (19.1%) mapped to chromosome arm 4BL ('Forno' allele) very close to two known genes, TaMlo and a catalase (Cat). Both QTL alleles combined could enhance the resistance level by about 50%. Additionally, they showed significant epistatic effects (4.4%). We found PCR-based microsatellite markers closely linked to QSng.sfr-3BS (gwm389) and QSng.sfr-4BL (gwm251) which make marker-assisted selection (MAS) for Stagonospora glume blotch resistance feasible. We also found one resistance QTL, QSng.sfr-5BL, on the long arm of chromosome 5B which overlapped with QTLs for plant height as well as heading time.Communicated by H. C. Becker  相似文献   

Genetic improvement of aluminum (Al) tolerance is one of the cost-effective solutions to improve wheat (Triticum aestivum) productivity in acidic soils. The objectives of the present study were to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) for Al-tolerance and associated PCR-based markers for marker-assisted breeding utilizing cultivar Atlas 66. A population of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from the cross Atlas 66/Century was screened for Al-tolerance by measuring root-growth rate during Al treatment in hydroponics and root response to hematoxylin stain of Al treatment. After 797 pairs of SSR primers were screened for polymorphisms between the parents, 131 pairs were selected for bulk segregant analysis (BSA). A QTL analysis based on SSR markers revealed one QTL on the distal region of chromosome arm 4DL where a malate transporter gene was mapped. This major QTL accounted for nearly 50% of the phenotypic variation for Al-tolerance. The SSR markers Xgdm125 and Xwmc331 were the flanking markers for the QTL and have the potential to be used for high-throughput, marker-assisted selection in wheat-breeding programs.  相似文献   

Summary The mortality of young tillers to an extent of 36.5% under optimum cultural conditions was recorded in a field experiment. Attention is drawn to the necessity of minimising this loss and to diverting it towards productive tillers by applying selection pressure. Future yield advances may be achieved by selecting genotypes which tiller moderately in the vegetative phase, most of which survive to produce grains. The character association of each variety under consideration was studied for the suitability towards this objective. A modified selection procedure is suggested which may be advantageously applied to achieve this objective. The proposed new methodology may also be effectively applied to such other cereal crops as barley, triticale and oats.  相似文献   

Yellow rust (causal agent: Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici) resistance in the UK wheat cultivar Guardian is developmentally regulated, resistance increasing as the plant matures. Yellow rust resistance was assessed under field conditions on plants after ear emergence to ensure maximum expression of resistance. Three quantitative trait loci (QTL) for yellow rust resistance were identified, being located on chromosomes 1B (QPst.jic-1B), 2D (QPst.jic-2D) and 4B (QPst.jic-4B). The largest resistance effect, QPst.jic-1B located to the same position on the long arm of chromosome 1B as the known durable source of yellow rust resistance, Yr29. Microscopic studies were carried out to determine what effect the resistance in Guardian had on the development of P. striiformis f.sp. tritici. While the adult plant resistance in Guardian did not prevent germinated urediniospores from establishing an effective infection site, the growth of hyphae within flag leaf tissue was significantly inhibited, slowing the development of microcolonies. 3,3-diaminabenzadine (DAB) and trypan blue staining indicated that this inhibition of hyphal growth was not associated with hydrogen peroxide accumulation or extensive plant cell death.  相似文献   

The advent of molecular markers as a tool to aid selection has provided plant breeders with the opportunity to rapidly deliver superior genetic solutions to problems in agricultural production systems. However, a major constraint to the implementation of marker-assisted selection (MAS) in pragmatic breeding programs in the past has been the perceived high relative cost of MAS compared to conventional phenotypic selection. In this paper, computer simulation was used to design a genetically effective and economically efficient marker-assisted breeding strategy aimed at a specific outcome. Under investigation was a strategy involving the integration of both restricted backcrossing and doubled haploid (DH) technology. The point at which molecular markers are applied in a selection strategy can be critical to the effectiveness and cost efficiency of that strategy. The application of molecular markers was considered at three phases in the strategy: allele enrichment in the BC1F1 population, gene selection at the haploid stage and the selection for recurrent parent background of DHs prior to field testing. Overall, incorporating MAS at all three stages was the most effective, in terms of delivering a high frequency of desired outcomes and at combining the selected favourable rust resistance, end use quality and grain yield alleles. However, when costs were included in the model the combination of MAS at the BC1F1 and haploid stage was identified as the optimal strategy. A detailed economic analysis showed that incorporation of marker selection at these two stages not only increased genetic gain over the phenotypic alternative but actually reduced the over all cost by 40%.  相似文献   

Pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) is a complex trait controlled by multiple genes with strong interaction between environment and genotype that makes it difficult to select breeding materials by phenotypic assessment. One of the most important genes for pre-harvest sprouting resistance is consistently identified on the long arm of chromosome 4A. The 4AL PHS tolerance gene has therefore been targeted by Australian white-grained wheat breeders. A new robust PCR marker for the PHS QTL on wheat chromosome 4AL based on candidate genes search was developed in this study. The new marker was mapped on 4AL deletion bin 13-0.59-0.66 using 4AL deletion lines derived from Chinese Spring. This marker is located on 4AL between molecular markers Xbarc170 and Xwg622 in the doubled-haploid wheat population Cranbrook × Halberd. It was mapped between molecular markers Xbarc170 and Xgwm269 that have been previously shown to be closely linked to grain dormancy in the doubled haploid wheat population SW95-50213 × Cunningham and was co-located with Xgwm269 in population Janz × AUS1408. This marker offers an additional efficient tool for marker-assisted selection of dormancy for white-grained wheat breeding. Comparative analysis indicated that the wheat chromosome 4AL QTL for seed dormancy and PHS resistance is homologous with the barley QTL on chromosome 5HL controlling seed dormancy and PHS resistance. This marker will facilitate identification of the gene associated with the 4A QTL that controls a major component of grain dormancy and PHS resistance.  相似文献   

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