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Tetrameric peptide-MHC class I complexes ("tetramers") are proving invaluable as reagents for characterizing immune responses involving CTLs. However, because the TCR can exhibit a degree of promiscuity for binding peptide-MHC class I ligands, there is potential for cross-reactivity. Recent reports showing that the TCR/peptide-MHC interaction is dramatically dependent upon temperature led us to investigate the effects of incubation temperature on tetramer staining. We find that tetramers rapidly stain CTLs with high intensity at 37 degrees C. We examine the fine specificity of tetramer staining using a well-characterized set of natural epitope variants. Peptide variants that elicit little or no functional cellular response from CTLs can stain these cells at 4 degrees C but not at 37 degrees C when incorporated into tetramers. These results suggest that some studies reporting tetramer incubations at 4 degrees C could detect cross-reactive populations of CTLs with minimal avidity for the tetramer peptide, especially in the tetramer-low population. For identifying specific CTLs among polyclonal cell populations such as PBLs, incubation with tetramers at 37 degrees C improves the staining intensity of specific CTLs, resulting in improved separation of tetramer-high CD8+ cells. Confocal microscopy reveals that tetramers incubated at 37 degrees C can be rapidly internalized by specific CTLs into vesicles that overlap with the early endocytic compartment. This TCR-specific internalization suggests that coupling of tetramers or analogues with toxins, which are activated only after receptor internalization, may create immunotoxins capable of killing CTLs of single specificities.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules present peptide ligands on the cell surface for recognition by appropriate cytotoxic T cells. MHC-bound peptides are critical for the stability of the MHC complex, and standard strategies for the production of recombinant MHC complexes are based on in vitro refolding reactions with specific peptides. This strategy is not amenable to high-throughput production of vast collections of MHC molecules. We have developed conditional MHC ligands that form stable complexes with MHC molecules but can be cleaved upon UV irradiation. The resulting empty, peptide-receptive MHC molecules can be charged with epitopes of choice under native conditions. Here we describe in-depth procedures for the high-throughput production of peptide-MHC (pMHC) complexes by MHC exchange, the analysis of peptide exchange efficiency by ELISA and the parallel production of MHC tetramers for T-cell detection. The production of the conditional pMHC complex by an in vitro refolding reaction can be achieved within 2 weeks, and the actual high-throughput MHC peptide exchange and subsequent MHC tetramer formation require less than a day.  相似文献   

The Ag-specific CD4(+) regulatory T (Tr) cells play an important role in immune suppression in autoimmune diseases and antitumor immunity. However, the molecular mechanism for Ag-specificity acquisition of adoptive CD4(+) Tr cells is unclear. In this study, we generated IL-10- and IFN-gamma-expressing type 1 CD4(+) Tr (Tr1) cells by stimulation of transgenic OT II mouse-derived naive CD4(+) T cells with IL-10-expressing adenovirus (AdV(IL-10))-transfected and OVA-pulsed dendritic cells (DC(OVA/IL-10)). We demonstrated that both in vitro and in vivo DC(OVA/IL-10)-stimulated CD4(+) Tr1 cells acquired OVA peptide MHC class (pMHC) I which targets CD4(+) Tr1 cells suppressive effect via an IL-10-mediated mechanism onto CD8(+) T cells, leading to an enhanced suppression of DC(OVA)-induced CD8(+) T cell responses and antitumor immunity against OVA-expressing murine B16 melanoma cells by approximately 700% relative to analogous CD4(+) Tr1 cells without acquired pMHC I. Interestingly, the nonspecific CD4(+)25(+) Tr cells can also become OVA Ag specific and more immunosuppressive in inhibition of OVA-specific CD8(+) T cell responses and antitumor immunity after uptake of DC(OVA)-released exosomal pMHC I complexes. Taken together, the Ag-specificity acquisition of CD4(+) Tr cells via acquiring DC's pMHC I may be an important mean in augmenting CD4(+) Tr cell suppression.  相似文献   

Rhesus monkeys have evolved MHC-encoded class I allomorphs such as Mamu-B∗098 that are capable of binding N-myristoylated short lipopeptides rather than conventional long peptides; however, it remains unknown whether such antigen-binding molecules exist in other species, including humans. We herein demonstrate that human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-A∗24:02 and HLA-C∗14:02 proteins, which are known to bind conventional long peptides, also have the potential to bind N-myristoylated short lipopeptides. These HLA class I molecules shared a serine at position 9 (Ser9) with Mamu-B∗098, in contrast to most MHC class I molecules that harbor a larger amino acid residue, such as tyrosine, at this position. High resolution X-ray crystallographic analyses of lipopeptide-bound HLA-A∗24:02 and HLA-C∗14:02 complexes indicated that Ser9 was at the bottom of the B pocket with its small hydroxymethyl side chain directed away from the B-pocket cavity, thereby contributing to the formation of a deep hydrophobic cavity suitable for accommodating the long-chain fatty acid moiety of lipopeptide ligands. Upon peptide binding, however, we found the hydrogen-bond network involving Ser9 was reorganized, and the remodeled B pocket was able to capture the second amino acid residue (P2) of peptide ligands. Apart from the B pocket, virtually no marked alterations were observed for the A and F pockets upon peptide and lipopeptide binding. Thus, we concluded that the structural flexibility of the large B pocket of HLA-A∗2402 and HLA-C∗1402 primarily accounted for their previously unrecognized capacity to bind such chemically distinct ligands as conventional peptides and N-myristoylated lipopeptides.  相似文献   

To examine the role of the N-terminal part of the insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) receptor and insulin receptor in determining ligand specificity, we prepared an expression vector encoding a hybrid receptor where exon 1 (encoding the signal peptide and seven amino acids of the alpha-subunit), exon 2, and exon 3 of the insulin receptor were replaced with the corresponding IGF-I receptor cDNA (938 nucleotides). To allow direct quantitative comparison of the binding capabilities of this hybrid receptor with those of the human IGF-I receptor and the insulin receptor, all three receptors were expressed in baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells as soluble molecules and partially purified before characterization. The hybrid IGF-I/insulin receptor bound IGF-I with an affinity comparable to that of the wild-type IGF-I receptor. In contrast, the hybrid receptor no longer displayed high-affinity binding of insulin. These results directly demonstrate that it is possible to change the specificity of the insulin receptor to that of the IGF-I receptor and, furthermore, that the binding specificity for IGF-I is encoded within the nucleotide sequence from 135 to 938 of the IGF-I receptor cDNA. Since the hybrid receptor only bound insulin with low affinity, the insulin binding region is likely to be located within exons 2 and 3 of the insulin receptor.  相似文献   

The rat major histocompatibility complex class Ia allelomorph RT1-A1(c) is a potent ligand for the recently identified inhibitory rLy-49 receptor, STOK-2. With the ultimate objective of studying the interactions of these molecules using structural and functional methods, we undertook a detailed study of its peptide specificity. The study revealed that designing an "ideal peptide" by choosing the most abundant residues in the "binding motif" obtained by pool sequencing does not necessarily yield an optimal binding peptide. For RT1-A1(c), as many as four positions, P2, P4, P5, and P9, were detected as putative anchors. Since this molecule displays a preference for highly hydrophobic peptides, we tested binding of peptides derived from the known leader peptide sequences of other rat histocompatibility complex class I molecules. One such peptide, found to bind well, requiring 1.6 microm peptide to achieve 50% stabilization, was searched for in vivo. Natural RT1-A1(c) binding peptides were purified from rat splenocytes and characterized by mass spectrometry using a combined matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization/time-of-flight and quadrupole time-of-flight approach. Results showed that the signal sequence-derived peptide was not detectable in the purified peptide pool, which was composed of a complex spectrum of peptides. Seven of these self-peptides were successfully sequenced.  相似文献   

Diversity and locus specificity of chicken MHC B class I sequences   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The major histocompatibility complex B (MHC B) region in a standard haplotype of Leghorn chickens contains two closely linked class I loci, B-FI and B-FIV. Few sequences of B-FI alleles are available, and therefore alleles of the two loci have not been compared with regard to sequence diversity or locus specificity. Here, we report eight new B-F alpha 1/alpha 2-coding sequences from broiler chicken MHC B haplotypes, and a unique recombinant between the two B-F loci. The new sequences were combined with existing B-F sequences from Leghorn and broiler haplotypes for analysis. On the basis of phylogenetic analysis and conserved sequence motifs, B-F sequences separated into two groups (Groups A and B), corresponding to B-FIV and B-FI locus, respectively. Every broiler haplotype had one B-F sequence in Group A and the second B-F sequence, if it existed, clustered in Group B. Group B (presumptive B-FI locus) sequences identified in broiler haplotypes resembled the human MHC class I HLA-C locus in their distinctive pattern of allelic polymorphism. Compared with B-FIV, B-FI alleles were less polymorphic and possessed a conserved locus-specific motif in the alpha1 helix, but nevertheless demonstrated evidence of diversifying selection. One B-FI alpha 1/alpha 2-coding nucleotide sequence was completely conserved in four different broiler haplotypes, but each allele differed in the exon encoding the alpha 3 domain.  相似文献   

Endochitinases contribute to the defence response of plants against chitin-containing pathogens. The vacuolar class I chitinases consist of an N-terminal cysteine-rich domain (CRD) linked by a glycine-threonine-rich spacer with 4-hydroxylated prolyl residues to the catalytic domain. We examined the functional role of the CRD and spacer region in class I chitinases by comparing wild-type chitinase A (CHN A) of Nicotiana tabacum with informative recombinant forms. The chitinases were expressed in transgenic N. sylvestris plants, purified to near homogeneity, and their structures confirmed by mass spectrometry and partial sequencing. The enzymes were tested for their substrate preference towards chitin, lipo-chitooligosaccharide Nod factors of Rhizobium, and bacterial peptidoglycans (lysozyme activity) as well as for their capacity to inhibit hyphal growth of Trichoderma viride. Deletion of the CRD and spacer alone or in combination resulted in a modest <50% reduction of hydrolytic activity relative to CHN A using colloidal chitin or M. lysodeikticus walls as substrates; whereas, antifungal activity was reduced by up to 80%. Relative to CHN A, a variant with two spacers in tandem, which binds chitin, showed very low hydrolytic activity towards chitin and Nod factors, but comparable lysozyme activity and enhanced antifungal activity. Neither hydrolytic activity, substrate specificity nor antifungal activity were strictly correlated with the CRD-mediated capacity to bind chitin. This suggests that the presence of the chitin-binding domain does not have a major influence on the functions of CHN A examined. Moreover, the results with the tandem-spacer variant raise the possibility that substantial chitinolytic activity is not essential for inhibition of T. viride growth by CHN A.  相似文献   

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disorder caused by autoreactive T cells that mediate destruction of insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas. Studies have shown that T cell tolerance can be restored by inducing a partial or altered signal through the TCR. To investigate the potential of bivalent peptide-MHC class II/Ig fusion proteins as therapeutics to restore Ag-specific tolerance, we have developed soluble peptide I-A(g7) dimers for use in the nonobese diabetic mouse model of diabetes. I-A(g7) dimers with a linked peptide specific for islet-reactive BDC2.5 TCR transgenic CD4(+) T cells were shown to specifically bind BDC2.5 T cells as well as a small population of Ag-specific T cells in nonobese diabetic mice. In vivo treatment with BDC2.5 peptide I-A(g7) dimers protected mice from diabetes mediated by the adoptive transfer of diabetogenic BDC2.5 CD4(+) T cells. The dimer therapy resulted in the activation and increased cell death of transferred BDC2.5 CD4(+) T cells. Surviving cells were hypoproliferative to challenge by Ag and produced increased levels of IL-10 and decreased levels of IFN-gamma compared with cells from control I-A(g7) dimer-treated mice. Anti-IL-10R therapy reversed the tolerogenic effects of the dimer. Thus, peptide I-A(g7) dimers induce tolerance of BDC2.5 TCR T cells through a combination of the induction of clonal anergy and anti-inflammatory cytokines.  相似文献   

By regulating the structure of chromatin, ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes (remodelers) perform critical functions in the maintenance, transmission and expression of the eukaryotic genome. Although all known chromatin-remodeling complexes contain an ATPase as a central motor subunit, a number of distinct classes have been recognized. Recent studies have emphasized a more extensive functional diversification among closely related chromatin remodeling complexes than previously anticipated. Here, we discuss recent insights in the functional differences between two evolutionary conserved subclasses of SWI/SNF-related chromatin remodeling factors. One subfamily comprises yeast SWI/SNF, fly BAP and mammalian BAF, whereas the other subfamily includes yeast RSC, fly PBAP and mammalian PBAF. We review the subunit composition, conserved protein modules and biological functions of each of these subclasses of SWI/SNF remodelers. In particular, we will focus on the roles of specific subunits in developmental gene control and human diseases. Recent findings suggest that functional diversification among SWI/SNF complexes allows the eukaryotic cell to fine-tune and integrate the execution of diverse biological programs involving the expression, maintenance and duplication of its genome.  相似文献   

In a powerful complement to traditional ligand discovery methods such as high-throughput screening, fragment-based ligand discovery methods identify ligands piece by piece. A recent advance combines the concepts of fragment-based ligand discovery with phage-display technology to yield bivalent kinase inhibitors with high potency and specificity.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-resident proteins TAP, tapasin and ERp57 are the core components of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I peptide-loading complex and play an important role in peptide loading by MHC class I-beta(2)microglobulin dimers. ERp57 and tapasin form a stable disulfide-linked heterodimer within the peptide-loading complex. We demonstrate that ERp57-deficient loading complexes, obtained by expression in a tapasin-negative cell line of a tapasin mutant (C95A) that is not able to form a disulfide bond with ERp57, are prone to aggregation. We studied the assembly, stability and aggregation of the core loading complex using cell lines stably expressing fluorescently tagged tapasin (wild type or C95A mutant) and TAP1. Part of the loading complexes containing the tagged C95A tapasin and TAP1 were sequestered in the ER, without change of their ER transmembrane topology, and were surrounded by a mesh of filaments at the cytosolic side, resulting in formation of protein aggregates with characteristic morphology. Protein aggregates were associated with changes in ER protein turnover but did not affect the cell viability and did not induce the unfolded protein response. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer analysis of the aggregate-free ER fraction revealed that lack of ERp57 did not affect the stoichiometry or stability of tapasin-TAP1 interactions in the assembled 'soluble' core loading complexes. We conclude that the presence of ERp57 is important for the stability of core loading complexes, and that in its absence, the core loading complexes may form stable aggregates within the ER.  相似文献   

Lukacin R  Matern U  Specker S  Vogt T 《FEBS letters》2004,577(3):367-370
Caffeoyl-coenzyme A O-methyltransferase cDNA was cloned from dark-grown Ammi majus L. (Apiaceae) cells treated with a crude fungal elicitor and the open reading frame was expressed in Escherichia coli. The translated polypeptide of 27.1-kDa shared significant identity to other members of this highly conserved class of proteins and was 98.8% identical to the corresponding O-methyltransferase from parsley. For biochemical characterization, the recombinant enzyme could be purified to apparent homogeneity by metal-affinity chromatography, although the recombinant enzyme did not contain any affinity tag. Based on sequence analysis and substrate specificity, the enzyme classifies as a cation-dependent O-methyltransferase with pronounced preference for caffeoyl coenzyme A, when assayed in the presence of Mg2+-ions. Surprisingly, however, the substrate specificity changed dramatically, when Mg2+ was replaced by Mn2+ or Co2+ in the assays. This effect could point to yet unknown functions and substrate specificities in situ and suggests promiscuous roles for the lignin specific cluster of plant O-methyltransferases.  相似文献   

Classical histone deacetylases (HDACs) are enzymes that can hydrolytically cleave acetyl-Lys in histones and other proteins and serve as established drug targets in some forms of cancer. Class I HDACs 1–3 typically exist in a range of multiprotein complexes inside cells and show distinct biological functions in modulating gene expression. In recent years, it has become possible to purify and analyze the structure and enzymatic properties of several of these HDAC complexes, including CoREST, MiDAC, NuRD, Sin3, SMRT, MIER, and RERE. Here, we summarize what is experimentally established and/or computationally predicted about the structure of these complexes to describe their particular catalytic activities and site-specificities with modified nucleosome substrates.  相似文献   

Bifunctional tetrameric complexes of monoclonal antibodies were used to stain cells for flow cytometry. These complexes consist of two different mouse monoclonal IgG1 antibodies (one with specificity for a cell surface antigen, the other with specificity for a fluorochrome) cross-linked by two molecules of a monoclonal rat anti-mouse IgG1. The use of this immunological approach to cross-link fluorochromes to cell surface antigens was studied with tetrameric complexes containing Leu-3a or Leu-2a antibodies and monoclonal antibodies specific for the fluorochromes B- and R-phycoerythrin. The ability of such cyclic immune complexes to stain T-cell subset antigens on human peripheral blood lymphocytes was demonstrated in single and double-staining experiments. The results demonstrate that tetrameric antibody complexes provide a simple and efficient alternative to covalently labeled antibodies for the flow cytofluorimetric analysis of cell-surface antigens.  相似文献   

Nuclear receptors contain a conserved hydrophobic ligand binding pocket that is particularly amenable to structure-based protein engineering. Thus, site-directed mutagenesis of the ligand binding pocket has resulted in the creation of nuclear receptors with novel ligand specificities. Such proteins are now being used to control gene expression in vivo in a ligand-dependent manner.  相似文献   

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